HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-11-04, Page 4• RAILWAY TIME TABLE <, Trains leave the Seaforth station as folllws GOING EAST. GOING WEST.' 10.47 " " 3.,30 8.45 " 1.37 r. la. - 2.07 " 7.18 a. X. 'iron Ofrxproittir. The Official Paper—of the CountY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1870. INDEPENDENCE OF PARLIAMENT. • •••••••••• , IF there is one thing more than another; which should be jeEdously gitarded by the ‘1. people of this.countey, that thing is, the en- tire and comPletu independence of the peo- ple's representatives, of the Government Of the day: There is., nothing which has . a greater tendency to kreate, and afterwards to hide Irene ..public gaze, political corrup- tion of the gravest kihd, than to permit the chosen representatives of te people, to look for, and receiv personal fayt rs or pecuniary aid fromtheGavernment ovei whote actions they should maintain a Watchful eye, and whom they are expeeted to restrain from departing from the paths of iirtue-and rec- titude. There are few men, so pure and upright, who for a consideration in hard cash. could not be induced to turn a deaf ear to many a discordant sound, and moi - dentally look in the wrong direction when a doubtful transaction; or one Which wonlel not bear public scrutiny was being perpe- trated. - More particularly is this the case with regard to many of our Canadian poli- ticians of the present day. It is a lament- able fact that rnany, if not Most of our re- presentatives,e--especially those of the Do- , . minion ParliaMent,—ere merely political adventurer si Who Slake politics their profes- sion through which to gain a respectable livekhood.-Thus it is that so many of these "independent rep5asentatives" are to be found almost constantly hangineround the Governmental Kitchen, ready to snatch *at every crumb, no matterhow small, which ..may fall from the table of their masters Thus it is, too, ,that °so many corrupt and unjust measures are allowed to be placed -upon the Statiite Bobk, which have been . carried threugh Parliathent by oveiwhelm- ing majorities. ,This being the case then, it is the dtity of the people to use all the means in their po.wer to prevent . the viola- tion, or breaking througla of such laws as are designed to keep °these hungry Sharks at bay. . • We are sorry to notice that there are in this Province, a few journals who are in their power to establish a precedent whereby the laws which ' we now have guarding against this evil may be violeted with impunity, and,a door opened through which the, most flagrant species of corrup- tion may be perpetrated. The ccinduet of the Minister of Justice) in violating a law which he himself had 'Etssisted to place upon the. Statute Book, by 4y:canting COl. Gray to a lucrative government berth, while he still held his seat in Parliament, is attempt- ed to he justified on the ground that Col. Gray'eltas a roost suitable person for the Po- sition. ' - Granting, that Col. 'Gray was most competent to perform the defies - of the of- fice to which he was appointed, surely he was not the `cmly competent. person in the. whole Dominion; whO coald be - found Wil- ling to,accept a government office to which was attached a salary of $3,600 per annum. B4t, supposing he was, even that would \ not justify Sir. John Macdonald in \ per...,'itting him to violate the. laws of . the 1 an . contemporary informs us, that Col .1 Gray it SO great a patriot and so ex- ceedingly self-sacrificingthat he even I" sac- eificed the comforts of his home in New Brunswick, and removed to Ottawa, that . ' 110 might place at the disposal of his coun- try, his great abilities." ,, It Must beremem- bered,, though, that he did not commit this generous action until he was poreised'the ,moderate sum of $3q0 per month, for per- forming that which Could not, at most, oc- cupy more than a third\ of his time, as he had in addition to attend to his parliament- ary ,duties, as well as the service's imposed. -upon him as Dominion arbitrator, for both of which he was handsomely rewarded, But to ttill further convinee the public of the . unselfish and disinterested motives which in- duced this patriot to accept so many official positions, and in doing so to violate a law 'which he had SW0111 to yespect and Obey, another apologist says: , cc - A man of his talents (Col. Gray's) could easily earn the fee he has been paid in the pnrsuit of ordinary profeisional du- ties, or; if be could not, talent of a high order must be of little value in a moni- tary sense." We 40 not much doubt, but that, if his talents are of so high an order as his friends claim. they are, he could " earn the fee he. has been paid,. &c." But would he, or did he? We think we are pretty safe in saying \ that he would, nor did not Is there a pane man in the Dominion who could be found, to,. say that Col. Gray put himself to the in- convenience andloss of disposing of his ef,- fects a St. John, and abandoning a lucra- tive occupation, simply that he might place his serviceat the disposal of the Dominion, solely for ,the Dominion's benefit? The thing is absurd. The fact of the matter is, Col. Gray is one of those political adventur- ers, who is either. too indolent or tob inca- pable to gain a, livelihood by ordinary means, and is consequently continually un- der the table ready to grasp at any crumb which falls, and this time, he succeeded in catching a good large crust If Col. Gray were the only crumb -watch- er in the Dominion Legislature, it would not be se basi,bu are entnyleitliers the Oppd tunity that the. Iaw has guarante be evade and md asti ted, inde maj tteti lose nt w s t is end nt rity, o y is too ho ee ve w or mo may th' less acti the requ'red y he G ny of t ire luthasiosbtvd in the e G to ctrry they req and her it. The 1Io Se serv t indi ecti vors o r fuse to d tool F r t gre4 'in ban � se:a they do a do spec ble of li e, Let he man too 1 1 aed 'not • barr te the e fron tIie cit own peo le, u have hate co irse ever., da, 4d u can ly,- n de ss n ed ifor a liam nt ct," an ;cam 'd Iy he tive . MU is g d t no ve vi: qually as ,rapaci 'is, did ffer, as he. And, now n once violated, what that it will not infeture er to satisfy the demands, the ofevery hungr cor- 1 present himself. , So long g is continued °ripe mit- for the people to look for a from many, if not the r legislators. The oppor- ting. Whenever support is vernment, to enable them eir nefarious schemes, all is to hold forth the, bait, found plenty to grasp at unted independence of the 'sham. A man cannot If he be directly, or ervice of, or receiving, fa- vernment, he cannot re- ir bidding and become their THE are Berry tos4y. there • rev re, t hey Pe, the people have, in a e remedy in their own re exceedingly foolish if ly it. There are far too ture -3,--inen who are either. ent or liv liho fin th eo le sr ly ore u lace so- in who wh that, coun remi sam fed mor cials th43 who al. grcvp er, subj were more for netp, ea wor to do, with it pres nt rate of co cent on the first 25 pr cent on the 50 per 200 and 25,per ce Bill proposes to $200 'cent. nam $200 50 • the 0 for chane in Although offic s co Bill- leav 00 at t per ent. to in on a amm lecti perf per c woul $160. o incwable to gain a re- d in the ordinary •walks ir way into Parliament. card alt such at the polls, n themselves: Let them, h tonffdence in briefiess ay be 'pitch -forked upon "es, and more upon their, n men with whom they nd business transactions on whose integrity they nd upon it there will soon "Independence of Par - fewer corrupt. measures otes of bribed repres nta- POS MASTERS. me lime ag we palled attention to we b�lieve o be a manifest abuse, in since the eduction of postal rates, ry postmas ers are very inadequately nerated for heir labors. Abouti the • time w� no iced something to the ef- hat the Gov rnment proposed to make liberal prov ion for this .class of offit from the 1st of January last. lJp to ate, howev r, we are assured by t ose, certainly .kn.w, that things are aa usu- A corresporui ent to the Toronto Tele - over the si nature "Town Post ast- . tticbs si4me xcellent reMaiks onj the t. kle say have hist ov r $200 yearly since the rates reduced, inor i this all ; I have had to pay • sed by having one half more increased responsibility. The mission allowed is 324 per collected every quarter and urplus. When night work is cent is allowed ,itin the first t on the balance. The new rease the rate on the first collected -qu erly,' from 331 to 40 per • but to lea e the rate as it formerly was: ly, 25 per cen , on whatever amount i; over en nigh work is performed it llows r cent on the 1, t $200 ad 25 per cent on alan e. I believe there ma great necessity g eh, go,but think the proposed the new gilis not carried for enough. ne alf i f.the revenue is derived from lecting o er $800 yearly, yet the new s the C0;s ,, "zson on whatever exceeds e same r te as it formerly was, viz., 25 TO do lustice, the clepa4ment ought rease the com i"ssion from 25 to 30 per cent collections, • henever they exceed $800 per . Take an ffice, for example, whose coi- ns. amount to $4,000—allow, if day work is rme per cent on the first $8,,0, and 30 nt, instead of 25 per cent, on $3,200, which m d. erence to the postmaster of • 110 s 1) / 0 Thu?. day the • L mad for Sc tt's Morin th the signers of t Dr. thu4z, Dr. You s g, called at Comilanied to the 'Fort in eiThit t situ ted, by the ; an o der., was th pick • and shovels poua ed:dut the I grew was uic W.. er ' COe. of the gra of Vs lunteers off eurr0 unded the g sign of th co wer: at w rk, four feet, . ropes plan ingi As t the 1 ttei every o tens eagerness, it wi s found to coffio b t & long vati g n was made but s o other sign disc e vere . A migl t have bee in o by, the box can drop ed ther raitt • e e pressed the oily had not Ord one person to find it there. as to the final dis *pop ar belief is river. ' ere wa the xcat ation, a .,duct d quietly an goes up t Saska,t er there is any ne troo s there Mr et a rived here peac an.€ other n poin d Everyt ly. • reait corapla al a ran ements new .aper, the , day. 18 iver he 13th inst., search was oiey. At ten o'clock in committee appointed be, le petition, consiet'ig of yncla and the Rev. Geo. the Fort. They wete ac - principal square of the e greve dug for Sco t is- ieutenant-Governor, and n given to bring ou the - The Rev. Geo. Y ung cality of the grave the ly turned up, and the e discovered. A nu ti ber duty and some civiF. ns,, aye while the ex.ca,v tors etching eagerly f� the n. After digging bout ere discovered, and then • e spades struck, ag inst e pressed forward wi de- but the box being brs ken e empty. It was ot a dead box. Further xca- mat water was rea bed, of the coffin or body was . ieee of something hich hair and flesh was found it is assumed to be I emi- by accident. The om- hemselves satisfied that beeen buried in the ort. hat I know of exp cted arioue rumors are afloat osition of thp body. The that it wEfT Bunk it the little excitement during d everything was on - orderly. Lieut. Biltler hewan to ascerta•in whith- essity pr any facilit for Archibald and da ht- . o -day. Justices of the agistrates have been ap- ing is progressing q iet- ints a,re nip.de of the °st- et Pembina. Ano her anitobian, appeared t�-, • • • •a - Belo telOgi a .War. The unusu is desi may b ef the Ma iropris examp and, p render lotion HURON XPCISITOR. W±.11 UMMARY, will be 'found a daily 4lge8t of the hic newollanerit the Fra co-Trussiap THURSDA.Y. teleg ams to -day contain nothing. of 1 inte eke; It is said that Bazaine owe of arranging affai▪ rs so that lie come dlciator of France at the sad war. hal Itazaine has( grown weary of s is nme 't in Metz, and has 1bI1owedt te e of l»s Imperial master at Sed' o15ab1y on, the same terns, has, ea a. r- d to be Prussians. By, the capit he i vaders make 150,000 prisone s 000 sick nd woencledT e y that has been Occupied - 1 be able to, march at on e and assist , it the mediato y Great To Were should pro e in the siee and bombardme t etrong7hold of French pow r m. The ilitary situation thout any important chang s. orts in the dire tion of peace ha e been( successful, nor even encoura • including 2 Truss n ar fore etz w upon aris, efforts of, th unsucc seful of the eat and pa rioti other ':ise w Thee not ye ing. Mar his hu pears to hay before finall thoog make throug but ca would ed sol Opportanity ger, though keenly felt render to th of Mot was throug out of a h 'Are the ev nt. stand the for may b ILondo lief th ,Freec :come omt Gover despa army as it . foece, plaCe. that i resista .who h countr 8 SATURDAY. shal liazaine, eff ctuaily shut up wi h died and. fifty 1 thousand men, a resorted to many stratege s yielding his gword. He h d t, it i said, of allowing his troops o desp rate attempt to cut their w Li the Prussian lines at Gravellott e to Ithe conclusion that the sacrifi e e oo1 great and bloody. The fatnis 16rS ill be glad enough to get t e f satisfying the pangs of hu their national pride must ha e he indignity of having to su invader., i The news of the f 1 received with great rejoici g ermany, and in Berlin a salu e guns was fired in honour f The German pepers have I demanded that Metz shall be one f ress retained in any case by Pre s-. here still hope that an armitti e arra ged. A eorrespondent of t e Ti 8 at Berlin expresses the ,b t the fall of Metzwill induce tIie to r consider their rejection of p s for an armistiee, and endeavour o ter s with King William. T e men of To-prs continue to withho d hes r specting the movements of t e f the Loire, but it ;s anticipated th t clo e to a considerable Truss n noth r great battle will shortly,ta e A 4espatch from - Besaneon sta s the asttrn Provinces a success 1 ice h4.s been offered to the invad s ve a peered -in that portion of t e . - MONDAY. • 11 • s • 11 1 The news of the surrender of 13a.zaine s been receiT d withiindignation at Tou 1s, and M. Ga betta, in a spirited circular to the prefects has branded it as a Jrime, s- serting that its authors should be outlaw.d. Ile will not admit, however, that anythi g . can diminish the courage of the French , people in "his epoch of i ascally capituia-, dont," and he 'stontly affirms that I4ie Frepeh Rep blic will never capitulate. There as not ing decisive respecting an mistiee. _It is probable that the great po ers are still ndeavouriag to exercise th ix good o ces jr that direction, and it is to e hoped hey jvill succeed. There have ben a few light engagements, out no milita y moven ents bf importance have taken pla e. A porcon (4 the Prussian army before Metz has lef for Paris. its said that the 1 t . 1 deman for the surren er of this city his been f4rwari ed to Gen e.al Trochu, and th t early tllns w ek the long deferred bomber t merit i to ommence. "Our Fritz" a d Prince Fred rick i Charlee have deserved y been Made ield Marshals of 'Prussia, n account, of toeir succesees, in the field. Ge Voln Moltke' who has just attained his 70 l'a' eltirthdey, h : ,.: been made a Count. . . TUESDAY. The furth r details telegra0ed to .t New ork ribune of the surrender of Me are bo at al creditable to the military r putation of arshal Bazaine, who is no held ir.. universal detestation by the Fren h pepplei Some of his soldiers were so ex - perated, tha4 the Marshal, it is id, had a narrovi -esc pe from assassinati n. T e Piussiins h ye captured Dijon after a s vete b mbar ment, which lasted the great r part' ofj Sun ay. The French Govermre t ackhe ledg having magnified the streng h of the A.rzny of thet-Lone, which really nu her o ly 60 OGO men, and they are said o be strokeely esirous foe peace, even at a price. The eeling, in favour -of peace is b lieved to be ore general than is suppose The situatio t at Paris is practically u change1, tho gh the Prussians report th t there aJie evi ences already of the want uf food e • 11 Grn Fre*ch COD LIC dan an French all con to arm public. desper. Freder Paris,' reinfc r north a Eugeni helmsh other story o in or de be rem betta arra wIti Met WEDNESDAY. las issued a proclamation tot and people, denouncing t h lead to the surrender of S arid calling on all patriot en, pow that tbey have thrown o ectioa with the Borapartes, to rue and tepel the invaders of the R The sitUation grows daily mo e for France. Two corps of Prin ek aro4 have gone towar nd the other kit* will be divided t e the Prussian forces now in th d sot th of Fi•anee. The ex-Empre has joined the ex-EMperor at Wi he, here also have -Bazaine an cers of the E pire. There i Rus ian. pressu el on the Germt. to t rminate tl4e war, but it w mber d this watelegraphed befor 0 88 81 1 and proved untrue. It is said the bombard- ment of Paris will commenoe shortly with 250 siege guns. anommemenseeneeses For the Cieapest Doots and Shoes in Seaforth aacording to quality) go to Coventry's. Australla South Australian finances, it appears, are not in a Treasurer, ment to th day, estim fibiency at which he p of long -da ry flourishing condition. Phe in making his financial statee Legislatiff assembly the other ted that there would be a de - the and of 1870 ofet200,000, aposes to make up by the issue d bonds. The question has not yet been discussed in the house. A meas- ure for the amendment of the constitution of South ,Australia has been submitted to the Legislature of that colony. The bill movides, among other things, that after the pi esent Governor tall retire the salary shall be only £4,000, and that the salaries of the Ministry, including the Postmaster General, shall in the aggregate be £3,000. The GOvernment of South Austrilia pro- poses to construet 8, railway 200 miles north- ward frora Port Augusta. An offer has been received from England to construct the line upon a good guarantee of iaterese at the rate of 5i. per cent. for £3,600 per milehalf of the earnings ofthe line over the interest to be paid to the Government until the guarantee is liquidated. The line is to be Completed within 30 months of the arrival in England of the mail after the contract is signed. The Tasmanian Government hat definitely concluded its railway negotiations with Captain Audley Coote, who represents certain English capi- talists. The proposal which has beee ac- cepted is to construct a main lint of reit- road, 3ft. 6in. gauge, at a cost of X650,000, by a company, the Government to. guaran- tee of 5 per cent for thirty-five years. The Government share the profits over 6 per cent. If the line cost over the amount stated, no additional guarantee is required, the Government to take possession at any time on giving twelve naonths' notice, and paying the value of the line; The with- drawal of the military forces from the .Aus- trilian colonies has occasioned an import- ant changein the provisions for the assump- tion of the acting -governorship during the absence of the Governor. The practice hitherto has beeii for the officer in coratnand of the Imperial troops to hold this tempor- ary office. This arrangement is now pre- cluded bYethe, changed circumstances, and it is intimated in a despatch. from Lord Granville that the Chief Justice, or the senior judge for the time being, is to be the Adininistrator of Government in eb- sence of the Governor. The new rule op - plies to all the Austiilian colonies. mmemea No. 1 homemade kip boots for $4 : cow hlide do, $3.50, at Coventry's. • Terrible Lake Disasters. We learnfrom the Globe that the gide which prevailed here on Sunday swept with furious force over the three great lakes, causing several terrible disasters,, and the loss, as far as is at present reported, of eleven lives. Eight were lost from a large white unknown scooner ctriven ashore near Picton. Some of the men despairingly clung to the rigging, others ventured to plunge boldly for the shore, but the merciless tein- pestuous waves,,, engulphed them all. The caber three—whose names, deserve' to be placed on an imperishable roll of lioneur and fame—sacrificed their lives in a braire, but, unfortunately, vain attempt to save the crew of the scooner Mary Ann Rank"n, i, which was breaking up on Sugar Loaf Pont reef,. near Port Colborne, The heroes Went out in a life -boat of the propeller Young America, and were,driven back twice by the waves running mountains high, but they nobly persevered, and went .down in the third attempt Their names were Emil Har- mon Sampson, a young Englishman only - twenty years of age ; Alexander McGregor, who has ,a wife in Scotland, and John Mills, who left a wife and fourchildren in Racine, Wis. The crew of alp Rankin were filially rescued by Captain Noble, who with a part ef his crew from the //ippogrier manned a yawl and brought the half &owned men to land. The 1?ankin is a total loss., The gale was terrible in its fury on Lake Erie, and drove many vessels ashore at Port . Elgin,, Port Burwell, and other Places. On Lake Huron it was- equally fierce, and seyeral schooners and tugs are reported ashoie.— The wind on Monday on the lakes was still very high, and several vessels disabled (hir- ing the gale on Sunday night and Monday drifted ashore. The Jessie, of Port Stanheye loaded with wheat, was ashore on the north side of Salmon's Point, near Picton, and rapidly breaking up. The crew were all drowned e]cept one man, who was hanging to the rigging,.expecting every moment to lie swept away. The gallant conduct of Capt. Noble and his men, in saving the lives of the men on the Ramk,in, going to pieces near Port Colborne, rn the most terrible sea, has been handsomely recognized by the Buffalo Insurance Companies, wilt) have also ex- pressed their intention of providing for the family of the sailor Mills, of Racine, Wis., who was drowned with two more comrades in an unsuccessful endeavour to save the -crew of the Rankin. For No. 1 home maAle Shoepacks, go to Thos. Coventry's. ' A young man narnedIWilliam Stark, who was working at a cider mill near Hespeler, met with an accident on the 24th inst. which will cripple him during his days. While driving the horse attached to the cider mill's horse -power his foot got caught between the large driving wheel and th,e traveller, crush- ing his foot so that an impression of it was made in the timber work of the machine. 4 NOVEMAR 4 1870. .NEWS. OF -7T1-14 WEEK. The Toronto drill -shed i to be re -built; but net on the old'site. Port -Burwell I professes to have felt an earthquake shock on Tuesday last. The Prince and Prince es of Wales are visiting the Ern press Eugenie at Chiselhurst ,Garibaldi was nearly made prisoner on Sunday, and considerable anxiety is felt for his welfare. The latepayers of Peterboro' have decided to give a bonus of fifty thonsand dollars to the Teterbero' and fIaliburton Railway. Aman named Robert Eastman commit- ted suicide by hanging, on the morning of the 25th ult., near the village of Wards- ville. The Italian residents of New York cele- brated the liberation of Rome from the sway of the Pope by a grand cencert, public meet- ing and bell. The punting office of the Kincardine - 'Review was consumed by fire on Friday night, with nearly all its contents. Two other buildings adjoining were also destroyed On Saturday, in Lendort, England, and throughout the country, rain fell in torrents all day. There was a high wind, and the telegraph lines were prostreted in all direc- tions. The official statement of the loss ii.. Stras- burg is -1,700 civilians killed and wounded, 400 houses burnt down, 8,000 persons home- less, and damage estirnatedl at 180,000,000 francs (X7,200,000). Another agrarian outrage has Occurred in Ireland, no doubt thework of some Fenian. Mr. Fox, a farmer of King's County, was on Monday fired upon and wounded by an un -known assassin. It :is said to be the general belief in. Mi- nisterial circles at Ottawa that "President' Riel, and M. Royal, lately of the Le. N ouveau Monde, will be elected to represent Manito- ba in the House of Commons. Considerable excitement has been occa- sioned in Florence and other Italian cities by the massacre of eleven persons by bri- gands near Marsico, Nuoyo City, in thee: province of Naples. The bridges across theitrac. k of the theatti Western Railway areetto 'be raised so that the brakesman can stand on the top of the , cars while passing' underneath without fear of coming in contact with the structures. A young man named John Carroll, while going up the Gatineau to Ee shanty, had an attack of tooth -ache. He Undertook to pry the ailiDg tooth out of his jaw with a jack- - knife, • the rough ueage caused nittamnettion whichsoon reache4 the brain, and he died in three days afterivatds. An oil still explosion occurred on Thurs- day week at Londdn, in the oil factory of Mr. A. M. Ross. One of thP main lids had been removed wht the gas and tar inside took fire, causing the it. explosion. The still and brick work by which it was supported -were a total wreck. Loss about $2,700, destructive fire occurred in Newmarket early on Saturday morning, in Mr. R Simp- son's dry goods store, causing a loss of over forty thousand dollars worth of stock, which was insured for only eight thousand dollars. The fire extended to adjititing stores, but was extinguished, before much damage was - done.' Late adaices from Martinique announce that the French authorities have already shot twenty ringleaders in the recent insur- rection. One hundred more have' been ar- rested, and are liable to be shot. The opin- ion is said to be gaining ground on the Island that the rebellion was instigated by the Prussians. The right of way on the Glencoe Loop Line is being purchased' as rapidly as the maps are prepared, and that the contractor fas the western section has several gapgs of men at work grading, &c. It is the inten- tion of the company to let the contracts for all `bridges this fall; so' that the timbers may. be got out during the winter. A s n. of Mr. Thos. Steele, Downie, aged- ; was caught the other. g rod Oa' threshing ma- nson's farm, and. dragged with iiresisuahle fdrce. ped off; actually leaving ody but his wristbands don N•yabruised badly, eth knOcked.but. about txteen years day -by the tumbl. chine on Mr. Stev round and round His clothes were ri nothing upon his and boots. His p and several of his A dispatch from Bombay- announces that a, day has been fixe1 by the Chinese for the massacre of all forei ners: They are march- ingand distributing their troops accordingly.. This information has naturally caused much eecitement among the English and French residents of the "celestial empire." Active - measures for their protection will certainly he taken by the Eifiropean powers concerned. Von. Moltke has adopted a plan anato- gou,s to that suggested by al celebrated En- glieh wit for securing safety on railways.— The French, in the country ,have frequently tom up 'railway tracks, and caused thereby vete, much inconvenience. To stop these unpleasant proceedings, the Prnseians place influential citizens of the departments exiothe locomotives, and compel, them to run the risk. , An accident cf an exciting nature, which illustrates the skill of raftsmen and the dan- gers to which they are exposed, occurred last week in the St iteweence, at the Vic- toria Bridge. The strord wind and swift current carried a large ,raf& against one of the piers, and it was instantly broken to - pieces. .Sixteen raftsmen *ere plunged in- to the foaming rushing river to battle for life, and this they did with k.lespetate eier- gy and remarkable coolness.' They were all successful in clinging to pieces of the raft, . until they were picked up by ;parties in boats who Tame to their rescuea We, last week, sats 1„7rey,squirrel„ which Th» South .Eturon having an anmial di day, of thelannual 18 Thomas Rida has o stock of _neW goods, stand. See advert From Suturday`evel one of the greatest vailed., ever known. m Jas. Kelly, of Mor two mamraoth potatoe ozs. They are o Jenny Lind," On vei 'will deliver -the first l Pthreestu;tePiricesanoCfhturheehl.1- , I n At the Lena() 2 found guilty oii a awl two counts-, Sentence jourinent of the eo instant.' In the orchard of -4 there is *tree that has for the seaaon, -well on tree that was never I now a yotmg crop. In mentioning the dot Agricultural Society, a Match, in a 'previous overlooked $20, by M. for the Boyd c14s& J. R. Want's Dnig 8 for the gu41ity as well Stuffs, {re4able Dye Re Proprietary and Paten etc. books atid..Sta,tiot prices. Leave your or Mrs. Wm. Fowler, ol the seaSOil, just ended,' three daughters. made, $1.075 Worth of cheese,i household of fourteen selling between -$75 and islonra iiunsoli Roo root crops for the Nort -ciety, have completed t follows :—CAREUTS : ht Taylor, - 3rd, R. M 18t, R. kantang; 2n 1st, G. Spooner, 2nd, lair. POTATOES: let, J STANLEY PLOUGIUNG last, the Stanley Agric Match was held on Mr. Brucefield. On acOOIM season– fanners been a their root crops--neithe attendance of sPectators other eiretmistances, in Them were four entriek ancl one in Boys. The not probably exceed on John Cameron ; 3rd. D 4ciffest ne friend, nwsd 0,t8hf:esrtw.LRatteo:exy' was: anistuifiri,v;e4, self, was very good. T Ilugh McGregor. The U kinds, and any guar) a. The Judges of the plowi enae plowmen"of the gatheredvutenhges,ofielsvro toan B ead411 a 1 tvi ile rsa andeit r u e e lik44 . had so bountifully pro pressure of business co Grey Pio The Grey Plowing Ma of Peter McDonald. E Grey, on Tuesday -the 1 was all that eotild. be A was in good order, witir places which W -ere'lo'w- ooa turn out irf both one by_.men and boys, deed. Mr, McDonald, every thing.in his powe pleasant and agreeable ties left for hone satisft - plished his object a.timir PRIZE MEN,—Ist, Alex. Fors 3rd, Willie. Johnson. ; Bos, -1st, Robt. Bur ard, Dond. Scott ;f4th, and groomed team, W Junozs,---Wm, vravit Donald, Grey. ; Mr. Cha A 001.11 Upon the first a,pp ExposiNr, after the des iire,in the course of an 4 duct, ,and intentions, paragraph :— " Everything calcula CAS of 'Brantford, and particular attention. A ty of Brantford is just kinds is being rapidly i buildings of a substantia bets, are either in proms be ; and 1871 promises progressive and prosper° witnessed. It will be th tor to ‘keep a faitful re provements—to urge th when praaicable. Corr esting character, and of interest, is respectfully s partinent our motto will and 710 favor." The week after, the fo an original 1?) 4f blow -ha the Clinton New Bra: -- Everything calculate ests of Clinton .and its ticular attention. A neN C1inton isjust-opening. being rapidly inoe,ased. •of a.sugtantiai either in process of erecti 1871 promises to be th.e b and prosperots year the It will be the privilege o faithful record of all our urge them on and extend Correspondfnce of an in. of a more ei-iless general solicited, and in this de always be, 'Pair plait, taI If this was a coinciden certainly; and if a, pia judgment, for the gold - criminating between the ford catemporazy, and h- - ".;