HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-12-16, Page 2a 2. MSerewte---. THE HU ON. gXPOSITOR. •••len„ 1A Battle of the ..amazon,s: A deadly feud of 'long standin between two young and most loeel and accomplished ladies of the ,cit unhappily culminated ' last evenin in a terrible encounter on the street which was most disastrous and de „ structive in its results, and has cams ed a great • commotion in society The melancholy offair'iseems to haV originated in a jealousy which sprun up between the combatants concern ing the attention's of a young gentle man, who isti diliotsdto : the highl improper Ka -ttce of dispensing hi affections indi'ficiiininittely. and love I ot wisely but too niuchly. A. first the fait rivali•developed a• sor of coolness in their demeans* to on another, which gradually deepene into a positive frigidity of feeling Meanwhile the fickle .1 -young gentle man continued to pert his heir ir the middle and SMile on either sid with an air that w'es childlike ail( Wand; . • . The rivalry of the damsels grew more intense, until they were :le eustomed to make ,faces and rudely jostle against one another when they met in the streets: The hostili y of feeling gradually enlisted t1ie sympathies of frierads of the respect we partes, and they went abroad in bevies of half a dozen or less. When - fever these antagonistic forces came in contact, all -would make faces. the opposing platoons would refuse to give an inch of the walk and some of the spiritedyoung ladies would remark, "0, my, NV,Iiat kt perfect fri,ght of a hat 1" " That's her mothr s old brown silk done over," and other such incendiarY expressions. As already intimated, this deadly enmity exceeded the point, of ender- ance last evening, on the occasion of tri encounter of the D at lire described anethettwe principals engaged in i actual hostilities. , The ebnibat was olio of the most tenific is.ca ever witneseed.- both of the youug ladies beieg nerved with bitter animosity and a seuee of hav- ing had their fond hearts tilled with 'j and their respe,tive reteiners gathered wound and mingled their screams of exultation or derision as the chancee of victory seemed to vare. . Locks of luxuriant hair bestrewed the pave, with strips of ribbons, mohair, bundles of shavings, and other debris. - A section. of pan- ier and the entire sttiffiing of a chig- non was picked up after the conflict., The fight finally ended in the *total disconatiture of one of the danisels, and the other lovely warriOreS8 marched gaily off eith -her friends, having won undisputed right to the whole of the walk Her triumph was shortlived, however, as a ware rant was speedily issued for the vic- tor On a charge of ass -nit and bat- tery, e most unroMEIDtiC iMplicatiOn of a lady's name, to be sure. The . , case Was brought _into Justice Ste- phen's Court which is devoted to rC- fined business, and wes adjedicated by requiring the heroic damsel to give $500 bail to keep the'peace for one year.—Ostoego Times. 1„, L Sanguinary Character of Scot- tish Hietory. There is a character in Scottish History which renders it attraetive to some persons; and impulsive to others. The chronicle from Ken- neth MacAlpine to Mary Stuart is one of crimes, sorrows, and misfor- tunes ,Few of the Scottish kings died on their thrones or in their beds. Crown] ess ria on a rchs yielded their last breath in cspdvity, .or are killed in battle, or they are thrust from greatness in a monastry. From the euccessor of Kenneth down to Donald Ruse and Duncan. the Sec - end --a period of nearly a ceaturv and a half—no one king -of Scotland tame to a peaceful end. Of the idozemend a half of succeeding. mon- . archs, the roll of whose names dos- es with that of Mary Stuart, a few passed away in peace and regretted by their people, Eta destiny seem- ed to purtne the letter of those sovereigns with insatiable severity. The name id James is of singulerly ill omen -on this roll. Jame the first, after a captivity of a score of year in England was murdered' in his own country. A cannon 'ball carried off James the second at the siege .of Roxburgh. The third of the name was slain flying from bat- tle, where his son was his adversary. The fourth fell at Flodden. The fiftn died of grief at the failure of his attempts ageinst England. This last was the prophet King, who said so mournfully, when he heard of the birth of his sole child, Mary, "The kingdom cam' a lass, an' it will gae-wi' a lass!" Poultry Keeping on a Large Seale. The diffiulty and frequent failures in keeping a large number, of poul- try in one spot has often been discus- sed in these columns.' In England the attempt has failed; in France, a very few successful examples have been. reported. The only hope of evereoaning the difficulties of the en- terpriiii appears to be in giving the poultry a widely extended range. n this enbjeet he experience of r. Warren Lola id of the Metro- olitan Hotel N w Yo k, as given ork Farnier,•1 Club, , and published i a recent nee ing of the New -i I sev ral of our mecican excliang- , is intiirqtin r nd instructive " .1 have . fowl undr d fowls, y u ast, n ak;re, , 13ett ood a any. Hen n I ush, and I 14 1 ave a sh.rec. ri) yea , or nto e. ' T that• for every .rnust -give up at rough land is RR turaily love the •utig trees , but hich they live eee form hiding laces and' r •treats for them. In s tell )laces hey prefer to lay. I I ave sreate s tice 8, end it depende on thi T orlfo ir 1r rle , by observing •hich I belie e e : n make a good 1 Ving by hen • an 1 turkeys. "1. I give rny oWls great range. ighteen acr s b ilf#Ig to them ex - c usiv ly. neat th., broods have t e range of all:) h t big lot, and t ie turkeys go half a mile or more f Om t" • house: , hb eighteen acres o poul r iyar0 is ot gh ,land, of lit - t e use! tor iillt0. c has a pond in 1 1 and aim& r:, aka a d bushes, and eeeds, anti ''sana_ places and mil h aps, and lime and I ones and gr. .ss, a d a piaci) which 1 )low up to give t env worms. "2, When a hen has set I take her t le out in th iiiii and ram n lit j a b x threw out the etatw and earth, 1 t i f w da s,..and giv ita good coat of whitewash on oo,th tides. In winter when it is very Ico d, I have an old s ove in the hot se, and keep the e area 1 above' fi wing. There is also an open firepl• ce, where I build ea fire on cold wet lays. • They dry ti ernsel vet, and w ieu the fire goes t. o it th re is a bed of ashes for. them t .wall w in. u rrer and winter m hees beve tall ti e lime, ashes, at d sand therwant: ' 3. Another re SOr why I have Est eh 1 ick is hoc: us, my poulti le y rds r ceive all t e scraps from the hotel. Egg makiine's no easy work, R. d hens will no 'Is o much of it w thout high feed. hey need just W 1,4t a wan who ).ks requires --- w ieet, 1 bread i „n eat. Aa to 1 ' eds, I prefer th.; rah nras, i igh t A d claik. - I chalk e -he •cock birds e •ery spring, and mau•on the farm h• s no other duty de n take care of in poultry. I late) ofteu 3,000 'sp ing chickens. . 1 A ,Perilet Ride. Ceptain McArth al of Kingston, ha a perilous rid )r -i tue much - abused Grand Tru ' k last week, on Id. return from Liu hi e, whither he pi oted a vessel fro I his port. I lie go up.from hid sea i the passenger ea when the trai as near Len- a ter, and „walked ou on the plat- fo in, to find out le w near he was to the station 1 e over -balanced hi self and fell, te vh t might seem a- certain destruct on underneath ;. however, he caugi t theguard or coupling% in his do ea , and there he hung by his Arm in a position which'offe ed him et4 little hope 6f recovering the els, Orin- above liiih in the one case, and a sure and awfu , de' th were he tc -dr p of on the 0,1 er. No one co id be placed in 1 a more agonizing po ition. .Thioueli his great strength, being ot strong intiScular power. he held himself lip , while thie train trav lied- four miles , undergoing the reatest mental arid bodily suffering. o one discovered his daneer, as -it wa -dark. When his strength was ex- hausted, and he saw: a bridge, or tun- nel on the track all ad, which would increase the dengei of his situation, . he prepared for the it evitable pi tinge, anf. witI a prayer of despair on. his olies,let ko his hold. InstEtut death eas s on of a hundr d, but provider).- wo ild Ntte followe in ninety-nine daily M . ltIcAl thus fell, more dead Oa, aliae, into a Is llow or excava- tio in the track. 'The train passed over safely, and lie bad lain there un onscious , from - his 1 injuries and suterings for seven' hours. After da t light his este n.1, d one more he ent i d :nto the con- ce'ne back an ten plation of an wfal situation. He was unable te rtv tik, but dragged bin self on hands an I feet to a house qui e fEtr off—some ay two miles— an he o A that c• re and assistance wh eh its condi io required. „ A friejnd Ii.. cliscove ed lived DORT by, an 3he p1 oi.vd a re nd, indeed, car - in • for li'm as a ro her. His aims an side were quit e black from the mu cula e*ertions e was subjected to ; his boots ,apd portion of ,his tro sers were tore off, and his feet lac rated by b&eig drugged along the tree . lie got a severe injury in e b clr, also, b • his fall. His bodt pre ented a dreadful,sight. On Th rsda morning e was brought hoe e ancl now lies t his residence un er the care of tr. 'Yates. His inj ries have been ery severe, but the Doctor hopes to bring him th ugh safely.—Ki 's(on Whig. night, and verty frie sup bis this gument owera, the sculp d on' what peoP1 arrying without rt a family, ex wn fears as he f very sition. 11 1• ti r Marriage. writing to a L the folly e rneans to re ses frankly und himself in e says—" To tell the truth,-htwever, tarn' ly and poverty have done nene to 411.ppOrt the than I have Co etuaport them,--- Thisy htve compelled use to make. exertions that 1. !entity thoughtany- self capable of; and, often, i hen on the eve of despairing; they h• ve forc- ed me like a coward, in the corner, to fight like a hero, not for myself, out for my wife rind little °Flea. halle DOW as much work to as I can execute, UI410881 Can Ili d some more assistance in the marb e, and have,also, a nrospect tor furtl er com- missions." The treth here expressed by the lar rein a gentle tried nni then sal his pocket, whill squande ed in feol young n ;tn'r wit inis. a --was e lough to sup wife, wl 0, by well -i my, has if ted sculptor, is like a smi- rk I heard not long Mee by nen from Btlston, w io had trimony in ti e same ay, and 1 that the hose ith lige , il he had before sh not ons—a lie cell ;dthem sort Es Iindent gulttee evono- e sel f, for to ion, lug Imam and sate her car direct a and to (. "is like proved a for une in d a 81111g SUll of 'mo less. husbaut • "A an to a proper a eneral economy." h tiniety succor at sea, him fron destruction on a voyage!' .4 '1 bi sa C EIRIA Sle gli Facto MAIN ST., SEA.F0 riinE ubscribers, thlankfulpast;- favours. wotild intimate to I-phd in -I habitants of Seaforth and surrounding country, t at they have On,- hand Ilarye A ssortment of CAR IAGES S DEMOCRATS Made tpof the Best 1ate- -1 • rial,ar din the !LatestSki.des. In order to make room for WI WORK, foey will sell 0 -HEAP N TE FOR CASH. ars- In ending purchasers Iv do Well to givu them a call before pur hasing elsewhere. ------•—• 1R, Promptly 'attended to. Renierab'r the Stand First door South of tipo Foun- dry, Main St. McINTOSH tis 11104RISON.. Seaforth Sept. 1, 1870. 11 a— CUSTOM ILOR1N61 ill -IAN K LNG the public for their. libers al Tat -onage extended to ns euice icommencing business, we hope by strict tsttention a. merit a. continuance af the felme. CCTTTLNG- 1 Parties whO may require Cut donecashave it executed with A racy, Nea ness, andDespatch, at NI EATE PRICES. SUTHE LARD BR 8RAFORTH, Septeml)ei-: 1 • 870. [.. ing 011- )1)- 82- - -- • I LLS FOR SALE OR TO RENT! STJ13C1 1BER OFVERS FOR I SALE or to Rent, on easy te ins; THE VARNA MILL S, onsisting A a Floor, Oatmeal, an I Saw Mill, all o2 which aro in good riti ning order. - The Floujr Mill Contains Four in of 'tones and ltke interor is well fin shed, nd all the ia�hinery in first clas ition. T icre is in connection q, obd am, and n abundant supply of 'yi-ater o run alit iernilistheyear round. 1 These m lls are sitnated in the centre 1f a-splendi 1 Agricultural country, and a are chance is offerecl to any person' desi- rous of emb rking inth.e raining business. ' There is .lso an excellent oppor uinsietsy f BORINC FOR SAT the pre , 11 the works for which could be 4riven y water, The above. property is situatei1 Six tiles from Clinton; Six from Ba eld, d Eleven from Seaforth, with good ravel roads leading to eachplace For further particular apply tl -the rogrietor, on the premise, or to Varna WM. TURN14 15rA.RNA, August 11, 1870. 140— ARD OF THANKS. IIE undersigned desires to tenderhis JL sincere thanks to the farmers of Hu -- r n and public generally, for the liberal patronage he has received since conamen- c g the manufacture of Ploughs, etc., in keaforth. 1 Having had Seventeen years experience iit she above business, he c' n with confi- d nee recommend his 1 • J 1.t Pia•OT_TC1-13, S , I AS IRST CLASS GENERAL PUR- posh PLOUGHS,ND,0 LIGHT DRAU ITT. Iron and wooden P ou hs with cast el landside and rnonl4 b4ard con ant - on hand, and madeto or4ler. GRAHAM W Seaforth 4ugust 26, ILLI LMS 1870. N. .00.4e10 GET MAR .."AT,oNm FUWVIT 18 25 Per Cent C A T s! RE eaper TF,1. BELL'S -w-.A.Rmi-to Ms. ...I • -IIE HAS ADDE team wer To his Facilities, and is no v elling Wholesale and etail, BE SURE TO CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSE HERE. WARE ROOMS OPPOSITE THOMAS KIDD'S. WORK SH OP, CPRNER 1.? MAR- K ET SQUARE. TURNING done on the Shortes Notide. COFFINS kept constantly on. ha'n#11. A HEARSE FOR HIRE. SRAYORTH, JUNE 30 1870, SIGN OP THE Goldn Padlock. 4or Va) rmil( P14. 1"4 Ct 41.7 P61.64 pe4 .F; 21 C4 'tte (1) p2 ter), plai rasa( (MI5 PM' /1"..T CM) 414 Ith44 7:1.111 cc „prim 4;0: talol CLI '1;01" ,,,‚,C1-7 • ract4 ed., row s.„str, *as g ,a \a? p-'• „spit r 'ear• ' PC21( PP' ▪ Pa* ,‘/.6` - tat c01114".{4111.41qg 7-1 1. Ck) 001:111 .1=4 icrad ' '72 • ArUN r DT -04 • Nosi 127.142( s..-: er-!* .4.rea.ct mite r'r74, p. , • rePIK4 ,r44 at JOHNSON BRO.'S. Go to the B st! THE BRITISH AMER CAN AND BRYANT, STRATTON & a CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS COLL 3GE, fRow the largest, most exten ive and complete BUSINESS; SCHOO in tip c untry. It has thie largest staff of T achers, the most practical nd best a4lapted business forms, and th best ar- ged ancl most comb:tedious apartments. rt is under t be man a ement of borough business men, ;fully alzve to all the re- quirements of the business eos unity. The advantages endlfacilities afforded in this institution ire unequalLi in=the country, and no young man sho d enter a business career without fully availing himself of its benefits. We wer iward- DELL ed the First Prize in lusines Pen- mansh.p SIXTH At the late Provincial Exhib'tinosnecuat London. As this is th? . tive year that tore have,' taken t prize, we feel confident that 'there can be but one opinion as where to go to m to write. For Specimens of writing, b circulars, &c., address ODELL & TRO 148— or'onte. OFFICES TO LET. , :int Iti374000;ko:. in thoheno b stvhieitlsaetai.dn dmAflopaspttli ony St oncro:nt McCAUtlifFlY & HOLMESTE • Seaforth,April 14, 1870. 1234 FARM FOR SALE. ToT 12, Con 9, Township of Grey, I I 4ontaining 100 acres of land, 55acres cleared, With good buildings and orchard, The 4arzat will be sold oneasy terms. Apply to -M. McDERMID' Harpurhey. 149. Oct. 12th, 1870. I)ANIEL MoPHAIL, LICENSED AUCTIONEER YOR. TlIlt COUNTIES OF PERTH MID HURON Ttl(aleSinthoarbeitturn an tshoifsPeirnr feo rtthliTirk eral patronage during the past six years. He would respectfilly announce that he will attend to all orders in PERTH or HURON for 1870. Oraers left at the " Extosrrou" Office'in Seaforth, Beacon Office, Stratford, or the Advocate, ia Mitchell, will be promptly attended to. Conveyancing, and Real Estate Agen- cy attended to, and loans negotiated. OFFICE—East side of the market. Mitchell. Ont. - Mitchell, Feb. 25, 1870. 121— •• • TEETH EXTRACTED W1711001 PAIN. irlf CARTWRIGHT. leD .81, Surgeon -tf19entist, Extracts teethWithoutpain tj the use of the Nitrous -Oxide t..4 -as.' Office,—Over the 'Beacon' store, Strat- ford. Attendance in Seafortb, at Knox's Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month; in Clinton, at the Com- mercial Hotel, on the , following Thurs. days and Fridays. Parties requiring new teeth are re- quested to call, if at Seaforth and Clin- ton, on the first day of attendance. Over 54,000 patients have had teeth extracted by the use of, the Gas, at Dr, Coulton's offices. New York. Stratford, Fed. 11, 1870. 114-tf— Oni.tiario Rouse! EDWARD GASH! WILLCOMMENCE ON SEPTEMBER THE FIRST, TO CLEAR OFF HIS .1)1Y GOOD STOCMC, kT AND UNDER COST. GOOD VALUE FOR READY PVY. Cash for Butter and Other Produce. Fres(/Teas and Groceries ALWAYS ON HAND. SEAROPTH, Sept 1, 1870. 53—• • ONTARIO Pripters' Emporium, 80 AND 78 BAY STREET. G ATKIN & SON ( S UC ESSORS TO WM. HALLEY,) DEALERS TM PRINTING MATERIAL OF -EVERY DESCRI PTION, TYPITS, PRESSES, *IN -KS PAPERS, AND REQUISITES GENERALLY. Canad ian Agents for the celebrated'Ex- tra I -14d Aletal Book, News, and Job Letter of STEPHENSON, 13LAKE tt. Co.,.Ilieffield ; and the superior Plain and Ornamental Type, Borders, Rules, Cuts, etc., of Messrs. Jaincs Conners & Sons, New York. Exclnsive Agents for the Improved Canadian Gordon, Half, Quarter, and Eighth ,inedinin Job and Card Printing Presses. PRINTING MACHINERY !- From all the popular manufacturers, fur- nished 4tshort notice and at regular rates. stimates furnished, and all en- quiries lpromptly answered. . Tororro, Oct. 5,1S70. 148' ATCHES "%, ATCHES TA.TCHES WATCHES ATATCIIES WATCHF,E3 ATCHES ATCHES WATCHES WATCHES CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS, CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS ' One of ,'the Largest sad Best Assorted Stock in; this line, is to be found at k, R. COUNTER'S, OPPOSITE CARMI- CHABLIS HOTEL. SRA -FORTH, March 31, 1870. 52 DECEMBER 16, 1870. ,4011129111117ZIONIMINVOIFICSV_ 111111trilmoullarnsiThe FOR SAE --C=HEAP, The -following liquors SH1RRYPORT WINE, IN , HENNESSY, MARTEL AND PERRELT'S BRANDY, lift CASE AND WOOD. BI N ‘c&0c0ATSI 1.E SA GIP.) WOOD. D " l'IMISB°ON'SBOTTLED ALFflo ST CR, BARRELS, ALE BOTTLING MACHINE, LIQUOR RODS, AND ONE SYKES HYDROMETER WITH BOOK, AT S°eaNfo'Srth. SCOTT ROBERTS Seaforth, Nov: 30, 1870. 156 -if. TpRONTO MILLINERY. miss ERWIN, DDESIRES to respectfully inform the of Seaforth and vicinity, .that shehas removed her Millinery Establish- ment to REYNOLD'S BLOCK NEAR THE RAILWAY STATIO:8. Miss Erwin would also take this op- portunity of saying that she luss very considerably increased her stock which consists of , MANTLES, HATS AND BONNETS,. Ready trimmed. DRESS CAPS, &c., &c. Orders for all kind of work, au& as Mantle and Dressmaking, Braiding, Trim- - ming, etc. Promptly altenden to. A Stock of piece Satins of all shades on hand. Seaforth, Sept. 21st, 1870, 146-tfL GR EAT Marino* Sale —A T B011thr011 & Son' MHE 'UNDERSIGNED, I NTENDIN TO GIVE UP BUSINESS IN Til STAND. THEY NOW OCCUPY, WILL SELL FOR l'\T 1N/X 01T 'T la I THE WHOLE OF THEIR STOCK OP DRY ilonDQ L)7 iClothing, Tweeds & FOR CASH, Ait Cost Priee. Dress Goods of all kinds, At Cost Pric( Clothing, (Ready-made), At Cost Pric English and Canadian Tweeds, At Cost Pric Shawls and Jackets, At Cost Prict. We also sell a large lot of BOOTS AN SHOES ThisESa tisa nSoi nhaullmbAudng. pe e4otni e C80 wSaTn. ing Cheap Goods, will find it -to their advantage to give therna call betirepu chasing elsewhere. parties owing accounts will please call and settle them, as they wish to close thei ' Books at present. , BONTHRON & SON Seaf rthr October 3, 1870. 132- THOMSON & WILLIAMS re introducing the celebrated "C MMINC'S" STRAW 'CUTTE Whit has already met with Unrivalle s csess in other parts of Canada. W rranted to give perfect satisfaction wMiidriven either by horae or hand pavri ALS MANUFACTURE A1 NEW AND 8 HORSEPOWER, 'SUITABLE FOR -DRIVING STRAW ' CIPITEP'-`• SAWING MACHINES, OPEN CVLINDERS, AIND LITTI,E.GTANT THRESHERS. Al o, all kinds of Farraing 11emuonti inclu ing— Reapers, Fanning Mofwers, Cultivators, dombined Machines, Horse Hoes, Separators, Weeders, Pitts' Power Plows, Sawing Power, C-a.ng P Ivlows., ouble Mouldboard Plows, tte. MIL WEIGHTING Sr ENGIN- EERING DEPARTMENT. Steam Engines of all Sizes Built,. .Grist Mills, Flour Mills, Saw Mills, Flax Mills by water or steam, And all kinds. of FACtORIES CONTRACTED FOR AND F.XCUTED IN THE MOST AP- PROVED STYLE. TURBINE WATER,- WHEELS, LATH MILLS, SHINGLE MILLS, BRAN DUSTERS Atel all kinds of machinery of the best construction, supplied on fihort notice. REPAIRING ENGINES AND MACHINERY Pronaptly attended to. Address o THOilSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, P. 0_ Seaforth, Sept. 6th, 1870. 144-ly The fourt ruarrel,ia ritea ceremony on knowing Li tie LI11,T.-‘;617 kriegtSpeitza4Ai-evre I aria happy -- and to congrat greatly inertias Proving. Sinee we las appointed unit the British Nor 1867, ler the Ment of the -deb and assets of Loiter Canath with Tconsiderel;1 <Inoue labors, wl mined by the award, a copy of before yon. X opinion ae to wit of the Aibitrat points enhinitte, the general expe pie of this Provn tine, neverthele- greet satitfitetioi has afforded me, from the fact the final and conelus ever the share which this Provin sunae, as also the generel =tssets exclusively our o TIIR My predeeesser the first ses.sion intimate.d that yo vith resources at tmough tn jastify would prove adeq the eatue.1 reqnir eriament.hut also t of this rapidly The opinion then pressed, the exatel three years has Tieleedw=ell inti fonntx.i,, .maining utilised Treastirn and that lying- not °lily the required for the p tharitiee,but also p ons polle works and the erection tions whieb are no your iilierality t lasting benefit to and to the genera Provieee at large. Ifoe beat to a - or, at all events, tion thereof, in de 801117CS 01 the Pro eing, the corneae/via Ii interests of the for you to determi anee of this view, it eubmitted, reeomme money td stimulate eeniklered and way undertakings, ally designed to pen of our Free (rant: also to errourage s pointine It the sant - our Infend Lekes, pleted, wjll secure t sections aif -country- speedy travel and th cheap tteinsport, only by those within emcee of existing ti which the now unpr have long contribUtt PUBLIC INST WIPciiiliSrrtatin erefecatil plibl Common School ed and free to every chi and to provide more !living a big,her En merciel education * Schools, your t-tten vited to the exped that education more direetly instrumenta the interests of iteteufaetu res. The tile wealth and pr upon its agrieultare tures, and , the dere mineral resources, -an public instruction sl suited° preparation( meehanisal, manufact ing purseits asie A thoee who make choi fessions of law and time be promotive material, no less tha lectaal anl moral people. IMMIGEAfl .Statisticg furnish e pertinent of Immigr gratifying proof of a dition to our reside during the present ye the previoles season quarters, ri1 which t have taken up their ti.nue to receive assur generally appreciate ehange which they in this the land of the The conjoint action ion and Ontario Gov again. be energetieall