HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-11-11, Page 5N VEMBER 11; 1870. At New im.fiered, .nciered it has been Ian Stoek o 21 pre - voting in .!..1,638, the o tue for-, 1-leotion of bly td, the arroldise-. to deal iraerest have order- xybances to Statement E•ed has not les, which, he war in what tron- ich, officers,. der.... Gen., -spoken in. he surrentl- as inno- s a selfish • bodies of mbard and L s Paris, and two weeks le meantime /eace are to, appear that cs starve out en given to ne either to- agured city. this order at. y court-uiar- nt rater minor ssia ns tht ow eswhom also, ty of hasten - eventing by : of the ad-- ccounts state were favour -- ad the maio- ament, who for the rest): apposition of. !_rhand,. the apresent E. Thiers and 4tosais of ar- time to era- -5eptai-a rnilj- 3 _reported to US yesterdy, ,vere ordered have been ad to Walker - will become. produce there fewer buyers . on the County res- ays in this at intervals v fatal that of overhead it trains were '• trifling -ex- 11(1 have rais- • and saved The Great. were recently . plinnelLed to on that /me- it- a bridge, in not -hav- . The re- ulyt found in e Hamilton: 'ack _ of the - be raised so- n the top of h„ without the struc- daeswest of • raised, andt r bridges 'oi. li with .' espanies will perly set.-- • Heiron, tre- rellington Jand as solich, as -ours? Where eiprocate,. but "yea" the jubilee of opening of. the corner 'pa; and the ,nd the turnug Branch extend the -he first -day. .Uer, and on, pe anti ball,. I.,: towns. of , and pronii- ed. , ma -cal of tolls - Huron, the s will surely ere -s and Lon- - 'rims will ceri. , on the County sent instruc- ms in Nova :i-ing vessels es during ,ason. aw and save mut. txpeoito DISTRICT MATTERS. We are glad to hear that a Literary and Sci tific Club is about being formed in Seaforth: Mr. Peter Grant, of Stanley, has Ieft us a win- ter pear measuring 12.1 inches in circumfrence, aud weighing 184 ounces. We are pleaaed to learn. that Dr Campbell, of this village, has been appointed County Coroner, by the Ontario Government. ' • _ The County Council meets for the despatch of business at the Court House, 0 odetich, on Tues day, 22nd Neeetaber. - Ace-tom:sr.—A child of Mr. _ G-eorke Riley, Tuekersraith, fell off a fence and broke itesearm„, It was breught to Seaforth,' had. iteseinjiriesi attended to. •. Typhoid Fever is now prefalent in, seve*al 'parts: of .the County of Perth. °Thee have re- cently been several severe cases, ..:some of which .have proved fafai. Mr. David Erwin, has oPened a blacksmith's shop in Alma. Re has a coreforta,ble shop, and. is a first-class workman, which has long been needed 'iui this village. ' Give him a' trial. • At ' the -London Assizes,- Edwaeld lackwell, was sentenced for tw-o indictments Of h rse-steal- ing, on first, two years in Penitentia y ; On se- cond, PWO years and one day, to run concurrently. We -would call the attention ,c,f our readeis te the advertisement of Mr. peter Gressie, who is agent for one of the best sewing machines made.• A sewing machine has become ope of the neceisi- tiei of every well regulated family. k .- 4 i 1 - • I "LE. CASE."—Mi Reynolds has opened and -. - . fitted up in first -chis style, a restaurant, in his ' block near the railway station. The inststution is a model of neathese; and we believehis stock is :A. 1. TEMPEBANCE.=OR Wednesday evening, of last week, Rev'. Mr. Goldercdth delivered a very able I lecture, under the auspices of the Division of Sons of Temperance, in. the Temperance Hall. The attendance was d. scrvedly good, - , -1i • The Signal says the Goderich nierelfants have - made up their minds to take A.mericap silver only at the following irates :—Half dollars, 46 cents ; quarters, 23 cents.; dimes, 9 cents e.balf c 'ise,s,, 4 cents. • They are sensible. RIFLE MATCH. —Onthe 2nd inst."'at Bayfield, the return match, between Godertch Township 10 men, and Baylielcl 9 men, came off, fesulting in favor of the latter by 37 points A social sup- ; per was held after the match. • PitoLmo -YIELD s—We are informed by. Mrs Alex. Murchie, of Winthrop, McKillop, that last spring he procured a bushel el Harristcn potatoes, which he planted on his farm, and this fall. dug as the proceeds of that bushel, 50 bushels of good potatoes. Rev. D. S. C. Hubbell, -Presbyterian Minister, of Walton, on the 9th inst., left for Hartstown, Crawford County, Penn, to fill , another call. During hie sojourn at Welton, his congregation became very much attached to him, and -are now underithe painful obligation of ISubmitting to his removal: Their best wishes will ever follow him in his good work. The great revivalist, Rev.- Chas. Carroll, who, in company with another person named Russell, created so, great a sensation in religious circles in -different puts of the country, but more especial- -1y in Galt, a year or two agoe has again resumed his labours, and is at presentein Stratford, where he is holding religious naeetings eaeh evening during the week. • A number of communications both, for and • against the County By-law have been received., but all too late for publication: We trust the writers eval accept this explanation as sufficient. Trae, We feel strongly for the By-law, still we think that our conduct has been such as •to give and, we are willing, nay, anxious, to give both sides a fair hearing. SUDDEN DEATH.— On Monday evening as Iseat Garbatt, of Clinton, was working at his father's barn, he suddenly fell down dead. He had just nailed. a board, and uttered, " that will do," when he dropped. On Tuesday, a coioner's in- quest was held, Dr. 'Thompson, of Blyth, offici- ating, and. Dr. Reeve.performine the post mor- tem_ A was found that Clara! artery had been burst. Deceased was a native -Of England, and wee 46 years old. --Clinton New Era. An ageney of the Merchants'.Bank,, is 'shortly to be opened in Mitchell. A new brick' building is being erectecl for it by Mr. Clegg, which is be- ing pushed forward as rapidly as possible to com- pletion. As soon as the building is ready, the agency will be epened. This must certainly prove -a great boon to the business of Mitchell, indeed the wonder is that they have been content to remain so long without an institution of this kind. Many of them have heretofore been inthe habit of coming to Seaforth to do their banking business. • BELFRY'S SALTCRUSHWG XILL. — The aalt crushing mills of Mr. :belfry are a most impels tent industry , of this place, and as the article - 'produced conaesinto use tbe importance of such an institution in our midst be More clearly seen. The salt is of the celebrated Stapleton brand, from the establishment of the Messrs.: Rensford, and is of unrivalled purity and white - fleas. • This salt when taken to the crushing mill is first thoroughly kiln- dried in a pen under' which are four furnaces, thence it is passed through two successive crushing mills, and it can be grmincl, if desired, as iiDe asrflour, but vraeti- cally this is found not to be required. It is then packed into barrels of 250 lbs. each, and before the head is put on, 25 small bags 6apable of hold ingten pounds each, and labelled 'Extra Dairy Salt, ma,nufiLetured at the Stapleton Salt Works, Clintoiy-Ont," are placed_ in. At present the manufacturq is about 20 barrels allay, but as the article becomes known the demand Will be great- ly- increased.—Clngon New Era. PLOWING MATCH: —7A. Plowitig Match for, the benetlt of all plow-ers Win" clia not take prizes this year, at the County -or 'IV(snship plowing matches, was held on the 4th inst., on the farm! of Donald MeDiarraid, Esq., Con. 3, Lot 8, Manley. The match was A, Complete success, in -as -much as the day Was one of the finest of the season„ the num- ber of entries large, and the work done, excel: lent. The pIowers and all visitors ' were Nrery kinellytleated. byMr. McDiarraid, who made them all welcome to a free dinner and supper. After eupper the judges awarded the following prizes: —1st, D, Grassich • 2nd, 11. Reid, 3rd, H. Mc- Diarrnid ; 4th, H. ildod ; 5th, H. Ross; 6th, W. McBeath. G. Williamson, of Seaforth, Was. the maker of the plows which took the it, 3rd and. 4th prizes,.D. McTavish, of the one which took 5th and 6th, and Bierman, of Scotland, the 2nd. Belpre closing it was agreed that the Society would continue in existence, and that in future they would be better known., G. Williamson has given a$25 plOw for a prize next,year.: CCM thi Mo agi eve to the e w tle, alth ou h-br $66 ; on res yectie $80 I IG Plu .sjFOR CATTEE.—•- says :—, attle :are; bringi alit mai. At e sale at M day) Mir. Trow sold 45 c ig $34,57 each. Maty fet ut at Mr. Henry We' e pf South lEaStlid niost extraerciietar only three A calf only alt months o $15,•Qdsbsi511,1, on Ro rob. h the left vie wo CCM ug d. ei er, ely if th our •d fe 1$1 , he Strad° Bea - g. very hig prices . R. Melia y's, on s for$1,21 , aver- hed 440 e h and ker's sale on the e, on Frid last idding on e cat - cattle wer thor onths old cal for ched $78; year- , end seven !cows, 63, $90, $ d A.4i 0, an URG .—Late n o he riser ing af Mond iusoii & Hord*as. b ed cs a quantity of to t e tore thtmigh stre tj e e cellar, unfa te led. as the 4 ence on the outsid idh ve been impOss ble icier bl battering. One thi an au ur and small . k -e f ha lire trouble in get Wi h lar e ho e i the floor. throu A of pa la. lar sin met Su ,y, t st re of rgl r, ously enter ry , bads. Acc a d r which le whit: must ha or sl owed nom d, if ,faste o -open it in the eell g into the ole saw h ay right, o • early essrs. d, and SS wa,s from o been rks of ed, it ithout r, the store. -cut a which he e itered. roll btoadcloth, ' so tweeds at d two of kets were st len, Six hundr d dol- wer the safe at the bile; beside some 11 siijQer inthe tills, ut he money re ained uch ctcl. ' Te believe the is no clue to the thief, but everjy exertion is at ; resent bein made t to bring he giiltyo jus ice.—.11.1itc1iell Ar vocate- " LOW 0 IVI Society's plow: 011 he f rra of '€xceptioh of t turned 0 it fay was a little thee were a 1 that there veer :fiful.sileer du Reeve. ti entries,. nd f boys' cl ss 1 the sod as 5t011Cs 1 On done. The pi CLASS—' St, J SEQOND-PLA Ha burn ; 3rd TH, o'arth • 2iic iarni1to ; Ilo harn Th W Fullarts 1. plowme an by Mr. nd.- , DOMIL ION B ed this ho future: W. 1 RATU NE . ram, for erly time be u. reLet ed and 1 Ok4 RESID is just a outi met to our structur • ATC* --The Illibbert Agri Rural ug match came bff on Frid y last, i'wlr. R obeli Livingston. ith the o alight showers of rain, t e day rabic for the Plowers, elth ugh it iliy for the lspectators, o whom rgc number. I It is to be re retted so few competitors, for th beau- presente 'by Mrs Thema King, e first-cla th&e were o ly two ur in the second, and five in the in all. The field was lev 1, but her brittle, and there weie sorne e whole, the plowing w well izes were awardedthus : FIRST - mem Harburn ; • 2nid, John Laing. 1 st, James Barbour ; 2re . John James Bell ; 4th, William : utler. -Beys under 18 -1st, Jose lh Hog: William Gardiner ; 3rd, rancis , James Gillespie ; 5th, illiam judges were Messrs. Thos Steele iantyne, Downie ; Alex. Millar, e officers of the society, 'udges, thers, were hospitably elite tained rs. Livingeten:—Bectoon. -WROXETER. lc kICERY.—Mi: John Moran h , will carry on the 'bus ish him every suecess.,' V -ST notice thatayr, of this village,: who hes f ng °lithe otlier side, has earty as e4rer. 1 Dr. Smale's new brick re nished, anI it ,is certainly eillale. _I is quite a city- QUIR 4 , of tlie inle Fri ay, et, • Do ald e,-1,,Ta. 240; D. Fe R. Pose, 24 ; 9'; Tota , 133 Brown, 63 ; 246; J3ia . u. lay 99 ; To al, 26 111 t e up it the e pe Th supper . is 1. suffici , victors were c but did not ac HE Fou D thel opening of HAN ES. his residene and is one o t countv.—M butchers1 ship striErnd prs. IM88 bu iness in gro ers . Acorn townshi plebes w ton D -ly lid t INLE urr.--Thel annual squirr ville Hunting Clnb, wes th. The score Was as.foll ghton,' Capte 340; John talker, sone 205 ; Jas. Gibson.. 1 ; Geo. John Stewart, 140; W. Udell, . James Laid, Capt., 25 ; Jas. V. Ansley, 301;'John Ar •• -trong, r, 0; R. • v1cGregor, •101 ; • . Fin - 1068. M piety for McNa evening there was a suppe gotten se of the defeated "She tiste." a held at Armstrong's Hotel which guarantee of its excellence. The allenged to sho t a return mar ept. • . Y. —It is With f)163111'8 w notice the 'Dingle 'Foundry. r. Graham has the addi ion to mpleted. It is built ala. ethic, e fipest. private residences in the A. Hamilton has renew d hip to the corner el -Main and Jaines a. GreSvar & Aldridge have tarted H. Wright's, old stand, as eneral vision merchants. Last week' a son .of Mr. Spiers, rris, had his leg broken i three Wing at load of lumber fro e Wal - am Was in attendance,. • ediate- rer is recovering rapidly. • s rent- ess in . Out - r moue eturn- . id'ence • orna- °eking • CHANI week ago, t ties t start and ow we the f et it h too. Some sails d, and be3. -At a evini g haat Gore Str Prsi e ent, Pe k ns, Tr mi t e of ge Sto g, JI. w rt Mr. ha¼re a regul tei months. W . Gra Men ay, th Orin re Hall M ch nics' ne t Iweek. pi tis fo ev. Mr. es of the ,c1 for We one wee UR6INT EXPOSI IOR. RRIE. • s' eIneri TE —We mentioned wo hat it was the intention of some ar- s Mechanics' Institue in this vill ge, have th d pleasing duty of recor mg s starte and thatvery favor bly here abut forty have already ub- we expe t to still enlarge the n m- eeting o the members. on Th.- ty the fell wing officers were ek. -d-: ng, 'Pre ident, W. M.. Gray, ce- armon ljhrnt, Secreteiy, and Ja asnrer. IThere was appointed a c eral ma4agement, composed of . Uuntf Dr. McMichael, Dr. A meng a d Capt.' Kainee We ar r course of lectures during the N are aIso happy tto announce meecha t, will deli er the first, es eo. es - to in - at on 12th December, at 64- p. M., in the ?thins proponded, to the, Editor' of netituteC will be announced, in 11, 4oldimith's lecture . inder the eaforth Mechanics' 11nstitnte, ad nesclay evening lastwas postpo , on accOunt of the stormy weet 1 , us- er- ed. et. COR ESPONINCE izoi h von, e wish, t to be distinctly mulerstovd that w, do ld our _elves in any Way respowible for the exp essed by our Correspondents.) T iR —Re , notie tt• ul be so ice but a de up of I 've Tl e quirr fa r, nd ha en derly an I oaths m nt •f it, ol er nd re pr ce dealt .o4n s tisfa ari1 d sorde re err d to s u an oppos selc fr m tli falseh od, The lotel- towns an, that me e ,T is i wha and tlecy ha .1 1 hunt, eld on W8 :— • 18 '1 SBORNE. i This o slip sees now t be going s rongly into orato Jultivating eloireence to the highest degree. Ti er was lately another debating club organizea arqiiha.r, the members ol whiich aredisctlss g and deckling all the leading ques- tions of th day, in a Manner perfectly unique and origma There is aIso e new club at Rod- , gervilk, a goo 1 many , of the- Members of which .are residents o Usborne. Last Friday e ening, 4th inst., filer .was a public debate betw- en this last nauied sec ety and Lumley club, at th school house m Se ti n No. 1. The question unil er (ha - da km as 'Resolved that Free Trede would be more b ne cial to Canada than Pint etion;" the Rodger 1 debaters ta.king the affin ative. Tli sch ol- se was crowded with peopl - both male ` an le. The appouited chair an not having d at the t ine.for opening he de- bate, roWn, wasi'called to the ch ir, and Mir Tibb, c p ain of the three, Rodgers' men, -led on tljeat ck. The jiefenders of pro ection, led by i1 r. . Moir, replied ae best they might, and the ha • an seemed:: to think succe sfully, for ic- gave decision in their favor. V 'e hear there is to • nother 'contest between th se two clubs. after fie time. WEAT weather taking a their ro co ing Rey wh ch i par s of incliffere no not . a v qui wh eVe su see and isy 1 tly m •teve w Pel learn it .1 li a -IE . -During the past few da s the as b en very fine, and the farm rs are vent go of it, a, d are busy stori cr away cep:, and oth rwise preparing . or the nter L Ito a —Th Gravel Road q tuition fl;W being so much_ agitated is some he C unty, is v esved with consi erable ice in Turnbury In fact, the pe ple do , • to ca e•whethe do tells are tak , a of or frs in 11 eppehT mces it is not lilt ly that rg te will be polled in this Toweship, oir Ea. --The 5th Nov. passed of very th s village ; there was no display A good man of the srethern, how - it to Vingham, where ere was a grand ' t e evening, .. • d frora whet we can wa a complete uceess. . RES NTATI N.—The 1 raligemen of Wingham vicinity, • n Saturda .e (-fling, the 5th inst., ented the Rev. . HaSsard, -of Binevale, •h an as dr ss and p rse containing $20, in en of th ir appreciati,n of his servicesto the er. T v. gentle an is an Orangeman of rigb s p, -and is ways ready and willing ve a h g ha.n' d t the cause, , During the b su Hasse d has been affiic•ed with at rli.s but ha, py to state Icat he great deal better no'so much' eo, • at he attend o [cis clerica duties. 1 c 1' pre wi to 0 to pa th is ea .m .1 •—•,--ro • t a na, N or of the Huron lexpo,ssitor: ding one of our local papers the o her d, a communication written by '40 ne rel party"i as he styles himself I ry to take up any of your valu' bl the coinniunication referred t i nore ,thani one falsehood, I hope otk e space enough to state the .tr th. I hunt iril this place ia an annue af- always been caeried on in a q iiet manner, but this fall, the smell fry population undertook the man ge- lidwithoilt giving any not;ce to, e e pected members of the commu Ay, arrange and carry on affairs to t eir tion,iwhieh they did in A. blunde ing ly manner The writer of the ar icle, ys, that onc of our hotel -keeper got Men part squirrel nd well eeper refin.red to is our respe Ir. Cook. He had a. surprise p ening, a d quite unknown to has trou led. the squirrels so m -c not be n able to ereck a nut si I 8 11 1 3"Yurs'..:it'ree. ,to attract away the fair arty. Now this is a di, ect he same writer know it. .ted rty im, eh, ce. v.btia, 1 0. PECI L NOTICES. o the 01. ea.pest Bots and Shoes in Scaf rth aceor ing to quality, go to Coventry's. For No. 1 home made Shoepacks, go to T os. i Cove try'k ' , Ir r Beni min Blair,ot I ppene1 has purch sed. th, Tell-ki own Suffolk oar, lately ' ownec. by John opel nd, Esq. } Th use of tobacco causes indigestion, palpita- tion, s1owircss of intellect. a desire for st ong drink andn intermittent, pulse ; it destroys the vitality of the blood, prodlices dizziness, disturbs sleep, make ' a man miserable and prematurely old. Wher the diseases a're serious or stubborn the best re edy is F Bow ' Compound of H -po- phos hites, as it rest res the eirculatiOn, the ere vans gangli4, builds tp themuecles, and ind ces healthy Liv r, Heart Stomach and Intellect Price $1 50 a bot le ; 6 for $7 50. Sol by apothecariez and. by IF. Cundill & Co., whol sale agent, Mon real. No., 1 ho • eraade kip boots for $4 : cow id e do? $3.50, a Coventr '0. UO ION A.LE REGISTER. e . • ov. 29t .---Earra Stock -and Implements on Lit o. 12, Con, 10, ownship of Stanley. th- erne Mitchell1 dmi• istra,trix fbr Jamea it- ch 11, deceased. o . 18th.—Farm Stock and Irnplernent4 on Lot o, 8, 1st Con: Township of Hay.. John Wllh , Proprietor, . Bishop, ikuctioneer. N. B --Sal* for wh ch bills are iprinted. at this ffi e, are adverti ed as above without e tra h rge.. BIRTHS. , H YS.—At Godolich,I on the 20th ult., the f W. T. Heys, Esq., M.P.P. pf a son. P w Seaforth, on the 2n'd inst., the lwife f ¶imon Powell, of twins, son and daught r. MIleRRIED. M RRISON—DENNTSON.-:---64. the 4th inst., at the esidence of the bride's father, Township of • Morris, near Wilton, by the Rev. Mr. P ice, Mr. John Morrison Teacher, McKillop to Matilda, iciest daughter of Robert Dem on, Esq. KRIR —LA RENCE. --On the 2nd inst., at St. s mime .A. Th Re ishprch• Po ER— C Trrza., J • New Cour. D. ,W. Ts Wroxeter ter of the urcl, Toronto, by the Rev. 0. incunibent of Elora, assisted by Villiams; incumbent of St. Jo r. Joshua, Kribs, of Guelph, to ne Lawrence, of Toronto. E AWFORD.-e-On tbe 2nd inst.'at the •-e ton Parsonage, Gorrie, by the Rev. le, nzie, Mr. S. Parker, Hotel -keeper, • o Miss Mary Crawford, only da gh- • eeTohn Crawford, cif Orange 1111. DIED. E. the n's iss MOFFAT.-=•.t. farm, Tui lloDeNeLD. • second 'so Mills, an iltOn, Ont WSooINTON. Oct., of Th' VA • ti• her. residence, Blinkbonn :berry, Isabella Forsyth, wife of offat, aged: 31 years. At Mono Mills, Oct, 18th, Ro ert, AUCTION s A L ES. „glen -in-law of Mr. T, of Mr. John. McDonald, of IS onino .; agtA 29 -erg and, 10 inonths. Godelieb.TownRlitp, on the 0th onsumption, George, second so4i of ginton, gsq., aged 28 years, e •3 Ir. - 5e THE MARKETS SEAFORTH, Wheat, (Fall) •tY' bushel, Wheat (Spring) t", bushel, Barley' lit Oats 40 bushel. Peas t? bushel, Butter, ig lb. -• ; Eggs, Hides, clheep Skins, Apples Potatoes Pork Nov. 11 1870. _ 1:10 to 1.16 - , 1 :05 to 1:18 J:48 to 0:50 0:36 to 0:36 0:58 to 0:60 0:15 to 0:18 0:15' to 0:15 7:00 to 7:50 0.40 to 1:00 0:40 to 0:50 0:25 to 0:30 7:00 to 7:50 J. Duncan has received his first instalment of Hats for the Fall trade—latest styles. tf. CLINTON, Nov. 101,1876. Fall Wheat, per bushel, Spring Wheat, per bushel. Oats, per bushel, Peas, per bushel, Barley, _per bushel, Butter, per per, lb, Eggs, per doz.1 Pork 1.0 • to 1:10 1:(45 to '1:12 • 0:34 ' to 0;36 0:55 to 0;57 0:44 to 0;50 0.17 to 0;19 0.12 to 015 6:00 to 7;00 J. Duncan sells Boots and Shoes, either ordered or ready-made as Cheep as the cheapest. tf. 'ST. MAiYS, Fall Wheat per bushel , • Spring Wheat, pee bushel, Oats, per bushel, Yeas, per bushel, !Barley, per bushel, 'Butter per lb., 'Eggs. per doz. 'Nov. 10, 1870. 1:08 to 1 17 1:04 to 1 17 0.32 to 0 :35 0:56 to 060 040 to 050 0:16 to. 0 19 0:16 to 0 17 • j. Duncan has a full stock of Collars and. Ties. The meet stylish in Seaforth. tf. • LONDON, Nov. 10, 1870. (Adverti.ser Report.) • White Winter 15 to $1 25 Spring do 1, 20 to 1 25 Barley 0, 45 to. 0 52 Oats . '0 25 to Q36 Peas . . . .... . '......... .. .. " 0 60! to 0 66 Metter, in kegs, ..............0 19 to 0 21 Eggs, 0 17' to 0 10 • • • J. Duncan keeps a complete assortment ofBoots and Shoes from the best Canadian manufacturers. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats . Peas Barley Potatoes Butter Eggs • • GODERICII, Nov. 10, 1870. (Signal Report) . 00 to 105 1 00 to 105 0 30 to 032 O 50 to 055 040- to 040 O 30.to 030 016 to 020 O 00 to 000 TAVERN " STAND TO RENT. A HAT well known tavern 4/e miles north of Seaforth, known as the Rob Roy Hotel. Apply to • THOS. SHANNON. Seaforth, P. 0, Seaforth, Nov. 9, 1870. 0153:tf.— STRAYED HEIFER. CAME on to the premises of the subscrifeer, lot 15, con. 4, Mc:Kill:pp, about the middle of 'August last, a red yearling heifer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take the same away. • s' ROBERT GOVENLOCK. McKillop,, Nov. 3rd, 1870. 153-4— GOVE'RNMeNT DRAINS. 1 An LABOURERS WANTED for the above .1 Vt., Works'in. a the Township Grey, County of Huron, after the 10th of October Wages,— $1.25 to $1,75 per day. • . G. BLAIN, Contractor. Seaforth, Nev. 10th, 1879. •153— NOTICE. rEIHE COUNCIL of the Corporationof the Coun ty of Huron Will meet in the Court Room, thelTown of Goderich, upon Tuesday the 22nd day of November instant. County Clerk's Office. ) PEIER ADA.IVISON*, Goderich, Nov 5, 1870. County Clerk. • • • EASY EARNED MONEY'. AGENTS READ THIS. WZEO wants to make money, in a new busi- ness, small capital and large profits, enclose 25 cents to A. B., Box 66, Seaforth P.•0. ansl you will receive in return an article which selhi for $1, useful to all, and profitable to the buyer and seller. Try it, don't delay. Send for specimens at once. Seaforth, Nov, 9, 1870. 153-4— BUSH FARM FOR SALE CHEAP. rnETE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale, cheap, 1, Lot No. 30, Con. 15, teernship of Grey', Co. of Huron; about 70 acres of this lot are timbered with hardwood, fon; acres of which are chopped, the balance is timbered with cedar and pine of excellent quality. There is sufficient of thi0 lat- ter timber to pay for the whole lot. The lotwill be sold CHEAP FOR CASH, or on time. Title indisputable. For further particulars apply (if by letter, prepaid) to Adam Gray, -Planing Mill, Seaforth, or to the undersigned proprietor. •• ROBERT GRAY, Thamesford, L. 0. • Tharaesford, Nov. 9, 1870. • 153-tf,— Logan- s.—* Seaforthl, on the morning of the 7th• inst., the rife of Mr. D. Logan 1, Townshij of Grey, off Cancer in the face anel heed, agec 75 years. t - DUNCAN.--In..13rantford, on the J5th nst, J ne, relict of t e late Mr. Jas. Duncan, and mo her of Mr. Julius Duncan, of Seaforth, aget 72 • years. • S LECT SCHOOL. ,YOU ! opene th: in Mr liberal patr Fo VR COE'S Se foith, G LADIES' Select School w by MRS. E. MILLER, on Kidd's Block, over the store. W age by the people of Seaforth, i terms, see Mrs. Miller, at Oct. 20, 1870. STRAY CALFrd CE on to lot 33, con. Ith, McKaillop, out he first of September, a heifer calf. The oviner is requested to prove property pay expens- es, and take her away, ROBERT .CAMPBELL- McKiliop,"06te 44, 1870. 149•-4ine. be ct. A SO - R. _ 1 s • LL BILLS rOlt, AUCTION SALES, print- ed by 0. H. CULL, -will be advertised in the EXFOSIT011 free of charge. Sale Lumber, at Seaforth station, on Tuesday, Nov. 15th, A. Govenlock, proprietor. j. P. Brine, Auctioneer. -Sale of Farm Stock, &c., on Friday; Nov, 18, ou Lot No. 16, Con. 10, McKillop. Mr. Little, proprietor. J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. Nov. 15th.—Farm Stock and. Inaplerers, on Lot. 30, Con. 7, township of MorItris. bert Burgess, proprietor, Jas.Stretton, Auctieheer, • Seaforth, November 3, 1870. LAVINC HURON. LOT 3, 1N T1-1141 3rd CONCESSION, •Better known as the WILLIAM THOMPSON FARM, Is offered for dale, it is admitted by all who know this Lot, that for rops and stock it has no supe - 'liar thweounter. Address, BOX 175, Seaforth. .143,ealacth, Nov. 3, 1870. 152- • DANIEL 11/VGREGORI BOOKBINDER HULLETT "ETAS just received a iarge Stock of the meter - 11 Ws used in the business, and is now fully prepared to execute on the shortest notice ana rn the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured with. REGITER85 LEDGERS, AND 131J-Irkl•TIC 330CDTEE, • OF ANY HIND, RULEP, PRINTED, & MADE To order, dnthe shortest notice, and. at pric *inch defy coMpetitioti. :LADIS' WORK k)XES, AND FANCY GASES, •• Made to order. OLD ,AND NEW 1BOOKS BOUND AND REPAIRED At city prices.. Persons residing at a distanee by leaVeng - their books At the Signel Book Sto 'e, Godcneh, or at the EXFOSITOR office, Seaforth, or at Grant's, Ainleyville, stating style, xiayerely i113011 them being well bound. . All communications addreased the under- . aigned, will receive prompt attention. • DANIEL MoGREGOR, : Constance, P.P. • Hullett_ 153-tf. Seaforth, Nov. 9, 1870. QUEEN. Insurance CQ1 paity OF LIVERPOOL & LO DON. .• • CAPITAL - $2,000,0 0 Sterling-- CHIEF OrFices—Queen Buildings, Liverp6o1,, •And Gracechurch Street, London. CANADA BRANCH Os.koa--Exelian e Buildings, Montreal, • , Boann—Wm. Morton, Esq.; C airman: Henry Thomas, Esq., David Terra ce, Esq., am& the Hon. Seines Ferrieit BANKERS--Kolson's Bank. - LEGAL ADVISERS—MCSSrS. Rite ie, Morris & Rose. MEDICAL Anvissn—William Sut erland, Esq_ M. D. SuRvaa0R—Thonaas S. Scott, Est. Aftrron—Thomas R. Janson, 1jsq. :RESIDENT SECRETARY AND G-ENTR"AL AGENT, --A. Mackenzie Forbes, la st. Sacretnefit Street, Montreal. The undersigned having been apeiointed Agent for the above CoMpany, parties desiring to inure against loss by fire CAM do so on the most favour able -terms. • Life Policies granted on as Selvan, ageousteme as any other respectable, Company 4oing business in Canada. SAMES H. BE SON, Agent., OFFICE—BENSON MEY It'S • Law Office, • Seaforth. 153-tf.— 1 Seaforfin Novi..8, 1870. KIDD S EM:PaRITT.M.. FASHION, SEAFORTII. rriRE subscriber begs -to -anummc4 to the pub- lic thathe has opened a., Splendid Assortment QF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS„ CLOTHING -1 GROCERIES, CROC,KERY, BOOTS & StIOES, LIQUORS:, WINES, ETC, ' The whole of the Stock is entirely new, end bought in the best houses in Canada. ! He is determined to sell at prices that will sate isfy the buyers. THOS. KIDD, Seaforth, Nov. 1st, 1870. •