HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-06-10, Page 5airing 'fearful raTages the town of Bandoo- usarads of the pectple and hundreds of bo- bve ground, the panic being so grc,at as to )r sense of duty and [d has been for some the attention of the ..sg the subject of the d with au application svas looked for, but. O Contract with • nnual amount of lin., instead. tory. and planing mins aud the cabinet fac- ;of Stratford, were de - ay last. Serimgeoucl at from .$10,000 to frgured in the Water - Abraham's loss is &unlace.: The origin atm Gainford, from va tm the 2.4d inst for He was sent ta $ :te four years ago, ianth s and was sent as all right for one rte, but took ill again, he had to be kept months: zed arta, out the island e -United States aP1'° sed by' several 'rat -kers, who do not klot,- -rine,. unless it re - To .acquire &t- win merely be s )II- :ikiiig anyth iug in r&-. EUlull hag at last, after tc-tded the most im- it was convened, the Pope is to be cliowledged dogma rvices will take place >nor of the feast of t.'creatts Inamtificeace in all parts of Eu - and shoes in -Seaforth t'aventr:y1s. rENED.—r3TPORTANT 1E .-.11..A.R1E,. 4th June. was threatened one hundred men ; steambGatall arru- Tenians,.. InforMa- *ached from the might be -expected. number of 'officers te residence of iMr. at once re -called by coannalid of the as sounded, and the e corps were sent to Imes: of sentries road ; and' proper ; surprise on board ie d States troops d out by trie officer were wen from ..rations and artunu-- lyinc! in wait for mboat, and hearing became afraid and ropeIler,vtitith then morning ccmsider- here, Tile m Won, and Brooklyn Shickluna and the ts--have also been s for $4 : COW hide, 011.11Malli wk. of the stock-hail- hetld in Bowman - e rep -At of,the Di- ecorluhleu(j.ecl that question of the re - it present,- Was, or. of Montreal. large number ol ta Montreal, and eYineing: a deep - rigs, Great satis- all herds at the e affairs of the at the -present Ktvorabie.financial ,the Board. The leeted namely_ \V. 1. Howland,' Macdonald, M. and J. Lovekirt Boots and tihoes in r. john Bolster, kr office on Mon- todoL, which was the farm of Mr. --nship of :Sarnia. r of the lake part- - evideuth been f7* the waves. It is ite, the .bodv of 3.ut the enamel on It weighs n lbs.; n inches ; original owner ling to this tooth the posterior one - 4tr jaw—it must mal indeed. The y caiiing at Mr, -eet.--Sarnia Ob - June 10, 1870. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. • A • .4:-•ot4 , - Eke itrou txfoiter. DISTRICT MATTERS. LAST Sunday, a little • boy, about three years old, son of Henry Ruttle, of this village, while out with.a number of larger boys hunting birds' nests, get his leg broken by the failing. of an old stub. WE understand that a vicious cow, the property of one of our yillagers, is running on the _streets, and that she has already attacked several _child- ren. If the owner does not look after this ani- mal, the authorities should: On Saturday, last, while a man named Thos. .McCulloch, was working an edging saw, in Ma - bee's saw mill, G-rey, the two fore fingers of .his left hand came in contact with the saw, which immediately served them fromhis hand. FARMERS have now • pretty much got through with their spring work, and business is much brisker in town than it was during the earlier months of spring. The business streets are daily thronged with vehicles from s the country.. CEEERING.—Our market quotations; for this week, are, truly, of a cheering nature. From What we can understand, there is a large quantity of graiir yet in the farmers' granaries, which leads us to hope for "a good time coming." • MASoNTO LEaro-RE.--sOn Wednesday evening, Worshipful Brother, Rey. Mackid, of Goderich, favored lritannia Lodge, No. 170, with an inter- esting lecture on the History of Masonry. At the close, the -Worshipful Brother received a hearty vote of thants from the Lodge. • _ PutSuANT to adjournmentlhe Officers and Di- rectors of the South Huron Agricultural Society, anclathe Stephen Branch, will meet at Shaw's Kippen, on Tuesday the 14th inst., at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., to make areangements for holding the Fall Exhibition at Exciter. W. MiTclim,L, of London, having challenged any other cabinet-maker in the world, for $1,000,' for two months' work, we are authorized by Thos. Bell, of this \tillage, to say, that if Mr. Mitchell will reduce the amount to 8500, he will accept the challenge; 1 sport'ing phraseology, we say to- Mitehell, "pay up or shut up." AN arbitration between the County of _Bruce„ and Paul Ross, gravel road contractor, on an ammint of about $15,900, is at present going on at Clinton. In _ all, we understand., there are something like one hundred persons engaged in the case. Such an affair has a very perceptible effect upon the business appearance of our sister THE notorious Baron (?) de Gamin; brought his agent before - the magistrates of Ouderich, on Tuesday last, -for fraud, which he (0amin) al- leged was committed, by retaining money col- lected at the doors. The court was a lively scene, indeed, the agent giving a general .expose of his employer's c nduct, since he had been con- nected with the "how." • THE FIRST OF }IE SEASOta—Daniel Kennedy, Esq., Gf Tuekersmith, left in our 'Office tale day last week two stalks of fall wheat, .fully out in ear, and. measuring 34 inches. in length. These stalks had been taken from a field on Mr. Kenne- dy's fa.rin tWe trust °Ur friend has many acres of such grain and that it may reach maturity without faIling a preyto any of the various blights which so frequently overtake tall wheat in this section of the country. We hope the line Town- ship of Tuckersmith abounds With SUCh magnifi- cent specimens. • 1 AT certain seasons of the year most persons are subject to diseases, emanating from a low state of the blood. The causes are various, but it is only nec.essary----in order that the prompt purification of that, fluid—that the patient should use FEL- LOWS' CO3IP0UND SYRUP OF HYpOPHOITITESr With full assurance of obtaining the desired re- sults. The syrup will strengthen tbe organs of digestion, promote healthy assimilation, nourish the museles and. renovate the nervous System. Price $1.50 a Nettle, 6 for $7.50. Sold by apothe- caries and by F. Gundill & Co wholesale agents, -Montreal. THE annive-rsary services in connection with the.Biale Christian Sabbath School in Bethesda, will be held, (D. 1') on Thursday, June 2:3, in Mr. Kestle's barn, half a mile setiih of the chap - a. The children will march M procession from the Chapel at 1 p. m--., after which they will com- mence their recitations. Tea will be served to the children -at '3 p. m., and afterwards to the visitors and friends. Addresses are, expected. from the Revds. Messrs. Gracey, Cliark,, and Lovie, also from the Ministers of the Exeter Cir- - cult and Usborne-Missioa. The serviees will be interspersed with appropriate music. • A GOOD MOVE,—Mr. drayman, has: had ereeted a, splendid watering cart, for the pur- pose of sprinkling the principal streets of the vil- lage. We understanl that an arrangement has been entered into between. Mr. Colliday andAhe merchants, and other business men along Main 'Street, to keep that street free from dust during the summer, for the sum of $12 per week. This amount will amply repay Mr. C. for kis labour, • and will effect a great saving, to say nothing of the comfort, to the business men. We should , think that a similar arrangeneent might be made with the residents of other as prominent streets, as the dust during the hot season must be very annoying and. unpleasant to private families as well as to, business establishments. . WE learn with pleasure, from a Beacon, extra of the 6th inst., that the Grand Trunk work- shops, at present located in Toronto, are to be re - mewed to Stratford, as soon as suitable buildings can be creeted in that town. The cause of the removal - is., we learn, the refusal, on the part of the City.' Council. of Toronto, to grant the Com- pany the necessary land upon which to erect ad- ditional extensive, buildings, which have been rendered necessary on account of the rapidly in- creesing business of the Cempany. ft is estimat- ed that the establishmet of these works in Strat- ford will increase the population at least 2,000. This is certainly a wind -fall to the County Town. of Perth, and. we congratulate our neighbours on thei?good fortune. We fancy the Torontonians will yet live to regret the foolish course they have pursued in this matter. • LEeruRts.-e-Mr. G. W. :Ross, G. W. PI of the Sous of Tempnrance, delivered a -temperance lec- ture in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in this village, on the evening of Wednesday, the 1st inst. The attendance was not large. -The Chair was occupied by the Rev. Mr. Griffith, pastor of the M. E. congregation, The lecture was one of ths most able and logical temperance lectures to which it ever has been our privilege to listen. Mr. Ross proved himself to be thoroughly -master 'of his subject, and prodn-ced unanswerable argu- ments and a copious array of statistics, proving that the liquor traffic was not only an injury to society, but a great source of loss to the revenue _ of the county. At the close,- a vote of tha,nks, proposed by Dr. Campbell, and seconded by Mr. Macdonald of Egmondville, was tendered the lecturer for his able interesting, and instructive lecture. On the following evening Mr. Ross delivered his elaborate lecture on Canada. The attendance on this occasion was larger than on the previous '14 evening, but still, not nearly so large as the ex- cellency of the lecture deserVed. We can assure those who failed to attend, that they missed a treat rarely to be enjoyed. During the delivery of his lecture, Mit Ross. was frequently inter- rupted by rapturous applanse. The Chair was occupied by Dr. Campbell, who, inipreseuting to the lecturer the vote of thanks, setoke in high- ly enlogistio terms of the lecture which hed been given. - WE learn that Mr. Ross delivered a lecture under the auspices of the Ontario Division, Sons of T-einperance, in Toronto, on Monday evening last, before a large and highly delighted audience. Grand Trunk Railway. We have been furnished by Mr. Moodie with thefollowing memoranda, showing the compara- tivetraffic of Seaforth, for four months ending April 30th, 1870, as compared with the CMGs - ponding period, ending April 30th, 1869 : FORWARDED TRAFFIC. 1869. lbs. 8 lbs. $ 1870. jany,. 3,238,335 9,313.05 2,612,463 6.365.63 Feby. 2,188,600 6,441.81 2,284,254 5,950.89 M'rCh 2,173,490 5.633.19 5,084,486 9,351.93 April 3;699,893 8,590,41 5,337,860 12,535.70 11,300,327 29,978.46 15,319,063 4,204.15 Increase for 1870,-4,018,736 lbs. $4,225.69 RECEIVED TRAFFIC. 1869. Oa. $ lbs $ 1870, Jany. 333,788" 684, - 314,877 683. 51 Feby. 526,818 1,156.21 511,212 1,148 95 March 544,670 1,321 88 594,147 1,318.67 April 747,659 1,855.51 8,133,73 "1,949:54 2,152,935 5,018.44 2,233,609 5.100.67 Increase for 1870,-8,067 lbs. :',-;*-S2.23 PASSENGER TRAFFIC. 1869. 1870. jailer. No. 918?2 81,188.70 No Feby. Y. 859 1. 200. 45 March " 1016 1,405.70 ` April 933 1, 36 L 26 809,1i. $1,242.22 70911, 1,017.22 859 . 1,624.74 944 1.576.76 3,7261 5,156.11 3,3291 5,460.94 Increase for 170,—'304. 83. Total cash increase for four months 'f 1870 84.612. 5 "Baron De Cmin," Again.- In -order to show those of our readers whe took umbrage at the remarks we felt called upon to make anent this ndividual a few weeks ago, -that Our remarks wer neither too severe nor uncalled for, We give elow a few of the many extracts from the Press pf the Province regarding him, which have since come under our notice. If, after tending these, and what we have already given, those parties are still prepared to uphold and justify the conduct of this dangerotts and un- worthy man, then we must admit their case to be h.-tieless, and they shall be allowed to remain in quiet -possession of their opinions without further interference on Our part. The following are the extracts referredto " That rank impostor the- "Baron de Camila" has arrived. at Kincardine, County- of Bruce. On Taceday and. Wednesday evenings the Baron de- livered lectures, which were thinly attended; the cause of which is explained by the Bruce 1.'e - as follows :e•" It seems that. one of the cler- gy of our village—and the longest resident among- us—the Rev. Dr. Hodgskin.—had not given the "Baron" his presence and patronage; and, as we understand, declined taking qiny notice of him urdess be produced credentials from some church, or religious denomination,- that he was an accredit • ecl. preacher of the gospel. The smallness of the the attendance on his second 'oration" thorough- ly exasperated. the speaker, and at its close he -at- tributed it to the influence that the Rev. Geutlel man referred to exerted against him. The "Bar- on" first pretended to boggle at the name. and :then- called Dr. Hodgskin a Puseyite, and a pig insulting his congregation by saying that he was half starved here, and that he needed aplastri' -up- on his belly, and making other " equally elegant -statements"--of course to the utterable disgust of ali right-minded. persons preseitt."—Guelph, .4d- vertiser. " • " Letters from Stratford declare the "Baron" to be a very dangeroid man; letters from South-. a,mptoir state that, even -this week, he misbehavt ed hiinself badly, and that the Rev. Mr: Tolmie, the Chairman, expressed hie warni disapproval, publicly,. at the "Baron's" misconduct. --Re- deli', Kincardine. , "The ground we have taken against the Mail who calls himself Baron de Cantin is this That he conies here anonymously and characterl; seeking to make profit to himself by stirrineb up religious animosity among the people ; thatbe- fore coming to this place he had conducted him- self dishonestly, and thrit no cause, Protestant or otherwise, can be advaneed by his advocacy or injured by his hestility.,.. 'It i8. part of our vo- catiOn to expose humbug, to warn the public against imposters, to oppose useless agitation, and to certify no. one to Our friends except on:suf- ficient grounds. "—LolIdOn litree' Press. "Ba,ron de Camila who left this city last week and. forgot to pay his various accounts, has started. again, we hear, in London, Ont.''where no doubt bus eredit is good:''—lierailton Rpeetatbe: In conclusion, we may state, thatwecould fill an entire page -of our paper with extracts such as the above, did we deanu it necessary, but we have already- (riven eufficient to convince any reaem-a able and''sensible person, that the position we at first took -was the correct one. Ij. uron County Council. The County Council met on Moncly, 6th inst., in the Court House. Goderich, tiursua,nt to ad- journment from last meeting, there being present, the -Warden in the chair, Messrs. Armstrong, Dalton, Young, Farran, Horton, Shepperd, Pat- ton, Leckie; Garrick, Perkins, Wade, Morrow, Shannon, Govenlock, Kelly, Hingsto , McCaugh- 1 ey, Simpson, Castle, Green -way, Yel rly, Cress- well, Dalla,s, Messer, Scott, Bishop, Villis, Cir - vin, and Gaunt. The minutes of htst meeting were read and approved. A certificate was pre- sented feorn the Township clerk of McKillop, that Robert Govenlock, Esq., was elected Deputy Reeve in place of Samuel Hannah resigned, and Mr. Govenlock was requested to take his seat ac- cordingly. The Warden addressed the Council upon matters requiring their attention, the prin- cipal of which would be the equalization of the assessinent. A. petition from Rev. Archibald Mc- Lean in reference to collecting tolls on the Sab- ieath was read and referred to the Finance Com- mittee. Petition' from J. R McGann was read and referred to Finance Committee. Communi- cations from Mr. Langmuir in reference to the Blind, Deaf and. Diimb of this County were read and referred. to School Committee. Report of the Rev W. Barr, L. S., was referred to School Committee. Accounts of Rev. J. S. Eakin, L. S.,, Dr. Tennant; L. S. Rev. W. Barr, L. S, T. Farrow, L. S., Eric McKay, R. Matheson, Rev. S. Young, L. 8., Henry Dodd, J, Doyle, and C. Crabb were referred to the Finance Committee. Letter from Jopeph Whitehead, Esq. resigning the Trusteeship of the Minton Graimnar School was read and accepted. On the motion of Mr. Farrant seconded by Mr. Hingston, Robert Me- theson Esq., was elected his successor. It was moved`by M. Shannon, seconded by Mr. -Bishop, and carried, that Mr. Govenlock be appointed a member' of the several Committees to which Mr. Hannah was appomted for the current year. Ad- journed to 10 a. m. to -morrow. TUESDAY. ? Council met pursuant to adjournment. Minutes last meeting read and approved : Moved by Mr. Creswell, seconded by Mr. Perkins, That the. Equalization Committee be so amended that each municipality have a representative therein. Moved in ainendnient by Mr. Leckie, seconded by Mr. Messer, That Messrs. Kelly 'and Carrick be members of the Equalization Committee in the absence of Messrs. Brown and Helps.—Carried by a majority of on e, Two other amendments regardmg the Equalization Committee were made and lost. - Communication from Mr. Finley, of the Bank of Montreal, was read and referred to Finance . cemmittee., Moved by Mr. Dallas, seconded by Mr. Govenlock, that Mr. Shannon be added to the Equalization Committee.—Car- ried. Letter from the County Treasurer, accom- panied by a statement. of the amount of taxes collected on aceount- of non-resident lands, was read and referred to the Fihance Committee. A special Committee was appointed to report on the circular from' the County of Elgin.: Moved by Mr. Castle, seconded by Mt. Gaunt : Tliat as a chaago has been made through the public press against the printing contractor of 1869, that the matter be referred to the Printing Committee for investigation.—Carried. Council adjourned to 9 o'clock to -morrow. . WEDN ESDA'Y. Council met pursuant to adjournment. Minutes of last Meeting read and confirmed. A number of reports and statements were read and referred to the propergOmmittees. Moved by Mr. Far- row, seconded b3r Mr. Scott, That an appropria- tion of $200 be made toWards building a Dtill Shed at Clinton.- -Carried. • A number of ac- counts were referred to the -Finance Cominittee, and the Council adjourned to 9 o'clock to -morrow. KINBURN. On Friday last, as a lad about -twelve or thir- teen years of age, named Thomas Jones Snell, son , of Wm. Snell, Esq, who resides about a 'quarter of a mile froni this place, was driving a span of horses in a roller, he had the lime around his neck, l and one end, hanging' down behind, caught upon a nail in the roller, -which, while re- volving, .drew the lad. over under the breaking hie leg just below the knee. Fortunate- ly a sister atilt) boy was passing by the place at the time, and seeing the accident, called to the horses to stop. Had the horses not immediately obeyed the call, there is but little doubt that the poor fellow would. have been killed. At last ac- counts he was progressing favourably. WROXETER. RAILWAY MEETING. —A Meeting will be held jjjWroxeter next raturdey, 11-th June, in the in- terests ofthe W. G. & B. R. R. WEATHE a, —We had some fine summer showers last Sunday, and thocrops, etc., have improved greatly. BASE BALL _MEET:mete-The regular .monthly meeting of the "Maitland" B. B. Club, was held in Goftan's Hall on last Monday evening._ Mr. J. 0.- Dodd was unamthously elected' Captain. of the . "First nine," with the privilege of selecting the remaining eight. Mr. R. Kerr was elected Vice President. The Secretary read a challenge from the Ainleyville club, to play a game next Saturday, but as the Wroxeter club could. not conveniently play on that day, the Secretary Was instructed to accept the ehellenge on eondition of the game coming off, a week from 14xt Satur- day. BLUEVALE. 'WEATHER.—During the last week the weather has been very dry tuid warni, and the farmers Were beginning te predict that the crops would be very light .; but on Sunday lasti we had a splendid shower, which has revived and refreshed everything wonderhilly. DOCTOR.—A yotmg man, T. G. Scott, M. late of Scaforth, has come to resi.10 in this village. where he intends to practice his profession. We wish him every sacce.ss. . IMPItoV EhIENTS. —Thos. Farrow, merchant, has been nuking great improvements. He has put up an .addition to his house, also greatly enlarged the inside of his shop, giving it the appearance of a lirst class establishment. -WOOL.-- Out merchants, and others, have got the wool -mania, on the brain. One gentleman is so effected that he has left his profession, and gone into the highways, and. is trying to compel the people ter sell him th wo(d. We hope the change may be beneficial, and that he will be amply remunerated for his 'services —Cox. ..111E.-atates:-e.We are tired of Fenian neWs. - The scoundrels should. net lie. honored. by having theii names in print. POLITRAL-,-The feeling:here is that you , gave our M. P. s' what they justly 'earned, especially Mr. Whitehead,, id. P. for the North ridina, who is looked :upon with perfoot disgust by all parties, and it ial-ery doubt1al, should. the necessity arise, that he could poll twenty -live votes in this Town- ship.-aktters - No. S-LetteL AND REIDY FOR. WORK. —Capt: Keine received telegrams andlettel's from all the members of his Co., that were absent, in the United States, that they were ready at -a mo- ments notice, to take their plades M the rank and fife .—Com. GRIST MILL.—ThOS. WilSoll has made exten- sive repaire to his grist mill, in the eillage of Lisadel, and has just added an extra run of stones,' As Mr. Wilson is, probably, one of the best—if not the best—miller in the county he has been enlarging and improving the machinery, so that his constantly increasing customers may be all aecomodated.— Cot-. - NAV Hotet,.—W. G. Walker has opened a splendid hotae. in the village of Liea,del. His ac- comodation ie good; and we would. advise the travelling community to give him a call. Such a hotel Was .vceee much needed here, and he ie the right man in the right place.e-Coer. EXETER. ANNIVERSARY. —The Wesleyan M ethodist .Sun - day .Sclio61 Anniversary was held on Tuesday, 30th ult. At about 2 o'clock p. rn., the scholars and officers of the school, nuMbering about 240, assembled. at the very beautiful grove, a short distance south of the bank of the aux-Sable. This grove presents a very cheering and delightful ap- pearance, and the weather was all that could be desired. There advantages contributed much to the pleasure of all. Some enjoyedthemeelves swinging, others played at ball,- etc. Oapt. Hyiad- man and the yolunteees were present, and drilled for some time at a short distance from the grove. About 6 o'clock the white citth was spreaci on the green grase, and covered with the most de- sirable food, and luxuries Of the season, when it was encircled by those, who in a very skillful manner, relieved it to a very great extent, of its heady burden. Shortly after,. the assembly was seen i wending its way to the chnich, for ft -Litho.. -entertainment. Mr. -Verity, superintendent, was; aceordinglyt elected chairman, who, in his opening address, impressed upon the minds of the scholars, that these were their golden days, etc. The choir, led by Mr. Vandeozen, and Miss. M. Verity, who presided at the melodeon, sang several excellent pieces, and the seholars, under the tuition of MeaM.Eacrett. rendered recita- - tions and dialogues in good style. The Rev. Mr. Cookman was then called upon, whose remarks were very appropriate, and the pupils might have learned- useful,- and important, lessons from them. After this Mr, G. Powell deliveredthe valedictory address, the choir sang the national anthem with fervor, and the meeting dispersed. LECTURE.—In the Bible Christian Church, on Tuesday 'evening last, Mr. G. W. Ross, 0.. W. P.. delivered one of his popular temperance lectures. Certainly he justly merits the fame he has acquir- ed. This lecture will very benificial and enter- taining.. proving conclusively, that the use of ard'- ent spirits produced fearful and dire effects, _both to individuals and nations. WEATHER.—The weather for the past few weeks has been very warm, but the recent show- ers have made all nature look fresh and green. • Tuckersmith Council - The Court of Revision met this day, June 3, in the village of Egmondville, pursuant to adjourn- ment, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., for -the pur- pose of further examining and revising the Ass- essment Roll,—all the members present—and aft- er due eXamination of ,said. Roll, it was found to be correct, and passed uhanimously as contaming the assessed. value of all the taxable, real, and personal property -within the Municipahty of the Township of Tuckersmith for the year 1870. The . Court then adjourned, sine die. EttetonwiLLE, June 3,. 1870. The Council met this day pursuant to adjourn- ment—the Reeve and all the members present. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopt- ed. Moved by Mr. Dallas, seconded by Mr. Cousins -That Wm. McConnell be paid the sum of $80.00, being the amount of his' salary -as Assessor for the present year.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Sproat, seconded by Mr. Walker -That Mr. . Luxton's account for printing be paid, aMounting to $33.00.—Carried, -Moved by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Sproat -That F. Oram - us lee granted the sum of $2.00 charity. — Carried. On motion of Mr. Cousins the Council proceeded to receive and open tenders for the several Works advertised to .be let,by contract throughout the municipality, and after due examination of the same, the requisite number were accepted, and the several contractors having entered -into bonds for the due performance of their several jobs ac- ceding to their specified time, were allowed to proceed with the same forthwith; Moved by Mr. Dallas, seconded by Mr. Sproat -That David Walker be authorized and directed by this Coun- cil to let by tender or otherwise, a culvert near McLellan's on 2nd con. line, L. R. S., nortb of mill road.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Sproat, sec. .by Mr -Walker-That James Dallas be authorized to let by tender or otherwise, 25 roods or gravel- ling near Buchanan's, 2nd con. line L. R. S., said gravelling not to exceed $2.25 per rod. Carried. Moved by Mr. Dallas, seconded by Mr. Walker - That Mr. Sproat be authorized by this Council to let by tender or otherwise, the digging of a drain between lots 5 and 6, con. 3, L. R. S., not to ex- ceed 25 cts. per rod.—Cartied. Moved by Mr. Dallas, seconded by Mr. Sproat -That Mr. Cous- ins be authorized by this Council to get the a,p- preach to Criche's bridge repaired by tender, or otherwise. ---tarried. Moved by Mr. Dallas, sec. by Mr. Sproat -That the following Pathmasters receive the following sums, to pay for filling gravel, or otherwise employing the gamier the benefit o their respective divisions' WillThin Chesney, ,„10 ; Wm. Sproat, David Manson, Daniel Cla k, and. Geo. Chesney, $6 - each Moved. by Mr. Cousins, sec. byMr.-1-Valk- er-That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday the 21st day of June, inst., at Weiland's hotel. village of Eg,mondville, at the hour of -1 o'clock p. m.—Carried. , WILLIAM IVIUIR, T'p Clerk. Tuckersmith, June 6, 1870. BIRTHS. gt:LGER.. —In McKillop, on the 7th inst, the -wife of Mr. Bulger, of a eon. • DEATHS. CANTELox.—In McKillop, on Thursday 2ndinst., Maey Ellen only daughter of Mr. Patrick Can - talon, aged. months. WICIP3103331111b. THE MARKETS SEAFORTII, JteeE 10, 1870. Wheat, (Fall) bushel, 1:10 to 1.11 0:98 to 1:05 0:43 to 0:43 0:34 to 0:35 0:52 te 0:56 0:45 tie 0:50 9:00 to 1_1:00 0:13 to 0:14 0:10 to 0:10 0:00 to 5:00 0.40- to 1:25 0:30 to 0:31 Wheat (Spring) V bu§hel, Barley tif bushel, Oats bushel, Peas tf bushel, Potatoes 1S bushel, Hay t:'ton, Butter, D? Eggs, Hides, czliPen Skins, Wool )Cr. lb. PASTURE. --- m1-1E subscriber has: about 60 acres of excellent pasture, with. a never -failing spring creek riuming through it, into which he receive cattle and horses at moder,ate rates. THOS. STEPHEN S. Seaforth, June 10, 1870. 131-4in. 'RIFLE MATCH. AFIRST CLASS .Breach -loading Spencer tlifle, with moulds and ammunition, will be shot for on the Seaforth Rifle -Range, on Domin- ion day, July lst., at 1 o'clock p. Forty en-. tries at $1.00 each. Ranges 300, and. 400 yaads ; three shots at each range. Entries will be re- ceived at the ."Terrapin" (Carrie's) saloon, where the rifle is left for inspection. Seaforth. June 10 1870. 131-2in.- Money ! Money'! THE subscriber has received another large re- mittance of money for investment on good farm property, at 8 per cent ; or 10 per cent, and no charges. ! JOHN S. PORTER. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 95-tf. $50 000 TO lend on -the security of Beal Property in the County of Huron at froro 61 to 10 per cent. • . by 1 CAUTION.. THEpublic are hereby cautioned against pur- chasing or negotiating any note of hand drawn by the undersigned during the year 1870, as no value has been received for any note given by hint during said year. WILLIAM COOPER. Tuckersiiiith, June 1. 1870. 130 3m CAUTION, I HEREBY caution all parties against purchas- 1 in, or negotiating for a promisory note, dat- ed Seaforth, May 13th, 1870, payable one year after date, for $200, made by me in favor of --- Brownell, az 1 have received no value therefore and pa,ynient will not be made. FBANCIS G. SPA.RLING. Seaforth, June 3, 2870. 130 4ins. .11,111-LIIN.ERY rpHE MISSES STODDARD, AT THEIR. Residence M EGIVIONDYIt.LE, are preyared to execute orders for all kinds of MILLIISERY, DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. AT A share ofpatronageis respectfully solicited. EomoNnviLLE, May 19, 1870. 12841 -- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale a large Frame Cottage; 30 x 40, new, and Village Lot on the corner opposite the gaptiet Church, Seaforth. Farm property would be -taken in exchange. Ap- ply on the premises. ALEX, .McAURTHER. Seaforth, Jan. 28, 1870. 112-6m. LIVERY STABLE. TAMES ROSS desiries to inform the public that he has opened &New Livery Stable in connection with his hotel, where parties can be accommodated with first class _hkrses and, vehicles, at reasonable prices, Sealorth, jan'y. 21st, 1:870. 97-tf. MONEY TO LENDu ON Farm or desirable village property at 6A per cent. Payments made to suit the ber- roWer. Apply to A. MeDOUGALL, tnsuranze Agent am]. Commissioner_ eaelforthe or to JOHN SEATTER, Exchange Broker, ;taaferth. March 25th, 1870. 13 sc:o COW STRAYED -- 0 TRAYED FROM THE PREMISES OF THE 0 Subscriber, Lot 22, Concession 12, McKillep, about the 8th inst. a RED FOUR-YEAR OLD htserhworuse, vthereyp o\iLtrsty.of which areCiliWcu-e withoff;igthsterateat Any person giving such information, either to the Subscriberor at Montgomery's tavern, ta12-i184__ 1.be liberally rewarded. THOMAS GERMAN. MeKnaeoe, May 18th, 1870. Toronto IVIillinery, AND LATEST AND MOST FiASHIONABEE DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT IN. SE IFORTH. EilwiN begs to thank the Ladies of Seaforth and rianity, for their liberal pa- t;onage, and to intimate that she isjust reveiving a large and well selected stock of _ ' MILLINERY -GOODS ln endless variety, suitable to the season, and at suchprices as to defy competition and please tbe. most fastidious. All orders will receive h-er nsu. al prompt attention—and as regards taste, latest styles, neatness of pa-terns—she has confidence in saying she cannot be surpassed in_ theeeenntryee New book of Boston and Toronto Foshions 're- ceived regularly. Enihroidery and. braiding stamped. Straw and hair work done with neat - Imes. A good supply of ,LADIES' DRESS CAPS KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. - A call is respectfully solicited before pur chas- ing elsewhere. - Seaforth, April 22n4, 1870. 124-tf. EASE AND COMFORT THE BLESSING OF PERFECT SIGHT. Then is nothing sovalua,ble as perfectsight, and perfect sight can only be obtained- by using Perfect Spectcles, the difficulty -a of procuring -which is well known. Messrs. Lazarus & Morris, Oculists d: OptiCi- cans, Hartford, Conn., Manufacturers of the Celebrated Perfected Spectacles, have after years of Experience, and the erection of costly ma- chinery, been. enabled to produce that G -rand. Desideratum, Perfect Spectacles, which have been sold with unlimited satisfaction to the -wearers in the United States, Prince Edward's Island, and Dominien of Canada, during the pa,st nine years those Celebrated Perfected Speota.cles never tire the eye, and last many years without change. - Sole Agent for Seaforth, 'Me R. Counter, froin whom only they can be procured. LAZARUS, MORRIS & GO., MontreaL WE EMPLOY NO PEDLERS. Seaforth, jan'y. 21st, 1870. 76-1y. DOYLE LC, SQUIER, 11 7 -Gni. Barristers, Goderich. [ADVERTISEMBNT.] GUELPH May 28 ', O. SAMUEL ROBERTSON DEAR Sin I understand youe have augreed to sell your stages out to Mr. Armstrong if that be the case I will not come up as he is a particular friend of mine he did me a kindness once when I wos a boy on the gault rod.o at whiclder Bab cocks he says you woulci sell out in Sept --but he wants to buy you out now I tant the rode and I will be up as soon as 1 herej you cant deal but I would not turn against htin I have twelve Horses & font waggon which this Railrode has necked of here and I intend putting thum on someware but if arinstrong has eney prospect of getting the rode beck 1 will not go against but if not I will go for the rode as long as thair is a bottom to it Po if you intend to sell to :him dwo it soon & save your self trouble and loss of money as I will stay by you like a buldog if 1 cum which I will in a few days preps tuesday or -wensda,y hoping -you will not keep the rode from Mr. Armstrong as he has the best rite to it I remain yours truly R. B. Coutsox. '7,4 eeetelea =="-- t 4 TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. _ CCA1-3,TWRIGHT, L. D.S., Surgeon -Dentist Extracts teeth without pain by the use of . theiNittpus-thdde Gas. Office,—Over the 'Bea- con' store, Stratford. Attendance in Seafortb, a,t Sharp's Hotel, the first, Tuesday and. Wednes- day of each month; in Clinton, at the Connnerc- ial Hotel, on the following Thurscla3s and Fridays. Parties repiring new teeth are requested to call, If at Seaforth and Clinton, on the fast days of attendance. Over 54,000 patients have had teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, at Dr. Coulton.'s offices. New York. Stratford, Feb. 11, 1870. 114-tf. ,