HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-09-09, Page 2;- 7L: • L 7 11! , E , •! ; — - r t. , • • u - - i 7 „ti 73 • a t • " A • In the formation the militai only sew' Prussian pies, each pally is for letons, fo but if th as sixty -f four divis tions. T of subdivis pany drawn up rank of th now tornii purpos eito form a line of fo ing a front of sixteen sometimes companies other, som hundred y of his com being led or 11011-00 are in rear third coin} ans believe Sian capta talion of a can effect. fault with es confusio subdivisiol itsel f into sustained mander,of visien over also by so who served Prom section of blessed wi showers th ons have b drough t. the centre the St. La itege tation. ty leagues from bele Blanche, three mont seed put in initiated in tures soon none. Ns cessity pull cattle into itself is wr high, looki a dozen pa must face most reaciii Ontario fr received fr prospect of -ern part of be more th parts of th be quite whole has prices ef al year promis pei ity. A PI In the i rulers or s though und Dutch, ins ried to the being deliN.- 1 externals o ury. Thei rich colors, blue, and o eraOnds. S twenty-eigl figare, his his eyes lar ed eyebrow ticoat and pical parrot hundred co thousands Ile had be and his thir day old. w French Yin child of the ed to pass brothek, a As to the li all dresssd DEPOSLN of the Beac the Huron were surpri the church crowd of pe building, ta ing demon bei first irapres and unusua -- had forgott day and pl in the Fath of opinion the congreg ness, &c., a in .his being There a.pp largest seem ed to the m without frie laer of app&r around him, calmly sury the combata ister and, h reigned in • THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Niasimmaiwor SEPTEMB'ER 9, 1870. le Prussian Company. • A Queer Gunboat. — Seaforth Founk , : • , 0 U S TO M . .. TAIL0RI-IN G . . .,. ,. 1-00.01E- .' 0-C7-'1' POP. _ iti , ,,,-;", R, 461, A. 1 ,s . 1 _______. _ _ -se.. . campaign of 1863 the Prussian of the company column was to- y student au object of interest .d. to the Ineedle-gun. Every atttalion consists of four compa-, numbering 250 well. , The com- med into two , divisions or pele- r subdivisions, eight sectie.ns ; e company numbers as many eur files, it is cut up into .Ons, eight subdivisionse six sec- le company column is a column ions, eight in number (if the cons- m a fbotina of wai strength), 'in two rankbs, the orieinal third . IN e company when acting in line ig en extra division for ekirmisla bss. The battalioe, when order- column of companies, 'represents ur (iolutnne, each columu show- of at least eight men, a.nd a depth men, thn two centre oompanies forming a double column. The act -quite independent of each E)times being at an interval of a Lrds. The captain is at the head any in front, each subdivisios, a its right flank by a subaltern ninissioned officer. The colors of seventh subdivitien of the any. Thus formed, the Prussi- that 250 men, led by the Prus- in. can do all that a whole bat- ly other army otherwise formed The French tacticians find great this system, alleging that it caus- a from the crowdino• of the rear ,:, _ .8, and that the attack resolves . i number of isolated engagements ,y leaders of companies, the -come the battalion loositig all euper- his men. The opinion is held Le Prussian officers of experience in the war of 1866. -. - , The famous gunboat invented by M. Far- ry, naval lieutenant, ' hes been. sent from Cherbourg ii#o . Strasburg, by . way of the Seine and the canals. This gunboat seems to haVe solved the problem of a craft pos- s.essing a vet.), light drat; of -"retell a.rld able to carry a single gun of the largest'cialibre. It was built at St. Denis, near Parisein the workshop of Cladarede & Co., and is n'othing more than a floating gun -carriage. Its' di- meneions are fifteen meters in length by four meters sixty. centimeters in breadth ; and elthough it has a displacement of 44 tons,"it draws but three feet of water. This is due to the peculiar construction of the hull. which is grooved longitudinally', the grooves so dividing the water as to offer the least resistance, giving at the 'sense time 'great steadiness to the vessel. It is pro- ' pelled by two small enginiks of five nominal horee-power, caPable of working up to 40, and connected with two independent screws Its average speed is six knota and a half, -abundantly sufficient for fighting purpose& By the help of its two screws it turns with unusual quickness, and in the same length of time whether. with the rudder alone or With the two screws, in either 'came not ex- ceeding one minute five secOncls for a circle. But the dienseter of' the circle varies, being about 220 feet with the rudder alone; while with the help of the two screws acting in opposite directions, the vessel turns literally in its own length. It is needless to remark on the importance of the readiness' with which such a craft can be handled in action. In this cese the vessel will perform a rev°. 1 ti tion in less • time than the gun can be load- ed. And -notwithstanding her extreme sniallness, the is nevertheless to a certain extent seauorthy, being fittted with a 80718.7 avant, ending in a prolonged spur or bea.k. When a we've strikes this beak, it is broken and, dividing to starboard and port, pastes _zAppwARTER - - . . . _ r _ . I :I • DESIRE TO CALL THE ATTENTiON OF ' THE PUBLIC TO THEIR . - . 411; )iimmi cc • i_ain• -.-.-.) , ...-Pa' `,., , ti . ,., , 47771.7P173i /4111 ,re.""...... - . saw Z = IN'A ril \ ' - '-' - .... ,,. *F"I Ir! % a) li - . - eta etel ' - a•a' . __ . em, - - a-- . e , mead 4 i ''--: r.,,,\A s, .3 ta's - _ -.,,,,c CI) '' i . -- , 1, — iiii cc .--. . ...„ . _. (at • . . , .. - ‘h. ;mil . -' Est 4,1 ' -'' i ' t -. - , 1 f , , • -. 1 4 . - . -. parl• .4... =, , , - . --2-. . , _ . ,•--, iiii ••-•,. mai t •,',,,''''.-4`',:- • - - e ,. ' -4e. se Cr; ., . = `i'7.- -,.., . . . rpHANKING the p-ablie for theirliberal patron- 1 age extended to us .since commencing ,.busi- ness, we hope by strict attention to merit a con- tinuance of the same. . t N. Liw- GooD8 .. I 14 . JUST RECEIVED . 3 EMBRACING THE . ._:, LATE sT sly s LE . In English and " Canadian . . ' . CITaiTaisTa- 1 Parties who may require Cutting done, can have it executed with Accuracy, Neatness, and Deipatch, at MODERATE PRICES. . SUTHERLAND BROS. SEAFORTH, September I, 1870. 82 - . - • liwring&liarvest TOOLS. - -..• rr ee, 111 U I) S ..4 U,4 5. . B Y • , . WM. OA M P BE LL, Merchant Tailor, . -. New York I ease , 9 SEAFORTH ONT. ii.a . • , 1!: , - - --I.:, A - .cnDvo .1 els . Grass& Graiii Scythes HAY AND STRAW %J. I r‘'1/4); R A K E 'SI MORGAN AND MULLEY - cL 4) . - ', g's1 ''''-‘ ! \ IN al.) .. ,.. a eel • e i 1 I I 4- = s• = : ' . -Cit a ' - :Md , jeuill• 7.J ' : Ltd . Thes.e machines Orr -any heretofore it • g Machines constructed for size, calculated 1 Solar. ahs their F(• ulcomiliotNas 1 . They manTufacture , proved , In addition facture almost. SAWING Capable of sawing STRAW GANG . • The CULTIVATORS Which M sa. possess many improvements made They are manufactur , ' •„ ., • of IWO SIZEs, one especially travelling ; the other a smaller more especially for HOME USE. large mvachRine has ,bie,en AinTtrso: given the E Y• .BES . S I. , the Pitts' Im- Horse Power. to the above, the subscribers manu- every article in their line, such as MACHINES, from 5,i0 to 60 eerds , of wood per (Lay. CUTTERS , 1 ef A Superior kind. PT OWS, _ Latest Impro-ved. -AND PLOWS cannot he stirpassed. . 0 _. All of 0 and ROBERTSON ) the Best at the . mg Prices, •-,...---,-- . , Lowest .4 Materials) at _ . j Liv- , & / Coss . CENTLEMEN 3 . _.... , , A 'IP 11 E -1\ TIONt Crop Prospects. entreel papers we learn that one on eithereside, ot,falls harmlessly on deck if it reaches so -high. • • • ------sieseee he Province of Quebec hes been . . How To Put Up Ligtning Rods. _ _ .. __-- ------ • -=_--- - = ---..-_- f , ,,..-_-------------_-; 1 ---__,... . ,_......„,_ _ ....,:_ _ --_=2,"------ . 4. . Hats that are HA.TS I. . ._„,_. , ___ ,-_-_-, _........... -.T.t,-...•-„- -,..--;- ,r. ---•-•E-.. :---- ._ 7-•r,4 ..-- c. _ . , __ .... -, _ -, — — , I - - 7-- ---- -, -,- "_=-__ i -‘ .":"__-_ • ,-- , -__,_Lt. _____,-.-,---\.„1„.... .___ r! -----=/...-L-=-- --- . r lr-t -- ---"..----7--z- / Amiti.:- /- S-7,1' . -..___.,.- ______________,=•.--,, „..,._. - , -----x.4 -.,---- -II = ---,..-.4 I ,, ,Ju._. _Tat., j 7---- eat=e-s eeseessa =---.11 -,h copious rains and frequent roughout seed time, other secti- en doomed to an unprecedented rhe rflaree Rivers district, and region along the north shore of rrencea is rich with luxuliant On the othet• haad, some' thir. Alono• the south shore, extending N- d'reen Island to the River re menaced with famine. For hs not a drop- of rain fell ; the the greund in May had not gser- . the last week in June ; the pas gave way ; hay crop there is ny farmers in their extreme ne- - ed down their fenees and let the their grain fields, but the grain Itched. not more than five inch -es ig red and scorched. There are ishes where both maa and beast i. winter of 0harp privation, al- ng the gravity of a famine. Ie lin the accounts that have been im all quarters, there is every an average crop. In the west- the province there will probably in averaee crop, while in some r, • - Central district there will not ' i everaae. The harvest or the 0 been a bountiful one, and as, kinds of grain are dood, ' the es to .he one of .plenty and pros_ .4.. - Profeseor sticution, gives fOr the erection 1. The rod of about one throughout perfect metal ed together 2. TO se.eu be coated wit conductor., _ 3. It should num point. 4. The shorter of the rod to ings shotild aeuteatigles. 5. It should by iron oyes, these cyhnders by evet, coesider ance.) 6. The rdd earth in the and nothing to place it in pipes, or better, This connection of copper or tod it one of around the tidn of this the b be ' is iron pipe kind Henry, of' the Smithsonian Ill- th'e following instructions of lightning. rods :— . should consist of round . iron inch in diameter ; its parts, Whole length, should be in. ic continuity, by being secur- coupling ferrules. e it from rust, the rod should , black paint, itself a good terminate in aisingle plati- - - .. and more direct tlitecourse the :earth the better ; bend- rounded; and not formed in be ,fastened to the building and may be insulated from of glass. , (I -don't, how- the latter of mita import • - ,,, should be eonneeted with the most perfect, manner passible, better for this .purpose than metalic contact with the gas the -water -pipes of the city. may be made by a ribbon" soldered to the end of the its extremities, and wrapped at the other. *Het connee- is . impracticablet the rod A Fine , . G T.: '-. OF FASHION'S NEW SEAVORTH, THE CEIVED July . Assortxnent T S' VERY JUST AT YORK WM. CAMPBELL. 28, 1870. , of - A_ T St 1 LATEST RE-- - THE • HOUSE 54 -- , :. _-_------ ..a.,..---7,-,---;---2-.: . -:Ta---___----_-2. a -E. -es.- er: .. E-_-!..7.7 7-- 7 ------'-':---es le' Immini._ ...,.:...--_-_-- -:-_-_-• . ---, . ____ 1 !: ...-'-' = ,:_-_,._. .- -,-...... ( _-,--,,,z1i, — = . ..i ro... , . -- . 7 17.11 :' 1.-:'Zt i — — • ' - . . * — — VT—±13 2 -se - - •,--e-2r='-lig ! ',:±;..._: ._ . EVERY DESCRIPTION OF . c .A_ s rr I.1\TC4-.S 1 MADE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. ---0 — . They have a highly approved pattern for sCHOOL i DESK IRONS. . REPAIRS IN ALL BRANCHES ' • Attended to Promptly. ' - . ear They employ no Agents„and can therefore give the purchaser the advantage of the com- miTsshieon. y employ none brit the best .skilled labor, and material, which warrant! them in guaran- teeing satisfaction. INTENDING PURCHASERS WILL PLEASE GIVE US A CALL BEFORE BUYING FROM OTHERS. ZA PFE, & CARTER. .8eaforth, September, .1870. - 143-1y— - ,...., . --- ie SICNOF THE I. CIRCULAR SAW ! „ za) ... - 4; ...-• P x , .1-4 g ;...1 7 -0Th - two d t * cl) F.* 0 , - -Amnouneemen ! . _ ., c„," PIN■4 ,zt ,lis ct g ,.._ , C.) C/I •1 • nnHE SUBSCRIBERS DESIRE TO INFORM _t_ THE PUBLIC THAT THEY HAVE COM - MENCED THE ' BOOT AND - SHOE 7 . • BUSIN SS ! hi the Shop One Door South of JohnLocran's Store and near-. b ) ly Opposite Kidd & McMulkin's - ' MAIN STREET ' 5 S ..A. F 0 1:2., 'T MI - ttih • 4,1 ;Ci& 4 Cf) • cit. F..0 ct 0 ' Z 1.4 q ,I../ 07.4 z piii ctei has C::) i w4 41.1 i...-.1 : _ . _ The Whirlwind of .Preju- . - • dice Overcome ! -.4e. n,„,,, talik : , 1--,1 ' 14 Iml cc , Aii. p.m . (:P cet_ '15 .:7i )-4 ).1.,1..) 1.1 - 's .;..., . 1c1 4. Si,) Pit (-•-••) LoniC::) Por•Q >,...., ‘,..1 o ACCOMPLISHED /VT LAST! , 4.i . pei : •t,„„,,, . 7771, ' 4.1 4.,) c 1 , , N ,__.„.,*. l'..° P; ‘141 P" . .. 0 THE INVENTION OF THE DOMINION CHURN i PROVES THE SUCCES OF SCIENCE - AND PERFECTION. • Lee for Brigham Young. terior of Java are several -native 'Itans ; and these PersgBages, el: the entire control of the much that their letters are. car- residency for examination before a•ed at that place, keep.all the ''. the most profuse Oriental lux- 7 courts are ble-ndecl coefusion of notably rose colet. scarlet and- f sandalwood,. gold and .dia- than Sousouhounan IX. is on bl• a yeais old ; he is of ..elegant „oinplexion is of a pale -green, ge and haggard, with great paint- should be , continued horizontally co the . nearest well, and then turned vertically down-vard until the end enters the water as deep as the lowest level.. The horizontal part of the rod may be buried in a stratum of peunded charcoal and. ashet. The rod shohld 'se placed, in preference, on the west side of the bniading. A rOd of . this kind may be put up -by an o '1. • bl' k 'ti it platy ac srm I. The rod in question is in accordance with Our latest knowledge of all the facts of elec- tricity. Attempted improvements on it . are worthless and as a gener0 thing, ale , pro'posed.by thote who are but' slightly ac- quaint's' with the sabject. . GRANT'S PATENT : , orse , .._ . H HA "V FORK / . WITH ROPEAND PULLEYS TO SUIT 1 ALSO WATER LIME - AND . CALCINE PLASTER. ,, ., The Nicest Butter can be made in from one to FivelMmutes. - . Seing is Belie/twig. Using ,is Con- V17/C7,ng. . • sa . :From their lono' experienceinthe t, . ' . Line by using the Best 1Vta-J. tern. and confining them - 3 serves, almost -ex-° _ . elusively to C U ST 0 !VI -W 0 R K ! THEY CAN CONFIDENTLY GlJARANTEE EVERY SATISFACTION. - , They propose to sell at as LOW PRICES as are ,, Consistent with GOOD WORK. , McINTYRE &WILLIS. SEA_FORTH, August 11, 1870. , . N. B. REPAIRINC NEATLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED. 0 140 Its merits are manifold, and its works produced as if by magic, by such simple and novel mechan-- ism seems truly wonderful. The public have be- come heart” sick trying new Churns, but here is' a thing of merit, palpable to all; and. in. introduc- ing it he knows that he is asking public attention to a perfect thing where perfection is possible— :it has no fault. This is no ordinary invention, but one of vast merit, importancoa.nd usefulness. A careful examination is called for. A candid expression of opinion is asked, that its adoption may be speedy and universal. . o - We are determined not to / be Undersold by any House in the Trade. s. This young men, -whose pet- rest made him look like , " Show . Him the Apple." . a tro- , was surrounded by three lam- Isins.and nephews,' 'and four lords and officers, on all • fours. n married at twelve years of aga ty-third son, a ho wling baby of a s brought in to be shown the Lars. This, in fact, was the grand Sultana, and was - destin- Ryer the heads of his thirtv-two .d to in,berit his father's throne. ttle sisters, 'there are forty-eight, in/diamonds. , A few months ago, in the narrow main street of the clean little market town ot Woodbridge, the following incident oc- curred, illustrative of the power of kind - a • ;ness to animals : A horee was- pulling -a heavily laden cart up a little rising -ground in the street above named, when the poor animal, which seem- ed. to have more load than 'enough, jibed / and persistently refused to proceed any fur- then . . 'A - gaping crowd soon surrounded the hOrse, Pa- CALL AND BE CONVINCED. NO TROUBLE TO -SHOW GOODS. • SEAFORTH, June 93, 1870. 112— The Dominion Churn -will be on exhibition at Kndx's Hotel, Seaforth, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays and at five o'clock on each of these days, tile subscriber will give practical proofs of the real value oEfDtwheTitrRtiDcle TENNANT. Seaforth, August 26, 1870. , ...._. A 1 Gt, . , ' • -Toilet LUMSDEN . _ • , Has just received a Fresh Stock of PURE 'DRUGS AND CHEMICALS and. Fancy Soaps, Conibs, Hair, Tooth and. Nail Brushes, French-, English, and American. P E R F.LT M E R Y . . , CERTAIN PRESERVATION OF THE SIGHT. .....,- if,_/,", 7---, ..-. ..,,,, el's , " .- .. e_\ se, te a , e- ke le et 1 ...‘„2,,:': M . R. COUNTER; NA' TATCHMAKE AND JEINELER, SEA- FORTH, ONT, sole Agent for the sale of. our Celebrated PERFECTED SPECTACLES, the tense; oft whihh arestemid by uts, from inateriV snit apnuur ea c Aesc.hro- huarredd cusllebciraiilliyariftorajOisiacs puumos matic as can be produced. The peculiar form and scientific accuracy attained , by the aid. of omplicated and. eostly machinery, warrants us sertmg them to be THE MOST PERFECT iSnPaEsCTA.CLES EVER MANUFACTURED. They assist the sigh.t most brilliantly, confer ease and comfort on the wearer, cause a confirm- ous and abiding improvement of the .eyes, land. last a great many years without requiring to be changed. So they are the CHEAPEST as well as the BEST. t; LA.ZARUS, MO'RRIS & Co. 295 Notre Dame Street, (up stairs), Montreal. a& -We employ no Pecilers. - • .-• . New Suits, . , . - --r- -.LN ew Dress Good.s9 ti - . ° - Boots & Shoes. . • i e) ALSO A NICE STOCK OF . CROCER1ES, - i , . . AT . : j Bonthron & Son's • • , . . . Seaforth, April, 14, 1870. 52-tf- 4! A MINISTER.7-A correspondent •ae /elates :—" Travellers alone , b roed Lo Mitchell, last Sunday, sed end• startled ori approaching it Se.bacli's bill to witness a Ople:in. front of and around the lking very- loud ana gesticulat- tratively, the only intelligible g ' Yah, yah," Nay, nay.' The 3ions 'created by this singular 1 scene was that the worshippers n the sacred character of the ce, and were discussing the war gland. It appeals a difference las for some time existed amoug Aim as to the minister's useful- id that the matter - culminated formally deposedi on Sunday, red to be two parties, but the ed to be those who were oppos- . . ulster. The poor man was not ads, however, for quite, a num- ent sympathisers were gathered as, carpet -bag in hand, he was tying thesurging movements of ats. - Finally,the deposed min- friends withdrew, and ' peace r , 7 77 arsaw. cart and driver. . The latter and e bystander. epplied their shoulders one to each wheellof the cart ; a-nother t'ugged at . the ho) se's . head, and the lash was used pretty freely, butall to no purpose, The only effeot was another . jibe ;of the horse, which nearly resulted in the wheel going tin -011A a plate glass witidosy• of the prin- b cipal bookseller's shop. 1 The bookseller, a -shrewd, common-sense man, at once saw how matte's stood, and sodn fetching a large rosv apple; -rushed into the street, arid held the apple ihefore the horse's nose, when, amidtt the -laughter and astonishment of the bystanders, of • went the . gallant grey after the apple, up the hill at a smelt, five- mile -an -hour trot, assif be had only a per- ambulator (baby's carriage) or a halead cart ) behind him. - . ' Reader4--if ever .yoti find a fellow -man hardlir pressed, ----with a greater load than he ca fairly struggle_under---don't use the lash aad hard words, or the shoulder of ill usage; treat him him kindly, say a kind, sympathizing wotd or two, and show a little of that heaven -born quality, mercy. In a word, when you have .a, difficultY with man or beast, don't use the whip, but "show hinarthe apple."—British, Workman. :. .. GENUINE DYE STUFFS Guaranteed to be of the best quality. . . e HorsQ and Cattle Medicines ._ , • Condition Powder. Physicians perscriptions carefully and ace ately dispensed. - I/ LUMSDEN, " , . HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Money ! Money, ! • . TITE subscriber offers for sale" a large Frame Cottage, 30 x 40, new, and Village Lot on the corner , opposite the Baptist qhurch, Seaforth. - Farm preperty would betaken in exchange. Ap- ply on the premises. .. ALEX, McAITRTHER. -- Seaforth, Jan. 28, 1870. , 11- . risHE ilubseriber has received another large re _It mittance of money. for investment on. good farm property, at 8 per cent ; or 10 per cent, and no charges. - JOHN S. PORTER. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 95-tf. a ' s• L> SEPTEMBER • PE BR ,Special nlegra New lork, 31. ''of the Herald, Boni A fearful battle wa to -day by the Pras, Prince and Prince the forces of Mega McMahon (*tureen to welds Montmedv Beaumontal and wa. obstinate resistance frontier. The Prus of the road, and cep camp stores, they di Sition until night el ing the battle was r several dep. London advices sa St. George's Hospite' Emperor, whose heal er the battles of BE were fought the saise seems doubtful, but 1 fill. McMahon has army &stride the Ms perior force on both was already attemit bag the enemy on his munications being be wa,sted no time, b he -could reach the et French reports see either on Sedan or M enemy, whom it is n• at a distance from 01 The Tribune's eors the majority in the no real regrpt at the and Ministers decliel feets guilty of exaspe Protestants shall be t tars the powers of tl preme. She favors even in this crisis. lice proposes to alio remain in Paris on e duct. The _Figaro a saying the people into their own han Prussiane are exter come next. Special correspond Monday.—Pr night have surveyed way from Remlly bridged over the M and thus saving 20m New Yolk, Sept. 1 Brussels, lst—It fresh nettle commene tioa of Sedon. strong position. New York, Sept. cable dispateh repo s battle yesterday, bef eithinfetior force di ground with desperat kao said th-day that A fered nearly as much fighting continues se region. Prussians be to hold the Germans a aLeytioonns., 150,000 stron - The French official 31st a series of engag tween McManon's ar near tne city of Meze na., to 8 p. Out by the Prusssans'froin we had but recently b enemy immediately o • was vigorous at first, to a retrogade movem we took the offensive r• till 7 p. na., when dark operations. After ni the Mense in order to f ray, a few miles eas engagements of this da sensible losses, eithots heavy damage on the on drove the Prussian ed by the ramparts of on the left side of the experienced very heels pelled to retreat,- whicl towards Ville Mentey. successful attempts th in piecing themselves of the Meuse, and on 31st McMahon crossed zon, Ihus furnishing of the dispatch of Kin flounced that he had re yoral the Meuse. Berlin, Sept • 3.--T been made public :-13 niches, Sept. 2, 1;22 p. Ptussia to the Que whereby the army at of war hat just been e Wempfeny, commaudi allMcgahon wins is -1 petor hos surrendered has no comman_deut thing to Regent at Par shall a,ppoint after an at a rendezvous to be haWyhtattaakeconuIrse events A RiBngerwitiaSmeptasilus. t -- Sedan, Sept. LL ---The half past 8"-clocle this in th7hat ehv ec ictaoydr. sa nae ne dd catlzri The enemy was almost London, Sept 3.-7a derof the Emperor and ' ed great excitement. sal to know whether th tion of hostilities and tion of Paris. London, Sept 3.—T ceived here, dated Bru