HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-07-08, Page 4A True Story: There is a melancholy interest attaching to a man who has fallen from a high po- sition almost into the depths of degredation. Nor is, this interest in all cases merely idle curiosity ; such may be the case with casual' observers, but to an observant man there: is an impressive lesson taught by the career of one whose hopes have been ruined, especially if that ruin were the necessary outgrowth of his own folly and carelessneF It -has been my lot, within the' last few years, to be a witness to as most mournful. case pf self-abasement ; and now, in the hope that it may be ,of benefit to some, I will narrate it, My familiarity with the most minute de- tails of this wretched young man's life and death, 'arise from the fact that I was, dur- ing the greater part of his disastrous career, 1 the attendant physician of his family. It was seven_ years ago that I first the acquainting* of Waiter was then seventeen yule of age, a y o and � to a Tith THE HURON EXPOSITOR. At- length after eighteen months of in- tense suffering --of almost sleepless nights and days, to which no earthly .orient can. furnish a precedent --.we laid hint in the R rav,e: The tortures of his physical exist- ence were over—he was at rest ; but what woe awaits , him beyond the vale, it is not mine to l restinie. Happy it was for that mother that she did not live to see his deep- est degredatio n. Happy* will it be for those who may be warned uy his example to shun that cup whose end is bitterness, .and to re= rnenibe1 • that'{ " in the end it biteth like a `i. setpent and s{ttngeth like an adder," -Front the New Dominion Monthly for Jute. The City 'of New York. - GAMBLING HOUSES OF THE FIRST CLASS. (From Sun h°ine and Shadow.) Ants MORRIQEY's HOUSE. ears ago John Morrisey was a Troy. He kept as small drinking he lowest cisact `r. It was the bier*, and in Pool went. He saw the situatirn at a glance. He measured Morrisey and his gang, . turned on his heel, and, passing out, said, "Good P ; morning, Ca I won't give . g ;" you a call to -day , drive; on boysand on they went to some polling place where they could their desperate game without P Y g having their heads broken. BEGINS ASGAMBLER. Y. upwardstep. was Morrise�first ste . He washed` his face ; with a part of the money paid him he bought a suit of clothes, and with the balance opened a small place lace for play. }� lHe beca ie thoroughly temper- ate: em per ate: He resolved secure first class cus- tom. To do this he knew he must dress well, behave well, be sober, and not getable. These resolutions he carried our. His house in New York is the most elegantly furnished of any of the kind in the state. It has always been conducted on principles of the highest honor as gatnlilers understand that term. His table, attendants, cooking, and company are exceededby nothing this side of the Atlantic. cut nip . Ta � RD, v• gra are pre' tared M1LLlNERY, ,KING. espeetfuly solicited. 128-tf— ilin 7..A.SHIONABEE 'ABLiS - 'E T Irl}H 1 FORT FECT SIGHT. asperfeetsight, and: btained by using Ity of procuring oculists ill Optics- 'ufacturers of the s, have after years- ion of costly ma- educe that Grand acles,which have atisfaction to the Prince Edward's nada during the grated Perfected and last many It. Counter, from. ed. ORRIS & CO. 14,. IontreaL 'EDLER S . 76-1y. , Surgeon. Dentis' j ra by the use o —Over the 'Bea- ante izt Seaforth,_ day and Wednes at the CommEerc- Thursdays - and are requested to .,. on the first days d teeth extracted Coulton's: offices. -114stis- which they had all but escaped, Ist' 4e more easily imagined than described. On reaching the bottom, Grant, in desperation, was on the point of throwing himself out of the cage, fortunately , but rtu o net Iy the apparatus ti whirled up again before he could accomplisu his purpose, and this time he and his com- panion lost no time in scramoling out. Not- withstanding that they had passed three times through the burning shaft both men escaped with comparative little injury. Af- ter they hay ..en rescued, the cage made three fruitless descents ; but at the fourth it carie up with two other then, named T. and Rufus Rankin, \vim .bad in the rn 1 t11141 this Shalt. t_ln r #°at°rth, .3 an y, fayont 147444 l • office, were four Jesuits. All around , the great. throng of Indians stood or crouch- ed, or reclined at length, with eyes and ears intent. A cross of wood had been made. %bion in solemn form,pronounced his` blessing upon it, and .then it was reared and planted in the ground, while the French- men uncovered and sang Vexilla .Regis. Then a post of cedar vas planted beside it, with a metal plate attached, engraven with the Royal Arris, while St. Lusson's follow- ars sang the Exaudiat, and one of the Jesu- its uttered a prayer for the king. St. Lus- son now advanced, holding his swordin one level, a#'uI arising e sod of earth, preelaunted lama votes : ` in the tearer*' of the most 7tt. �` ? LUMBER! LUMV1BER THE undersigned have on hand at their Mills, half a mile North from the Village of Ain- leyvilie, 500,000 feet of -Good. DRY PINE LUMBER, of the following different kinds; viz • —inch, inchanda hall, and two . inch, clear. A large lot, (over 100,000,.) inch and a quarter, and inch and a half flooring, both dre;sed and under- dressed ; half inch siding, common boards and plank, 12, 14 and 16 feet long. Board and strip LATH, all of which will be sold at reduced prices. They have lately added a first-class planning Tanh np. to their other machinery. and intend kvepar . Erred lumber of all kinds constantly 4,1 Cue of the rescued, John Boyd, giv-es the following account`of the affair :--" I was \corking in the. re }r workings, a matter of two hundred fathoms from the bottom of the shaft. - My son was working with me, but when the 'corning' hour came.I sent him out. Before he had time to go past the bottom of the pit, I heard him coming back and crying `Father, father, come on.' T wars speaking to another man at th0 time, and when I heard my son cry, I rant my road - head and cried to him to know if their was anything wrong. Says he, ' The pit's on fire—come out quick or you will lose your life.' I asked him if it was a gas fire., 'No,' says he, it conies from the, tube. The tube's on fire on the rising side of the shaft,' So says 1,1 ' Make you the best road you can to the bottom, and never mind me' No,' says he, ' go you on and I will over- take you.' There were four men working beside me at the time, and when they heard what my son said they. made for the Shaft I again told my son to push on and 'save 'I`a:m an old man,' I says, y , 'and so it's not much matter about me ; but you are young, and mu..st save yourself.'—' No,' says he, I am not going till I see the whole of the men out." He then ran to the road head and called to some other men that if they were not at the loot of the shaft in two minutes their lives 'were done. I had gone twenty or thirty yards towards . the "shaft bottom, but returning, I again called on my son to come and save him- self. The only answer that I got was that he would perish rather than not warn all the men. At last I got him induced to come with me to the shaft. When we gotto the bottor, of . the shaft the trap doors were on fire, and all about was thick with spoke. The cage was at the bottom and seven men were in it. "They cried for more and my son pushed me into it. As I got ire somebody objected that there' were toe many; but some one .else cried, 'Let as many come as there is room for. The Arms r1ins To the l3tady. which was founded by the A.tn =rim general of that name, and for a long time San 1 t St. Marie, on the American side, remained a mere Jesuit and hunting Station,—Toronto Tele- ' graph. .. GREEK BRIGA.�rDs.—A French man, resid- ing in Athens, hastold how his servant one day timidly accosted him,'twisting his cap. between his fingers. " You have something tc.ask me !" "Yes,. Effendi, but I dare not." " Dare, nevertheless." "Effendi, I want to spend a month on the mountain." On the mountain? What for ?" " To stretch my limbs, saving your respect, Ef- fendi. ffendi. ,I get rusty here. In Athens you are a heap of civilises, (I have no intention of offending you,) and 1 am afraid of catch- ing your complaint" The master, touched by such ' alid reasons allowed his valet to . take a month's man -shooting. He return- ed at the expiration of his leave of absence, and neer touched so much as a pin of his master's property. There was a poor gen- darme who,long h for years aspired after the rank of oorP oral. He was a good soldier, brave enough,. and the least refractory in its company ; but his only patron washim- self. So he deserted and turned brigand. Here he - was able to display his talents. He was soon well known to a]1 the heads of the gendarmerie. They tried to catch him, and missed catching five or six times. Giv- ing up that game, they sent a friend_ to treat with -him. You shall have your ppardon, and to make upfor your trouble, � you_shall be made a corporal to -morrow, and a sergeant in the course of the year." g His ambition was satisfied. He consented to be made a corporal, awaiting patiently his sergeant's stripes. He had long to wait for them. One day his patience was worn out, and he returned to the mountain. He had not killed/three men before they made haste to snake him a sergeant. He after- -wards rose to be an officer, with no other patrons than the persons he haci put under- grpund. There did exist one amazing com- *34 N.-4,,,:t4 GREAT c�,��►F�ia;� S� term of partnership having expired by 11- mitation of time the subscribersis. -T.HE , ated sed to sell off the whole of the stock at present in their store as quickly as possible. WE HAVE DETERMINED TO SELL At and Below Cost JULY 8, _ 870.. - CAUTION. HE public are hereby cautioned against •pur-- . chasm or negotiating otiatin anynote of hand 8 g d Tdrawn by the undersigned during the year 1870, as no value has been received for any note given by him during sai'year. WILLIAM COOPER -Tuckersmith, June L 1870. 130-3M. CAUTION. HEREBY caution all parties against purchas- ing,, or negotiating for a promisory note, dat- ed Seaforth, May 13th, 1870, payable one year $200, made after date, forby me m favor of -_— I Brownell, as have received no value therefor, and payment will not be made. FBANCIS:G. SPARLING. Seaforth, June 3, 2870. 130 4ins. HOUSE AND -LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale a large Frame Cottage, 30 x 40, new, and Village Lot on the corner opposite the Baptist . Church, Seaforth. Farm property would be 'taken in exchange: Ap- ply on, the premises. ALEX, McAUi THER. Seaforth, Jan. 28, 1870. - 112-6m. LIVERY STABLE. MRS ROSS desiries to inform the hit be has of ued a New Livery Stabs '' with hie hotel, wherepartite' tat ' AIF r* ls._.. STEAM POWER TO his Facilities, and is now selling holesale and Retail. eSre to Call before Pur-- chs In where. PIANO TOTE smi Our stock will be found large and well select- ed, and comprises first and second-class approved makes,'and the new Union Piano Company's Piano. An inspection is solicited before buying.. Address, R. S. WILLIAM& Toronto, Ont. 112-1.y. Toronto, Jan'y. 28, 18 70. THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN Green Hemlock hteh be warmntsiha adve ti AU 200,000 FEET OF PINE! -Cr•r Fon BUILDING AND GENERAL P G LIPOSES Which he offers on liberal terms. Orders will be promptly at :ended to. He has also on hand a large assortment of WELL SEASONED" Ar COUNTS 1. To which he calls the attention of his old custo- mers, ustomers, who will find it co their advantage to re- tire them promptly, and. without legal proceed- ings. Seaforth, ,Tang. 21st, 1870. 84.tf. T O M i -RC.H ANTS, TRADERS, &c. &c. The subscriber has just received a large assort. ment of DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, Blank Books, Bill Books, Ccunting-House Diaries, Pocket Diaries for 1870, Bibles, Prayer Books, Psalm Books—and a large assortment ofmiscellaneous books in splend- clid gilt bindings, suitable f • Christmas and New Year's Gifts. Sabbath . School Books Reward Tickets, &c. Plain and Fancy Note Paper and Envelopes Pens, Ink, .Pencils, School Books, etc. ' Musical Instruments ! `Accorcleons, Concertinas, .Violins, Violin Stria s. Rosin, Bridges, &c. Briar and Mereschaum . Pipes, and Fa Goods of all kinds. A large assortment of TOYS For Girls and Boys, At LUMSDEN'S Corner Drug and Book Stor Seaforth, Jan'v. 2lst, 1S70. t THE POWER OP SALE CONTAIN. a certain Mortgage, dated the 1st d..y of hie , 1866, made by DONALD McGREGOR aunt' ife, to JAMES MURDOCK, default hav- ing been made in payment, the following valuable REAL ESTATE! W ILIA BE OFFERED FOR SALE BY PUBLIC ,AUCTION, By HUGH LOVE, Senn, A.uc tioneer, at Dixon's Hotel, in the VILLAGE OF BRUCEFIELD ! O N Saturday July 23, '709 AT TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON, Viz.: Lot No. 27, in the 3rd Con- cession of the Township of STANLEY, In the County or Huron, containing 100 acres of Land. more or less. There are 60 acres clear- ed and under cultivation. A good Frame Barn and Log Dwelling House, also a young and thri- ving Orchard, and the Lot is well watered. - oThe lot is about four miles from Brucefield. For further particulars apply to the undersign. ed, or to the Auctioneer. - McCAUGH:EY & HOLMESTED, Solicitors for the Mortgagee. SEAFORTHI, June 25, 1870. 1344 -- DANIEL -MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR ZHE ,COUNTIES OF PERTH AND HURO EGS to return his sincere thanks to the in B habitants of Perth for their liberalpat orr n a during the past six years.. He would respectfully ectfuln announce that he will attend to all orders ( PERTH or EURON for 1870. Orders left at the " EXPosITOR" Office, in Seaforth, the Beacon Office, Stratford, or the Advocate, in Mitchell, will be promptly attended to. Conveyancing, and Real EstateAgency attend ed to, and loans negotiated. OFFICE—East side of the market. Mitchell, Ont. Mitchell, Feb. 25, 1870. I16-tf, t oS ' LLARA ett 3t to hart the hot--'s In the way of Harness- - OF ALL KINDS, He is, as heretofore, in a position to give his customers as good value for their money as any other establishmentin Ontario. 1 Quality of work and material, employed, indis- putable. SHOP OPPOSITE KIDD cf, :MeMOLKIN'S JOHN CAMPBELL. - Seaforth, Jan. 31. I8K 2-tf. NOTICE OF REMOVAL!! THE sub scrib ers beg to n otify their customers and the public generally that they have re- moved To the Store lately occupied by A. Mitchell, Second Door Above W. S Robert son's Italian Ware house, t - Where they will keep constantly on hand a large stock of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES and BROVISIONS, XXX FAMILY FLOUR, And all kinds of Mill and Cheap Feed. . Conntry Produce taken in exchange for Groce- ries, Provisions, Flour and Feed. All goods purchased from us will be delivered free of charge m any part of Saaforth, Harpur • hey, or Egmondville. . Farmers•maay exchange wheat, &c.,, for Flour and Feed at our. Mill, at the highest value. W. A. SHIi;A RSON & CO Seaforth, Jana 28th,1870. 52-1y. Agents !Read This WE will pay agents a salary of $30 per week - and. ex ; enses, or allowa large +commission, to sell our new wonderful inventions. Address, M. WAGNER, & Co., Marshall, Mich. JoL' Terri A colliery character oc sing to Messy gate, Scotia/ in the loss the furnace shaft, and Ina few m' eoiuinn flf fi rescued, witl eurling arou docents wer was burning fathonis. T man) nerve was lost, the in little leas trips it cane: -or nine havii selves into 4 deftly was fat as the pc oats distances the bottom, them and may be read rrassve t ;erg tell t caws * Titre •