The Huron Expositor, 1870-08-05, Page 2r THE HURON EXPOSITOR. North Huron ` Fall Show. The. Fall -show of the • North Riding of Huron Ag it:IA: � ral Society will be held in Clinton', on Tuesday and Wednesday; 27th and 28th Septembec,1870, when the follow - prizes will be offered for competition, viz : HORSES --HEAVY DRAUGHT. Prizes, lst 2nd 3rd. Brood mare having raised $ • $ $ 00 foal in 1870 3 00 2 00 1 Spring foal, colt or filly 2 00 1 50 1 Two year old filly . 2 1 50 1 Two year old ge;dbag 2 1 50 1 One year old filly 2 - .1 50 1 One, year old gelding 2 1 50 1 HORSES—GENERAL PURPOSE. Brood mare having raised - foal in I$70. 3 00 2 00 1 00 Spring foal, colt or filly 2 1 50 1 Two year old filly 2 1 50 1 do gelding 2 1. 50 1 One year old filly _ 2 1 50 1 do gelding 2 00 1 50 1 00 Span general, purpose horses, mares or geldings 4 ' 3 Span carriage horses 4 3 Buggy horse, mare or gelding 3 2 THOROUGH -BRED CATTLE. Milch cow having raised a calf in 1870 5 00 3 00 2 00 Two year old heifer 4 3 2 One year old heifer 3 2 1 Heifer calf (spring) 2 1 50 1 NATIVE OR GRADE CATTLE. Milch cow having raised a calf in 1870 3 00 2 0.0 1 00 Two year old heifer - 3 2 1 One year old hei€tr 2 1 50 1 Heifer calf (spring) Two year old steer Yearling steer 2 2 2 Fatted ox, steer, or heifer 3 Yoke working oxen 3 1.501 1 50 1 1 50 1 2 1 2 •1 SHEEP—LEICESTER AND THEIR Aged ram 3 00 2 00 1 00 Shearling ram 3 . 2 1 Ram lamb ` 3 2 1 Pair aged ewes having rais- ed lambs in 1870 3 2 1 Pair shearling ewes 3 2 1 Pair ewe lambs 2 1 50 1 SHEEP—COTSWOLDS AND THEIR. GRADES. 3 00 2 00 1 00 Shearling ram 3 -2 1 Ram lamb 3 ° 2 1 Pair aged ewes having rail- lambs in 1870 3 2 1 Pair shearling ewes 2 1 50 1 Pair fatted ewes or wethers 2 1 50 1 P1GS—LARGE BREED Boar 3 00 2 00 1 00 Sow having littered in 1870 3 2 1 Boar pig littered in 1870 2 1 Sow pig, littered in 1870; 2 1 PIGS—SM A.LL BREED. Boar 3 00 2 00 1 00 Sowhavinglittered in 1870 3 2 1 Boar pig littered in: 1870 2' 1 Sow pig littered in 1870 2 1 2OULTRY. Collection fowls, any breed, Pair fowls, any improved breed, 1 do Brahma Pootras 1 �?o Each Spanish 1 do Polands, 1 do Turkeys, 1 0 -50 do Geese 1 0 50 do Ducks (Muscovy) 1 do do other than Muscovy, 1 Pair Bantams 1 INDOOR DEPARMENT. Four named varieties win - apples, 5 of each 1 00 0 75 0 50 Four named varieties fall apples, 5 of each 1 00 0 75 0 50 Three named varieties win- ter pears 5 of each 1 0 50 Three named varieties fall pears, 5 of each 1 00 0 50 Three named varieties phuns, 5 of each 1 0 50 Best collection open air grapes, named 1 0 50 Best collection- grapes Town under glass 1 0 50 Plate yellow Crab apples 0 50" reel do 0 50 Three named varieties • peaches, 6 of each, 1 00 0 50 MANUFACTURES. 10 yards home-made cloth 2 00 1 50 1 00 do do flannel 2 1 50 1 Pair home-made blankets 2 1 50 1 10 yards factory -made , cloth 2 1 50 1 do do flannel 2 1 50 1 Pair factory -made blan- kets 2 1 50 1 Double set farm harness 3 2 Gentleman's saddle 2 - - Pair gentleman's sewed beast 2 1 do pegged boots 1 0 50 Collection Photographs, 1 do of cabinet maker's .sed ram 2 00 1 00 work, not less than three articles 3 2 Specimen graining on wood 1 - Collection bill posters 1 0 50 VEGETABLES. Four varieties potatoes, 1 peck each, $1 00 0 75 0 '50 Four heads winter cab- bage, named, 0 75 0 50 Nine blood beets, 75 50 do mangold wurtzel, .75 50 do swede turnips, 75 50 do long orange carrot 75 ` 50 do early, horn carrot, 75 50 do white Belgium, 75 50 Peak onions, ' 75 50 Twelve ears corn, 75 50. Three water melons, 75 50 Three musk melons, 75 50 Four heackcauliflowers, 75,; • 50 Peck tomatoes, 75 50 DAIRY . PRODUCE. ,Five pounds frashbutter, $2 00 1 00 0 75 Keg salt butter, (not less - than 45 lbs) $4 3� 2 1 Three cheeses, (not less than 50 lbs each) Factory made, 3 2 Cheese, (not less than - 201bs) dairy -made 3 - 2 Ten lbs maple sugar, 1 0 50 Quart maplemollasses, 75 50 Three lbs honey in comb, 1 50 Loaf bakers' bread, 1 50 Loaf home made bread. 1 50 LADIES' WORK. Tatting, Crcchet. work, Embroidery in cotton and muslin, Embroidery in woisted, do silk, Bead work, Knitting, worsted, Netting, fancy, Patch work in silk, - do in quilt, Gentleman's linen shirt, do cotton shirt (Linen bosom) do Fancy flannel sliirt, Feather Bowers, 44 Hair flowers, Wax flowers, Berlin wool work, flat for framing, do raised,. Braiding in silk, Pencil drawing, Monochromatic drawing, Pair woolen socks, do stockings, do wits, do gloves, Home made quilt, 100050 1 50 1 50 1 -'50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 . 50 1 50 1 50 1 _ 50 1,. 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 0 50 50 50 50 2 , - 1 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 ROOT CROPS. Acre swede turnip. 4 00 3 00 2 00 Half acre potatoes, 3 2 _ 1 Quarter acre carrots, 3 2 1 do mangold wurtzel 3 2 1 Parties competing for any or all of the above root crops will be required to pay an entrance fee of $1 additional. IM?LEMENTS. Iron axle waggon, 3 00 2 00 Wooden do 3 2 Iron Plow 2 1 Wooden plough, 2 1 Double mouldboard do 2 0 Subsoil plough, 2 0 Horse hoe, - 2 0 Two horse buggy, 3 2 1 One horse buggy, 3 .2 1 Fanning. mill, 2 1 Two horse cultivator, 2 1 Gang plough, 2 1 Pair iron harrows, 1 Pair wooden harrows, 1 50 1 00 Field roller, 2 1 Horse hay rake, 2 ` 1 Turnip seed. drill, 2 1 Turnip cutter, 2 1 Threshing machine, 3 2 Set horse shoes, 1 0 50 Specimen coopers' work, 3 pieces, 1 50 1 00 Pump, 2 1 Fork for loading and un- loading hay or peas, 1 0 .0.0 SPECIAL PRIZE. Offered by Mr. McCutcheon, of the Prince of Wales Hotel, for the best crock of butter, of 20 lbs., the lu`fter to be the property of Mr. McCutcheob, . $10 00 FALL WHEAT SHOW. The Fall W1iieat Show of the Society will be held in Clinton, on Tuesday, 23rd of August, 1870, when the following prizes will be offered : First prize, Canada Com- pany's Donation, $30, for best ten bushels fall wheat, any variety, the wheat taking the prize to belong to the Society. Second prize, ,$5. Best ten bushels Treadwell (Fall), $5. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE SOCIETY. 1. All exhibitors taking a prize of ;2 or over, will be required to leave $1 in the hands of the Treasurer as subscription for the following year. . 2. The amount of annual subscription shall be $1. 3. All stock exhibited shall be bona fide the property of the exhibitor. All produce must have been -raised on the farm of the exhibitor, and all Implements and Domes- tic Manufactures must , have been made within the County of Huron by the parties exhibiting them, during the current year, or they will not receive a prize. Cloth, flannel, and blankets must be all wool. 4. Exhibitors should give the Secretary notice of the dif*erent entries they intend to make before the first day of the show if possible, as by doing so they will greatly facilitate the labors of the Directors. All articles to be shown in the indoor depart- ment must be entered and in the hall by .ten o'clock first day, and all entries in tihe outdoor department:must be entered and on the grounds by ten o'clock second day. The Floral Hall will be kept open during t'he first day till six p. m. 5. All sheep must have` been shorn bare since first May during the current year. 6. Exhibitors of Dairy Produce, Grahi, Roots, or Domestic Manufactures, cannot receive both he ,first and.second prizes for any one deseriptign" of {;such :air 'vies. 7. No exhiaiter'`iHhall be allowed to hold his own horse, sheep, or. stock; of any kind, or by any meanie intimate to;. =the Judges that any animal or .article exhibited is his property. - 8. Any person showing the same animal twice at the same show or in any way en- deavoring to impose upon the Judges, shall be deprived of every premium whatever, and be rendered incapable of competing on any future occasion. 9. Judges and Directors shall have dis- cretionary power of awarding extra . prizes on any article not mentioned in the above list, and they . may also refuse to award a prize on any article that ismentioned should they consider it not merited. 10. Exhibitors will not be allowed to re- move articles from the -ephihition building until four o'clock p. m. of the second day. 11. All parties exhibiting thorough -bred animals must produce pedigree to the Di- rectors on the day of show and also certify to the age of yearling heifers and calves. 12. Butter shown us rresh bitter must be suthciently salted for immediate use. 13. Animals and articles taking prizes will be distinguished by the Judges attach- ing cards 1st, red ; 2nd. blue ; 3rd, yel- low. • elb C O 0.3 eip C WATCH ES. WATOHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS One of the Largest and Best Assorted Stock in this line, s to be found at M. R. COUNTER'S, OPPOSITE CARMICHAEL'S HOTEL. SEAFORTH, March 31, 1870. 52— SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, Sash, Door, and BLIND FACTORY o HE Subscribers beg leave to thank their nu- merous customers for the very liberal patron- age extended to them since commencing business to Seaforth, and trust that they will be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would do well to give them a call, as they will continue to keep on hand a large Stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, &C., - They feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour them with their" patronage, as none but first class workmen are employed. ,' Particular attention daid to Custom Planing. BROADFOOT & GRAY. GREAT LEAR1NC SALE! THE term of partnership having expired by li- mitation of time, the subscribers areclisposed to sell off the whole of the stock at present in their store as quickly as possible. WE HAVE DETERMINED TO SELL At and Below Cost FOR ONE MONTIL FOR CASH OR TRADE. FARMERS AND OTHERS MAY DEPEND ON GETTING BARGAINS AS THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD& N. B,—No goods entered during the sale. KIDD & McMULKIN. Seaforth, June 14th, 1870. 131. BACHELORS! GET MAKKIED, AT ONCE, AS FTJRNITURE Is 25 per cent. Cheaper THOMAS T B E L L'S wafeEsooMs. HE HAS ADDED STEAM POWER To his Facilities, and is now selling' T holesale and Retail. Be Sure to Call before Pur-, chasing Elsewhere. WARE ROOMS OPPOSITE KIDD & McMUL- KIN S. WORK SHOP, CORNER OF MARKET • SQUARE. TURNING done on the Shortest Notice. COFFINS kept constantly on hand A HEARSE FOR HIRE. SEAFORTH, JUNE 30, 1870. _lIUSIC, lIi7SIC. A HANDSOME FIVE OCTAVE MELODEON FOR SALE, 3AANTTFAG'TURED BY R. S. WILLIAMS, TORONTO. The undersigned will receive orders for PIANOS or MELODEONS, and for piano tuning. Orders left at the TELEGRAPH BOOK 'STORE. C. ARMSTRONG. Seaforth, June 3, 1870. 131-tf. AUGUST 5, 187 0. STRAY COME. CAME into my premises, Lot 12, Con. 3, in the township of Grey, on the 16th inst., A RED COW, with white back. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. ROBERT I4AIDLAW- Gr-ey, July 15, 1870 137 -3 -- ESTRAY SOW. C AMB Into the premises of the subscribers, Lot No. 10, Con: 4, Turnberry, on or about the 6th of July last, A SOW PIG. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. JAMES ELLIOTT. Turnberry, July 20, 1870. 137 -3 -- NOTICE TO DEBTORS. LL persona imdebted to the late firm of Zapfe & McCallum, are hereby requested to call and settle the same with the undersigned on or before theist. of March next, otherwise costs. will be incurred. ZAPFE & CARTER, Seaforth Foundry. Seaforth, Feb. 15, 1870. 115-tf. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE! o --- OP. SALE. CHEAP, A DESIRABLE NWEL- LING HOUSE Pleasantly ,situated, on St. John Street, Seaforth. For further particulars apply to JOHN SEATTER, Druggist, &c., Main St. SEAFORTH, July 14, 1870. 136-tf.— MONEY TO LEND. N Farm or desirable village property at 64 per cent. Payments made to suit the bor- rower. Apply to A. G. McDOUGALL, Insurance Agent and Commissioner, Seaforth, or to JOHN SEATTER, Exchange Broker, Seaforth, March 25th, 1870. 1 _ MR. JOHN THOMPSON THANKS his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will receive its continuance, He has now on hand a large assortment of Good Sound Green Hemlock Which he warrants will give. satisfaction. ALSO 200,I00 FEET OF PINE , CUT FOR BUILDING AND GENERAL PURPOSES Which he offers on liberal terms. Orders will be promptly attended to. He has also on hand a large assortment of WELL SEASONED ACCOUNTS 1 To which he calls the attention of his old custo- mers, who will find it co their advantage to re- tire them promptly, and without legal proceed- ings. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 84-tf: F AR MEP', GO TO M'NAUCHT AND TEEPLE, FOR WAGGONS. BUGGIES. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, and in fact, anything drawn. by the horse. A large assortment always kept on hand. and for first- class HORSE SHOEING &JOBBINGthatis the place. A large stock of Dry Oak, and other *Lumber, also Dry Waggon Spokes, for Sale. Seaforth, Feb. 4th, 1870. 11-1y. - TEETH EXTRACTED' WmTHOU1 PAIN, CCARTWRIGHT, L. D . S., Surgeon Dentis, Extracts teeth without pain by the use of the •Nitrous -Oxide Gas. Office, -Over the 'Bea- con' store, Stratford. Attendance in Seaforth, at Sharp's Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednes- day of each month ; in Clinton, at the Comnierc- ial Hotel, on the following Thursdays and Fridays. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to cail, if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first days of attendance. Over 54,000 patients have had teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, at Dr. Ooniton's offices. New York. Stratford, Fed. 11, 1870. 114-tf— EASE AND COMFORT THE BLESSING OF PERFECT- SIGHT. There is nothing sovaluableasperfectsight, and perfect sight can only be obtained by using Perfect Spectcles, the difficulty of procuring which is well kuoyvn. Messrs. Lazarus & Morris, Oculists d Optici- cans, Hartford, Conn., Manufacturers of the Celebrated Perfected Spectacles, have after years of Experience. and the erection of costly ma- chinery, been enabled to produce - that Grand Desideratum, Perfect Spectacles, which have been sold with unlimited satisfaction to the wearers in the United States, Prince Edward's Island, and Dorninien of Canada, during the past nine years those Celebrated Perfected. Speotacles• never tire the eye, and last many years without= change. Sole Agent for Seaforth, M. R. • Counter, from whom only they can be procured. LAZARUS, MORRIS & 'CO., Montreal WE EMPLOY NO PEDLERS. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 76.1y. .2, AUG.i ammiammusto The MART The s+ahj„ cious dispo.; talents to t: ed to inflict tion of all acts, also, A thiir being boys foreve have been . that he beca; and probabl the efforts of be anything picion.. uni;- : ers. With ,A in history, h up nights an by the F ht all other boys or elsesl a,ve I to them. No out a single n< g over some If he buys two, father says, Said, my soli. year,' ', and ti those peanuts, when he has quotes uprLci'! time." If he 'c never gets any is its own rew' with the some idea among h aquires his ga' thing, studying in the night in like a Christai rigidly inflicted� any fathers fool. gentlemen were ecrable eccentri duct are only th the creators of it ,Farm Read "Mr. Beeche Mark Lvain) and is carried o1 ciples. . He ne •crop without cc plows and reaps,` Ing to the best'al ities cost more th elements do. complete, the far able investment. its drawbacks. it seeined moral ought to be cut. IQ found --arid befor late, and the hay Beecher raises sot wheat in the cou difference between and its market vX has interfered con as a commercial weakness is hogs; hogs the best gam( buys the original.: half, andfeeds hit eor.n and then sell Jars. This is the E any money on. I he makes seven dt hog. He does no never expects to na and anyway it tura meat of raising th he gets the . worth strawberries wouh if the robins Iconic wont, and hence ti er's farm is not a t, easier on hila if l with some one." BoAT1NG'AT OXF a. long day's ram bit; libraries, alleys, cricket grounds, I ,S nation of the boat -i the evening Tho; Brown at Oxford" scene as depicted Those who have nc anxi ord boat-rac with.such a descrip hardly venture to brdig, over which leading to the rivet. a deep creek), cot stream, down to the here, the spectator the scores of light a beneath him; On t the bend, the river with flags flying, 14 and crowded with athletes. Through side, we catch glmjp rying through the Christ Church, to ,joy the barges. On tib groups are moving o variegated with brig boating dresses of th down the stream are dhscriptions, from tht to the little cocky; undergraduate sits d foot rule, and pro fashion, with a singh row up the. strew a mile above the as they round the las' selves out for a home wildest excitement, the banks keep pace Members of the var the banks, each sc "Well rowed, Mei Oriel 139 The -occupai the furore as the boa' excitement attains its