HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-11-18, Page 80 amasSisesmaaaaeasalagaraaa S.so, Y:44.0, -e94, .. ihF Y '. l iti4.4.�: '.!-!'•.. . • yl HE .I ' RON iEXPOSI' OR L:I M13ER HE undersigned have on hand at their Mills, half aamile North from,the„Village of.frAin- leyvlags` 500,000 feet _of Good_ DRY ;PINE LUMBER, attaa.fallowitig.11itTifrent kinds; viz � ch; i' ch and a'half, mill two inch; clear. Is large lot, (over 100,000,) ineli and. a quarter, enc inch and a half flooring, both chased and under, dressed ; half inch sid ling, common boards, auc plank, 12, 14 and 16 feet long, Board and stril LATH, all of which will be sold at reduce( prices. ROIJER They have lateIy aclded a :lest -class planning machine, to their otner�'machiner-y, and intend keeping dressed lumber of all kinds constantly an hand. The public may rely upon being able toprocure any of the 'above articles of Lumber at their Alills, so lona as it is here adve •tisecL Parties sending'Iumber to the mill can have it dessed do the shortestnoticejand lowest possible fiernis.. 141. & T,' SMITH. A.inleyv ii le,, Feb. 11, 1870: . .)14 -tf CARD Q.Y. T; AN KS, THE undersigned`desires to .ten;,d-er his sincere thanks to the 'farmers of Huron and public generally, for the liberal patreuage hehas receiv- ed since comnaencnn'g the :manufacture of"Ploughs, etc., in Seaforth. _0 Having had `seventeen years experience in the above business,' he can with confidence recon• mend his AS FIRST CLASS GENERA Il� PUR POS}. ` PLOUGHS; AND 01?jLIGHT DRAU GHP. Iron ancl wooden Ploughs`v ith cast steel land - side and mould board constai:tly on hand, and made to order. GRAHAM WILLI A.MSON. Seaforth, August 26, 1870. THE SICK OF THE GOLDEN PR WHI E ME -1LABR :FISH, e NEW LAYERS,1 PRIME F Wl� b sold as ,C tl , E3A..L.IX, A LSO - I' S LYT NUJ RU Warr nted Prime. sits Just tufted.' 1 UND HERRINGS S 3a£orth, is ov . ; 3, .1870. i 'KED VALE LESS AND e1p as at1y west t -, Or Give us 'a CAMEL G ET T °NCE ITT Is' 25 per cent. AT. THOMAS HE HAS AD TIBE subscriber begs to inform the public that he has just received a great variety of Sad- a dies and TRJ.JNKS, - -Which he isprepared.` to sell At Prices 'Air -zest :Unparelleled. 0()LLAR-Spf every description., warran t ed not to hurt the horse's neck. '* In the way of7.., Harness _ OF ALL KINDS, • He is, as heretofore, , m 'a position to give .his customers as good value for their money as any other establisVrnent in Ontario. Quality•of work and material, employed, indis- putable. ndig .putable. SHOP OPPOSITE KIDD - L'• �.cl ULKIN'', JOHN- CAMPBELL. 41 Seaforth, Jan. 31. 18't0. 52-tf. .. NTIAS,. :HOICE of Toroni NE W UURAN TS o. S; ROBERTSON, SIG F THE hewer lSL'S RCTTLAR SAV To his FaEeilities, and i holesale a Be Sure to Call b chasing Else WA LE ROOMS OPPOSITE K KIN S. ORK SHOP, CORNER 0I SQUARE. TUI NIN done. on tl Notice .FINS l (pt constant AHEARSEFORH SEAS )RTH, JUNE •30, 1870. ore Pur - here. DD McMUL- NARKET 1e - ShGr est lyonh IRE. SEAFORTEL SALT !-'xE COLEMAN & GOIT;INLOCK OULD RESPECTFULLY inform the pub- lie that they now have their •. , . SALT ViORIK$ AT EAFO ilT COMPLETED; AND ARE PREPARED TO RECEIVE AND FILL ALL OR.73ER-S' FINE, COARSE AN'b - LAN D SALT. 'ERM8 CASH. Seaforth,: Sept. 14th, 1870- 145-tf-- SEAFORTti PLANING MILL, Sash, Door, and BLIND FACTORY FIVE Subscribers beg leave to thank their nu- merous customers for the veryliberal patron- age extended to them since commencing business Seaforth, and, trust that they will be favored with a continuance•of the•same. Parties intending to build would do well to. give then a call; as they will continue to keep en hand a large Stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, D00RS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, &C., Then feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who may faveur them with their patronage, as none but first class workmen are • employed; 24- P artionlar attention paid to Custom Planing BROADFOOT& GRAY. E• EAD JO GIB M CIC N OF LAW, by Duke of Argyle. NTLE' LAY SEEM NS. HEOL6 Y AND SCIE CE,. (Brewer). CRITICAL NEW TES A 4ENT. BIBLICA YOLOPE ES' BIBLICAL CONGO' y ANCE. EPHUS' WC)RKS. XETER HALL ECT R. + S. . MOTLE 'S DUTCH J1 P BLIC. 0N8' RI E & FALL,.R i N EMP RE, CA ULE : 'S HISTORY OE EN GLA ' D. .IAR.KH M'S HISTORY ` 0 ENGL D. COTTA! E LIBP.ARY, ch ice and c eap. FA11M.I LY READIN S ATH SCH0 L LIBRA IES, PIYMN BO 'KS, ETC. —ALSO— - 0— SCO S.DES S OVELS, . -LIGHTNING 1.�'PL7+ PARER WINDOW. GLASS, BE T BRANDS. 9:..f PS 1•a• - O hawa Steel oulciboarc Pio s, on y $13, A. H ELL'S 'ATE l T GEAR c i )I SSE=P I! WER CA STINGS Ah Aaye on Maned: 4• MACHIN OILS CHEAP AND GOOD. aints and Oils of kinds,__ IA. WEAVERS MATERIALS, . i WA.TERLTIE, AND CAL° SNE PLASTE1}.. DAY BOOKS, JOURN' LE� Se 10 ID II ercial a R L forth, No LS; GEES, ASH ROOKS WRITING PAPER, ENVEL t PES. ad fancy, at •” UMSDEN'S Drug and Book S ore. 3, 870. 1 :o: yre & Wil is UFACTURERS OF' STTO •. 'C 'C. :o-- . A•4, kinds `of work mianu bored fro '•• the best material, and on r onable to s. A. GOOD FIT GU TTs.ED S ' op one dolor south of JOHN LOG STO E, and nearly obposite KIDD & Mc KI S, Main S . Seaforth. 5:: orth, Qct.; . 13, '1870. 1,49. N'S UL - HOUSE A D LOT AOR SALE! OR SALE. CHEAP,A. DE S IRABLE DIEL - LING MOUSE Plead �`ntly situated, on St. John Street, Seaforth. For further particulars apply to • JOHN S ITER, Drugg, &c., Main St, SE YORTHq July 14, 1870. 136itf.T- shelf Hard are of an 1 description. Reinembel the spot'. )..)10.n a the Circular Saw. ealortll, On,. P.S. -Improved Champion Cr'4es-our. t•4aws with patent handles, wo.rt'.wtod to ct t twice as mu h in the, seme time as ti e common sa\'. Be s re to see thein. Jack' Screws ROB Se forth ept: 1 , 187.0. ONT A IO P in_ ers'�•. �' � E �D011�. 85 ;AND *BAY BAY STREET.. to hire. - RTSON & C 111 C WAT IN & SON 1 (SUCCESSO S TO W ► . HALLEY,) j PALMS. M f RINTI G M TERIAL, OF EVE Y DES RIPTION, TY ES, PR SSE , INKS, PA- .ERS, AND REQUISITES GENERALLY. -Canadian Agents for the celebratedExtra Haid Metal Book; News, and Job Letter of STEPH- ENSON, BT.ARE, Co., Sheffield ; and the s- perior Plain and Ornam tal Type, Border, Rule, Cuts, etc., of - Mess Jaraes Conners it Sons; New York. Exclusive Agent for the mproved Canadian Gordon, Half, Quarter, andEighth medium J b and Gard Printing Presses. PRINTING MACHINERY 1 • From► all the popnlar•manufacturers, furnished it short notice and at regular rates. *I• Estimates furnished, promptly answered. Toronto, Oat. 5, 1870. rr and all enquiriio 1982{+{ 5 WATCHES. WATCHES , 1 `VA.TCHES: MATCHES WATCHES WATOFt ES WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES WATCH f1 3 CLOCKS CLOCKS. CLOCKS CLOCKS. CLOCK CLOCKS .CLOCKS CLOCKS ;'LOCKS WATCHES - CLOCKS One of theLargest a•_d Assorted Stoclk in this line,. s to be found atBest M. R. CDU 1 T ,ERA'S, O1?POSITS UA1t1 ICHAEL'S HOTEL: E:AyoR'rx,' March 31, 1870. 50— SIGN OF THE' Golth ail' JACK SCREWS TO HIRE. O A*,Pa▪ dMid CY' Want a semi gsq Cat 0.0 - Seaforth, Sept. 21st, CIC Pte! Pod ram• i iti 4,JoniOwl 0010 ` 1870. Carri4ge and Sleigh Factory , MAIN. ST•, SEAFORTH. to the inhabitants ate HE Subsc ibers, thankful for past favours, ' would in tmot Seaforth surrounding country, that -they have on hand Lame Assortment of I GLS BUGGIES, �1I�R � DEMOCRATS, &c., &c., Made up of the Best .Material, and in the Latest Styles. In order te make room for WINTER WORK, they will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. - Intending purchasers wo'ild do well to give thein a call before purchasing elsewhere, R P .A. I IR, ZINT GI- Promptly IPromptly attended to. - - Remembtrr the Stand , First door South of the Foundry, Main. St. McINTCSH & 'MORRISON. Seaforth September" 1, 1870. 111-- ramsti traav u 0,4 eke CD 101 dam TORONTO MILLINERY.' MISS ERWIN,, JJESIRES to respectfully inform the ladies iof Seaforth n vicinity, s has t a d v cin tht she- remove y:d her Millinery Establishment to - REY TOLD'S BLOCK ! NEAR ME RAILWAY .STATION. Miss Erwin would also take this opportunity of saying that she has very considetably increas- ed her stock which consists of MANTLES, HATS AND BONNETS, Ready trimmed. DRESS CAPS, &c., &c. Orders for all kind of work, suoh as . MANTLE AND DRESS.MAKING, TTRIMMING, BRAIDING, ETC, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. A stock of piece Satins of all shades on hand&, Seaforth, Sept., 21st, 1870. • 146-t)n-.+. e VIOLET INK. J. SEATTER, EXCHANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure ORUCS. INEMICALS. AND DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, FANCIMIND TOILET ARTICLES. Agent- for Sewing Machines. Money - to lead on easy terms. AW Para Wines and Liqu.rs for medicinal pier. poses. J. SEATTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 59-tf, tip �r- gt; Pig \4, paw 0 'amttrtInft.m] 0 IISU1EAJSf ,WM. WATSON, SEAFORTH FRIE, IspRINE, AND LIFE INSURANCE -AGENT, FOR The Provincial Insurance Company of Canada (Canadian). The Liverpool s.nd London and Globe Insurance Company, (Eaglish), The Niagara District Mutual Insurance Company. The Gore District Mutual Insurance Co, • and The Star Life Assurance Society of England, which divides nine tenths of the profits every five years amongst Policy. Holders. Losses liberally adjusted' and promptly settled. Farmers s a re specially invited to consult the advantages offered in perfect security and in the extreme lowness of rates for insurance' on all db- scriptions of Farm Property. MONEY TO SEND, At moderate rates of Interest, and to be re -pal by Instalments, which is the most suitable an safest method for Farmers and others to pay off a mortgage. NO Commission Charges, and ex- ,, penses small. MORTGAGES BOUGHT ON EQUITABLE TEEMS. b" SEWING ,MACHINES. The best Sewing Machines. for Family Use, ae well as for Manufacturing pp uses, are ept al- ways on hand.; Both Singh, ailed aid Dou- ble Threaded, or Lock Stitch Machines can be supplied. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and instructions given to purchasers gratis. REMEMBER Wm. N. WATSON'S Insurance Jenvy. Office, and Sewing Machine Depot, North in Street. - SEAFOR.TH, March 31, 1870. 121— CUSTOM TAILORJNG. THANKING the public for their liberalpatron- j_ age extended tous since commencing busi- ness, we hope by strict attention to merit a eon- tinuanee of the same. CtTT'T Qi Parties who may require C: tt4a_g done, eihi have it executed with Accurac , e taess, sand Despatch, at MODERATE PR CES. SUTHERLAND EROS. SRABoiiTH, September 1, 1870. NOTICE. - T11 1 COUNCIL of the Corporation of the Conn �tp of Human � t will meet in the Court Room, in the Town of Goderich, upon Tuesday the 22nd day of November instant. County Clerk's °Pee. I PETER ADAMSON, Goderich, Nov. 5,1870. i County .Clerk. 153-2- 3 i n -UST N. VOL. 3, • I1ES 'DIS R'RACY, M. ; tore a Huron. llh' Ce and East of the Methodist lupi~ Seaforth, Dec. ith, 1S6 ID C. MOORE, A . University, 'Iontrea -&c. Office acid re idenee Zurich, Sept. 74, 1870. TAMES STEW A.E.T, M. of McGill University, Surgeon, &c. Oice and Coox's. Varna. R. . R,. SMITH, Ph - Office,---Oppote ea ;fence Main. -street, North. Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1863, L. VERCOE, M, D.0 • geon, etc _ Office ax] of Market and High Street, of Kidd "& MfeMulkj'a Ste n Seaforth, Feb. 4th. 1870. T CAMPBELL, M. D. C. ty . Gill Univereity Monti geon, etc.., Seaforth, Office Post Office Buiidtng; up staff found by night or day when Seaforth. July 15th, 1860. LEGA F. WALKER.: Atter beitor-in-Chanoery, (' p`uhlio, &e. Office 'Of the Court House, Goderih, Ont: N B -Money to lend. .8'. Lands :. godsricb, Jany 8 1.870. 'CAUGEEY Attorneys at ,�Law,1"3 -and' Insolvency, Not4ries Pul ars. Solicitors for the R. C. Agents for the Canada ,r; B. --$30, 000 to lend at 8 Houses and Lots for Seaforth, Dec. 14th 1868. W NSCjN & MEYER, Bari at Law1, Solicitors in Ch. eney, Conveyancers, . otar e' Vices,--Seaforth and Wroxe ;' Trust and Loan Co.of U e Colonial Securit ea 1 Co.of Money at 3 per cent :; lino conA US. H R ;7s'O . Seaforih, Dec 10th 18ii8 liberal patronage swerved to hl' ni t1a hotel business, rind. also] that; he has again resumed busi' stand, where he will ;be hap' from old friends, and many n: TH0 Seaforth, 3,1 -ay 5, 1870. TR. ROSS, Proprietdr New ;cgs to inform the! people the travelling eommu11 y genera first-class acconamodati n m eve by travellers. A good tatable r always on hand, Regular Bop every necessary attentz n. Seaforth, Feb. 8th, 109. 1 -DRITISH EXCHAAIGE Hod ONT., J. Caaa,a.wiaaa PRO WILLIAMS (late of Ameriean 11- Y.) Manager. This hotel has ly furnished, and refitted throng.. one of the most -comfortable and the Province- Good S ample Eo eisl Travellers Terms`lineral. 1 Goderich, April 14, 170. - MISCELLA HARP'S LI Y" STAB 1, SEaro aTg. First lass k, always on hand at reasonable 'te _R _L S1a, Seaforth, May Sth, 1870. MAILI.. & .'R-0OKE' Arch`i and specifications 4awn eo ter's, Plasterer's, and Mason's and valued, Office-0er J. C. store, Court -House Squar% God Goderich, A Aril 23, 1869, : MMPHILLIPS, Pry `• veyars, Civil Enbikeers, :e of Conveyancing done with nea- McPhillips, Commissioner Next door south of Sha's Seaforth, Dec. 14, 186 D HAZLEHURST, Licensed the . County of -uron_. *DE TA G. - i- ski ficial Dentures latest Al im extras a '' 68. 1xnprovemel bare taken for the pr-eaervatio tender teeth. Teeth Moms over Collier's Sore. Saeforth.- Dec, 14, 1 HO OMMERO1AL HOTEL, CLaird, proprietor, modation for the trave.iing and bar are always supplied- narketsaff`ord. Excellent A n leyv ille, April 23 affords pi' - stab,, 1869. i j ders:', r n ��iNX"'S HDTJL {LAT:I;, S �� ed hers to th�nlr liberal patronage swerved to hl' ni t1a hotel business, rind. also] that; he has again resumed busi' stand, where he will ;be hap' from old friends, and many n: TH0 Seaforth, 3,1 -ay 5, 1870. TR. ROSS, Proprietdr New ;cgs to inform the! people the travelling eommu11 y genera first-class acconamodati n m eve by travellers. A good tatable r always on hand, Regular Bop every necessary attentz n. Seaforth, Feb. 8th, 109. 1 -DRITISH EXCHAAIGE Hod ONT., J. Caaa,a.wiaaa PRO WILLIAMS (late of Ameriean 11- Y.) Manager. This hotel has ly furnished, and refitted throng.. one of the most -comfortable and the Province- Good S ample Eo eisl Travellers Terms`lineral. 1 Goderich, April 14, 170. - MISCELLA HARP'S LI Y" STAB 1, SEaro aTg. First lass k, always on hand at reasonable 'te _R _L S1a, Seaforth, May Sth, 1870. MAILI.. & .'R-0OKE' Arch`i and specifications 4awn eo ter's, Plasterer's, and Mason's and valued, Office-0er J. C. store, Court -House Squar% God Goderich, A Aril 23, 1869, : MMPHILLIPS, Pry `• veyars, Civil Enbikeers, :e of Conveyancing done with nea- McPhillips, Commissioner Next door south of Sha's Seaforth, Dec. 14, 186 D HAZLEHURST, Licensed the . County of -uron_.