HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-10-14, Page 34, 1870..1 VILLI A.MS. celebrated RAW CUTTER th Unrivalled sup -- or Canada. t satisfaction when id power. NEW 6- AND 8 rER, W GUTTERS, SAWING -, AND, LITTIM GIANT .S. 1rnpIerneits hick& Fling Mills, dtivaters, Horse floes, Weeders, Plows, Garig-Plo-ws, oarcl Plows, &e. ENGINEERING [ENT. ai sizes Built Lour Mills; tax Mills, r Steam, (IS of 'ED FOR AND EX- IST APPROVED ,a fra EELS, LATH LE MILLS, STERS rery of the best con- notice.- arD MACHINERY nded - WfLtLAM Mitchell„ 1444y— IT TEAS 13, BY THE Comparryr trial and comparison same prices wiliprove d equal t,o any at 6Cic. ; 0c. to 75c., our 80e. • green equal to- - charged. Our Black mixed same prices. I; Japan (all nue°, • cash. at wholesale, nd 5 pound packages. MOOF io Tea Company give .,rade we are now do - tried them once,,now. YOU BUY. gents, parties arp in - y to see how theylike e have no agents, amples of Teas of any will send them by or, more to any Rail- rht paid,- and collect Pat up inj. pound, CONANT, ronge area, Toronto. T & ARMSTRONG. S TO RENT! -rERS FOR SALE, DS, MILLS pal, and Saw Mill, aiJ. running order. Vour run of Stones, ed, and WI the ma- iition. There is in - an abundant supply the year round. [inthe centre of a ry; and a rare chance roils. Of embarking in opportunity of Dok. raises, all the works - t. water. nate(' Six miles:from 1. and Eleven frouz roads leading to. each ply to the proprietor, - WM: TURNER 140 I• _ A PERFECT'. ,-, !"--1,.......•••••••••m 1r4 POSED, or EXTRACTS ?'t..IRELY VEGETABLE: ••••K i'AVE ttO EQUAL AS A S FAMILy MEDICINE, SUGAR COATED, GATRARTIC. --.RI4EUNI, UN/ER COM- 40Ft./LA, BILIOUSNESS, k -ACHE, COSTIVENESS, VER AND AGuE, &C., k STOMACH_ PURIFIER. DINE DEALERS. PRIETORS, BROUGHAM:ONT. - and E. RIO SON'S 'dealers generally. t SALE! HULLETT! 8th CONCESSION, of which are cleared., with &Creek running% on the premises a log further particillars -on, the premises, or tth P. O. OCTOBER -14187o: THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Nasby's Dream. Petroleum V. Na.sby had a dream -And lo 1 Death came up and smote the dream, party. What the dreamer saw he thus relates: - That room wuz the wildest place for a mini 'I ever saw, wakin or sleepin. The acme iwich epsood beggurd dea,aipshun. In less than a minit the entire leadetship -uf the Democratic party uv theYoonited Staits wuz in that room, and men I had sposed ded and buried come up ez lively ez fleas. Brite wuz there from his Kentuckv'. borne, and -he and Vallandigum and one uv the Virginity Masous seized the casket labelled "Ekal Rites" from the fingers of the eropi and dashed into very small fragments.— The Goddess uv Liberty wuz seezed and compelled to put manacles onto a nigger, _ wich she protested agiu, saying that she spose she was done with all that sort uv thing. A gang uv 'em, wich I -recognized ei old &Rs holaers under Bookannou, and late under Johnson, drov out them wich held posishens of .truSt and took themselves —the treasury was emptied in a minit, for 'wher the theeves hed beforetaken by hands- ful, the new ones toted it Off in bags, and the public lands, insted ov being sliced off into railroads wuz divided up among half a dozin, who knew that how they'd have no- body to watch them. - Vail and ig U m vaul t- ed into Sharman s seat; Fenton of Neo York, was crowded out of hizzen by Fer- nandy Wood, Baily uv B9stoo, took Stina- ner's place, Voorhees shoved out Merton, Richardson set in Truna bull's seat, Dean. ov Iowa was put into -Harian's place, and Jeff Davis took Revel's seat. -In .short there wuz such a change ez tiler wuz never seen before. In my dream my vision ex- tended ez far ez the Corners in Kentucky. ov his tfis, Joe Bigler, the collector, in t i saw he nigger postmaster hangin in front front of nizzn, and Kurnei McPelter and myself were all comfortittly irstalled. ,in our places. In Noo, 'Orleans the nig r voters wuz mdbbed, the Republikan pipets wuz destroyed Governor Warnaouth sought safety in flight, and the Legislacher wuz dispersed at the pint ov the bayonit. And over it all the spirits uv Wigfall, J? Boo- kanan and poor Floyd appeared in the air, with an expression ov intense pleasure onto their faces, saying in spirit voices, "The Lost Cox iz Regained," Immejitly Ben Woad took posesion uv the Noo York Custom House, and driving out the appraisers filled their places with his adherants--amona whom I notist all my friends uv the 6t17 ward. There wuz- n't au holiest man left in any offis. The dishonest theeves whe were in flopped in a second and stayed; better pleased, for the , rings. At this pint 1 awoke. Wuz this dream merely the effect of the whiskey I hed drunk, or wuz it protetic ? That my deem trcoly foreshadowed the effect uv the deah' uv Republicanism and the reinstaternelat uv Dernocricy, I knew very wel1,1 but is', Re publicanism to die? That's the question. Oh wood that I could be ashoored uv that. Wood that I could bleeve that there is enough Republikans disgusted with ama- toor theeves, to bolt and give us veterans a chance. Wood that I could hope for so glorious an ending tiv this fall's elections. But I fear mphe dream wuz too good, to prove a reality. .•• The Suez Canal as it Now Appears. (Front a Letter to the Boston Traveller.) The Wabash & Erie Canal, 40,6 miles in length, occupies the space of 400,672,400 cubic feet, or more than half as much as the Suez Canal. Take seven of the largest canals in the TJnited States,a,nd any two of them will representan amount of labor as large as does the Suez Canal. The difficulEy with the Suez Canal is found in the fact that it is not, and never will be clone. Storms of sand and [and slides combine to defeat the object for which this avenue was construct- ed, and nothing but a perpetual dredging will keep it in a passable condition, mak- ing -the work of keeping it clear of sand- bars a constant repetition of the original work. But all this does not prevent it be- ing a great success. The system of lights, signals and pilotage is' no w so complete that the navigation in the canal is as safe and Convenient as he entrance into New York harbor, while the constant dredging and excavating is every. day improving the channel. -How much of a financial success it may - be,I cannot tell, as the number of men constantly employed exceeds one, thousand, and the number of dredging machines over one hundred, which is a "separate till of expense from the tugboats, pilots, &c. But as two dollars a ton is toll upon ships, and two dollars each upon passengers, :there must be taken—now that it is -crowded—at least, 80,000'a day, besides the receipts of towage, pilots,supplies, wharfage,, &c. As far as Egypt is concerned,. it has been al- ready of sufficient advantage to cover all) expenses. The fresh water canal which was built along the line of the larger, to supply transportation and water for beast and man while at work, has already chang- ed the face of the country for miles on eith- er side of it. Before its construction, the railroad of Suez was often -blocked by sand, which, like the SDOW of New England, blew up in peat drifts over the track". and -some- times stopped the passage of trainsfor weeks. But since the presence -of fresh water has covered a strip of the desert with vegetation the track of the railroad has been changed, and, running along this canal, is never troubled with sand drifts-, and the amount ot labor saved on the railroad would construct the canal in two years. Without an inhabitant ten years ago, this was a useless, dismal waste. But tos:lay, towns and villages, enterprising and thrifty, stand at short intervals. Carriage and Sleigh Factory, MAIN oST, SEAFORTH. THE Subscribers, thankful for past favours. would intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country, that they haveon hand * a Large A ssortment of CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, DEMOCRATS, &c., &c., Made up of the Best Material, and in the Latest Styles. • In order to naake room for WINTER WORK, they will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. JW Intending purchasers wonld do well to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. Promptly attended to. Rernembbr the Stand; First door South of the Foundry, Main St. McINTOSH & MORRISON. Seaforth September 1, 1870. 111 -- INSURANCE, WM. N. WATSON, SEAFORTH FRIE, MARINE,- AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, FOR The Provincial Insuranc4 Company of Canada (Canalian). The Liverpool and Londou and Globe Insurance Company, (English). The Niagara DistrietMutual Insurance Company. The Gore District Mutual Insurance Co., anti The Star Life Assurance Society of England, which divides 'nine -tenths of the profits every five years amongst Policy Holders. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly settled. Farmers are specially invited to consult the advantages offered in perfect security and in the extreme lowness of rates for insurance on all de- scriptions of Farm Property. --O MONEY TO LEND, At moderate rates of Interest, and to be re -paid by instalments, which is the most suitable and safest method for Farmers and others to pay off a mortgage. No Commission Charges, and ex- penses small. MORTGAGES BOUGHT ON EQUITABLE TERMS. • 0 SEWING MACHINES. The best Sewing Machines. for Family Use, as well as for Manufacturing purposes, are kept al- ways on hand. Both Single Threaded and Dou- ble Threaded, or Lock Stitch Machines can be supplied. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and instructions given to purchasers gratis. REMEMBER Wis-. N. WATSON'S Insurance Agency Office, and Sewing Machine Depot, North Main Street. - SEAFORTH ; March 31, 1870. 121— NOTICE OF REMOVAL!! rp E subscribers beg to notify their customers nd the public generally that they have re- moved . To .tite Store lately occupied by A. Mitchell, Second Door Above W. ' Robertson's Italian Ware house, Where they wakeep constantly on hand. a large stock of FRESH FAMILY GRO0ERIES and BROVISIONS, XXX FAMILY FLOUR, and all kinds of Mill and Cheap Feed. • • Conntry Produce taken in eXaillaile far Groce- ries, Provisions, Flour and Feed. All goods purchased from us will be deliVered free of charge in any part of Saaforth, Harper hey, or Egmond.ville. Farmers may exchange wheat, &c.„ for Flour and Feed at our Mill, at the highest value. W. A. SHEARSON & CO , Seaforth, Jan. 28th, 1870. 52-1y. STRAW CUTTEffl • The subscriber desires to intimate to the pub- lic that he is sole agent in Seaforth for the sale of MAXWELL & WHITELAW'S Celebrated STRAW CUTTERS HORSE AND HAND POWER. Also for Massey's improved GRAIN CI;ITSWER. A Stock kept constantly on hand. OLIVER C, WILS0N1 Market Square' Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 192-tf STRAYED HEIFERS. CAME into the premises`of the subscriber, Lot No. 2, Con. 4, Tuckersmith, about the 1st of June last, three 1 year old Heifers. The owner is requested to prove property, paycharges, and take them away. SAM L WALLACE. Tuckersraith, Sept. 6th, 187 OFFICES TO LET. MW offices on the second. flat in Scott's Block. The best, and most convenient rooms in the village. Apply to McCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED. Seaforth, April 14, 1870. 123-tf.. a TREASURER'S SALE OF LtNDS FOR TAXES;! COUNTY OF HUE,ON, To -Wit: 1DOY VIRTUE I.) of a Warrant under the hand of the Warden of the County of Huron, and the Seal of the said County, bearing date the seventh day of July. A.D. 1870, to me di- rected,. for the collection of arrears of taxes due on the undermentioned lands. These are there- fore to,give notice that unlessthe said taxes, to , gether' with all lawful costs and charges be sooner paid, I shall on WEDNESDAY the 23rd day of November, A.D. 1870,, at the hour of one o'clock P.M., at,the Court House in the town of Goder- ich, proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lamb, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon. 0 14.1 0 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD. .5 0 1,•4 0 0 0 0 4') 44 0 0 44; P.( 4'1 10 4th e. d. 200 p 92 37 N 49th " 100 u p 90 94 N .1 1 10th " 50 p 13 13 E of E 48 12th " 50 up 36 61 E of N 41 6thwd 50 p 19 57 N 4- 2 8th " 5Q p 23 66 E 2 do • 100 p 45 11 5 4 of E 4 2 9th 50 p 5 80 S ptof Ept 5 do . 69 p 34 69 N E f 1 14th 50 p 29 75 17 do 158 pi 77 20 E part of part 28 n t plot I p 4 86 .VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT FIELD. ' • 22 W Arthur st. 4p, 272 23 do 4p 272 24 do 4p 272 25 do 4p 272 26 do 4p 272 1 S Ashfield st. 5p 10 43 I 12 11 55 2 do 4p 9 73 1 10 10 83 25 W Wellington street 4 p 8 13 1 07 92 30 do 4 p 7 29 1 05 834 26 E Wellington street p 12 42 1 17 13 59 Snbdivisions of lots 5 & 6 E London Road 1 E London Road 47 § g 8 is 71 CS Ca 3 17 95 54 31 2120 9144 0363 1 77 38 38 1 35 20 92 1 45 25 11 2 00 47 11 1 00 6 80 11 6702 3361 4351 2 80 80 00 97 5 83 IN ASH 93 365 93 3 65 . 93 365 93 3 65 93 :3 65 p 268 2 do 4-p 268 8 do 4p 268 4 do 4p 268 6 do p 268 8 do p 268 9 do- 4-p 268 10 do 4p 268 2 S E William street p 267 3 do p 267 4 do 4p 267 6 do 4p 267 7 do • 4p 267 8 do 4p 267 1 N W William street • p 267 4 do 4-p 267 5 do 4p 267 6 do 4-p -267 2 S E Ann street - 4- p 267 3 do p 267 4 do f p 2 67 5 do 4p 267 8 do p 267 1 N W Ann street ,1 p, 267 2 do 4p 267 3 do 4-p 267 4 do 4 p 2 67 5 do 4p 267 6 do 4-p 267 7 do 4p _ 267 8 do 4-p 267 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 .93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 360 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 VILLAGE OF DUNGANNON IN ASHFIELD. 28 Mallough's Survey 4.p 409 97 • 5 06 TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. 2 Lakeshore 53 p 30 48 1 62 32 10 2 W Lakeroad , 100 1; p 54 68 2 V 56 90 VILLAGE OF i,MINTON. 1 v 256 . 4 ' p 3 19 95 4 14 S i 302 3-16p 6 16 1 02 .7 18 355 f lp 2 41 93 /3 34 357- .i. 4 tr' 1 83 '90- 2 73 i, 730 4-, ;p 99 88 1 87 731 4 p 99 88 187 826 f •p 1 17 90 2 07 892 4 p 3 81 95 4 76 952 I p 3 13 4.' 95 4 08 1222 W Rattenbury's new survey 4p 1 39 90 229 TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH. Subdivision of Lot 4 in 1st -Concession • 1 7 15 24 25 - 26 Subdivision of Lot 10 6 1st 15 lst W part 24 2nd N E Part 7B W part 9 Maitland N W part 46 Centre part or E part 105 " TOWN. OF 10 15 92 94 W part 111 372 ' 392 393 401 555 902 959 962 1011 1048 W -4 1058 1115 E 1188 1232 E 4 1316 1323 5 p 14 40 1 22 15 62 p 9 73 1 10 10 83 5 p 9. 73 1 10 10 83 p 8 60 1 07 967 5 p 9 54 1 10 10 64 5 p 9 54 1 10 10 64 51) 9 54 1 10 10 64 in 1st Concession 10 p 8 30 1 07 937 11 p 11 75 1 15 12 90 40 p 5 91 1 00 6 91 6 p 20 66 1 37 22 03 10 p 5 80 1 00 680 20 p 17 22 1 30 18 52 of W half -36 p, 36 96 1 77 38 73 GODERICH. 4 p 21 00 1 40 22 40 p 13 34 1 320 1184 7541 17 41 1 0 p 17 41 1 30 18 71 p 5 66 1 00 666 p 15 47 1 25,16 72 p 8 41. 1 07 948 4-p 9 34 1 10 10 44 p 275 93 - 3 68 p 13 50 1 20 ,14 70 p 16 24 1 27 il7 51 P 19 34 1 35 20 69 f p 19 22 1 35 20 57 p 43 72 1 95 45 67 p 15 31 1 25 16 56 p 3 65 95 460 1-5 p, 141 90 231 1-20 yr 84 88 1 72 1-5 p 3 92 95 487 1-40 p ' 33 88 1 21 1-5 p 12.5 90 21 Lot. Cott. Ac. Pt. Taxes Costs Total 1324 1-5 p 1 25 90 2 15 1332 " p 205 93 2 98 1361 " p 224 93 317 1362 " p 2 24 93 3 17 70 Subdivision of lots 2 & 3 con. A " p 123 90 2 13 77 " p 406 97 503 1 Subdivision of lot 4 con. A p 5 16 1 00 616 3 44 P 5 16 1 00 616 5 , a P 5 16 1 00 616 7 " p 5 16 1 00 6 16 10 " p I 23 90 2 13 12 " p 123 90 213 14 it p 123 90 213 16 " p 1 23 , 90 213 20 " p 103 90- 193 22 " p 103 90 193 24 " p 1 03 90 1 93 26 "p 103 90 193 30 • " p 103 90 193 32 " p 103 90 193 34 " p 1 03 90 103 38 " p 123 90 2 13 40 " p 123 90 9 13 42 " iz• 123 90 2 13 45 " p 13 90 213 47 IC p 123 90 213 49 "p 123 90 213 50 " p 123 90 213 52 " p 1 03 90 1 93 54 " p 1 03 90 1 93 56 " p 1 03 90 1 93 64 " p 103-90 193 66 " p 1 03 90 1 93 b7 " p 2-58 93 351 69 " p 1 32 90 2 22 71 " p 1320 222 73 " p - 1 04 90 194 81 Subdivision of lot 10 con. A " p 40 88 128 Park and Marwood's survey S E I 8 Toronto street 1-20 p 64 88 1 52 E 4 7 Cedar at 1-10 p 76 88 1 64 S E 4- 8 do 1-20 p :38 88 1 26 20 Con. 0 10 p 5-13 I 00 6 13 Subdivisions of lots 17& 18 'con. C 5 1 p 5 16 1 -o0 6 16 Subdivisions of Lots 330, 377 & 378 1 fronting Toronto at. 86 ft. front p 126 88 214 do 3 do 40 ft. front p 329 95 424 do 4 do 40 ft. front p 329 95 4 24 do 6 do 53 ft. front p 448 97 5 45 do 7 fronting on Picton st. 53 ft. front p 448 97 545. TOWNSHIP OF GREY, S 1 36 1st 50 p 6 71 1 02 7 73 N 1 29 4th 50 u.p 461 97 5 58 24 5th 100 p 42 76 1 95 44 71 28 4. " u.p 59 50 2 :35 61 85 296th " u.p.38 21 1 82 40 03 33 " " p 34 77 1 72 39 49 34 " " p 34 77 1 72 36 49 35 44 " u.p 34 77 1 72 36 49 32 7th " p 21 33 1 40 22 73 35 " " u.p 31 09 1 66 32 74 35 10th " p 25 77 1 50 27 27 30 17th ',' u.p 49 20 210 51 30 VILLAGE OF AINLEYVILLE IN GREY. , 3 Wm. st f p 12 55 1 17 13 72 4 do I p 12 55 1 17 13 72 TOWNSHIP OF HAY. /Northerly 45 acresbeingN 4 lees 5 acres ; off 8 E Corner 13 let VILLAGE OF 2 3 45 p 75 69 2 75 78 44 RODGERV1LLE IN HAY. 4-p 7 94 1 95 899 I p 7 94 1 05 899 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK. - S part 30 2n4 50_ p 11 26 1 15 12 41 E-4 13 3rd 50 p 12 63 1 17 13 80 28 8th 100 u.p 8 73 1 07 9 80 13 9th 100 p ..37 10 1 80 38 90 23 10th 50 u.p 18 72 1 32 20 04 1 llth 100 " 16 33 1 27 17 60 6 13th 100 " 11 47 1 15 12 62 25 14th 100 p 30 10 1 62 31 72 S E part 3 A 10 u.p 1 30 88 2 18 W 24 " 45 p 23 98 1 45 25 43 W 4 . 25 " 45 p 20 37 1 37 21 74 Wpart 27 " 34 p 11 11 1 15 12 26 E part 28" 15 p 12 79 1 17 13 96 NW part 31 1 p 3 95 95 -4 90 23 B 100 p 38 61 1 82 40 43 VILLAGE OF WROXETER IN HOWICK. 4 S Queen st, p 69 88 1 57 6 Centre st E 1-5 p 6 37 1 02 2 Main st N 4 p 69 88 1 Marrietta st W ' 1-5 p 88 88 2 " 1-5 p 88 88 9 Mill at S 1-5 p 4 00 97 2 Newman st • .! 1.-5p 131 90 2 21 8 Anna St N p i88 88 1 76 , 44 4-p 88-88 176 VILLAGE OF HOWICK IN HOWICK. 7 39 1 57 1 76 1 76 4 97 . 143 144 156 178 179 • 196 1-5 p 7 93 1 05 808 " p 7 94 1 05 8 99 " p 264 93 357 " p 8 59 1 07 966 " ,p 8 59 .1 07 966 "p1 37 88 125 VILLAGE OF BELMORE IN. HOWICK. 2 Howick st f p 1 68 90 2 58 N part 3 " 4 p 1-41 90 2 31 5 it p 29 88 1 17 9 " 2p 282 93 3 75 .3 Kmloss st 4 p 25 88 1 13 13 " p 25 88 113 VILLAGE OF ALMA IN TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. 27 p 24 88 1 12 28 4 p ' 24 88 1 12 36 I p 48 88 136 70 4p 24 88 112 74 p 24 $8 1 12 VILLAGE OF SUMMERHILL IN HULLETT. 13 4-p 24 88 112 VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER IN HULLETT. 15 I p 5 35 1 00 6 35 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. 9 lst 100 p 23 03 1 45 24 48 5-4 10 1st 100 p 23 03 1 45 24 48, N 95th 100 p 33 47 1 70 35 17 N4 25 8th 100 u.p 84 64 2 97 87 61 VILLAGE OF 'AINLEYVILLE IN MORRIS. 51 52 104 123 134 135 136 142 143 144 145 VILLAGE 61 70 71 73 89 90 102 90 192 4-77 97 5 74' 246 93 339 167 90 257 48 88 136 48 88 136 48 88 136 48 88 136 48 88 136 48 88 136 48 88 136 OF BLYTHE IN MORRIS. p 436-97 533 p 1 17 99. 2 07 p 239 98 332 itpp 82 29 1 0973. 29 9365 p 202. 93 2 95 Lot. 1 3 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 108 119 120 130 131 132 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 McConnell's Survey " r, 6 Block Con. Ac. Pt. 2 ales Cost Total, . 7 a 9 10 11 12 13- 14 15 " 1 Block D Q 3 .4 di if 4' it -111 88 128 40 88 L 28 40 88 128 40 88 123 40 88 1 28 40 88 128 40 88 128 40 88 128 40 88 128 40 88 128 81 88 169 81 88 q 69 -81 88 1 69 81 88 1 69 324 95 419 40 88 1 28 40 88 1, 28 40 88 1128 40 88 128 40 88 128 40 88 128 2.02 93 2-95 202 93 295 202 93 295 202 93 295 202 93 2 95 40 88 1 40 88 128 40 88 128 40 88 128 40 88 1 28 40 88 1 28 40 88 128 40 88 128 40 88 128 40 88 128 189 90 2 79 58 88 146 58 88 146 58 88 146 TOWNSHIP OF MCKILLOP W 4 7 1st 50 p 49 50 2 10 31 60 'VILLAGE OF SEAFORTH Beattie and Stark's Survey " 7 Block B 4 p 2 10 28 p 2 PO 29 I p 231 Jarvis' Survey 39 60 61 ppp 185, 311001 111 106 4-p 296 107 p 426 =Gouinlock's Survey S4 18 i 4 4 I t 93 3 03- 93 323 93 3 24 25 13 35 07 926 10 10 11 93 3-89 97 5 23 140 p 53 90 2 45 TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. E part , 13 Range A 14 p 24 61 1 47 26 06 7 J 20p 17 92 1 30 19 22 W part 12 " N 41 p 4 31 97 5 28 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. 8 4 3 5th 50 p 40 14 1 '87 42 01 Part 10 6th f p 5 62 1 00 6 62 N 4 4 Oth 50 p 28-71 1 57.30 28 8 11 100 p 79 14 2 85 81 99 N4 12 13th 50 p 22 64 1 42 24 M 11 N Bdy 100 p 55 57 2 25 57 8'2 12 100 p 46 22 2 02 48 29 W 4 9 S Bdy 50 p 27 32 1 55 28 EG -28 " 100 p 71 07 2 65 73 7.1 VILLAGE OF CREDITON IN STEPHEN. E 5. p 183 902 2r, TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITILL Centrep't 16 1st Huron Rcrad. Survey 44 I; 294 93 387 VILLAGE OF EGMONDVILLE IN TUCKER' SMITH. 1 Clinton st f .p 89 88 1 77 TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY. N part Sart N 320 32 "- 40 1st 26 llth 31 " 60 p 56 13 2 27 58 4E1 30 p 29 11 1 60 30 71 50 p 8 32 1 97 9 39 100 u.p 32 25 1 67 33 92 100 54 66 2 22 56 88 VILLAGE OF WINGHAM IN TURNBERRY. Fark lot 42 . 6 p 1 25 90 2 15 " 43 Op 125 90 2 15 59 5-» 426 97 523 173 ! I p 76 88 1 64 227 p 76 88 1 64 VILLAGE GF ZETLAND IN TURNBERRY, 10, p 4 53 97 5 5C 11 p 4 53 97 5 50 81 ,3 p „12 23 1 17 13 40 TOWNSHIP OF US13ORNE. S part 19 1st 45 p 50 59 2 12 52 71 E half 14 N E Bdy 0 p 16 54 1 27 17 81 VILLAGE OF EXETER IN USBORNE.. / Subdivision of 17 & 18 con 1st 21 McConnelDs survey 4-» 80 88 1 68 37 do f ' p 58 88 1 46 t. 38 do f p 58 88 1 46 39 do 4-» 58 S8 146 43 do f p 2 94 93 3 87 44 do f p 2 94 93 3 87 45 do f p 2 94 93 3 87 Subdivision of lot 20 con lst • 12 McConnell's survey , - 4-p 12 07 1 17 13 24 " 13 do I p 9 18 1 10 10 28 " 35 do f p 1 41 90 .,,,2 31 TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSK S 1 31 llth 100 u.p 48 65 2 07 50 72 VILLAGE OF BLYTHE IN E. WAWANOSH • 20 f p _ 1 48 90 238 21 4-» 148 90 2 38 22 I p 1 48 90 2,38 S / 28 / p :3 37 95 4 32 32 4» 167 90 257 37 I p 3 73 95 4 68 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH. N 4 18 1st 100 u.p 41 26 1 90 43 16 W-4: -244th 100 p 87 31 3 05 90 36- E 4 ' 24 4th 100 p 91 00-3 15 94 15 E 4 14 12th I00 il.p 39 .54 1 85 41 39 VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER IN W. WA: WANOSH, 110 f p 112 90 202 111 4:» 112 90 2 02 112 I p 1 12 90 2 02 113 f p 112 90/2:02 114 f p 1 12 99 2 02 115 4-p 112 90 2 02 116 4:» 112 90 2 02 .. 117 I p 1 12 90 2.02 IN W. WAWA - it VILLAGE OF ST. HELENS NOSH- Mather's_Survor 7 p 3 71 95 4 66 " N118 p 4 12 97 5 09 VILLAGE OF DUNGANNON IN W. WAWA. NOSH. MeMathi Survey 36 p 7 56 1 05 861. A. M. ROSS, Treasurer, Co. Ifuren. Co. Treasurer's Office, / Godexich, July 8th, 1870.