HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-12-02, Page 5an h the y set- yor of in• last, at itizens d that m- aple of istrict§, oortanee n favor Ei intro - g gauge, Le that 8. rter pro - )f WOO& „On with ey Rail - seconded ng which to Kin- iiiles. .It. to $860,= road LT it. We ta voice or at - vtiee— t remains will give • to get ,ck in the building raoadon Let us 'or lose • fourteen oasa thro",‘ 300can be and what ;up stock? a In talc- s*. ified • report- of joint coin - and Board arguea ••-int., active - oe'cts. were pse a great madb cordwood- styon, tP.P by aist the -dlent all wNiell the- ewise 'is in favor trongly 'sed line in 41, and Port ho Brueefield, [routes was bointed to er through g ad1ouin hysiciani'r at Sar - e without nt has been.. h. of janur „ et. for des- /ored, are Domingo, a theljnit- W tItern-to e East la- se their- in-: g part far iterianaan. e 1 -10.1 inst. r insur- -ed, ai-er the t -President ineplicated. I a revoiu- anti eat. Mar- y been de- -een the re he Govern- inent say that a tribe of In- , Perry, the tilted, they g through canal. and commander o mon ieelt The old y that the - as a very DECEltitiEtt 2, 1870. ..ttrot4 ex'pooitor. DITRICT MATTERS. Derittg this week a'veryhandsome or- gan'costing aboet $750, has been put in theCatholic Church in this village. • One day last week, as Mr. C, Ireo, of this villageiwas stepping off thesidewalk on. to the market square, he broke the small bone of his leg. LECTURE. On Wednesday evenieg next, Rev. Mr: Maleohn,- will deliver a • lecture in the Presbyterian Church under the auspices of the Seaforth Mechanics' Institnte, Subject "How nmeh better is a man than a bee?" The Tuckersmith Agricultural Society purpose holding a Christmas Show for the exhibition of fat cattle and sheep on their grounds, in Seaforth, on Tuesday, the:13th December. The prize list will be found in our advertising colunnie. ON Wednesday evening, of last week, Rev. Goldsmith delivered the first lec- ture of the season under the auspices of the, Mechanics' Institute. The lecture was fully uptotdr. Goldsmith's standard, but we are sorry to say the audience was rather tuna& In. an after -supper speech, at Goderich, a few days since, W. T. Hays, Esq., M, P. P., said that thus fa in Ida Parlia- mentary career he had voted eighteen times against John Sandfield, and intend- ed to always use his own judgement in Parliament. Rev. A. E. Griffith, the popular Meth- odist Episcopal minister on this circuit, has, we understand, been !relieved from his cermtry charge, and will hereafter de- vote his undivided services to the Sea - forth church, and will therefore, preach I both morning and evening, every* Sab- bath. CINADIAN A heteat•Ae POR. 1871. ,lifesers, Elliott & Armstrong ef the Telegraph. Beak Store, Seale ht thave laid on. our tablethe Canadian. Almanac far 1871. This Number is felly equal to any that have preceded it, and is in every depertraent replete with intelli- (=epee that no Canadian can afford to be without. We believe that, next to the newspaper, the Canadian Alnianac is he most indiapenaible publication of the country. Prioe 12t cents'. • A DISTRIWING CASIL-Last week it *88 our sad duty to refer to the death of Mrs: John Siemon, of Logan, and three of her children, which occurred within tne short space of nine days, by that dreadful malady,. which seems to prove so fatal this year, diptheria.. Since we last wrote, another child and the father have been taken from tL e same household, leaving only two children who are _also in danger, out of a family of eight. - Mitchell Advocate. ANNIVERSARY SERvIOES.- On Sma- lley and. MondayeJanuary, 1st and 2nd, the anniversary celebration of theMeth- odist Lpicopal Church in this village, will take 'Awe. On the first day ser- mons will be preaehed morning and even- ing by, Rev. J. •Gardiner, editor of the Christian. Advocate. On the evening of the day following a tee -meeting will be held, ,whea interesting addresses will be delivered by popular speakers. . - TAKE HURoN FisterNet -The Signal cormnenting on, the fishing season just past says a sum of about $30,000 has been reamed fron the waters ef 'Lake • Heron in about two months. The catch of trout was good, oftwhiteefish poor, and of 'herring altogether a failure, so that the prices of the latter two kinds will - this season be high. , It is generally thoUght. by those who understand. the , question, that the fishing season ought to be •closed at 1st October, as thereafter spawning commences, and prosecution of the fishing after that time would year by year diminish the success. J3u-SIZIESS NOTICES. -Ur.' John Camp- bell, who has for a number of years car- ried on a most successful:business in the harness and: saddlery line, has recently sold, his establishment to Mr. James son, from Paris. Mr. Wilson is a prac- • tical man, and, we feel sure, will merit a • continuation a the liberal patrouaged e- atowed upon his predeeeseor-Mr. Sinn Powell has jest opened. (Pet a select st ek of choice groceries, both staple- and fan- cy, in the store enjoining Campbell's tailor shop., Mr.. Powell is so well and favorably- known in this neighborhood that a good business is insured him - Mr. F. Segmiller has commenced the dour, feed and provision business he the store next to Robertson & Co.'s herd - ware store. Mr. Segminee has many ad- vantages for carrying on this business • successfally, which we have- no doubt he wilido. • HaweeY's Wera...-On Saturday, the baring had reached a depth of 415 feet. The well of fresh water which began to flow at about 120 feet has gradually in- creased in volume, ia now rising about 3 feet froxn the surface, and discherging, according to calculation, some 10,800 feet of water per hour, or 69,300 barrels in 24 hours, and flouring away with, a velocity of 6 miles per hour. We were .0 pretent at an interesting experiment merle for the purpose of Jesting the of turning the well into a water -power; which, in the locality, would he no less stainable than a salt well, and could be applied to the drilling night and day of a new hale, to the pur- pose of the dry dock. which we have been advocating, or to anymenufactiuing use A 5 -inch metal pipe was lowered into the • dischargine pipe and macle as tight as • possible w• -hen the water was found. to rise 22 feet from the surface of the ground, which experts say would give 0 telly 30 horse power. As the joint was . by no means tight nearly half the water escaped, so that it is ealenlated if the ex- periment was made under ,perfect condi- tions a much greater altitude, ancl con- sequently greatly increased driving pow- er, would. be attained. Mr: Haw -ley has under consideration the -advisability of reserving this bring for at water -power and putting down a salt well in another part of his lot, all the delay occasioned would be about a mont1i, and if it is clear .4 that a 30 or 40 horse-pv er could be se- • cured, the delay would be 'compensated ten' times over.- Arrangements have • been made, as eoon aS salt is struck, for putting in a plain copper pan. As there is affinity between the constituent Pro- pertiesof salt and iron. and none between those of salt and copper, it is thoug t that -the use of e erustation and The dimension feet long, and • makers will[he Toronto. Cop for to England of the pan, 6 t thickness. , A . tor the purpos equally oYer t pper ill he to oh la en - make [the very pur at alt. of the pan are to be 100 3 feet 2 inches wi e. The Meseers. Booth & So „-of er has - been tele ra hed in sheets the whol le gth '8 feet wide an4:4 inhin• brick iflue is .to a ded of distributin t e eat e wli e pan.-Sh na • Railway I A meeting scheme from held at Drew' neaday everrin laaac Carling, Mows: James Acheson, D. J. son, W.' Drew and several ot ling. Esq., w The chairman at the London in to -day's with the grea The people of tanee of the p would give hea any measures Finding that don; was in E friends- togethe man what Lon ter. If they h day, they wou 300 or 400 pe interstediu ti introduce Mr. Mr. Church Was on priva authority for a being here, he service by se friends. Afte the merits of pressed his gre dent interest - Exeter, and au should be form don. eetIng at Ex fever of the ailway Louden northwa de was Hotel, Exeter, oi \Ad- . There were pi sent-, • N.p.P.; Dr. 'oven, Pickard, R. E. El 'ott, J. hns, E. Drell., V . .I.•au- - Eaerett, j-- 8 nders, er gentlemen. Is c Car- s -Voted into th chair. said that the proe edings • ard of Trade; r parted !. ee Pr 8, had be .11 ead. est nterest in ' ter. Exeter know the i4por. posed line of rail a , and y support to Loi doi in for building , t Me. r. Churcher, fro n n eter, he had Calle a few to hear from that gentle - on was doing in the mat - d known it earlier in the dhave had a' me4tit g of ple, Exeter •felt do iuch e matter. He be. e1 to ' hurcher. r said his visit to Eeter business. He had no peering before the ; but, bought he might oome ing Mr. Carling ii his ii some general rem rks on he proposed line, he ex- t satisfaction at, he evi- hown by the p pie of Rested that a co eitttee a to co-operate w h Lori - Mr. Pickard expressed his app °vet, of the matter, & was quite prep r ' to subscribe han soinely to a bon ant would give,.s ffieient ground in E eter • yillage for a ra lway station. - •- Several oth r gentlemen.sp e jin a similar strain, hen the followin 4olu. tion was mov by Mr. Pickard, nd- ed by Mr. D. hns, and carried ani- mously , Resolved- at this meetin ring heard from M . Chureher of ,t tion taken by the sard of Trade of 1 ondote relative to the construction of a• I way, from that pl e northwards' ome point on La,k Huron, fully ap eciatee such action, a d hereby pledges i self to -co-operate hea ily withthe cit ens of • London to tak such action' as ..ar be hereafter eonsi ered desirable, Mr. Elliott ecommended that re pub - lie meeting sh uld be called at ‘x ter, and that it wo Id be 'desirable if depu. tation from Lo don would atten j Mr. Chureher *eau edthe meeting th tLon- don would do 411 in its power to orivarcl the movement.L-Frre ,Press. re • RRIE. We are pleased to learn that th tors of II. W.IIunt,gavehirnait able discharge from. all his forme ties. They expressed entire co in lake, and considered his ember'', to have been paused by his giv large credits, and not from any in al wrong. -W wish Mr. Hunt for the ruture. .A.INLEYVI,LLE ee_ credi- honor- liabili- fidence ssment ng too ention- uccess AIrt Chas. •Sherriff expecte t h mill in running. Order in two o weeks. - . -- • , : The snow is 'very - thin justitow fresh sepply is expected. 'deity.. .: We are glad to see thatour old Alex. Grant,- has returned .after iy sence of over a eear in. Quebm On Wcalneaa ' y , last, Vanston had a narrow e eve from total d tion. _ A flee .accidentally °emir ing much &allege -before it could tinguishecl - ve his three but a riend, ab - 'an in ill strec- d, do-, be ex - Red River News. We lately rLeived a letter from ithe new Province.of Manitoba, and a COpy of the ManitoleU News Letter. The latter is a Sheet about 12 inches in length by 8 inches inbreadth, and edited by P. G. Lawrie, Winnipeg, It sells in th terri- tory at 4 eents a copy, or 75 ce ts per quarter, and is published on Tuesd y and Saturday after', oons in time for trans- mission by the mails for Canada. Quite a number of th . items contained: n this paper have gone phe rounds of the papers, 111 but w give below a Jew that raay be of interest. ' , 1 I In " e Winnepeg drag store may be seen a' cabbage from the garden 'of the Ven. Archdeacon Cowley, with( ut its outer leaeest-veighing 14 poimds 2o meas. This is not the only curiosity in he big vegetable line, as may- be seen by t e fol- lowing :-The Retry. H. George has raised a carrot in his g rclen that weighs :3 lbs. 3. ounces, and measures 13 :t.ric hes in cir- cumference, and 26 inches in :I ngth. The following is no small potatoes : The potato crop is sq good. this year a this neighborhood, that they are now t ffered for sale at sixpence per bushel. T1 e returns per biksheis sowing being' b ween 20 and 30 bushels,. and instances of 35 and 37 bushels are not wanting. 1 We subjoin a few more items froion this -Manitoba _Yews ,etter : .A. new tri -week- ly line has been established from Benson On the main line of the St. rat 1 and Pacific railway, to Glenwood, :Alexan- dria, Brandon, Otter -tail ItitY, tPelican Rapids, Fort Abercrombie and C eerge- town. - A little Vitile longer a,nct it will be pushed on to Pembnia and this place. The new post face will be ope ed19- day, (Oct. 25th) for the first time. and will be under he sole charge of Mr. Daniel Devlin. It is conveniently 1 eituat tedand very nea ly fistted. tip. 1 That the _Ma itobians have iiot been without civilize I amusements this eaeon is evident from he following shor Ault:, The open air co certs by the band of the Ontario Rides, 1 ave been discon ' lied for the season. The attempt o grow fall wheat •In this country has not been made often e clue.). to have it count d as one of the regular crops of the cote try,bht vrberever it has been tried it as been successfujl. In i order to test th matter fully ago; , Mr A. M. Muckle i preparing apiece f land at the Rapids, nd will this week put in twenty bushels. We hope Mr. M. 1 . be successful ana that his enterp be rewarded with such a -crop as Will astonish the people help, accustomed is they are to extraordinary yields. ' 1. _L. • The foll 'letter men have war tions are t mentli, work, and made the ple'scindi Drs. Shul J. Beese, a runs iu t been unabl other Fre their t 'and ring Dona notoriety, sympathiz ligh epee, Who their yet tramp' be picked of ceremo ferent Go tices of th number ot Poetmaste has been Board of Thomas B State, has Supreme C -President, remains fo hue and prominent of tneir ini Hotel. of Liquors to give Sc !tends goin !intends to :Liquors at I HURON POSITO[4. wing is an extract from the oned above: "We are apt to times here soon. The elec- come off thc middle of next ie census takers are now at as a 0oii as the returns, are 'zits will e made. The peo- ates eo far as known yet are z and Lynch, (English), and Loyal Freheh Half-breed who e Frenchlinterests. 1 have to find out the name of. the eh candidate. The Go ,ern- udson Bay Company are ruse • A. &nit of Ottawa Report and Curt 3 J. Bird, a rebel r, to rep esent us, the Eng - 'g part f the population. French ca idiclates are has not aa, but I suppose they will ut by the 'overnmentaster nt ies, Bisho • 1Tache. Th , dif- ernmeat o , ces, such as Jus Peace, ha re been filled by a rominent rebels. The rebel -General, A. G. Ballantyne, appointed 'President of the agietrate , for one District. me the ebel Secretary of been app inted Clerk elf the ourt. John 13rousei the ex - s also a A egietrate. It only them to r Tall Rio!, 1O'Dlenag- 2 epine, a d. place the a in ;sitions, fill the me1, ure uity." . ° epers wanting their supply of for Christintle, would do well t Robertson a trial, a le in - out of th4 liquor btisineis, he disposo of all of his stoc1C of wet. See advertisemet. if CO U Hur The (Jou Goderich, at 4 p.m. Mg having ed,, the W alluding in the lament 'Idezekiah 'nosh. He smoothly cause for I only to re, fit to vote chase of th Clerk subi on the Gr from Sheri panied by Inspector end. Court tar respec was read r The Coune daY morn The'mi and appro Superinten Committee was read communic• questing s , cured for t documents and Court CIL A. tETINGS. n County Council. —r • oil met in the Court House, meet- Tuesdacof the June , 22nd November, 'he minut been read,1 approved and sign- rden addressed. the Co ncil, feeling and regretful te s to d death of their late coll ague elpg, Esq., of East awa. said every thing had go n e on ince they last met an 1 no tigation h4d arisen. H had et that t e people had seen own the y -law for the pur- Norther. Gravel Road. The itted a I eport of the oting vel Road By-law. A otter Macdona ci. was read, a com- a report from Mr. Lang •uir, f Goals. Referred to Gaol ouse Corb,nittoe. A ircu- ng Deaf and Dumb A lum ferred to School Committee. I then adj ernetietilt We nee - g at 10 o'clock. wen/4 xi DAY. utes of yesterday werI read. ed. Siindry reports of al ente were referred te School A letter from Mr. Mc eann 'nd ordered to be fyle . A - tion from Mr. McDerrite t, re - me acciirri nodation to be se- e safe ,ke ping of important was read nd referred to (+awl . House Co umittee. A letter from. the C unty of L to Finance Committe returning ,fficers an ous accou ts were r 09mmittee Counc Thursday orning at THURs The Cou 'oil met pt ment. [Th iicoln was rderred The accon ts of ,Sundry min 1 lane- ferred to Fi lance 1; adjourned 10 o'clock. *Y. variant to adj minutes of yesterday read a d pprovecl. :David Scott, Was ap ed a me leer of the s Commi tie of which ' the late Hez Helps, s eves a it ember. pep Mr. Tram r. Inspec at of Wight Measures as read aid ordered filed. Re sort af th County En was read nd referr di to Gravel Compri tee Sundry accounts we ferrecl t t e Itivanc. Committee. grant t th Schnell oys to enable; • to be re ed into th Belleville In tion wa o ered to h by Mr. Mo row, sec() ser, that t e Engine lee the ou ty Tollga venicnt at he same r, year, and t • at the pr the upset rice of sai the Financ Commit Scott, sec() ided by IN referring t •thematte and Willie ns (suretie ers petitio ing for r same b 'ail over un Council,' a Treasurer ther act on our sec rit •Adjdur ed 1 Coun il .Moved. y Brownelth• pert be in system pf lecting i. way, wi h free at lan night o Moved. ,Mr. Bro n to Win. Sh -and conseq selt by any time for pa tended to 1 Girvin, se this Coulee) purpose means o Wawan equivale those T w keeping Roads. of six IB certain i at Roads e as the Pri in was ref Feeport ad an er, See County me the bank, a Januar • Carried. •Seconde gineer b mg of grav road exte parts of th forth. --Ca seconde b iMr. Scot • autho ' e t e Count' the Bridge ver the ieween the 9ownsbips Wawanosh iii the bridge • tiutp were sq., veral kiah rt of and o be ',neer Road e re - The them titu- continued. oved ded by Mr. Met - r i be instruct d to et as soeri at con- te of Tolls a last sq-nt year's re t be gates—raferr d to ee. Moved 1 y T. re Armstrong, that of tAlesers. lark Of tollgates -eep- (llaction), the the llnex.tmetig of d • that in the meantina the e instruct & to take' ni fur. against sa d parties, pro ided is not pr jod ced.Ca ried. • ERID z let pursue t to adjourn lr. Youn Seconded by t No. 77 f the Financ ndeel•by c anging the pe llecting t llt, to_that o all Toll o twelve. cent he privile e,of returnin time be ore 12 p.m. 0. he follow ng day. Ca Mr. Gree way, seconde • that a gr nt of $36 be ritt, he being totally ently unable to sustain kinu of w rk.-Carriecl. ing the -C untY rate wa t Feb., 1 71i.; Moved 1) tended by 1 Mr. Yonne, , appoint aj C)*nnnittee fo of ' conside some „equi g ing the ioirnships of sh Co1borieaud Ashfield . t or thej r te - charged s ips fo tile onstructin repairi tike County G t en a di is oriby a mai aw No. , 1870, to i s of toll o ti e County et ave1 cad and ia. sed. Repos t of - Commit e was reacl and rr el beck f r reconsider time of 1the Scho 1 Committee was at opted.' MoVed by Mr. fes- • ded by Mr. Tatlit Scott, th the n 'neer be ins ructed to e am- dges at Z tland and M rrie- eport to t ' ding as td, their Conditi n.- u Council a the e oved by! Mr. McCau hey, Fair an, , Mr. It an, that the En- Eltructed t put an extra coat - 1 in depth and width on the throngh the business ages of clintou and 'Sea - "ed. X0 ed by Mr. Gavin, , that this Coilnctl Engineer toj put aitland Rive be - f East andWest G.; • • • o• ent. Mr. Re - see t col - tee t ,'1 1. Tit 1. 1 I sy a 0 lii,1, hi T ex- • Mr. that the able Vest • fair parr and avel rity pose ‚1 • a.prope state of repa s in an, unsafe state for • 88 ttb- lie t jori avel. Lost on a 4ivision by a ma - of 12. Adjourn d. heettenn • port of Printin read and. adopted, also J.toa4 Committee, an Gao and Court House plenientary report of mittee was read. Motred by Mr. Tait Scott, seconded by M4 Carrick, that in amendment to Nos. 88 and 96 of the Fi- nance Report referringto the metter of Williams and Clark, hat the same be laid over te the Jan ary meeting, and• also that the Treasurer, take no proceed- ings against Kerr and l Armstrong until after said meeting. , Limit on a division by a majority of 15. Moved by Mr. Mc- • Caughey, seconded by Mr. Brown, that the offer of Messrs. Clark and Williams to work on a proposed contract on the Blyth road, tinder the sluperintendence o from time to time mt their respectiv the County Engineer' I be accepted an the ,amount of workidone be eredite i mortgages to the Council and that the rest of the sureties be proceeded against and their respective &Mounts be collect- ed. Lost on a division by a majority of 1.9. Moved further inamendment by Mr. . Leckie, Seconded it by Mr. Bishop that No. 96 of the Feeance Report amended by taking to 4teps for collectio in the case of Kerr elle]; Armstrong unti aftet January meeting, when the repo was . again submitted,.asamended an adopted. M eyed by I Mr: Tait Scott seconded by Mr. Pattoie that the than ef the -Council be given to the member of the Press, who have; kindly furnishe us ,with newspapers during this sessio .gratis. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Hor- tonT seconded by Mr Creswell, tha four additional Reev a be appointee along with thoae alreai ,ly nominated, assist the Engineer in letting the toll gates. The Council nOminated Messrs Kelly, Leckie, Bishop and Simpson. Th Council then adjourned llowrex..-The Municipal Council o the Township of Holvick met -in Mr Johnston's Hotel, on 1Wedhesday, th 16th of Nov., ,1870. Members all pree eat. The Reeve in tlie chair. Tli minutes of last sitting Were read and sus- tained. Capt. HastiOs adjourned cas was considered. Moved by Mr, Wilson seconded by Mr. Wier, that Capt. Has tie be refunded $7 80, having paad taxe for 10 acres of land more than he had fo 13 years, whieh error he did not discove until_ he obtained his patent. --Carried Accounts rendered ,- and ordered to b paid, William II iggini $10, for culver on sideline. eons. 15 and 16; Jos. Drive $9, work on bounda0 of Howick an Carrieke lot 18, Thomas Vegan. $25. - work on boundary- of llowick- and Ca rick, and $16 for worle on sideline, lot 10 and 11, con..1s. Moved by Mr. M guire. seconded by Mt. Wier, that th Reeve give Debentures to James Lunn as the work progresses Ito enable him t finish his contract onl 9th con., at Mu Creek. ---Carried. Mr. Boddy's account $14, ordered to be paid,. Moved by Mr Wilson, seconded by Mr. Wier, that th Reeve issue Debenture 4 for the paymen of any work, on getting an order fro the Oouncr11or, who let out and passe the $15, 25a for c vexing crosswav On con. 6, let 32 Wml RI:Wedge, $6.30, repairs on ro sidehne 10 and 6, cont 13.; Isaac Obe holster, $25, work on sideline 5 and con. 2, the Reeve to gOe Debentures t the workmen on contractor's order an balai ce to 'contractort Peter Mello $1. 5 • for oPenine ditch on con. B, lot 15 a d. 16. The foregoing accounts o dere to be paid. Moired by Mr. Wil 1 son - econded by Mr. \ rier, that Georg Dan be Returning 0 neer at the hex mudeipal election for polling divisio No. , that the votes b4 taken at Orang hills hool house. . . Ph air, tobe Returnin Offic .r for division Nej. 2, votes to b takes at his own houte. John Corbe to be Returning Officerfor division No 3, vo es to be taken in Fordwich. Rich- ard d iyis th •bell t and asamoe ee Y. Committee was Report of Gravel also Report of Committee - Sup- e Finance Com - same. -Carried. for building a bri d 26; con. 1; Wi eobert Jamieson e on sideline, lot iana White, $17, • • • obinson to be Be on No. 4, votes 1 illage of Gorrie. turning Officer fo to be taken in NiVroyeter village hat a By-law be passed for th -Carried. Moved by Mr. Wilson ded by Mr. Nt, a(14, that the Cler be p id his expenses to Gpderich an incurred on voter &lists .-Carried ouncil adjournedt to meet on th Wednesday in December, in th Mait and Hotel, Fordevich. GEO. DANE, T'p Clerk. . - 1 11c1Kteeoe. -The Col -11161 assembled a Wils n's Hotel, RoxboAte Nov. 7th. Al mem ers present, the Peeve presiding Minu es of test meeting, were adopted Move by R Govenlock, seconded by J Hera , that the Collect r's bonds be ac cepte 1. -Carried. . Moved by J. Horan secon ed by J. Malone, 'that the Collec tor b alithorized to take foreign silve at 4 er cent discount. --eel/Tied. Move( by J Malone,, seconded by J. Horan that he following accounts be paid. viz Jame. Sperling, $8.50, fpr two culverte one o i the 6th and 7th elms.; Lot 21, inn the o her one side line 21) and 21, con. 5 Robe t Beattie, $5, fori culvert on- sid line 0 and 21, con. 5; ,pames Nicol, $8 for di ch on side line 20 and 21, con. 6 John Shea, $7, for cult-ert on side lin 10 anti 11, con. 4; John Downey, $9 for tu -npiking on sideline 10 and 11 con 4 ; e ndrew Govenlocik, $118.22, fo plank etc., certified leY ihe pathmasters 'Ehom s Govenlock, $24 07, for plank certifi .d by pathmasterst William Caah $47or two bridges, one on the 12t1 Carte $6.50, for on road scraper nother on the 101 con ; Zafile & CC:1n,, Move by J. Afelone, soonded by Thos Murr y, that Patrick Elan pathmaster, be paid $5, in lieu of nori-refident statu labor, oh slue road 5 ant' 6, cons. 5 and 6, 11 and S6, providiiig he wo ks- 6 days extr- labor. -4.'arriecl. Moved by ,T Malone. seconded by R. Goe-enloek, that Donal McGregor be paid $52 for his servics a Assessor. e -Carried. M4ved and. second ed that, the Clerk be inetructed to notif Mr. Rath to survey a lire on sid( line 2' aud 2, con. 5. as it apttears there is difference Of opinion as t" where the roa should bet -Carried. iiiovecl by J. Ma lone, seeonded by T. Murray, that Robt. Govei1ock be authorize 1 to have the cul verts repaired on the th and 5th con. . thre etween Lots 30 aid 35.Carried. Move by T. Murray. econded 3. Ma- lone, that a culvert be b ilt on E. T. line on th . 8th Conte--Cerriec Moved by T. Hera , seconded by J. MIa1one, that R. Gove lock be instnictedi to let the grant of $2(, on the 6th and 7th con. line, Lot 30, on condition that the 'settlers do com- plete 16 rods on the samelplace.-Carried, Moved by R. Gevenlock, seconded by .7 Horan. that the Clerk be instructed si notify Mr. T. Morrison' to have timber arning Officer fo to be taken i Wm. Lawrie t ) , division No. 5 costs The third • • 5. „„. removed out of the river on his place, and Mr. Shannon see the jam on Lot 24, 8th con., and the same remoteed.-Car- ried. Moved by j. Malone, seconded by T. Murray, that this Council do . now adjourn to meet again at Murr y's Hotel, Seaforth, on Saturdayt 17th Iecember. • JOHN O'SULLIVAN, Tp Clerk. —1/ECIAL Nona s. Thousands have been charm •d by the use of the Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of Iron) from weak, sickly, suffering creatures' to strong, healthy, rid happy men and▪ womene and invali s cannot reasonably hesitate to give it atrial. For Dyspepsia and Debpity it is a pecific • In the practice of medicine T have re- commended Fellows' Compound of Hypo - phosphites, and have iound invariably the following results: Greater freedom to the -action of the Lungs, increased and more easy expectoratien in cases indica- ted by dry cough, and decide,d. augmenta- tion of tone to the whoie nervous syeteme Jam ES SALIKOff, M.D, Chipman, Queen's Co., N. b. • Price $1 50 a bottle; 6 for $7 50. Sold be apothecaries and by F. Cundill & Co., wholesale agent, Montreal. • BIRTHS. .AkmITAGE. -At Seaforth, on the 23rd . ult., the wife of A. Armitage, ,Esq., of a daughter. McKillop, on the 30th • ult.,' the wife of Mr. James Laurence) of a son. ARMSTRONG.- At Ainleyville, on the - -30th ult.,, the wife of Wm. Armstrong, of a son.. MARRIAGE•13- WRIGHT-ARNEIL.-At the house of the bride's uncle on the 17th ult., by the • Rev. A. Milliken'Mr. Chas. Wright, of Howick, to Miss Eliza Arneil, daughter of Mr. - John Arneil, of the same place. REA-KEENAN.-At Seaforth, on Nov. • 14th, by the Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. John Rea, of MeKillop, to Miss Brid- get Keenan, of Seaforth. Wicienee-Ton-McGtteoon.-In Hullett, on the 1st inst:, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Thos. Ole - worth, W. M.'Kinburn, Mr. John Wiggington, of Goderich Tewnship, to • Miss Mary, only daughter of -Daniel McGregor. Esq., Hullett. • DEATHS. JoN Ks. -At his residence, Township of Morris, co. of Huron, on Wednesday, the 16th ult., William Jones, aged 45 years, LoefeS.-1n Hoevich, of 'consumption, on the 22 ult., Mary Bierd, wife of Fran- cis Lombs, in her 23rd year. • .Fowesn..-On the Huron. Road, on. the 23ed ult., Alfred, youngest son of Mr. Wm. Fowler, sr., aged 18 months. Meenetoon.--In McKillop, on Nov. 19, Mr. Wm. McCulloch, aged 70 years. Seaforth, on the 23rd ult, the daughter of S. Powell, Esq., aged 21 days. BAKER. -In the Township of tell near • Bedgerville, on the 27th ult., MN. Alva Baker, aged 30 years. TIIE MARKETS. SEAFORrCH, Dec. 2, 1870. Wheat, (Fall) t? bushel, 1:00 Wheat (Spring) It bushel, 1:00 Barley le bushel, 0:40 Oats ip bushel, 0:40 Peas It bushel, 0:55 Butter, lb. 0:13 Eggs, 0:15 Hides, 7:00 Sheep Skins, 0.40 Applea 0:40 Potatoes 0:30 Pork to 1.11 to 1:20 to 0:47 to 0:42 to 0:60 to 0:16 to 0:16 to 7:50 to 1:00 to 0:50 to 0:35 6:00 to 6:25 A splendid. stock of Collars 'and Ties at J . Duncan & Co.'s. tf: CLINTON, Dec. 1, 1870. Fall Wheat. per boshei, 1-00 to 1:10 • Spring Wheat, per bushel. 1:10' to 1:10 Oats, per bushel, , 0:36 to 0;38 Peas, per bushel, ' 050 to 0;57 Barley, per bushel, 0:40 to 0;45 'Butter per per, lb, 0.18 to 0;18 Eggs, per doz. 0.12 to 0;15 Pork 5:50 to 6;25 A nice lot of cloth and fur Cape, also a tell stock of Felt Hats, English and Canadian, at J. Duncan & Co.'s. tf. -•--•-.- S• T. MARYS, Dec. 1, 1870. Fall Wheat, per bushel, 1:00 to 1 10 spring Wheat, per bushel, 1:10 to I 22 • Oats, per bushel: . 0.40 to 0 42 Peas, per bushel, 0:63 to 0 65 Barley, ,per bushel, 0:40 to 0 55 • Butter per lb., 0:16 to 0 17 • EggS, per doz. • 0:18 to 0 20 Dressed Hogs 6:00 to..6:50 • A full assortment of Boots & Shoes ..a ways on. hand at J:Duncan & Co,'s. tf. LONDON, Dec. 1, 1870. (Adrertiser 1?eport.) White Winter Wheat $1 00 to $1 14 Spring do '• 1 1.) to 1 26 Barley ! . 0 4.3 to 0 52 Oats 0 41 to 0 43 Peas , 0 65 to 0 68 Butter, in kegs, 0 14 to 0 17 Eggs, 0 20 to 0 20 Drested Hogs 6 00 to 6 50 J. Duncan & Co. keep a full stock of all sorts of leather. tf. GODERICH, Dec. 1, 1870. (Signal- 1?port) Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Peas Barley Potatoes Butter Eggs Pork $1 00 to 1 08 1 00 to 1 08 0 34 to 0 35 0 50 to 0 57 0 40 to 0 43 MAILL & CROOKE, Architehts, etc. Plans and Specifications drawn cor- rectly. Carpenter's, Plasterer's. and Ma,' sen'S work, measured and. valued. Office Over J. C. Detlor & Co.'s tore, Court. House Square, Goderich. Goderich, April 23, 1869. 79-1y. ESTRAY STEER. (TAME into the premises of the under:- signed, Lot No, 4, Con: -1. Tucker,. 1{, R. S.,. about the 20th August last, a year old steer, spotted brown and White . The owner is requested to prove property, pay expentes and take the CHAS. WEEKS. 156-4-• Seaforth same away. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. 1J1I'IE underaign-ed-offers for "Sale a 41. good. House and Lot, pleaaantly sit- itted on North Main street, next lot to Yin, Campbell's, (M erchant tailor) resi- ince. Ther I is a good stable and shed it the lot, al o a few young fruit trees, good. Well, .c. For terms of payment apepafloyrtohn, tpheeciti.rlerTises to II1817L0.LIP-SPARLING. 156-tf CALVFS STRAYED.. TRAYED, from the premises of the - subscriber. Lot No. 16, Con. 13. `rey, about the last of October, two • pring calves; one dark red the other rin die color iwith white face. Any per. 011 giving information that will lead to heir recovery, -will be Cuitably reward - (1. THOMAS EN1.S, 156-3- • Grey, P.O.. FAR PA WA N TED. • mpRovEp rARM wanted to pule • chase or lease, in the townships of ' iickersmith; Hullett or McKillop, the I nd mut be, of the beet quality, well- enced, and in, a proper' stet- et cultiva- tion, with gobd dwelling and out -build- ings. Offerslby letter postpaid, stating,' the number of acres cleared and in bush, the buildings and other improvements with lowest eash prices, will be received by E,13A-V.IN CItESSWELL, 156-4--* Egmendville P. O. TOLLS TO LET. HE TOLL GATES ON the County of Huron Gravel Roads, will be let y Auction, for the year 1871, in the range 1-1a11,! Clinton, at noon, on eclmodciy; flecemZer 27) 7870- e rent to be paid monthly in Advance. Each Lessee to deposit one month's rent n the day of Sale, and furnish two sol- ent freeholders as Surety, whose nam.es ill be required to the Lease immediate- ly the gates are let. A. BAY, Surveyor. ADJOURNED SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. OTICE is hereby given that, as at the Sale of Lands for Taxes which Was held on the 23rd Nov. instant, a number of lots were unsold by reason of -there being no bidders for' the same, the said unsoldlands will be again offered at an adjourned sale, at the Court, House in the town of Goderich, en 9th Decexiber, 19100 At 1 o'clock R M., when the said lots will be sold for Any ,sum =that can be re- alized for them. County Treasurer's Office, A.1A.ROSS, God.erich, Nov. 30,1870 .Treasurer, 156-1-* County of Huron_ MORTGAGE SALE. BYcs l(A 111TUE OFA'POWEROP Sale contained. ia a Mortgage Made v James C-animel, dated the 29th day of by May, A. D.. 1869, all that certain parcel or tract of land and preniises situate in the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, containing, by admeasurement, sixty-three acres more orIess, being cora- s'tiosed of Lot :No- 2, in the 18th Concee- sion, of said township di Grey, will be sold by Peblic Auction, at Knox's Hotel Seaforth, on Tuesday the 20th day of Degeanoer, 1870, at 12 o'elock, neon_ Terinaefa,b, GREY & HOLMESTED, I Solicitor:. Seaforth, Nov. 30, 1870, 156 -3 - CHR ItTIVIAS SHOW. rpilE TUCKERSMITII BRA NCH Agricultural Society will held. their First Anne al . Christmas Show, on Tuesday- December, 1, '70 At the Society's Grounds, Seaforth, when the following, prizes will be award- ed 1st. 2nd.- 3rd. - Best fatted ex or steer $4.00 3.00 2 00 cotv or heifer 4.00 3.00 2.00 .` pair fatted. sheep 3.00 2.00 1,00 GOttENLOCK, • President. WM, McCONNELL, • Sec • Seaforth,-thov. 30, 1870. 1rd56t1Z HARP'S LIVERY STABLE, MAIN KJ Sr, SEAFoRTR. First Class Horses and. Carriages always onhand at as reons- able terms. •Seaforth, May 5th, Lth .870E: Proprietor. 3-tf- FOR SALE—CHEAP, The following liquors :- SHERRY WINE, P RT WINE HENNES Y, IKARTEL - AND LT'S -BRANDY; IN CASE AND WOOD. 0 37 0 16 to 0 20 BETTS' & QOTH S GIN 0 20 to 0 25 5 00 to 6 00 .• Special attention. paid to the manufac- turing of Boots & Shoes of all kinds. Re- pairing done on tee shortest possible notice at J. Duncan ct, Co.'s.tf. .11?•BitiliLINI•11111111•111111NRIIINIIIIIM• ESTRAY PIG. CAME into the .premises of the sub- • scriber, lot 30, Con., 5, Morris. A BLACK BOAR PIG left ear split. The owner is reque-sted to prove property, pay charges, and take the same away. monis% Nor. 1115.01B8T70.54 .DITNYA1N. -3___ _1 CASE AND WOOD. DOW'S 10LSON'S BOTTItED ALE, -ALSO- iTOCK, • BARRELS, AL BOTTLING MACHINE, LIQUOR R DS? • AND ONE SYKES HYDROMETER WIT.H BOOK, AT SCOTT OBERTSON'S Seaforth. Seaforth, v: 30, 1870- 156-tf. fi