HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-09-30, Page 8„- - Manitoba. The London Free Press pA1lTe4 the fol- lowing very readable letter, from its own Manitoba ilorrespondent; dated Sept, 9th: Tuesday was a day of ninny incidents in this conimunity. It dawned --,'midst hmist and rain, the roads being turned into per- fect quagmires. There is soluething,par; ticularly tenacious in the Red River mud., The prairie appears to be composed of rich *black loam, overlaid with the stickiest of clay.' This, however, only reveals itself when it is wet. and, judging of our exper- . ence since we arrived here, that is pretty much all the tithe I said that the weather was brooding and melancholy; loud storms were also brewing. Dr. Schultz arrived here on Sunday- evening, and Dr. Lynch the following day. These gentleman had private, not political, crows to pluck with some of the dwellers of this place, who bad insulted them. So accordingly 1)1.. Lynch pitched into a former ally of his and a bro- ther medico, Dr. O'Donnel, and in some mysterious way, which will perhaps be nn. deritood by the faculty, the bead of the last nanaecl comes to grief, and there-appearS to be a general jubilatien over the occurrence amongst the loyal inhabitants. On Tues- day morning also Dr. Schultz pays a visit to theeditorial sanctum of the ” New Na tiori." The editor is yet in bed: The doc- tor gains -admittance to the bedroom of the slumbering editor, who is no less a person than the late President of the short-lived Republic of Manitoba, and throwing a load- - ed revolver an the bed, tells the unhappy recipient te defend himself, and - he imme- diately proceeded to, castigate him for some insulting remarks he had published, having no reference to politics. .1 would not have mentioned these personal matters, but as the actors in the several di amas talk freely of the occurr6nce themselves; I write them to you sr) that your readers may better un- derstand how men and things are in this -crude Provilice At one o'clock the Lieutenant -Governor Theld a levee. The Council of Assiniboide, the Hudson Bay officials, . and the " 'oi_pol- loi," were presented by the Governor 61 the Hudson Bay Company; Mr. Donald Smith,' Coloi3e1s Jarvis 4„nd -easault presented the officers of their respective battalions ; the Anglican and Roman Catholic clergy we -..e, I believe, pre4nted by3 their respective Bishops; Colonel Wolsely presented myself and some others. After the levee the Governor attended a parade of the First Ontario Battalion. This fin3 regiment, headed by their new brass band, was march-, ed in fours, right in front, from the camp- ing ground by the river bank to the prairie -in rear of the fort. On arriving at the collier flag, the word. 4 4 &Oat form conapanies," brought the regi - meat into open column of companies, the left flanks resting on the side of the oblong Opposite the saluting base. The column was tbeii wheeled into line, and the ranks opened [fora general salute. The, Gover- nor, accompanied by Cols. Wolseley, Jar- vis, Boulton Casault and Irvine ; Captain liuyshe, D. A. C., Mr..Bell, the GoVernor's Secretary, and Lieut, Dennison, passed • in the ,rear and between the ranks inspecting the men. Col. Jarvis then took the com- mand, and proceeded with the salute,. ---- This 5nishect,the regiment again broke into open column, and marehed past in quick time. The column then closed to -quarter distance on the front company, and march- ed past at the double. Having done this, it was opened to 'Wheeling distance. It then wheeled into line, the ranks opened; and the line advanced in review order and saluted, the band plaving "God §ave the Queen," &large crowd of spectators'—strang- ers, half-breeds and Indians—standing with uncovered heads as the glorious strains of the National anthem swelled on the air.— The ranks were then closed, and tha --iegi- inent marched Ofrthe ground in fours, left in front. On arrival at the campthe wings faced inwards, te,.1 Cel.,,p-arvis conveyed to the regiment, 4.fe Lieut.-Gevernor's high appreciation of their soldierly appearance, together with the expression of his hope that the men would conduct themselves in in a concilatory manner towards theif fel- low -subjects, the people ot Manitoba, and avoid, as soldiers ought, all appearance of beconiing political partizans. The battal- ion was then dismissed. Mr. Dawson has received orders to com- mence -building 'additional accomodations for barracks:- Among the first things to be erected, is a large recreation room, to in- duce the men to stay in barracks instead of wasting time, money and health in the tav- erns and saloons, where wretched liqor is sold. I believe that the whiskey sold here is of the most fiery description_; what is or- dinarily called " forty-iod" by our Ameri- can cousins being mild when compared to so that every ; inducement should be held out to the men to refrain:from its use. With this view I have sent in an aP- plication through Col. Wolseley for a sup- ply of the ordinary games and Ifit- tings for a recreation room usually granted to every British regiment. -o• OW No. 1 homemade kip boots for $4 :- cow hide 41(), $3.50, at Coventry's. Th the horrors of war on the Continent of Europe is now added pestilence in Spain. At Barcelona and the Spanish towns along the Mediterranean the Nomito prevails in • ita most virulent and malignant forms.— The disease was brought from Cuba. 'Thou - sods of pergolas die daily. -41* • Ow Our readers will hear with regret of the sudden death of Mrs. Punshon, the amiable and beloved wife of the Rev. W. Morley Purishon. The sad event took place on Friday, at Toronto. Mrs. Punshon's death has cast a gloom over all Methodist,cinles, and upon all who knew her worth. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Lose of th.e "Captain" Explained. I Late mail advices dispel the myptery which hung around the mariner in Nthicli the Caplcrka was lost, The gunner, with seventeen of the crew who escaped, have \, arrived{,at the Admiralty in London, It appeam- bat a heavy squall struck the ship; she yielded to its force and capsized. Cap- tain Burgoyne was on deck at the moment. He ordered the topsails to ba loWered and sheets to be let fly. But as the vessel laid over the bottom of the hurricane deJk was exposed to the full force of the wind, and acting as a huge sail, pressed her lower and lower into the water Until she turned com- pletely, over. Her deck was burst in by the immense weig,ht pressina6 upon it. She filled with water and wentdown like a Acme. The two fatal errors in' the con- struction of the Captain were the putting masts into her and givine.bher only six in- stead of eight feet freeboard as Captain Celes had designed. , .*•0. - The best selected stock of Boots and Shoes in Seaforth, at Coventry's. A bydaw granting a.,bonus of $200,000 in aid of the Goa ada Southern Railway has been adoptedby the County Council of Fil- e -in. Government _Drains ! 100 LABO URERS ! ANTED FOR THE ABOVE WO_RKS, IN the Township of Grey, -County of Huron, after the 10th of October. Wages,—$1.25 to$1.75 per day. Parties willing to undertake -a few acres of CHOPPING •AND CLEARING, can see the Specifications of the work required., at SAGE'S HOTEL, WALTON, until the 6th of October. WANTED! A GOOD YOKE OF OX E N. The Highest Price; IN CASH, will be paid for Beef, Pork, Flower, Potatoes, Butter and Eggs, Delivered at the Works. TM. Enquire at Sage's Hotel.; Walton, or of the Foreman of the Works. G. BLAIN, Contractor. Walton, Sept. 29th, 1870. 147— ',R.,3:31\1 -1R., SEVVINC MACHINE OOMPNAY, MoILROY'S BLOCK,—Nos. 61, 63, 65 and 67 JAMES STREET, HAMILTON, ONT., Manufacturers of the Gardner Patent Sewing Machines and Knitting Machines. Separately and Combined. 0 THE SEWING MACHINE Is now ready, and.Vill Be followed in a few weeks by THE' KNITTER, Which can be attached. without difficulty to any of the Company's Sewers. • HE Manufacturers claim that the Sewing Machine is simple, durable, and easily adapt- ed to all kinds of Family and Manufacturers' work; it can be used. by the Dress -maker, Tailor and Shoemaker, with equal satisfaction. The Sewing Machine or Knitter will, be sold separate- ly or combined. In the latter case, by an ad- justment of the driying belt, only treadle and staidis useCI, running each machine separately, orltMh together, as raay be required. The pro- prietors are convinced that this is one of the most useful labor-saving pieces of household fur- niture.ever offered to the public. Call on or ad- dress ! PETER GRASSO, Agent for the Co. of Huron, Seaforth P. 0. Seaforth, Sept. 27,1870. 147— SEPTEMBER 30, 1870. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR AXES ! COUNTY OF HURON, ) T•IDY VIRTUE • To Wit: _ID of a Warrant under the hand of the 'Warden of the County of Huron, and the Seal of the said County, bearing date the seveath day of July. A.D. 1870, to me di- rected, for the collection of arrears of taxes due on the undermentioned lands. These are there- fore to give nOtice that unless the said taxes, to gether with all lawful costs and charges be sooner paid, I shall on WEDNESDAY the 23rd day of llovernber, A.D. 1870, at the hour of one o'clock P.M., at the Court House in the town of Gader- ich, proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes •and charges thereon. Lot or Part TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD. • oi 84 g 03 gi • o cl) $s. cite 0 o.) • o o - 113 P -I 'el C.) 10 4th e. d. 200 p 92 37 3 17 95 54 N A 4 9th " 100 u p 90 94 3 12 94 06 N 1 10th " - 50 p 13 13 1 20 14 33 E 1 of E 1 8 12th" 50 u p 36 61 177 38 38 E of N 11 6th w d 50 p 19 57 1 35 20 92 N W 1 2 8th 50 p 23 66 1 45 25 11 E 1 2 do 100 p 45 11 2 00 47 11 s 4 of E 1 . 9th " 50 p 5 80 1 00 680 Sptof Ept 5 do 69 p 34 69 1 72 36 41. N E 1 14th " 50 p 29 75 1 60 31 35 17 do • 158 p 77 20 2 80 80 00 8 E part of S part 28 n t plot f p 4 86 97 5 83 VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT IN ASH- • FIELD. cession or Street 22 W Arthur st. - 1 p 272 23 do '1 p 272 94 • de p 272 25 do 1 p 272 26 do 1 p 272 • 1. 8 Ashfield st. 5 p 10 43 • 2 do 4p 973 25 W Wellington street 1 p..4, 8 13 30 do 1 p *- 729 26 E Wellington street 1 p - 12- 42 1 17 13 Subdivisions of lots 5 & 6 E London Read 1 -E London Road p 268 „93 2 do . 1 p 268-93 3 do p 268 93 4 do • }p 268 93 6 do p 268 93 8 , do .. f p 268 93 9 do p ' 2 68 93 10 do f p 268 93 2 S E William street p 267 93 3 do 1 ' p 267 03 • 4 do f p 267 93 6 do 1 p 267 93 7 do + p 2 67 93 8 do p 267 93 1 N W William street p 267 93 4 do 4p 267 93 5 do p 267 93 6 do - f p 267 93 2 S E Arui street 1 p 267 3 do 4p 267 2. 67 2 67 2 67 93 3 65 93 :365 93 3 65 93 3 65 93 365 1 12 11 55 1 10 10 83 107 920 1 05 8 3 4 do 1 p .5 do 1 p 8 do 1 p 1 N W Ann street 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 93 '3 60 93 3 60 93 3 60 93 .3 60 93 360 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 3 60 3 60 , 3 60 3 60 3 60' 3 60 3 60 3 60 VI4LAGE OF-DtTNGANNON IN ASHFIELD. 28 Mallough's Survey p 409 97 506 TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. 2 Lakeshore 53 p 30 48 1 62 32 10 2 W Lake road 100 p 54 6S 2 22 56 90 \TILLAGE OF CLINTON. 1 0 256 i P 302 3-16 p 355 4 P 357 1 P 730 1 P 731 4 P , 826 •1 :f P 892 .4 P 953 1 P 1222 W Rattenbury's new survey • - 1 p - 1 39 90 TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH.• 319 95 6 16 1 02 2 41 03 183 90 99 8S 99 88 117 90 381 95 3 13 95 4 14 7 18 3 34 2 73 1 Sr 1 87 2 97 4 76 4 08 2 29 Subdivision of Lot 4 in lst concession 1 5 p 14 40 1 22 15 62 6 5 p 9 73 1 10 10 83 5 p 9 73 1,10 10 83 p 8 60 1 07 9 67 5 p 9 54 1 10 10 64 5 p 9 54 1 10 10 64 7 15 24 25 26 5 p 9 54 1 10 10 64 Subdivision of Lot 10 in lst Concession 6 1st 10 p 8 30 1 07 9 37 S'• 15 lst „ 11 p 11 75 1 15 12 90 W part 24 2nd C.) 40 p 5 91 1 00 691 N E part 7 B 6 p 20 66 1 37 22 03 W part 9 Maitland, 10 p 5 80 1 00 6 80 NW part 46 " 20 p 17 22 1 30 18 52 S Centre part or E part of W half ' 105 " 36 p 36, 96 1 77 38 73 TOWN OF GODERICH. 10 15 92 94 W part 111 372 392 393 401 555 902 959 962 1044 1048 _W 4 1058 1115 E f 1188 . 1232 E4 131• 6 1323 p 21 00 1 40 22 40 p 13 34 14, 20 14 54 I p 17 41 1 30 18 71 I p. 17 41 1 30 18 71 p 5 66 1 00 666 I p 15 47 1 25 16 72 p 8 41 1 07 9 48 4p 9 34 1 10 10 44 p 2 75 93 3 68 p 13 50 1 20 14 70 p 16 24-1 27 17 51 p 19 34 1 35 20 69 p 19 22 1 35 211 57 • p 43 72 1 95 45 67 1 p 15 31 1 25 16 50 p 365 95 4 60 p 1 41. -90 2.31 11-20 p • -84 88 1 -72 'VA p 392 95 4 87 1-40 p- 33 88 121 1.6p 12i 90 2 15 _ Lot. , Con. .Ac. Pt. Taxes Costs Total 11332324i " p 2 05 93 2 98 1-5 p 1 25 90 215 113381- " p 2 24 93 62 3 17 , ," p 224 93 3-17 70 Su bdivisiox)., o, f plots 21 &23 0 3 con.. A.,2 13 77 " p 406 97 5.03 1 :Subdivision of lot 4 CM. A " . 5 10 1 00 66 1166 10 , c 55 116° 100 1 °° 5 16 1 09 6 16 3 41 5 44 P 6 16 7 if. P p) 123 '90 21313 12 it i 14 4 t 1 23 90 2 16 61 44 11.)) 1 23 90 2 1133 20 4 i p• 1 23 90 2 193 22 i I p 1 03 90 103 90 1.93 24 p 103 90 193 p 103 90193 30 , , p 103 90 193 32 df P 1 03 90 193 34 ,, ,13 1 03 90 1 93 - :38 " p 123 90 213 40 , , P 1 23 90 2 13 42 Cd P 123 90 2 13 47 • .,4 p • 11 2233 9909 2 13 2 13 45 ,, P 49 ‘, P 123 90 2 13 50 " p '123 90 213 52 54 " p 103 90 193 56 " , p 103 90 193 64 " p 1 03 90 1 93 " p 103 90 193 66 " p 103 90 193 t)7 " p 258 93 351 69 71 " p ' 132 90 222 73 " p 132 90 2 22 " p 104 90 194 / 81 Subdivision of lot 10 eon. A Park and Marwood's survey P 40 88 1 28 ey S E f 8 Toronto street • 1-2O.p 64 88 152 E 1 7 Cedar st 1-10 p 76 88 1 64 S E f 8 do 1-20 p 38 88 1 26 20 Con. C 10 p 5 13 1 00 6 13 i Subdivisions of lots 17 & 18 con. 0 i 5 1 p 5 16 1 00 6 16 itonst86 ft. front SubdivisiionfsroonftLogtsT303r00 3 478 p 126 88 •2 14 do 3 do 40 ft. front p 329 95 424 do 4 do • 40 ft. front P 32 do . 6 do 53 ft. front9 95 4 24 p 448 97 5 45 do 7 fronting on Picton st. 53 ft. front p 448 97 545 TOWNSHIP OF GREY, S1 N 36 lst 29 4th 24 5th 28 " 29 6th 33 " 34 35 " 32 7th 35 " 35 10th 30 17th 50p 6 71 1 02 7 50 u.p 461 97 5 100 p 42 76 1 '95,44 " u.p 59 50 2 35 61 " n.p 38 21 1 82 40 " p 34 77 1 72 36 " p 34 77 1 72 36 " u.p 34 77 1 72 36 "p 21 33 1 40 22 " u.p 31 09 1 65 32 " p 25 77 1 50 27 " u.p 49 20 2 10 51 73 58 71 85 03 49 49 49 73 74 27 30 VILLAGE OF AINLEYVILLE IN GREY. . 3 Wm. st 1 p 12 55 1 17 13 72 4 do 1 p 12 55 1 17 13 72 TOWNSHIP OF HAY. Northerly 45 acresbeirigN 1 less 5 acres ; off S E Corner - 13 lst ' 45 p 75 69 2 75 78 44 VILLAGE OF RODGERV1LLE IN HAY. 2 4-p 7 94 1 05 899 3 1 p 7 94 1 05 899 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK. S part 30 2nd 50 p .11 26 1 15 12 41 E 1 13 3rd 50 p 12 63 1 17 13 80 28 8th 100 u.p 8 73 1 07 9. 80 13 9th • 100 p 37 10 1 80 38 90- E 1 23 10th 50 u.p 18 72 1 :32 20 04 1 11th 100 " 16 33 1 27 17 60 6 13th 100 " 11.47 1 15 12 62 25 14th 100 p 30 10 1 62 31 72 S E part 8 A 10 u.p 1 30 88 2 18 W 1 24 " 45 p 23 98 1 45 25 43 W4- 25 " 45 p 20 37 1 37 21 74 W part 27 " 34 p 11 11 1 15 12 26- E part 28 " 15 p 1270 1 17 13 96 NW part 31 " - 1 p 3 95 95 4 90 • 2:3 B 100 p 38 61 1 82 40 43 VILLAGE OF WROXETER IN HOWICK. 4 S Queen st, 1 p 69 88 1 57 6 Centre st E - 1-5 p 6 37 102 7 39 2 Main st N 1 p 69 88 1 57 1 Marrietta st W 1 -Sp 88 88 1 76 2 " 1-5 p 88 88 1 76 9 -Mill st S 1-5 p 4 00 97 4 97 2 Newman st. 1-5 p 131 90 221 8 Anna St N p 9 88 88 1 76 88 88 - 1 76 P VILLAGE OF HOWICK IN HOWICK. 143 144 156 178 179 196 1-5 CC p 7 '93 I 05 8 98 p 7 p4 1 05 899 Ir. 264 93 357 p 859 107 966. P 8 59 1 07 9 66 p 37 88 125 VILLAGE OF BELMORE IN HOWICK, 2 Howick st t p 168 N part 3 " 4p 141 5 " • 4p 29 9 ,, 2p 282 3 Kinloss st 1 p 25 13 " 4p 25 90 2 58 90 2 31 88 1 17 93 3 75 88 1 13 88 1 13 VILLAGE OF ALMA IN TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. 27 I P 28 1 P 36 P 70 P 74 • • * P 24 88 112 24 88 112 48 88 1 36 24 88 1 12 24 88 112 VILLAGE OF SUMMERHILL 1N HULLETT. 13 p 24 88 112 VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER IN HULLETT. 15• p 35 1.00 6 35 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. S 4 91st 100 p 23 03 1 45 24 48 S 10 lst I 100 p 23 03 1 45 24 48 N 9 5th 100 p 33 47 1 70 35 17 N 25 8th 100 u.p 84 64 2 97 871,61 VILLAGE OF AINLEYVILLE IN MORRIS. 51 52 104 123 134 135 _ 136 142 143 144 145 p 102 p 477 p 246 4-p 167 P 48 p 48 t48 - 48 4p- 48 p 48 4p 48 90 1 92 97 5 74 93 3 39 90 257 88 1 36 88 1 36 88 1 36 88 1 36 88 1 36 88 1 36 88 1 36 VILLA.GE OF BLYTHE IN MORRIS. ' 61 i p .4 36 97 5 33 -70 4p 1 17 RP, 2 07 71 • 4p 239 . vs 32 73 f p 8 29 1 07 936 89 • 1 p 2 02 93 2 95 90 1 p 2O2 93 295 Lot. Con. A. Pt. Taxes Cod Totocti 91 92 93 94 05 96 97 98 99 • 100 101 108 119 120 130 • 131 132 134 135 • 136 137 138 130 140 141 142 McConnell's Survey " 6 Block C 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Block D it Cl -Ct CI Ct 2 3 4' 4 4' p 4 P P 4 p 1 P 40 88 40 88 40 88 40 88 49 88 40 88 40 88 49 88 40 88 40. 88 128 1 28 128 128 128 1 28 128 128 1 28 1 28 p 81 88 -169. p 81 88 16. 4ri- pp 88.11. 8888 41 669 1411 pP1) 3 244,1°0 898588 4 " 4 p 40 88 12S 404° 8888 /41 >Pp 22 04°022 989383 4 1 p 202 93 p 2 02 93 4 p 202 93 1) 40 88 p 40 88 p 40 88 f p 40 88 1 p 40 88 p 40 88 p 40 88 p 40 88 - 44°0 888 p 8 1 89 90 p 58 88 41 1133 5588 8888 1 28 1 28 1 28 1 28 128 2 95 295 , 2 95 2 95 2 95 1 28 128 1 28 1 28 1 28 128 128 1 28 1 28 2 79 1 46 146 146 TOWNSHIP OF MCKILLOP W4- 71st 5�p 49 50 2 10 51 60 VILLAGE OF SEAFORTH Beattie and Stark's 8urvey 7 Block B " -28 " 1 Jarvis' Survey • " 29 '4 it 39 it CC CC 60 61 106 107 Gouinlock's Survey 84 18 C C 1-10 210 93 303 2-30 93 323 231 93.324 15 10 1 25 13 35 8 19 1 07 926 9 31 1 10 10 11 206 93 3 89 426 97 523 153 90 243 TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY, E part 13 Range A 14 p 24 61 1 47 26 08 7 J 20 p 17 92 1 30 19 22 W part 12 " N 41 p 4 31 97 5 28 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. 8 35th • 50 p 40 14 1 87 42 01 Part 106th. p 5 62 1 00 662 N 4 4 Oth50 p 28 71 1 57 30 28 8 100 p 79 14 2 85 81 99 N 1213th 50 p 22 64 1 42 24 Oe • 11 N Bdy 100 p .55 57 2 25 57 82 12 " 100 p 46 22 2 02 48 24 W 9 S Bdy 50 p 27 32 1 55 28 87 28 " 100 p 71 07 2 65 73 %. VILLAb-E OF CREDITON IN STEPHEN. 5 p 1 33 90. 2 22 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. Centrep't 16 lst Huron Road Survey 41 p 294 93 3 87 VILLAGE OF EG-MONDV1LLE IN TUCKER' 1 Clinton st I p 89 88 1 77 TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY. N part S part N 1 32 32 '- 40 lst .26 llth :31 " 60 p 56_ 13 2 27 58 4C 30 p 29 11 1 60 30 71 50 p 8 32 1 07 9 39 100 u.p 32 25 1 67 33 92 100 " 54 66 2 22 56 88 VILLAGE OF WINGHAM IN TURNBERRY. Park kt 42 " 43 59 173 227 LC 61 25 90 2 15 6' ].)i.25 90 215 5 p 426 97 523 p 76 88 164 p , 76 88 1 64 VILLAGE OF ZETLAND IN TURNBERRY, 10 4 il? il- 53 97 . 5 5C 11 -.!-; p ,4 53 97 550 81.3.p. 12 23 1 17 13 40 TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. S part 19 lst • 45 p 50 59 2 12 52 71- E half 14 N E Bdy 50 p 16 54 1 27 17 81 VILLAGE OF EXETER IN USBORNE. (Subdivision of 17 & 18 con. lst - 21 McConnell's survey f p 80 88 168 37 do 4p 58 88 146 38 do 1 p 58 88 1 46 39 do 4p 58 es 146 43 ,do 4p .294 93 387 44 do f p 294 94- 387 45 do - f p 2 94 93 ( 387 Subdivision of lot 20 con lst 12 McConnell's survey. + •p 12 07 1 17 13 24 35 do • 13 do i 1-.)) ° 41Q 1 Y. 1• 190 CQ 1 2 tt t4 CC CC CC TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH. S 31 11th 100 u.p 48 65 2 07 50 72 VILLAGE OF BLYTHE IN E. WAWANOSH • 81 20 21 22 28 32 37 P 148 90 228 p 148 90 23 p 148 90 2 38 p 3 37 95 432 I p 167 90 257. p 3'73 95 4 68 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAW.ANOSH. N 1 18 lst 100 u.p 41 26 1 90- 43 16 • W 1 24 4th 100 p 87 31 3 05 90 36 E 244th 100 p 91 00. 3 15 94 15 E4- 14 12th 100 u.p 39 54 1 85 41 39 VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER IN W. WA,' • WANOSH, 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 VILLAGE OF ST. HII,LENS NOSH- Mather's Survey 7 P VILLAGE OF DUNGANNON NOSH. MeMath's Survey 36 p A. M. B, Co. Treasurer's Office, Goderioh, July 8th, 1870. 5 112 90 202 112 90 202 112 90 2 02 112 90 2 02 112 99 202 112 90 2 02 :112 90 202 112 90 202 IN W. WAWA - 3 71 95 466 412.97 509 IN W. WAWA. 7 56 1 05 861 OSS, Tresinirer, Ca Harm s WM. F. LUXTO VL A NO BUS1N TRACY, East efiftril Aieth° Seaforth, Doe.. 14t ID C. MOORE, alte, offfUnieraand es rsityr„2111 Zurich, Sept. 7th, TAM.t.S STEWA1 of McGill Unive Surgeon, &e. Offi thores, Varna. Ir. W. R. &MIT Offiee,—Opposi (lence—Main-street, Seaforth, Dec. 14, ilirr L. VERCOE, -geon, etc., Of of Market and High of Kidd & Melvin -1k' Sea.f4th, Feb, 4t JCAMPBELL, M . Gill University, geon, ete.,Seaforth,. Post Office Building, found by night or du Seaforth, July 15i 711)0 F. WALKER, U. Public, &c. Office; Court House, Gaderi: N.B.—Money to le Lands. Geclerich, Jan'y. 2 ICAUG HEY At Attorneys at and. insolvency, Not er.s. Solicitors for th Agents for the N. te le Houses and Lots- for Seaforth, Dee. 14th, 'DENSON & AffEYE j.) at Law, Solicit() ency, Conveyancers, fiees,—Seaforth and Trust and. Loan Co. e Colonial Securities Money at 8 per cent.; TAS. JL13ENSO. Seakirth, Dee. 10th DE 14:113111/1 10rat*estri'mi • . eiMaTi lec)tel: tender tee: care taken for tile pre Rooms over Collier's S • Saeforths Dec. 14, 11 HO C0 MMERC1AL H Laird, proprietor; modation for the tray and. bar are always markets afford. Excel Ainleyville, April 23 17- ONX'S HOTEL 4 d.ersigued begs te! liberal patronage awar in the hotel business, that he has again res stand, where he will from old friends, and 1 41 Seaforth, May 5, 187 JR. RO8S, Propri • begs to inform the, the travelling conartmni` first-class accommedati by travellers. A good always on hand, Reg every necessary attenti Seaforth, Feb. Sth, 1 _110RITISH EX011A. _I/ ONT., 3. ALLAW WILLI/MS, (late of Am Y.) Manager. • -This he ly furnished, and refitte one of the inest ennif9rt the Province. Goad Sa cial Travellers-, Terms Goderich, April 14,1 MISCEL 0 HARP'S LIVE1W • SEAMTII. Mitt always on hand. at reaso R Seaforth, May rith, 1870 MAILL & CROOKE 0 and bpecifieitions ter's, Plasterer's. and ' and valued. Offieg-4)1,T store; Court -House 'Sq Goderiek April 23, '18 & w AUPETT4L1 4 ,yeyars; Civil Enbi of Conveyinang donewi G. McPhillips, Commis.. Next doer south of Sha Seaforth, Dec.' 14, : T1 lIAXLEIITTRST _Dv,: the County Particular : .attentio'n Stock: FirinSteck S Tennii. Goods Apprais Landlord's Warrants E First Division Court for Godetich, June 9th, I