HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-07-08, Page 9• en THE MARKETS SEAFORTH, July 8, 1870. 1:00 to .1.10 0:08 to.. .1:05 0:50.. to 0:50 0:35._ to 0:35 0:58 ',to 0:60 0:45 to. 0:50 9:00 to, 11;00 0:1.7 to 0:17 0112 to. 0:12 0:00 to 5:00 0.40 to 1:25 0:30 to 0:30 Wheat, (Fall) i bushel, Wheat (Spring) t bushel, Barley l bushel, - Oats V bushel, : Peas httshel, - Potatoe4i t, bushel, Hay � fon, Butter, lb. Eggs, . Hides,. _Sheep Skins, Wool per. ib. CLINTON, July 7, 1970. \By Telegraph to the Huron Expositor.) Fall Wheat, per bushel, 1.00 to 1:09 Spring Wheat, per bushel. 0:95 to 1:06 Oats, per bushel, - , 0 :00 to 0;35 Peas, per bushel, 0:60 to 0;63 Barley, per bushel, 0:45 to 0;48 Potatoes, per bushel, 0.00. to 0;50 Butter per per, lb, 04X) to 0;17 Pork,per cwt. 7.00 to 7;00 Eggs, per doz. 0.00 to 0;12 ST. MAItYS, July 7, 1870. (By Telegraphto the Huron Expositor.) Fall Wheat, per bushel, 1:00 to 1 11 I:00 t,ee.1 02 0.34 -10 1) 36 0:55 to 060 0:49 to 0 50 0.00 -to 0 50 0:16 to 0 17. 0:11 to 0 12 0:29 to 0 31 Spring Wheat, per bushel, Oats, pd bushel, - Peas, per bushel, Barley, por bushel, Pottocls, per bushel, Butter per lb., gas. per doz. Wool, per lb, LONDON, July 0, (Arlvertlsc'r Report,) 'White'Winter Wheat,„,,,,,,,,,,,,$1 OO to $1 12`. Tied ' ci:o do .,,,,,,,.,,, 0 00 -to 1 00 Spring cto 0 95 to 1 10 Barley., ,..,.... 0 43 to 0 45 Oats . 0 36 to 0 36 Peas .. 0 65 to 0 70 Wool, 0 28 to 0 32 Butter, in kegs, 0 16 to 0 17 Do in crocks or pails,. 0. 15 to 0 15 014 to 016 Eggs, TORONTO, -July 6,, .L70. Wheat, spring 1 13 Do, Midge Proof ° 1 13 Souls 1 25 Treadwell 1 18 Barley -Inferior .. .. 0 55 Do. - Bright. 0 63 Oats__ .... 0 40 Peas .0 76 Wool -Pulled 0 26 ” Fleece...... 0 31 Butter—Choice dairy, new..,.. _ 0.16 Eggs—per dor 0 13 to 0 00 to 0 00 to. 1 30 to 1 20 to 0 60 to 0 70 to 042 to 0 80 to 0 28 to 0 00 to 0 171 to 0.14 MONTREAL, . July 6, 1870. WHEAT -Canada fall, $1 1 j # ; spring, 1 15 a T 15 western, 1 14 a 1 16. Oats—Per 32 lbs.,' 37e. to 40c, Barley—Per 48 lbs., 45c. to 50c. Butter—Dairy, 17 to 19c. ; store packed, 16c. to 17c. PEas-92c. a 95c. per. 66 lbs. -NTER=Y'S. NEW PANORAMA OF the Lakes of Killarney, the Clyde, the Thousand Islands, Mississippi and Ohio Scenery, Burns' Cotter's Saturday Night, the Pilgrim's Progress and Ten Nights in a Bar -Room, will be exhibited in SEAFORTH. NEXT WEEK. Doors open at 9:30 ; commence at S p. m. Admission 20c ; children 10c, For further particulars see descriptive pro- gramme. Seaforth, July 8th, 1870- MOTTO, ." EXCELSIOR !" OBJECTS `PROGRESS &IMPROVEMENT.' ----o THE GREAT NATIONAL Illustrated Rural and F mily Weekly. A CHANGE AND IMPROVEMENT Two Volumes aYeariltstead of One Pr r aneWidely _useful . Journal of its 684 in the World are assured ;that we:.iesign to improve ait we advance, rendering futtr,volumes still more . valuable and acceptable to the intelligent and progressive members of the glessatProducin and Industrial Classes _of the ration. While we pledge our best endeavors to excel east efforts that Tact, Industry, enterprise, Liberality, and,. the best taknt,,,shall be' freckly used tp secure coli tintious • in_tprovement-•tiv a l.yespeotfit`Ily ask the kind co-operation of the`Rbea L's legion of friendee- in extending our circulation and thus wideningits1 influence and usefullness. The Founder and Conductor of the RURAL NEW -YORKER takes pleasure in announcing that it will hereafter be issued in Semi -Annual Vol- umes, commencing July and. January. This change must be gratifying to the thousands who preserve and bind the paper for future reference, as the volumes will be less bulky and more con- veniently handlecl ` and perused. On binding Volume XX„ for 1869, (containing double the nember of pages, given in any preceeding volume, ) we found it too large for convenience, and hence decided upon the change now announced—a change which it is. believed will materially en- hance the usefullness and acceptability of THE _STANDARD JOURNALIN ITS SPHERE. In accordance with this new afrangement we shall, give a Title Page and Index at the close of this month, and commence Vol. XXIT. with July, thus -:publishing two volumes a year, instead of one as heretofore. Subscribers who preserve the RURAL -can therefore have their copies bound as the last June number is issued, or wait until the close of the year and bind the two -volumes to- gether---adopting either course, according to their pleasureor requirements. NO INCREASE IN PRICE! Our Terms will continue the same as now—$3 a year, or $1.59 for six months (or per volume -- so that the interests of present subscribers will be promoted rather than injured by the change ; for they can bind each volume separately, or two in - one, at pleasure.. A complete index at the close of every six months will prove a .great conveni- ence and advantage to all who save their papers for reference, even if they are not bound. ACKNOWLEDGTVIENTS--ADVANCEMENT. In this connection we cannot refrain from - gratefully acknowledging the long -continued, substantial efforts of the RUBAL'S hosts of ardent friends and supporters, all over the land,—those who have for years aided us in every appropriate manner, and enabled us to increasingly manifest, through the Contents, Style and Size of this Journal, the true spirit of its Motto, ``Excelsior," and Objects, "Progress and Improvement." These Iong-time, generous and influential friends, as 11 as the more recent but like zealous ones who .i are kmdiy . seconding our efforts to render the Runta- NE =Y'O K E the best, most. complete RATES rEB, VOLUME AND YEAR. VOLUME XX [L, commencing July 2nd, will be published in uniform, style with the present --- each No. containing Sixteen Double Quarto Pages of Fve Columns—Finely Illustrated and neatly printed on book paper, A Title Page and Index given at the close of the volume. TERMS—Dilly $1.50 per volume of 26 numbers, (July to Jan. ,) ar ,$3 per year of 52 numbers. Ten -copies, $1.25 each per volume, or $2.50 per year, with a . free copy (for premium) to club agent. Clubs of .Five, Seven, Ten, or more may bo made up for either the Volume or Year–. -the ftrmor• at half the rates of the latter. Itelnittances by Draft, P. O. Money Order, or Registered Letter, may bo macro at the risk of the Publisher, or Now is the time to subscribe and form Clubs 1 Friends of the Ii:ul;AI, please toll your friends of our new arrangement, and make up clubs for Vol. XXII. Specimen Numbers, Show- 13ills, eta,, sent froo to all disposed to lend in- fluence in support of the B.cJunb., Address 1), 1;), 'l', M00104. 41 Park ltow, New York, .135. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. ALLersons inulobtod to the late firm of Zapf° & McCallum, are hereby requested to call and settle the stint with the undersigned on or before theist. of March next, otherwise costs will be incurred. ZAPF { & CARTER. Seaforth Foundry. Seaforth, Feb. 15, 1870. • 115-tf IT IS UNDENIABLE that the Lockman Ma- chine, although not much exceeding in price the very cheapest machine manufactured any- where, is yet Incomparably Superior to any cheap machine yet brought out, TT IS UNDENIABLE that the Lockman da• chide has acnieved an immense popularity in the short. time it has been before the people • IT, IS UNDENIABLE that the Lockman • Ma- chine already occupies a position only acord- ed to others after years of toilsome effort. IT IS UNDENIABLE that the Lockman Ma- chine, by the mere force of its inherit good qualities, is bound to, beco'iue the universal favor. ite of the Canadian public. IT IS UNDENIABLE that every family, eith- er in country, town or city, should have a Sewing Machine, and it is equally undeniable that none is so, well adapted for univers al use as the Lockman. WIFE, Sister and Father within the bounds of our happy land, importune their re spective. HUSBAND, Brother and Father. until the Millenium (which is sure to follow the universal introduction of the Sewing Machine) ;has been inaugurated. WILSON, BOWMAN & CO. Mr. C. H. CULL, Agent, Seaforth. Hamilton, Jan, 21, 1870, 111-tf. iu Kum expoitor, THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUNTY OF HURON,' IS published every FridayMorning, in .Seaforth. It is the largest paper in the County. .o: TERMV.LS_ $1.50 per annum, in advance ; if not so paid $2.00 will be charged. No subscription taken for a shorter period than three months. ADVERTISING RATES. TRANSIENT. Per line, first insertion, Sets ; subsequent sertiens, 2 cts, each time. Advertisements me ured by a scale of solid brevier- No advcrti went taken for less than One Dollar. CONTRACT RATES : One Column for One Year, - - $60 00 "• " Six Months, - 35 00 Three " 20 00 Half " ` One Year, 35 .00 " Six Months, - ' - - 20 00 • ` • ` jThree `• '' 12 00 Quarter " One Year, - 20 00 " Six Montihs - - 12 00 " Three " 8 00 " One Year, 12 00 Six Months 8 00 Three " - -5 00 ff Eighth • Advertisements, without s eeific- directions, will be inserted till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. 1194f. NATIONAL PILLS. NATIONAL PILLS. NATIONAL PILLS. NATIONAL PILLS. NATIONALPILLS.- The National Pills are anew discovery in medicine. They are composed of purely vegetable extract prepared by a newlydiscov- ered process, and are sugar coated. They are the great blood and stomach purifier. They act on the liver with magical effect, are mild, searching, yet a thorough purgative, & have ne equal as a first class family pill. See circulars with each box. Sold by R. LUMSDEN and E. HICKSON CO., Seaforth. and medicine dealers generally. WOODRUFF, BENTLT :ed.., - Proprietors, Brougham, 711-25ins. Ont Agents !Read This ! WE will pay agents a salary of $30 per Week and expenses, or allow a large commistiOn, to sell our new wonderful inventions. Address, M. WAGNER & Co., Marshall, Mich. 4RON EXPOSI OT H ES. `,TOMES , CLOCKS WATCHES , CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES . CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS WATCHES CLOCKS ATCHES . GLOOK a One of the Largest ansa -Bost Assorted Stock in this lino, s to bo found at M. R. WINTER'S, OPPOSITE CARMIC:HAEL'S HOTEL. SEAFO if, March•31, 1870., 52— SPRING GOODS. CAMPBELL, Merchant Tailor, HAS JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE STOCK SPRING GOODS! EMBRACING EVERY STYLE THAT WILL B E WORN FOR SPRINC& SUMM'ER ALL GARMENTS GOT UP BY THE BEST WORKMEN, _IND AT MODERATE CHARGES. - WM. CAMPBELL, NEW YORK HOUSE. SEAFORTH, March -31, 1870, 58— Carriage Factory. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH/ AND NEAItLY OPPOSITE, SHARP'S HOTEL, YA.NEGMONIJ WOOLEN FACTORY, SE aF ORTH, STIEL AHEALD! MAY. 1870. This is the Season for WOOL CARDIN , and VanEgmond's is the place tp get it done CHEAP AND WELL.1 4 (Jardiny Machines IN SPLENDID ORDER, Enables the above Mill to give -all parties their Wool home with them the same day as that upon which it is taken in. All ether kinds of Woolen Work, Kuoh as Spin. nll�g, Wu,tiving, Colouring, Fulling, and Cloth Dressing, dorso in tbo host possiblo 1nannor, TERMS. -CASK , Olt WOOS,. A Largo Stock of Tweeds, Full Cloth, Flannels, Blankets, &o., to exchange for Wool. CASH ALSO PAID FOR WOOL. A. G. VANEGMOND, Proprietor. 128-tf--- SvRING GOODS. New Suits, New Dress Goods, Boots Ar, Shoes. ALSO A NICE STOCK OF GROCERIES, .AT J Bonthron & Son's. Seaforth, April, 14, 1870. 52-tf- NOTICE. BA. TSS ! BATHS • MR, PILLMAN, HAS pleasure in announcing to the gentlemen of Seaforth and vicinity, that the BATHS formerly kept by Mr. Lubelski are now ready for use, and he hopes that by keeping everything clean and comfortable to reeeiste a hberal share of public patronage. undersigned would intimate to the in-THE habitants of Seaforth and surrounding country, that they have on hand a large stock of first-class ITICKORY BUGGY STUFF. They are now ready to receive orders for all kinds of Buggies, Carriages' &c., made up by experienced Workmen, in the very latest styles. • - Old Work rbpainted by a first-class Carriage Painter. - REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. CHARGES MODERATE. GIVE THEM A CALL. McINTOSH & MORRISON. Seaforth, Jan'y, 21st, 1870. • 111-tf. M'GREGOR & SON' BOOKBINDERS, ,F HTJLLETT ARE prepared to execute ..binding 'in every style. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at the Signal Book Store, Goderich, or Pt the Exzroe'troa office, Seaforth. stating atyla, mr,y ply I par them 'acing we bauno.. Al r PkI:E LOW > t PRICES. And returned without delay. Seafottli, 2-lst, 1870; 80.tf. • TAILORING • v MR. PILLMAN, %OULD also beg to state that he is carrying on the TAILORING BUSINESS, In all its branches, in the shop formerly occupied as a Barber Shop, and from his long experience in this business, feels confident in saying that harties favouring him with their orders, will ave there garments made in a manner which will be second to the work of no other establish- ment in Seaforth. A TRIAL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Seaforth, April14, 1870! 123 -ti - FARMERS GO TO M'NAUCHT AND TEEPLE, FPR .. °WAGGONS, BUGGIES* •A GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, -and in fact, anything drawn by the horse. A large assortment always kept on hand. and for first- class HORSE SHOEING & JO13I31NGthatis the place. A large stock of Dry Oak, and other Lumber, also Dry Viaggon Spokes, for Salle. - Seafortlf Feb.4t1i,•e, 11-1y. JVLY 8 M. SPRING ARRIITALS. T. K. 4NDERS OK'S SPRING STOCK OF English, Scotch, - ; - and Canadian Tweeds BROAD: CLOTHS, &c HAS ARRIVED. 1 A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Price Arthur Checks. TAIi.OR1IC N ALL ITS BRANCHES, DONE IN A FIRST CLASS MANNER, AND ACCORDING TO THE LATEST, OR ABY OTHE1.1 ' STYLE, TO S1,rIT CUSTGMERS. SEAFORTI1, March 31, 1870. 110„-- SEAFORTH - 1 — SEAFORTH FURNITURE WAREROOMS M. ROBERTSON Importer and manufacturor of all, kinds of ' F HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Such as SOFAS, LOUN GES, CENTRE TABLES, MATTRASSES, DINING & BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, and BEDSTEADS, - In Great Varity. Mr. R. has great condence fn offering his goods to the public, as they are made of Good Seasoned. Lumber. and by First -Class Work- men. COFFINS MADE TO ORDER. On the Shortest Notice. WOOD TURNING Done with Neatness and Despatch - W arerooms : TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S .HOTEL, Main Street. Seafarth, Jan'y 21st, 1870. 57-tf. IKSOLVENT ACT, OF 1869. IN THE MATTER OF ,DAMES YOUNG, the Eider, AN INSOLVENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that purse - ant to the powers vested in me as .Assignee of the above named Insolvent, all my right, title, and interest in the following lands and premises, as Assignee, as aforesaid, will be sold by - - Public Auction ! At the Auction Mart of Mr.GEORGE M.TRUL- MAN, in the Town of Goderich, Co.°Huron, ON WEDNESDAY) JULY 27,1870, AT THE HOUR OF TWELVE O'CLOCK, NOON, VIZ. : All and singular, that certain parcel or tract of Land and Premises, situate, lying and being inthe Township of McKillop, In the said County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, and being composed. of The Westerly Half of Lot No. 27, In the 3rd Concession of the said. Township of McKillop ♦ The said. Property con- ` tains by admeasurement FIFTY ACRES, BE THE ,AMB MORE OR - LESS, Of which about 45 Acres are cleared. The land is a clay loam of good t;uality. The buildings thereon consist of a Stone House about 18 x 28 feet; with a Frame -Kitchen attached, and a Frame Barn 34 x 54 feet. Thema 4s also a good rungOrchard on said premthises. 'e property re Wel situated; being a mile and It half from the flosseishing Village of Seaforth. For further par- ticuha,rs apply to the Assignee, or to J. B. GORDON, Solicitor, Goderich.JOHNiAL' DEN, Assignee. Dated at Goderich, this- 11th day of June, 1870. 133:3 -- Money! Money THF, subscriber has received another =large re. inittance of money for investment on good farm property, at 8 ler cent ; or 10 per cent, and no charges. JOHN S. PORTER. Seaforth, Jan'y. 2 s e1470.- - _ '95.tf• WM, F. LU VOL U TRAC y;1 Huron, st of the Met Seaforth, Dec L. VEROI Marone, etc.` t and I Kidd & Melfi #` eaforth, Feb CAMPB LI Gill Univer , e ,, Sea fori Post Office Build found by night o Seaforth, -J€y= F. WALK] licitor-in-1 Public, &c- 011 Court House, Goc N. B —Money 1 Lands, Godeiich, Jan's 'CA -0HE) Attorneys and insolvency, ars. Solicitors for Agents for the N. B.—$30,000 to Houses and Lots fi Seaforth, Dee.. 1 ENSN & ME J30 AD at LAW, SOliei Convayamceri rices,—Seaforth .ani Trust and Loan ,Co . Colonial Securities Money at 8 per ten TA$. IL BENSON; Seaforth, -Dee. 1 G; W ficial 1 latest care taken for the tender teeth, Tee Rooms over Collier'° Saeforth. Dee, 14 C'OMMER€IAL Laird, propjet modation for the tri and bar are always markets afford. Exo Ainleyvirle, April K0"8 HOTEL dersigned begs liberal patronage acv in the hotel busines that he has again re: . stand, where he w from old friends, ani Seaforth, May 5, 1. ir R. ROSS, Propri begs to iuforan t the travelling 003331n1; first-class accommode by travellers. A goo always on hand, Re every necessary atter `Seaforth, Feb. 8th, -IppRITISH EXCH' 1,1 ONT. , f. CALLA WILLIAMS, (late of A Y.) Manager. This 13 ly furnished, and refit one of the most cnmfr the Province. Good Ole? Travellers. Terni Goderieh, April 14, MI SCEL .Q HARP'S LIVER° SEAFoBTna First always on hand at rea I Seaforth, May 5th, 18 0 MAILL &'CROOK and Specification tee's, Plasterer's, and and valued. Offlee-w--( store, Court -House So Goderich, April 23, & W. McPHILL1 veyors, Owil Epi of Conveyancing done G. McPhillips, Commit Neat door south of Sb4 Seaforth, Dee. 14, 18 S. PORTER, Seafc, -heap skins, furs a spent, made on consign Insurance agent. price paid for green Main Street, one doc Hardware Store. HAZLEHURST, lie the County pf Particular attention pe Stock. Farm Stock S Terms. Goods Apprai Landlord's Warrants First Division Court for Goderieh, June flth;