HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-11-11, Page 8aragammileammimmemi- N W '` F' THE WEEK, ON Tlei machinery for,tbe new propeller to be Wilt gat Gode ich`is being male at Rant tears. The Doan inion.revenue for the month of October was $1,881,361, and the expendi- ture $1A49,956. Omaha., aaccerding to the Tribune of that city, is destined to outstrip Chicago oefore two decades have passed over A little girl, daughter of Mr. Kerr, ad- vocate, Montreal, died Gnddenly from suck- ing the end of a bttrtcr of ltcifer matches. Petroliafor the six days ending the 3rd inst.,shipped 6,388 -barrels of elude oil ; 875 refined -; and -770 barrels of distilled. It is announced that Messrs. McKenzie and Blake have consented to address a pub : - lie meeting at St. Catheriues on the 15th inst. .Two yorng brothers, , John and Robert Bow, in Montreal, were eached -fined $10, for pouring coal oil on at rat and Getting fire to it. • 2511 Papal Zouaves arrived at Montreal on. Sunday afternoon, and have been re eit,�- 0d with all the ceremonial of the Cat otic f urch. ,Tho Interco?oniaal Railway Colnmis ioth- ers still consinue reticent respeetii g the tenders for the last two lel tings. ° Wi art can the matter be '1 ' At the Freelton Show, this fall, gr. H. Gray, of Bevcrh , exhibited :a swede• turnip which weighed 31 lbs.. and before the top lbs. cogs taken off o 51 . • The track of the Wellington, Grey, and Bruce Railway has been laid, as fee as Al, rea, and the railway will be opened for tide c to' the station next }'eek. ;= L 11iNova Scotia, the Poste Office. Savingsthe history o ,A painft 1 acci gt> the townof: to.IVIiss nisi) and while a rte r line' was ca g _ mkachine, a d r girlcoma] in was :stc}pp.d 1a winding drew against del. r broken. Mr. Ge while out stone 01'08, wonderful was tofew Y The fifth 1� barely tow in the. app and two !bought for $4, er was offered. the hands of a cut ocvurred Jin, a fact ry espeler,: on .let 3rd in t„ Booth. She iS a weav r, ing- to tI%e;wUh' p,her ri o- ytheg ritsgoffagi gi g and around until the p or eon • with the machine put ,ut ff he crinoline s ill oth het leg: so sigh ly uteevork `ithat they w re erg 'hUjel. i o Say dwluh East, !tu ting last eek, near a'd- t> •o,ight dow wit his rift : a ape imen oi' n tore'` freaks. I a out a year Old ti -ith five le =. g irotruded roux he right hip, he the groun a wamalfer i ed •I' Tart, had a' ierfe t knee jo nt Iisthn:t feet;. Th uriosity and durin the clay the o • n- $40 for hi ba • •aiu. It'iin tixiclerm' t i,1-retroit; -*ale Mr. Velitnon Harcourt, M. P. for Oxf.rd, in aadui•esslug the electors there, spoke of the approaching marriage of the Pf,in ess Louise to 4.he Marquis of Lorne. He said : —" It so llaap}ae is that the Young noble an gagat f the sr.d t the .sR-e zyt- E POSI'rC NOv�Ml3� .. , 1870. �o'adill: J)ERS() 1, 'S r 'STOOK, enti.yAiarived IT CONSISTS, -.)11 PLAIN AND FANCY TWEEDS 1 MELTONS, Broad Cloths & Doeskins, as O O who. is for enoargli to ht -e secured he affections Princess is a gr eat pei s nal friend, - an , 11. I happen his parents at h to at rel e slaty i ue methem n ai 's cr ttia i of my o • •'t he hoose o itoi ncement of t I was first: m• to k ow that it ec lett ; and I res ing, both i mportauce, is hearty sympathy it p op}e. Tha ani V, s hon c ; he ▪ h Crown, is Ole fact ----thea ail e. I happen, . , �'s a Np marriage s MR sure that , ` its polit•icnl . ne which 'Jell nd approval a daughter ° i 11' 1 be- 8towedl up c an eveer Whi b 111 •on i t. ni nd li u f• b f t ie kleaatl .pure'. a er so int torical i e the Engl isl Royal F iibject of believe has a t`°bal,apeuec ilgltnal- for rOa year chis a v m' n' in Eiigl c that t hie Or' WIT' should w sc loltc, nd thus have iIto'a lOOlt offie alnd.iull2lf'- t ith.:th ' eo ` e of this coun- 1 i server' s' y8 e --"It is -expect - n en.t will be asked -to present anise,, on her, marriage .wifh f Lorne with the same dowry to the, Y 'mem Helena on n th Bank deposits -have reach ed the maximum• alloy -ed by law. In New .Brunswick they • etre 1a :asier than have hitherto' been known ' le4test ,advices front the ,North -Wes Staatt that the Indians are suffering terribly' from the sw:dl-pox dying at tie rate of fif- teen a day.' Many of the missionaries hare succainbed to the fell disease. . `he libel suit of B. C. Davy, baarrie- ter, of 1s'a ,aa,tee, against the Cannula, Ceske' wase ecided at the Kingston` Assizes, ,The jttrv' atwa'ded the plaintiff ten dollars 4aiW clot believe tl who will regi guided by . brought it el diate relay ion .try." Thi ` ed that iaarl the,Princeaas the Marquis: las th:�t gi•rian+ed }her marriage ,Seine. wig i do ncl be t all a3i tl t esx The lzbel'coil8istecl of 8 -wile ceiwnhenti - n, y ort t :e professional concl at,et: oi• Mr. Daarzv �.tl date has ALSO BEAVE AND PILOT I -Gs AND ALL OTHER SEASONABLE GODS iIN TE LINE. E verythin made up in the Latest or a iy tyle, t( suit Customers., ALL WORK WARANTED, AND PERFECT 'FITS GUARANTEED. PRICES '1 'O STrxiT,T#HETIMYIES SHOP OE DOO11 SOUTH OF ROB- ERTSON & OO'S II.A•ILD\VA11,EtS"TORE. S1.A.FORTtr, September 1 '1870. /• 115--1- (11 cs sv cSe cr. H- trt O P 01.� N'= r , with Pay ince Christian of irly, £30,000, and et r , althalugli no alar cine sa• nee for thei ar Y At the nuptial will it- t, to first wee' in fining ceremony wilt, at Wiudscr Castle. ostein; f arm of 6.000. etth :rnl ou gee df rstooa tl al ace aloe l Febrile r h' Intel most likel ; tae celebrate a ligaaor case at Nast aanee' son r time sago. riaage, it i:3 ut As an eviden e of the extent of *_he °cattle :.probably -r a'l trade around Elora, the Times states that tare was' shipped from the Elora station nineteen car loads of cattle; each car would contain on an average .twentyione` head, �r - total of say four hundred head. In, addi- tion to this, severe.] 'droves were driven to Gael ph. .. The ha:rgo .T H ollin, of Wenona: was towed into Kincardine by Miff propeller 11' `etarozar, on Friday morning. She was found abandoned the night before off Bay ads Dore, loaded with lumber, water logged. and one man lashed to the pump dead. The cabin and wheel -house had been swept efl There were no `paper s, compass, line, or- an- chors aboard. Another obstacle has been placed in .th way of Riel achieving Parliamentary bon - ours. Should he ever spp4ar in Manitoba again he will be arrested, aaccerding tpthe orders of Lieutenant --Governor... Archi- held,: and if he resists heels to be "shotin' his tucks." The order incl u des O'Donogii ue and Lepine, who are to receive the same treatment- as their whilom leader. In the°.recent battle before Metz a Ger man soldier in the front rank- of one of the stcrmi ng- parties had both his lips partially carried away by a ball,=, which grazed his face, and was regafested tb fall Lack by .his commanding officer., But he managed to splutter out with great difficulty through -the blood that gushed over his, mouth n "No, no ! Captain, . not yet, I've sighted the fellow that did it, and! he Must fall back first !" The Young Young Men's Christian Association of Toronto announces th€t they have a com- inittee for the purpose of showing kindness to young men who are strangers, and lead- ing them under religious influences. It is requested that all who desire the co-opera- tion of this committee, will send `the names of young men about to remove to Toronto, who•In_ they are interested, ,by the person himself if possible, or by post, with such particulars of character as they may deem proper. -k - Mr. T. Ccry, of Adelaide, has shown- to the Strathroy Age a curiosity: It is a head of wheat raised from as grain. probably thous- ands of years old, taken front the hand of an Egyptian mummy. It consists of a num- ber of small beads growing from the= main 'stem, but presenting the appearance of a head of wheat. Judging from the specimen shown, it must have been 'very, productive. While the grain is. thee sante, the head is different from -any other 'variety hitherto raised in this country. - An accident occurred on Thursday even- ing, the Srd inst., on the Great • estern, at ,St- Gatherines, which resulted in severe in- juries to engineer Burdett. The London Adverti er says that, by some oversight, the Yarrow gauge switch was left open, and the emotive and cars of the accommodation being broad gauge, were thrown from the track=as they entered the siding. Burdett shut off the steam and jumped from the en- gine, falling heavily on the track,' bruising ' �- himself .alien. the. head and upper part of the body."No.bones<< were broken, but the contusions sustained are of a rather severe "_ nature, and Mr. Burdett will probably have:: to- keep his bed for some weeks in conse- Tees The train was delayed over two hours by the acciden:P. VIOL. DR X J. SEATTE HANGS B And dealer lin Pur C8. CHEMICAL. ►P1D ` PERFIMERY FANO' Agent f on easy to Pura poses. • Seaforth, N v 3, �187U. ND TOIL ewing Mich ahs. W new and Lig INK. �OKE1& YE STUFFS, ET- ARTICLE . nes: Money! to lend orb for medicine, pur- J` SEATTER 59 tf. — REIGN 0 • HUNT T1 CR E EADIES' JOSEPI EXE7 GIBBONS R MACAUL MARKH TT L 4r.byDu EYSLAY SE LO AND. 8 TIl L NEW BIBLI CAL 00 :U 'ORIS. EP ALL LE CL ▪ 'S DITTO S & FAL Y S HISTO I'S HIST G. LIBRA MII'LY RREA 1 S BBATH. S. SHY -ALS DAPI. BO :JO 0 KS `R LF A:LS, -- D 3EBS, CASH BO WR Comi ieeia and fancy,. UMSD N fru d ts• /so -v. 3, 1870. e of Argyle. - MONS. • - IEN 'E, (Brewer): EST MENT. 'AL YCLOPE1bIA. COIL ANCE. TURES. I RE?UBLIC . ▪ IL0 AN EMP RE. `Y 0 ENGLA ' D. o'RY ,F ENG.. D. Y, c i oice arid c , eap. ING, 00 LIBRA ' IES, lv Il.� OKS, ET KS. TIN Seafort k 'PAPER, ENVL PES. 8 Book Store. FAAm 'm'I �W� AGRI( fact assort=n class HOI place. A. large also Dry 1 Seai`fortl R` .OTO i HT AND EEPI E FOR - ONS, BUGGIES. U T''I RAL IMPLEMENTS, - s.nd in an i ' eg drawn y the horse. A large alw . ys kept onhand:. and ' for first - SE SJ: OEING JOBBINGthatis the Pape F=b f Dry Oak, and. other Spokes, or Sale. . 4th, 1814. Lumber, 11-1'v< 46 a.. CLip, D. V ,10• 11.0 ce w I CD.j •syr c* 0 CD s✓ °vd 0 �*▪ I • (D C� I I 1. 4 e% cit V J a..r • U J pvp elak 0-1 i•� •tt aw e mit r 0 • N I 2 I 3211m minf 3102 m Fri MflLINEItMILLAINMY, DRESSI MANTLE MISS JJTOSH, TA KES this oppuktunity of returning thanks for the liberal patronage extended tohersince coming to Seaforth, and 'would respectfully inti. mate to customers and others, that she is still to he foun. OVER MR,. CORBY'S ST01 E. All orders will receive the UTMOST ATTENTION. With regard to TASTE, NEATNESS and the LATEST STYLES, cannot be EXCELLED IN 5EA.1?01t`1'H. ST It AN and H A I11 -'V 0 It K CLEANED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. SEA—FORTH, March 31,'1870. 121- ti(iUSE! CAS WILL CO 1 MENCB ON - SEPTEMBER TEMBER THE FIRST TO CLEAR OFF HIS DRY GO JDS ST0C± AT AO D U DER OOST. GOOD SAL E FOR READ Cas Fri SEAFo ;i Y. t for Bu ter and O th r Pro u-ce. - shTea Groceriks .AWAY ON HAND. - I TS, Sept. 1, 18 0. < 53-4 STRAYED BULLri. 1" from the Premises off the subscriSTD ben Lot 22, Con: 9, Morris, about the mid le of Septl. last, a yearling bull, all red, Any person givingsuch information as will lead to the rev- ery of the same will b4 suitably rewarded. s GEO. KELWaltonLY, P!0 Walton, Nev. 3, 1870. , • P.O. • MEW Iowa Poo 'XI3Q'CTVJT A! T1O9 Mee a•P E ILLIVI gHJ 0 c z rn ses r/ roe, pee ter pee 7.71 r44110 Sad Poo C�v .-r 0 1 rzl ttc tt co, N-? 0 CO yommnitiql y tWA1 4a tit SEAFORTH FURNITURE WAREROOM DESIRE TO (ALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC '10 THEIR 0-4 •- 411) i~ 41.1C oNO Om" z These -machines possess many improvements on any heretofore made, They are manufactur ing Machines of TWO SIZES, one especially constructed for travelling ; the other a smaller size, calculated more especially for HOME USE. - So far as their -large mach.ane has been intra dFACuced,TIitONhas given the VERY .BEST SATIS- _ They manufacture the Pitts' Im- proved Horse Power. Iu addition to the above, the subscribers iranu-, facture almost every article in their line, stitch as SAWING MACHINES, Capable of sawing from. 50 to 60 cards - of wood per day. STP,AW 'CUTTERS, of a Superior kind. GANG 'PLOWS, T ie Latest Improved. CULTIV kTORS AND PLOWS, Whilch caunot be surpassed. EVE, Y DESRIPTION OF C sTII\TQ; 1 MADE ON THE SHORT 4:8T NOTICE. —o They have ahi !ally approved' pattern for SCHO , DESK IRONS. R E PAI1 I N ALL BRANCHES 4 tended to Promptly. ow They ern loy no Agents, and can therefore give the purchaser _ the sevantaage of the coma m 81011. hey employ none but the best skilled labor, and material, hien warrants them in guaran- teeing satisf ac ion. INTENDING PURCHASERS WILL PLEASE GIVE US A CALL BEPO3E BUYING F&OaX OTHERS. ZAPFE A CARTER. Seaforth, Sept tuber, 187 0, M.. ROBERTSON Importer and naanufacturor of .allkinds of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Such as SOFAS, 4' - LOUNGES, , CENTRE TABLES, MATTRASSES, DINING & BREAKFAST TABLES, BUI EAUS, CHAIRS, and *EDSTEADS, i In Great Varity. Mr. R. - has great conldence fn offering his goods to the public, as they are made of Good Seasoned Lumber. and by First -Class 'Work- men. - COFFINS MADE TO ORDER. On the Shortest Notice. WOOD TURNING Done with Neatness and Despatch- Warerooms Two DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL, Main Street. Seaforth, Jan'y 21st, 1870. 57-tf. PRIVATE SALE OF FARM STOCK. rLundersigned offers for sale by private bargain the undermentioned Farm Stock :— One span of working horses ; one span of two year old. colts ; one one year old colt; one pony ; one waggon-; one set -of double harrows .; one rn a : all near- lyiron plough ; one set of double ha e ly new : also. some fat cattle ; two milch cows three one year old heifers ; two heifer calves; four sheep. One yeas credit wall be given with good security. - . ALEXANDER SMITH, Lot 28, 4th Con. McKillop, Oct. 20, 18410. 150-tf, L MSDEN Has ju . t received a Fresh Stock of P " E DRUGS HEMiOv.LS Toilet and F cy Soaps, Combs, Rau., Too and Na 1 Brushes, French., English, and American. PE RFU M E R ,L :-. GEN UU N E DYE STUFFS Guaranteed to be of the best quality . Horse and Cattle Medicin6s Condition Powder Physicians perscriptions - carefully and ace ately dispensed. - R. LUMSDEN. ,THE LONDON Commercial ' College, AND Telegraphic Institute, Is the oldest and best known in the Dominion, and has furnished Principals and Professors for several of "thei other Commercial Schools. - •BOOK. -KEEPING, By Single and Double Entry is taught on the primed and superior plan of . - A CTUAL {BUSINESS_.TRANSACTIONS Thorough Instruction in Short Hand Writing and Telegtaphiug, at reasonable rates. For full :information in regard to Forms, Courses of Instruction, etc., 'address - 148— London, Ont. �. JONES & BELL, DANIEL MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR rm COUNTIES OF 'PERTH AND HIJON BEGS to return his sincere thanks to the in - habitants of Perth for their liberal patronage during the past six years: He would respectfu11 announce that he will attend to aR orders in PERTH or HURON for 1870. Orders left at the "Exrosi oR" Office, in Seaforth,. the Beacon Office Stratford, or the AAt'ocTt, in Mitchel', will be promptly attended to. Conveyancmg, and Estate Agency attend eel to, and loans negotia d. OFFICE—East side the market. Mitchell, Ont. Feb- Os 1870. TRACY, M. Huron. °thee East of the Methodist Seaforth, Dec. 14th, University, Mon Office and reek e Zurich, Sept. 7th„ 1 TAMES STEWART, e/ of McGill Universi Surgeon, ac. Office Coox's. Varna. 1,1 Office, ---Opposite deuce—Alain-street, Ne Seaforth, Dec. 14, 18 goon, etc., °flick of Market and High SU of Kidd & MeMalkin's Seaferth, Fele 4th 1 I- CAMPBELL, M D ej Gill University .geoneete., Seaforth, Post Office 33uilding, up found by night or day Seaforth. July 15th.; 1 LE Public, &e. Office of -.Court House, ..:Goderieh, N. B.—Money to!lend Lands. Attorneys at ! -encl. insolvency, Notari Agents for the Canak Houses and Lots for sal Seaforth, Dee. 14th; 1 -DENSON MEYER, _1) at Law, Solicitors i ertcy, Conveyancers, No fices,—Seaforth. and Traet and Loan, Co. of Colonial Securities -Co. Money at -5 per eent ; n TAS. IL 111ZNSON't Seaforth, Deo. 10th. 1 ficial Dentu latest imp care taken fur tne prese tender teeth, Teeth e Rooms over Collier's Sto Saeforth. Deo. 14, 186, HOT °AJMER:01AL HOT Laird, preprietor, moclation for the travel and bar are always sup merketsafforkl. Excell ONX'S HOTEL (L, liberal patronage award the hotel business, are thet he has again rest:nue stand, where he will b from old friends, and ma Sea,forth, Ajay 5, 1870. T R. ROSS, Proprietor .e) begs to inforen the the.travelling !community first-class accommodation -a ways on hoza, gu Seaforth, Feb. Sth:186 Wei-eve:ems, (1a.te of Arne Y.- Manager. This hotel. ly rnished, and refitted -one of the most enneferta: the Province. Good Sam cial Travellers. :Terms li Goderich, April 14, Q HARP'S UTERI ei E /MR TR. First alweys on hand at reas Seaforth, May 5th*,' 1870. ,and Specifications (L. ten, Plasterer's, and M and valued,. Offiee—Ove atom, Court-Houte Goderich, April 23, of Conveyancing done with G. MoPhillips, Commie " Next dome south. ef Sh soaforth, Dec. 14, LI. the County of Articular attention pea took. Fann Steck Seel Terms. Ceecels Appraised revedlord's Warrants Ex First Division Court for