HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-12-02, Page 6HE HURON EXPOSITOR.„ 44,7 Thrilling Tragedy. A_ Panama letter, dated Oct. 19, contains the -following reference to thrilling. tragedy enacted off -that coasts I " A homicide of musual interest has occurred here in which two A- mericans, named here, are the heroes. They started in a small schooner, the Bremer,on a trip down the coast to purchase Indian rubber. Their crew were two men and a boy. They took turns at the helm. WheR about one hundred and fifty miles out the two hands, in the middle of a dark night, fired with repeaters at the brothers. After emptying their pistols it was found that they had severely wounded, but not disaoled, the owners : so they advanced with cut-throat machets, Which every na- tive born peasant or sailor iii this country carries. The brother, how: ever, succeeded in wresting the knives fronal the blood -thirsty miscreants, and then ocourred a hand to hand struggle for the mastery. This -in a smell vessel in the waste of waters and in the darkness of a moonless night The result was in favour of 'righe and justice. One of the scoun- drels was tripped up and tumbled over !the low bullwark of the !little craft; end he sank, the other follow- ed himvoluntarily. The boy, who had stowed himself away in abject fright, was roused opt, and the bro- thers, wounded as they were, made their way back to this place. Who shall say that there is no romance in modern life e Joeh Billingsims. • Error will slip three a crack, while truth Will g.et stuck in the doer -way. Economy is a savings bank into which men drop coppers and get dol- lars. Avarice is like.' a grave -yard ; it takes all that it can get and giges nothing back. A cheerful old man ot• woman° is like the sanny side of a woodshed in the last of winter. Take the humbug out of thie world and you won't have Tralit?h left tew be satisfied with his reputashtens There are Many -iv -110 won't know anything but what they can wove,. this alroants for the little they•keo. The man whe has jist _ forted Out that he kan't afford tew burn green wood has taken his first lessons in ekonomy. There is one thing you -ken% put out that is your •conscieeee; but you may smuther it, bat, like a coal -pit, it contarne. the claaered remains.— , There is difference bet•geen ance and error ; ignorance is at° one blind, and error is ehort-sighted; ig- norance stands still and error enesres to run agin a post. -411110, An Unexpected VlSiVOT.. In a pulpit somewhere in the Beet Lothians 'remolds -1i visitation was initiated. Folio wing eat this object, the pastor found himself, about SekVeca o'clock one night, at the door of a parishioner, :Ind rapped. After- a pause, "Wiles there," demanded the wife; wjthin. 4 The minister," was.' the -response. Na, faix,'" quo! the wife, " yer naetbing O' ehe kind." Another'pause succeeded. The mi- nister rapped again. • "Bat wha are ye I" demanded the guid wife. "The minister," was the reply. ''‘Yer no that; it's drunken. Andrew," half to herself, said the indomitable female. A third rap was given, when at last the door was opened, the guide wife, ovetwhelreed with confusion, and amid no end of apologies, confusedly. stammered oat—‘‘ I thocht ye was that drunken scamp wha has been fu' for some nichts, and not a minis- ter, for we get sae seldom a ea' d' them!" . Keeping a Thqueand Hens. With a flock of 1,000 fowls, at least six acres are requisite. Some have given this rule, an acre to each . hunched.. This area should be fen- ced rn with boards or pickets, and houses elected, large enough to ac- commodate 100 fowls for roosting, shelter from storms, and laying. It is not essential that these bouses should be expensive, but they should face the South, awl the fronts should be pgrtially glazed. The glazing should be by sashes, which may be opened easily by binges above and may bel, left open through the sum - mei, to permit a free circulation of air. The -care of these houses should be entraeted to a. capable person, as on theirproper management the sue - cess of the poultry largely depends. In addition to the poultry house there should be provided numbers Of low shede, beneath which the fowls may take shelter from the heat of the sun or from storms. Care sheuld be taken to prevent the ingress of vermin, skunke; Wea- sels, &c., to the grounds, land one or more dogs should be confined within the enclosure, care being taken to secure dogs which' will not trouble the fowls, but which are good watch- dogs, and vigilant. An. abundance of pure water is 'also absolutely be- cessary, and unless a brook inns through or a pcnd is located on the land, water should be brought by a ram oeipuhsped by a. windrnill from .1, well. Fowls drink a peat qiian- titer, of water, and it s oald be of as , pure quality as can be obtained.The preparation'of the grouindaand buikl ng of the housesand hem. 'oeen. completed, the Stock may For all praetic el ptulposes the cora proctired. mon dunghill fo 1 is as good, as any as we have prod completely to ou satisfaction. In sele ting a stock take hens from e to two years old • bright-eyed, re -corn ed, clean -leg (. ged-fowls, as lar e an well forme as can be obtain d. T erelis no need of a cower with the 1 rge flocks, th breeders being s lected and kept se parate from th others; for kyles purposes, hens o better away fro a cock than wit ., one, and if a nun- ber of male bird arej together, th fights and troub es N Ube incessant The care of the eou1try is not gl ea after they are ,p aced in the park. The fowls select d'fol nreerling pu poses should be •-ept in floeks of 20 in yards separa e from •the ether:), and each ofties smell floeks shoul have a male birdi These birds shoed be the very b st to be obtained, strong, well fo ed and hardy, au the cock should be two years al healthy, strong nd couregeous. We believe that a B hama cock; sucteatt we have describ d, celossed with the dunghill fowls, would ,get be and more mark table chickens t would any othe breed. This; h ever, is tor the oulterer to •dec —Aiassachmetts Plowman. Irish S perstition. II I 4 ter del. On the south oar of Ireland the mermaid is to ti e present hour f lly believed in, and the 'writer of hi article has frequ ntly while sea 8111 ing listened to etailed narrittiv:s o her appeasing. The merrow is sel- dom visible wi hout a ntisfort n impending or en uing,.and if sh i heard to sing, - he circumetanc I considered to be a warning of epe d death by shipwr dek. A popular su perstition 'not m ntioned by loa r au thor, also cantle ted with the cO st is that of the water witeh. li Water witch is a old woman ho dwells on a lone y peninuia,anq et midnight gees u, on the deepi " large cockle shelil, raising storms w Ali her crutch. W en she chooses to, stay indoors she Irnakes a hell -brat of the most abo inable charnel m grediente, 'anti i sito this she t! -It• w eggs labelled with the names ef e tain ships whos owneIrs or ler we have vexed her. The fate that bef 11 the eggs in bein . smashed and b ok en in this diabolical potkge is en ed at the same moment upon th miserable ships. The festive cuetms of Ireland„ of w eh s me accoL1 nt was given. in ths Pall all Ga,ette several months, back, are rap'cllY losing their mos .distin tive elm ae-1 teristics. There s no do ebt that t le contributed tow srds the intern err enee of the peor le and towards ini- tensifying eke e ils of 1 the fac iioii wars which used to rag e so viOle tly in the pro vita cos it f Muneter and on - naught. The wa e, (the, Anglo -C ltip- celeTiration of w ieh w4 forbidclin a fortnight'ago by the Ro an eath li Bishop of Lie-colic:to]) •vv- s a freq en eburce of riot and bloo -shed. h "pattern" was and still 1 ; in the e ta districts it is Ise t, a dreadful ut saece, tending te propag ce fever usd glth fromthe cotgress o beggars Ind es' ipples who can e. for • lms and re- lief to the various holy welis, or the eacred stones. A biger sone than Irak 1 dooe service in eagen epoebs is mad over by a, simple process to the 0 riss tian faith; and Id etimatised peas. ut rub their back againet it wit 1 • belief in its virt es, wh oh is alrr os as palthetic as it is lud crous., be natidnal schools rave eriouely ens croached on the taunts f the have dispelled t e -sheeted banis ee and silenced the chant of the el ri caun and the tal of his tiny ham te as he cobbled at his Shoe leathe The hills are no longer hollow; ut•I rowed with dia cave, th earth holds to c ocks of gold, en n sunset reveals a happy island on th far dim Verge of he sea.' These th" are no longer th simple and com o properties ofth peoeie, they aid, a most un known to tbe up-sprin.me generation.: the are bidden end i o gotten because Ireland has lear e41 to read and grow Mere ulous. fairies are as de' d as great Pan i Greece. , THE ENGLISH POOR IN PARI.. -4 There are at thi moment about o0 poor English ih Paris who hay daily to be fed, nd t he uumbe applicants are largely increas n. The large major'ty of those who e ply are without any other mean, of support. The cases are investig by visitors who report that the u ferings, and ev n • the misery c ul not'be greateri Tne method of ye- ller adopted by- the -co, mittee i t issue rations wi h a Si all addi to of money. This, to an adult e a. they give 1211) of ;Read, lib rice, •i• Ite of Lie ig's extract,:tin 0 franc per weeIL 1 The same rati. n are issued -to a mime, with the ex ception of 8 lb of 'bread inst a of 12 lbs. 0 A Dead Bu ed Woman conies to Life. ge—Mar eret .nder o'n by' na'm young 1 dy -about twenty year o A — ct th , me to s 'city abo t a year ag an lived het until ab ut the 1st July last F.' rt of the family move Out to Big S rings, on the .13a.cifi road, and am ng those ho went w Margaret. A out the t of Septe ber Margare was ta n sick, an after a sever illness about tw weeks her spi it took it flight to th b9Urne when e -no tree Her 'return AtIleaet, to 11 human appearance , ,., ,noeody was ore hopelessly "pasta surgery." T le same day that s died, tne frier ds at Big Springs wro to her relati es in thi city, givin articulars o er sickness'and deat n the seeo C ay aft4r she harl a Li terently bre thed her last, a nu coiln was pr vided ard the frienr concluded tie' t the remains should teinporarily i lterred ti on the prai till such tin) i as woui4 be more co \lenient to ta e them tto a permate reseing place Big Sprin statiOn on th no settle:nen body lives t by the tom last sad trites the members her body ev han dw of sor as 'the coffin place, and a thrown into in train cal the station. hour, -deal me 'and as they work with t a noise in tit giving evide ing, and btli a Well-bred c suPposed, aft fright, the na covering and see what had mae's rest. - story may be described. Margaret's f this city, wh dead, have ju ten by heir o cally denying with her Foam tal coil, a she will be he e in the c days.—Coes il Bluffs. t 1, • is simp y a watering Pacific .oad.—there is at the 1 lace, -aid n - ere but t rose employ d any, contsequently tle had to bei performed y of her osen family, a d s laid to , rest by t e wing.fri eds. But ju t d been 11owered to a s ew shov Mils of ear li e gravel an approac a ed the piety to duty i t After aansence of an rl returned to the 'gray ' vere abo it to result e eir shovells, they heal d partially buried coffi ce of kicking & pitern r conduc' unbecomi rpse, anJ, as may r-recoveijing front the n lost n4 time in u opening the coffin, disturbed the dead w The remainder of ti e r better illumined tha • uffice it; to say th t; 'ends an4I relatives had teatime(' her s: t received a letter wri n hand, very emphat that she had dispense taying th ourse of a fe paper. ii Paris , The shops, no longe ' able to cira customers, m ke goo.: use of th windows in displays of picture books, maps, and interesting artiel eouching the. war.' Y u can see a mor -plates fo: the bre st, which ca be purekasec for iift3k franca an from the ra rid dimi ution . of th merchandise it looks eery much as the people 1 ere were buying sel protectors. Groups tancl aroun and gaze in t re windo s of hous whose artns, -evolvers, rifles and a kinds ,of ji.rms can be had. Sevor canes are openly sold twon the litn. lever& ; but it is a rn4 vet why the should IJE4 carried, for ielence is u known rl us 1.ii, Yon can go int the stree s at midnigb4 and until th gray hoe • of the more pg and nev meet a More disegre aule perso than a ettipplicating NV !Lan. Part however, has lately een going bed early. Eating i the stree has 'tem entirely ler ken up, n only by the war -her- but by th rapid apiiroaeh of Win ea . The caf profess to have unpou ided suppli of provisions especially the Gran cafe. To toni's, Hill's I ' cafe Itich , cafe Va bette ° and 2 aison Dor 1 You can till have a god dinner 'Hill's fo • -tWenty fie ncs, but th _cheap establiShments eve fallen o badly in the quality of the far Steaks smell little and the herc ing,of beevee in Paris ;has not ha an excellent effect on the tendel loin. Rilibbi; :2 .40We eri are goocT and. so are th few ;re1,. , aining, fowl The butlers o privete families mak -their perches s once in three (lily for they are ot allowed meat by th butchers mor , frequer41y. AiJournalist. 4 A naan-wb pendence an able journahl in the muddy a want of shoutd be e cases. Jour stood( is a pr than that of in any shaee. of operation. benefit mank ness, his pow corruption a his ability to ways are ent sphere of the a good jeurn stituency who Awe to hold histo be re,a ery and ch. office be a po sident of -the There aee liver complai surrentiees hie. end menhoot. tl)s a reapee t to beer) ne a slabble pools of pelitics bebrajs ood judgment ivhic tremely rare in suc alism, properly undet- fession fer more lofty olitics, teke it alines The joernalist's fiel his opportunities t nd, his gsneral usefu r to expose vice an to sustain virtue, an do good in hundreds f rely unknown in th .politician. Better b list, respected by a co einfluence is universe ny public office that he by political tric anery, Whether th• nd-keeper or the Pr United States. 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 80 'varieties of pills' fo ta. 9FFIOES TO riiw 0 Offices on the secon plock. The best, and ant rooms in the village. i MeO.A.UtstHEY & 11 Seaforth,April 14 1870' f- • flat in Scott's ost conveni- pply to = LMESTED. 123-taf FARM FOR SLE. TOT 121 Con 9,Township of Grey, 4 1 containing 100 acres ofila,nd, 55 acres .cleared, with good building a,nd orchard. The farm will be gold oneary terins. \Apply to M. McDERMID. 4 Harparbey. Oct. 12th, 1870. I 149. DANIEL MoPHAIL, LICENSED AUO IONEER FOR THE COUNTIES OF PERTH AND HURON BEGS to return his sineere ,thanks to the inhabitants of Pertili far their•lib- eral patronage during the vast six years. He would respectfelly announce that he will atend to all orders /ill PERTH or HURON for 1870. Oro. 'rs left at the " txrosrrou" Office, in ,Seaforth, the Beacon Office, Stratford, or the Advocate, in Kitchell, will be promptly attended to. Conveyancing, and ltca.i Estate Agen- cy attended to, and loans negotiated. OFFICE—East side of the linarket. Mitchell. Out. Mitchell, Feb. 25, 1870 121- -- sees ess.retsereees2e-aerketetee • eites.e" essseereeea_sat • seis • IrEETR EXTRACTED WItil001 PAN. — — CARTWRIGHT, L. i) . S. , Surgeon j. Dentist, Extraets teethwithoutpain by the use of the -Nitrous-Oxide Clap_ Office, --Over the 'Beacon' store, Strat- ford. Attendance in SeafOrtle at Knox's Hotel, the first Tuesday -and Wednesday of each Month ; in Clintot, at the Com- mercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. Parties requiring new teeth are re- questeci to call, if at Seaflirth and Clin- ton, on the first day of attendance. Over '54,000 patients have had teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, at Dr. Coulton's offices. New Yoils. Stratford, Fed. 11, 1870. 114-tf---- 1 Ontario House • EDWARD CASH, WILL COMMEN1PE ON SEPTEMBER 'Mt FIRST; TO CLEAR OPP HIS Y GOOD sfroCit, - AT AND UNDER COST. GOOD VALUE FOR R1EA1JI'VY. Cash for Butter and Other Produce. Fresh,' Teas and I Groceries ALWAYS ON 1TiAND. SEAFOP.TII, Set'. 1, 1870. 53. ONTARIO Printers' Ern orium, 85 AN 78 BAY TREET. GWATKIN SON, (SUC PRI ESSO 1.9 TO V4TM HALLEY,) DEALER DF TItG MATERIAL, OFI TYPES, Y DESCRIPTION, , RESSES, INKS, APERPs, AND EINE It ALLY-. Canadian Agents for theCelebrated Ex - d Met.l Book, l's.rows. and Job f ST tPHENSON, BLAKE &- •ffield and the superior Plain amental Type, -Borders, Rules, c., of Messrs. Jades Conners & w York. tra Ha Letter - Co., • ISh and 0 Cuts, e Sons, N Excl sive Agents for the. Improved Ca,nadi, n Gordon, Half, ;Quarter, and Eighth edium Job and Card Printing -Presses. PR NTI 6 MAC4INERY ! From al the p pular manufacturers, fur- nished tshort notice and at regular rates. stima, es furnishe , and all en- quiries romptly answere(1. Toro to, 04. 5, 1870. 148— WATCHE ATCHES WATCHES WATCHES ATCHES ATCHES -1. ATOHES WATCHES WATCHES ATOMS ATCHRS C CiLOOKS, CLOCKS OCKS' OCKS OCKS OCKS OCKS OCKS OCKS ocais • One of the Largest as d 1Bpst Asriorted -Stock i this line, is to he found at M. R. COUNTER'S, OPPOSITE CARMI- CFIAEL'S HOTEL. : SEAFORTH, March 31, i870. 52 • PRIVATE SALE OF FARM STOCK. rpHE undersigned offers for sale by privatebargain the undermentioned Perm - Stoc10—One epan of working horses; one span of two year old. colts ; one one year eld colt; one pony; one waggon ; one seta. (if doula harrows; one iron plough ; one set of double, har- ness all nearly new : 'also some fat cat- tle ; two mita cows ; three one year old -heifers ; two heifer calves; four sheep.' One year's credit will be given withgood security: ALEXANDER SMITH, McKillop; 20, Oct:-'181j7(1t, 28, 4th Con. -- LUMBER LUMBER! THE undersigned have o n 1-1 and at their Mills. half a mile North from the Villaae of Aieley 500,000 feet of GOOd-DRY PINE L NIBER., of the fol- lowing different kinds; viz • —inch, ineh and. a half, and two inele Clear. large lot, (over 100,000,) inch and a quarter, and inch and a half toceine, both dressed and underdressed ; hall inch siding. common boards :sus plank, 12. 14 and 16 feet long., Bow d and itril LATH, all of which will be :aid at reduce( prices. They have lately added a first-class planning machine, to their ote.ermach. nery, and intend keeping dressedIumber of. all kinds canstantly an hand. The public may rely upon being able toprocure any of the above articles of Lumber at tlejir Mills, so long as it is here nalseetised. 'Parties sending lunaber to the mill can have it dressed on the shortest notice and lowest possible terms. M. & T. SMITH. Ainleyviiie, Feb. 11, 1870. 114-tf 'rum nEsT. RAT AND VERMIN DESTROYER IN THE WORLD. For sale by E. HICKSON & CO. Drug. Seaforth, Ont 151— ea,forth, oundry APFE & CARTER ESIRE TO CALL THE A.TTENT1 ON OF THE PUBLIC '10 THEIR D ECE Btli. 2, 1870. 7...ammosummun SELECT SCHOOL. A you -Na LADIES' Select chool. Li will ' be opened by MRS. E. S. MILLER, on Oct. 24th, in Mr. Kidd's Block, over .the store. A liberal patro nageby the people of Seaford], is solicit- ed. For terms, see Mrs. Miller, at DR. VERCOE'S. Seaforth, Oct. 20, 18704 150-tf. LEAVING HURON. TOT 3, 1N TH 3rd CONCESSION, J 'Better knoWn as the WILLIAM THOMPSON FARM Is offered for sale, 'it is admitted by all who know this Lot, that for erops and stock it has no superior in the county. Address, B0X175, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. • 152 -- BUSINESS EDUCATION. Canada 'Business College, HAMILTON/ ONT. (Late BoijalDominion College. ) PRIZE PENMANSHIP. HIS COLLEGE OBTAINED TWO PRIZES for, Penmanship at the last Provincial Exhibition at Toronto. The Canada Business College is the oldest, most largely patronized of any College in Canada, it is also the only Business College conclected by an experienced Ac- countant. The 13usine,ss course embraces BOOK-KEEPI/s G, including the great actual business system by double and. single entry. A ithmetic, Penmanship, Bilishiess Corm ponclenee. Conimercial Law, Spelling, Reading, &c. TELEGRAPHY & PHONOGRAPHY TAUGHT BY E23PERIENCED MASTERS. ews Board can be obtained in private Families very at reasonibly figures. For -particulars send for College Circular, also specimens of Peiamanshir. to E. GEO. CONKLIN. Manager. Hamilton, Nov. 5, 1870. 154-7— i McIntyre & Willis, MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS E STIOES mrTC, :0:— ALL kinds of work manufactured. from manuthe best material, and on reasonable terms. ' A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Shop one door l south of JOHN LO- GAN'S STORE) and nearly obposite THOS. KIDD'S, Main St. Seaforth. Seaforth, Oct. .13, 1870. 149. SIGN OF THE impRovED hreshing Machines, THE BEST AT PRESENT 11 USE. These machetes possess many improve- ments on an v heretofore made. They are nufactu ring la techin es of TWO SIZES, 10 especially constrncted for travelling; tie other a small( 1. FiZe. eilculated more e pecially for EfONIE-USE So far as their large machine has beei rtroduced, it has 'given the VERY BEST ATISFACT ION. hey manufacture the Pitts Improved Horse Power. 'In addition to the above. the, subscrib- e s manufacture almost every article in t ieir line, such as SAWING MACHINES, apable nf &Living from 50 to 60 cords of wood per day. - STRAW ()UTTERS, of a Snperior kind. GANG PLOW, The Latest. .Improved. ITLTIVATORS AND PLOWS, Which cam-eit be surpassed. ----0-- EVERIk DEs'CRT.PTION OF C 11" INT G- 8 .1 !ADE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. hey have a highly approved patteinfor .SCHOOL DESK !ROHS. EPAIRS IN ALL BRANCHES Attended to Promptly.. thr They employ no Agents; ` and can t i erefore give the purchaser the advan- t ge of the commission. They employ none but the best skilled 1 bor, • and material, which. warrants ti em in guaranteeieg satisfaction. ING PURCILiSERS WILL PLEASE GIVE Us A CALL BrEORE BUYINU• FROM OTHERS. ZAPFE & CARTER. eaforth, September, 1870. 143 -1y -- Ciren lar Saw! 0 GRAIN SCOOPS SPADES & SHOVELS, LIGHTNING APPLE PA.RERS - WINDOW GLASS; EST BRANDS. Oshawa "eel Mould. • board Plows, ONLY $13. ABDiLL'S EfATENT GEAR & HOR8EPO ER CASTINGS, Always on hand. MACHINE OILS CHEAP AR GOOD. Paints and Oile of akin& WEAVERS' MATERLALS, WATERFME, AND CA CINE PLASTER. Shelf Hardw Remember of the Ci e of any tierieription. - the spot. Sign cular Saw. Seaforth, Ont. P.S.7-Itnproved Champion Cross- cut Sawswith patent handles, war- ranted to cut twice as much in the same time ar the common saw. Be sure tti see them. Jack Sc Seafotth Sept. es to hire, BERTSON & 00. 13, 1870. 11S— es' DECEMB This is :hat at ed under ]krzaine in surrender of Metz; Iii the name.of commies who littee Jef as aniemn duty ag on by which Bazai e 11 France, dec-iare Zouble-dyed, and and that he Was 80 .Iir01 Soldiers in 1867 in t1l4; ity of Mexico. ,These fore Alm recall of thel Iklexico, more than fiw 3actissioned officers,' and ef ized to enter the army When_ the French their retrograde Movene headquarters recalled who were then serving forces. A., great numb regiments, but many, 33eveT received the ordei munieations were cut, swarmed with [ermine Freneh were leavtnge nee of the land. They wer ed to remain, brit Baza4. he sailed- to publish a r ing All the French in ti; .sai deserters, • and not n ,of the French Ti famous act was, that evi made prisoners at San J of January 1867„; they; by Escopedo, as ffiibuste During this time by easy kages to Vera him 17 artillery tumbri; 12,000 minces of gold. :gave tcrPorfirio Diaz, 1,. vedth eases of amthunitio the states of his wife„ should not be eonfiecate was strictly kept. The ammunition was to shoot milian. History has more treacherous silliest wae a traitor to his soldi ally, a, traitor to hist.'0 thrice accursed Remarkable A bey named Ge youth of great promise, in New York, on e'atu peculiar eir•CUIDSWICeS, fifteen years and ses en lately, exhibited great ex erns surjects. On Sakr Tallied by a. friend lier:1sec remained out until nea senteriug the lone Garr his friend- was sad and i .sald ;sleep in his bed. told Garraway to come u half an. hour and sleep raway went up Starr w and prevented him. fron At five o'elocireon Sunda awakened by a lend gt 'out of bed. On the .empty laudanum bottle mote I cannot help it. -forgive me s I am his f• rl -what is beyond. All for Garrawayeinneed - tele but his friend was dead, Starr was renaarka.bly ste terly been verymneh trot regard; to future life,and ed a desire to know wha tiny of man was after so absorbed rn his studie affected and at intervals sane. How an Editor may To be popular as an time et puzzler to us, way but the right; we could think of, but for remarkable ,effeet. Wh orQfr-aily papers, we tried of the people of the tow accordingly. In one people very fond of danc &c., and we used touc in au, fait style in our ing some very nicashits, US quite popular with th the olci fogies, the very we had to depend for su Were too light, and d' enough to writing up withdrew their supperte write to suit all, and fail We next tried nothing the locality. This woul lars for the paper one v enemies, who were envi we tried writing for the of course we had to asso ers too much, which aim another city where the strong, we went with had to go to their dance big man, and e would when we left than whe make it worse, the oppo US Openly with going to balls, with _the express dies in short dresses, & ped the editor, and loe, consequence, for which the interest. We then peranee article,and pubb but before nigh+, evere and'sma11, withdrew la we did not get a tent fr amen. We sold out sheriff), and =moved where we tried again, proved more successful Bey now that the way editor is to write to stn respect to any ones op you may,aucceed„ but i can. Paper.