HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-12-16, Page 81.7 8. THE HURON XPOSITO THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Fourth SessionL--First Parliament. THU Iti-DAY. After the di. web of the ustml routine business, Mr. Carnegie mov- ed the add es *reply to the Speba. Mr. Murray st coeded the. a d d reSs, and flit first paragl-aph having been put and adopted, Mr. Blake review- ed the speeches of the mover and seconder, end went on to criticize the policy laid down in the Speech. He first referred to to the arbitra- tion. He believed there were some points in rhe award that did not give full justice to Ontario.. He did not, however, impute the slight ist de gree of resi;onsildlity to tile adminie- tratien. for the teSult. , The peinai.- • pal objection of , Quebec was the presence of Col. Grey on the Board. This could riot have taken place haft bis (Blake's).amendinent to eXelude Members of Parliament from hold- ; ing positions 'of emolument" under -the Government, been adopted i at Ottawa.' With regard t� the sur- • pins, it had accumulatgd through nt) ,- 'exertions of the i Ontario GrOVOIM - ment, but to the accumulation of money grunted by the:.Dorninion Government ttiad the products of tbe J. forests. The Government had been Y--"' forced -to`adopt a measiire onteoriti.o- vetted elections, though th-eyt oppos- ed it last session. he tcok excep- tion to,tht phrase in the speed], "in- juirous disseosions," and said that he'was not aware sirice 1 3-67 that thei-e had been any injurious dissen- sions. He closed by regretting that His Excellency had net been advis- ed to sympathize with the sufferers by tire in the Ottawa district,;and he (Blake) would be glad to lend his aid to any substantial measure fo signifying to. them the sympathy o the House. •Hon Mr. -Wood replie to Mr. Blake. The debate was con tinued by Messrs. McD'Ougall. Sex- ton, Williams, Sinclair and Oliver , iu opposition to the Government and Perry and Beattie in support; followed 1TM v. MelCellar wlto eoe- mented severely on the mineral iand policy of the Government., Mr. Smith,' (Leeds) replied to the re- marks of Mr. McKellar reflecting. ktPon him, and 'endeavored to r, -,•tali-: ,ate by asserting that Hon. George Brewn had -furnished funds for, the :Bothwell election. This Mr. McK: 'emphatic:41y denied. Mr. McGill of 'himself and c011eagues, till the • jti spoke favoiirably .of the address, and Hop. Mr. ichards spoke in siipporC •House, on motion of Mr. Pardee, adjourned the debate. , . Feliw. The' foolish charge made by Mr. Smith, the member of North Leeds, with respect to an alleged transaction between Mr. McKellar and the Hon-. George Brown; was severely rebuk- ed by Mr. Pardee, who opened the • resumed deb.ate on the -address. Mr. Lauder followed with an attack up- on Mr. Blake forAhis remarks*on the ' arbitration • questiOn.Mr. •Frazer said the only subjeCI'of the adminis- tration was to keep office* by claim: ing credit. for supporting- meastireS they once opposed; and criticised the admonition in the spaech ,to avoid injurious dissensiotis.-. Mr. • Coyne • having° followed a the ministerial aides, Mr. Christie !idliocatea. party 'Government as an exponent of prin- ciples. Mt.s-Hays,,,ralthough a sup porter of the Govern ent, would op- - pose any grants to ralways, and Mr t Scott (North Grey) Would objeCt to this eYpenditure-urile`ss the •Govern- ment also assisted other sections of • the country. Mr. McCall, who de- clared he hadn't given a political vote in the House," and was ," dead School. Bill .was. introduced, and read a first time; thesecond reading, and .Mr. M. Careeron's luminous expoSi- tion of the measure,- beinefixed for Thursday. The same hon. gentle - Man also introduced a Bil; to con- solidate the municipal institutions of the Province.- Hi-wasTollowed by the Attorney-Gen6ral with Bills to make the members of the -Ontario Law Society elective,*and to provide for the trial of election petitions be- fore the the Jtidges. Then Mr. Blake brought in an. Independence of Par- liament Bill, and M r. 'Graham (York) one to amend the Assessment. Act. Amongst the motions,Mr. Blake moved for a rettirn of Inembers of either the Dominion Parliament or Local Legislature who have received any appointments from the Ontario Government; alsa for a return of all promotions or appointments in the public service, and farther for the warrants and depositions relating to the arrest of A. 11. Scott and Pere Riehot, on a eharge of murdering Thos. Scottat Fort Garry. Mr Blake then gave notice of his intention to take up to -day the report of the Select Committee on the Land Im- provement Fund. KOIMAY. In the Legislature yesterday, after routine, the debate an the address was resu,.med. Mr. Treasurer Wood, by consent of the House, having al- ready spoken during the debate, entered into a fresh and elaborate do, fence of the conduct of the Govern- ment with respect to the arbitration. Mr. Cumberland then spoke in de - fen/e of the M t pe onalities an -1 -or ers of the ' irer utatiouS ePt, spe ,cheS of 1Y1 Bike. sari 6 side. e. . , the ellelterl spo e in Stipp tiot . Mt. 1.4 a g`ant to the wa ite, and d ;wit 1 the ktto He mentioneC Wi 1 'the Att rn ter •aid -L--"1, 1 the Almighty 1 wa 7" and IV11r, e. t. LI T I c ed Or .Go a nc sus to Avo su Tel ha cal; fuji fee of .pr lin the con Crt edc the 1 arn sorry 11 reruiler is t oat; GroVei'm Baxter s id erntnent be felt su ain him. P everral ni ld 'riot ell ort until; the ugh ft sortie ref, rnitye l‘i k the 'free and expr ilway gra edof the of lin PO GOV01'111111 ill I eil by g, McCall •c3ssl was f illonse adj I I istry, depreca i g complaining of he upon certain PI p - eminent in the t te r4 ML.ackenzie ,L (1 ert followed on he Calvin, in a ep ch tch laughter, a so 'of the Achninist -a- strongly advoca ed fferers by the 0 a - led the negotiatt ns -Genera' for a lth n. at in his intervi w lit- ] alt 1 at — • ,on rt - s. he rt ild ed, lit: • it - Ir. v;e a et ) r ur p- r - ed as el, he 'y General, the have von done afflicted you in • yon's reply w. ay the only ret hat I have supp ent for three ye: ,lie had given dependent sup the conntry wt Boulter refet at ires proposed, lot himself to t ` saw the Bills. address should le rrnce to the Ott. . j Cock burn did ar int system was d himself in fav Mr. Graham och ; and Mr. enerally suppot The debate ssrs. CurriQ, Re d Carnegie, andl ally adopted ; ik ned at -11 p. nt. 1 as nts. 11 U SDAY. Hie Legisl e, after its el apj lication`du In the debate on addlessi.had b t.1 short sitting ter t four o'clock: arra. in the 'course of Sh ti ti ed S 1.y, rising I o -1st party, spe ch said he oppsition to Mr Monteith sho Id have of ti e paymen pal' ies • frbm Fu a, and" ur, per ns suffOri a-11 h price fo NEWS uld give a cleci nts for railro ought the spe ained some nc ce ue to the rnuu Tmproveme ts consideration orm. feohaving p id ergy lands. THE WEEK: se he, 9- 10 is ed 11 J 1, Irvine seriously 111, d but Lusa] I hope re entertained of his covery: • r d McTaggart, of r- thu • was kille ' ast week by a 1 11 fro. a sleigh. .1 is teport d that John Bri t willJ be sent a n envoy to Wa h - mgt n to sett he Alabama a id FisIrye.mbro.lies. young lad of ii.ng able wit ;her lover' Hamilton boas ompass her wa st liar. rtison F ir, held on Frid weebJ, is gener 11 characterized one 4f the dull st ever held there. 8 e Guelph 3/ rcury, referring o the,cattle fair, 8.i that it was he poor st that ti e have seen for tine. THe Pena ec ptance of the c fereplIce for till ettlement of t e Eas ern questi n s reported to uric #di ional. It is -believ the ship W. H. that 4ty on th G1ast4ow, has b 0 esd ay Chu .1 in the was. urne.d .to was 4n1y a.par 0 Tnesday worl nal on the s killed stru aainst 01°1 ling grave I s reported of t Privy cOns ering up of ornmuniCt Wes early in t The Rey. Mr. resigt ed, eharg Ohm- h at Corn ward to Toront left ijt Corn wal • TE London has a striking' a torialj on the Al • asks ot iudemni set.tiejrxnt of th It s stated tl ner, 1frL P. P., il ton, not be electi n after th tetrm, as he, i SCotl nd next y Th • Canada Nort Shore Ra at ioagerheads. Anxio s to corm et 'but ti e othef d el. Of *Wilding a r line. Th track o d in Montreal ti it .th zeldon, which 1 ft 5 h September, r e lost at sea. s the Presbyteri n 1 ge of Nashvil fl e ground. Th e al insurance, lidt moon, a Germ n re lroad near El i- • I 1 gravel car, whi in, while he w s 1 I at the Committ .e neil of Ottawa s for,the openi g n with theNor en de Bourch h the Presbyterit n 1 and gone wet- ). The pastorate 1,e 1.9 now vacant: . mes, of the 8t d conciliatory eci- bsma question. ; t y ; but wishes :a • c aims. at Mr. A. D. Fr - or Centre Welliu a candidate for r ose of the prese t ds to return o lia 1 te 0 te ar 1 entral and t e ay Companies a e The former a with the latte re their intenti n nd North' Sho e the Toronto, Gr;y and Bruce rail ay has been exten ed to Bolton, in the township of 1 - bion, ttwenty-ei ht miles from T route. The fir t train arrived Satur ay at Bol on ; ‘STRA nAME',ON TO t ectiber Lot N about fhe 20th Se old. ¶1te owner 1 prope y, pay exp away1 D Bern, Dec. 14 ns 1 87 TEER, remises of the sn , Con. 13, Stanle last, a Steer 1 ye quested to pro s, and take 12. L GORMAN. 158 - THE MARKETS. SEAFORTIL, Dec. Wheat, (Fall) 1P bushel, Wheat (Spring) V bushel; Barley V bushel, Oats V bushel. Peas IP bushel, Butter, V lb. Eggs, Hides, Sheep Skins, Apples Potatoes Pork 16, 1870. 1:05 to 1.13 1:00 to 1:15 0:40 to 0:45 0:40 to 0:41 0:58 to 0:60 0:13 to 0:16 0:18 to 0:20 7:00 to 7:50 0.40 to 1:00 0.40 to 0:50 0:30 to 0:35 5:50 to 6;25 A splendid stock of Collars and Tics at J . Duncan & Co.'s.. tf. CLI TON, Dee. 15, 1870., Fall Wheat. PCI1 bushel, 100 to 1:15 Spring Wheat, ier bushel. 1:05 to 1,:15 Peas per bushel ' 11 0:54 to 0;5Z 0:37 to 0;40 Oats, per bushel, Barley, per busliel,1 :40 to 0;45 Butter per per, lb .15 to 0;16 Eggs, per doz. 0.12 to 0;15 Pork 5:25 to 6;10 , A nice lot of cloth and fui Caps, also a full stock of Felt Hats, English and Canadian, at J. Duncan_& Co.'s. tf. ST..MARYS, Dec. 15, 1870. Fall Wheat, per -bushel, 1 05 to 1 14 pring Wheat, per bushel, 1'20 to 1 22 Oats, per bui-shel, 0 40 to 0 45 Peas, per bushel, 0 64 to 0 66 Barley, per bushel, 0 45 to 0 53 Butter per lb, • 0.16 to 0 20 Eggs. per doz. • 0 1.9 to 0 21 Dressed Hogs: :00 to 6;65 A full assortment of Booljs & Shoes always on hand at J. Duncan &! Co.'s. tf. LONDON, Dec. 15 1870. (Advertiser Report.) White Winter Wheat $1 05 to $1 17 Spring do 1 2.e. Barley 0 4 Oats 041 Peas Q6 }latest, in kegs, 0 1 Eggs, Dressed Hogs to 1 28 to 050 to 042 to 0 70 to 0 17 0 22 to 0 23 6 00 to 675 J. Duncan & to. keep a fullstock of sorts of leather. • tf. 1, GODERICH, Dec. 15, 1870. (Signal Report) Fall Wheat • $1 08 to Spring Wheat 1 10 to Oats 0 35 to Peas 0 55 to Barley 0 40 to Potatoes 0 3 Butter 01 Eggs o Pork 55 Special attention paid to the manufac- turing Of Boots & Shoes of all kinds. Re- pairing done on tee shortest possible notice at J. Dun an & Co.'s. tf, 1 12 1 14 0 38 0 60 .0 43 5 to 0 40 6 to 0 20 0 to 0 25 0 to 6 00 MONT • Flour, (Extra) p Fancy, Sup. fine No 1 C No 1 Weste No'2 Bag Flour, , Wheat, (Canada Western Oats, (per 32 lb. Barley, (per 48 1 Butter, (Dairy) (Store pa Ashes, (pote) Pearls, Pork, (mess) Peas, EAL, Dec. 15; 1870. r barrel, 6,25 to '6:35 5:50 to 5.60 ada W. 5 40 to 6:55 n Wheat, 5:60 to 5:60 5:15 to 5:20 2;40 to 2:60 Fall) 1:12t- to 1:15 ring • 1 29 to 0:00 • 1:14 to 1:15 0 42 to 0:50 0.'65 to 0:00 0i17 to 0:19 0 13 to 0:1(3 5.75 to 5:80 6 751 to 0:00 • 22 00 to 0:00 0: to 0:00 • ) ked) • BUFFALO MAR E S. Reported weekly for the E positor by Pooley & On, Produce Comm asion Mer- chants, Buffalo City. BuFeer, Dee. 13, 1870. White Wheat, per bushel, 1:50 Red Winter Spring Barley, to 1:00 0 ; 1:20 T1°)ieamatsso:thy Seed, 15:00 to 5:25 Clover 16001to 626 Dressed Hogs, per cwt., 8 00 Butter, (rolls) •, • ' (dairy packed) "• (steles " ) Turkeys, (iressed) per lb., Fowls, Ducks, per pair, Geese each, Eggs, per dozen, Potatoes, per bushel, Turnips, per barrel, 1:45 30 5 16 to • 16 5 to 1:00 5 to 1:00 0 80 85 CLOSINGA LE OFA. FIRST -CLASS )(...TOCK OF • CROCER!ES W. A. Shearson & Co. hay ng concluded to give up the Grocery business will, tor • the next two months, diepotse of the whole of their stock of GroCeries,consist- ing of TEAS, SUGARS,, COFFEES, ' RICE. NE FRUITS, WINES, ) LIQUORS, ETC. At and under Cost. We beg to call the attention, of the Farmers and others to this sale, as they • Will be able to obtain from us their holi- day supplies of Groceries, Fruits, Wines and Liquors at wholesale cost. The whole stock must be cleared out at once., • Hotel -keepers will fend it advin one to inspect oiir stock aWines,. Li- quors, &c., &c. ; • . • The lease of the store to be disposed of. W., A. SHEARSON & CO Seaforth, Jan. 28th, 1870. 52-1y. N. B.—Fifty barrels of hand picked Spitzetiburg Apples for Sale. TO BE, RAFFLIED. MO be Raffled at Murray's Hotel, on 1 Monday evening, Jan. sed, 1870, A Splendid Engraving of the 'present Pon- tiff, Pope Pins IX. Tickets 50 Cents each. Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1870. 158 td.— SONGS l F SCOTL FOR -ONE NIG T ONLY TIE EMINENT POE ngus Fai ASSISTED -VOCALIST bairn BY Ari „s'Ai A. BgAwEr. Hrs. 1?0BERTS. s E: Bennet) ISS BESSIE FA .RB,AIR.Alic ROBERTS, 7 And _MISS KATI Will give one of his SCOTTIS E TERTAI —AT---- INOX'S HALL, S On the erenin T esday,'Dec ent cipa der ty o ties Geo ers 1 by t gout T1 IlS Musical Enterta endered the same a usiastically received Towns of Greet Brit he patronage of thel. Toronto. the St. f Hamilton and L ge's. Society of Brant Ontario, The Progr ie introduction of Et , and selections for t KETS ekbrated MENTS, AFORTH, of 20, '70, nment will be has been so e all the prm- in, and aleo un- ledonian Socie- hdrew's Socie- hdon, the St. ord; and oth- mme is varied glish and Irish e Piano -forte. 5 CENTS, TO S & FARC • GOODS! SELLING 0 1, c o ti --AT M R. COUNI TER' OW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR rist*s P esents, AND N W YEAR'S GIFTS. . ust received a compi te stock of FINE COLDAND SILVER JEWELRY, R SSELL AND SWISS WATCHIESU To be sold Chetper than ever. M. R COUNTER. SlAFORTII, Dec. 13, 1810. 62i CREAT "netiOn ale I ON account of thedisso ution of Part- lership, between McNaught & Tee- ple. tjC whole of their -stock of Waggens. eg es. sleighs, Chtters.1 umber, Tools, etc., tv1l be *old by Publi• Auction, on 9(1/19-((tiy,, 12cce7flbe- se3'7t, --Ar-- 11 O'CLOCK, SM. '/,m4 of sum of .,t5 and un- der es sh ; (wee that amot4iifi 12 months' crcdii will be given, upon furiiishing ap- prove I joint notes. McNA UGH Se, forth, Feb. 4th, 187 & TEEPLE.- 11-ly EXA INATION OF TEACHER mll BOARD OF PUBL _L t on for the County o meet in the Ceneral Si Gocle ich, for the purpose 11chooI Teachers, on W Thur day, the 28th and 29 cemb r, instant, at lfr Ode day. Ga • didates wishing Firi cates '11 be examined o and c ntinued on Thursda eandi( ates on Wednesday class n Thursday: Ap licants before bein • an ex mination, are requil certifi ates of good moral c ed by a Clergyman or a Peace Ba SCHOOL C 1 NSTRUO- Huro will hool House, of examining dnesday ana h days of De - k A. M. each t -class certiA- Wednesday ; Third class and Second admitted to .ed to present haracter, sign - Justice of the D. II. R eld Dee. 10, 1870.. ITCH IE, Secretary. - 158=2— FARM FORS VO SALE, the west h 12 1 7th Con., townshi situa d on a good gravel ing 50 acres, 40 of which a well fenced. • There are on frame house and ba g spring of water, se. There are also sown, whick will be For farther particu prietor, on theprcni THOS. B Co Hallett, Dec. 14, 1870. ALE. of Lot No. of Hullett, oad, contain - 'c cleared and the premises , also a nev- convenient to acres ot fall sold with the ars apply to sea, or if by WYER, stance, P. 0. 158-tf.— a gooa er faili the ho wheat farm. the pr letter D'ECEMBER 16, 1870. COW STRAYED • TRAYED from the premises of the madeisigned, Bush Avenue, Seaforth en the 12th mate an ordinary 'sized. 3 year old Cow, with a littk -whiteon bel- ly, horns very neat. Any pereon giving such information as will kad to the re- covery of the same will be suitably re- wardecl. WALTER.REN WICK. , Seaforth, Dec. 14; 1870. Insolvent Act of 1869. TN THE MATT—ER OF 'ANDREW MULE, of Ainleyville, an Insolvent. 1, the undersigned, William Forrest Fin lay of the city of Hamilton, have bcen appeinted A b iienee in this matter. Cred- iton'ar requestled to file their claims be- fore me within one month. W. F. FINLAY, A31,811. 2e—e ;Hamilton, Dec. 9 1870. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. A BRICK COTTAGE, by36, frame barn and stable, 1 an Atte of land, plantec1 with choicest fruit trees, all bear- ing, e good well, etc. Likewise a park containg six acres, more or less, in the highest state of cultivation, new:y drained and manured, and seeded down with timothy and Clover, and fenced with a new substantial board fence. Ilia lot is admirably adapted for a nursery or a market garden. The above property is situated in the Village of Roxborough, on the banks tf the Maitkand, 25 feet above the level of the river, on a good gre vel road, and two miles from Seaforth. Terms easy, apply to ROBERT SCOTT, Roxbo rough. MeKilIop, Dec 14, 1870. 1158-tf. Insolvent Act of 1869. Iro. the matter of AYER Elf" MUIR, an insolvent. TTIHE Creditors are notified to aneet at my office, No. 1, King Street, west, ,amilton, on eS'uesdayoutaryl N3rel. At 11 o'clock forenoon, tor the purpose of giving directions as to the secured • cairns, and for ordering the affairs of t1te Estate generally. The Ihsolvent is h reby required to attend such meeting. ° W. F. FINLAY, Assi ee. Hamilton, Dec. 14,11870. 168-2-- , HANCERY TENDERN Of a Large Stock of Geller- allVIerchandize, in the fl ur- iShing Village of Seafo .th, iiii the County of Huron: --o Byvirtueof an order made in the cause of Kidd versus McMulkin, da- ted the Thirtieth day of November last, Tenders in writing, signed by the pro - seised purchasers, will be received by John st. Boyd, Esquire- Master of the Court -of Chancery, at his Chambers, Os- gdode Hall, in the City of Toronto, up to Ten o'clock in the forenoon of the ' - Twenty -Third day of De- cember, Instant, For the purchase, in one lot, of the re- mainder of the Stock in Trade of the late firin ef Kidd & McMulkin, who carried ost business at Seaforth. The Stock in. trade consists of Boots and Shoes, Liq- uors. Groceries, Clothing, Dry Goods, Crockery, and eome Hardware, and can be seen at the late place of businees of the firm. Theistock is large, and this is a good opportunity for parties wishing to start business. The tenders are to be addressed to the said Master, who will open and dispose thereof at his Chambers at Noon of the said Twenty Third day of December, hist, and are to state 'the proposed terms of purchase, whether Cash, or if on time, the length of credit required, and mode of paying, and wheth- er with or without interest. and the se- cutity offered, if any. A. Stock Listlean be 'seen at the said Store. The Vendor will not be ebliged to accept any tender if deemed inadequate. Should the pur- chaser whose tender may be accepted, fail to carry out his agreement, the goods may be re -sold, and the deficiency, if any, by such re -sale, together with all charg es attending the same, or occasioned by the default, al e to be made good by the defaultee. Dated, December 9th, 1870. J. A.1BOYD, Master. 158-1. MORTGAGE SALE. 11[1.1 Y VIRTUE OF A POWER OF Sale contained it a mortgage. made James Gemmel, dated the 29th day of by May, A. D., 1869, all that certain parcel or tract of land. and premises situate in the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, containing, by admeasurement, sixty-three a-cres more orless, being com- posed of 'Lot No • 2, in the 18th Conces- sion, of said township of Grey, will be .sold by Public Atiction, at Knox's Hotel Seaforth, on- Tuesday the 20th day of Decemoer, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon. Terms Cash, • Nov. 30, 1870. MeCAUGHEY & 110LME1S5T6731)_, Solicitors, Seaforth, STRAYIAM. CAME on to the premises a the sub- scriber, Lot No. 14, Con. 8, McKil- lop, about the 1st inst., a yearling ram; The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take the animal away. JOHN COMMON. McKillop, Nov. 21st, 1870. 155,4*— FARM WANTED. -IMPROVED FARM wanted to pnr- 1 chase or lease, in the townships of Tuckersmith, Hallett or McKillop, the land must be of the best quality, well - fenced, and in it proper state of cultiva- tion, with good dwelling and out-build.- ings. Offers by letter postpaid, statine the number of acres cleared and in bob., the buildings and other improvements with lowest cash prices, will be received by EDWIN CRESSWELL, 156-4—* •Egmondville P. 0. tall"111171111Mrteanele GOOD NEWS! —FOR THE_ People of Seaforth ! * NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY sT o _ J. CAVANAGH. (Late of Stratford.) Will be found irthis om,place, on door south of Mr. F. Veal's Crocery Store. Mr_ Cavanagh wishes' to -return to his numerous friends and. cuttomersehis sin- 'cere thanks for their liberal patOmage ia the past, and hopes that they will con- tinue the same in the future. ba8C1 nHa dReigSreTatMprAepaS.Ia'tioArCnsif. ortahvean coa nigh. int:*';'Christma.s, and will he eble to fur- nish his customers with everything in his line, such as Bread, Confectionety, Can- dy Toys, Fancy cakes, Wedding eakes, Nuts of all kinds, and all descriptions of Syrups. Hot Mutton Pies and all kinds of refresinnents, also good accommoda- tion for friends from the town and coun- try. Aliso JUDD BROS. Vegetable Union Yeast. Try it, it never fails, and is OYSTERS -J. jable, .S. FARREN & Baltimore, the best in the market al- waYsfre's LOBSTERS AND SARDINES. • - Always on hand,- • GIVE ME jA. cTARvIAA..NLA.GIL SIEAFORTII, Nov 23, l87E0D.Din GlA3,4K-Etfs. t. B. Orders for iv and. supplies for TEA PARTIES prompt- ly -attended. to. TOLLS TO!LET. ThjETOIL GATES ON the County of Vuron 0r -el el Reads, will be let by Auction, for the year 1871, in the Orange Hall, Clinton, at noon, on L'Weck-besdtty; Teeenther 2.7) 781'0. The rent to be paid. monthly in advance. Each Lessee to deposit one month's rent on the day of sale, and. furnish two sole vent freeholders as Surety, whose namea will be required to the Lease immediate- ly the gates are let. A. BAY, Surveyor. • BY-LAW. No. •1870. To. impose certain rates of Toll, to be !received at the several toll gates within the 'Cr°u1=tizitiYf itn°EAlr tiluit°i.en.e1;pedient to collect cer- tain rates of toll at the several toll gates belonging to the County of Huron, on the Cowley Roads within the said County, 7to defray the expense of making and re- pairing the same. 1st. Be it therefore enacted, That the aftermentioned rates of toll shall he pay- able at each and every toll -gate upon the County roads within the.County of Hu- ron, and the respective gate -keepers are hereby authorized to ask for and receive the same at each time of passing each gate, upon the said roads, eubject to all legal exemptions, and the exemption of the following described parties, viz. Ministers of the Gospel (when engaged in their ministerial duties) who produce a certificate from the Reeve of the muni- cipality where they reside, that they are placed ministers of the 'Gospel ; all In- dians ; parties with their teams engaged, in the performance of statute labor ; and parties carrying and returning from eat- ; rying milk to -cheese factories. And pro- vid_ed. alas thet the same team, horse or other animal or animals shall be al- lowed to return and pass through the same gate free, at any time before twelve o'clock P. M. of the night of the follows ing day. For every =vehicle, loaded, or otherwise. drawn by one horse or other beaet, eight cents. Fr every additional horse, or ether beat drawing such vehicle, four cents. For every' horse, four cents. For every single sheep or swine, one cent, and any additiohal niniaber, ons half cent each. For every head. of neat cattle, two cents each. 2nd. That the several gate -keepers within the said County arehereby autho- rized 'and required to ask for, and recover • from, each and. Very person passing through the several toll -gates within the County aforesaid, with vehicles'horses, neat Cottle, or other animals subject to toll, the above mentioned rates, and to use alflawful means for the recovery of the3rSda. 1 neAnd be it further enacted that this By -Law come into force and effect frOrn and after the thirty-iirst day of De- cember next, and that By -Law No. 12, A. 1.). 1866, be and ie hereby repealed after the thirty-first day of December next.assed Goderich the1 P25th day of November, 1870. - ROBERT GIBBONS, Wardeit: PETER ,ADAMSON, County Clerk. 1574 BUSH FARM FORSALEGH:EAP HE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale, cheap, Lot No. 30, Con. 15, tewnship of Grey, Co. of Huron; about 70 acres of this lot are timbered with hardwood, four acres of which are chopped, the bal- ance is timbered with cedar and pine of excellent quality. There is sufficient of - this latter timber to pay for the whole lot. The lot will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH, or on time. Title indisputable. For further particulars apply (if by let- ter, prepaid) to Adam Gray, PlaningMill, Seaforth, or to the undersigned proprie- tor. RODERICK GRAY, Thamesford, 0, Thamesford, Nov. 9, 1870. 153-tf,— MONEY \ $5,000 TO LEND,. T DAVE the above awn on hand for I investment on good Farm Security, at 8 and 9 per e,ent.,—Private Funds. JOHN S. PORTER. SWOATII, July 25, 1870. 139.— ESTRAY SHEEP. - riAME into the premises of the sub- kcriber, on Lot No. 1, Con. 1, Hay, a Ewe and lamb. The owner is request- ed to prove property, pay charges, and take the same away. WM. MALE, 1564—* Exeter P. 0 •MAGLEAil BRO liTRACY, M. County of Hu- sidence One .cloor Episcopal (tilitirch.. Seaforth Dec. I* -no C. MOORE, M. It. of MeGill Un PhyaiciateSiresteees, dessee Zurich, 3n.t. Zurich, Sept 7th, AMES• STE), GrAavAte Montreal. .Physi See and residence Varna. irstlt. W. R. SMIT W. ete.Of Robertson.'s Rest North. • Seaforth, Dec.. 14, TT L. VERCOE, elan, Surgeon, sid.ence, corner of Street, inimediately Store. Seaforth, Feb. 4t CAMPBELL 1....Vountess 016 ee eorby's, eorner stor forth. °Floe day, 8 LEC 17)F. VitALKER . Ana Solicitor ereyaneer, Notary P the Clerk of the P -Ceoderich, Ont. N.R—Monev to I Farm Lands. Goderieh, Y- tCA.ITC-11EY IVI Barristers, At icitors in Chancery taries Piiblie and Co tors for for the Canada Life Y.. R-430,600 th FaXrai, Houses Ana Seaforth, Dec. 14t -DENSON A MEY Attorneyat Law oery and Inedveney, aries Pnbliet eta. Of Wroxeter.- Agents Loan Co. of Upper 0 onial Sectirities C. Money et r5 per see -charged,- TAS. ti.D8N8ON., Seaforth, Dec,. 101 0. W I Arti fiei with all enents. The greatea ppeservation` of elecay Teeth extracted -wit) over MoDougall's Sto Seaforth. Dee. 14, OT COMMERCIAL I -I .es James Laird, first-class' aecomin ling pulnite The lar ways supplied with ts afford. Eicellent tion. Ainkreillte, April ONX'S HOTEL The undersigne public for the liberal to him in firees past asidalso to ieform the resumed !business ir where he will be hal from old friends, and . • T- Seafortle gay 5, -De RITISII EXC erich, °Net!. J,, I ItTOR ; J. lit WILL can Hotel, Warsaw,- . This hotel has recent nished, and refitted now one of the most snodious in she Pro. Rooms for Conn:acre Terms liberal. Goderigh, 'April 14, MISCELL B - .erich„1:eeon"r torEtliphatjectiCit311 the sale of Ban ,ottoe a noddk osSatesArdpapr\41 irat de n, Bailiff First Division CodteriNeihr., .J;ieenieq,ii„ k. et A mi. _Tel:03f L Su e with neatness and xl” lips, Go i: Next door south of forth. Seaforth, Dec. 14, M AILL CROO Plane and Spec rectly, Cerpenter's, son's work, measure Over J. C. Detlor Housequare, Gods Godes-kit, April •