HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-11-11, Page 7OVEMBER 1 1;1 70 EXPOSIT _ ?est half kersmith. thiee AY - 148 3 -abscriber, te the end of liree. Dark Y• BOYD. 151-3— STANLEY, Lake Road,: cleared, and le same wiR Fh, and rs, at biper Sen., rvifle P�. aulebted to Cash-, before . 150-3-- a three year 4."E OF --.;to-ek =Regis- Que Imed BULL 7 ,(11n11,. P. O. 15O4' SALE! R flW - ,ted, on St. Main. St 136 tf.— is from thee terms. - ED. LOGAN'S MCMUL tis auks patronage. s state that. ce ;caforta- ; ON. 25-tf, sts Sea- s 151— ratrard:- -PEP-a- -the an - orders, alters le`' . • - iartachan *um Job $4 Irish SliPerAtition.. On, the south east of Ireland the .niermaid is to the present hour fully believed in, and the writer of this articlehas frequently, while fishing, listened to detailed nartaltives of her appearance. The merroW is se. Worn . - visible without a misiottune impending or ensuing, and if she is -heard to sing, the dr; ctunstance is considered to be tewarnine• of. speecly death by .shipwreck. , sA popular su- b perstition not mentioned by our author, al- so connected with the coast, is that of the water witch. The water witch is an old woman who dwells in a lotely peninsula; and at midnight gobs upon the deep in a, large cockel shell, ntising storms vie_ h her .crutchWhen she chooses stay , she makesa. he1143rotha -of the most min- idoors .. ' - able charnel ingredients, and sinto .this she throws eggs labelled Aith the names of cer- tain ships whose owners or crews have vex:: ecl her. The fate that befalls the eggs in being smashed and. broken in.this diaboli: cal potage is entailed at the Same -moment -upon the miserable ships. • The festive ,cus- toms of Ireland, of which wine accbunt was given in the Pall Jitztl Gazette sevetal months bac, are rapidly loosing their most distinctive, characteristics. There is no doubt that t41.1 e..= contributed towards the . 8 in- temperance of the people and towards in- tensifying the evils of the . faction ..wars which used to *rage so violently' in the pro- vinces of Munster and Connaught. The wake (the Anal bo -Celtic celebration of which , . was forbidden a fortnight ago by the Ro- man Catholic Bishop of Liverpool) was -a, frequent source of riot and bloodshed. The- ,' pattern' was and still is, in ft• few districts where it is kepi, a dreadful nuisance, tend- ing to propagate fever and filth from the congress of beggars and clippies who came for alms and relief to the vations holy wells. or sacred stones. A..big stone that has- done, service in pagan epochs is made over 323, a simple proces.s to the Christian faith.' and: rheumatised. peasants . rub their backs against it with a belief in its rrtues which . . is almost as pathetic as it is ludicrous, The national schools have seriously encroached upon the haunts of the fairies; have dispel- . led the sheeted pane, and silenced the chant of the cluricaun and the tap of his tiny hammer as he cobbled at his shee-, leather. The hills are no longer hollow,, burrowed with diamond -lit, caves ; the earth holds no crocks of gold, and no sunset re.° veals a happy island en the far dim ;verge of the sea. These things are no longet the sirable and common propertiesof the pea-. pie ; they are almost unknown to the np- springing generation ; they are hidden and forgoVen because Ireland has learned to road ,incl grow incredulous. The fairies are as dead as great Pan is in Greece. Tobacco for the Wounded. • If there he one fact that has- been more frequently stated than another, it is :that the soldiers engaged in this war,. well or wounded, seek the solace of tobacco. The inhabitants* of every nation manifest simi- lar instincts, and one of the strongest is this desire to seek out some substance, the use of which may stimulate or soOthe the nervous system. There is no deprivation • whieh the habitual although. not • excessive, smoker feels so much as the less of tabacco; and soldiers of all nations; esi;ecially of the French and German nation's, smoke of. It was a standing injunction of the FitsI Na- poleon that his trocps should have tobacco., and they found it the greatest advantage in the retreat from Moscow. . We have been accustomed to look upon the Germans as. fond- of hard ,intellectual toil for its own sake : and mei of abstraction and imagina- tion, if we relay judge, from the :preyalence • of the practi&I of smoking among them, un- questionably appear to find an aid in tObac- co. But the manhood of ermany has risen like a giant refreshed to1 land rgo! any physical exertion and hardship tha may be required, and this war has taxed the phy-- sical energies of the strongest. The Soldier, wearied .with . long marches and uncertain rest, obtaining his food how and when he: can, with his nervous system always in a state of tension from the danger and excite- ment he eneounters, finds that his eigar or pipe enable him to sustain hunget} or fa- tigue with comparative equa,ifimity. • Ex- plain it as we may, this is physiologically . true, and medical officers who would not be sorry to see the issue of a "spirit ration" - discontinued, are compelled • to allow that the moderate use of tobacco by soldiers ill the field has several advantages. 'For th? wounded it is probable that tobacco has :slight anodyne and narcotic properties that enable the sufferer to sustain pain. better 'during the day and to obtain sleep during the night. --London, _Lancet. A BI4HOP ON qOATHEDRALS,"—The Bish- op of Peterborough, at a meeting recently held in Liverpool, inquired, "What is the • use of a cathedral '?" and then proceeded thus to answee himself :--"Wh'at was a cathedral but a huge building„,apparently far too large for the shrtml4en little body of r-eigerdom and beadledom which rattled and shoek with- - in that large- mousoleum of chisty.hassocks,- torn books, and stained cashions milSetim of dust and dirt, a sepulchre acrCss which, at certain hours, lazily fluttered sonie heavy canon; or heavy dean, and about which heavily, flabbily, and bat -like, flapped some dark -clad verger or beadle, often a lazy ani -1 mal, who threw away his life in.a corner of, this great mausoleum, and was only gal- vanized into passing activity on Sunday by the gleani of silver -sixpences in the hands of those seeking seats jug as in early slimmer , you may see somee-large 'bluebottle by the light that passes through the dusty and cob- web covered pane on Which he has been lazily sleeping. • HOW T To• the; SIR, goes 10 saw, r 1 .HVDSOX BAY dior qf he Su . Your na ratiV of 000 mile to marry miiMs 1 e of the nioniou way the °Mei Is -Bay.Co elpany Ita e of et especial Y thuse ho liv i -ern par of what WUR , ctr the Hu SOFA I3a Compa , such as the McK nzie, Atli lish . Bi er !Dist 'di. :In marriag able en ate , tween, xce t ind ed the P men, who forme lv were enough to satisfyhe fancies of I - me• n of the serv c - $ince the Re River distri has been set l ,ed ith Europeans and Half-br ed here are . an and half-breed w omen. to suitable to the a. cies of th the nor he dist icts, and thereforb undergo e a cha not degrade-t1it 1 : selves now b rying-w th tile e Indians, bu send do n wordsome friend the sett eme t th. t they are in wife, an be h m to select one of his ability,p a ing entire Co his choice. The eco m n ation and e young lady re e orally made t missionary, as the clergy of ci)t, posed to know t e chara4erIo flo . t s soon a all ;the necess na es h ve,leen anged, :Oe takes h departu. e for her 'nort with th first brig de of boats the settleme t for that ditstrict. or eight_ week • oyage she m ture lor an hug Land and igets him, aft r a half-hour's acquaint minister whd is a ,The a stance is that of our fair China, ut i . on tion tha these vo McKen ie riverrow boa s. with sheets to sit n vass ten for the the diSa reea le of moscp. itoe to of the 1• ng v y dertale gade husband in that c more venturou the young ladi clime would li nem' on. This fashi n them. is iby no officials Of the vice, especialliy the ver rerelote 11 "A omart a m n she hey co41 and mazer f: t e Hudson's ng, heir wive • the most nort a- erl known y's Territories, bas a and. Eng - the e districts. w nd far be- im ndian wc- one'dered gool. the gentle- , t, however, Canadians fair white e Ibund more. aentlemen of heir tastes have ge. They will interthar- generally 'esiding in want of a o the hest fidence in ice of the rough the &are sup- ' their fair ry prelimi- oung lady ' ern honae hat leaves After a six ets her fu- arried to nce, by the a3ting her arr val. perliaps not o great as lend who ent 01,,to takes' it int contidera- ages of sic w eks to the &stricare n thing but the opestern ima e in open n t. I ing the day, nd a an- ight to sleep -I nder, with a cornpalairrient f myriads orment then3, the whole the boldness of the un- periment :of ccepting- a I ude faahioin is sorneWhat nal daring th n most of of these_ mo e southern to hazarcl ti eir ha pi - 0 le The very n "large , leon is ing his or Napo French and its eightee small co nlother. 1 9 hemAN ondlim tewcirth rtuile u ppdsed eign : s we ar • W tate fot • most , retam. tage w i • • ing con .denee, ness it s prove not .devi te money. Wliat Prance ha,s.b ; • accorda ce was established systera was. no extreme I4o c held such a co • vast do ains a sides ig orin0 t in deali g w th • not mai*aT su may squ nd h magnificence the side d ri we alt ee, may, wen French m ero the exp. nse. German place o -vrar alm st a p o he enter d F .an e has, ind. ed, her j nage an on he her piiv te p!rop r nowfint ehn els at Tolir .—he h property in pain, has. a- ho Ise Edell him, nea Triest that ren ainsj to were su rem .11 • 'et -ting aife chosen for eans uncorhimon among the Udson's Bay Co pany's ser - hose who are q artere in districts referre to.. LD HUDSON S -B. Y AtA .111. •1111. eror a PO an. 'Imes make th following statement res ectine• the which the Em • eror Napo - to have accum lated dur- , ansuatormed, t e •Emper- o has been the chief of the. neatly twentyltwo years,- abolute master for nearly no private prop rty but a ich came to Id from his rashness, call it overwean• ✓ call it generot s reckless - by the event t at he did ign to the accu. iulati�n qf ver he hai rec ived fro en spent i4 the country, the som.4.1 system whic • with th4 empire. Th t d ubt,ex ravagant in th o tempOra SoVereigh. h u -t. The Czar who ow his priv te property,' b limitatio sof a civillis e public treasury, coul h splendo r. .The Salta millions, hut his orient een mer sha biness b Whatoro n court i nd s we k r is cost,' w e c pare it ah at of th form sa e j dgment o oleon II . wi I leave hi ptivity th end of th a man . he was Whe in 1848. Th Etnpress wels, gi ts - a her mar ete day S; bu these ar y. the S ate• j wels bein f the Fr nch, overnmen • s tesid O ab hereditar and the rin imperia has bee • beq eathed. t This, w bel eve, is al he &mil w ich latel Franoe. s 0 s- A SA our tow from 01 :about 14 curiosi formed which co small to and for six inch pear sti and foo •, heel, res the hand and can ends of t :He is v gentlem • father, way, an Central the same 11 a • ANi yes xier m yea s o y as th e er sist of The the s lo fro •of wh mbl t botb t ip pi em so ry p • se g• 410- 1 E.—A g • tle Ian was who ha ju t returne and had with him a bo ge that i aim st as grea • rmless an. He is wel espect xcet his • feet o long to e, t great an fo t is clef from the ankle te toes, each toe abou he joint: of tile toes; a in on • hem. The toe there 1, no hing but humb and forefinger o are of he sa1ine length of coin o papr with th hat as_ a craw sh wo' 1c11 t 'and n telli ent. th 1. i .a, said his wit le family, e all formed the sam c au to bel ng It a tribe ose feet were all forme A a • • ; I 01 oth the exr0) waY. : 1 11 - I IJIJAR SAW CRiIIN SCOOP SPADES (!.5' S1EOVELS, , LIGITTNING APPLE PARERS. 'WINDOW GLASS, BST BRANDS, Oshawa Steel ouylboard lows, o ly $3, ABEIr.I'S PATEITT GEAR & HOPSE-POWER CASTINGS I Always on hand. • MAFHINE OILS CHEAP AND GOOD. Pazritp and Oils of all kinds. NFTA ES M TERIALS, W TERLIME, AND CALCIINE PLASTER. Shelf Hardiare of any description. Bern e bei. the spot. Sign of the ,C1rc lar, Saw. eaforth, On. P. — reproved C'hamp on Cross -cut Saws • with patent handles, warranted to cut tw ce as much in the same time as the la co , on saw. Be ure to see them. 4• Screw to hire, • RO ERTSON •Sx CO. Seaforth iept. 13, 1870. 112— BICIIELO1IS GET MARRIED, AT ONCE. AS FURNITI RE • Is 25 per cent, Cheaper , A T THOMAS BELL'S 77,7-.A.R,R, • owls_ STE HE HAS A To his Facilities, an rtho esale DED OWER is now selling • d Retail. I.3e$1ri e to Call lefore Pur– . 9h)asirig WARE R0KMS 01310KIDD & MeMUL- WORK 1:10R CORNER OF MARKET iSQUAR TURN.I'NG done' n the Shortest I 4.1NT 9 de COffINS kept coc'41s antly.on hand. AHEA SEHF R HIRE. SEAFORTR, ,tux.a 3�, 1870. W ATC • ATC ATC ATC '1 ATC ATG . ATd ATC ATC 'WATC LOCKS LOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS cLocKs CLOCKS LOCKS CLOCKS , One of th in this line, OPPOSITE KLYORTh ar-V Largest and t Assorted Stock s to befotind a M. R. COUNTER'S, °AR icg L'S HOTEL. h 31; 1,8 O. 52 -- Go to the Best ! l'HE BRITISH AMERICAN BRYANT, STRATTON St 0 DELIL, CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS COLLEGE, Now the largest', most extensive and. complete BUSINESS SCHOOL in the‘ country. It has e largest staff of Teachers, the most practical nd best adapted business forms, and the best angex1 and most commodious apartments. It is under the management of thorough busi- ness men, fully alive to all the requirements. of he business community. • The advantages and facilities afforded. in this institution are unequalled in the country, and no young man should entvr a business career -with- ut fully availing himself of its benefits. We were awarded the „ First. Prize. in Business Pen- manship ! iet the late Provincil Exhibition at London. As his is the SIXTH eonsecutive year that we have aken this prize, we feel confident that there can but one opinion as where to go to learn to 'te. , ' For specimens pf writing, bank notes, circulars, &c., address 148-• - ODELL ez TROUT, !Toronto. EST RAY H El FER• AME into the premises of the Subscriber'on Lot No. 12, South Thames Road, of Usborne, bout the end of August, a Black Heifer. The wner can have the same by proving, property nd. paying expenses. WILLAM PASSMORE, ()Shortie, Oct. 19, 1870.: 150-4t 3=0111111111111111111119111111 IGN.OF THE olden Padlock! $11‘ e and leigh actory, MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. MBA Subscribers, thankful for past favours. I would intimate to the inhabitanti ot Seaforth and surrounding country, that they have on hand a Large Assortment of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, DEMOCRATS, &c., &c., Made up &the Best Material, and 1 in the Latest Styles. ( • In order to make room for WINTER WORK, • theY will 8(41 CHEAP FOR OASH. /VT Intending.purchasers wonid do well to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. 1,tM P.A.IIR,IINT GI - Promptly attended to. Remembbr the Stand, First door South of the Foundry, Main St. McINTOSH & MORRISON,. Seaforth September 1, 1870.. 111—i Seaforth, Sept 21st, 1870. 101 TORONTO MILLINERY. • MISS ERWIN; ESIRES to teqectfully inform the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity, that she has removed er Millinery Establishment to • REYNOLD'S BLOCK! NEAR qIIE RAILWAY STATION. Miss Erwin wbuld also take -this oppoyiunit3r f saying that she has very considerably mcreas- d her stock which consistft of MANTLES, i HATS , AND BONNETS, Iteady triauned. DRESS CAPS, Stc., ste. Orders for ap kind of work, such as ANTLE AND DRESS -MAKING, TRIMMING, BRAIDING, ETC. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. A sto of piece Satins of all shades on hand. Seafo h, Sept 21st, 1870. 146-tf--- MONEY • $5,000 TO LEND. HAVE the above aura on hand for invest- ment on good Farm Security, at 8 and 9 per nt ,--Ptivate Funds. JOHN S. PORTER. E A 'FORTH, July 25, 1570. 139.— INTSITRANCE, WM. N. WATSON, SEAFORTH FRIE, MARINE; AND LIFE INSURANCE AUNT, FOR • The Provincial Insurance Company of Canada (Canadian). The Liverpool and London and Globe 1nsurance • Company, (English). The Niagara DistrictMutuallnsm•anceCompany. The Gore District Mutual Insurance eo., and • The Star Life Assurance Society of England, which divides nine -tenths of the profits every Ave years amongst Policy Holders. ., Losses liberally adjusted and promptly settled. Fanners are specially invited to eonsult the advantages offered in perfect Security and in the extreme lowness of rates for insurance on all de- scriptions of Farm Property. o 1 . MONEY TO LEND/ At moderate rates of Interest, and to be re-pai. by Instalments which is the most suitable an safest method lor Farmers and others to pay off a mortgage. No Commission. Charges, and ex- • penses small. MORTGAGES BOUGHT ON EQUITABLE TERMS. SEWING MACHINES. The best Sewing Machines, for Family Vile, as well as for Manufacturing purposes, are kept al- ways on hand. Both Single Threaded and Dou- ble Threaded, or Lock Stitch Machines can be suppliedPerfect satisfaction guaranteed, and instructions given to purchasers gratis. REMEMBER Wm. N. WATSON'S-Insurance Agency Office, and Sewing Machine Depot, North Main Street. SEAPORTH, March 31, 1870. 121- 1 CUSTOM TAILORING. .•••••••••*11. 9lHANKING the public for their liberal patron- age extended to us since commencing busi- ness, we hope by strict attention to Merit a con- tinuance of the sane. - Parties who 'who may require Cutting done, tau have A executed with Accuracy, • Neatness, and Despatch, at MODERATE PRICES. SUTHERLAND BROS. SRAPORTH, September 1 1870. 82— • OFFIQES TO LET. rilWO offices on the second fiat in Scott's Eleek. The best, =dimwit convenient rooms in the Apply to - McaAUG-MTY* & HOLMESTED.,, Seaforth, April 14, 1870. 12114f e) 4