HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-10-07, Page 77 TOSH, f returning thhnks extended to hersince Id respectfully 'Intl- , that she is-ttillto Y'S STORK All ST ATTENTION. ATNESS and the a EXCELLED IN d HAIR -WORK EST NOTICE, 121— OBS BS ON'S • OCK, Arriy_ed Y TWEED 1 s, Doeskin D PILOT NABLE003.13:3 in the Latest, it Customers. AND PERFECT EED. HETTIVIFFee VTR OF ittoR- -AttrsTpRE QN E FIRST, F.1118- 7 -t . Ft-. COST. )-!:It READY tnd Other t my rlocen s D h. Stock of U G S - t, juglish, TUFFS it guraity. Niedieia*% der illy and aie CMSDEN,i [PSON oilier& for t116:1 -- le It ts contm-u„ assortment ae ek atisfactiott. PINE! P`tIRPOSES Orders wr.11 ,ortment of 'LINTS : his old cu4o- uitag6 to le - ego., proceed- • riing betel's= =tree:vett aleralerstan- Soak has ansent. swam 0BM 1M4— esameieeesseeemeeenimw The Plaine of .A.braheieri, These plains, just beyond the western walls of the city,: are the greatest attraction ere sen these grainy w in 1759 the orth .America. insi-is familiar to -waiters of e reeved to Ilely in a -=leits beard to murreur, Would peeler 14.14ig the author of that poem to he eery Of heating the Frencli, treinerrew ;" how she thiegged his canon ttee yonder .stope, - which permits across to theeheights ; and* bow he fell in the moment of victoty. As you wander idly over the peaceful fields to day the fiery die:ma seems to be again enacted before your eyes; the grassy upland swarms.With French and English, shouting, yelling, de- livering close volleys, and then rushing to the hand to hand encounter ; _again the stnoothe-bore muskets rattle, the clumseee culverins rumble; Wolf is leadiag his men to fall anon, with his: body pierced with' three bullets, nearly at the &Arne moment when Mentesilra too- is struck; for in this bitter struggle the two leaders are both to surrender their brave lives. On the field rises a marble shaft bearing the inscription, "Here died Wolf victori- ous" In the chapel of the ITrsuline con- vent, within the city; is a slab -on which is cut, "lionneur a -Montcalm! Le Destin, eii Ini derobant,la Victoire, va recompense par une mort ghnieuse !"—" Destiny'in de- priving him of victory, requitted him with a glorious deat'a !" And the Englishman, his -opponent, died gloriously, too, murmur- ing, "God be praised ! then I die. happy !" when assured that, the day was won. The soldier spoke there; and. -socn after the, brave and gentle spirit, who had gone inte battle repeating the tender lines of Gray's elegy, and coveting the peaceful glories of posery, surrendered his soul to God, falling eep in the arms of victory. et•ee bnake Fascination. at Quebec. - 310Pes power Melt - h a oW eet the assault, repee Country Churchyard; The Pbwer of fassination possessed by snakes has often been doubted. Mr. J. lebwker; of Alstonfields, district of Somer- set, when walking one day in his garden, was attracted by the loud chirping of birds, and, upon investigating the cause, discover- ed a large "tree -snake" coiled in the branch- es of a fruit tree, surrounded by birds, one of which was slowly approaching it. The bird fluttering around and hopped' from twig to twig, gradually drawing nearer and nearer, until, when within some six inches cif the snake's head, the latter quietly ex-, tended its open jaws, took its prey, and then, coiling his body around the little vic- tim, crushed it, and afterwards devoured it. Air W. Stubbs, of Whittlesdaedistrict of Queentown, while crossing a cornfield, heard the plantive ery of a rat which ap- peared to be in great trouble. He went to the spot whence the noise proceeded, and - foiled a rat walking backwards andlorward and yet constantly drawing nearer a point , where lay a puff adder, motionless, Twith its mouth wide open, and his eyes fixed. up- on the rat. A few moments sufficed to bring the rat within the adder'e reach, when it was quickly killed and eaten. In the suranier of 1860, Mr. Bowker, of the fron-- tier armed and mounted poiice, High. Com- missioner's agent in Basutoleng, was sta- tioned- at Butterworth in: the Trans-Keien teraitory. One day, while indulging in a stroll, his attention was attracted by the The Golden Eagle. The golden eagle is not seen to advan- tage in the menagerie of a Zoological society, nor when fettered on the smooth lawn of an.aristocratic mansion, or perched on the rockwork of a nursery -garden ; nor can his habits be well described by a cockney orni- thologist, whose proper province is to con- coct systems, "work out" analogies, and give 'names to skins that have come from fdreign lands carefully packed inboxes lin- ed with tin. • Far away ainong the brown hills of Al- byn, is thy dwelling -place, °Lief of the rocky t, glen! On the red granite—that tower of the fissured precipices of Loch-ea- gar—thou has reposed in safety. The cloak of theraven has broken thy slumbers, and thou gatherest up thy huge wings, srnoethest thy feathers on thy sides, and preparest to launch thyself in the Rei4a1 ocean. Bird of the desert, solitary though thou art, and hateful to the sight of many of thylellow creatures, thine must be a 'happy life! No lordhastthou to t)enel thy stubborn soul to his will; no cares corrode' thy heart ; seldom does fear chill thy free spirit,- for theevindy tempest and the thick sleet cannot injure thee, and the lightens ings may 'flash around thee,.and the thun- ders shake the everlasting hill's, without rousing thee from any dream); iepose. Set.how the sunshine brightens the yel- low tint of his head and neck, until it shines14ost like gold ! There he stands, neatly ekot, ewithhis Aail_ depressed, his large wings half 'raised _by his sides, his neck stretched ou'e and his eye glistening around. • Like other -robbers of the desert, he has a noble Aaspect, an imperative mein, a look ofprofoiind defia-ece—but his nobility has a dash of, churlishness, and his falcenship a iulturirss tinge. Still he is a noble bird, powerful, infependent, proud and ferocious; regardless of the weal -or woe of others, and intent solely on the gratification of his own appetite ; Without generosity, without ho- nor; bold against -the defenceless, but ever ready to sneak from danger. Such is his nobility, about which men have so raved. Suddenly he raises his wings, for he has heard the whistle of the shepherd in the corry ; and bending forward, he springs in- to the air. Hardly do those vigorous raps serve at first to prevent this descent ; but now, curving upwards, be glides majestical- ly along. As he passes the corner of that buttressed and battlemented crag, forth rush two ravens from -their nest, croaking fierce- ly. While one flies above him, the other steals beneath, and they essay to strike him, but 'dare not, for they have an instinctive. knowledge 'of the power of his grasp; and after following him a little way, they Win- ed to their home, vainly exulting in the thought of having driven him from their neighbourhood. Bent on a far journey, be advances in a direct course; flapping his great wings at regular itetervals, then shoot- ing along without seeming to move them. Over the moor he sweeps, at the height of two or three hundred feet, bending his course to either ide, his wings wide spread, his neck and feet raracted, now beatinge'the air. and again sailing smoothly along. Stid- denly he stops,poises himself for a moment; stoops, but recovers himself without- reach- ing the ground. The object of his regards, a gloden plover, which he had espied on her nest, has eluded him, and he cares not to pursue it Now he ascends a little, wheels in short curves—presently rushes down headlong-seassumes the berozontal position —when close to the ground, prevents his being dashed against it by expa,nding •his. squeaking of a mouse, which, to use his own expression, "had evidently come to wings and tail, --thrusts forth his talons, grief in some way or other." Upon hives- tigatipg the cause he found a brown snake which was exercising its powers of facina- tion upon a mouse. Het once killed the snake, but the mouse still under the spz11, .continued to approach the snake. .Mr. Bowker took tht motise in his hand, but it manifested no fear of him, seeming perfectly evercome byeehe power of the snake. He put it on the ground, when, to his smpriCe, it actually crept to the spot wheee the dead snake was lying and sat upon its head. .A ft- er a time it appeared to realize its pcsitioia, and crawled away. Mr. H. M. Barber, of Highlands, near Grohain's Town, discover- ed a green -and -yellow tree -snake in the act of fascinating a wood -robin. He called to his father, who came with a gun, and the two watched the operation until they saw that in another moment the bird wonid fall into the open mouth of the snake. The father then raised his gun, and, by a well - aimed shot, killed the snake, and saved the life of the bird. A Noble German Officer. Aecorrespondent who visited the battle- field of Saartruck says :—" My guide, whose two sons were.in the 40th regie, raent, and mho took part in the action of Saar- bruck, related the following incident to\ me. Just as it was getting dusk on the evening of the battle, he went, out with his horses to bring in some of the',wounded, and ,per- haps, for all he knew, to the con teary, his eons amongst them. -* He had already'plac- ed five in the carte the ShOli was Captain Von Wmterfeld. A soon 9.8 the captain witsdeposited thera:.-ert, he gasped with a faint and almost unintelligible voice, 'Now look for my sergeant—a brave fellow whom I will not forsake The cart was already full and it was quite dark, -and my guide sought to excuse himself on Recount of not being able TO find the sergeant, owing to the darkness. 'Then lift Etie out again,' said the captain, 'for I will die by the side of my .seegeant ThEre was no ether aelter4Oftiv9.1 aride;*ith the assistance of some inciter viaaiektthe sergeant was at last foendaid placed by the side of his captain: On the and grasping it poor terrified ptarmigan that sits cowering among the gray lichen, squeeses it to death, raises his head exult- ingly, emits a clear, shrill cry, and spring- ing from the ground, pursues his journey. In passing a tall cliff that overhangs a small lake, he is assailed by a fierce pere- grine falcon, which- darts and plunges at him as if determined to deprive him of his booty, or else to drive him headlong to the ground. This proves a more dangerous foe than the raven'and the eagle screams, yelps, and throws him -self into postures of defiance; tut at length the hawk,seeing the tyrant is not bent on plundering his nest, leaves him to pursue his course unmo- lested. Over woods and green fields, and scattered hamlets, speeds the eagle ; and now he enters on the long valley of the Dee, near the upper end of which is Seen through the thin gray mist the rock of his nest. (About a mile -from it he meets his mate, vi'ho has been broad on a similar er- rand and is returning with a white hare in her talons. They congratulate each other with loud, yelping cries, which rouse the drowsy shepherd on the strath below, who, mindful of the lambs carried off in the spring -time; sends after theta his maledic- tion. Now they reach their nest, and are geeeted by their young with loud clamour. The congregation of 'a well-known church itt the south of Scotlandbas recently had un- der discussion the question of the proper attitude in prayer. James M , rath- r a character in the town, )ieing asked by lady of the congregation if he wanted to enform to the recommendation of the mi- nister that all should kneel, replied very emphatically, "Never a bit will I kneel. The Bible says, Watch an' pray,' and hoo ' can everybody watch on their knees, wi' their e'en steekit ? ' Na, na I'll just stand an' glower about me, as 1 he aye dune." LavE.--W hat is love ?—A_ nuisance to everybody but the parties concerned. A prirido affEsit wilipb every, .0M/ ebut :time concerned wishes, to mak,public. A young' man charged with being lazy was asked he tOok it from hisfather. "I think not," was the reply; "father's got al ext day both of them died." the laziness he ever had." TRXASURER'S SALEOF. LANDS FOR AXES! COUNTY OF HURON, ) 1010Y VIRTUE To Wit : JO of a Warrant under the hand of the Warden of thi;''CoAnty of Huron, and the Seal of the said County, bearing date the seventh day of July, A.D. 1870, to me di- rected, for the collection of arrears of taxes due on the undermentioned lands. These are there- fore to give notice -that unless the said taxes, to gether with all lawful costs and chargesbe sooner paid, I shall on WEDNESDAY the 23rd day of November, A.D. 1870, at the hour of one o'clock P.M., at the Court House in the town of Goder- ich, proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to dipharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon. . TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD. 4.i ', 4a o -4 oi O 0 0 . 461 i . E 44.4 O rn E.1 gl k O C) 4 -i o o iml ,•,, 48 0 g t 0. 1 1 rmi .9. 43 .... CA -4 rzi ° .43 r g 03 E.1 ID 0 0 0 0 1 ci 4)0- 0 Pq 0 4.2 0 0 0 124 <1 10 4th e. d. 200 p 92 37 3 17 95 54 N 4 49th " 100 u p 90 94 3 12 94 06 N I h110th " 50 p 13 13 1 20 14 33 E of E. 48 12th " 50 up 36 61 1 77 38 38 E of N 1 6th w d 50 p 19 57 1 35 20 92 N W4 2 8th " 50 p 23 66 1 45 25 11 E4 2 ilo 100 p 45 11 2 00 47 11 S 4of E 4 2 9th " 50 p 5 80 1 00 6 80 SptofEpt5 do 69 p 34 69 1 72 36 41 N E I , 1 14th " . 50 p 29 75 1 60 31 35 17 do 158 p 77 20 2 80 80 00 E part of S part 28 n t plot 4 p 4 86 97 5 83 VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT IN ASH - FIELD. 22 W Arthur st. p 272 93 3 65 23 - do 4 p 2 72 93 3 65 24 db 4 p 2 72 93 3 65 25 do 4p 272 93 365 26 do 4 p 2 72 93 3 65 1 S Ashfield st. p 10 43 1 12 11 55 2 do 4p 9 73 1 10 10 83 23 W Wellington street - 4 p 8 13 1 07 9 20 30 do 4 p 7 29 1 05 834 26 E Wellington street p 12 42 1 17 13 59 Subdivisions of lots 5 & 6 E London Road 1 E London Road p 268 93 2 do f p 268 93 3 do 4p 268 93 4 do 4p 2 68 93 6 do 4p 2 68 93 8 do 4p 2 68 93 9 do 4:p 268 93 10 do f p 268 ' 93 2 8 E William street p 267 93 3 _ do 41 267 93 4 do 4p 27 93 6 do I p 267 93 7 do 4p 267 93 do 4p 267 .93 1 N W William street p -2 67 93 4 do p 2 67 93 5 de p 267 93 6 do 4p 267 93 2 S E Ann street p 267 93 3 do 4p 267 93 4 do f p 267 93 5 do 4p 267 93 8 do 4p 267 93 1 N W Ann street • I P 2 do- 4p 3 do 4p 4 do 4p 5 do 4p -6 -do 4:p 7 do -4p 8 2 67 . 2 67 2 67 2 67 2, 67 2'. 67 2. 67 do 4 p 2-67 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 60 3 60 360 360 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 .3 60 3 60 3 60- 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 360 3 60 VILLAGE OF DUNGANNON1N ASHFIELD. 8 e 28 Mallough's Survey - 4p 4Q9 97 5 06 _TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. , 2 Lakeshore 53 p 30 48 I 62 32 10 2 W Lake road 100 p 54 68 2 22 56 90 VILLAGE OF CLINTON. 256 302 355 357 730 731 5932 P 3-16 p p P 4 P P 1222 W Rattenbury's new survey p 139 90. 2 29 TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH. 319 95 414 6 161 02 718 241 93 334 183 90 2 73 99 88 1 87 99 88 187 1,17 90 207 381 95 476 313 95 408 Subdivision of Lot 4 in 1st Concession 1 p 14 40 1 22 15 62 5 p 9 73 1 10 10 83 5. p 9 73 1 10 10 83 4.p 8 60 1 07 967 5 p 9 54 1 1.0 10 64 5 p 9 54 1 10 10 64 5 p 9 54 1 10 10 64 6 7 15 24 25 - 26 Subdivision of Lot 10 in lst Concession 61st 10 p 8 30 1 07 937 15 lst 11 p 11,75 1 15 12 90 W part 24 2nd , 40 p 5 91 1 00 6 91 N E part 7 B 6 p 20 66 1 37 22 03 W part 9 Maitland 10 .p 580100 6 80 N W pa.tt 46 , - 20 p 17221E30'.18 52 Centre parb' E part of W • 105 " 36 p 36-96 1 77 38 73 T WN OF GODERICH. 10 15 cot92 W part 114 372 392 393 401 555 902 959 962 1044 1048 W4 1058 1115 E4 1188 1232 E4 1316 1323 I P P P P P I P P P 1 P P I P P P P P 1-5 p 1-20 p 1-5 p 1-40 p 1=5 p 21 00 1 40 22 40 13 34 1 20 1454 17 411 30 18 71 17 41 1 30 18 71 5 66 1 00 6 66 15 47 125 16 72 8 41 1 07 948 934 1 10 10 44 275 92 368 13 50 1 2O -1t70 16 24 1 27 -17 151 19 34 1 35 20 69 19 22 1 35 20 57 43 72 1 95 45 67 .15 31 1 25 16 56 365 95.460 141 90 2 31 84 88 172 392 95 487 33 88 121 1 25 90 2 15 Lot. Con. Ac. Pt. Taxes Costs Total 1324 1-5 p 125 90 2 15 1332 " p 205 93 2 98 1361 " p 224 93 317 1362 " 70 Subdivisionof 1P 1 933 17 lots :3 A " p 1 23 90 213 77 " p '4 06 '97 503 1 Subdivision of lot 4 con. A " p 5 16 1 ock 616 3 "p 5 16 1 00 616 5 - p 5 16 1 00 6 16 7 " p 5 16 1 00 6 16 10 " p 123 90 2 13 12 "p 123 90 213 14 " p 1 23 90 2 13 16 " , p 123 90 213 20 " p 1 03 90 193 22 " p 103 90 1 93 21 P 103 90 193 26 P 103 90 193 30 . P 1 03 90 1 93 P 103 90 193 P 103 90 193 P 1 23 90 213 P 1 23 90 2 13 P 1 Z3 90 2 13 P 1 23 .90 2 13 47 P 1 23 9021 0- 49 p 123 90 213 50 p / 23 90 2 13 52 P 1.03 90 1 93 54 p 1 03 90 1 93 p 103 90 193 p 103 90 193 p 103 90 193 b7 p 258 93 351 32 34 38 40 6.4 tit CC ti it CC 42 45 Ct 4, 04 44 56 4, 64 CC 66 ft it 69 it • 132 , 71 " p 132 ' 73 " p. 104 81 Subdivision of lot 10 con. p 40 Park mid Mkt' fwood's survey E I Toronto street 1-20 p 64 88 1-52 E 4. 7 Cedar st 1110 p 76 88 1 64 E 4 8 do 1-20 p 38 88 1 26 20 Con. C 10 p 513100 613 Subdivisions of lots 17 & 18 con. C 5 1 p 5 16 1 00 616 Subdivisions of Lots 330, 377 & 378 1 fronting Toronto st. 86 ft. front p 126 88 214 do 3 do 40 ft. front po 3 29 95 4 24 do 4 do 40 ft. front P 3 29 do 6 do 53 ft. front p 4 48 97 545 do 7 fronting on Picton st. 53 ft. front p 448 97 545 TOWNSHIP OF GREY, S4 36 1st 50 p 6 71 1 02 773 N4 29 4th 50 u.p 4 61 97 5 58 24 5th 100 p 42 76 195 44 71 28 " "u.p 59 50 2 35 61 85 29 6th " u.p 38 21 1 82 40 03 33 ," " p 34.77 1 72 36 49 34 " "p 34 77 1 72 36 49 35 " " u.p 34 77 1 72 36 49 32 7th ." p 21- 33 1 40 22 73 35 " " u.p 31 09 1 65 32 74 3510th " p 25 77 1 50 27 27 30 17th tt u.p 49 20.2 10 51 30 VILLAGE OF AINLEYVILLE IN GREY. 3 Wm. at p 12 551 17 13 72 4 do f p 12 55 1 17 13 72 TOWNSHIP OF HAY. Northerly 45acresbeingN less 5 acres ; off S E Corner 13 lst 45 p 75 69 2 75 78 44 VILLAGE OF RODGERVILLE IN HAY. 2 4 p 7 94 1 05 899 p 7 94 1 05 899 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK. S part 30 2nd - 50 p 11 26 1 15 12 41 E 13 3rd . 50 p 12 63 1 17 13 80 28 8th 100 u.p 8 73 1 07 9 -80 13 9th 100 p k 10 1 80 38 90 E 2310th 50 u.p 18 72 1 32 20 04 1 llth 100 "16 33 1 27 1760 6 13th 100 " 11 47 1 15 12 62 25 14th 100 p 30 10 1 62 31 72 S E part 3 A 10 u.p 1 30 88 2 18 W 24 " 45 p 23 98 1 45 25 43 W4 25 " 45 p 20 37 1 37 21 74 Wpart 27 " 34 p 11 11 1 15 12 26 E part 28 " 15 p 12 79 1 17 13 96 NW part 31 " 1 p 395 95 490 23B 100 p 38 61 1 82 40 43 90 2 22 90 222 90 1 94 A 88 1 28 95 424 VILLAGE OF WROXETER IN HOWICK. 4 S Queen st, p 69 88 1 57 6 Centre st E 1-5 p 6137 1 02 739 2 Main st p 69 88 1 57 1 -Marrietta st W 1-5 p 88 88 1 76 2 " 1-5 p 88 88 1 76 9 Mill st S 1-5 p 4 00 97 4 97 2 Newman at 1-5 p '1 31 90 221 '8 Anna St N p 88 88 1 76 9 " p 88 88 1 76 VILLAGE OF HOWICK IN HOWIbK. 143 1-5 p 7 93 1 05 8 98 144 " p 7 94 1 05 899 156 " p 2 64 93 3 57 179 1).3., 8 55 1 99 1 00 9 77 9 6666 178 8 196 " p 37 88 125 VILLAGE OF BELIvIORE IN HOWICK. 2 Howick st p 1 68 90 2 '58 N part 3 -" p 1 41 90 2 31 9 " 5 -" 21v pp 2 2892 9883 31. 7175 3 Kinloss st p 25 88 1 13 13 " 4:p 25 88 1 13 VILLAGE OF ALMA IN TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. 27 28 36 70 74 -VILLAGE OF 13 VILLAGE OF 15 p 24 88 112 p 24 88 1 12 p 48 88 1 36 4:p 24 88 1 12 p 24 88 1 12 SUMMERHILL 1N HULLETT. 4:p 24 88 1 12 MANCHESTER IN HULLETT. I p 5 35 1 00 635 TOWNSHIP OF IVIORIEIS. S 4 9 lst 100 p 23 03 1 45 24 48 S 4 10 lst 100 p 23 03 1 45 24 4.8 N4 9 5th - 100 p 33 47 1 70 3517 N-4 25 8t1t 100 u.p 84 64 2 97 87 61 VILLAGE OF AINLEYVI-LLE IN MORRIS. 51 4p 102 90 1 92 „52 f p 477 97 5-74 104 -4:p 248 93 3 39 123 4:p 167 90 2-57 134 4 p ' 48 88 1 26 135 4:p 48 88 1 26_ 136 4p 48 88 1 36 142 4p 48 88 1 36 143 4:p 48 88 136 144 4p 48 88 136 145 4:p 48 - -88 1 36 VILLAGE OF BLYTHE. IN MORRIS. 61 4:p 4 36 97 5 33 70 4 p 117 %0 207 71 4p 239 93 3 32 73 4:p 8 29 1 07 936 89 i p 2 02 , 93 2_95 90 4 p 202 93 2 95 Lot. 91 92' 93, 94, 95 96; 9s- 98, 99' 100. 101 108, 119, 120 130 131 132: 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 McConnell's Szsvey 6 Block C• Con. Ac. TaXell Cost Total 7 . 66 8 9 .10 " 11 12 14. 13 14 15 " 1 Block I) 2 " 3 Ci 4 " P 40 88 p 40 88 p 40, 88 fp 40 88 p 40/ SS p 40, 88 4:p 46, 88 p. 88 p 443; 88 p 40, 88 4p 81 88 p. 81 88 p &88 p 81 88 p 324 95 40 88 P 40 P 40 P 40 P 40- 4P 40 p 2 02 p 202 p 202 p • 2 02 I p 202 128 1 2, 1 284 128 1. 23 _1 28 128 128 128 1 28 - 1 69 1 69 1 69 1 69 419 1 28 88128 88 1 28 88 1 28 88 1 28 88 .1 28 93 295 98 2 95 93 295 83 2 95 93 2 95 p 40 88 p 40 88 P 40 8& 1) 40 88 p 40,-; SS 4p 40' 88 P 40 88 p 44)88 p 46 SS P 40 88 p 89 90 I p 58 88 p 58 88 p 58 88 1 1 28 128 128 1 28 1 28 128 1 28 128 128 2 79 1146 1 46 146 TOWNSHIP OF MCKILLOP W4: 71st 50 p 49 50 2 10 51 60 VILLAGE OF SEAFORTII Beattie and Star k's Survey 7 BleekB I p 28 if P ,, 29 P Jarvis' Survey [4' 39 60 61 106 107 Gouixdock's Survey S4 18 LL E part W part 8 Part N N w4 210 93 303 2.'O 93 323 231 93 324 p 15 10 1 25 13 35 I p,. -19 1 07 926 p ' 9 31 1 10 10 11 f p 296 93 389 p 426 97 5 23 1-10 p 153 90 243 TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. 13 Range A 14 p 24 61 1 47 26 08 7 " 320 p 17 92 1 30 19 22 12 " N 44 p 4 31 97 5 28 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. 35th 50p 10 6th 1 P 4 Oth 50p 8" 100 p 12 13th 50 p 11 N Tidy 100 p 12 " 100 p 9 S Bdy 50p 28 " 100 p 40 14 1 87 42 01 5 62 1 00 662 28 71 1 57 30 28 79 14 2 85 81 99 22 64 1 42 24 -Of 55 572 25 57 46 22 2 02 48 24 27 32 1 55 28 8'; 71 07 2 ,65,73 7:: VILLAGE OF CREDITON IN STEP H 5p 133 9022 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. Centrep't 16 lst Huron Road Survey 44 p 294 93 3 87 VILLAGE OF EGMONDV1L1,F,IN TUCKER' SMITH. 1 Clinton st I p 89 88 177 TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY. N part 320 S part 32 " N 40 1st 26 llth 31 " 60 p 56 13 2 27 58 4C 30 p 29 11 1 60 30 71 50p 8 32 1 07 939 100 u.p 32 25 1 67 33 92 100 .! 54 66 2 22 56 88 VILLAGE OF WINGHAM IN TURNBER,RY. , Fark lot 42 1 6 p 1 25 90 2 15 " 43 . 6 p 1 25 90 2 15 59 5p 426 97 5 23 173 4:p 76 88 164 227 1 p 76 ' 88 1 64 VILLAGE OF ZETLAND IN TURNBERRY, 10 4p 453 97 55C 11 4 p 4 53 97 5 50 81 3 p 12 23 1 17 13 40 TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. S part 19 lst .45 p 50 59 2 12 52 71 E half 14 N EBdy 50 p16 54 1 27 17 81 VILLAGE OF EXETER IN USBORNE. 8ubdivision of 17 & 18 con 1st 21 McCAnell's survey 4p 80 4p ' 58 4i "(58 4:p -- iS it it C6 t f 37 do 38 do 39 do 43 do 4p 24 44. do 4:p 294 45 do 4:p 294 Subdivision of lot 20 con 1st . 12 McConnelPs survey f p 12 07 1 17 13 24 13 do f p 9 18 1 10 io 28 35 do ' 1 p 1 41 90 2 31 TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAIVANOSII. S 4 31 llth 100 u.p 48 65 2 07 50 72 VILLAGE OF BLYTHE IN E. WAWANOSH 20 f p 148 90 23E 21 4:p 148 90 238 22 4p 148 90 238 S 4 28 4 p 3 37 95 4 32 32 4 p 167 90 257 . 37 4 p 3 73 95 4 68 TOWNSHIP OF WEST ' WAWANOSII. N 4 18 lst 100 u.p'41 26 1 90 43 16 W 4 24 4th 100 p 87 31 3 05 90 36 E 4 24 4th 100 p 91 00 3 15 94 15 E -4 14 12th 100 u.p 39 54 1 85 41 39 - , VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER IN W. WA WANOSIL 88 88 88 93 93 93 1 62 1 46 146 1 46 3 87 3 87 3 87 Ct if 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 ( p '1 12 90 2 02 p 112 90- 2 02 p 112 90 2 02 p 112 90 .2 02 p 112 99 202 I p 1 I/ 90 202 p 112 90 02 p 112 90 2 02 VILLAGE OF ST HELENS IN W. WAWA- NOSH - 1 Mather's Survey I 7_f p 371 95 466 "N 41? p 4 1.2 97 509 VILLAGE OF DUNGANNON IN W. WAWA NOSE. MeMath;c6i.. Survey , I p .7 56 1 O 8 61, A. M. ROB% . Tremerer, Co. Huroad Co. Treasurer's Office, Gmlerich, July 8th, rem. ,