HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-07-29, Page 8• 8 _��C���,ti��.,��..,� FALL SHOW --1870 The Tncketsmitli Branch Agricultural Society- %viii hold their Annual Exhibition at flip,, 'ocioty's Grounds, in the Village of Seaforth, on, Thursday the 22nd 'and Fri- day the 23rd days'of September, for Farm Stock, Domestic Manufactures, implements; brain, dairy •olluce, &e., when the foil w- ing prizes win be -awarded : CLASS 1st --FARM AND CARRIAGE HORSES Prizes, r t 2nd 3rd.. Best Brood Mare having raised a foal in 1870..$3,O() $2.00 .$1.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 Best Foal " 2 year old filly 2.00 1 50 1.00 2 " gelding 2.00 1,50 1.00 1 . filly 2.00 1.50 1.00 1 ';: gelding 2.00 1.50 1.00. Span draught Horses 3.00 2.00 L 00 C rC carriage Horses 3.00 2.00 0 00 " buggy Horse 2 00 1.00 I CLASS 2nd CATTLE--DURHAMS,, =Best thorough -bred Low- ham r-ham Milch Cow hay- ing raised a calf in 1870 5 00 4 00 3 00 2 year old heifer 4. 00 3 .00 2 00 1 cc heifer 3 00 27 00 1 00 heifer calf 2 00 1 00 " bail calf 2 00 : 1' 00 Herci Book Pedigree of the above cat- tle must be produced on entering age to date from Show to Show. CLASS 3rd -GRADE CATTLE. Best Milch Cow having - raised a calf in 1870 3 00 2 00 1 00 " 2 y=ear old )heifer 3 00 27 00. 1 00 " heifel 3 00 2 00 1 00 " heifer calf 2 00 1 00 ". bull calf 2 00 1 00 " 2 year old steer 2 60 1 OU cr1 " .«2 00 100 " fttt Ox or Steer . 2 00 1 00 " fat Cow or Heifer•. 2 00 1 00 Age from J ant - . e of the above crLt�]P LO date fi uary to January. CLASS 4th- LEICESTER SHEEP. Best aged Ra(1l, 2 years old and over 2 00 1 00 Ram 1 year old 2 00 1 :00. 'Ram Lamb 15.0 " 1 00 CC C CC CC -CC pair ewes having rais- - Att ed' lambs in 1870 ' 00 1 00 CC pair shearling ewes 2 00 1 00 Cc c r ewe 'lambs - -1 _5 0 1 00 CLASS 5th -COTSWOLD SHEEP, Best Ram 2 year old and - over 2 00 1 00 " Rami 1 year oldand - over ' 2.00. -" Rani lamb 1 50 " pair Ewes h o'4 mg _ raised lambs in 1870 2 00 a'r pair shearling Ewes 2 00 " Ewe Iambs 1 50 CLASS 6th -GRADE Best Ram 2 years cid and over 2 00 1 00 fr Ram.'1 year end and over '2 00 1 00 Ram lamb 1 ,50 1 00 pair Ewes having raised lambs in 1870 00 rr pair shearling Ewes 9 00 "- ewe lambs 1. 50 crcc fatted Ewes or Wethers _ 2 00 1 00 CLASS 7th -SWINE LARGE BREED._ BestBoar 1 year old and over 2 00 1 00 Boar under 1 year 1 50 - 1 00 " Sow 1 year old and over 2 00 1 00 " Sow under 1 -year 1 50 1 00 CLASS 8th -SWINE, SMALL BREED, Best Boar 1 year old and over ' 2 00 1 00 CC Boar under one year 1 50 1 00 " Sow 1 year old and _1 00 .1 r)(). 1 00 1 00 1 00 - SHEEP. 1 00 100 • 1 _00 Cc CC rC" THE HURON EXPOSITOR, specimens of leather ° 1 0(1 coopers work, 3 pieces 1 00 assortment ot earthen «tue. 1. tin. work 11-0300 household furniture 2 00 SCC moved home-made quilt 1 00 50 rr { ten yards domestics .cloth, all wool 1 00 5l) 10 " sattinet 1 00 50 10 wool 1 00 50 10 " cotton and wool 1 00 50 ". 1.. pair blankets,all wool 1 00 50 The above must- be the manufacture of 1870. CLASS 12" -LADIES' WORK.. Best loaf 1r me -made bread 100 quilt in patch work 1 00 rr raised or sewed on ground work 1 00 tatting 100 crochet work 1 00 embroidery on muslin 1 00 on silk 1 00 on crape or chenille 1 00 " worsted work, raised 1 00 " braiding 1 00 cC fancy knittii.g 1 00 pair woolen stockin's 1 00 1 pair mitts gloves gentleman's dirt t wax fruit \1'tlx flower paper flowers - - 1 00 5()' CLASS 13 -Fl -NE ARTS, BY AMA- TEURS. Best painting in water col- . oars 1 00 " in oil 1 00 rr crayon 1 00 pencil sketch' draw - in Cc rC 1 ,i CC .Cr cr C: CC CC c 50 50 1 00 1 00 30 1 00 50. 50 50 50 50 5.0 50. .5t 50 50 50' 50 50 ovexl 2 00 1 00 " Sow under 1 year 1 50 1 00 The above sows over one year old must have had pigs in 1870 one or more pigs to be shown with the Sow. CLASS 9th -FOWLS. Best 3 Black Spanish . 75 50 " r r Dorkings 75 50 rr Polands • 75 50. =r Game 75 - 50 "r any other breed 75 50 pair Geese 75 50 cr Ducks - 75 50 Turkeys 75, 50 CLASS 10th -IMPLEMENTS. Best Iron axle Waggon 2 50 1 50 Wooden do - ::? 00 1 00 " double Carriage or Buggy CC Single do . _-- " Iron Plow " Wooden do " double mould do " subsoil do " Souffler or Horse Hoe C. Cl CC rC CC CC. CC CC CC cC CC CC CC : ,CC Cultivator Gang Plow pair iron Harrows " wooden cc Field Roller Horse Hay Rake Turnip Seed Drill. Root Cutter s Pomp Fanning Mill • Sett Horse Shoes 2 50. 1 50 2.00 1 00 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 - 1 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0(.) 00 00 00 00 CLASS 11 -MANUFACTURES Best sett double harness for farm - • 1 50 single r 1 50 gentleman's riding .sad- dle 1 00 pair genas boots 1 00 lady's " : 1 00 CC cc CC Cc Cc CC Icc 1 00 collection of photo- graphs - 1 00 GLASS 14 -GRAIN. Best two Bushels of 1?all wheat 2 00 1 00 200 100 1 50 1 00 150 100. 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 0(1 h 50 1 00 do .I 50 100 1 00 50 1. 00 50 " 2 " Spring " - 2 " large oats `? " e(1111111of1 2 " large peas 2 " small " 2 " 2 rowed barley - " 2 " ".4 or 6 rowed timothy_ flax seed Ct CC '' • GLASS 15 - 11100 'S-A 1) VEGETABLES Best 2,kinds 'of potatoes named, 1-2 bushel of each 75 50 " 9 blood beets . = -50 25 " 9 long maiigels 1 5(1 25 << 0 globe t 5025 ' • 9 swede turnips 50 25 i ' " 9 early -horn carrots 50 05 9 rang oraiigrc red - 50 )5 `:` 9 . white Belgian 50 25. " 4 heads winter cabbage nal) ed 50 255 " 4 cauliflowers 51) 25 - Peck red onions • 50 25 " - " white or yellow 50. • 25 " " tomatoes • 50 25 3 . water melons - 50 `?s " 3 musk melons 30 25 `' .12 ears Indian corn 50 2:? CLASS 16th- HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS est 4. named varities Winter Apples 6 of each " 4 named varities Fall Ap- ples6ofeach 3 named varities Winter Pears 6 of each 3 named varities Fall Pears 6 of each " 3 nanhed varieties ).Tums 6 of each " 3 named varities Grapes 3 clusters of each " 3 Blusters of Grapes of one variety " • 12 yellow, Crab Apples 12 red " " "'12 Peaches. - r "- honey in the comb 61hs ` strained • 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 150 10s) 1 50 100 1 50 1 00 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 CLASS 17 -PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Best named collection of Dahlias not less than 6 varieties 1 00 • " named collection of Roses 1 00 (Blooms) . named. .collection of Verbenas- .. 1 00 ".named collection of Pholxes 4 varieties 1 00 " named collection of Gladiolus 4 varieties 100 collection' of house Plants. and Flowers - 1 00 - CLASS 18 -DAIRY PRODUCE. Best 51bs, Butter without salt 1 00 75 ." 5 lbs Sutter sufficiently salted for table use 100 ' " keg of Butter not less than • 50 200 21bs Factory made Cheese not • less than 5Q lbs each 2 00 2 Dairy Made Cheese not less than 15 lbs each 2 00 100 Factory-macle cheese shall be understood to be such as is made from milk produced, wholly, or partially, from other cows than those owned by the manufacturer Dairy -made cheese than be understood to be such as is produced, wholly, from cows owned by the manufacturer. Any cheese that has been tested before being placed on exhi- bition will be .ruled out. CLASS 19 -ROOT CROPS. . Bost 2 acres sweedish turnips. 4 00 3 00 '2 00 ". 1-2 acre potatoes 3 00 . 2 00 1 00 1-4 acre carrots 3 00 2 00. 1 00 1-4 acre mangel wurtzel 3 00 2 00 1. 00 Parties competing for any, or all, of the above root crops, will have to pay an entrance fee of $1 additional. z RULES AND REGULATIONS. lst. The payment of $1 will constitute a "yearly Membership of the Society and will. entitle the persons, so paying, to compete in any or all of the departments. 2nd All parties having paid their sub- scrption, and only such, will be entitled to compete. 3rd. All stock and articles exhibited must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor. 4th. °A11' grain exhibited must be the growth. of 1870 and produced on the farm cf the exhibitor. 5th. All roots, fruits, flowers anclyvegeta- bles exhibited must have been produced on the farm or garden of the exhibitor. 6th. No person will be entitled . to more than one prize for butter, cheese, grain, roots or fi ruts of the same kind. .i5 100 1 00 • 7th. No animal can he shown in two classes in the same yea). - 8th. AlLarticles for exhibition in the in- t, co the be forwarded • claor del�a�ttnents to Show Room before 12, o'clock noon of the first day of exhibition, and all stock and im- plements to be on tlio ground by sen o'clock a,m. the second day thereof. 9th. The ,;udges will be particularly re- quested to have regard to merit in - all the stock and articles exhibited and to withold any premium if they 'consider the articles as undeserving. 10th. All hems to be brought on the Show Ground in halter or bridle. 11th. No article to be removed froni the Show -room befoie 4 o'clock of the second day of exhbivion :No. 1 homemade, cis boots for $4 : cow hide wirmasm ceps the. judges and managers, and no per- MARKETS. toll can be judge ot his own property. THE 13th. That_ any member violating the SEAFORTH, July 20, 1870. �jarS'.."te A dispatch from Norwood, Ontario, re- ports some particulars of a serious affair which occurred" in the township of Belmont. The body of a child about`` five years old, slightly decomposed, was fount", behind a_ log Ery some girls who were picking lxerries. They informed their mother, and. when she was on her way to the -place, she was over- taken bytwo men in a buggy iirawn by a fast team. They asked about the body and were taken to the place where it was. Thefr pitched it into the buggy and drove away at full speed in the direction of - Marmora. The men, it is said, were masked. Nothing further is known that will explain the mys- terious affair. 12th No person allowed in the I t in ex- cin, $3.50, at Coven;, y s Rules and By -Laws of the Society shall for- feit his prize in such case and shall be • lia- ble to a fine or expulsion from the Society at the discretion of the directors. 14th. All parties competing for root give Secretary c�7 crops must the Secret�i._notice before the first day of October and pray to the Sec- retary or Treasurer an entrance fee of one dollar. \'Vin. 111cOoxx ELL, RO$E1{T GoVENLOCK, Sec'y. Pres. JuLIUS DUNCAN, Treas. P.S.-The directors propose to- have all exhibition of Prime Fat Stock,_ cattle,sheep, pigs, poultry, etc., about the 2nd Tuesday in December, of which clue notice- will. be given. -se •► For the cheapest boots and shoes in Seaforth according to quality go to Coventry's. Owing to representations from . General- Lindsay, eneralLindsay, the Dominion Government have decided to provide targets and ammunition • for every corps -in the Dominion. for ` ball practice, and 200 targets are now being oon�tructed at the Canada Marine Works. Mr. George Pirie died at Guelph at 19 'p.m. 011 Saturday, after two weeks' illness: Mr. Pirie has been connected with the Guelph herr lcl for a period of over twenty rears, and gained considerable respect by his literary abilities. Mr. William Elliott, of C.hingaucousy, brought the first load f new wheat to Brampton, '1 r 1,cla � `lst Frit) sold it for on Monday . , , 81.25 per. bushel. It'vas the red midge- proof variety, and the grain was dry and sound. Wheat, (Fall)- 19 bushel, Wheat (Spring) V bushel, Barley V bushel, Oats 19 bushel, Peas 19 bushel, Btb Butter, 19lb. Eggs. Hides, Sheep Skins, 1:10 to 1.25 1:05 to- 1:16 0:48 to 0:51 0:36 to 0:36 0:55 to 0:60 0:17 to 0:17 0:12 to 0:12 0:00 to 5:00 0.40 to 1:25 CLINTON, July 28, 1870. ,JJJy Teleglvph to the Huron Expositor.) '1.00 to 1:20 1:00 to - 1:00 0:36 to 0;36 0:60 to 0;65 0:50 to 0;50 0.00 to 0;17 0.00 to 0;12 Fall Wheat, per bushel, Spring Wheat, per bushel. Oats, per bushel, Peas, per bushel,, Barley, per bushel, Butter, per per, lb, Eggs, per clot. ST. MARYS, July 28, 1870. (By Telegraph to the Ht son Expositor.) Fall Wheat, per bushel, 1:10 to 1 25 Spring Wheat, pex bushel, 1:00 to. -1 16 Oats, per bushel, Peas, per bushel, Barley, per bushel, Butter per lb., Eggs, per doz. 0.34 to 0 .36 0:52 to 0 60 0:50 to 0 55 0:14 to 0 16 0:10 to - 0„12 .LONDON, July 28, 1870. (Advertiser Report.) White Winter Wheat $1 25 to 581 32 do Spring Barley.. Oats Peas Butter, in kegs, Do in crocks Eggs, 1 28 to 1 35 0 30 to 0 50 - 0 37 to 0 40 075 to 084 0 16 to 0 17 or pada, ..:0 15 to 0 16 0 14 to 0 16 TORONTO, July 28, 1o70. Wheat, s xrin - 1 25 o, 1Iicdge Proof- 25 Souls 40 Treadwell Barley -Inferior An old! pensioner Dale was ins- Oats.....;-..., 1 named stoutly killed cn Saterday forenoon, at the Peas G i lh Stratford. :1 i; sii�� colt Batter -Choice claim , new....... T. R. station b ' Eggs -per doz which he was riding, became restive and -1 1 o 0 50 0 43 0 00 0 17 0 12 backed into a passing train. On opening a box car ot train for Bos- ton, last week, at tiV inds 4', Vt., it was found that' of the one -hundred and twenty five lambs confined therein; and on the wag• to market, only four were alive. One h un- clred and twenty one lambs, crowded into a tight car on a hot day, had been cruelly smothered to death. A man named. George Jeffery employed in the oil iefinery of Messrs. Lawson & Vi- vian, Petrolia, was found dead in his bed on TEutsday morning last. On retiring to bed the previous evening, he complained of not feeling quite so well as usual, but no- thing dangerous was apprehended. On Saturday last,'at noon, the Ship La- borers Benovolent Societyparaclecl the streets of Quebec, headed by the Hibernian band in green uniforms. The 9th battalion band also walked. In their progress they saluted the President of the Hibernian Society, Mr. O'Farrell, who hung out the " sun- burst." During the storm, as Mr. -J. C. Small, of Strathroy, was m the act of helping to car- ry a trunk into Mr. Rothwell's residence, a flash of lightningstruck the trunk, shatter- ing it to pieces, and scattering the contents in every direction. Mr. Small was slightly affected by the electric stroke, but suffered 110 serious in jut y, though it is evident he had a very providential escape. The Orangemen in numerous places, on the 12th of July,, denounced the Ottawa Government, on account of its Manitoba Bill and its general policy with reference to the Northwest. At Ellengowan, near Paisely. after giving three_m:ost enthusiastic cheers for the Queen, they joined in three hideous Hisses, says the Bruce Recon), against Car- tier. The body of a boy of about fourteen, whose name could not be ascertained, has been found in a brook near Belleville, where • he was bathing; and the coroner's jury return- ed a verdict of "found drowned.' The -boy was supposed to belong to Belleville, and had Sabbath School tickets in his pockets,em some of which was the name "J. Niles," and on others the initials "T. W." Speculators have been purchasing buffalo robes from Indian tribes : that have been suffering from the small -pox. The robes infected with the dreadful disease have been sent to the East and have been widely dis- tributed. A large quantity of the robes have been seized, and energetic measures have been taken to stop the further trans- portation of 'le poisoned furs. Saturday night and Sunday heavy thun- der storms prevailed in different parts of the Province, and in Montreal. The de- struction of propeity was considerable, and so far three lives are reported lost -the two children wh o were killed by lightning at Port Huron, opposite Sarnia, and a man who was run over at Lachine by a train of cars set in motion by the gale. There were several narrow escapes on land and water. • IUD ONE LILY 29, 1870. Z.00 01.TT POS J. to 1 28 to 129 to 1 50 to 1 40 to 0 to 0 44 to 0 00 to 0 18 to 013 55 AINS! 00 JUST EMBRACING THE. LATEST STY1IE► In English and Cafla(liafl TWEEDS, THE TOROTO TEA COMPANY CONTINTE TO SELL ONLY The Best and Cheapest TEAS, IN THE 3D 0 M LINT10 :rs . SOLD IN SEAFORTH AND VICINITY ONLY BY ELLIOTT & ARMSTRONG, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, ONT. Seaforth, July 28, 1870. 138-1 in. BY M. CAMPBELL, Merchant Tailor, New -%orklIIouse, SEAFORTH, ONT. CENTLEIE ATT ENTIO\ i Mats that are RATS: I. A Fine Assortme.t:. of GENTS' HATS! OF THE VERY LATEST � FASHIONS, JUST RE- CEIVED AT 'THE NE1 YORK HOUSE WM. CAMPBELL SE/FORTH, July 28, 1870. 54 - EXAMINATION OF SCHOOL TEACHERS. 11E Board of Public Instruction for the Conn- .' onn- Tty of Huron, will meet in the the CENTRAL SCHOOL, GODERiCH, ON G Wednesday and Thursday the loth and lith da.Ys of August next, FOR the examination of School Teachers, each - day at ten o'clock A; NI. Candidates wanting First -Class certificates gill be examined. on both Wednesday and Thursday, Third _Class on Wed- nesday, and Second Class on Thursday. Candidates before being admitted to an exam- ination are required to present certificates of good moral character, signed by 'I. clergyman or a Justice of the Peace. D. H. RITCHIE. Secretary. Bayfield, 23rd July, 1870. 138 - FARM FOR SALE. JNthe County of Perth, Township of Hibbert, being a reserved 50 acres of choice land, all wood, composed of Beech, Maple and Elm, with a never failing creek running through it. West half of Lot No. 19, in. the 2nd Con. , within 11 miles of the Gravel Road, one mile Pram the vil- lage of Carronbrook, and 5 Miles from ,Seaforth, Also 50 acres, the East half of Lot 21, in the 1st Con, said Township, 34 acres . cleared and well seeded clown, the remainder being well timbered with good hard wood,, being nearly the same dis- tance from the above flourishing villages, =done half anile from the Catholic Church. The above lands will be sold either separately or both to- gether to suit purchasers. Terms of sale made known by applying to the subscriber, or on -the premises. EDWIN DOWNEY. • Hibbert, July 27th, 1870. - DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. -OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Partnership:for :some time past carried on by James Edward. Briggs & George Henry Harland, under the name, style, and form of Briggs & Har- land, at the Village of Brucefield, in the County of Huron, as Shoemakers, was this day dissolved by mutual consent, and the business will, from henceforth, be carried on by James Edward Briggs only, and the said James Edward Briggs is autho- rized to receive all credits on account of the said partnership. Dated at Brucefield-this 22nd. .July., A.D. 1870. Witness. 83. E. BRIGGS. H.W.C. MEYER. i G. H. HARLAjND: . Brucefield, July 22nd, 1870. HOUSE TO RENT, A DWELLING HOUSE consisting of six or, seven rooms in the New York House, two rooms down stairs and the balance up stairs, all in good condition. For terms &c., apply to tIi e proprietor, W. CAMPBELL. Seaforth, July 27th, 1870. 138-tf_ OFFICES TO LET. WO offices on the second fiat in Scott's Block. T The best, and most convnient rooms in the village. Apply to McCAUGHEY & ROLMBSTEA Seaforth, April 14, 1870. 123-tf:, f' .. . VOL. TRACY, Huron. East of the Me Seaforth, De ' L. Eltt Hgem,€'til of Market alid of Kidd. & Mc) Seaforth, Fe' -Flit W. :R. Office, --i0 dente-Hain.-st Seaforth, Do. ti CAMPBEI Gill LJnive geon, etc , Seafo Post Office Buil found by night Seaforth, Jixl -.D F. WALIr' 1' lieitor in- -: Public, &c. 0 Court House, G N. B.---M-oy Lands. . 0a def ich, Jain 'LAUD -E Attorne and insolvency,' 3r$. Solicitors Agents for the N B.j--$30,000 Houses and Lots Seaforth, Dec,; ENSON & A' at Law, :So eney, Conv:ayane. fi cee, Seaforth 'Trust and. Loan Colonial Securie Money at 8 per Lis. H. ZENSON, Seaforth, Dee, ficin: late care taken for tai tender teeth, Rooms over Colli aeforth, Dee. z.. ) O 1 IER.CiA Laird, props • medation for the and. bar are alwl markets afford. Ainleyviile, Al ONX'SHOT `dersigned b liberal patronage in the hotel busi that he has again ;stand, where he from old friends, Seaforth, Maar Jfi ROSS, Pa' . begs to info the travelling n1 first-class acco by travellers. always on hand, every necessary al Seaforth, Feb. G IO� 1TlS,HJ, E XII B WLLiA°rs, (late ly furnished, and` one of the most e the Province. Com_ -tial Tra chess,, Goderich, Apr' MISC S1 -TARP ;. LT'1 SE iCO)tTH. always ou hand a Seaforth, May- j IAILL & CPQ • and Specifica.= ter's, Plasterer's,. and 'valued, fain. store, Court -Roils Godericch, April.; & \V..IeP.Il7 veyors, Chi of Crnveya crag d'1 G-, McPhillips, Col Next door south iai ,Seaforth, S. PORTEB,1` t1 capkzs,mFeu° tsade01coInranceagentpre paid for gr Main Street, one= Hardware Store. BH AZLEHUR the County Parteular . ,ttentic Stock, Farm Stoc Terms, Goods Ap Landlord's Warra First Division Coin Goderich, June i