HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-06-24, Page 2• • How Statuary But little is known of the art of sculp- ture culpture by the. -masses in this, or, indeed, any -other country. The first thing the -sculptor does is to model or fashion the figure in= clay. .:He first builds a skeleton of iron, and then puts the' clay upon it, and add or takes off until the work is completed. Ile then transfers the model, or reproduces it in plaster of Paris. This is done by covering the clay with liquoid plaster to the depth of about one and a -half inches, more or less,ac- cording to the size of the model—a life-sized pictu e would require the plaster to be laid on at least three inches in depth. Theplaster is then allowed to become per- fectly hard, or to set, as it is called. The clay is then taken out, and the plaster will be found to be a mould in which to cast the fac-simile of the original model. An ad- ditional quantity of plaster is then mixed with water and poured into the new -made t n t it mould ; iu thirty or fory t ni t tes will become set and hard, The muuld is then taken or cut off by means of knives or chisels. The next thing is the process of cutting the head or figure in marble. This is en- tirely mechanieal, and is accomplished by ed by: measuring • itrstruments called machines. They are so rtrranged as to give the exact distances, points, depths, widths, and lengths of every part of a head or fig- ure; these sue pointed to or measured on the marble block, and .the workman cuts to a hair, according to measure, and mathe- matically certain. Doing a bust marble is simply mechanical; ori inating in the clay model is the work of the aatist. The pro- cess of reproducing works of plaster.. is carried on in New York very extensively. -et•� _Terrible Tragedyin Portugal ;Den Jose Cardoso Vieira de Castro, ex - deputy, orator, and distinguished writer, presented himself last week to the Commis- sionary General of Pol;ce, and informed him that he had just killed -his young wife, Clau- dine, who had dishonored him. He then surrendered himself . to justice. The Com- missionary -General asked tle murderer to accompany him to the house of the murder- ed wife, in th-e Rua de Flores. Phey went, accompanied by a j ustice. anad a doctor, to view the corpse. - In the chamber of death, a young woman of twenty-one, beautiful still.in'spite of her pallor, lay stretched on a bed saturated in blood. Daughter of a noble family of Rio Janiern, she married three -years ago Dou Vieria de Castro. For a .long time Mr de Castro was a model of attention and tenderness to his young wife, whom he adored. They travelled over Am- erica and visited the capitals of Europe. On arriving -at Libson they weie invited to the most b •ill kirt sedans. Balls, concerts, theatres, beguiled their leisure hours, and they charmed the select society where theirs was sought. At one fell stroke all his hap, piness was vanished; and the young woman, so admired yesterday was to -clay nothing but a frigid corpse. One day Don Vieria Castro enters noiselessly and unheard into his wife's chamber. He wants to:surprise her by a kiss. He steps forward. She is writing—of course to him. He casts his eye over the imprudent woman's shoulder. Horror ! Her passionate_and burning words are addressed to a lover. The blood rushes toihis face, he chinks of stabbing her, but, has the courage to restrain himself, anddisap- pear unheard, as he had come, but medita ting a treacherous punishment! At . first he thinks that poisoning her with chloro- form in her sleep would be complete ven- gence. `?Vo,' he mays, `she must die by my hand and she must know why I kill.' At nightfall, with his heart full of hatred, bis eyes glowing, and with the name of his ri- val on his -lips, he rushes on her, seizes her by the hair of the head and drags her to the middle of the room. 'Madam,' he says, 'you are about to die.' The unfortunate wo- man tries to defend herself. With strength. doubled by rage, he seizes her in his arms, drowns her face in chloroform, and when she endeavours to cry for help he clutches her by the throat, and releases his hold only when, without having uttered a single cry, she falls lifeless at his feet. He remains in the- room with the livid corpse until daylight. He rushes then, after double lockipg his apartment, to the house of the man Who had dishonored him ; it was his dearest friend; with his heart overflow- ing with a just hatred, Don Castro does not hesitate. He carries a revolver under his cloak, and knocks at the door of his rival's house. They tell hint he is out. He waits His friend, Mr. Garret, is one :of the most. distinguished men iu Lisbon, nephew of the celebrated Garet, the leader of the literary revival in Portugal. Tired of waiting, Mr. de Castro goes to find two of his intimate friends to whom he relates the terrible ev- ent. He confides to them to arrange with Mr. Garret the conditions of a meeting to take place that same day, with any weapon whatever, but without truce or mercy, in fact, the conditions of a mortal combat. The latter refused to `fight, saying that he could not fight a friend whom he had so fearfully outraged. But he handed them a letter, stating that he would start for Madrid that same evening, that on his way to the rail- road he should pass through such and such streets, and that he should expose himself to the fire of the enemy without returning it, too happy to lay down his life in expiation of his offence. But M. de Castro will not commit a murder, and delivers himself up ntp the hands of the Commissionary-Gen- tlral to whom he relates the facts. He was arrested and lodged in jail, where he awaits the decision of the judge. Mr. Gar- ret has gone to Fiance, and intends, they say, to retire to a Trappist monastery. Madamde Castro was buried on the 18th of May. • THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Nervousness .Nervousness is one of the troubles of our day, and generation. Of what the nerve er may be we have yet only rudiment a ledge. q Bat it has at least to do with e seat of isower whereby all the bodily togrsta i emerged, and the different fu ctions mnsde to work together. If by any cause this nervous force is disturbed or sus- pended, the body suffers disabilities or. is paralysed. • Very serious consequences may come even when the various organs are en- tirely sound. They may stop action or act spasmodically. Sometimes a disease in one organ will so affect the nerves as to put the whole body in trouble and create;sym- ptoms in places remote from the disease ; sometimes a generalconstitutional weak- 'Less,through poverty of blood, etc., will do it. This is called a state of nervousness, and a very bad state it is. Any disturb- ance of nervous power will bring much suf- fering, and frequently shows itself in all manner of executive shapes, leaving it tope supposed that the patient has every disease tc be named. One important fact is al- ways to be remembered. In touching the nervous centres we reach the confines of the junction between the -soul and body. Mental conditions have much to do with the nerves, and the nerves and the mind react one another. A mental strain through dis- appointments, sorrows, anxieties,_ and over much labor, will take effect on the nerves and produce nervousness. Much of disease and chronic suffering in this country origin- ates from intense mental activity, or rather from becoming involved in the rush and whirl, which drives men to accomplish the greatest possible amount of work in the shorte.'t possible time. Railroads and tele graphs, together with the undertaking of enormous enterprises have'done much harm in this way, by putting everyodv under a strain. Any one of our ancestcrs, re -intro- duced into present scenes, would go distract- ed very shortly. We need to cultivate our calmness, and deliberation, and - slowness. We are too fast by half. And there is Alen- ty of time left. Great Fire at Constantinople. OVER SEVEN THOUSAND BUILDINGS DESTROY- ED.—TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY HUMAN BEINGS BURNED TO DEATH. . Constantinople, June, 9.—The great fire in Pera district has been subdued. Over seven thousand buildings, of dill sorts were destroyed, including many of to best in the city. The loss of life has greatly exceeded the estimate made some days ago. -The re- mains of one hundred and fifty human be- ings have been discovered. It is supposed that this number represents but one-half the actual loss., The total loss caused by the fire -is computed at 2000,0001. English underwriters suffer heavy losses. The arch- ives of the British Embassy were saved. The American Church of the Immaculate Conception was on fire several times, and is !considerably damaged, but the tapestry, the gift of the Empress Eugeine, with which the chureb was decorated, was saved un- harmed. Constantinople, June 9.—The loss of life by the conflagration here is frightful. At some points whole families were hemmed in by the flames and perished in full view of the spectators, who could not rescue them. The panic among the people was terrible, and many lost all presence of mind and were unable to save themselves and were lost. - Some of the Turks, in a spirit of fatalism peculiar to that race and religi- on, shut themselves up in the burning houses and refused assistance, and met death with- - out a murmur. 250 persons were burned to death or killed by falling walls. Manx more are missing. Count Bismark once presented a faithful but poor secretary with a portifolio bound like a book, in which were deposited five huudred thalers. On meeting thesecretary nevt day the Count ` asked him i f he had purchased the volume. 'Yes, your high- ness,' said the secretary, 'and I was so cap- tivated, with its contents that I am waiting - the,apperance of the second volume with feelings of the deepest interest,' The Count smiles, but said nothing. A few days af- terwards the secretai y received the second portfolio, bound and filled -like the first, on the title page of which was inscribed the sentence ; 'This work is complete in two volumes.' One of the papers relates that a farmer, finding a dozen of his men idly stretched gout on the ground, offered a crown to the `one who was the laziest of the lot. Eleven jumped up asserting their claims to the re- ward, each declaring himself the "laziest dog in the universe." However, thefarmer gave the crown to the twelfth, who had sloth- fully kept his position, and who, when the reward was offered him, murmured, 'Can't you put it in my pocket'?' 'Ile em► Some rash fellow says that the giving of the ballot to women would not amount to much, for none of them would admit that they were old enough to vote until they were too old to take any interest in politics. - A lady said to her sister : "I wonder, my dear, you have never made a snatch; I think you want the brimstone." To which she replied : "No, not the brimstone, only the spark." Josh Billings oPrea nching.—I always advise short sermons, especially on a hot, Sunday. If a muster kant strike ile in forty minutes, he's either got a poor gimlet or he's borin' in the wrong direction. The leaders of the Fenians call them- selves Centres- -perhaps because_they scent the battle . afar off --eery far off—is .the wicked suggestion of the New York Times. STRAW GUTTER. The subscriber desires to intimate to the pub- lio that he is sole agent in Seaforth for the sale of MAX WELL & WHITEL AW S Celebrated STIM W CUTTERS HORSE AND HAND POWER. Also for Massey's improved GRAIN CRUSTIER. A Stock kept constantly on hand. 'OLIVER C, WILSON, Market Square. 192-tf Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. NOTICE OF REMOVALI 1 THE subscribers beg to notify their customers and the public generally that they have re- moved To the Store lately occupied -by A. Mitchell, Second Door Above W. S Robertson's Italian TITar.re house, • Where they will keep constantly on hand a large stock of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES and BROVISIONS, XXX FAMILY FLOUR, and all kinds of Mill and Cheap Feed. Country Produce taken in exchange for Groce- ries, Provisions, Flour and Feed. All goods purchased from us will be delivered free of charge in any part of Saaforth, Harpur hey, or Egmondville. . Farmers may exchange wheat, &c.,, for Flour and Feed at our Mill, -at the highest value. . w. A. SHEARSON & CO Seaforth, Jan. 28th, 1870. 52-1y. SILYOF TIIE • CIItCi7LAR SAW Wm. Robertson cg-' Co., DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF ti~' SHELF AN. D HEAVY Y HARDWARE Paints, Iron, Oils, Glass, Putty Steel, Blacksmith Coals, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Weavers' Supplies of all kinds. JACK CREWS TO HIRE. SF A FORTH, JAN. 28, 187 0. 112- _ M'GREGOR & SON, BOOKBINDERS, HULLETT ARE prepared to execute binding in every . style. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at the Signal Book Store, Goderich, or at the EXPOSITOR office, Seaforth. stating styls, may )11y z por them being we AT THE LV V L+ 1 .1'1110ES. 'L And returned without delay. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870, 80-tf. FAR)LRS! GGet your Homemades Cut Out. With Economy and Taste AT SUTHERLAND SRO'S., TAILORS. Goderich Street. d-00 D PITS 1 And Workmanship Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. NEXT DOOR TO Lumsden's Drug Store. Seaforth, March 17th, 1870. 82-tf.--- ONTARIO .HOUSE ! E]JWAIW CASH, GENERAL COUNTRY MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN ALL RINDS OF Farm and Dairy Produce. —=o GROCERIES —AN D-- DItY GOODS! OF THE {BEST CLASS, ALWAYS ON HAND, AND AS CHEAP AS ANY IN SEAFORTH_ SEAF'oRTI', March 31, 1870. 53 --- INTENSE EXCITEMENT ! STILL P1t EV A1LS AT Dent's, Seaforth People are still rushing for those CH.EAP GOOPS. In order to supply the demand Mr. Dent has been obliged to renew his SPRING PURCHASES, and has just returned with a SECOND SPRING STOCK cheaper than ever. MILLINERY AT HALF LF ITS VALUE. D E Z G0013s, at wholesale prices. GEO. DENT, SEAFORTH. Seaforth, June 3787O. I30-tf. R LUMSPEN • Has just rec ivied a Fresh Stock of PUR DRUGS AND - CHtNMICALS Toilet and Fancy Soaps, Combs, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, French, English, and American. PYRFI.T MEItY. GENUINE DYE STUFFS Guaranteed to be of the best quality . Horse and Cattle Medicines Condition Powder. Physicians perscriptions carefully and accur- ately dispensed. R LUMSDEN, T O MERCH ANTS, TRADERS, &c. &c. The subscriber has just received a large assort- ment of . DAY BOOKS, LEDGER$, JOURNALS, Blank Books, Bill Books, Counting -House 66 Diaries, Pocket Diaries for 1870, Bibles, Prayer Books, Psalm Books—and a large assortment ofmiscellaneous books in splend did gilt bindings, suitable for Christmas and New Year's_Gifts. Sabbath School Books ! Reward Tickets, &c. Plain and Fancy Note Paper and Envelopes Pens, Ink, Pencils, School Books, etc. Musical Instruments ! Aeeordeons, Concertinas, Violins, Violin Strin s. Rosin, Bridges,&c. Briar and Mereschaum Pipes, and Fa Goods of all kinds. A large assortment of TOYS For Girls and Boys, At LUMSDEN'S Corner Drug and Book Stor Seaforth, Jan'v. 21st, 1871153-tf. • . JSEATTER EXCHANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure DRUGS. CHEMICALS. AND DYE STUFFS The Drug Department is under the special care of an experienced Clemist. •JSEATTER, Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 59-tf. DANIEL MOPHAIL, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTIES OF PERTH AND HURO BEGS to return his sincere thanks to the in - habitants of Perth for their liberal patronage during the past six years. He would respectfully announce that he will attend to all orders in PERTH or HURON for 1870. Orders left at the "EXPOSITOR" Office, in Seaforth, the Beacon Office, Stratford, or the Advocate, in Mitchell, will be promptly attended to. Conveyancing, and Real Estate Agency attend ed to, and loans negotiated. - OFFICE +last side of the, market. Mitchell, Ont. Mitchell, Feb. 25, 1870. 116-tf. LUMBER! LUMBER T HE undersignedhave on hand at :their Mills, half a mile North from the Village of Ain- leyville, 50t),00() feet of Good DRY PINE LUMBER, of the following different kinds; viz t —inch, inch and a half, and two inch, clear. A large lot, (over 100,000,) inch and a quarter, and inch and a half flooring, both dressed. and under- dressed ; half inch siding, common boards and plank, 12, 14 and 16 feet long. Board and strip . LATH, all of which will be sold at reduced prices. -They have lately added a first-class planningg machine, to their other machinery, and intend keeping dressed lumber of all kinds constantly an hand. The public may rely upon being able toprocure any of the above articles of Lumber at their Mills. so long as it is here: aclve-tised. Parties sending lumber to the mill can have it dressed on the shortest notice and lowest possible terms. M. & T. SMITH. Ainley.viile, Feb. 11, 1870. 114-tf NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL pi LLS, The 1`ational PEN area new discovery in medicine. They are composed of PILLS' pvegetable extract prepared a by a newlydiscov- ered process, and PILLS. are sugar coated. They are the great blood and stomach purifier. They act 1:31 L Ls. on the fiver with magical effect, are mild, searching, yet a thorough purgative, & have no equal as a first class family pill. See circulars with each box Sold by R. LUMSDEN and E. HICKSON CO., Seaforth, and medicine dealers generally. WOODRUFF, BENTLY & Co., • Proprietors, Brougham, 711-25ins. Ont NATIONAL PHLS. MR. JOHN THOMPSON THANKS his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will receive its continuance, He has now on hand a large a$sortrnent of Good Sound Green Hemlock ! Which he warrants will give satisfaction. ALSO 200,U00 FEET OF 'PINE I Cmc Fon. BUILDING AND GENERAL PURPOSES Which he offers on liberal terms. Orders will be promptly attended to. He has also on hand a large assortment of WELL SEASONED A "COUNTS 1 To which he calls the attention of his old custo- mers, who will find it co their advantage to re- tire them promptly, and without legal proceed- ings. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 84-tf: THE SIGN OF THE' GOLDEN THE subscriber begs to inform the public that he has just received a great variety of Sad- dles addies and TRUNKS, Which he is prepared to sell At Prices Almost Unparelleled. COLLARS of every description, warrant. ed not to hurt the horse's neck. 0 In the way of . Harness OF ALL RINDS, He is, as heretofore, in a position to give his customers as good value for 'their money as any other establishment in Ontario. Quality of work and material, employed, indls- putable. Cr SHOP OPPOSITE KIDB McMULKIN'S. JOHN CAMPBELL. Seaforth, Jan. 31. 1870. - 52-tf. e Theodore in Lexingto inst. after a of Isis blaste At thirty a promising; and the hop; was on ever were whisp. ent morals, repute and pests of this it was hope of ytuth, an circumstanc to assert hi the commun It was at that Theodor an unweariet friends great Lexington, iessly.. The is at the pres est ornament.` ed, firmly leu ed by the inf- meaning had no use ; he lowed his fair wandering SR by night in a Last it becam there' --to 'us kindly pease spent violent firm the impr that he went and demandee point, until at no longer be the asylum was according hie father pro time, and lea income of whip for life. That of imprisonme days of his co a good hoar 'i:_ the biggest foo has just closed, was one of the not only his pi manners and e.4 object of intere ed under the George. Wash snming the tra tber of His Co' balls given to t five hundred in quisitely dress - was the beau2 these long year: nese and cheer restless and `watching, it ne' sidered pruden the grounds w the year 1860 worse, and so continuing in days since, wh time, placed with the peers had gone before ed him and .did inrntable will story as the tru, ed to be writt Two sons of —T. IL Clay, now residing o Lexington, and raiser of Kentu turfmen living.: 1 1 pre The followin3 ries of great pr number of Gla fine- analysis of Take away ti trifugal force in fine dust thr, the constituent] government, an would probably` Even the blade; work without ;i an exception to osopher (Dr. Ri perirnenting rec object of testin various and sthe two antagonist'' one having its per portion (the lower and poster his experiment, rebrum of an an and its powers t the animal is forward ; on the being paraltezet- the result. Th pulse which dna themselves from: contains the thi ties, undef such ralyzed--dizzy,- normally exerc. ing partially re latter declares The learned P` gate for us, we ourselves. M lection which w this double bra" heed why that ward after the f." why.the'other, .. speed, fell back pigeon, fiutterin ground. If we gra of shot has above the eyes; 11 .�8 t