HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-10-21, Page 8Nor 1870. • To raise by ivay of Lottin the'' sum of Forty Thousand Dollars for the purposes ' there- in mentioned. r wli .reqs the Council of the Corporation of the Count r of pp Huron., have resolved to purchase the Northern. Gravel Road, and abolish the Collection of Tolls on all the Gravel Roads in the County sof Huron, from and after the First Day of January next And, Whereas to carry into, effect the • said re- cited object, it will be necessary for the Council of the said Corporation to raise the sum of' -Forty Thousand Dollars in the manner hereinafptet' tIoged. And, whereas it will require the- sum of Four thousand four hundred dollars to be raised an- nually, by special rate for the p.yment of the said debt and interest as also hereinafter men tioued..F e And, whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said .Mui icipahty of L urou, ir- respective of any future increase of the se\ine, and irrespective of any income to be derived from the temporary•inveatinent of the Sinking Panel here- inafter mentioned: or any part thereof, -a4cording to the last revised and equalized Assessirient Rolls of the said Municipality, being for the year. One thousand eight hundred and: sixty-nine was elve millions nine hundred and sixty thousand fo t hundred and sixty-three dollars. And, whereas the amount of the existing debt • of the said Municipality is as follows : Principal 4 hundred Twp hundred and fifty-nine thousand eight hu d and thirty dollars, for Gravel Road Debentures, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum_ And Two hundred and fifty-three theu- sand dollars to the Municipal? Loan. Fund, bear- interest -at the rate of six per cent. per an- �in upon, whic last mentioned debt, there has been paid One hundred and ninety-one thousand two hundred and nine dollars, making in the ag- gregate as the actual indebtedness the sum of Three hundreds and twenty-one thousand six hundred and twenty-one dollars, 'upon which there is iio interest in arrear. The anunal. inter- est to be paid on the said. debt is Thi�rtyithousand seven hundred -and sixty-nine dollars and eighty cents. } And, whereas for paying the ' interest and creating- an equal anunal Sinking Fund, for pay- ing tiic said stun of Forty Thousand Dollars, and interest as hereinafter mentioned, it will require an equal annual special rate of seventeen - fiftieths (17-50) of a mill. iu the dollar in addition to all ether rates and taxes to be levied in each year. . Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron : ; • 1st That it shall be lawful for the Warden for the time, beim; of the said last mentioned Corpor- ation to raise by way of loan from 'any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, whomay be Willing to advance the sane upon the credit of the Debentures hereinafter mentioned, a sum not exceeding in the whole. the sum of Forty Thou- sand Dollars, and to cause the - same to be paid into the hands of the Treasurer of the County aforesaid for the purposes, and with the object above recited_ 2nd. That it shall be lawful for the said War- den to cause any number of Debentures: to be made for such sums of money, not less than One hundred clollais each, and that the said Deben- tures shall be sealed with the Seal of the said Corporation, and be signed by the said Warden. 3rd That the said Debentures shall be made payable in twenty years at furthest from the day hereinafter mentioned for this By -lacy to take ef=' feet either in London: in England, or some place. in Canada to be designated in the said -Debentures and shall hae-e attached to them Coupons for the payment of the interest half yearly. - 4th. That the said Debentures and Coupons shall be made out in either Sterling Money or the Currency of this Dominion .at the.• -option of the said Warden, so that the whole amount of said. Debentures shall not exceed the before mentioned sum of Forty Thousand Dcfllars, and they shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per an- num, which interest shall be, payable on the first days of July and January in each and every year • during the continuance of the said. Debentures at the pla„ e where the said Debentures- are made payable 5th That for the purposes of forming a Sink- ing Fund for the payment of the said Debentures and the interest at the sate aforesaid to become due thereon an equal special rate of seventeen - fiftieths (17.50) of a -mill in the dollar, shall ie. addition to all other rates and. taxes be raised', levied and collected in each year upon all the rateable property within the County of Huron, - during the continuance of the said Debentures or any of there. • 6th. That this By-law shall take effect - and -come into operation upon the first day of Janu- ary, A. D. One thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. - 7th. That the votes of the 1Muiicipal Electors within the said. County bf- . Huron on this By-law shall be taken at the day, hour and places as fol- lows. 'That is • to say,. on Monday, the Four- teenth. Day of November, A. D. ,1870, to coin mence at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon, and that the Polls shall remain open. until live o'clock in the afternoon of -the same day, at the following places within the several Municipalities' in the said County of Hurdu, To -Nit : IN THE TOW\SHIP OF .ASHITIELD. Division: No. 1, At Hugh Chamber's House, Hugh Chambers,' Returning Officer. Division No., 2, at School House, Section No. `9,1 Robert McCrory, Returning officer, Division No: 3, at School EIouse, Section No. 6, Robert Webster, Returning 'Officer. Division - No. 4, at' Kings- bridge Sehcdol'House, Matirice Dalton, jr., Return- ing Officer," Division No.' 5, at Dungannon School JIouse, John Cook, Returnine Officer. ra CLINTON. At Core's Hall,John A: Nelles, Returning Officer. - IN nom 5'9 Division lib: , at own l all,:Zuric , i illiam Wilso i, B eturn + g 0 e e c r. • Division Nor George Dane, at Lot 25, 13th turtling Officer Budding, .Ford ficer, Division No. -, a Richard R.oba nsbn, Pau No.'5, at Old' S hool o Lawrie, -eturn'ng 0 it no on. at r . ge Rall School_ House, turn e g f .eer. Division No. 2. �on:c ssi n, +'zekial ; Phair, Re- D vis on No: 3,_ at Noice's ich, o Corbett, Returning Of- Gorrie' Sahool louse, ing Officer, Division se, Wroxeter, William . Division No. gon Shop, Lon Returning, Offic tiaras' Waggon sen., Returnin "Divisio n No. William E 2, at -Lot -Returning IN COLBORNE. At the Town. Hall, James Tuesley, Returning Officer. IN. oDERICH TOWN. St. George's Ward,- at .Daniel Gordoha's Shop, en. Wellington Street, Daniel Gorden Returning Officer. S:t. Patrick's Ward, at Firemen's Hall, East Street, S<aniuel. Pentland, Returning,Officer. St- David's' Warc at Victoria Hall, Crabb's Block, Kingston'freet, Benjamin- Hazelhurst, Returning Officer. t. Andrew's Ward, at Alex- ander Wallace's Shop, West Street, . Frederick Bluett, Returning .Officer. . IN GODERICH TOWNSHIP. - .. Division No. 1, at Union School House, Mur- dock Gordon, Returning Officer. Division No. 2, At Dnggan's Corners, James Patton; Returning Officer. Division No. 3, at School House, .4th Concession, Thomas Woods, Returning Officer. Division No; 4, at -James Richardsou's House, James. Richardson,: Returning Officer, Divisio1 -No. 5, at Holmesvillea John. Rudd, Returning Officer. Division Concessio IN. a, at esbo r. Shop Shop Offic 1N 1, a vans Retu 26, th C Offic :r. • fee No. 1, at Th rests co HU � ru 11vi r. LETT isden & Whenam's Wag h, James. Braithwaite, ion S. 2, at John Wil- burn, Thomas Sloan, lc item', S.11001 House,'.Section • 5, ; Officer. Division No. Inc ; ion, John O'Sulivan, _ f zrt C Division No. at T. B; Bull, Ret rnin IN No. 1, at ok, eturi liool' Hous Officer. Division Thomas Cc 2, at old 5 Returning • Division No. ter Prouty, Returnui N'TU IN 1, at Division 1, James No. 2, at Returning Ho se, Se 0fcer. purhey, vision No. Chesney, Division James joh No. 1, at r ay, choo Dior Offir, ce tion u.4, ivisi en' No vid amp. 5.,.a'Soho etu ring RIB yrn'S Mill, Lot 11, 6th es, Returning Officer. ORTH. Fit Room in Town Hall, i e cer. :T "LEY: Tee: perance Hall, Varna, in:. Officer.' ` Division No. ayfield, Arthur Hawke, rE ' HEN. 0 0 ce all, Crediton, Ches- KEI• SMIiTH. Sc a oo1.House, Section No, etu ing Officer. Divilion Hou e, . ection. 3, John Young,: lv sion No« _. 3,, at , School Wi liar- Fowler, Returui.g - 4, at School House,,Ear- ell Returning Officer. Di- onse, Egmdndvill, Hugh en ITR BE$Y. -No. sto IN 1,- , Ret Irr 11 :! I fi, t rn s: ot 11,5, 7th Concession, ng facer. oRN. Division No. 1, at To n Hall, Elimville, Sam- uel P. Halls, ° Returning i ficer. • IN EAST 'w WANOSH. of ,House, Lot 36, 9th'; e, etnrning Officer, AW rOSH. Division • No ot 17,' 7th ; Concession, James Scott, R • g ! ffioer. Division No. :Concession, "J -I1 1, at rych es Ti da WES 1, 1, t rni e abo r e is to be takea int. Council of the from the £rst p the "Huron pos'ito which publicat on wa day of October, A.D. the Electors o the taken thereon . t the the said. Count of. H teentheday of 1 ovem nine of the clot clock in the aft N(0T CE true co Sr of a proposed By-law, coos-cle : do by. the Municipal 'ount of Hu on after one month blica lo of he said By -kw, in r. re spaper, the date of s . xiday, the Twenty-first 18.0, and that the votes of said Municipality will he aforesaid pollina places in iroa; on Monday, the Pour- er, A.l3. 1870, at and: from in the riorni?ng, until, five of the nooL. ' 'PETFIt ADAMSON, County Clerk. AU LL X ed b. the EXPOS ftp J. P. hrucefield ock of st implemen 1`Beecon.' TIOiN SALES. • .4 -- LLS FOR AUCTION SALES, print - O. 4 . CUL will be advertised. in TOR ee o charge. Bri e v:ni11 se ati Mr. Rattenbury's, on rues`d y th i November, a large perior hoe es, cattle, and agricultural a, al o th t thor iugl} bred. Stallion, • CA PROVINCE Count - Iii the Ana IN GREY. Division No. i 1, at Lot -19, tat Concession, School. House, Robert Laidlaw, Returning Officer.. Division No. 2, `at Lot 6. llth Concession, John Grant, Returning ..Officer.. Division No. 3, at Lot 5, ISth Concession, John Sillers, Returning Officer. Division No. 4, at Lot 29, 12t Conces- sion, Jas. MeNairn, Returning Officer \D'vision No, 5, at Lot 23, 7th. Concession, ,,La ence Dob- son, Returning Officer, ONF 1 . the Judge the 'said Dated. at be1,': .150-5t e INS Al OF of ter ,o 0 t ,Act o� CYENR ACT 0 $64-'655 18.69. A, Iii t(he County Court ON ' To of the County of iron niton. HARMON 13r%.L-LIAM- II UNT an Ins)lveft, IDA , the 'Twenty-fifth 'iDay of 'No- er next, the undersigned, Will. apply to of t e said Court fora discharge under ct. eafo h, this Thirtee ithDay of Oeto .D.'1870. ! MON WI LIAM HUNT, by EN•soN & MEQ R, his Attorneys, ad lite -in.. • RSUANT _an o der •f the Coiirt of Chanery made ug -.TQ -the ee att: i of the estate of David Camp- bell, and in a cause, . Scott against Munro, the creditors of N avid Campbell, late of -the village of Brucefi id, i the County of Huron, merchant, m -ho flied i e or about the month{ of Marian -.,1869, are ou .Or s eeor the . - 1 Tenth y of November, 1870, to send y p st prepaid to Messre Benson Meyer, S -'licit rs, at Seaforth,the County of Huron, Solicit rs for the executors of tliedeceased. their chri.tian and starnanes, addresses and .des- cription; lie fill pa iculars of their claims. a statemen of t eir ac ounts, and the nature of the 'securities (if ny) etc. by them, or` in default thereof t ey •- ill be peremptorily excluded from the bene t of the said order. Every creditor holding a y se urity is fore me a my chain ' er pity of L.ndo , Ont rio (1 U }4E HUM Goto THE BRI BRYANT; S, • CONSOLIDATE Now the largest, BUSINESS. $0HO the largeststaff of and -b'e'st- adapted b arranged ;and x$ost It is under the m aiees men,. fully: the lbueiness comm The advantages institution are une young man should out fully availing were awarded the li Twent b r, being the tune appoi claims. Dated at London er, A. D. 1870- JAMES H. RAS Plaint-: s Sol' o pocluce the same be, oni Ridout street, in the onihe• . Day of Novel.- t, at Twelve nob , for adj clication ou the STRAyED er, lot 17, August, last, turned up ho era were last OM con. 3 yea lin , th ben •t•'► pperson or persons gi lead to eir r1ecove. by addressing. 149-4•ine. th day of Octob- HANLY, terin Chancery. 149-4in. remises of the subscrib- orris, about the 1st of • heifers, one all red and er epotted. These heif- r, Rodie's, . Grey. Any such inthrmarion as will' be suitably rewarded ROBT, McCALL,- . Dingle, P. 0: eBest ISH AMERICAN AND .. 4 w RA T T,QPICDELL, ) B1J INES COLLEGE, -host extensiiv# and complete L in the- country. It has eachers, the most practical eines forms, and, thebest olnmoclious apartments. nagement of thorough biter e to all the requirements of nity. . nd facilities alfforded in this uslied in the Country, and no uteri a Business career with- , self of its -benefits. We 11 First Prize in Busin ss Pen- manship I. At the late Provincial Exhibition t London: As this is the, SIXT: I consecutive ye r that we have tali en this prize, we feel confident that there can be but one opinion as where to o to learn to write. - For' specimens of writing, bank otes, circulars, &c., address OIDELL & TROUT, 148- 'Toronto. 1:000. INDIAN BASKETS FOR SALE BY SCOTT ROBERTSON. JACK SCREW TO HIRE. is allifp013A Fld 01,11 tdPN -. Cfl • o .ter N. pw L. pl - o -P - �a tigt a) 'At ic) tw' X Pami: Cth- Seaforth, Sept., 21st; 1870: 104 . STRAY 'OAL F. TRAYED,' from Seaforth, about the end of July, last, •a Red Spring Heifer Calf. Such formation as willlead to her recovery, will be s itably rewarded. JOHN WINTERS. Oct. 6, 1870. 148 -4 --- TORONTO MILLINERY. 1VIISS ERWIN; DESIRES to respectfully inform the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity, that she has removed her Millinery Establishment to 'REYNOLD'S BLOCK NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION. Miss Erwin would also take this opportunity of saying that. she has very considerably increas- ed her stock which consists of • MANTLES, - - HATS - AND BONNETS, Ready trimmed. , - i DRESS'CAPS, - &c., &c. Orders for all kind of work, tach as MANTLE ' AND DRESS -MAKING, TRIMMING . °"BRAIDING, ETC. • 'PROMPTLY -ATTENDED TO. A stock of pie a Satins of all shades on laend. Seaforth, Sept 1121st,1870, 146-tf MONEY $51000 TO LEND. FAR' FOR SALE. HE undersigned offers forsale, the West half of Lot 7, Con. 2, H. R S., Tuekersmith. here are 28 acres cleared and under fence; the r maincf er is timbered with Beech and Map1e: ° W. DUNNHAY. ekersmith,' Oct.' 5, 1870. 148. M'GREGOR & SON, OOKBINDERS, IILLETT ,E prepared to execute binding in every style. Persons residing at a distance by 1. axing their books at the Signal Book Store, oderich, or at the ExrosIToR office, Seaforth, s stag style may rely upon Om being well b urid. AT THE 'LOWEST PRICES And returned without delay. Seaforth, Jany. 21 1870. 80-tf. GREAT Tearing $411E! HAVE the above sum on hand for invest- ment,, on good. Farm; Security, at 8 and 9 per Bent., Private ;Funds. JOHN'S. PORTER. SEAPORT'', July 25, 1870, 139.- =AT-- ONT Olv &Son's SHE UNIDERSIGNLD, INTENDING TO GIVE TTP BUSINESS IN THE STAND THEY NOW OCCUPY,' WILL SELL FOR O'NE O T T11 1 'SHE .WHOLE OF THEIR STOCK ,OF DRY GQOD lothing, Tweeds,: &c., ;FOR CASH, T COST PR IP E. �• 1 ress Goods of all kinds, At' Cost Price- d lothing, (Ready-made), At- Cost Price. i lrglish an d L anadian Tweeds, At Cost Price. hwls and Jackets, 1 At Cost Price. e also sell a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES at a Small Advance on COST. err This is no humbug.' Parties wanting Cheap `oocls, will find it to their advantage to give eni a call before purchasing. elsewhere: All parties owing accounts will please call and - -ttle them. as they wish to close their Books t present. - T. BONTHRON & SON. .. eaforth, October 3, 1870. CIECTILAR, .SiJW:! CR/41N SCOOPS SPADES & SHOVELS, - LIG HTN IN G APPLE PARER WLNDOW GLASS, BEST BRANDS. Oshawa Steel M oulclboars. Plows, only $13, ABEL ► 'S PAT NT GEAR & HORSE -POWER CASTINGS Always .on hand. 132- • to -3 i0 `to 00 19 c1 J:z E MACHINE OILS CHEAP AND 000D.- Paints and ,Oils of all Find.. 'WEAVERS MA`�ERIALS WATERLIME, AND CALCINE,- PLASTER. Shelf Hardware of any description. Relnenab er the spot. Sign of the Circular Saw. Seaforth, Onft: .S. Inaprovecl Champions Cross -cut - Saws with patent handles, warranted to Olt twice as much in -the same time as the common saw. Be sure :to see them. e Jack. Screws to hire. ROBERTSON & CO. Seaforth. Sept. 13, 1870. .; 11 ICACAELO`S! IGET MARIIIEP, AT ONCE, AS FL RNI'i`ti R1; 0 0 SEAPOR'I'H UCTION ROOMS, .Main Street, Seaforth. 411. kinds of Goods sold. on Commission. ' - 'Sales attended to in all parts of the County: Cash paid for Second-hand Furniture. Auction Sales every Saturday. . Private Sales through the week. After 22 years' experience he feels confident in eing•able to give every satisfaction to those who avour him with their patronage, C..Y.EO,' Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. Seaforth, October 5, 1870.- 148•3m - I8 25 per cent. Cheaper AT THOMAS BELL'S wA�,ER.00�s- HE HAS ADDED STEAM p To his Facilities, and is now. selling Wholesale ,and Kenai!. 0 1, - Be Sure to CaI1 before Puri char .ng Elsewhere WARE ROOMS -:OPPOSITE KIDD & MoM L KIN S.. • WORK SHOP, 'CORNER R OF MARKET SQUARE. TURNING done on the Shortest Notice. COFFINS kept constantly .on'ha1: A HEARSE FOR HIRE. SEAFORTH, JUNE 30, 1870. WATCH ES WATCHES WATCHES WATCHE WATCHESS WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES WATC..a..0 WATYHES WATCHE; CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS. CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS . CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS One of the Largest and Wit- Assorted. 'Stock in this line, s to befound at M. IL COUNTER'S, OPPOSITE QA.R,MICHAEL'S HOTEL, - $o.Tir, March 31, 1870. • 5- i RTRACY, M. D., Crtt � Huron. Ofhee and East of the Methodist Epil Seaforth, Dec. 14th,- 186 RC, M130RE, M. D.,f. e University, M ontrea Office and residence Zurich, Sept, 7th, 1870; TAMES STEW ART, M of M -Gill University, - Surgeon, &c. Of ee and, Cowl's. Varna. `jam R.. W. R. SNIPS, T' 1 ) Oce, --Opposite dence-Main-stre :t, North •Seaforth, Dee 14, 1863.1 1 L. VERCOE, M. D. tI on, etc.; Office a of Max et and Higla Street of Kidd McMulli'e Sto Seaforth, Feb. .`4th. 187) s Gill University, Moil Post Office Building, .up eta found by niiht day whe Seafortb. JUIy- 15th, 1869 LE -1100 P. WALKER Atbe Public, &e. Office of the Court Houset Goclerich, On N.B.-Money to leod Lands. ff" Attorneys at Law and lneolvency, Notaries'? -44. Solicitors for the R. Agents for the Calistla, Housesand Lots for sale. Seaforth, Dec. 14th, 1868 _D at Law, Solicitore , eney, Conveyancers, 'Notate Trust and Loan Co. of Upp Colonial Securities Ca. of Money at 8 per cent ; eo JAS. RENSON, Sea,foith, Dec. 10th 1868. DENT tender teeth, Teet e Rooms over Collier's StOre Saeforth. Dee 14,- We. ki Laird, proprietor, affo. modation for the traVelling anctbar are always supp marketsafford. Excellente ONX'S HOTEL (LATE liberal patronage awarded tc in the hotel buainess, and ee • that he has again resumed lit stand, where he will be h from old friends, antimony Seafoith, May 5, 1870. R. ROSS, Propri r bezel to infonn the the travelling calm:nun first-class aceommodat- always on hand, Seaforth, Feb. 8t1r, 1869e , Y.) Manager, This hotel La one of the most enrafertable the Provinee. Good Sample, Goderieh, April 14, 1870. . MISCELLA- SSEAFoRTH. First ClgAs always ou hand at reasonable Seaforth, May 5th, 1870. and Specificatione drawn ter's, Plasterer's. and Masom and valued. Office -Over J. store Court -House Square, Goiderich, April 23, 1869. SD W. MePHILLIPS, of Conveyancing done with ne. G. McPhillips, Commiesioner Next door south of Sh ' Seaforth, Dee 14;1 the County of Particular attention Stock rann Stock -Sal Terms. Goods Apprai Landlord's Warrants Exam First Division Court for HurO Gods -doh, June 0th,1860.