HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-12-02, Page 2esiaiimummummommalmesse isesieon for Stesrerre Paw Pay, Mich., czin furnish its full quota of these fdatherless breecis,, yclept " loafers," hose principal oc- cupation is loiteriug alto t the pub': he b ous;i, stating at ladies who pas. by, watching the crossings on wiudy days, their vacant facesiradiating with a satisfied grin it by chance a. bit of petticoat or timid° is exposed 40 their gaze. As three of these were lounging on -the steps of R---- 13.ouse.a. day or twe since, a young lady, a stringer, and exceedingl beauti.eul, passed by, regardless of the admiriug stare whiet the group gave her, and entered L—'s dent- al-Tooms. The trio, afrxr vot.ing her "a stunt- er and wonderingwho in the duce she eould be," decermined to follow her, olio of the party ex- temrorizing a ta)thacite for the oc- casion. As it !happened. the lady, who was an ac4tutintance of L= -Js, had called to make a 'friendly- -.so there was no txue for delay, .and the sufferer f...oni toothache was at once put in the chair. But when L--- glanced into his mouth he found, to his surprise. not a trace of .decay, but on the coAtrary, thirty- two perfectly sound teeth. He saw through the affair • Lt- once, and, thinking to make it interesting, he began feeling about with a pair of 'forceps ; then, with a firm grasp, seized the bicuspid tuolar, he turned it with -a siugle wrench completely around iu its socket. The fellow howled, alai kicked, awl struggled : -but L--- with a firm grasp, held him in the chtir, ying, soothingly; -" Be pet-feu:4 pas,:ive ! have it .ortc ill a minute 1" and ill another • THE; HURON EXPOSIT° a. Brave Man. Dresden paper's relate the ing heroic exploit of a' Saxon ea union named Macke: "111 battle of Busancy, on the' 290 dnstant th P teeth was on the table. *The fellow sprang from the chair, and as he spat the blood from his mouth, L handed him zt- glass of watt -a-, .saving, quietly, "Rinse _your nioeth ; half a dollar sir." He - passed over hiS fifty, and the trio, lookinge e x trem el y wil ted once ked out of the office. ---Exchartge. ale the of August, , Mn eke's horse was. ..hot from tintir h im and. he also Ioi his helmet. Siiddenly,he noticed that his lieutenant, Ton Mikan was sur rounded by eight Chaeseut,et'Afiqtte, and.edinost drawn 1.oin his horse al- Mucke hasteued vith. nothing but d, lipped ep the ready: , Now out to his .ass'elaace,' his etv rd in han belley- f one Frenchman, ciit c)fl the head p the second, grasping the leg of his lieutenant to hold him, land • -0-40.40. 'Tile Route to Fort Gerrie. We Sfe hy a p a rag istpl k 111 -t1 t 0 WOWS Ott; wa corresemsence,epnle lished en Saturdov last, that :Mr7 Cumberland, the Manager Of the Northern Railway, and Capri: `Dick, wile is also interested in that road, have been lately visiting Ottawa. and -" in tervie wine the metnbers of the -Goveriument, with reference to a route to Fort Gerry, no doubt, oy 'Way -of' Collin e Wood and Lake Superior, with &view to continue the communiea- tien hitherto exiting between the capital .anti the North-West.' It is. said they Were acting on beltelt of a company to l)ft known as the "Ros- coe Company," who propose to make the Dawson route aeetihible,'by can- structing tramway -3 at the 'portages, -and placing a ve it oli steamers on the rivers and lakes betwee a Shebando ee -an and the North-West 'an& .of the •La,ke of th Woods. The estimated ,cost of this project is $500,000 ; and it is said the Government have it Tinder consideration. The question which naturally occurs in coneider- in,g the scheme is. Would it answer the purposeas a 'route for emigrants'? We believe a felling prevails pretty generally throughout this Province that it wouid not; that the only means of ingress into TRi he ed River _ .country, which would be adopted in ;preference to the American route, would be through railway communi- cation. between, Lake Superior or Lake Nepigon and Fort Garry.— 'The transhipment of goods or lug- -gage half -a -dozen times from boat to waggon road, and from portage ;to lake, together with the timeandla- bour the journey would consum% would be certain to destroy its util- ity for the purpose referred to. •, A Railway frern the head of lake na- vigation to Fort Garry; is therefore a necessity to the settlement of Ma- nitoba and the North-West as a part of the Ddminiore and unless our Go- vernment is prepared to take up that -question, they need not give them- -selves any teouble as to the "'Rescue" :. ,project. ' It is true, the Company may not ask Government aid, but imply a charter authmizing. their .scheme to go into operation, but we should object to even. that, if it is be the means of preventing Govern- ment action ii reference to a Rail- way the entire distance. That i.§ what the country requiaes, and which the Government should lend all its ener- gies to accomplish with the least Fig- .sible delay. ' . .As to the "Rescue "project, that is a °rout° movement exclusively and doubtless intented to draw the grist possible to the mill- Of the Northern Railway, and to that city; so that those who desire a share in the benefits of mail communication with the North-West will do well to lose no time ie making an effort ° to -secure it Observer. at the Same thisd Frene lieutenant.) either, and -remained till fled in diStusty. -iplit the head ef a Meantimehis ot remained iole w momenta there Frenchmen, whO n eoing. back the met a Frenci li utenant, into whose tinged his . ory e was his las • ex - 1 to the ,gto ind, wounds, rec ived Theeo of them ;Wont the head, ea; in the shoulder one in the kit ar a while three tigers of his left -11 nd ' were out off. The lieetenent, Iso 'wounOed iu several places, he tened back to get _ assistance ;tad ti us savehiS heroic defender. But bile .he ' lay there with:This face to the (monied 13ome French lancers were inhuman e four lance thrust .was .after wards t al at Freirses, wh ally Visited by SaXony,, wiso pe his 'breast, and p •ornoted hi as rapidly ts.” 4r- ' °us. abou 14,. 1 flelly Muck° p sword. But this ploit, for he fe bleeding from si during the fight DECEMBER 2 1870. 'Tyne sOreVr Wt1lIng .tc:y R,crcv Another }-,Lape. James yne cha publish enforth, the stroke o pion four, has cause d in the Columns of porting press uf England the municatio which .the origin II Of whi to Robet• Fulton Crew" ; Dear Sise-We received your tele- aratll eferenc to new a atch when just upon th eve of ou de- parture ft • ni Cana a. We ha, SUS- taiDed di ap eta in• our pre- vious effo .ts it.)o°Tr-riange ;mother -ace, and all cm r affaiis being settlec for the journ sy home hen we received yonr me, sage, we 'prudent t • delay o OIL the. choice of b to terms with y pear, ho ?ever, .t1 came illorigg to giive in the bacic. , He ken to th el hieSpit- re he was pek.so 11- iince George of eonally d corated 4.-,o be -edo rer- and him' an oflicer. He N ing at last siccou Sormetbing Our • From tke ife The number' protiertv, that if any multiple of it will give in figures exactly a these three igut will' be fouti,d to rth alts.„d e. has this st „ ultiplied by up as high the product ike. and thea s,‘if added to e the numb ang ot s 27 thre lin 0 ethe r b which it"was rnuitiplied. ,Th4s: 37multiplied 3gives.111, and ;3 , 37 6 " 222, " 37 9 333: 3 37 " „ " 12 " 444, " 3x4=1‘ 37 ",15 " 555,' " 3 5=1 37 18 " .666, " 3x6=1 37 • «2r 777, '" 3x7=2 37 " " C88, " 48=2 -37 • "27 " 999, • " 3 If yo ti remember this, it will help you a little in. doing your " gums. When yoll have 37 to multiply by or any mul iple Of it as high as 27, you have op.Iy to multiply tibe first figure, and jyOU may -be snre the oth- er results N Matheni. ered what squares." of uunaber thet whet across or d always be - ,appeei's , be h has been of the the to the orn oW, Sent aria did not thi ir departur ing able to u. It •w oul at yourself feiende tu e really t nxious for a Tyne cha ite wiBitg help forwa• ith thfs obj following of at tielese: me to St,. row a six the river, ling or oy expenses ; —the Paris expenses t v a six .mil 500 or ove latch to be on eithet tibe Ty e or at St. neither [party wiJ 1 be tied to the sam crew to the starting and the ame arti -les as were :up for the match at LaChine serve in another from w yot;:r to Wnspeopl giving ,your br against, is, we w'll be glad t to any Ireasona le inoposal you wit i respect to a race. will dr • w .up a them t• me at Qt een St., once sign them if satisfactory, and if not will correct and return. I I that we have no objections n the spring or autuiun at • and in cue you think of k aver to England to row, we ling to row at eny time. g/ssoon to hear trom you un - subject, I remain, yours JAMES RENFoRTH, ampion culler of England. bert Ful ma St- John, N. B. jUVENILE INTELL1GENCE.—A lit- tle boy hearing his papa remaak how unfortunate for trade it was that cotton could not grow in New York, interposed by saying cleverly, "Oh yes, papa, it can. I saw Aunt Elinor last Week with ever so much growing out!of her ears 1" ill be just like the first. ticians have also cliscov- are- called . " magical hese are an'arraugetnent i11. squares in such a way er added in cohinin or agortally, the result will he same. • For example: 2716 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 2 3 8 1 1 4' 1 3 4 1 2 I. 7 3 19 2-5 $ 24 5 612 0 11 17 23 4 2 3 9 15 16 4 20 21 2 8 will add these squares i hid). I have rnen ione 'rid that the sum of t e Of the second 10, ermatch with th crew, am I am q all in 111 power t proposed Sa.ce. vi▪ ew 1 at vanco th sitions a .the basi, are wiling to e, Newlyn swick. t tinning ace upo stake of 500 ste ca▪ ving 200 for will give yonr ere% of St..Jonn— to the T ne t& rc for a st Ike of case of t eking a, If you. the ways e you will firstis 15 third 65. , A grea first 'and squares, a clined to- eliev deed some magic bout them - I am sine este "our boys a athematiciens enough they may be .acciount thematical principles. ny of!themere mathem ugh to form any:9f. the squares th.,mselves. dea last- d so d the most resi comp.et at I re; ik it up- ,orrte 1 ap- and oth- pion .o do d the ct in' ropo- We an, mile fora r. re - •r we we Orcw come race • In owed John bring point, •rawn might ects tis models for tion. Belyiving, d and hear, that are; desiroue of e• ,w another trial listen. from If you ticles and forward Sir Charles Napier ewcastle, Iwill alt may ad to row.: jcl corning are wi Tr usti on the truly, Mr. R -A Lo e. Match. Mreleion I1LtrcourM. P. for Oxfoid in add eesing he electors there s °ice of the approaching mar- riage oithe Princess Louise to the Marcie le of Lorrie, He said :---" It so hapriens that he young nobleman who is ortiutiatei enough '50 have se- cured the affecti ns of the 1 rincess is a gr at perso al friend, and,in- deed, a relation f my own. 1 hap- pened o be staying at the house of his peel nts at the time the announce:. ment g the faiet—though then a se ret was first made I happened, co seq iently; t know that it is a ma rria, se, of th , purest affection ; . i i and 1 Ina sure hag a matier so in- teresti g, both n its political and historiral unpo tance, is one which will secure the llearty sympathy and appro al of tli That a daughter ly sho ild be b ject of e English people. of the Royal Farni-. stowed upoa a, sub - the Crown is an event which - 1 has been written I believe has not tiappened in the about these Magical . histor of Engl, d for 200 years. I e authors have • - do not believe t ere is any men in that there was as Tne En,gla d who vill regret that the But Crow should be guided by a wise policy, and thus' have brought itself into a mow close and immediate re- lation with t e people' of this conntr ." A Go • d Promise. girls" are know that for on: m wonder if tieians en Sh • Dr. Ma the old lie, of France, has reviv ractice of ,givingi shot bilious:colic.. His method is to ta , aftei*carefully washi sweet oil, and give a d ul ; every half hour. t in five or six hone eases. The editori of t dicalArd Surgicalfom 4 _06 wing story, ill his treatment: A cler aken very sick and st house of a good old la miliar with thetreatme d that she, had no sh let which would laaas se. She gave it to the after being assured of ts wallowed it and to his joy se found that ina v ey ed x- dy vy is. ed No. 5 sho them wit ert spo9 claims th vomitina Pacific al relate t trative of an was ped at th who was who sta but a bu the purp yine, wh efficacy, 4, and Sur short tira, ,he was entirely rehe of his colic. Before feaving, he pressed some _doubt to the old la about the piece of lead BO hea finding its way through the bow Oh, my," she replied, "you .n have no anxiety about that, as it been through me ten or twe times." e Thelenerny made once a great At- tack o the Danish Island of iFunert. One llage .only was spared ; but this t as also soon to be sacked and burnt. Two pobr..#eople lived in ae low-st tdded house i the outskirts of the town. It was a dark winter eveni g, the enemy was expected ; and n their anxiety they took the • ook f Psalms and opened it to see if psalms hey first met with could give them any aid or comfort. -They opened the book and turned to the psalm A. mighty Fortress is our G d." Full of confidence they sang t and, strengthened in faith, the'*rent to bad and slept well kept by th Lord's guardianship J When they aloyOka in the 'morning, it was quite iark in the room, and the day- light ould not penetrate; they then moun d the loft, got the trapdoor open nd saw it was broad day light, but a heavy drift of snow had in the night fallen u n the whole house and idden it from the enemy„ who, th night time, had pillaged and burn 'the town. Then they clasped their hands in thankfulness and rve- .Peate the p lm, "A mighty -For- tress is our Cod !" The Lord had gua • ed them and raise4 an in- .-, trenc ment of now around them. COJ •CD 0..1 • Citr CD \4,5t.ljZ 4) 1:e 0 aa• tj-1 zt",•Ciq 1711?cDiZ cici rid tp,10 - rj W. 0 4'A 0 ce54 h.p.4 lormr P' Ze 0 )•—r. • 44i • )40 Sole! KIDD S PORIU, tm-A • FASHION, SEAFORTH, MHE subscriber tbe public that LUMSbEN Has just received a Presh 5 ock of PURE DRU S AND CHEMICAL Toilet and Fancy Soaps; Cobs, Han-, Tooth and Nail Brushes, • much, - Erglish, and America PRFUMER CENUINE DYE ST FFS. Guaranteed t'� b f the best quality. Horse andtattilM. e icines. Condition Powders.. • Physicians prescriptions ea accurately dispensed. R LIM' DEN, dully and CD 0 ‘p' '0L81`U ? '�0 egs to announce to • e has opened a Splendid Assortment STAPLE A D FANCY DRY G ObS, CL THING, ROCERIES, CROCKER BOOTS & SHOES, LIQUORS, WINES, ETC. The whole of the Stock is entirely new, and bought in the isest houses in Canada. He is determined to sell at prices that will satiify the buyers. Chancer Sale ! 411Dair THE COUNTIES OF PERTHIRURON & SIMOOE. 31.Woay et. lal.; vs. Mallady, et. al. PRSO' ANT, to a decree of the Court Uof Chancery in this cause, bearing date the Twelfth day of October, A. D. 1870, the hereinafter i entioned Real Es- tate, will be sold by as iPollUowBs, LkNiveith Atillie CapTpiTaNtio'n of George Wellesley Lawrence, Esquire, Master of the said Court at Stratford: ) at 12 o'clock, noon, on the days and at the places hereinafter spec fled. . On Saturday, the 8eventeenth day of tANDS IN! PERTH AND HURON December; A.D. 1870, at KDOX1S Hotel, in the Village of Seaforth, in the Comity of auron, by J. P. Brine, Anctioneer, duly appointed for that purpose. - PARCEL, NO. 1. All and singularthat certain parcel and tract of land and premises, situate lying and being in the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth and Province of On. taro, and being compased of Lot mantel. Thirty, in the Fourth Concession of the said township of Hibbert, and containing by a,dmeasurcinent, one hundred acres, .more or less. There are about twenty „acres, more or less, cleared • the farm is fenced and well timbered with beech and maple ; the timber is Very valu-able as thOot lies Within one mile of the•Buffalo and 'Lake Huron Railway; and, between two and three niiles from the thriving village Seaforth. If.i. • The land .is well suited. fo \a,gricultural purposes, and ex- cellently a4tered. ' THOS. KIDD, orth, Nov. ls 1870. 153— r 1 RCEL No. 2. All and sing4ar that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Townsbip of Tucker - smith, in the County of Hurn, and Pro- vince of Ontario, amtbeing coi33posed. of Lot No. 1, it the 3rd ncession, of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of HUTOD, anti Province of Ontario, and containing by admeasuremt, one hun- dred 'acres more or less. \ There are about thirty acres of this farre\ cleared; it is we fenced, in a good condi ion and '1\e,„‘ • a portion. eded down with timoth . The • timber on the lot consists of beech, maple and elm, and is considered-,;,ery- valnable. The farm is well watered, anti the land of excellent quality of zbgricut,, tural or stock raising purposes ; the ' facilities for the latter ;as regards water, &c., being -unrivalled. There is a small house, with a barn, on the lot. This lot is subject to a lease for an unexpired tam Of two years to one James Kehoe. ' PARCEL No. 3. All and singular that certain. parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and beb.g in the Township of Tucker - smith, in the County of Huron, and Pro- vince of Ontario, and being composed of Lot No. 2, in the 3rd Concession of the said Township, containing. by adnieasure- merit one hundred acres of land more or less. There are between twenty and • thirty acies of this farm cleared: and. well fenced, the remainaer is well covered with valuable hard wood timber. There is a good house, recently built on the farm, Niritil a large log 1)arn. The house cost about $1,200. The land. isof the very best description for agricultural purposes, and. is Well watered_ The lot 3,djoins Parcel No. 2 both of them being within • three Miles o the village of Seaforth. and. one mile of the Buffalo and Lake Huron • RailWay. ' LANDS IN SIMCOE. On Wednesday, the Twenty-first day oi December, A.. D., 1870, at Fill Go T. K. Aild FALL ST Has Recently ds ! OK, rriyed IT CONSISTS PLAIN & FANCY MELTO Broad Cloths & ALSO BEAVER AND PILOT OVERCOATINCS, AND ALL OTHER SE,ASORA13LE GODDS IN THEILINE. Everything made up in the Latest or any SV1e, to suit • Customers. 1 ALL WORK WARANTED, AND PER- •FECT FITS CIIARNTEED. PRICES TO SUIT T113 TIMES. $HOP ONE DOOR SOUTH OF ROBERTSON & CO'S HARDWARE STORE. -Sitarmern, Septber 18'70. •OF TWEEDS! so Doeskins, em Hotel, in the Town of Bradford,. in the County of Simcoe, by Auctioneer, duly appointed Sfor that pur- pose. - PARCEL No. 4. All and singular, that certain parcel or tract of land and premise, situate, lying and being in the Township of Tecumseh, in. the County of Simcoe, and Province of Ontario ; and being composed of Lot No. 4, in the 4th Concession, of the said Township, containing by admeasurement one nundred acres of land, be-thei same • moli-leTitohr leas.,the *ex ee ption of ten or fifteen acres the Lot is cleared, well, watered and fenced. The farm has been for a number of years in a high state of ciati- ation and. contains a good. dwelling oguss.e.,. large barn, stables and out -build - in PA_RCEL No. 5. compose of Lot No. 6, in the 8th Conces- the County of Simcoe, aforesaid, being tract of land and preraises situate ; lying and being in the Township of Adjala, in Conces- sion of the said Township, and contain- ing a_A tleea eadabaosrvilegivalna,dr. st bite c. r tells, 11. pa,rcel. or ing by admeasurement sixty acres, more • or There1esare about ten acres cleared, and. the remainder is well timbered with val- - worth the attention of Farmers, Capitalists and •others. CONDITIONS OP SALE. , The purchaser shall, at the time of sale, pay down a deposit in the proportion of ten dollars for each hundred dollars of the purchase money to the Vondor's Solicitor, and.the remainder of the pur- chase Money on or before the twenty-first day of January, A. D., 1871. In other respects, and except as the above,the con- ditions of sale are thestanding conditions of sale of the Court of Chancery. Fur- ther particulars may be obtained of G. W. Lawrence, Esq., Master, Stratford, and. at the law office of Joseph A. Dono- van, Esq., Vendor's Solicitor, and Messrs 'Osler tic Moss, of the City of Toronto; Messrs. Doyle and Squier, in the Town of Goderich, F Holrastead, Esq.; in the Village of Seaforth, and Messrs. Hayes & O'Loane, in the Town Of Stratford. 0 G. W. LAWRENCE, Master in Chancery. JOSEPH A. DONOVAN-, . • Venior's Solicitor. Dated at Stratford; this Nineteenth Day of November, A.D., 1870. 1 -td. STRAYED cal -nix riAmE into the enclosures of the sub- sciiber, Lot No. 6, Con; 2, township of 'Stanley, on or about the 27th October, three head of cattle, 1 two year old hei- fer! ; 1 yearling heifer, and 1 year old steer, most -all red. The owner callboy° the same by proving property, and -pay- ing charges. THOS. DINSDAtE Kip' P. O. :11 • Kippen, Nov, 21; 1870. •1.4-, The otown Me Orm Gazate., lowing account of • Royal Highniss3 at • av:Lirkise. ate aieette:z Princees has 31.101: 1::: •- el Alice of Da with her eo to elicit times the ei excursions fr,in very pleasan de ven children are all eery them lately Tee o and two pteg/ed ',eel • hind which -Wes ,Intwai 'ct o herses, and i which hildren weials. CrOWII Prince `:*3 i./i ek- ple in her test ,s 'and herself carries eefeeelit • ket to -the paCiente i with vvbite sheets and el She habad-s et -et -vs' ranged in th imot - ner. She has had die neat curtaiiiis it up. der flowers reF.piace1. e; and a coneert was.give of the' Kurbea e, on . the wounded were cats, beds into the tourt ef She has tamed several of the old Enklieh itt. also siNi ii_isi ni tiztll ie rito leis!. and the rean't1 at , whom she intrusted p- • rattle and female ,;ittene weended, with Whom el in a friendly manners est sun Ls very like hish grantlfatlier, t.1.14,, King ; a pleasnre to See hit* splendid chill . The: ( .eess, beyond alil 'doubt, <tdeal of enerev a/10 great. , th. / of simplicity- ere' good . Fire Geard -here desired istard of boitot at tlaOr sherefused the offer vil ,No 'one recopniied or ea . 1 - splendid entrarce lead I bnt'ehe was past. Sue 'ally one of her Pildren SI When. she thive !out. I - der she has gai ed all h ally of the mothers.e had anopenhan I $e. the i of Straasburg'i their of them whet had fled • turning home? ' 4es. Pleasa Wor. ill Parie, eshen I „w .4_,..._ . 'stole, the store -keeper, v ting e I went tn, rose, quaintanc , talniodtics11:t* recognize. ust,:a, :14,peente;i:ialhiano.1:1) hini to talk 0 me, bn was: only the ctesy 4: e.and'proceedeu tq keni chases. I Was 1. ed kindness linfl Lotis4ci when 1 left, dI :that store bade me, gclOCI MOM I said to mysself, "Sin pier f• foe these ere no ner 'of our eetnlitrte - ll are apt to !be indiffetent, rade. We fall into. col 'b'taycol,atilb iivg.ilf-lei%elei i-anite tliider ji pieaeanter if people . ari polite in their in nners. little to say, "0 ood' 1 yet if every dui or neighboi, yon 0 - face,' and saY, " nod. frieud," if it iS ,, • -evetung, my file id7;s if is net the effec1 is hithi you ,;hardly look 04 then bete than if, w len .ye en ? i The habit ef, 'Slain, yott felt interested in ot4 happiness, will by -an really feel interested 1 ns.—Ciiiiers ,Papr. ' The Poverty a Pro • Beecher in a recent se "I verily befielse that t prosper by 'wickedness eapaeity of enjoylnent are thousands and thotesa swollen ssrespero1j1.5 nie one-tenth as happy as th have almost n4ing. are poor eo-orks in i with .such pitiful= stipein -can. ecartely 'make the who 4113e. yet a grea than the millienaire serve. There are men gone ,through, the prosper are -411ed the secular thi worl1., who look out env-. some imes almest sadly swatthy laborer, and say, had no more anxiety tha ' I could whistle end sing if I had his lungs, and il •sIethiliUnk; Iifwionwiedreash bewial3 up all my wealth,' Oh l aching cares, the rust and envier and je,alonsies, tions aneydednthe lowiivialritelthea aife k human faculties1 Th belong to such men, an look into daem you eir -deceived, teer seduced, no to take their- place."