HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-10-07, Page 88. • TT -IX ;I -I tIk�C.11I XPO.SITC - OCTOBER 7, 1870. BLUE -VALE AND WINGHAM FALL SNOW. The Bluevale and - Wingham Fall Show was held at Bluevale, on the 30th ult. The -weather was very unfavorable, for it.. rained 'pretty much the whole day, which mitigated wonderfully against its success. But notwithstanding this the Show was 1,?y ao • means a failure. The crowd of people was pretty large, and the number of entries ov€r 340. The following is the PRIZE LIST : HORSES. Span draught horses ; R Hastings. General purpose horses; P Deans, J Nichol, S Black. Carriage horses ; J Richardson. Brood mare and foal' G Harris, J Far- row, Wm Henderson. Two year old colt, (entire) ; J Brandon, R Johnston. , Two-year old cost or filly ; L Lovell, Geo Harris, D Geddes. One-year old colt or .11y Jos Richard- son, D Geddes, R Johnston. '3 Saddle horse ; J Gardner, R ,, Sanbuirn, Wm Gordan. CATTLE. Bull (2 years old and upwards) ; J Dea- con, Geo Harris, jr., B Currie, Bull (2 years old) ; Geo McKay. Milch cow having had a calf in 1870 ; S Black, Wm Smith, S. Black.. Two-year old heifer ; Geo Coultes, John Robertson, John Robertson. One-year old heifer ; Wm; Smith, Henry Ceasar, R F Sibbald. Yoke of working oxen ; Wm Anderson, Wm Isbister, S Black. Four-year old steer ; Thos Jenkins. Bull calf ; R Currie, -G McKay. :Heifer calf ; Andrew Gray. _'Reeve ; Wm Smith, W m Smith. SHEEP: :Leicester ram (aged) ; L Lovell, James TNli bol. Leicester shearling ram ; R Richardson, James Nichol Leicester ram lamb ; James Nichol, R Richardson. Cotswold ram (aged) ; John Perdue. Pair ewes (having ?•aised lambs in 1870 PR Richardson, John Dimont. Pair shearling ewes; Cr McKay, James Nichol. - Pair ewe lambs ; Jas Nichol, R Richard- ; pore. .Fat sheep ; lst and 2nd, J Nichol. SWINE. .(Large breed) boar, (age cons'd) ; John Farrow, H Ceasar. Sow (age cons'd) ; 11 Ceasar. (Small breed) boar, (age cons'd) ; H. James, Wm Isbister. '- Sow (age cons'd) ; H James, D King. GRAIN. Two -bushels fall wheat ; John Gallagher John Farrow. . Spring wheat ; Wm Smith. Barley; J Henry, R Hastings. Oats ; J Henry, G Coultes. Pease.; J Henry, G Coultes. Timothy seed ; G Johnston, Wm Smith. Com; A Reid, D King. Flour ; lst and 2nd. W H Leech. & Co. DAIRY CEPARTMENT. Butler(5 lbs.) ; L Lovell, IR, Miller, Cheese ; Thos Anderson, Geo Harris. ROOTS. Beets ; Jas McKay. John Perdue. Pbtatoes ; R Hastings, Wm Isbister, Jas Nichol. Turnips ; L Lovell, Jas Henry, S Black. Mangles ; W J Johnston, John Farrow. Field carrets; Jas Henry, W J Johnston. Garden carrots ; Thos Anderson, John Thornton. Onions.; R F Sibtald, Thos Anderson. FRUIT, ETC. Apples ; John Robertson, Jos Richard- son. Cabbage ; 1) King, John Thornton. Plums ; S Thornton, S Black. Pumpkins ; A Campbell, T Anderson. Squash ; D King, Leech cL Co. Citrons ; A Campbell, Jas McKay. , Ton atoes : lst and 2nd, Leech & Co: IMPLEIENTS. Buggy ; 1st and 2nd, H Davis. Plough ; lst and 2nd, W R Wilson. `Set harrows ; H Davis. 'Grain cradle ; lst and 2nd, W .Gordon. Churn ; 1st and 2nd John Oormon, Fine hoots, John Sherit. .Coarse boots ; John Sherit. Two sides of calf leather ; Wm Gordon. POULTRY. Geese ; lst and 2nd, H Ceasar. - Turkeys ; H Ceasar. Fowls ; lst and 2ncl, John Wightman. Ducks ; lst and 2nd, H Ceasar. LADIES' WORK, - Quilt (in patchwork) ; Mrs J Robertson Mrs W H Leech. Quilt (raised work) )Mrs J E Tamblyn, Mrs Jas Shaw. Five yards home made cloth ; Geo John- son, W T Johnson. Plaid flannel. ; John Gallagher, R San - burn. Plain flannel ; W J Johnson. Pair socks ; Thos Anderson. - IBlankets ; John Gallagher, W J Johnson. Mitts ; Thos Anderson. Raised worsted work ; Mrs Robertson. Mrs T Farrow. Fancy knitting ; Mrs W H Leech, Mrs J E Tamblyn. Tatting ; Mrs J E Tamblyn, Mrs Gordon. Braiding ; Mrs W Gordon, Mrs . Robert- son. -, Embroidery ; Mrs J E Tamblyn, Miss Gallagher. Farcy work (in Berlin - wool) ; Miss Helbleihwaite, Mrs W Gordon, recom'd. Case artificial flowers ; Mrs _P H Leech, Mrs W Gordon. Best business writing ; lst and 2nd, T Farrow. STRAY, • CALF. TRAYED, from 'Seaforth, about the end of . July, :last, a Red Spring Heifer Calf. Such inforihatien as will lead to her recovery, will be e suitably rewarded. - Seaforth. Oct. 6, 1870. JOHN `WINTERS.. 148-4— FARM FOR SALE. 0 T1 -1E -undersigned offers for sale, the West half of Lot 7, Con, 2, H. R S., Tuckersmith. There are 28 acres cleared and under fepce ; the remainder is timbered with Beech and Maple. ' W. DU$NHAY. Tuckersmith, Oct. 5, 1870. 148— DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. rilHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be- tween Hugh Steele and James Young and carried'on under the name of Steele & Young, has this day dissolved by mutual consent. Witness S HUGH STEELE, W. H..McORACKEN. JAMES YOUNG. ' Hugh Steele having purchased from James Young his interest in the business, keeps the shop and books', collects all accounts, and settles all against the firm. The business is ,still carried on by - HUGH STEELE. Ainlleyville, •September 19th, 1870. 146-3— GREAT Clearing SILE! —A T-- BONTHRON &Son's THE UNDERSIGNED, INTENDING TO GIVE UP BUSINESS IN THE STAND THEY NOW OCCUPY, WILL SELL FOR OHNE MONTH 1 THE WHOLE OF THEIR STOCK OF DRY GOOPS, Clothing, Twee1s, &c., FOR CASH, AT COST PRICE. Dress Goods of all kinds, • At Cost Plc Clothing Read -made ?t (Ready-made), :1 - At Cost Price. English and .Canadian Tweeds, At Cost Price. Shawls and Jackets, At Cost Price. We also sell a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES at a Small Advance on COST. QS- This is no humbug. Parties wanting Cheap Goods, °-will find it to their advantage to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. All parties owing accounts will please call and settle them. as they wish to close their Books at present. T. BONTHRON & SON. Seaforth, October 3, 1870. 132 -- sOJDO `xs,IoIYas OD O img eggip- 0 SEAFORTH AUCTION ROOMS, Min Street, Seaforth. All kinds of Goods sold on Commission. Sales attended to in all parts of the County. Cash paid for Second-hand Furniture. _Auction Sales every Saturday. Private Sales through the week. After 22 years' experience he feels confident in being able to give every satisfaction to those who favour him with their patronage, C. YEO, Auctioneer Glad Commission Merchant. Seaforth, October 5, 1870. 148.3m— *Yw'-Eat-Is for the People � e• First, ,That the ` Fountain Head is the right glace to rocure zny article at its right value. SECOND,—That E. HIci so & Co. of Seaforth, buy most of their goods at the Manufacturer's, in England, in large lots, and for Cash; -consequently their . establishment is - the right place to purchase Good Goods, at Low Prices. THIRD, That they have just received a Tare consignment of Crockery, China, -'Glass -ware, Plated -ware, Tea Trays, and all House Furnishing Goods. FOURTH, That they will sell you an Iron Stone China Tea Set for $2.50 and less, and Toilet Sets from $1:50 to $2.50, and a nice set of China for $5.00, and any ware by the. single piece at proportionately low prices. Nickel Silver and Plated Tea and Table Spoons, at all prices. ,Butter bought and taken in exchange for any goods, ALso, our stock of Groceries is complete. A pound of splen' did Tea for 85 cents AND in Dry Goods,. we cannot be beat. Will give you the choice of 200 pieces of Ashton " Prints (the best made in England) for 14 cents a yard, and Wincies at prices. that will astonish you. We keep a good stock of Black and Coloured Silk Dresses, and a choice of 250 pieces of Dress Goods. Our BooTs AND SHOES are able to show for themselves. Clothing Ready-made and made to Order, and made well., Genuine Drugs, Medicines, and Dye Stuffs, as usual. HICKSONS' EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH. Chancery SALE! —0E— Village aiid.ParkLots ROXETER. • IN PURSUANCE OF A DECREE AND FI nal Order for Sale made in a cause of Hall vs. Patton, bearing date respectively the '14th day of October, 1869, and the 2nd day of .Tune, 1870, and , with the approbation of William Legge. Master. of this Court at Hamilton, there will be sold by - i • PUBLIC',AUCTI:ON, IN SIXTY TWO PARCELS, BY TH -MAS PLAYFORD, AUCTIONEER, On Wednesday, the 26th day of October, 1870, AT TWELVE (;'CLOCK, NOON, On the Premises, adjoining the Village of Wroxeter, Parts of La is Nos.. 26 and 27, in Concession A„ in the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron. The property is laid out in Lets, which will be put up for sale singly according to the number on a plan (made -by Cyrus Carroll' 1). P. L. ti., and which plan will be produced at time of sale). The Lots vary in size from about. one quarter of an acre to about five acres, and the exact quantities are given ou the plan. A number of the above Lots front on. the Gravel Road. Ten per cent. of the,purchase incrue,). to be paid at the time of sale, to the Vendors <•: their soli- citors, and sufficient (with the s:ti-t titpt it) to make up one third of the whole pair h::.u; tiioncy to be paid into Court within one i - ' i t•h from the day of sale, without interest.'iit ott er t w o thirds of the purchase money, with rugorcat as i per cent from the clay of sale. to be sLeured l,y Mortgage, ut four equal annual hist:La-iambi frau the day of sale, interest on the nep.,ill principle- to it u ciple- to .be payable with each instalment •if the s,dd principal money. -Upon the,payineh,. of the one third of purchase money and giviuu tate mortgage as aforesaid, the purchaser will be el.titled to the conveyance anti be let into posse:=5ion. fn other respects the conditions will be clic -standing con- ditions of the Court of Chancery. Plans of the property may be seen, and further conditions and particulars of sale may be had of the Auctioneer, and at the office of Cyrus Carroll, Esq., Wroxeter, Messrs. Osler & Segue, Dundas, and J. W. -G.. Whitney, Esq., and Messrs Mac- lennan, Downey & Henderson; Toronto. OSLER & SEGUE, Vendors' Solicitors. W. LEGGO, - Master. Dated 27th .September, 1870. 148 -3 -- CERTAIN PRESERVATION OF THE SIGHT M. R. COUNTER WATCHMAKE AND JEWELER, SEA - FORTH, ONT, sole Agent for the sale of our Celebrated ,PERFECTED SPECTACLES, the Lenses of which are ground by us, from- material Manufactured especially for Optic purposes. It is pure, hard, - and- brillant, and as near' Achro- matic as can be ,produced. The peculiar form and scientificaccuracy attained by the aid of complicated and costly machinery, warrants us in assertingthem to be THE MOST PERFECT SPECTACLES EVERT MANUFACTURED. They assist the- sight most brilliantly, confer ease and comfort on the wearer, cause a eentinu- ous and abiding improvement of the eyes, and last a teat many years without requiring to be changed. So -they are the CHEAPEST , as well as the BEST. LA.ZARUS, MORRIS & Co. 295 Notre Dame Street, (up stairs), MontreaL siirWe employ no Pedlera. -_ Government- Drains ! 100 LABOTJRERS! WANTED .FOR.'THE ABOVE WORKS, IN the Township of Gr -a, County of Huron, after the 10th of October. l •-ages,—$1.25 to$1.75 her day. Parties willing to undertake a few acres of CHOPPING AND OL1 AUIelG, can see the Specifications of the work required, at SAGE'S HOTEL, WALTON until the 6th of October. WANTED! A GOOD YOKE OF OXEN. The Highest Price, IN CASH, will be paid for Beef, Pork, Flower, Potatoes, Butter and Eggs, Delivered at the Works. Tree Enquire at Sage's Hotel, Walton, or of the Foreman of the • Works. G. BLAIN, Contractor. Walton, Sept. 29th, 1870. - 147— C�-A 4.D�TER SEWING M%CHINE COMP: VY 7 McILROY'S BLOCK, --Nos. 61, 63, 65 and 67 JAMES STREET, HAMILTON, ONT Manufacturers of the Gardner Patent Sewing Machine:s and Knitting Machines. - Separately and Combined. THE SEWING MACHINE Ts now ready, and will be followed in a few weeks by TH E KN T TER, Which can be attached without difficulty to any of the Company's Sewers. THE Manufacturers claim that the Sewing Machine is simple, durable, and easily adapt- ed to all kinds of Family - and Manufacturers' work ; it can be used by the Dress -maker, Tailor and Shoemaker, .with equal satisfaction. The Sewing Machine or Knitter will be sold separate- ly or combined. -In the latter case, by an ad- justment of the driying belt, only treadle and stand is used, running each machine separately, orjboth together, as may be required. The pro- prietors are convinced that this is one of the most useful labor-saving pieces of household fur- niture ever offered to the public. Call on or ad- dress PETER GRASSIE, Agent for the Cot -of Huron, Seaforth P. 0. Seaforth, Sept. 27, 1870. 147— J. SEATTERI. . EXCHANGE _ BROKER, ,And dealer in Pure DRUGS. CHEMICALS. AND DYE STUFFS The Drug Department is under the specia ` care of an experienced Clemist. 'JSEAl. lER, Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 59-tf. SIGN of THE CIRCUI.A1t SAW ! CRA -IN SCOOPS! SPADES S SHOVELS, LIG }ITN ING'APPLE PARERS, WIN DOW GLASS; BEST - BRANDS, Oshawa Steel Mouldboard Plows, only $13, - ABELL'S PATENT GEAR I HORSE -POWER CASTINGS Always on hand. MACHINE OILS CHEAP AND G000. - Paints and Oils of all kinds. WEAVERS MATERIALS, - WATERLIME, AND CALCINE PLASTER. Shelf, Hardware of any description. Remember the spot. Sign of the Circular Saw, Seaforth, Ont. F.S.--Improved Champion Cross -cut Saws • with patent }lunges, warranted to cut -- twice as much in the same time as the common saw, Be -.sure to see them. Jack Screws to hire. ROBERTSON & CO. Seaforth Sept- 13, 187-0.- 112-- BitHELORS ! G ET M A 11 R 1 ED, AT ONCE, AS ` TJRNITURE 25 per cent. Cheaper THOMAS B E L L'S wA�.F�.00ivrs_ HE HAS ADDED STEW POWER To his Facilities, and is noW selling Wholesale lesale and Retail. Be Sure to Call before Pur- chasing Elsewhere. WARE ROOMS OPPOSITE KIDD & McMUL- KINS. WORK SHOP, CORNER OF MARKET SQUARE. TURNING clone on the Shortest Notice. COFFINS kept constantly on hand. A HEARSE FOR HIRE. SEAFORTH, J-uNE 30, 1870. WATCH ES. WATOHJ;S WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES •. WATCHES - WATCHES . WATCHES WATC$LS WATCHES CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS One of the Lar est and Best . Assorted Stook at in this line, a to be foundM. I OPPOSITE CARMICHAE ' ►7 Ss soRTu, March 31, 1870. 5 WM. Fa LUXTON, VOL. 3, No. BUE4tNE MEL RTI1AC Y,-- . D.. s Huron. Office .a East of the Methodist Seaforth, Dec. 14th, liC. MOOSE, M. University, I♦Ioni &e. Office and reside') Zurich, Sept. 7th, 18 TAMES STEWART tj of McGill Universii Surgeon, &c- Office op Co's, Varna. TAR. W. 1R... -SMITH, Office,—Opposite alence--iain-street, No, Seaforth, Dec. 14, 18 HL. VERCOE, M 1 1. geon, ete., i ific of Market and High St of Kidd & McMuikin'e Seaforth, Feb. 4th. `1! CAMPBELL, ' M. D . Gill University,' Peon, etc., Seaforth, 011 ost tiff ce Building, up found by night or day. w. Seaforth, July 15th, 1' LE' WALKER, A: lhcitor ln-C.hancery= Public, -&c, Office of -- Court House, Goderich, N. B. —Money to lend Lands. Goderich, Jan'y. 28. U,CAUGHE & H Attorneys at La -and lnsolveney, Notarie urs.- Solicitors for the 1 Agents for the Canad 11r 11—$30,000 to lend Houses and Lots for -sal Seaforth, Dec. 14th, 1; BENSON & AlEYER, at Law, Solicitors ency, Conveyancers, No fices,—Seaforth and Wr 'Trust and Loan Co. of Colonial Securities Co. Money at 3 per cent ; no` TAS. H, BENSON, , Seaforth, Dee. IOth' S` DEN G. W. HA racial Dentu latest improv care taken for the prese tender teeth, Teeth e' Rooms over Collier's Sto Saeforth. Dee. 14, 186. HOT 0MMERCIA L HOT kai Laird, proprietor, modation for the travel and bar are always • sup marketsafford. Excelle A inleyville, April 23,1 Oh?K':s HOTEL {LA` dersigned begs to t liberal patronage awarded an the hotel business, an that he has again resum- stand, where he will b. from old friends, and ma- Seaforth, May 5, 1870, tlR.. ROSS. Proprietor . begs to inform the p the travelling community first-class accommodation by travellers. A good a always on hand, Itegule, every necessary attentioe Seaforth, Feb, Sth, 186 R TISH EKCHAzN ONT., J. CALLAWAv WILLXAMS, {late of Amer Y.) Manager. This hotel. ly furnished, and-refittei one of the most enmfortal' the Province. Good Sam tial Travellers. Terms li Goderich, April 14, 187; MISCELL SHARP'S LIG ERYY SEAFo$TH. First Cl always on hand at reason R . Seaforth, May 5th, 1870. SMAILL & CROOKE, and Specifications dr ter's, Plasterer's, and M: and valued. Office—Oyer store, Court -.House Square Goderich, April 23, 186i. '4 McPHILIJJ S,.G•&. veyors, Civil Entine -of Conveyancing done with G. McPhillips, Cominissio Next door south of Sharp' Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. BH AZLEHURST, Li . the County- of II Particular attention paid Stock. Farm. Stock Sale Terms.' Goods Appraised, Landlord's Warrants Ex First 'Division Court for 11 Goderich, June 9th, 186