HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-11-11, Page 20 1870. No. - To raise by way of Leon the mon of' Forty Thousand Dollars for the purposes Mete - in 'mentioned. • • Lereas the Council of the Corporatien of the County of Huron, have resolved to purchase the Tolls on all the Gravel Roads in the COUR bf Northern Gravel Road, and abolic sh the of To Huron, from and after the irat Day of Jaimary aa1. i And, 7hereas to carry into effect the said. re-. cited object, it Will be necessary for the Connell of the Said Corporation to raise the sum of Forty Thouaand, Dollars _in the manner hereinafter men - toned. - • i .And, whereas it will require the-sumof our thousand four hundred dollars to be raised an- nually, by special rate for the payment of the said debt and, interest as also hereinafter Men- tioned. And, whereas the amountef the whole rateable property of the said Municipality of Huron, ir- respective of any future increase of the sante, and irrespective of any, income.to be derived from the temporary investment of the Sinking Fund here- inafter mentioned or any part thereof, according to the last 'revised and equalized Assessment Rolls of the said Municipality, being for the year Oe thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine was Thelve millions nine hundred and sixty thousand four hundred and sixtythree dollars: And, whereas the amount of . the existing,debt of the Said Municipality is as 'folloWs : -Principal, Two hunched and fif t-janinethousandeight hun&ed. and thirty dollars, for Gra•vel Road Debentures, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. And Tito hundred and fifty-three thou- sand dollars to theMunicipalLoan Fund, bear- ing interest at the rate of :six per cent. per an - Warta Upon Whiqb. last mentioned debt, there has been paid One hundred and ninety-one thousand two hundred. and nine dollars,*making M the ag- gregate as the actual indebtedness the sum of Threehundred and twenty-onethousand six hundred and twenty-one dollars, upon which there ie no interest in arrear. The annual 'inter- est to be paid. oo the said debt is Thirty thousand seven hundred an4 sixty-nine dollars and eighty cents. • And, whereas for paying •the interest and sweating an equal Annual Sinking Fund, for pay- ingtne said slim of Forty Thousand Dollars, and 'interest as hereinafter mentioned, it will require an equal anneal spepial rate of seventeen - fiftieths (17 of a mill iu the dollar in addition to all other rate's and taxes to be levied in each - a• :, .;..a. year. . Be it therefore enacted. by the Ceuncii of the Corporation of the County of Huron : 7 lst That it shall be lawful for the Warden for the- tune being of the said_ last nientionell Corpor- ation to raise by way of loan from any per, on or , persons, body or bodies_ eorporate, who my be wilting to advance the same upon the ore it of the Debuntures hereinafter mentioned, a sum net exceeding in the whole the sum of. Forty Thou- sand Dollars, .and to' cause the same te be paid into the hands of the Treasurer of the County aforesaid for the purposes and with the object above recited 2nd. That it shall be 1a,wful for the said Wara • don to Cause any number of Denture s to be• made for such suRa of money, not less than One hundred klollars eali, and that the said Deben- tures 'shall be sealed with the Seal of the said. Corporation, and be signed by the said Warden. - 3rd. That the said Debentures shall be made payable in twenty years at furthest from the day hereinafter mentioned for this BY -law to take ef- fect either in London in. England, or some place in Canada to be designated in 'the aaid Debentnres and shall _have attached to them Coupons for the, payment oLthe interest half yearly. ' 4th. That the said Debentures and Coupons shall be made out in either Sterling Money or the Cuarency of this Dominion at the option of the. - sail Warden, ao thaf, the -Whole amount of said Debentures shall not exceed the before mentioned sum of Forty Thousand Dollars, and they Shall bear interest at the rate ofsixper cent; per an- , num, which intereSt shall be payable on the first days of July and January in each andaevery year ' during the continuance of the Said: Debentures at the place whera the said Debentures are made payable. . 5th, That for the Purposes of fern -ring a , Sink- ing Fatal for the_payment of the said Debentures and the interest at the rate aforeaaid to become due thereon an equal special rite of seventeen- . fiftieths (17-50) of a -mill in the dollar, shall in . addition to all: other rates and taxes be raised, levied and collected in- each year upon all the rateable property within the County of Huron; • during the continuance of the said Debentures or any of them. •-. , 6th. That this By-law shall take effect and come into- operation Upon the first day of Janu- ary, A. D. One thousand; eight hundred and seventy-one. • • • 7th. That the votes of the Municipal Electors within the said. County of Huron on this By-law_ shall be taken at the day, hour and places as fol- lows That is to -say, on Monday, the Four- teenth Day of Nevember, A. . 1870, to COM- mence'at the houi, of nine o'cloclk-in the forenoma and that the Pella shall remat4 open until live o'clock in the afternoon of thea same day, at the following places within the se -feral Municipalities • in the said Court* of 1111T011, To -Wit : IN THE TOWNSDIE OF ASHITELD. Division No, 1, At Hugh Chamber's House, Hugh Chambers, Returning Officer; Division No. 2, at SchOol 'House Section, No 9: Robert, McGrory, Returning officer. Division No. 3, at School Rouse. Section No. 6, Robert Welaster,i Returning Officer; - Division No. 4, at KingsJ bridge School House, Maurice Ilalton, jr., Return.' ing Officers Division No. 5, at Dungannon School House, john Cook, Returning Officer. IN CLINTON. At Core's Hall, John A. Nelles, Returning Officer. 7 IN Gol.BoRNE. . At the Town Hall, James 'Tuesley,-Returning a Officer. .Division No. la at Re uniji Division No. 'George Dane, at Lot 25,13th turning Officer,. Building, Foialavich, • ficer, Division; No. Richard Ito'b* son, No. 5, at Old ho Lawrie; Batumi)] on Se , Division aon Shop, etutiung Hams' Wa, • sen.,! Retu Division William E 2, at: Lot Returning 81111110111M191111W RAir. Cer• °WICK gS O°11gifirel•l ision 3: hanCor 4 t oo turnin ouse, cer. No. 1, at23 Lon esb r Offic thng No. Us, 6, ffic Division No: .Concession • Division INo: T. B. Bull -Ret Division No. 'Thomas' C 2, at old Returning , Division ter Prouty Division 1, James Igo. 2, at :Returning House, Sec Officer.. purhey,.-0 vision NO. Chesney, James Joh r. ho Qffi o. e , Se 0,ffic Wroxe S 001 House, Di ision No: 24 ial Phair, Re - 3,, at . Noice's turning Of- ool House, , Division er, William sclen - :ugh; vision Kinbu • I IN CICI14,0 1 at Mirk) It ing0 cCSSlifl ORRIS roN6' as °Imes,' it TIN S AFOR , a ouneil Offifei. • TANI,E , at Teniperanc ok, • et r ing thlice hool Ho s , Sayfi ld fficer. 1 Tawn: Hob Officer. r. a Wh nani's Wag- e $ praithwaite, o 2, at John Wil.- -ThOmas Sloan, . - urge, Section 5; Division No. lui O'Sulivan, 01 No. No. 1, It furr y, 113, choo Hou Offi er. ion ivisi n No. vid • 5, -at Sch turiing . Division uel P. Hal $0. atoll No. s, R Division No. Concessibn J a Division N. ames Sco t, R • The, abo to be take d C011 Council of doun e is int the IN T 1, a Lot 15, th Concession, Ret rning, -Qffic r. School H turning e, -Section . ivision No ilitam Fowler, Returning 4, at Schobl House-. Hari' 11, Returning Officer. Di - House, E ondvill, Hugh fficer. ENnany. Lot 11, 6th rning Officer. in fin Hall, Hall, Varna, Division No. rthur Haacke, recliton se, Section No.,1 cer. Divi ion , John Young, 3, at eSchool is • turn EAST , at 1, l snoitara. own Hall; g Officer. ! virAwANoS chool 114. i dale,Nv,[t.N tlieto • I,n ot 17, g Officer. a, OTICA 1 . Stina, e, Lot 36, 9tli ing Officer. th Concession, e copy of a 1:Oposed By -la wideration b, the MuniciPal y of Huron, after one month st p from the -fi blica ion Of the said By-law; in the karo• a)os+- Newspaper, the *date of athich pu • licat'on aa Friday, the Twenty-first day of October, A.I. 1870, and that the votes of the Elect rs of the kaid Muikicipality. will be taken the on at the aforesaid Pollina places in the said C unt of H ron, on Monday, the Four teenth.da of November, A.D. 1870, at and from nine ofthe clock in the morning! until five of the . clock- in t e aft rno n [ PETER ADAMSON, , 1 ' County Clerk. 1300 BI ARE tp pa stY1 P leaving tli Goderich, or at stating -Tie bound" ATH d t rson ooks the a.y r nd letu • Seafort , Ja 'y. 10 OR &SON, R, , IIITLLETT execute llinding in every• residingI a distance by ,;t the Si al Book Store, XFosITOR office, Seaforth, ly upon them being well 1 WEST PRICES ed without delay. 1870. •80-tf. Insol e t ENE A A, OF I0T of luro ter o HA a PROVING C Mitt? In the ma - rIN FRIO. vein er n the Judg of t the said Act. Dated at 'Sea rth, ber, A.D. 1870 H by BEN IN GODERICli TOWN. St George's Ward, at Daniel Gordon's Shop, on Wellington Street, [Daniel Gordon., Returning Officer. St Patrick's Ward,. at Fitercten's Hall, East Street, Saanuel Pentland, Returning Officer; St David's Ward, ,a,t Victoria Hall, Crabb's Block, Kingston Street, Benjamin Hazelhurst, e 8:Alg Officer. St Andrew's Ward, at Alex- ander Wallace's Shop, West Street, Frederick' BInett, ReturnMg Officer. • * IN GODERICH TOWNSThre ) Division No. 1, at, Union 8choo1 House, Mur- 41ock Gordon, Returning Officer. Division No. 2, At Dnggan's Corners, James Patton, Returning Officer. Division. No. 3, at School House, 4th Concession Thomas Woods, Returning Officer. Division 14.o. 4, at James Richardson's .House, James Richarclton'Returning Officer, Division No. 6, at Itohnesville, John Rudd, Returning Officer. IN GEL. Division' No. 1, at Lot 19, lst -Concession, School House, Robert Laidlaw, Returning Officer. Division No. 2, at Lot 6, llth Condession, john Grant, • Returning Officer. Division No •3, at Lot 5, I5th Concession, John Sillers, Returning Officer. Division No 4, at Lot 29, 12th Conces- sion, Jas. McNairn, Retuming Officer. Division No; 5, at Lot 23, 7th Concession, Lawrence Dob- son, Returning Officer. 150-5t ciliof 1864-'65, 1 ACT'.O 1869. . ! ,1n e County Cour-, io, of the County of - H ron. - MOH.W LL/a1M11/UNT insolv'ent. . a - Twenty- fth Day • of No- e(andersi ed. will apply to OourtofrJ a discharge under is Thirte nth Day of Octo- , ION WI LIAM HUNT, MEY n, his Attorneys,. - . ad &um. v MO an �rder of th the matter of bell, and in a caus creditors of Pavid of I3rucefjeld, in the who died in or abou are on or befo e the Tenth D 0 to send by ppst. p Meyer, elicitors, Huron, elicitor's f their christian and diption, the flail p statement of their securities (if any) thereof they ili b the benefit o • the holding any s curit fore me a.t myj cha •city, �f Londo , On Tw enbteyr eoc o'c • being the„tim claims. - • Dated at Londe .er, A. D. 187?. . JAMES El FR ' aintiff's S a -pp NT Con -rt of Cianeery made i the estate Of David Cam Scott a Campbell ounty of the mon ainst Munro, t e late of the villa e Hnron, xnerchan h of March, 186 ov niber, 187 epaicl t� Masrs Benson. Seaforth, in the County f the executors of .the deceas d arnames, addresses.and de rticulars f [their claims. a counts, aid the nature -of t e held by tihein, or in .defau t perempt rily excluded fro said ord r. Every credit4r is to pro uee the same b ers„ on Hiclout street, in t e rio, otbe d D ext, a ck, noon, • of Nove Twelve inted for adjudication on the on the.Seventh day of Octob- J. SHANLY, ER, Master in Chancery. icitor. 149-4in. COTINFY 0.F IT ONi, Y VIRTUE To Wit: of a Wathint under the hand of the Ward al sf thceCorlity of Huron, and tie Seal of the's i. County, bearing date the seve th day of Jii.1 . 1870, to meldi- rected, for th collection of i ars of taxes- due on the under4ientioned lands These are there, fore to 'give n tice t at uthei the said tapes, ' to gether with all lawf4il coats a d charges be sooner paid, I shall n WJDNESD Y the 23rd day of November,*A D. I8'0, at the hour, of one o'clock ourt aouse in he town of Goder- to se1 by Pub ic Auction the said uch t ereof as ay be sufficient to ears of axes and charges P.M., a,t the , ich, proceed laid, Or so d charge atiph ar thereon. 1 TRAYED er, lot 17 August, last turned up ho era were last person or per lead to their by addressing. • 1 149-4' fromi con. 3y 118 t seen ons ecov RAYED. he premiaea of the subscrib- 8, Morris, about the lst of. ling heif rs, pne all red a d other spted. These he t Mr. Rdies, Grey. ving such information as ry will, be, suitably reward a RO McCALL. Dingle, P. 0: • • TD1NSHP 0 C/2 k-+ 0, 0 afs F.) 10 4 N . 1 E 4 of E 4 8 E 4 of N141 2 E•_ 2 SiofE42 ptof Ep 5 NE -3 :1 17 E part of VILLAGE28 23 24 26 26 o 0 4.) • s:1 P . tr, ,01 , 0 th e. d. 200 92.137 3 17 95 th • 100 up 90:943 12 94 Oth " - 50. 13113-1 20 14 2th 50 up 36161 1 77 38 9th 1 50 15 80 1 16 80 do 100 45 .11 .2 00: 47 11 6th w!al. • 50 p 19157 1 3. 20 92 8th "4 50 23 66 1 45, 25 11 4thdo ; 69 " 50g34, :8759 670 '3361 4351 -do. 1 158. p 77:20 2 80 80 00 part [ t pldt f p 4 86 • 97 5 83 F. PORT. ALBERT IN- ASH- ' 1FIELD. 54 06- 33 38 Arthur t. clo 6 do ; 4 do 1 5 Ashfield at. 1' 5 2 -o. 4 25 .W W Hinton - 4 .30 o 26 ' t We lingthn a Subdivisio 1 272 9 365 - 212 93 365 272 93 3 65 272 93 3 65 272. 9:3 3 65 10 ,43 1 12 11 55 • 9731 10 io 83 treet •' 8 13' 1 07 9 .20 . 7 29 1 05 834 reet :- 4 p 12 42 I 17 13 59: a of lots 5 & 6 E London Road- . London ct,oa4 , • i p 268 . 93 -361 O ... I- p 2 68 .93 - 3 .61 3 o [ 1 p2 68 93 361 4 clo 4 p 2 68 93. 3 ,61 *. 6 do , / ! p 2 68.* 93 3 61 8 do ' 1 p 268 a 93 361 9 1 p 2 68 93 3 61 10 ao . .1 p 2 68 . 93 3 61 2 S E William street 1 1 4 P. 267 , 9:3 o ' 1 p 2 67 ' 93 • do . 1 p 267 , 93 . do- 1 p ! 2 67 913 do 11,13$ ! 2 67 93 do , 3p ! 267 93 NW William treet • . , : 1 p' 2 67 93 360 lo .. 1 p 2 67 93 2 60 e. [.. 1 p .- . 267 913 360 o , 1 p 267 93. 360 n street. 1 p 67 93 3 do 1 1 - p 267 93 • . 4 do- 3p 267 93 , 5 do 3p 267 93 8 - - do , 4p 267 93 1 N W Ann str et _ [ 3!p267 93 2. do . • 4 p 67 93 3 alo. , 1 la 67 .3 4 do 4: p 267 9 5 . 'do 1 p 267 93 do 1 p 267 93 do 1 p 2 - 67 .93 . !do 4p 267 93 [ 3 4 6 7 8 1 2 60 360 3.60 :4 60 3 60 3 60 1 4 5 6 2 S E 6 7 , 8 VILLAGE OF DUNGANNON IN ASH 3 60-, 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60, 3 60 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 IELD. 28 Mallough's.Starpvey 0, c1,7• 6 06 OWNSI-11P OF ".COLBORNE.1 2 Lakeshore 53 p 30 48 1 62 32 10 2 W Lake road _ , [1001p . 54 68 2 22 DO 90 , V ILLAGE OF pLINTO:1,i, - • 3-164 Pp 136 11961 52 47 11 1241 93 3341 83 oo 273 [ -99• 88 1 87 99 88 • 1 87 .1 17 90 2-07 p 3S1 95 476 . p 3 13 95 4 08 W Rattenbury'S new surveY p 39 9,0 2 29 256 S 302 355 357 730 731 826 • 892 953 •.222 Lot. Von. 1324 1363321 1362 70 Subdivision of lots 2 & ;3 on. A "p 123 90 213 • 77 • " p 4 06. 97 5 03 1 Subdivision of lot 4 COD. A :3 ".' p 5 16 I 00 616 "p 5 16 1 00 646 7 5 p 5 16 1 00 616 10 " p 5 16 1 .00 6 16 12 " p 123- 230 213 " p 1 23 90 2 13 14 " p 1 23. 90 2 13 16 " p 123 90 2 13 20 22 " p 1 03 - 90 1 93 " p 103 90 193 '24 " p I 03 90 I 93 26 " p 103 90 1 93 30 " p 1 03 90 1 93 32 " p 103 90 193 34 38 "2 103 90 193 I p 1 23 • 90 2 13 40 to 1. 23 90 2 13 42 • 1 23 90 2 13 45 • 1 23 90 2 13 47 • 123 90 213 49 " p 123 90 2 13 50 " p 123 90 2 13 '52 " p 1 po 90 1 93 54 " p 103 90 193 56 64• " 103 90 193 " p 1 03 90 193 66 " p 103 90 193 07 " p 2 58 93 :351 69 " 'p 132 90 222 71 " p 1 32 90 2 22 . " p 1 04 90 I 94 81 Subdivision of lot 10 con. A " p 40 88 1 28 rk and IVfarwood's survey E 1 8 Toronto street 1.-20 p 64 88 152 fl 4 7 Cedar st 1-10 p 76 88 1 64 S E 1 8 do 1-20 p 38 88 126 20 Con. C . 10 p ci 13 1 00 613 Subdivisions of lots' 17 & 18 con. C 5 . 1 p 5 16 1 00 616 Subdivisions of Lots 330, 377 & 378 1 fronting Toronto at. 86 ft. front p 1 26 88 2 14 do 3 do 40 ft front ' p 3 29 95 4-24 • do 4 do 40 ft. front p 329 95 4 24 do 6 . do 53 ft, front p 4 48 97 5 45 do 7 fronting on Picton: st. 53 ftfront p 448 97 545 TOWNSHIP OF GREY, 36 lst 50p• 6 71 1 02 773 24th • 50 u.p 4 61 97.558 • 24 5th 100 p 42 76 1 95 44 71 8u.p 59 50 2 35 61.85 9 u.p 38 21 1 82 40 02 3:3 - " " p 34 77 1 72 36 4 34 .‘ " p 34 77 1 72 36 35 " " u.p 34 77 1 72 36 49 3355 10"th u.p 31 09 1 65 22 74 " p 21 33 1 40 22 73 32 7th " p 25 77 1 60 27- 27 30 1.7th " u.p 49 20 2 10 51 30 LLA.GE OF IAINLEYVILLE IN GREY. 3 Wm, at 4 p 12 55 1 17 13 72 4 4o- • 1 p 12 55 1 17 13 72 TOWNSHIP OF HAY. 1 - Northerly 45 acresbeingN 4 less 5 acresa off S E Corner 13 lst 45 p 75 69 2 75 78 44 tLAGE OF RODGERV1LLE IN HAY. Ac. Pt. Taxes Costs Total 1-5 p 1-25 -90 2.15. " p • 2 05 93 2 98' " p 2 24• 93 3 17 " p 224 9317 TO" SHIP OF GOD RICH: Subdivision of Lot 4 in.- lst Concession! 1- 5 .P 14 40 1 22 6 • , 5 p 9 73 1, 10- • 7 -5 p 973 1 10 15 24 5 p ' 9 54 1 0 25 5 pi 9 54 1 1.0 26 i Subdivisio i 6 10 p 8- 30 1 07 9 37 , 15 11 p. 11 75 1 15 12 90 W part 24 40 p , 6:- 91 I 00 6 91 N p 8 60 1 17 15 62 10 83 10433 967 10 64 10 64 • , 5 p 954 1 10:10 64 of Lot 10 in 1st COncession 1st. lst 2nd E part 7 B � P [ 20 66 1 37, 22 03 W part 9 Maiiland 1 , p 5 80 1 6 80 NW part 46 " 20 p 17 22 1 O. 18 52 Cen pa t or part of W half 105 " 3 p 26 96 1 77 38 73 0 10 15 92 94 W part 111 372 3 401 . 391 55 902 959 96 .1 1 1,05- .111 E 3 1188 1232 - E 4 1316 1323 OF G DERICH. pl-, 21 00 1 i•O 22 40 p, 13 34 1 20 14 54 17 41 1 30 18 71 17 41 1 30 18 71 5 66 1 00 666 15..47 1 25 16 72 Ip 8 41 1 07 .9 48 p 9 34 L 10.10 44 p 275:93 368 p 13 501 20 14 70 4-p 16 24 1 27 17 51 p 19 34 1 35 20 69 p 19 22 1 35 20 57 p 43 72 1 95 45 67 p 15 31 1 25 16 56 p , 3 65 95 460 - 1-5 p-.1-41 90 231 - 1- p -84 88 1 72 E- 1- p 392 95 487 1 p , 33 88 1 21 • l - 5.p •IL 25 90 215. 2 3 TOWNSHIP p• 7 94 1 05 899 1 p 7 941 '05 8 99 OF HOWICK. ' part 30 2nd 50 p 11 26 1 15 12 41 13 3rd' 50 p 12 63 1 17 13 80 288th 100 u.p 8 73.1 07 9 80 13 9th 100 p37 10-1 80 =38 90 23 10th 50 u.p 18 72 1 32 20 04 1 lIth 100 16 33 1 27 17 60 6 13th 100 " 11 47 1 15 12 62 25 14th 100 p 30 10 1 62 31 72 E part 3 A _ 10 u.p. 1 30 88 2 IS la 24 " • 45 p- 23 98 14525 4:3 4 25 " 45p 20 37 1 37 21 74 V part 27 34 p 11 11 1 15 12 26 art 28 p 15 p 12 79 1 17 13 96 art 31 " 1 p 3 95 95 4 90 • 23 B 100 p 28 61 1 82 40 43 VILLAGE OF WROXETER IN HOWICK. 4 S Queen st, p 69 88 1 5 6 Centre st E 1-5 p 6 37 1 02 7 39 2 Main st N 3 p 69 88- 1 57 1 Marrietta st W 1-5p 88 88 176 2 " 1-5 p 88! 88 01 76 9 Mill st 1-5 p 400 97 497 2 Newnian st 1-5p 131 90 221 8 Anna St N p-• 88 • 88 1 76 9 " • p 88 88 176 VILLAGE OF HOWICK IN HOWICK. 1-143 1-5 p • 7 93 1 05 8 98 144 " p- 794 1 05 8 99 ; 156 " p 264 93 357 178 " p 8 59 1 07 9 66 179 " p 8 59 1 07 9 66 196 " p 37 88 125 VILLAGE OF BELMORE IN HOWICK, 2 Ilowick st p I 68 90 2 581 3 " p_ 1 41 90 2 31 5 • t. p 29 88 1 171 9 4`,, • 2. p a 282 v3 3 •751 3 Kinloss st 3 p 25 88 1 13' 13 4" 1 p 25 881 1; VILLAGE OF ALMA IN TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. 27 1-.• p 24 88 1121 28 1 p 24 88 -1 121 36 3-p 48 88 1 361 70 p • 24 88 112 74 p 24 88 1 121 VILLAGEOF SUMMERHILL IN RULLETT.1 . 13 - p • 24 88 1 12 • VILLAGE OF -MANCHESTER IN HULLETT. 15 • 1 p 5 35 1 00 6\351 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. S 9 lst -• 100 p 23-03 1 45 24 48 S 4. 10 lst 100 p 23 03 .1 45 21 48 N 9 5th 100. p 33 47 1 70 35 17 N4- 25 8th 100u184 642 97 87 61 VILLAGE OF IAINLEYVILLE IN MORRIS'. p 1 02 , 90 1 92 p • 477 97 574 p 246 93 339 p 167 90 2 57 1- p 48 88 1-36 p 48 88 1 36 -3 p 48 88 1 36 1 p 4S 88 1 36 p 48 88 1 36 p 48 88 1 36 N part 51 [ 52 104 123 . 134 135 136 142 143 1 1441 1451 • p 4.8 88 136' VILLAGE -012 BLYTHE IN MORRIS. 61 - 1 P 436 97 533 '71(1. , as 2 39 93 332 p I 17 VD 2 07 73- 1 p 8 29 1 07 93 89 1 as • 2-02 93 2.95 90 1 p 202 93 29 NOVEM EROI 1t7t). • Lot, Con:. Ac. Pt. Tami s'Vowt Taal. 91 3p 40 88 128 92 4p 88. 128 . 93 • i P 40 88. 1 28 94 i P40 88 12S 40 88. 1 28 96 4 . p 40 88 128 97 •I p 49 88 ' 1 28' 98- 1 p 40 - 88 128 ; 99 / p 40 88.1 28 - , -100 4 p ; 49 88 1 28 101 ' I p Si 88 169 108 1 p '$1 88 169. 119 1 p 81 88 169 120 1 p 8,1 88 ' 169 .130 3i 34 95 41-9 . 131 •1 P 40 88 1 28 i 132- 4-1 40 88 - 128 I34i t P 40 sa 1 28 135 , 4J) 40 88 128 136 •i P 40 88 1 28 137 4p 40 88 1 28 138 4p 2Q2 93 . 295 139 4-p 2t2 93 - 2 95 140 / p 2021 93' 295 141 4p 22 93 2 95 )142 1 p 2t2 93 2-95 - cOonnelra Survey " '6 Block C i P 40 88 1 if 7 if i p 40 88 1 28 ' 8 • a I P 88 128 a , a i p 88 128 " 10 " I' P 4o88..1 28 " 11 " I P 88 a 28 " 12 " s 1 p 4o 88 1 28 " 13 " ,f.. la 88 1 28 " 14 " 1 p 88 128 gi 15 if ,,.., 4-p 88 - 128 " 1 Bleck aa 1 p 90 2 79 a 2 64 ' 1 Pt9 88 1 48 #.# „. 3 id ' 1.4 p 58 88 146 • `• 4 " [ 4p , 8 88 1 46 . 'TOWNSIIIPIOF MCKILiOP a IV 4 • 7 lst , 50 p 49 . 2 10 51 60 VILLAGE OF 'SEAFO'TIL Beattie and Stark's Survey " a 7 Block 13 p 2 0 93 3 03 " 28 " p, 2 . 0 93 3 23 " 29 " 4p 2 1 93 3 24 Jarvis' Survey aa " 60 !` 61 " 106 " 107 uinlock's Survey 1# 18 4 p 15 -1) 8 .2 9 p 2 p 4 1-10 p 1 10 1 25 -13 35 19 1 07 9 26 1 1 10 10 11 93 389 97 523 3 90 2 45 TOWNSHIP OF. STAN EY. tE part 13 Range A 14 p 24 1 47 26 08 7 ' J 20p 17 92 1 40 19 22 1Vir part 12 " N-.44 p 4-1 97 5 28 15 ;Part IN 4 TOWNSHIP OF STEP EN - 3 5t,li 50 p 40 10 6th 3.p 5 4 Oth 50 p gs 8" ' 100 p 79 12 13th 50 p 22 11 12 Ild.y 100 p 55 12 61 WO p 46 W 4 95J4y 50- p27 28 100 p 71 TILLAGE OF CREDITON IN E p 1 TOWNSHIP OF TUOICE klentrep't 16 lst Huron Road &Iry 44 p 2 VILLAGE OF EGMONDV1LLE SMITH. 1 1 Clinton at 3p TOWNSHIP OF TURNB •N part 320 .60p 56 , 8 part 32 " 30 p 29 IN -3/4 40 1st 50 p 26 llth 100 u.p 32 31 ‘' 100 ilVILLAGE OF WINGHAM IN T Park lot 42 6 p ,1 25 90 2 15 •6 p 90 2 15- 5 p 14 97 5 28 I P 88 1-4 1 p 6 88 1 64 4 1 87 42 01 2 I 00 6 62 I 1 57 30 28 4 2 85 81 99 14 1 42 24 06 2 25 67 82 2 02 48 24 2 1 55 28- 2 65- 73 72 TEPHEN. L. 90 22 MUM - 93 -387 TUCKER' 9 88 1 77 ERY.. 3 2 27 58 4C 1 1 60 30 -71 2 1 07 9 39 51 67 33 92 6-2 22 56 88 RNBERRY. 43 # 5, 113 227 !VILLAGE- OF ZETLAND T 10 p :4 11 •p k 4 81 ••3 p 42 TOWNSHIP OF USI30 part 19-1 st 45 p 50 E half 14 N E 13dy 50. *p 16 VILLAGE OF EXETER IN )Subdivision of 17 &18 con 1st 21 McConnell's survey 1 P , I P 1 p 42 i P 2 " 37 do ". 38 -do 39 do " 43 do " 44 do:3-p 2 " 45:--o 1 p 2 (Subdivision of lot 20 con lst : 12 McConnell's survey , 1 p I2 " 13 do P 9 p 1 " 35 . do TOWNSHIP OF EAT WA S 31 llth 100 u.p 48 VILLAGE OF BLYTHE IN E. 20 3p 1 21 *1 p 1 22 I P . 1 $ 28 --4p 3 32 4:•p 1 37 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WA N 4 18 lst 100 u.p 41 W 4, 24 4th 100 p 87 E 4 244th 100 p 91 E• 14 12th • 100 tap 39 VILLAGE .OF MANCHESTER 110 111 112 • 113 .114 115 116 117 6 6 RNBERRY, 3 97 55C 3 97 5 50 3 1 17 13 40 NE. 9 2 12 5271- • 127 17 81 SBORNE. o 88 1 68 8 88 146- 88 146 8 88 - 1 46 9,3 3 87 4 93 3 87 93 387 7 1 17 13 24 8 1 10 10 gs 90 ---1 ANOSH. 1 5 2 07 50 72 AVANOSHa 90 238 8 90 238 8 90 2 38 7 95 432 7-90 2:57 3 95 4 68 ANOSH. 4,3 16 5 •90 36 5 94 15 5 41 39 IN `W. WA. WANOSII, • 4-p i12 • I p- 1-12 p 1,112 1 p 1 42 p 1:12 • g 1 ).2 2' 1-112 p 1J12 VILLAG-E OF ST.' HELF,NS I NOSH - W. 90 202 90 • 2 02 90 2 02 90 2 02 99 292 90 202 90 202. 90 2 .2 WAWA. 1.Mather'sSnrvey 7 p 3;171 5 466 " N41.8 - p 4112 7 509 * VILLAGE OF DUNGANNON W. W.A.WA- * . NOM MeMath's Survey 36 1 p 7 56 1.05 8 61 A. M. ROSS, .Tremoner,_ 'Co. Huron. Co. Treasurer's Office, / Goderieh, July 8th, 1870. MO INT-eWsp First comes thel 13-Plumus.---146 avers pay for tili erve tle- order M done : The pay el next. These. men • nv other opinion, 1 vi orth of their mo eems as fa,ir andl -Lewspaper,s shouldl • ugar or a, neVir (,. 'Oil IA) or a littIe befor the pay. _ There is them in remembern .day or the first of J wiS13.-p8 tO stop, his p write t a letter to hi s n like a man. Ti eart of the edam lined in his .warn ve a thousand ) s ns to the fourth The second chm Do WELLS. --Thi the other—so ne. here one begins a i n ng and ntend t e, n. always r i s -nay itt 4 . v?enmoryfaaI • esandtilSime riititn1:, —sometiraes for qui nreevoeliI.ec,gettiosns,outrthdoiLgi word idn &tie -time nitidui;e:s_LaiZtoalfilviltwziy. rnean to let such publisher can lire have a warm place litlJe 'back of the IT ) dies itt arrears; his * that he may not Ir ' pa ers, and forthwiti They retheauber that theirs, and, estate or ] printer's accounts.e'seboillsslte c not um, As -r ,D0-E.1.—T newspapers,. They their own mmds th good thing. They ta times at the Sat the year.—at any ' rate t soon. If they have ' with the condorting , newspaper is now set having once got int obstinately to be di hold front year to yew AU - ll nsion, gray *an Th -editor' marking gating space in- the a dollars begin to -ask if to alifornia. NowJ at . hem. They -sudd reality that they are ] Lucri, as.they are at They .nel er dispute I his books telt hater at erecl memories. , If flu enough or a long purse hibernating bear, he M :Ball if he is mortal, on] The next class is 0, -A -D3 OWN HIT4SI1S.-- ove to the at denly gets sombre. DoWn.IIilleri sudclenij take a paper -because hl the children are, zealo neighbor persuades hin' to comehe distniss.es a ther if the editor sta.t - him,,a the end of two mayi get some pay for l growls and -surly looks; -debt if he can g0 rid b per - least of alL Scil and ,constables, ,and al the isame effect o ihiplio%amus—.0.1am :sinking into tle 131 always sliding detvit into another class, that, THE Nu -Opt Rousi this man begai -his sul pays for it ---not he. sort of paper. It don't, never did like it._ Ire A! first place, and toM the ,sent back one more tha sides, he never began time, after it catne, an two or three of thera,- al be h dn't read."_ Wipel i-I eRACE.--L-It IS ',a ere co.mes the SAPEG_ that he never fails to In two or :three Of them theY have come about k publish.er to want pa„, with a stop it." Or he ters and leaves : for pa does not want to pay, al Get it if y4iu can. - Reader, in which ofbl you found? . Dr.. SroRalwood'on.t .1-)t. Smallwood, vatory, gives the lo obsenrations of the u phenomena of thia - earthquake 'and u aftReianioon n. fell oHne-saytho si;th : awiPb. r spotsbh1 sibeeeiYeihlin: in a, Nfi, iv:ea stlel )hlrleeni- day.bBeipoatrurne se°71i1 1 .1 ZniptIu 11 1lBe wi er04:F4v: ii ence of the Aurora on 23rd, 24th, 25th, and : month (September). The maximum•rea nig at 7 &Iry on. the mcrninl •