HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-11-18, Page 47 NEWS"' . NEWS 1 'NEWS 1 IA: • 'vort 1871, The largest and • best general: newspaper in the Dominion—The WEEKLY GLonE—,and the largest and best local newspaper in Hu- ron—The 'HURO:N ExPosrkoR fourteen months for $2.75. The publisher of the _HuRati EXPOSITOR will supp y the WEEK- LY GLOBE and the 1-13RoN EXPOSI- tOR, from this date t4 January 1st 1872, for °$.2.75 ; or pail -up sub- scribers to the 'EXPOSITOR, with. the GLOBE for $1.25. The cash must accompany the order. Address WM, F. LUX1ON, HURON EXPOSITOR Offitea Saforth **- „ RAILWAY TIME TABLE.- • Trains leave the Seafoi th station as folllws GOIG EAST. - GOING- wEST. 1.37 7- M. 2.07 " " 7.18 A. M. 10.47 " " 3-.30 8.45 IC II iU:s expooitor. The Official paper of the CouirtY• FRIDAY,.NOVEMBER 18, 1870. FREEDOM IN TRADE. "Freedom in Trade," aa set forth in our mottoe, is one of the cardinal principles:of our policy ; and believing that the abolition of toll -gates in the County of Huron was a question, involving no other principle, we most streniously advocated the measure.— The majority of the ratepayers, however, who voted on Monday last, were in opposi- tion. While we, ot course, yield to theft -- decision, we, nevertheless, stand by our pp- sition as the correct one, and shall never allow any opportunity, for attaining a closer approach to Fiee Trade to pass, without taking advantage of it We believe that some, though we think they are few, pro - flounce our conduct in this: matter the result of improper influences. We value ourhonor too -highly :to enter into any lengthy argu- ment to prove the contrary, and shall con- tent ourselves tty giving such uncharitable surmises one simple and , emphatic denial, t� whichtweemight add, as pur opinion, that had the people of Huron bOnet, all, as disint tetestedly aetuate.d, the reselt would have beenotherthan it is. Thenenotwithstand- ing our most earnest labour; the toll -gates are still to exist- in Huron. But there is another barrier to trade which we propose to dire& our voice against, via—ltlarket Fees. Howevergreat the absurdityiof toli- gate, we estimate the practice of market villages and towns, inxellecting a share of their taxation from their patrons, an imp - Ashton, greater in degree. We believe it as much to the advantage of the seller as the buyer, to have a located market, and doubt therefore partioulatly object,to the collec- tion of fees, till such time as theexpenses of this convenience are met, as there can certainly be no objection to the participant of an advantage payingfpe the tame. But, in the case of Seaforth, Or instance, with the close of the present year, • the market ievenne will have more than met all the expenditure of its organization, and we hold that to continue to collect fees from those who patronize: the market, is as -unjust as it is impolitic. What would be thought of the „merchant, who, notwithstaraditg his desire to de all business possible, wotild imeoce a. poll tax on each of his customers, to assist in, defraying the expenses cf his household 4? It is difficult to calculate whether knavery or folly would be considered his paromoutt -characteristic. 'ibis is art exact parallel. It requires but a mere, fraction 4f the mar- ket.revenue to maintain it, and the remain- der is applied to other corpm -aeon woiks. The agricultural coinmunity view it as a piece of unqualified imposition, -„which opinion we endorse—and therefore, rather than sub- mit, even at the risk of lower prices, for their produce,. they pationizt markeits, where such "catch -penny" institutions do not exist. People of Seaforth arise proclaim youravil- lingness to pay your Own taxes, aucl---deMand the abolition of marketefees. The Eastern:, Question" itl'aeparently looming up in the European Ildgieon. The Czar is bent oa vindicating the pride Of Russia, severely., wounded ley the Treaty of Paris after the Crimean reVerees. He now ' demands another arrangement by which Several .claersee in. that treaty, Obnoxious to the Russians, will be removed. He is de: sirous of placing an imperil navy OnCe more on the Euxine, and paying more at- tention to Turkey. The &ghat]. is reported • to be prepared for emergetcies, * E 'ROPEAR. SVAR SUMMARY. BelowwiIl b found a (Jail telegiaphic new anent t F War. THURSDAY. In Piras ilhe tarps have b to thret armiestwo of theni operati ns it the field, the thi by° Gen ral r • ch u iniierso comma der- n hiet, being d tertal defeixee. - The Oldie from Sedan are ordered to re" and the deter s 'nation of ith preset e diScip ineas shown execut ns.et yobs and Ma fences w1iici 1 d t� them h beet i stiglte( by, the --Red . . ists to, .rnale a p vPry seveee vernm rit fir r e failure of t 'don's, he 6taz tte de FhTkc papPr, eing p rtieularly Attack , nian 1r directed. ag , bet Another at.9tiiit le the 1 ngotiatiOflS fa- the: g whiSh it appet te that it was Frencli Prdvis onal Govern did not ine1ud3 a clause per victualling of Paris. It is s interviews witi Bisinarck, was stipuhting that Alsace should be permitted to vote to the OR tituent Assembl Chancellor sarcastically re would &the -first election th there. M. Thiers will prob • disapp oval b titer than Ro said to have resigned in dis could •of endure the insult for whose good he had made The P ussi. ns have .ocdupie force. nd have levied a con a milli n ne's ae.security havion of he inhabitants. Advices from San Dotningo to the 2nd t inst. state that the question of annexation to the German Confederation was *still Can- Yessed, audit is reported the netotiations are going on, hut no official steps ,be taken until the United Stales officially -ele-• dare the abandonment of the proposition of annexation. President Baez was not dead as has been repotted; are re orte to have-twent monst siege o ment by M. ventu confin to star e out he peqple rumou ed ega n that: there hesita •on, bu that the cit witho t comp notion, the caused by ,wai ing for 130193 intern 1- alibi of theifate fire f m the renck fortsi SCUMS. and experi nce gr earth orks. to hay.: croeire river igest of te a co-Pra si e divided i metered f r -d, command d ✓ i is al o. •nett for ho escap d or themselv s, uthorittes the miiita si rs. the i a it is sa The rote u on, the le late negot 11. Orlean lc able for in e M. Ga s leen given of isticp, fr m lined t e t becattse ii ting the z- i'lnM de in on..Thi e°ft a d .Lorrai f r candida the Plussi ked that t as ever h bl hear pub he ort, who because p the ,-peo m. ny sacrific s. ijon in bulge ution of h If the gpod e - e Prussi e of Krup r guns in Position t� e part in eratio s, and perha e bombe f the ci y. The opin is expres Thiel -a that the. Pru ns will npfai his last act, will rner ly their re to the fort and endea4or hel city: It is il be no s ch ill be shelled n1 delay being c ange in the apital. The id to be very estructive, and the besiegers at difficalty in cOnstruceng e army° of the Loire is sid to the north bank of the ire; vv'th the intent o '; probablyJ of .g the •ffensive. T}iere was ' he vy aditg ear Thionvill a few days a o, is nip] tired a battle took place,}jut ills- 1iave been receive FRI DAY. • ; rt s from Tours give the French two e vieto ies in ithe vi• m el, of Orleatis. • airs dol not appear tc have been a y - re tihati mere skirm sh s. That Von nn.h e Prussian Ge eial, is ietr at- ' • ardt Baris from Orl ate, is not im- ; rill'remain for the army of the. o quicily avail itself of this advalne- d ellen e, the retreat to a route. 'M. avre has published c rcular to he-, ntatives of France i oreignlco n- sureng themithat t responsibi ity b 4 - eting the propositionr an arthis ice est With _Prussio, an Cf' ves them his •of thelnegotiat'ons. again ap.p ars I that t ie re -victualling of •during the cessat on or hostilities ;was great Stu b - ling -b ock.i it is rep'orte hat Kere. ry, - g 4 havin organized! the Arm the Wes is formi g apothericamp in r ttany for an army 00,900 strong. The Fr nch fleet I as, it is said; ingloriously t• ti ed from the trout] of the Elbe to the N r a Sea, bey nd Helig land, Without even u 0- a gut: de it a US 0 rs 6 es IJ it Id ic is he e. ri or -fl ta s t le ns /8 he d- ecl i.ot Rolleston, the pioneer of the Cape of Good Hope diamond cliggingeehaearrred e in England. He justifies the glowing ac- counts of that comitry lately published. resum canto and it d,e ‚3 Rep or thr The a thig Dm- T ing to probe, Loire age al) Jules repres tries, of rej must versio ii 1 E , The ,bo biudtnentebf Thionville and the occupatio i of scnnersmall towns by the Prus- sians ate tnnounced this mornirtg. General Volt' der ann reports officially that 42 offi- cers and 67 men were wounded in the late battle neer Orl1 eans. The moral effect of the 7 victory is! said to bel very great Garnbetta, has isssed a Prcielarriation to the Army Of the Locene ire lt)" ding it on having e as- sumed " he gig:0 re offensive," and decler- ing that 'its hpnorir hangs upon loosening the grasp of the barbarians of Paris." The opinion t at miless 'relieved by some bold military,ifrioements Paris wilt soon succumb from want of supplies; appears to be gaining ground.. ' The $7inglish who are leaving the city by c nsentlof the Prussian commanders assert tie t food is steadily rising in price, whilst the Tribune's correspondent at Ver-. ,sanles es 'ells- that the epro-visions will not ,. holdout longer that three -weeks. A naval hattlp be ween a French and a German gun - }Scat, mimed the Bbuvet and Meteor, has oc- curred o ,.fiavena, where both had been lyingte combat was pre -arranged, and tie Spanish war vessel Go? iez • watched the engegeni rgt The Bouvet in an attenipt to board th &eteo9 becarne entangled with the latter anl lost some of her rigging, and ea shell fioikt the Meteor tlemaging her oppo-1 all the seed she could muster for neutral i tent stil filether. the Bouvet made off with I waterhe screw of the Meteor being fouled i by some of the wreck she was prevented' from foll wing her adversary. Both vessels . are DOW in port repairing damages. The f, Meteor 1st three 1iiil1ed and one wounded, . three w undecl were al . the casaelties or the Bouvet. The Prussian1 havmentered Dole, lately oc upied by Garibaldi; and are also reported to be threatening 'Lyons, an attack 4 . ,. -- on Which city is sad to be emmtnent. 1 , WEDNE DAY. M. Thiers has publi he'd in the London rinias Ns account of t e armistice negotia- ticine. Front this it is apparent that Count Bismark was disposed o agree to the three clauses of the armistice to allow theFrench people an opportunity of expressing ' their °Pinion of their' Govar intent e to permit _for the holding of the elections without the slightest, molestatiOn ; and give 'all fortified places,itcludirtg Paris, a chance to revictual. These terms were furt i er discussed at sub- bequent iinterviews, until after a consulta- tion with his officers Count Bismark seemed strongly opposed' to the revictualling o Paris, unless be irbeei d a military.equiva- lent—a fortger, perht4ps, more than one They were unable to agree on this point, as has alre dy been tated, and the negotia- tions1 te minated, . :Prince Frederick Charle is said t be hUrrying to the assistance ,ot Genetal Von der Tann, and is within fite days' in rch . of the unsuccessfel 'Prussian comma der. It stated that the Arniy o the Loi e is strongly encamped at .A.rtenay. rhere a e no Other military movements o importa ce. VROINT- :EXPOSIT() „ • , TUESDAY. • Th and o Arm sian city. a COn field • 0 1.1 SAT RD AY. .desitatches annoutc.ng the recap eepetion of Orleans b the Fre of the Loire kr e- con ed by a telegram, Which say t at the P eneral in conitnand lad evacuated Thd French claim t ave colIe .• - idereble quantity ot arms upon - f (rattle and admit a Io's in two d fighti g ofinearly 2,000 kill They llege, however, that 1,000 ptisPners, and aSset t troop suffered heavily. 0111 New riesach suirendered noon ¶o the Baden continge two p eu reenclering With dismantling of ihe fortifie- nieticed inimedieltely..1 Lill reetiou of !Gen. Bourbaki, preparing for a vigorous def is well fortified, and the co response tb a requisition II are in large suppl w ' b is said to number thought that General 'Trott maintain his prestige and: r of his folle'ere-s, will soon sortie fromtk P ris. MONDAY. have gained rear Orieiins eneral. ion of the pit be consequen 1 arms. It e of t4 army of the L on with a plan of Ge a sortie from Paris wi Oct and wounc th y jtave ta in t the Ger ti e othet h. ye terday: a t 5,090 Fre tib': town tuns wat 0 g n deri , he t stated to . - ,e. 1 The ,t , - -ry ipeople • the .rna for the.ar in orde u tt e the i sp mpta fur, , Th, FrTtel SUCCe.'S at '19i• the russian the -ocoupa troop bei ng tp th natione turns junct effec and time bem that aSie WS' that but h gular 18 iu -o es 3 n a es ir er th hus. if possible, raise th it is asserted that the ci a,rded, the Getman lea teavation will soon do t ctuallyId with less se and humanity. A te Prussi re force had en been expelled by the troops: • 16 I 1 No. I do, $3.5 omemade kip boots ,for $4 : cow hid , at Coventry's., I Manitoba., 1 ---1— I There is-amit etion in Winnipeg. Erbm uunatural dullnhat in the*Settlement it has sadclenly leaped into excitement. The COM d , ip. g elections ate the cause of this. Th ereutneretion Of ihe inhabitants is now bein made and in anticipation of a division o the Settlement' into electoral "districts' and "divisions,'" • the . electioneering cam paign - has coltunelaced. In most cases th candidates rely on p that is, ormer popula and the supp rt they 1 porters of the ex -Pro ure ch er- ne- the ted the Y ed. -en tan n d, er- i. elt he '111- di - be wit in or, ny, is to, rits her very 'Lc ded 'retrea of ✓ Tante and y the r nch fthisvic ory id the opera - are in on - 1 Tro hue -co 140,0 0 siege. 1 M y will no •ere belie e work q ndal to c egrane st ered ,Ro Fren?h en?an- be ing tetes en, rre- rsonal -qualifications ity or present ability an get from the sup isiotal Government or on the other lhand from its opponents, There is RO ineliriaton on the part of the loyal inhabitantsto rush too quickly into th arms .of their late opponents, and there ap pears to be a desire on the part of somo o those 'ho eupported Riel's Governmemt t regerd hemselves as the people having th only, or at least' the best legitimate, right to govern the coutary. In some divisioni the candidates will be returned by aeclarna tion ; but it is evident that unless consider i ,able change takes place in the feelings o l the people there will be hot fighting it l , was crowded to excess during the whole of others. The English speaking inember', 1 the trial. The sa .sympathy of the public ws will be divided in their sympathies, and the French areetoler;alidy sure to bury the instil reetion as deep!ly1 as possible. on man points, however, iconcerning the future o , the country, the two parties will be united elter .1 1 - meestmasteminei but I do not think tbat both 1 of these gentlemen have as yet :accepted the nominationttnor dS I know what the influ- ence of the committee may be in returning theme . Itis-whisperedabout that Dr. Lynch will be the candidate cheeen be the other side to run in consort with Dr. Shultz, and opinions are naturally dive,rse about the re- sults of the combinations. • When the re- turns ofi. the enumerators are made public it will be easier arriving at some definite opinion as to the chances of catididates, but at present one does nbt lenove where the boundaries of eacb division or district will run, and a little divergence from the pre- conceived line may have the effect of bring - leg in a French and English community not previously reckoned, • .The Lieuten.aat-Governor has recently is- sued two proclametions. One forbids the introduction of spirits into the North-West Territory, giving permiasion to any one, with or without warrant, to stave it the casks ; and the other forbids the carriage of fen from the Saskatchewen. eastward People coining frog', that district tri -e not all(e.ved into the settlement until they have been ten •days in quarantine, and are dis- missed by a maid" ollider who has been ap- pointed to examine them. Both Butler and Macdonald have left here for the Sas- katchewan. The former goes to ascertain what is really the state of the country, to report on it to the Lieutenant -Governor, and the °thee to give medical Assistance he having had a medical education -2 -in the infected districts. There was some little difficulty in arralaging, this latter matter. A civilian to whom the Governor applied de - mended £1,000 and his expenses. ; but the • demand was considered exhorbitant, and the' offer declined. Captain McDonald. of the Ontario Battalion, volunteered to go, but Col. Casault witheld his consent This c:tused somedissatistaction, and he has cigu- sented to let Captain, McDonald go. Greet credit is due to both. Butlettand McDonald, forthey go -with their,lives in their hands. They will be in the midst of a people dytng with the small pox, and will _share the danger from Indian ignorance and venge- ance; which the Hudson Bay Company's officers describe as being imminent. - Captain Perry has arrived with heavily - laden carts bearing the clothes and property of the officers and certainclothing. for the .med. There never was . anyone more anxiously expected, for the battalions had marched light, and men and officers lacked common article t of clothing essential to the difference af climate since the time of their departure ,from Shebandowan. It was piti- able to see the poor fellows on centry clasp- ing their rifles with. ungloved hands, while the frost rendered thick mitten's necessary. Though the weather has not yet settled into. winter, there is plenty of cold weather about, and the nightt are as sharp as any- one can _desire them lo be. 1. heard a doubt expressed by a field officer as to whether gloves for the men had been sent by Cap- tain Perry, if they have not, it is a very great oversight on the part of someone. Capt. Macdonald, before starting for the Saskatchewan, to aid in preventing the spreed of the small -pox was the iecipiett of a banquet and ;serenade. Threshing has batten in the lower settlement. Th it result 'shows an abundant yield. New e from the • Winnipeg and Manitoba fisheries reports a Very large catch, and the weather fayome able for caring. The volunteers have been served with winter clothing. Large 'a- mounts of freight were arriving from Aber- crombie. Mrs. James McCarthyaresiding across the river in Dakota County; under a temporary fit of insanity,- jumped through the window of her home on Sunday morn- ing, and running to a lake near, threw her self headlong into it and was drowned. Her husband and three children witnessed the suicide. NOVEMBER '18, 1870. -1.11111111111111M1111111111•111111 1 -Meteorologicalltnettomenon From the liobilc Register, Nov. 3. -For several days past there have been roysteddus and vague rumors of a most Ye. - markable meteorological phenomenon out *- at the Catholic .tera'veyaid on Stone street, above the Three-mile Creek. It is asserted by those who say they have seen it, that for-theilast five days a gentle shower hae fallen continuously on the lot of the Le- moine family, in which are buried Mr. Vie - tor Lemoine and many others of his family. With a view- of getting at the facts of this most extraordinary affair; we had an inter- view last night with Mr. Louis B. Lemoine, a Hole's, a son of the de -4 emoine, who died in '1851, following startling partica- , that it was reported that ing for eeverel days on the 1 which forms my family in the Catholic burying - re- street, abevo the Three - rove out there last, evening ft and, tomy intense aeton- that a column of rain was without ceasing, which, al- • owerful en igh to lay the h to wet t hands or any nnes, it rat ed- quite ,hard: -kiln fell insi e of the enclo- ',sure, and nowl ere else, as th weather was and has been bright and clee all the time days the rain has been fall - employed at A ceased Victor who related th lars : Having hear it had been ra 'enclealed t'eioun buryilig groun ground on Sto mile Creek, I to satisfy myse ishmenk, I saw coming down though hardly dust, was enou -article, and at The volume of egg t, For th&Che pest Boots and Shoes in according to ir ality, go to Coventry's. , _ Nwommillim---k The Berlin Telegraph Libel Suit. Seaforth ' BRANTFORD, .170v. 12,—The libel suit of Fleming as. the 13erlin Telegraph came on yesterday about noon, and hts cceated the greatest possible interest. The court-rootn There is any anment of work waiting an( not too' mentir people who -understand ho to perform it!preperly. It is of no use int anticipating events that may never happen nor in giving details about the pre,,sent stat of the- dectioneeringr CAM paign. while dr - e chance roemaits Of their being_entirely alter ed. But though I believe there will be on or two fierce contests for the Local House I think the great fights will beeforthe seat in the House of' Commons. though th Ill elections for the e -do not take ;place unti i some time in. the beginning of 1871, an act , ive chtiVaSs leis already been commenced ! Dr. Shultz will be without doubt a can& date for one -Of the Eoglish divisions, and party is now forrning to bring forward candidate to oppose him. A. committee ha beert formed with the avowed object of retl .. tang; candidates to support the Government, but In reality, so far as appears to our out- side lcnowledge,!witte-,the intention of briiig. ing forWardia ' candidate pleasing to th , menthe's of the eommittee. Mr. Cold well' 'name appears RS secretary of the committe and it is generally believed that the pi-inc.-- pal members are James Ross, Dr. Bir Mr. Begg, of Bannatyne*& Begg, and oth- ers. 1 Tis committee has nominated Me. Donald A. 'Set de the Governor of th Hieleon Bay Company,' and Dr. Bli- ss the two ea didates vgthom they will support for the House of ComwonJ, 4 manifested strongly in favor of the defen- dant. The evidence was almost entirely favorable to a complete justification of the cl teendant, who had characterized\ the din- ner given to the Press Association a -ea mis- erable and meagre :affair. , Messrs. :John_ King, of Berlin, Williant Watt, jr., Brant- ford, ated the Hon. E. B. Wood conducted the defeece in a careful, skilful and highly creditable manner„ wbile Messrs F. Fitch and H. 5 Hardy did all they could to make the beet of a bad case. The, ad- . dretses to the jury -by Hoge Mr. Wood ancl Mr. Hardy were lengthy and eloquent, and ceeated considerable amusement in the -Court, espechitly that of Mr. Wood, who was witty in the extreme, The jury retir- ed at 1:30, and hating been called in at 6:30, the fo'reman stated that they would never be s ble to agree, and were ditcharged. Six were for the plaintiff, and six for the defendant. For No. 1 home made Shoepacks, go to Thos. Coventry's. Mr. F. W. Cumberland and Capt. Dick, on behalf of the "Rescue Company," have made proposals to the Dominion Govern- ment, with a view to improving the means of commainication‘ with Fort Garry. With a capital of half a million dolleis they offei to make the Dawson ronte serviceable. They propose to construct tramways over the portages, and place eight iron steamers on the rivers and lakes from Shebandowan to Winnipeg. The Government is said to t• have the matter under consideration. during the five ing on these gr , There are th rteen of my family buried in the lot of grou d upon which it has been raining,. My . iother, brother and sisters visited the spo yesterday and the day be- fore to satisfy hemselves about the truth of this matter, an 1 declare that they, too, saw this wonderf ,phenomenon It has also been seen by o er two hundred persons. I took a friend x ith me when, I visited the spot, who also saw the rain falling as , de- scribed. Mr. John Rosset, the keeper of the cemetry, t Id me that the rain had com- menced fellin itt heavy drops about five days ago. I m willing to take my bath as to the trn h of this statement 'S� in- credible did this extraordinary affair seem,. that those wh saw it several days ago re- frained from s atiug or asserting what they bad seen, for f ar that not only their veriei- ty, but their anity would be questiorted, and it was onl until a number of gentle- men of the fir t respectability had seen and reported the r Salt of their personal obser- vations, that a $ y credence was attached to the truth of t e matter, Take it altogether,. it is certain] the most astounding and milaculous a mosphelic wonder that has ever been w tnessed in this , part of the world, and w 11 doubtless afford abundant: food far. thoug t, research and -observation not only amo g scientific men, but amcmg alliclasses. g here are so many who voile& for the truth If Mr. Lempine's statement, and bis charafr er for veracity as such, that there 'can no longer be any doubt of the fact that it h. ' been raining for the past five days on ti e graves of his kindred. - 4 The Honourable William Hume Btake, one • bf the ;• ost distinguished j uric ts of Upper Caned. died on Tuesday in. Toronto. In the mon h of of September last, 2,002 tons brquarte were crushed in the Nova Scotia mines, hien -Yielded 2,189 ounces ot gold,' the vain , of which is about S43,000,. The suit of ibel brought against the St. Mar-y's Argus, by one Bacon, recently tried at the Londo$ Assizes, resulted in a verdict for the plaintit . and one shilling 4damages. This verdict did not cari7 costs. Thetiforati 22, reached.Quebec on Sunday, and made the quickest trip to Father Point of the seasou y two horns. In addition to. a large genera cargo, she brought fifty thou- sand: ponnds s erling for th e, Imperial audio- ritieS here. 4 TrTaileI,thterigalf the murderers of Henry ue, al in the Penitentiary, took place on Thursday at Kingston. The jury, after about fo ty minutes' deliberation, det dared Mann eilty of wilful murder, and Smith of mai slaughter. D; Pierce, vho murdered his wife under espebially her Tole circumstances at -Paris,. 1 in Jena last, vas found guilty at the Brant- ford ' assizes n Friday, and sentencedeto be hereged onthe 20th of December neXt. At 4he Kinston assizes a wife poisoner named Deaco1i, and Mann, the penitentiary murderer, were sentenced to ,be banged en December 14th, the Judge remarking that there was no hope for mercy, though both maintained tliey were innocent. - The reeves 1 and deputy -reeves of South Bair, at a nteeting recently held in Kin- cardine resol red to petition the County Council to su mit to the people a by-law , granting -a, hog us of $250,000 to the Toronto, Grey and ,Bri ce Railway, providing it came to Kincardin While the reeves were con- sidering the q1nstion alai ge meeting in the Town Hall w s addressed by a deputation from Toronto and other _places along the route of the ailwrity. f The spirit ojf railway enterprise never dies. The people of Streetsville held a large and enthusiastic in eeting on Monday night to coneidee the advisability of granting a bonus to te proposed railway to Port Credit. It was stated b one of the speakers that a company had been formed, able and willing to construct he road during the next six months ,;' and that the Manager of the Great Western had con nted to stock the railway and keep it i god rerair if Streetsville would give a bonus. The advantages offered by several ioutes were fully and carefully discussed, the most:direct route being held in most fay ur. A resolution was unani- mously adop d by which the meeting agreed to do its hest to obtain a bonus of twenty- thoasand dol as ut favour of the first rail- way to that village. Yes. • NO1EMBEE i: :"-1,1••••■"100," 1IStR1CT i\ We would direct the atte the advertisement of the 1 College. This institution of the best in Canada. Yo.al busiriess education shouhl 1 -1\1r, Itotiert Morrison, of our sanctuni, one day last et• -j. appli,3, measuring, 13 Melo, ounces. This apple is ofl King of Tompkin's County,. tree ',only about seven feet AkESLEYAN AIETITODIST stand itIS, the' intentiim this '01ti.71 to purchase itrunel ned at $1440. We like to tion. The serviele sO, part of the cougiegational -941 receive every aid toiubJini - The Neu: Era adinits our:, Tint resorts to the ,childish capital out Of A type,galkid recommend it to take- all tlo the occurrence., but at the s. that I the error was notice any Outside parhad the opl LITERARY AND SCItNTIFil) has been formed in Seaforth,`, the objeet of which is the di: ject within the range of ti tabling to philosophy,. politics, er on, i"resident, and. Dr. Si will be held tertnightly, J THE FALL Fisam.---We rate statement of the result, boats, expected to return, frii: end of this week, arrive here men are generally satisfied w1 catch Itas been proeipally tr usual, quantity of herring an been seenred.—Siapoi. Tt*I COFFIN' OPENF.D.-7-F4 friends, the coffin, eontainiN' late respi:etea citizen, Thoni opene1 at the grave on Sabbf] was s. leaden coffin inside the bOdy was found to be in preservation, the face behig by allI present This was be been expected; considering di pired. On the 9th. Oct., an.(1 1 been transported some 4100( land, from the Wand of „Ter Chain*, to the place of intd MATTLA.NDvILT.E. -This month. by month a busier p en's new building (for the in all up and ready for shing put into it a pan 104 feet lo' hain's block the stone wo frame up readytor closing i makirItg& Rail for him, 50 gentleman is going to put building in which Mr. Me/ his oWn patent. Mt_ 'Christ a. lot' of about 1 re bel 3,5410, to a party. who is into the Bait busenesat '4Vbi andthey will Look fiirther T114...,- Ned E7r1 of las fai th items .gives the le ‘SELP-GovinNAIRre—T smith lectifie..d on this subj Wednesday, the 8th inst., to a highly respectable au was given noler theanspicei Mechanies' Institute,' anal tive and eloquent one, The maintained his well earn _ reputation as an ali"..e Platfoii )oire enteiprise in the publii the anove action of our ea' time, as the lecture, on milt :comments, aid not take plae ed. $neh zeal speaks for it A iiommunication from V which appeared m litt we ceived, but the eon:teats afe abusive a nature for us to p however, denies that the composed. 4 the floatmg po and ibreatens zo publish th attended the " surprise par is sai$ about it, in order to of the ring the 'tiloating found, He also ste:tes that t was prepared by the Hos was paid for by these whoa this a novel mode of ge party." The following teas opposition to the squirrel h cause of offence is, we AR and -crack a few el his nuts hard-earned cash. e We, t fry," are getting a little mo not wish to. throw away o ree:eivect." TM U latTt MHZ. Dr2.41CAN the;ubjeet of the following cop om the Brantford L ofli srs. Julius and Tho vina e, Her obituary no last issue -"Ors. Duncan w-iis one Of Brantford, who aCre now By her many friends in the belonged (Rev. Mr. Cochra muniv, she vi11 long be aff ea as a truly good 1,VOIX) Christian; Having in earl) 'ion Of religion %her nativ ly acted it out in after yea taken from her sonic two y true she has gradually fail the last twelve months has - home; 8he -died peaceful inerita of her Savionr, and 1 a fragrant ntemory,i and a n to follow,v A Flax We are nmeb. pleased to a;new, branch of industry is ir Seitortit. Mr. Benjami who has had considerable e. ing and manufacturing, bas o land immediately »a r oatmeal mill, south of the erecting thereon, during th tensive buildings for the pr taring of flax,. At the -xi tends -erecting a -building et, 40x80 feet, and a barn cosi of which will be about ploy, .on an average, 100 numberof whom W1J1 be w 13 to 16)earsofagp. Thu wages, will be "yen -to a e exceedingly cult to go which they can earn a live number of teamsters and tr be employed a considerable So that we may fairly- eon addition to the beeisett village, froni the estabhszu alatatfaetory as tha,t -con 'Thre is, however, &nth 310 iwlib will pave