HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-12-02, Page 3t•P GOE. dit et_ al. he Court ase, bearing Oer,- A. D. d Real Es- . )rabatiOn of se, Esquire, Stratford. ):at !_a and at the, D HURON.. .-..eenth day of nox*e Hotel, n the Coinity Auctioneer, Tose., aiU, parcel and situate lying Hibbert, in rovinee of On. of Lot number cession of, the mdcentaining- undred acres, about twenty farm is nth beech and v valuable .as e of the Buffalo aid between t the thrivirig land is well rposea, and ex- irtain parcel or ;$ situate lying_ Lip of Tucker- furon, and Pra- ia- .composed of icession, of the L, in the County f Ontario!, and inet one him - 10. There are arm leleared ; conEatiou aud iiitnothy. The 'gists a beech; r:onsidered very A watered, and Aty of agricul- !purposes ; the ! regorda water, 'there is a small ie lot. This lot an unexpired ;James Kehoe. :a 3. iertain parcel or it it lying alaip of TucIaer- Aron, and Pro - ug composed of ' acession, of the rlay-aalraeasures Of land more or elit twenty and, leared and -*dr di covered L. timber. There Ely built an the 'Ian. The house aug iaof the very lalthraIpurposes, !The let ti.jeiias em:being of Seaforth. and -aid Lake Huron :31COE., rwenty-first day L, at Bradfor& in the d for that pm-- ; certainparcel or ssr, situate, lyinghip of Tecumseh and Province composed of Lot Ssion of the said adrLeasurement md, be the same r -of ten or fifteen .d, well watered has been for a state of culti- good dwelling -s and, out-build- icertain parcel or es situate, lying ip of Adiala, aforesaid, being the Sth, Cences- p, and contain- ty acres, more a crea cleared, and mbered with val- well worth the Capitalists and F 'SALE. the time of sale, e preportion of nadred dollars of to the Vendor's 'uder of the pur- e the twenty-first , 1871. In other he above, the con - wading conditions Chancery. Fur - be obtained of G.. laster, Stratford, Joseph A. Dono- iciter, and MESSIK City of Toronto; ier, In the Town Esq., in the Mes&s. Hayes Of Stratford. AWRENCE, ster in Chancery. itor N, this Nineteenth 51 -td, ATTLE. osures of the sub - (Jon. 2, township the 27th October, two,• year °Id hd- and' 1 year old he owner can have roperty, and pay- fl,ITSDALE. pen, P. O. 70. 1554—* DEOEMB-Elt 2, 187Q. Theearown Princess rhe ert,ss Gazette takes the fol-. !l, . o -wing account- of tile tife of Hea 'Royal Highness at Hamburg from a, private. letter Our Crown -Princes has flow been here for four weeks. Her sister, the Princess Alice of Darmstadt, often e °ernes with her children to visit her. At such times the eight of the family excursions from, the Old Castle is very pleasant as there ate then eleven children together, and they are all very liVely. Seveeal 4 them lately rode out 041 donkeys, and two pushed a cheise irom be I hind which was drawn by two. small horses, and iu which some of the. children were also seated. The Crown Princess is exceedingly5,4in- ple in her tastes and manne/s. She herself carries refreehauents in a lets lest to the patieuts in the -La`zartie. She has had everything there ar- rangedin the albst excellent man- e, nen She has had the, t eds covered with white sheets and coverlets, and, neat curtains put up. By her or- der flowers_ are placed in the root]] St • and It concert was given by'theband of the, Kurhaus, on -which -oceasion the wounded were carrted. in 'their beds into- the court of the barracks. She has caused several old servants of the &I'd Engliah marchioness to be &twilit -tined to visit her. She bas alsci visited the lvt•untled Major iS. and the reandrIttfIe 10 he latter :of *horn she intrusted presents for the male and female attendaits on the wounded; with whorn shel C0131TFtrkies in friendly manner. . Her v, tine - est aou is very like his handsoicieild grandfather, Om King ; it TM 1LtWaNTS , a pleasure to see him- as he is e splendid child. Crown 1.3,rin- cess, beyond all doubt, possessee it 'great deal of ,energy, and sil3is fo*nd of simplicity and good Order. The Fire Girard lane deeired to place a • guard of honor at &he Castle, brit she refused tbe offer With teanks. No one recognized or saluted bee; a splendid eutrarce li d leen expected, • but she was past. Sne has gener- ally one of her ehildren on her lap • when she drives out. It is no von - dei ehe has gained all hearts, especi- jelly of the: mothers. She has al:4o had an open hand fOr the habe.bitao ts Of Straa.sburg in their need;.many of 'them who had fled are now re- turning home." 'RON, EXPOS' OR. Plea.'Sant WordS: In Paris, when 1 Nveht into a store, the store -keeper, who was sit- ting as I went in, rose, and bowed and bade ime good morn i n thought it was perhaps some ac- quaintance of mine whom I did not redognize.. I bowed and waited for him to talk to me, but found it was only ale coettesy of the shop, and proceedeu to make my little pi' - chases. I was served with great kindness and consideration; and when I Mft, all that weein the store bade- me gobd morning. I said to 'nye:elf, "Singular! sin- gular !" foe -these are not the man- ner of o ur co u tre% _Here people are apt to be indifferent, graff, and rude. We fall into course, rough ways, which are neither pleasant nor becoming. Life is made a gteat deal pleasanter if people are kinct‘and polite in their maanere. It is very little to Say, Good meriting!' and yet if every time you meet a friend or neigliber, you look him fair -in the, face, and save Good morning, my friend," if it is morning, or "Good evening, my fi lend," if it is evening, is not the effect a hundred times bettee than if, when you meet them, you hardly lookat- them, and pass on'? The habil! of acting as though you felt interested in other people's happiness; will by-and-by make you, really feel intereatechin- their h,appi- nessa--Watict a Paper- -• • • The Poverty of -Prosperity. Beecher in a recent sermon, says.: "1 verily believe that men who — prosper by wickedness lose their capacity of enjoyment , so that there are thousands and thousands of ever - swollen .nrosperous men who are not 1 one-Denth as happy as the men who have almost nothing.- Why, there are poor workingmen in yonder city' with .such pitiful stipends that they can scarcely make the ends meet, who 4rre yet a great deal happier\ than the millionaire whom tGey serve. There are men that have gene through the prosperity of what are called the secular things in this world, who look out enviously, and sometimes almost sadly, upon the , swarthy laborer, and say,' Oh ! if I had no more anxiety than he has; if I could whistle and sing as he does, if I had his lungs, and such arms as he has ; if I were as happy as 'he is, '..I think I would be willg to give up all my wealth.' Oh ! the heart - aching cares, the rust and biting, the •emvies and jealousies, the competi- tions and rivalries, the attritiqns, of a life keyed itt the lower range of human faculties ! these miseries belong to such men, and if you could leek into theni you. would not be -deceived, mor seduced, nor persuaded to take their place." Beecher' Ap e ea] to the 0 g. I beeee h of you,my young rien s believe in virtie ; believe in trut believe in honesty:and fidelity ; s- lick -ye in. b nor , believe in God ; 'e- lieve in od's law and in God's pi o- vidence. Put your trust i 'G d,4 and ir.1 th faitl of aod, and not a the seemi Of deceitful and app r- eatly pros •eeous men./ Let o nr n witch you • Seel from you; let 1 o. mad dazza you • undei standi 0a frd 1 1 you ;,let o man by.: any . inn() s courses d Mir Ir011- 'aside. fro th Lt straight -a d niarow Way who e the 'e i.4 safety. An whateverl el .e y u 46t, have .pea e, every- da. wi h your ow co sciencehoev r else yeti o end, do not offen• yet r .God. Ke p Hun on your sic es lo what is ric ht, a d trust in G d, and ,, all the 'odd cannot, hur yo Neitherti le n r deatb, nor etern cy can hi um t lose who foll tl; the light that God -throws 11130 th 't path. And f r . all impeef diem trust to II s gr i- dious and fo baivin leve. ClitOrof The nea 24th, says almshouse med 'as a ligiously ct in temper 821'ip.tion, cessary cell. where order to hi Dr. Word was cep mart to be to be tak efellow's mi the,- ruined. serpen ts h of evil hid and danger wined ti7,et in the east and othe'r to be a goo sive influe -hole was b cell with a ger. jas the mazy rag, by had erect" lively ti: present, pt repertory like a gard the little h the .ch °reform. in his strat ‘ rime g a Crazy an. Elit len News of : There is confined a mall who is all Mai. li hare. He azy,; very volatile anc filthy beyo Yesterday it beca ave lint taken. fro ie. has been ccuifin ve it thorouehly el tried all he pers tble f to ind ace th tiiet -and 4a140'ay himaelf n ca .e of :; it an poor id vte .8 Aveoaderina f 1110ag we 11 s of Zion , w rie.e the 8 au( spit, and th birds aird he 'became iolent us. It was i also ascer: the Madman had se reted . straw of .1 -us 'cell a razor hingS. It yi•as cdmilucled 1.*)1:an to try the persna- ce of' reform, and a. i red * th -7 .floor over his b -I ditch. nacd-a qnarter en- emas, the bele was made, an would istop iti IT -with egos of .a 'estick that, be ki, and the 'Doctors had D , r. Bissell, who was duced from among 'his' nstruinents i' ' naiehine a syringe, and ,catne to tlf-moon bole in fent of - e he machine wag 1111 of The man -was ex thing gy, and throwing hings eround in _ a - loose and' impl aSant ananner, but presenting. a ful face front to t e -hole in the doo the doctor ther upon let drive th con- tents of th machine. 4 strudk fair ,and tilled his beard and mous ache, and very s ou he becarn as quiet as a lamb mid r this astonishing novel- ty ef treat mit. After he had been -subdued, h was brought out pf his cell and tit roughly washed all over, acid put iillto clean clothind and b trittlgerred •to another cell which had been prepared, there to stay until anoth r removal shal ;. become necessary. OasliVaill of a Laboring Man. is caption the : Ports - Hampshire, Chronicle wing senSible artidle :--. ery often, remark d bY do not possess any pro. who depend upon their tober • t on • ost is r ugl d °d en th d, i • aned lesion mad- • -Under t month, Ne‘ has the foil ,persons vvb petty, and labor foe s -u )port of theruselve ' and. families, al. t they are worth noth- ly speaking. This lan- nerally indulged n by community who style business men, and who the necessities of other( us exa.na ne the asser- e if they , re correct. the price of common .labor avereaed at $1.50 per: day. Admitting (hat the laborer reeeiyed $1.50 per clay, and it required the 'Whole of t -at sum to support his family, nev rtheless we contend that the laborer is worth in cash to his family_the skim of $7,989. "The arronnt le would receive for one years labor at $1,50 pee -day, would be 475.'60, which amount would be thp interest at 6 per cent. on $7,989, ifrhwh latter stun would be the cash value of the laboring man to his family. . _PRESBYTERY 07 MANITOBA. —Au. event of soltne ,consequence in the history of resbyterianiera in this Province, o curred a fortnight, ago —that was, in the constitution of a regular Presbytery. *. Hitherto this country has been treated as part of the Presbytery of Toronto. ' The Presbytery f Manitoba, as Constitu- ted, consisted of Rev. JOhn Black, (Moderator or Chairman)t, Rev. W. Fletchet, R v. John MbNab and ing financia emcebe is a -0 men in th themselves (*At ricb ef men. Let: dons and s Last yea the foilowii aid Gunn, Poison." T on Wednesd other busin establishme Province ;' the proceed* ing of the c the scheme solved upon. g elders': • Messrs. Don- hn. Fraser and Angus e Presbytery met again y,the 19th ult.' Among ss transacted. was the t of a college in this d, as will be seen by of the annual meet- ngregation of Kildonan ihas been fornially re- • B overnme , . WARD BEEC s op that nois , I say! t you so s ! Stop, I tell you, or I ill slap y nr month:" Wi liarn bawi s a little lo der. gbf illiarn, tell you, in't ybu going to stop Stop—I s y! If you don't stopI will whifi'y n,eure." William goes Up a fifth; and beats time with his h,els. "1 hever sae Such k child 1--h#13's got te per enou h for a whole town; I'm sure he d dn't.get it f om Me. Why -Idon't 'ye ; be still 7 ; Whist ! Wheirsh:. Come, come, be still], Won't you'll top, stop Stop, I say! Don't you s e- this-- 'On't you ee this .stick 7 See her now I' (Cts the air wjth a stick. 'Wil iam, mor furious, kicks very manfully at his nother-7grows red- der in the face lets Out the last, note, a d begins to reel, and shake, and It ist, in a i ost spitef 1 man- ner. " Co ne, Willi 111 ! come that's .daring naughtf .carne, tat's a go 1 boy ; do ittle fell w ; sant a Ma's lit • • • dear— illiam 't cry, -o-o-s e you, sa 1 eh 1 A's little ma want a pi ce ' ' suogei le boy got ra %Je ; p -o- - little sic] boy)" etc., et Will aIll W11h.S up, and mind and eat his .sugi r, and slops•. ' alfter Scene. Themini ter present and a v ily nice talk is g�. ing on 'Upon the cessity of overt - ing eh ldren. 'Too true,' Sa 18 manum ,. "some lke. will g Ire 4 to their children, Ind it ruin them • —and very chil I should be overn- ed ; bti then it on't do to c rry it, too far if mile wi ips all the fine it will breik a cl ld's spirit.1 One ought t mix ki c ness and fi mness togethe in mana lig childre "1 ti ink so," 1iid the pre " firrnn ss 'fist, a cl then:kin " Ye sir ; tha s my- 1.)ractice ex- • actly."--- ).'etv rty,-k Ledger. • "411 • •••• How0 o waterfeit Nates are made i A patY -of men, say from three to k down get together and ,ho d fre- quent )ebtings, and act itcp rding to a pia Ilaid down. One i r two will find out some copper -ph -it prin- ter in t e employ of the ban -note compan. ---in fact all such „p inters are kno vn by the party. The. e men . will tbei manage to meet one of tbe -printers in the evening, get a qaint- ed, dri k, • and h ve a goo( • time generall with Iiii , and so p cCeed for a fe eveningsr Then the offer him $5 1 to $150 to procure a cer- tain ki d of imp eission..: T e fin - pression is made ii tbis wise : The printer will take the imp:cession upon ti -foil frathe plate from which h is printi g, which -can be done in a la -lament. Thus you see. every li «e and th/eI size obtain cl cor- rectly. From ' tht tin -foil ca I ale° trotype late is i4ade. "Thethen get som plate pt ter that can be found .)out the kity, have a good time wi h him, ' od engage him at 8,20 a. di y to do the printMg 13y this pla4 thousaAs af cu -pis are struck 0 that de'y detection, xcent in the itality. of the paper, which Iwill cliff r from the genuine.' The 'place of nanufacture is generally at some di ranee frolic New Yor like Staten sland, latbush, or some- times B xter stre t, or some 1 cality in this ty. It i a strange fi cc in every c se vvher a party o this kind exi ts,that e ery member lacks confi den 'e in, h is ssociat es'. very , move m. de by ea h one is nar •bwly watched by the o hers of the party. It woul be death to an informant or spy. hat did uot look well to ,hiinself. • tcher ;. ness.I Wel.. thorough Web as well . therefor Web.• leave t found and he 'Web.' tom of t plow'ng, bett r 1 . W b own _ W be • of any s terpr se this, lim gree m be of Ilitt barn, gb good orck to ga, hell We be peat wif. 'clean, cu clean co We fd that Will! grow 'po cattle; 1. clerk, daughter all firm tion, or est peopl EL W. B Car Creed. 111 0 lieve-in small farm and cultivat* en . lieve tha soil loves t eat, as its o ner, and ugh t. to be m toured. . lieve dtrge crops vhieb- land Itter than thee • ma mw both the ti ruler arm rich fat once. lieve in, boing to th bet- ing, an therefore is deep and eno h of it 11 the with a s -soil plow. deve that every farms euld 3d farme • lieve tha the -best for ilizer il is a spi it of indust y, en - and int•Iligence ; wi hout and g psum, bone and nure, me '1 andguano wili e use. ieve in d farnal ards, an the frui lieve in in, it, a laord, a science., mly dis lieve jn fa Leers not imp • ve; in farm that er every ear; in. starving farmers oys turning into d merchdnts ; in farmers' uawilliig to Twork, and in rs ashar4ed of their voca- ho drin whiskey til hon - are ash ed of them.--- edier. od fences, uses, good children e , • * good tock, ough clean kitchen, es, ean dairy, nd a a a cw Fact foli the People! FirS4 That t e Fountain eaci is the right zlace zoj5rocz re any arti,cle at its right value. SECOND, most of the ,in large lots rnent is the Low Prices. hat E. HI (roods at t and foi Ca right lac & CO., of 8'paforth, buy e anufacturer'sl. in England, zih, consequently their establish - to purchase Good Goo:ds, THIRD,— at they ha e jiist received a large consign- ment of Crockery, Chin GlaAs-ware, PlateSware, Tpa -Trays, and all ffouse F inishing Goods. • FOURTH, 'hat they i, ill sell you an Iron Stolle China Tea Set for 2.50 and le s, and Toilet Sets from #1.50 to $250, and a nice set of hifia, for $5.00, and any ware by the single iece at pr portionatelrlowprices Nick- el Silver 'and Plated Tea anci Table Spoons, at all prices. Butter bong t and take in exchange for any -goods. Also, our tock of GT ceries is complete. A pound of splendid Tea or 85 cents .AND in Div- Goods, w you the choi0 of 200 pi be made in:England) f at prices that will astonis Black of and Coloured S' 'ieces of Dress Goods. cannot be beat. Will give ce& of " Ashton " Prints (the r 14cents a yaid, and Wineies , . -). yOu. ' We keep a good stock lk Dresses, and a choice bf 250 Our Boon AO SHOES ar able to show for theniselves. _ • ClothingReac y -made an 1 made to Order, and made well. Medicin NS' EM ORIUM,`SEAFORTE Genuine Dru HICKS s, and Dye Stuffs, a usual.i Great nsh FOR Robertsop FISH, FISH, FISH. Prime Labra or HERRINGS, LSO WHITE FI TROUT SPLIT iND ROUND HERRINGS; Warranted Prime. • New Fruits Jost Arrived. EW LAYERS, PICK PRIMESEEDLESS Will be sold as cheap •v'r- Give Seaforth, Nov. 15, 1870. D VALENTIAS, ND CHOICE NEW CURR NTS. s any west of Toronto., is a Cad. _01 W. Si ROBERTSON. d01 at sa • cusirom ILOMA HANKING the public for their lib r al patronage extended to us sinlce mencing busines0, we hope by strict, ention to merit a continua.nce of the e. T-TrE 1\T Or 1 arties who may require Cutt' do e. eanhave it exectited with Acc ra, y, Neatness,' andDespatch, at MO. ELATE PRICES. SUTHERLAND BRO 'SE FORTH, Septemberl, 1870. • A Seafortti. S411! LEMAN & COUINLOCK OULD RESPECTFULLY inform • thepublic that theybiow have their ALT WORKS! AT IF RTH! 'OMPLETED, • D ARE PREPARE TO RECEIVE, AND FILL LL OR.DER • F NE, • COARSE! AND . LAND SALT. TERMS CASH. Seaforth, Sept. 14th, 1870. 145-tf— MR. J01111 THOMPSON milANKS his ntunerous customers for their. liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will re- ceive its continuance, • He has now on land a large assort- ment of Good Sound i • Green Hemlock! Whieh he warrants will give satisfaction. ALSO FENCING AND DRAINING LUM Up, ER, ALWAYS KEPT .9.N HAND. —ALSO - 200,000 FEET Ot PINE Cur Fon BUILDING AND GENERAL PURPOSES1 Which he offers on liberal terms. Or- ders will be promptly asttencled. to. The Mill is situated on the Townline of McKillop and Irullett, 3 and Miles from he Huron Road. Seaforth, Nov. 16, 1870. CARD OF THANKS • —:0:— - - THE undersigned desires to tertderhis sincere thanks to the farmers of Hu- ron and public generally, for the liberal patronage he has received since commen- cing the manufacture pf Ploughs, etc., in Seaforth. • - Having had seventeen earsexperience in the above business, he can With confi- dence recommend his PlaOT.TGI. • AS FIRST CLASS GENERAL PUR- POSE PLOUGHS, AND OF LIGHT DRATTGlirT. Iron and wooden Ploughs, with east steel landside and. mould,board constant- ly on hand, and niade to order. GRAHAM WILLI &MSON. Seaforth, August 26, 18701. • MONEY! . $51000 T9 ,LEND. THAVE the above sum on hand for inveat 'tient on good Farm Security, it 8 and 9 per cent. ,—Private Funds. J SEAFORtn, July 25(,)11-8470. 8. •r°131191Elt 1:- LIVERY...STABLE.: • 1-A.M4S R08::; desirieS to inform the. f•J public that be bas opi ned 'a • New Livery Stable in connection with. his. hotel, -where pnrties can be accommod. ated with first elias horses ,:uul vehieles„, ,at reasonable inrices. •Sea orth, 21st, 1870. 974f. BUSH OARlifi FOR SALECHEAP MITE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale, eheap, Lot No: 30, (Jon 1, tawnship, of Grey, Co. of 11 urou ; about 70 acres of this !lot are tiialier ed. with' hardwood: four Acres of -which are chapped, the bal- ance:istimbered with c&lar and pine of • excellent qua:ity. There is sufficient of this latter timber to pay for the whole lot. The lot 11" I 1.e sola cHEA15 rort CASH, or on time Title indisliutabla. For further particulars apply (if by let- ter, preptnd) to Adam's( ;raS-. Planing Seaforthabr to the 'undersigned proprie- tor.. s • 11.01)):1111C.K GtAY, Thames:ford, P. O. Thamesford, Nov. p, 1870. 1,53-g - -- -- IRON IN THE 13-LOOD., RUV14 S R PSy HU . The i'ERIIVIAN-SYRITP makes th 'weak stronc. .alutexposdiSeaSebyEupplying e blood with_ NATURE'S OWN VTTALIZIN4 *Caution.—Be sure you get Peruvian Syrup- Paxamets free. DINSMORE. Proprietor- • No.1, 38 D y St., New York. Sold by Druggists generally. NI FOR SALE OR TO RENT! o- -111HE SUBSCRIBER OFrEllS FOR. 1.SALE or to Rent, on as terms, THE VARNA MILLS, - Consisting of a Floar, Oatmeal, and Saw Mill, all of which -axe in good running. order. The Flour Mill, contains Four run of Stenes and the interor is well finished, and all the machinery in first class. con- dition. There is in conneetion a 'good Dam, and an abundant supply of water to run all the mills the year round. These Mills are situatecl in the centre. of a splendid. Agricultural country, and a.. rare chance is effered to any person desi- rous of embarking inthe milling business - There is also an excalent opportunity of BOR INC FOR SA T ou the liremiseaa all the works for which could be driven by water. • The above property is situated Sim miles from Clinton ; Six from Ba.yfieldi, and Eleven from Seaforth; with good gravel roads loading to eaehplace. 'for farther particulars sapply to the proprietdr, on the premistas, or to Varna P. 0, • WM. TURNER VARA, August 11, 1870. 140 CERTAIN PRESERVATION OF THE _ M R. COUNTER; TX7 ATCHMAKE AND V JEWELER, • Scafeth, Ont., sole Agent for the sale of our Celebrated PERFECTED SPECTACLE'Swhicha regrtae Lenses of oulnd by us, from material manufactured espe- cially for Optic purposts. It is pure, hard, andinailant, and: as near Achromatic as can be. produced. The peculiar form awl scientific accuracy attain- ed by the aid of complicated and costly • machinery, war- rants us in asserting theta 1». be THE MOST l'ERFECT PECTACLES EVER MAN- UFACTURED, They assist the sight most brilliantly, con- fer easeand comfort on the wearer, cause a continuous and abiding improvement of the eyes, and last a great many years 'without requiring to be changed. 8o they are the CHEAPEST as well as the BEST. LAZARUS.. MORRIS & Co. 295 Notre Dame Street,(up stairs), - Montreal. na- We employ no Pecllers. C I -T 0 I,C , I - NEW .pQ0K.S. , , ..,.... .. ., , REIGN OF LAW,. by Duke of Argyle- ' HOXLEY,'S LAY SERMONS. THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE, (Brew -ed.. • CRITICAL NEW TESTAMENT. EAMES' BIBLICAL CYCLOPEDIA& ADIES' BIBLICALCONCORDANCE... iTOSEPHUS' WORKS. . EXETER. I HALL LECTURES. , mompy's DUTCH REPUBLIC 'GIBBONS' RISE & FALL, ROMAN EMPIRE. MACAULEY'S HISTORY OE • •i• ENGLAND. MARKHAM'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. COTTAGE LIBRARY, choice and cheap.. FAMILY READING, • SABBATH SCHOOL' m.DRABras,. • HYMN BOOKS, ETC. r t• —ALSO— . • ) AY BOOKS, • - jOURNALS, 7 ,LEDGERS, ' CASH BOOKS. WRITING PAPElt. •: . — ENVELOPES_ Commercial and faney, . at R. LUMSDEN:S Drug and Book Store.. - Seafortli,1isrov. 3, 1870.