HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-12-23, Page 323; 1 sTh. ounth -4. CARTER' :ALL THE A.TTI1/41T1 ON PUBLIC 10; THEIR ee„.. --- PROVED' ing Machines, THE BEST IESENT 111. USE. 'lines posse s.% many improve - heretofore niade. They are Cf. Machinee of TWO SIZES, r- constructed for travelling; nailer size, calculated more , HOME USE. heir Ierge machine has been hae given theVERY REST .• nufacture the Pitts' ed Horse Power. a the above, the aubserib- ure almost every article in h [NG MACHINES, twine from 50 to 60 corda of woota per day. .A.N.Nt- CUTTERS,. a Superior kind. 'FANG PLOW, Latest Improved. TOPS AND, PLOWS, !I cannot be sitrpassed. DEgCRIVIION OF S- '7 I INT S 1 THE SHORTEST NOTICE. -0-- 1; highly approe-ed pattern for MI DESK IRONS. IN ALL BRANCHES pereled to Promptly. ;employ no Agents. and can the purchaser the ailvan- eommiesion. aloe- none hut the beat skilled material, which warrants Aranteeing satisfactiere PURCHASERS WILL PLEASE I A CALL BEFORE BUYING moll OTHERS. ZA ?FE & CARTER eptemben, 1870. 143- ly— . E RAFFLED. _ ed at Murray's Hotel„ en :et cvenmg. Tare 2nd, 1871, A ugraviue of the present Pon- ?itee IX. Tick,ets, 50 Cent= Dec. 14, Ina. v5S-ter--• ;ORM TROMPSON ae his uneeerone customers for liberal patroeute`"e during the yeare„ and trusts he ,will re- ontinuanee. on hand a. largo assort- sgatna , Hemlock Warr.ints wi1 gicSatisfa,ction. G. AND i)RANiNG UMBER, AYg Err ()N [-TANI). •= - ALso OO FEET OF PINE err VW:, CEHERAL PURPOSES. he offers an liher 1 terms. Or- a a- promptly at.-en.%td tte ill la aituated. OR the Townline op and Hu:nett, 7.1 and mike Huron Road. lL Nov. 16, 1870 84-tf.- - THE BLOOD. Dt -a 471A1% SYRUP makes the weak atron$E, e disease by supplying the mood with Ow -N- TrriliznIci AG -IRON. --Be sure you get Peruvian Syrup.. r free. J. DZSMORE, Proprietor. No. ea, nee st., Nevr York, okl ne Druggists eene.rane., STIRAY- STEER Intel the prenmes of the antler- ed, Lot No 4, Con. 1. Tucker - R. S., about the 20th August ear old steer, spotted brown. and owner is requested taproVe E., pay expenses. and t eke the cuAs, ‘VEEKS. Seaforth PA). DECEMBER 23,__1870.. pR9tiosED F.AiraRoAre. ROUTES -SUGGESTED, &C. &C. r To ate Editor of the Huron, Expositor. DEAR'Slitaa--In your issue or the 2nd inst., I noticed a:Communication copied by you from the*Lonclon-Free Press., fi on the pen of J oh 0,Leekie, „Eaq., the worthy Reeve of Township of Grey. It appears h it meetings have been held in the • City of ,LOn- don, Ont., and in the Village of Exeter, at which certain parties-dis-' cussed the feasibility, the •propriety, nay, evan the necessity of eeinstruct- ing a railway from London to some point north. 'While all were appar- ently agreed as 40 the feasibility, gisc., of the proposed road, and that it should go to Exeter, the objective point farther north. appears to be a puzzle.; all are sixes and sevens on that 'point. Here, however, Mr. Leckie steps forward, and says "he has thought a great deal .on the sob- rjeet, and begs to sabruit his views:" 'MraLeckie certainly deserves' credit kr boldness and originality in chalk- ing out a route. To say, the least of it, he for one has no hesitation but dashcs along on'paper with rail- • road speed, and blazes out aroad, a() matter however impractibie it may turn out to be, that is surely long enough in all conscience. For the rea- son perhaps, that I have ndt thought over the Matter tor so many. years •as -Mr. Leckie, lam not prepared in - this comnaunication to dogmatize over routes. My object is simply.,to provoke discussion, so that 'all the information possible may bedissesui: flitted amongst the farmers of South Huron, to enable them, if called upon, to decide intelligently : 1st, If a railway from London -to Bayfield,. Clinton or Seaforth, is a neees.sity at this stage of existence ? 2nd, Woald it, if but, pay either directly or in- directly, running exiienses, and rea- sonable interest on the money in- vested? 3rd, Can we, in priesent ops _ cuntstances, get such a road built. AS will be noticed, I do not wish to disturb oneisingle tie of the track frem Seaforth to 'Southampton, laid down by Mr. Leckie, for it is obvi- ous to me that he is too late in, the field. That fine track of -country • north, which needs railway accom- modation badly, and is. quite able and`willing to help to build a road, is about to be served with one if not. two roads, one from Toronto and another from. Hamilton. Before these companies were iiiiugurated, and bonuses voted, Mr. Leckie should have been on the carpet—his road. had perhaps the ghost of a, b• chance; but now to run at cross pur- poses',, and tap the Buffalo •and • Goderieli, and tap the Toronto,. Grey • and Brure. as Mr. Leckie ackaits, with probability also of having to • tap a Wellington, Grey and Bruce railroad, is a luxury of tapping that I arn afraid North Huron and Broce will not be able to afford to taste for the next 20 years. Before tak- ing leave of Mr. Leakie, I will. with all due deference, suggest a possible • rails ay route for bins to agitate ---be. • -Would be the first in the fi Ad, and 'a I think would succeed, viz, to 'huild • a narrow guaga, eheap railroad from Searerth to Ainleaville, and on to Wroxeter or Bloevale. It is very likely he might expect a handscime bonus trona Seaforth for strati a road. For the route suggested by Mr.. I.eckie, it is extremely doubtful if shrewd business, -Men of Seaforth would give a single centa-thev would be more likely to throw ob- structions on the track, thao to give a bonus to a road that would wind - ! the noethern traffic pist -their owe doors. But to return home to South Huron. Let us briefly glance at this railway project in its different • aspects, as suggested '-by the ques- tions above proposed. Is lb a neces- sity? it mav be so to toe village of Exete; , if she is in a very great har- ry to enter into the urouhles and dif • ffaulties of an incorporated eXiateuce; it may be so ;MO with the City of London, which has, no doubt, 'grown in debt as well as io greatness, and wishes to have another string to her bow to help to shoot -some be the in - almost an posit' on no the Towns' or McGilva .THE HURON EXPOSItOR. 3. cost,. . Bt t look at the *? No one csA Ray tilt ips of London, Biddulph, ry, are badly in want of railroad accommodation. A large portion of Stephen cakitiot grumble ; Cline we nerd]. Tu ight SO is the half o the half of . Hay is Evell the West WIN Hay are not itt a dela oriable state, as each a railway aral are tints and twin it. neither car a porttbi bf Usborne. kerstnith is all tanley; and no far wrong. f Stanley and the ery-fakthest can ' point saith41,20 mile not a day'S. Journey -to We would Certainly all be the better of vii h mole railway accommodation. But, As thetas a neceSs ty • We come now to thet2nd quest.° Would it w11 answered _pay ? 1.11i cannot ' till the authorities gi to route and cost of ing from the; dividen lines with their thrb and iso from the a prod ice .to be expo Courlity of Hume th f lesa an( for yeat lade that o pay! fo years. And the 3rd can Iwe, ia present ci get nett' a road built? it tl e late meeting ifipt that 105 miles of a acil from Lon, - don to Kincardine, could ' he built for $800,000. This vouId be at the rate of sonie $7,600 erl mile. This likelihood ing ° raised woucl con expected e us details as , but jadg- f the main igi traffic, &c., •t°ediIlnIran tfr'ooffittrme s with a les a ,grain be - :0 come. I ould not be he next 10 proposition, cumstances, •-A speaker ncion said ea estimate, judging froin 'Iodations havd seen Of narrow- ge roads, is too low Le buy th ght of way, build the road anct uip it. Some - thin like $9'000 p z i ile would be neater the mark. ppose then, 'h 5 s, from Lon - Clinton or $9,000 per 0. 'Well; I e if the fol - will take eairing $40,- ise, the said ,000 to he proportioned thus:— City of London 80,000, EX16- and VranCistowp 10,000, and aown4iip.a s of ctiad Biddulph, trsborui, tephen, Hay, ith, $40,000 •h Township, for om. five Huron. Let bear upon us. Tho ontain 238,- 588 MOO would ae each of those acres, or .tibout '$84 u on the aver- age of evrey farm of 100 acres. Or take an4her Niew of it. Take a rough esiniate of the assessment of 6 at we ukake II c.on to either Se fo •t ayfie1d---'50 mil .s, a mile woulf) be. $150,0 believe dap can 'be do ]owing Municipalities $41 ,000 Of Vile stock, 000 Ifor private et.t IT $41 The ter the Mc Staley, anati Tuckeas each. $10,000 for ea Would make $200,60 ,trownshipa in South s s e hoW that Woutici e five Townshiess acres bf lad -2 bout 34 centsupon eueus off. if -those two placee can • build the road, or an independent conipany build it, then -us farmers have nothing to say in-, tbe matter. Se(ing that Exeter and Frain -jet° wn. are to be especially benefitfed, it is to be regretted that they are notin- coreorated now,- we 'would then haa'a, seen what they were willing -to do iti the way of a bonus, which 4bould a large one.. It is a well understood fact, however, nowadays, that sucb. roads cannot be built unless the townships through tbs.., run take large amounts of stock, which means, that the real estates in such nyunici- polities shall be pledged for a. certain; amount, and money borrowed there4 on, for Which interest will have to be paid annually, and ultimately the prinbipal also. It becomes then,fat- niers, a question, nearly altogether, for our consideration. Before . the 'leading lines west, vi, the Grand Trunk extension to Saroia, and the Buffalo and Goderich, railroads to ithe farmers of Huron an.c1 North Middlesex. was a necessity—a dire 11 11 the !, said I, Townships - 000,000 ---they haveb at nearly that figtir • b upon sucli ;U2. COSeS oia nearly 5 cants in the q uirecl to raise 'the said 000. - To !prove that mate of atlsessm.ent: -Vfilite 2,385 farm each, at nearly $1,7 rate of 5 cents to the result is the sa each of these farms. ! _prepared for this, ot a like it ! Is oar neces.-'ty so urgent? Let us- glance at the situation. Tie City of tendon weilld likely take her $80,000. So !would Exeter t b her $10, 00 ; ui m t !. 'dreadfully afraid of the Towni41li s of London, Bid d ulph i and McGI1V- try. Stephen Lind ITsboirae might e mark, but unless the Zurich, could the T I)( exeected to take 000 eitliCrs Or tu Va rine oi- j3ay field, eubscribe;? Aeve e 1 road Avett trright through I Tucker- • sinith to Sea -forth, yIaere is the men that, will gitaraut e that Tucker - smith Will take ' a single dollar's - uckerstnith may rio`sa to pay for a on that account iii the proposed n account of ne- ne for a single at I am an one - road, if we tire t us build iG USt Say, with o guide me now, ssion that the —it is tlx least r. tirae B -G- as a time in nty „of Huron', bee' afraid of cherne as this d been brought rs, backed, as it y lausible theo- ties of interested t ; action on the ii h tells me that a ueb finfludnce. vith a wisdorn lining; colacct- trona us air their Own hough Madel, as 11 f 0 ut it at $4, - en equalized fore to day; nt, a rate of dollar, is re- surn of $200,- e above esti- early correct. f 100 acres each--stiek a e dollar, aid •e, $84 upon Well, are we ything at ;11 unjt st in pri semi) majority wins of he stun al ways brot ght forw or t irough th loth ,ject• i 1 me up to the road went to wnship of Hey $ 0,000,or $10, - • it went .1)y 0 tad Stenley supposing the ciple, we, by a hand- , kicked, it to the foil' ven. ..y1ay we do the with , -schemes tal for selfish purposes, exigencies of Citi( or villages. But on the i this same rail Wav pro - or any o her be found, after be - thorough y examined and under - to be jut in principle, for t e ral ben fit, and. within o ns; then let us, with the bon p°ieofbeini able to improve a per, and ith an heartafelt of debt, o for it with all oar gth and mind. In conclusi Jr Editor, am sensible that, m e passing terribly on your spa et at the rish of being conside pteumptous,I would suggest to rat; cad man a men of London Exfter, that, beeing, if' the° road is tna0e at all, t must be made at he expense of ti ose-interested or to be it, they go to work and t portion to Exeter. If g a few years, that success then there of a success, but t rther north will on extend it perhaps am your, &a., MER OF' SOUTH Hu Iola. ron, Dee. 7, 1870. st r- e, be 0 be ma aft feu no th worth of ,stobk 7 be wealtliy enough eh lee of - routes • she may take stock road, it cannot be cessitv. :Let no mom Oti t, ,r u ppose .t1 my to the propose able ancl it will pa by all 10011,q ; bllt what light, .1 have L atn t111(er the irn .-ogitation;is prettatt 10 years Hahead of tiler fardpers ! The the histdty of t,he , -when I tiwould ha the result if such; rail way 'iproject, h before the rateptty Will no doubt be, ries, and glibe ton parties. But ;-o 14th day of last; m you have got beyo Our •Coanty, Tow as selfish as it was ed a. scheme to fi 000, wherewith to re 14 tinancia fabric, yet, nice an alluring as possible, by tacking it on to inrttters it had nth- ing at all'. to do Iwi 1,1 though b ek- ed by,,tI_ e whole: p ess of our County, ' and in nurnbers i is weighty ; and . even -th ugh back d oy a majority of our .own elected C unty Council, still with all, eia nig it to have necessity, if you Will, and wanted at been conceivedi elfishness, and - 1 )1 ir 01 01 efitt6d b e 'the fi r runni d to be ehado people fi fleas, and th.ampto -A Fa outh 11 • 18 is at he to as, Do.. esti° Embroglio, , FIGHT F R A WIFE AND FAM • A charg and counter-charg of saault were examined at the Po ice rday. tie parties o it Benjarn n Gainaer, of d a man named To il- hroy. The facts ar of vel eha-racter, and ill • durt Yes elDcr Mr • t IS city, a son, Stra a her. n e r recital Tomilson, some time ago, live rt Burwell, with his wife hildren, at girl and a boy. deeding ved to family s awt y imabr's h took cha efnt them o Tomil rathroy r. ima mily, RD y to assi mer too ijiding tb in satisfac On Satur came and him But b td not trel is wife st b4 ]!/11-. Ga ken, and the, prenais red, in wl !were cons .EP hi w 3 -111 iil • rat and Not n bulginess there, he re. ay City, Mich., leaVirg at the port. Whil he Mrs. Tomilson acte as usekeeper. Gama e al- ge of her children, and o school. A short ime on set up businesa in. s an asher. He thanked ✓ for his kindness to his desired to take back the t him in.this work. IMr. him to Strathroy,lbut t the bosiness there! as ry, ordught him back. ay night -last 'Comilaon esired his family to tejoin they teftised to go, as he ted tbeni properly llfore. 11 claimed the prote lion aer for herself and iehil- he ordered Temilson off s. A fight then octir- ioh both of the parties del.:ably punished. A cond rust occulted on Mo day. he effect ras that each ;aid i for- ation aga nst, the other for as atilt, d the P. M.' was yesterday c Ile' d on to de ide between them. om- 'on was s ut to trial to the as izes • Adven urei_of a Mecham. The Lo isiana savings ban is iitding a large vault. Ado -dation to be gai ed through large wr ught on bars,o which are atfixe pa- nt locks. These locks were p t in 'der' latel by a loc.ltsmtth re rned nape. fter.• arranging •th fits; 41: nings .on the door be ht a c• ndle d proce ded inside the vault to e how t ley, fitted Closin the or after him, the eccentric tch the loc.fell ; locking hi in. lose upo the outside could retitle) tiiasstan e, since it was a cOrnbi- -- , , tion loc and no oee knew .the tallier of nich it was set. •In this narrow cell, shut in by four walls of ti e vault a id the huge iron (tool ,the Ilan felt as if he as buried a ive. eons by which he c uld nd drink wa, throurh a ii the door; n- 't the t ena inch in diameter. The of the cell-like lace w 4 noisome, and the man f e would suflo--.ate. For- t , had carriel with him It a hammer and chis,e1„ ern, the only instruMents loceeded to cut his way ork was slow and edi- , quired two Pours a d a ssant labor. He suc eed- howe% er, and was t ken han alive from the V ult. • is that he did not suf 01 R. LUMSDEN Has just received a Fresh Stoeli P RE DRUGS AND CHEMIOAL Toilet and Tooth En CENUI Guar= Horse Con Physicl accurately T ie only obtain air stiall hole tt th of a L mosnhei e s fetid a t asif nately b it to the va, • d with ti h had, he o t. The o s and hilf of inc e41 at last, nt ore dead The woude f9cate Fancy Soaps, Combs, d Nail Brushes, Fren lish, and American. RFUMERY. Hair, h, E DYE STUFFS. ed to beof the best guilty. 111 nd Cattle Medicines. ition Powder s prescriptions carefu ly and pensed. R LUMSDE ITHREsn --LA few d an of t as assisti hen his tunablin stripped fr an was t 1 brnised, d from al cr seized • nd preve e shaft:, hat his'i ery serio; 1 tl •A ,r I NG InACIIINE Acc1 , ys ago,, Mf. Samuel e 3rd line of Wa g at a threshing mac othes were caught b shaft," and compl • ru his body. Mr. rown and pretty s • and was fortunatel o5t certain death, hold of by another • j ted from revolving We ar glad to juries ale not likely B.—Banner. 11 The na efeated ,LL CLOTHING CHEAPER CLOTHING STCRR SEPOiTEi Ane Main ion Rooms, Steet, Seaforth. .All kinds of Goods sold on Commission. Sales attended le :nall parts of the County Cash paid for Second-hand Furniture. Auction Saks every Saturday. Private Saes through the week. After 22 years' experience be feels con- fident in being able to give every satis- faction to those whofavour him with their patronage, C. YEO, Auetionreer and Commission Merchant, Seaforth, October 5, 1870. WANTED!'148-3m— ENT. US- I LtC, ine, • the • tely Aus- yore- sav- y be - man, with earn to 'be row gauge by-law has been • Grey.; cri 41.• • 20,000 sliRESSED • R KEYS, GEESE, CHICKENS, Fa!1 Goods! —AND--- • pITOICS - Tsubscriber will pay the highest cash price for the above quantity of well fatted. and nicely dressed. poultry; . delivered_ at the Egg Emporium. Main Street, Seaforth. - The poultrteihould not be drawn and the heads and -feet should be left on. Cash paid for Venison, either saddles - or whole deer. D. D. WILSON. Seaforth, Nov. 30, 1870. • 125-tf. T. K. Anders i n's FILL STOCK, Has Aecently Ar ived • IT CONSISTS OF PLAIN & FANCY T EED 1 MELTONS, Broad Cloths & Do skins, ALSO BEAVER AND PILOT OVERCOATINCS, AND ALL OTHER SEASOls ABLE 0030S IN THE LIKE. SEAFORTH, NOVEMBER 30, 1870. Everthing made up in the La estor any Style, o suit Cutom.ers. ALL WORK WARANTED, A D PER- FECT FITS CUARANT ED. PRICES TO SUIT TUB IMES. tir sum) ONE DOOR SO Tri OF ROBERTSON & CO'S HARDWARE STORE. SEAFORTH, September 1, 187 115— MEI ?it 't)ntarioilibuseit • EDWARD CASH, • WILL COMMENCE ON , SEPTEMBER THE FIRST, • TO CLEAR OFF HIS DRY GOODS srrocir, At AND UNDER COST. GOOD VALUE FOR READY PVY. Cas1 for Butter and ther Produce. • Fresh Teas and Groceries • ALWAYS ON HAND. SEAF011.11, Sept. 1, 1870. 53— • ONTARIO • Printers' Emporium,. • 85 AND 78 BAY STREET. GWATKIN & SON, tHE LONDON Co*mercial College AND Telegraphic institute, Is the oldest and best known in the Do- minion, and has furnished Principals and Professors for several of the other Coma merpial Schools. BOOK-KEEPING By Single and Double Entry is taught on the improved andesuperior plan of Actual Business Transacton Thorough Instraction in Short Fiend 'Writing and Telegtaphing„ at reasonable rates. - For, full informatioe in regard to Fel nas Courses of instruction, etc., address JONES & BELL, Loudon, Ont. 148— SEAFORTH FURNITURE • WAREROOIVIS. • • M. ROBERTSON Importer and manufacturer of all kinds OF (SUCCESSORS TO WM. HALLEY,) DEALERS Ili PRINTING. MATERIAL, . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, TYPES, PRESSES, INKS, PAPERS, AND REQUISITES GENERALLY. Canadian Agents for the celebratedEn- tra Hard Metal Book, News, and Sob Letter of STEPHENSON, BLAKE a Co., Sheffield, and the superior Plain. and Ornamental Type, Borders, Rules, Cuts, etc., of Messrs. James Conners a Sons. New York. Exclusive Agents for the Improved, Canadian Gordon, Half, Quarter, and Eighth medium Job and Card Printing Presses. PRINTING MACHINERY 1 From all the popular manufacturers, fur. nisbed atshort notice and. at regularrates. *a- Estimates furnished, and all en- quiries promptly answered. Toronto, Ozt. 5, 1870. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Such as SOFAS, LOUNGES, CENTRE TABLES, _ •M.ATTRASSES, DINING & BREAKFAST •TABLES, BUREAUS, •CHAIRS, and BEDSTEADS, In Great Variety. Mr. R. has great con ielenee in offer- ing his goods to the public, as they are .made of Good Seasoned Linnber. and by First -Class Workmen. Coffins made to Order e On the Shortest Notice. WOOD TURNING Done with Neatness and Despatch. Warerooms : CUSTOM • CUSTOM TAILORING rplIA.NKING the public for their libere 1. al patronage extended to us since commencing bu-siness, we hope by strict, attention to inerit a Continuance of the same. CITTITIINTGI- 1 Parties who may require Cutting. done. canhave it executed with Accu- racy, Neatness, andDespatch, at MOD - ERA E PRICES. SUTHERLAND BROS. Seale RTH, September 1, 1870. •S2— PR ILLS FOR SALE OR TO RENT! —0-- TilaSijBSORIBER OF.VERS FOR ,Eor to Rent, on easy terms, THE VARNA MILLS, Consisting of a Fleur, Oatmeal, and Saw Mil all of which are in good running order. Th Flom- Mill contains Four run of Stone and the interor is well finished, and a I the machinery in first class con- dition There is in connection a good Dam, and an abundant supply of water to nil all the mills the year round. These mills are situated in the centre of a splendid Agricultural country, and_ a rare cliance is offered to any person desi- rous of embarking inthe milling business. There is also an excellent opportunity of BUM FOR SA T on the premises, all tb works for which could be driven by water. The above property is situated. Six miles from Clinton; Six from Bayfield, and 141even from Seaforth, with good, • gravel roads kading to eachplace. For further particulars apply to the • ptoprietor, on the premises, or to Varna WM. TURNER, VARI•i:A., August 11, 1870. • 140 - TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL, Main Street. • Seaforth, Jan'y 21st, 1870. 57-tf. CARD OF THANKS. TITE undersigned desires to tenderhis sincere thanks to the farmers of Hu- ron and public generally, for the liberal patronage he has received since commen- cing the manufacture of Ploughs, etc., in Seaforth. Having had seventeen years experience in the above business, he da.n wit1i con& denee-reconamend_his • AS k FIRST CLASS GENERAL FUR. POSi. I-qua-GI:Fs, AND OF •! LIGHT DRAUGHT. Iron and wooden Ploughs with east steel landside and mould board constant- ly on hand, and made to order. GRAHAM WiLLTA.AISON.. Seaforth, August 26, 1870, CATTLE ESTRAY. • TRA Y ED from the Fremises of the 0 subscriber Lot 26, North East Boun- dary, township of Usborne, about the last of August, 5 yearling cattle, three heifers, 1 red with turned up horns, and white spot in forehead 1 dark red; grey; 1 steer red and -White, a,hnostred; 1 red. bull. Any person giving such in. formation as will lead to their recovery vefil be suitably rewarded. • SAMUEL HORTON, • Lumley, P. Ot Lumley, Dec. 14. 1870.