HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-12-16, Page 7• ' • • • • }•;"..:;'-•-;;;',;!;'':':•-;•-' „,-••••••••••••••••••,. )ECEIVIRE11-16, 1870, 'MR AY MARE, V'ED into the premises of R A. am, Wirigham, about the 10th as- last, an aged. 13rown, Maretafl . white spot on ler face. The requested, to prove , property,- ises, and take the same away.. R. am, Dec. 7. 1870. 157-3-- LINICIPAL NpTicE. ELECTORS OF THE MUNI- ALITY OF SEAFO-RTH, minations for a Reeve and for rs, to serve for the ensuingyear, Id at the CoulteiI Room, Town forth, at noon, on Monday, th T. r. BULL, Village Clerk; Dee. 7th, 1870. TRAYSHEEP into the premises of the aura- e• Lot No. 32, Con. 2, Usberne,. 1st ugust, One Ewe and two L. The owncr is requested, to - sada-, pay charges, and. take THOMAS CORNISH, Rodgerville P. O. i. Dec. 7, 1870. 157 -3 -- ARM TO RENT. Lot No. 16, in the 10th 0 -on. nopr,1 80 acres cleared andnear- rn stumps, with dwelling house-. For particulars apply to the- _ S. McCA.UGHEY.- Tlec. 7, 1870. 157 -4 -- EARNED MONEY. !NTS READ THIS., rants to make money, in a *business, email capital and enclose 25 cents to A. aforth P. 0. and you will re- turn au article which sells for to all, and profitable to the seller. Try it, don't delay _ iecimensat once. Nov. 0. 1870, 153=4 -- EAT FEMALE REMEDY, PEIODICAL PILLS. I known medicine is no impo- a sure and safe remedy for Fe- alties and Obstructions, front vhatever„ and although a pow - Ly, the coatain nothing hurt, anstitution. ed la -dies it is pechlia.gy sut- 1, in a short tine, bring on v period with regularity. Lla have never been- known to ;he directions on the 2nd page are well observed.: particulars,. get a pamphlet agent. 'NEw YORE, SOLE frEOVEIEToiz. 12& cents for postage, err- orthrop ce Lyman, Newcastle al agents for the Dominion, a bottle containing over 50 Ira mail. I57-8-- . ERN FOR SALE. .SC...'ItIBER. offers for sale the. 'known as the New Dominion e village of aluevale_ This: ag been lately refitted, ;snow the accommodation of the having good sta.bling, riving shed 36 x 20 feet, also room over the shed. There! nt weit close to the shed with d order. The land attatch- etel.consists of 1 an acre well adapted for garden- -e with a variety of choice Lresse This Hotel is situat- ds north of the Wingharri ilIage, this being the leading rroxeter to Wingham, Luck - dine, &c. This Hotel will s for cash, or, if tliepurchas- !s all, a baian. e can remain d mortgage for one year_ ercan buy the tavern fittings. s, bedsteads &e• For par - p• on the preiniaes to W LLIAM ROSS. Proprietor. ct"Ov. 23, 1870. 155-tf.-- ----o Jbers beg leave to thank eroua customers for .the '-'-re extended to them since usiness in Seaforth, and v will be favoredwith a the same. siding to build would de. ern a call, as they will •ess on hand a large Stock i;LU.MBER, SASHES, (INOS,-PilittniNgS, .ES, LATH, &G., dent of giving satisfaction. ro may favour ahem with ,i-onage, as none but lass w-niranen are entW .3„ -ed. atteaf-ion paid to Custom RO..kDFOOT & GRAY, FORT ng 111111, 1)oor, and FACTORY, EATTER, ,GE BROKER. raealer in. Pure ALS AND DYE STLIFFS, ,FUMERY., 01 LET ARTICLES ing Machines. Money and Liquers for medi- - J. SPATTER, 1870. 59-tf. • .4 . 4 41 DECEMBER 16, 1870. u1111111111=11.111111011■NINEIMMIINIMMIR A 1Prophetio Queen. 1* ''4 "41.•4.-••••.44.•..„,••••••Ank•-4,4•4•4•4-11-741,74* THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 4 ,•••=7. The Queen of Holland, imm 4061y after the cession of Vene and while the 'war in- Bohemia *till going on, wrote to the Empe Napoleon the following lctter July 13, 1866.—You give way strange delusions ! Yonr prest has been damaged more during last fortnight than dining the wh continuance of your reign. I Allo ing the feeble to be deltroyed, y let the insolence and brutality your next neighbor grow to extra gent piloportions. You accept present, and you don't knowhow ,give a good word to him whO p 11t8 it to you. I regret that y ihink me interested in the questio and you do not 8Ce the fatal slang 41. one powerful Germany and o ,powerful Italy. It is the dynas 'which is threatened, and it is th -which must bear the consequenc I say this because it is the-trut -whieh you will learn too late. D not think that the misfortune whi overwhelms me in the disaster Toy country makes me unjust or su vicious. Venetia ceded, you mu aid Austria, march' to, the Rhin and impoeyour conditions. Le Austria be slaughtered, and yo commit, not a crime, but moreblunder. This, perhaps, is- my la letter. wouldr however, consid -myself wantingl to an old and si cero friendship if I did not say ox last time the whole truth. I do n expect that it will be listened t lett I wish to ibe one clay able to sa that I did everything to prevent th rants of what inspires me with much faith and affection. -4•• A. Vtironde4u1 Lake in Colored A correspondent of the Cincinna ti Commercia/, writing from Georg -town, Colerado, describes a wonde 'fill lake in that vicinity, as follows Imagine a ' sheet of. water thre learters of a mile wide and nearl round, with a depth of seventy fee whose waters are as clear as erysta 'Bo that even at tho greatest depth -the bottom is quite visible. Th -water, as I said, is beautifully clear but tne bottom of the lake has bright green color, and the ,watet mirror the tinge, and, seem to b green—the soft, tender green of ea ly spring Neidance. All around except' a few rocks on the side o the ascent, the mountain tops ris for two thbusaud feet rocky an grand, and for a thousand feet th -evergreens_ grow amid the gree -rocks of granit43, and brilliant flaw iers enliven the sombre rocks; the above the timber -line rise the bal peaks, now brown and bare, bu _soon to receive their pure mantle o snow. The lake is 10,000 fee above the sea—nearly two miles— "(it rounds more to me in n3iles) an the surrounding mountains enclos the little basin, which has neithe tributary nor outlet, and is fed b their snows Some enterprising gen tlemen have built a dancing -house lath -house, and dining -hall at th lake, intending to make it a sum mer resott, but none are completed 'There are four large skiffs on the lake, and after resting on the rocky banks and drinking in the whole -beauty of the scene for a time we enter the bDats to see th c wonders -of the bottom of the lake. Looking into the clear depths we saw great pine trees, some standing erect with spreading branches, far beneath '11,4, some with: roots uppermost, some thrown about and piled up like a forest after a mighty wind.—Huge rocks of twenty tons weight lay be neath, covered with a soft green car- pet, and beaiitiful stones of many brilliant colors added to the wonder and charm of the strange scene. Some places in the bottom of the lake were like a yawning abyss, and great mountains of ,rocks towered up like the majestic banks above us ; then we saw the entrance of what seemed a cavern, where our eyes failed to pieree. At some points nearer shore we saw delicate sea - moss clinging to the rocks with long, soft arms, but nowhere did we see' a living thing—all was calm and still, and lovely above and below as We glided slowly along over the sunny surface of the lake, seeing new beau- ties at every turn that filled us with wonder and delight. In the after- noon a slight breeze sprang up, rip- pling the glassy surface of the lake, anOve entered the boats again for another hour's ride on the green waters. Howdifferent every thir g looked under the tremulous surface! It was calm and clear before ; now all seemed life and motion. The seemed to wave their long arms -to the music of the Sighing pines - above us ; the moss quivered with rythinical delight. and. the smaller stones seemed indulging in a mad gallop for joy, while the rocks step- ped a tninute with elphantine grace. :We learned that there was a larger one - three-quarters of a mile from this one—more lovely they say but we were satisfied with this one, .and skeptical about anything more charming. edi- tia, was Lor to ige the ole w- ou ,Of Va! a to re - 0u n; er ne ty at es. 0 h, eh of 8- St e, -a st, er n- ot 0; so o. t- e- r- e - t, 1, e r- e e n n d f t e r e A New Jersey paper with charm- ,ing candor and naivete, tells how champag a0 is in id from cider. barrel of cider, c st ng- say $6, will yield 1 0 bottles a chanipagne, which at say two d 11 re per bottle, will sell it three hund 'ed and sixty dollars y the add tic n of a little Rhine w ne, alcol ol s Igar. and 'car- bonic ac'd g4e. A d now it says that cide has its itnita ion in turn. The bogs s cider m rs buy dried apples an soak the . The water is mixed with alcohol itnplo syrup, and ear, nit acid, • • t iled and sold f6r cider. The Princes th Pulpit. THE 'FAS NEW In the Winton a wit the in the. lo terian we Square, enue. there are and Dewi ing the' can boast the betty noisy W ists have er, and a divines. Beecher thenare talents. halve sai Tyng seni out, and The !latter ty, may be able servi the most preacher i large num clergymen excellence tinction. their adva foran ext a professio 11 11 rec all $lary,' tiont will sa1ary is peculiar to able in go bein calle currency becat s.• he came at a nape money was flu smal degr e. In o to place h s call on was made payable Tyng's offi -e is Wort annum an a comfo Dr. PouerJ, of Grac in mot less use of the Dr. Adams so well pa worth mol• ard Crosby, in a man Dewitt an Dutch bod3 of this city-, , I FITONABL CEERGYMEN OF YORE- AND THEIR PAY. Episcopal ('(It'!' they are nd Dix 'n,theihigh church, I'yngs, b t 'father and son, i church. In the Presby- have Adams, of Madison nd Hill, ok 1 1ie Fifth Av-' the Reform Duth branch: (')rinistti, a new comer, t, who is now just enter- • tired litit.i The Baptists of the earned Williams, 1 . , toned 4riiiitage, and the stcott, h4e Idle Method- mith, Newnan, 'farrow - •core of oW) r acceptable • ut of all tFiis number, ing a, toloklyn man, ut three men of' first-class hese are Dewitt-, who, as is just about retiring ; r. who is also nearly worn all, of tho Fili th A venue. being not much lover for - expected to yileld consider - e, and is intl all respects 'able and Most popular i this cityl There are a )er of useful land worthy here, but w ith° all their they have no reacheddis- lt is perlat s much to tag e that th v have not, of reput don is one of al MK1178gi es 1 est mishaps. • ives abot t u 10,000, not ut prequi it s and dona- reach that gure. His • 1118 OWII C' Re l arked by a distinction ( * . ip 0 r being pay - d. "This se from his from pu ) where all on -a gold is, and also e when our tri tang in no clef', therefore, ,solid basis, it iii gold. Dr. h $7,000 per a ilea rectory. lurch, takes hau $10,000 besides the est -rector i New York. being vey ich, is not d, his be not being than $6, 00 ; and How- ich, is paid y poor. Dr. ton, of the Dr. Dix, and Vin- , must re- . As Trinity enty millions, li ba who is er eq I Dr. , got 87,0 gets $10,( ton, his ii(tht-hand ceive nearl - as moch has an estate worth tw Dri her clergy Froin the clerical pay received b which lis t These ixen .parsonago to h ve a1. tenen ent house, and,I in ing and s milat calle and n Ou perqu and° tight not rates abk deckles t -the cityi bout800. instead at palatial ekt air of aput tjo hunffry . • ve mentioned, he pittance iissionaries, er annum._ ovitet our ri -in cour9 rnarri under positi • to splendi( n tertain n to .11 Ingle wit ost d graded of - cler y have v sites for ',uniting appy couples who h co gregations tood hit- the pies n ad( s uch t ge f te • , As tliei is a grea - .(1 Ina ng the ti tingu ishei n in ister ting Lompe satiOn. Tyng ndi34.cherare n like a count -y doinine, dollar bill. Any one tious f adv ijlising hi, n such' nni pot s'xAticials sh a $50 note at least, a mi that rom $T100 to 5 figuremos in vogut., the la been fing re Amon J happ y n to chesc fees ienfle often 0' sents. e society self amo le pastor njuying nt, are glad nerds in a - tend of be - weddings ents, they aro 'he poorest oc ety. ry' han 1 • some tho young abound in t -must be ige of high e eclat of a 1. matter of i ipropriety e of dis- it Out a fit - u h "Merl as t:t be put off,iwith a five vhp is ambi- arriage by )Uld touch I presume 0 are the )Ut double on such di vine. In our popular r cipients of y wealthy es res to di - s- them, let a, ew Year 0, or let him a fine piano. abroad with nients, and appears in that the eye ward him - gratifying • an occ atlditi clergy hands me pr m rneb r of t tinguil his _him ake t preseu of $100 or 85 send the lions' -e-] diyin It willsoon' Jo noised the Aii(1)st fia i tering cot the next" tim the d no chtirch he will observe of-the/public is dire te in rt,/ ery marked marine 1 has 1 13.4 T- HE EBY cha mg, ot- ing promissor Nov. 25th, 18 1871; the othe after date, eac favoured Jame receiy no val will not be in • • Grej, Dec. 2 AUTION. AUTION :11 negotiating fo i note, i -1s, a . • d 0, one pa a •payabl tifrt for $8, m de Vitie or b al e thereto an e. • TFIOM S 1870. art) es pur- the follow - Wroxeter, e January en months by me in r, as Thave payment cEWEN, I57-3-8 Great Rush to Robertson FOR -- FISH, Prime Labr FROM S • ISH, FISH. dor HERRING- , ALSO HITE FISH, *OUT, SPLIT AND ROUND HERRI*GS, Warranted PriMe. New Fruit s Jost Arrivai. EW LAYERS, PICKED VALENTIAS, PRIME SEEDLESS AND CHOICE NEW CURRANTS. Will be sold as cheap as any west of Toronto. Giv us a Call. ..peir- Seaforth, Nov. 15, 1870. s KIDD'S NIPORITINI — Orr ---- FASHION, 1 • SEAFORTH. • HE 'subscriber begs to announce th the public that he has opened a lendid Assortment 0 F APLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, OCKERY, BOOTS &- SHOES,' LIQUQRS, W NES, ETC e whole of the Stock is entirely nely and ought in the beat hcre.,es in Canada , He is determined sell at prices that wi1IsatiSfy the buyers. Seaf THOS. KIDD, rth,No'r. 1st, 1870. 153 -- Seaford' Salt ! COLEMAN & COUINLOCK OULD RESPECTFULLY inforrn the public that they now have their LT WORKS ! AT EAFORTH! COMPLETED, A.\T'D ARE PREPARED TO RECEIVE AND FILL . AL)ORDERS —FOR— FIrSiEf I COARS AND 'LAND E SALT. TERMS CA.SH. Seaforth, Sept. 14th 1870. 145-tf--- , SHARP'S LIVERY STABLE; MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. First Class -Horses and Carriages always On hand at as reons- able terms. • R. L SHARP, Proprietor. Seafoith, May 5th, 1870. ' 3-tf-- W. Si ROBERTSON. 0 rn 95 LUMSDEN lista just received a Fresh Stock of • PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Toilet and Fancy Soape, Combs, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, French, English, and American. PERFUMERY. GENUINE DYE STUFFS. Guaranteed to beof the beat quality; Horse and Cattle Medicines. Condition Powders. i'hysicians prescriptions carefully and ac urately dispensed. R LITMSDEN. LJ LH • -••119. TAI OULD carryin TAILOR r, • • .-.41111, In all its bran occupied as a long experien confident in ing him with garments ma be second to t lishment in PAM eg t� announce that he is on the NG BUSIN S hes, in the shop fi)rnier1y arber Shop, and from his e in this business, eels ying that parties fav ur- heir orders, will have t eir e in a manner WhiCh Iwill e work of no other es ab - SE FORTH. ATRIAL IS Seaforth, A PECTFULLY SOLIC ri114, 1870. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. nnHE unde good Hou uated on Nort Wm. CamPbel deuce. There onthe lot, ale a good well, & apply on the Seaforth, Dec. signed offers for 'So e a e and Lot, pleasantly sit - Main street, next lo to 's,, (Merhant tailor) esi- is a good' stable and s014 a few young fruit tres I::: to terms of P4 reM P 'HILL1P SPARLI 1, 1870. 1 -tf. Fall Goods ! T. K. Anderson's FALL STOCK, Has Recently Arrived - IT CONSISTS OF PLAIN & FANCY TWEEDS! MELTONS, Broad Cloths & Doeskins, • ALSO BEAVER AND PILOT OVERCOATINOS, AND ALL OTHER SEASONABLE • 00308 IN THE LINE. Everything made up in the Latest or any Style, to suit Customers. ALL WORK WARANTED, AND PER - FET FITS GUARANTEED: PRICES TO SUIT THM TIMES. . Pr SHOP ONE DOOR SOUTH OF ROBERTSON & CO'S HARDWARE •STORE. SAFORTH, September 1, 1810. • 115— Chancery -Sale! -0E ----- LANDS IN THE COUNTIES OF PERTH, HURON & SIMCOE -11feGoay et. al.; D8. Mullady et. ai. PURSUANT to a decree of the Court of Chancery in this cause bearing date the Twelfth day of October, A. D.1870, the hereinafter mentioned ileal Es- tate, will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, as follows, (with the approbation of 'George Wellesley Lawrnce, Esquire Master of the said Court at Stratford,) at 12 o'clock, -coon, on the clays and at the places hereinafter specified. LANDS IN PERTH AID HURON. On Saturday, the Seventeenth day of December, A.p. 1870, at Knox' s Hotel, in the Village of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, by J. P. Brine, Auctioneer, duly appointed for that PARCEL, N arPose- All and singularthat ce ain parcel and. tract of land and premise, situate lying and being in the Townshi • of Hibbert, in the County of Perth and rovinoe of On.. tario, and being compos of Lot number Thirty, in the Fourth C ncession of the said township of Hibbert and containing admeasurement, one undred acres, more or less. There, are about twenty neres'more or less, clear 1 the farm is fe.noed and well tunbered with beech and - mapk ; the timber is ve y valuable as the lot lies within one m e of the Buffalo and Lake Huron. Railwa , and between two and three miles front the thriving village of Seafortla. The land is well suited for agricultural purposes, and ex cellently watered. • PARCEL No. 2. All and singular ishat certain parcel or tract of land. and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Tucker - smith, in the County of Huron, and Pro- vince of Ontario, and being composed of Lot No. I, in the 3rd Concession, of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, and containing by admeasuremeut, one hun- dred acres more or leas. There are about thirty acres of this farm cleared; it is well fenced, in a good condition and a portion seeded down with timothy. The timber on the lot eoneists of beech, maple and elm, ;Ina is considered very valuable. The farm is well watered, and the land of excellent quality of *Chien”. tural or stock raising purees; the facilities for the latter as regords water, being unrivalled. There is a small house, with a barn, on the lot. This let is subject to a lease for an anexvired term of two years to ono Jamee Kehoe, PARCEL No. 3. All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and beh.g in the Township of Tucker - smith, in the County of Huron, and Pro- vince of Ontario, and being composed of Lot No. 2, in the 3rd Concession o said Township, containing by adinea ment one hundred acres of land nio less. There are between twenty thirty scree of this farm cleared and fenced, the remainder is well coered with valnable hard -wood timber. There is a gooa house, recently built on the farm, with a large log barn. The house cost about $1,200. The land is of the very beet description for agriculturalpurposes, and is well watered. The lot adjoins Parcel No. 2 both of them being within three miles o the village of Seaforth. and sone mile of the -Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway. LANDS DT SINCO. On Wednesday, the Twenty-first day of December, 1870, at Hotel, in the Town of Bradford, in the County of Simcoe, by T. Atkinson, Autioner, duly appointed for that pure PARCEL No. 4. the ure- e or and well All and singnlar, that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Tecumseh, in the County of Sinicoe, and Province of Ontario; and being ceraposed of Lot No. 4, in the 4th Concession, of the said Township, centaining by aclineasurement one nundred acres of landbe the same more or less. With -the exception of ten. or fifteen acres the Lot is cleared, well watered and fenc d. The farm has been for a number o years in a high state of culti- vation an1d contains a good dwelling hoese, lar e barn, stables and out -build- ings. All and tract of la and being the Coun PARCEL Nei. 5. singular that certain parcel dr. d and premises situate, lying in the Township of Acljala, in y of Simcoe, aforesaid being compose of Lot No. 6, in the 8th C-onces- sion of th said Township, and contaiu- ing by a.d easurement sixty acres, more or less. • There are about ten acres cleared, and the remainder is well timbered with val- uable cedar. The ab ve lands are well worth the attention of Farmers, Capitalists and others. CONDITIONS OF SALE. The purchaser shall, at the time of sale, pay down a deposit in the proportion of • ten dollars for each hundred dollars of the purchase money to the Vondor's Solicitor, and the remainder of the pur- y on or before the twenty-first uary, A. D., 1871. In other d except as the above,thecon ale are thestancling conditions e Court of Chancery. Fur - mi -ars may be obtained of G. ncel, Esq., Master, Stratford, lavi office of Joseph A. Dono- endor's Solicitor, and Messis oss, of the City of Toronto; yle and Squier, in the Town F Hohnstead, Esq., in the eaforth, and Messrs. Hayes in the Town of Stratford. G. W;LAWRENCE Master in Chancery. JOSEPH . DONOVAN, Vendor's Solicitor. Dated a Stratford, this Nineteenth Day of No ember, A.D. 1870. 5I -td chase mon day of Jai respects, a fitions of of sale of t ther parti W. Lawr and at the van, Esq., Osler & Messrs. D of Goderic Village of & O'Loane, • STRAYED CATTLE. CARE into the enclosureof be sub- seriber, Lot No, 6, Con. 2, township of Staney, ou or about the 27th-0ctoer. three head of cattle, 1 two year old. hei- fer ; ,1 yearling heifer, and 1 year old steer, most all red. The owner can have the same by proving property, and pay- ing charges. THOS. DINSDALE. Kippen, P. O. HIPIAIL, Nov, 21, 1870, 155-4-