HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-04-01, Page 8es THE JRO EXPOgitdit 0 APRIL 1 1870. • •431111111111MINIMMINIIIMIL PARLIAMENTARY. (Centiiiatki);Tavo['ge sie.) sanTRDAY. The House Went into Oorirmittee on Mr. Dunkin's Census Bill. The salaries of the enumerators were fixed at $3 D, - day, •and that of the Commiseion 'Or at $4 a day. On Sir John A. Macdonald moving the second reading of the Bill -on the Coasting, Trade of Can a do,. Mt. i1ackenzic maintained th there were -some serious defects in the re - tarns respecting Shipping and Navigation. From the faet that many of th a vessels built - on Canadian Lakes were registered in Bri- tain, there were no aecc..r ato. means of ob- taining accurate information respecting the amount of the tonnage (W the country. With respect to wrecks the:information ob- tained was -by no means complete. He a,r- gued that the Bill before,the.Mouse was by no means icomprelienpive as the circum- stances of the cue° demandecr c'..,11e referred to the vexatious system carrieti on by the American Gosernitertt in conneoeiore, with our? Coasting Trade- ;and instanced that many British Vessels AO been,.seized on Lake Michigan,. on the ;miserable pretence tliqt they had not reported themselves at Mackinaw before-- entering the Lake. He claimed that the shipping interest should be anxiously looked to as a source of revenue, and ;in that light it demanded the greatest possible care for the protection of life ond property ; and .trued that the Government should -devote more care to this matter than -they had hitherto done. The present policy of the Goverment, he argued, gave the Americans a monopoly of the ferrite; between the two countries; a, matter which Sbould be catefuty looked to. Hon. Mr. Tilley claimed, that the whole matter was receiving the most anxious con- sideration at the hands of theGovernment After some -remarks 'from ' Mr. Can:fermi and Mr. McCallum, the liCD. J. Howe said that the case Was an urgent one, and that if they were W make a show amongst the nations of the world, theymut look closely after the properpyof their. Mercan- tile two:Me. The Bill *as 'read a secead time, and the Bill 'passed through Com- mittee. An Act respecting the office of the Queen's Printer and a Bill to facilitate the signing _ of military commissions were read a second time Thereafter,Sir John A. Macdonald stated that he- had received a telegram conveying intelligenee of the death of a member. of the House —Mr. Kirk-. patriek, member for Frontenac—and moved that, in respect to his .n.i'enaory, the House filIOUld adjourn. .After a brief discussion, in the coin's(' of which Hen. Mr. ,Holton abd Mr. Mackenzie objected to this being regarded as a precedent for adjoerramen+ in siballar circumstances, the motionwas a- greed to and the Irons° adjourned accord- ingly. MONDAY. Hon. Mr. Langevin la -;(.1 on the table the reports of the,Faagineers on the subject of harbors of refuge on Lakes Huron and Erie. Mr. Street called attention to the omission in the general ieturns of insurance corn-. panies laid on the table of the Canada Life Assurance Company at Hamilton He -was informed by tbe Manager of that Company that the return' required Was sent to the Audit Office in Juily last, and was ac- knowledged by the i Audit Office. Sir F. ilincke said he could find no trace of any • such retain in the Audit Office, but would endeavour to .find oat, , the cause of the o- mission. following bills paSsiecl throtigh Committee of .the Wholewere rePorted, and fixed for a third reading. ---Mr; Snyder —To authorize the cotporation of the township of Collingwood,..',,eounty of Grey, to impose and collect tong On harbor dues and for other purposea. Hon. Mr,:' Oar - ling -1'o incorporate the Detroit River Transit Company. With reference to the first -named bill, -Sir John A. Macdonald said he had grave doubts as, to whether this Parliament had jurisdiction in the matter, and said it ,viduld he well, 'before the Bill reached itrthifd rea-,dine; t6 pass some- .rule defining the jurisdiction more clearly. Han. Mr. Carling.moved the see- ond leading of the till to amend , the Act of Incorporation of the Great Western 1tai1way ,Co.- . Mr.. Cameron (Huron**atiied a point of order. The Bill. gave the -Com- pany power to narrow the ga•uge on the main line as well as on the blanches, where -- as the notice puPlislied in the Officia/ Ga- zette asked for power to change the gauge on the branch lines only. . Mr. Slimily said it would be a great adVantage to the count; ry if the gauge Was narrowed, as proposed, and it would be well . for the country if all the lines had ne.rrow gauges. After some cliscugsion, the • Speaker ruled that the Bill should be referred to the Corn-; mittee on Standine-"Orders to consider the point of order. Referred accordingly. The following -Bills were read a second time :-- Mr. Scriver—To incerpor ate the Montreal and Champlain Railway Co; Mr. Pope— To incorporate the St. Francis and _ Meg - natio International Railway Co. ig,r, Wal- lace asked- if it was the intention Of the Government tee.place in the estimates for the yeaa a sum sufficient for the construct- ion of the steam fog whistle at Cape En- rage on the northern coast of the Bay of Fundy. Sir -John A. ,Macdonald said the Government did not intend to do so this year, but hoped his honorable friend would be More successful next year. Mr. Fortin asked whether it was 'the intention of •„the Governin.ent to introduce a measure during tliig season to assimilate the law relating to pilotage in all seaports of Canada, with a view to the adoption in all said ports of a tiniferrn,' exemption from eompu1sory pilotage for all vessels of Ca- nada of or under 125 tons burthen, thus rating vesselof the Dominion, frequent- ing different ports of the Provinces of Nova Scotia_ and New Brunswick, on an equal footing; as regards said eliernption, with those frequenting the port of Quebec. Sir John A. Macdonald said the matter was under the consideration of the Governmen Mr. Wright -(Ottawa) moved for the ap- pointment of a Select, °committee on certain petitions praying for the improirement of the navigation of the Ottawa and French rivers, and spoke of the i'Mportance of the subject in a military, commercial and' na- tional view. Mr. Shanly seconded the motion, and urged upon the 'rouse the im- portance of pushing this matter upon the Government y'ear aftet year,.and of collect- ing information reiipectiiig the capacity of the Ottawa River respecting navigation purposes. He thought ten feet of water was quite eitough for 1.my of .our canals ex- cept the Welland. and he was satisfied that that depth could be obtained on the Ottawa. Mr. Grant pointed out the ad- vantage in point of distance of the Ottawa route over the Welland route. Mr. Young arproved of the Ottawa route as a great through -route to the ocean. Mr. Macdon- ald (Middlesex) was opposed to the appoint- ment of com misioners on this matter; and held that the Government should com- mence the improvement of the Ottawa Can- al at once. He 'was of opinion that with- out the expenditure of tan 'tuitions of dol- lars, ten feet of water could 11tXt be obtained in the Otiawa, but eight feet could be ob- tained, and that was enough. He argued that the -Government should give grants of the canal in companies willing to go ahead with their wishei. TUESDAY. The House went into committee on the Census Some minor amendments were proposed and the third leading fixed for to- da:y. The _Election Bill was taken up. Mr Mackenzie commented very severely on it, especially that part appointing as. revisors of the electoral lists, Commiesioners nomin- ated at the arbitiary will of the Govern- ment. Sir,John A.. Macdonald proceeded to diseuSs the rules which should, in his opinion, reemlate the exercise of, the. fran- AiSe. He''defended the principle of uni- forrnity, and spoke in 'condemnation of the assessment rolls; being used as a basia for the election lists. The obligation of a five years lease, he thought. might be considered by the committee ; but occupancy for at least one year, and some degree of perma- nency of tenure was absolutely necessary. Several members took part in the discus - mu, and the committee rose. It was eli- cited in conversation that thearrival of the delegates from Winnipeg was hourly ex- pected. .0 • OW A clrious peige of information - concern- ing the Fenian raitlof 1866, hes come to my knowledge, which shows in an extraordinary light the conduct of Sir Jetin A. Macdonald who was at that time Ministerof -WAIL Before the raid occurred, the notorious Mike Murphy paid a yisit to Ottawa. Detectives O'Neil and Davis watched his movements, and one.night the latter followed him to a certain 'shoemaker's on Sussex street, where he saw Murphy preside over a; Fenian circle, and observed other proofs of the treason that were being hatched. • Sonae twelve or fourteen men were present at -tlie meeting, whose names can negiven. O'Neil and Daviareported the eircumstance to -Mr; K. Dickinson,„'a,t,. that: time Mayor of the city, And also _zo'kfr. J. M. Currier member far.- the city. These two gentlemen, in com- pany with the two detectives I have named, immediately went to the residence of Sir John A. Macdonald, who was at that time living with Colonel Bernard, in Desbarat's Block, and told him what wits going On, re- questing him to grant them authority to surround the hoese, and take the whole cir- cle prisoners, with ''their ,bodis.'and dodii- ments. Sir John -(whO, • to tell tliattuth, was. not -very sober .at the 'moment) teld them—" All right; let them alone ; don't disturb them ; watch them, and see they don't do any aniseheifei' . I give you the naines' of the parties con- nected with these occurrences as vouchers for the correctness of the story, and now what are we to think of this? If Sir John A. Macdonald had given he a.uthoritv re- quired, these traitors, With the tangible evi- dences of their guilt, would have been se- cured, and the whole' plot of the intended raid would have been disetwered and frus- trated. The shame, sorrow and disgrace of that mad invasion would have been prevent- ed, and the lives and treasure it test would have been saved. The story seems incredi: ble, bnt the facts are too well ascertained te permit of a doubt. The fatal bungling' of the Government was \a. fruitful, source of trouble in June, 186-6 now, it appears there was something worse, and, -according to what I have related, Sir John A. Macdonald is directly responable for much of the suffer- ing entailed on the country by that foolish raid upon our borders.—Ottawa Cor. Ham- ilton Times. sra• New York has 5,000 .vagrant children who never attend school. • "I'd rather not take a horn with you," said a toper to the mad bull, but tlae ?Ina)l treated him to two., and Uaetoper:rioti quite, high. What is thedifference between a chick and a man? When ,a clock iswoundup it goes ; but when a man is "wound up" he stops. A Scottish naturalist once remarked to a. laird, who was hesitating what crop to sow_ on some new and, "Saw it wi' factors, laird; they are sure to thrive onywhere." - In Toronto a; young woman wanted to kiss Prince Arthur "for his raother," but. when informed by one of the suite that she might do it for his own sake she idiglitirktr- ly declined. _ Kmdness, like the gentle breath of spring, "melts the icy heart. Small pox used to cause 1,000 deaths annually in Ireland, but within six yeare compulsory vaccination has reduced it to less than 20: A. Boston Writer in all ang to the musi- cal- taste of the' Hub, says : "Our ears have been cultiy`ated until they overshadow our other organs." Particular gentleman (exhibitingla singu- lar -locking Object in the soup ladle): "Waiter, do you know what that is7" Waiter: "That, Sir, looks like a mouse, sir. We 'often find 'em iu the soup, sir. No charge for it, sir." CHESSS PROBLEM NO. 04. TO CORRESPONDENTS, E. B. Cook,- --We solve this week's nut, a four Mover, in three movei. How is that Friend Cook... ROBLEM T9URNAMENT:—„The time for the re; eeption of competingproblems for our tourney is • extended linen further notice, E: B. COOK; -.4;7/C881\711U. .'- BLACK. ssa.- a .• s .- 1• - '-%': . - •-•.-- 44 f.-- ,.. 10:i •7;;;01. . , 0 ..4 - 4- 4.. 4?':'..' /".. • ',•,:.../ .4 A:;. !. ;;•.;111. r:.• ..• ;/.;., .7. ......4. A - • ' *"."- '‘11.0.:%.%;%41.? % 4 i4'' , -:;• ••-- - .i.t; --.•:: • „,,, • , .? ta •,,,,-. •, .• / _4;:e'?..”; ' .,„::., •,`;'. - ',..0 ':.',1;4j; ; • . : ' '://,.:');:%, %...,;'';."/*':;::: • :;,,; ' , /,,;.,•//:.;;,'; O'.7.1:',."....;—: ;., ,, :4 -'' =',./;;;•;',../.• • -<?..2.V- . :', - ,X .... :•4''," 7:;Zz' 7 '77 .n././ ..... , •• ,s. .,.y , .,, :,.%/•-.S.'es'e.F, s7-4.eeVe. •S/ 1,a,es. •-,S-Os ,• • , • - 'WHITE. White to play; and mate in 3 moves. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 93. WHITE. BLACK. 1 II to Q 8 1 P tks Kt 2 P to.K Kt 3 P to Q B 5 3 P to Q B 3 K moves. 4 B to K 7.•mate; MONEY TO LEND. ON Farm or flesirable village property at 64 per cent. Payments made to suit the. bor- rower. ..ariply to A. G. McDOUGALL, 0 r.nsurance Agent and Commissioner, Seaforth, • or to JOHN SEATTER, Exchange Broker, Seaforth.. March 25th, 1870. BRITANNIA LODGE, A. F. & A. M. NO. 170 G. R. O. AN Emergency Meeting, on MONDAY Evening, April 4th. M. R: COUNTER, Secretary. MONEY LOST Lost somewhere in Seaforth, on Saturday, 23rd Jan., a roll of "Royal Canadian" Bills, amount- ing to about $38. The finder will he liberally re- warded by leaving it at the "EXPOSITOR" OFFICE Seaford. Seaford, Jan'y. 28, 1870, 112. F913, :S.A. AT A ITCTI 0 N IMPROVED FARM LANDS IN THE Township of Turnberry, COUNTY OF HURON. IN pursuance Of a pOwer of sale.contamed in a Mortgar; will be sord. bysPublic, Auction 'by J. P. BRUNE, Auctioneer, at the VILLACE.OF SEAFORTHI IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, ON Thursday, 14th April, '70, A. D. 1870, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. THE Easterly fifty aeres of Lot 25, , and the Easterly fifty acres of Lot 26,- in Concession "C,"' of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Title indisputable,—possession imme- diate. The property adjoins the Village of Wroxeter, and is within 22 miles oflWalkertown, in Bruce, and Seaford, to which.there are good gravel roads. There are fifty acres cleared, with log buildings and good fencing.; The property will be cffered at an upset price .of $1.200. Twenty five per cent of purchase money to be paid at time of sale, when the purchaser will be entitled to a conveyance and to be let into pos- session, Balance in foiir years, or itt four equal annual instalments at the option of the purchas- er, with interest at eight per cent, tope secvred by mortgage onfthe,prernises,, The conditions of sale are the.samei a thetie of the Coirri of Chan- cery, and can be seen on application to JAMES H. BENSON, ESQ., Solicitor, Seaforth, or to the Ven- dors' Solicitors. CROOKS, KINGSMILL & CATTANA.011. TORONTO, March 14, A. D.. 1870. •120 -td --- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE • THE Subscriber offers for sale a large Frame Cottage, 30 40, new, and Village Lot, opposite the Baptist Church, Saaferth. , Farm property would be taken in:exchange. 'ApplY en the Premises. ALEX. McAURTHER. - -.Seaford, Jan. 28, 1870. 112-6ni• Agents..1- ROod. This! E Neill pay agen• ts a salary of $30 per week and expenses, or allow a large commission, to aell, our new wonderful inventions. • Address, M. WAGNER & Co., Marshall, Mich. $50 000. TO lend on the seeurity of Beal Property in the County of Huron at from 6.'2 to jper cent, by 117-6m. DOYLE- & SQIJIER; I, • 'el 1 Barristers, ouerico.. NOTICE. .TO STOREKEEPERS1 T hereoy give notice that' Mary Taylor has left my employment, aed she is no longer author- ized to contract debte on my behalf, and I warn all Storekeepers not to give her credit on my ac- count. JOHN TAYOLOV, 110-3in Ilibbert. DOG LOST. - 08t.r- in Seaford on the last Show Day,' a, J small shaggy, black dog, with a little tan color on the nose and legs, answers to the name of Censer. .Any person leaving the same it Mc- ' Bride's Hotel in Seaford, or with thcowner will bdsuitebly rewarded. JOHN DOBIE, Lot No'. II, Con. 9. .Tuckersmid, March 25 1870. , tf. Money! Money! ITE subseriber has received another large re- mittance el moneyfor investment on good farm property, at 8 per cent ; or 10 per cent, and srio charges. JOHN S. PORTER. .Seaforth, Jan.y. 21st, 1870. 95-tf. 11111'GREGOR 8c, SON,, BOOKBINDERS, HULLETT. RE prepared to execute binding in. every style. Persons residing at a' distance by leaving their books at the Signal Boole Store, Goderich, r at the EXPOSITOR office, Seafarth. _Stating style, may, rely upon them being well boimd. • AT THE LOWEST PRICES. And returned without delay. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 80-tfi LOVELL'S DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL DIRECTORIES. TO BE PUBLISHFD- IN OCTOBER 1870. ATOTICE1.—Learning that my "name ha's been •111 unwarrantably awed in connection with Directories now being canvassed in the Provinces, and entirely distinct from my works, and that itt other cases it 113.4 been stated that my Director- ies have been abandoned, I would request those desiring to give a preference to my works to see that persons representing themselvea Las acting for me are furnished.with satisfactory credentials'. JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Montreal, March 16, 1870. LOVELL'S DIRECTORIES. I T is intended to make these Directories the most complete and correct ever -issued on this uOntinent. They are not being prepared l.fy cor- respondence, but by personal canvass, from door to door,. of my own Agents for the requisite infor- mation. 1 have now engaged on the work in the several Provinces, Forty men and Twenty horses. These are engaged mainly Olb the towns and vil- lages off the Railwayand Steamboat Rontee, im- portant places on the lines being held till the completion of the former, to- admit of correetion to latest date. . I anticipate issuing, m October neat, THE CA. - NA DI A 1s4 DOMINION DIRECTORY, and, SIX PROVINCIAL DIR ECTORIES, which will prove p correct and full index to the Dominion ot Canada, Newfoundland and Prince*. 'Edwerd, Is- . land, and a. combined Gazateer, Directory and Hand Book of the pix Proyinces. - SUBSCRIPTION TO DO/41010N DIRECTORY: Dominion of Canada Subscribere, ..$12 Cy. United States do 12 G old . Great Britain and Ireland do . £3 Stg. France, Germany, &e., do £3 8tg. ,St BSCR 'DEUS TO PRONINCIAL DIRECTORIES : Province of Ontario Directory, -1870-71 $1 Province of Quebec Directory, 1870-71 , 4 Province of Nova Scotia Directory, 1870-71 . 3 Province of New Brunswick Directory,. 1870-71 3 Province of Newfoundland*Directory, 1870-71' 2 Province of Prince Ed. Island Directory, 1870-71 2' No mon4 to -be paid until each bookis deliv- ered . JOHN LOVELL, Publisher MONTREAL, March 16, 1870, EASE AND 6131410611T THE BLE$SING OF .PERFECT SIGHT. There is nothingsOiSahiable asperfeetsight and. perfect sight can only be obtained by using Perfect Specteles, the v difficulty of procuring. which is well kuown.. . . Messrs. Lazarus & Morris, Oculists d; Optici- cans, Hartford, Omni., Manufacturers Of the Celebrated-Perfectett Spectacles, have after Years of Experience, and the erection of costly ma- chinery, - been enabled to produce that .,Grand. Desideratum, • Perfect Spectaples, which heve been sold with Unlimited satisfaction to the wearers in the -United State's, Prince Edward's Island, and Dominien of Canada, during the past nine years those Celebrated .Perfected Speotacles never tire the eye, and last many years without change. Sole Agent for Seaforth, M. R. Counter, from whom only they can be procured. ' LAZARUS, MORRIS & ea, MOntreaL WE EMPLOY NO PEDLERS. , Seaford, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 76-1y. SEAFORTII PLANINGMIL.I. 'SASH, DOOR, AND • BLIND FACTORY! . mrfE subscribers beg leave to tender their sin- cere thanks to their numerous cestomers and the public at large, for the very liberal patronage received smce commencing business in Seaferth. And. as they fra-ve now a very Urge stock of Dry Pine :Lumberfftalfd,-atslliktfngrately'efilarged their premises and 'added New Machinery (there- by increaeing their facilities for doing work with despatch), they feel confident of giving every -sa- tisfaction to those who my favour them with their patronage, first-elaes workmen are employed. Particular attention paid to custom planing. BROADIVOT k GRAY. Seaforth, they. 21st, 1870. FOR SALE CHEAP! A Goon,new,SEWINGMACHINE 1-1,in good . working order, will be sold at cost price, for cash. Apply at the "Earrosisoa" office. Seaford, FOS 25, 1870. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale a large Frame Cottage, 30 x 40, new, and. Village Let on the corner opposite the Baptist Church, Seaford. Farm property would he taken in exchange. 011 th4 premises. ALEX, MeAURTHER. Seaforth Jan. 28, 1870. 112-6ne NOTICE TO DEBTORS. A LL persons imdebted to the late firal Of Zapfe 8r, McCallum, are hereby requested to call ead settle the same With the undersigned en or before the lst of March next, otherwise cost's. will be incurre(L ZANIT, & CARTER. Seaford Foundry. deaforth, Feb. 15, 1870. • 1154 LIVERY STABLE. TAMES ROSS desiries to inform the public e) that he has opened a New Livery Stable ixi. conneetion with his hotel, where parties can be accommodated with first class horses and: vehicles, at reasonable prices. Sea orth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 97-tf. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP., NOTICE is hereby given. that the partnership for some time past earned on by Messrs. George and John Inglis, as general merchants, under the name and style and firm of G. & J. Inglis, at the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, was this day disolved by mutual COD - sent, and the business will from henceforth be • carried on by John -Inglis only, and the said John Inglis is authorized to discharge all debts, and to receive all credits on account of the said Part- nership concern. (Signed,) GEORGE INGLIS. JOHN Dated this 1st March, A. D. 1870. tf. GO TO THE BEST. The British American AND BRYANT, STRATTON & ODEL CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS COLLEGE. Now the largest, most extensive and complete ,BUSINESS SCHOOL in the country. It has de largest staff of. Teachers, the most practica1 and best adapted business forms, and the best ar ranged and most commodious apartments. It is.under the nianagement of thorough busi- ness men, fully alive to all the requirements of - all the business community. - The advantages and facilities afforded in this Institution are unequelled in the counties and no young man should enter a business career with- out fully availing himself of its benefits. We were awarded the FIRST PRIZE IN BUSINESS WRITING at the late Provincial Exhibition at London. As this is the Sixth consecutive year that we have taken this prize, we feel confident that there can be but one opinion 'as where to go to learnto write. Por specimens bf svriting, benk notes, circulars, &c., address, • ODELL & TROUT, • Toronto FARMERS! larGet your Hoinemades Cut Outsea With Economy and Taste AT SUTHERLAND 13RWL TAILOR'S. • Goderich Street • • GI,- CD 0 ID '11 S 1 zn Workinansliip, Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. NEXT DOOR TO • Lumsden.'.a Driig Store. Seaford, March 17th, 1870: * 82-tf. uron txpooitot, THE'OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUNTY OF HURON, Is published every Friday Morning, in Seaford . It is the largest paper in,the County.. '---- .0: 8_ _ $1.50 per annum, ist advance ; if not so paid. 3200.will be charged. No subscription taken for a shorter. period than three months. -0: • ADVERTISING RATES. TRANSIENT. Per line, first insertion, 8cts ; subsequent in- sertions, 2 ets, each time. Advertisements meas- ured by a scale of solid brevier- No advertise- ment taken for less than One Dollar. CONTRACT BATES: One Column for One Year. - 4 6 Six Mouths, - I 4 c • " Three Half Quarter • - • 6 C C Eighth • • (C • is s • 4L One Year, 4`k • SiX-MOIlthlii Three. " "One Year, - " =Six Months - " Three " " One Year, " .81v/41:Intim - - 460 00 - 35 00 - 20 00 .35 00 - 20O� 12 00- - - 20 00 1200; •e•S 00 a 12 00 - 800' - • - 51 . , Advertiseinents, without ;specific directions, will be inserted till forbid,' an charged' accord- ingly. . 119-tf. WM. IF. X VOL BUSI .D TRACY, A' . Huron. -( East of the Mett Seaforth, Dec; IT L. VERa geon, etc.. of Market and I et Kidd & MeM Seaforth, Feb. Office, —Op dence—Main-sti Seaforth, Dec. •T CAMPBELL aft e Univer geon, etc., Seaforl Post Office Build found by night ol -Seaford, July • C. CAMEL Law, God Decemher 14t1 at V: wE, t 81‘6) Public Conveyai ,Archib:01:'sANSteczre Money to Lend. W. Seaforth, Dec, JENSON &Ji I at Low, Soli Conveyane floes —Seaforth True't and Loan Colonial Securitii Money at 8 per ci W. H. BENSON, Seaford, Dee. /CAUGHEI Attorney' and insolvency, I era. Solicitors 10, 'Agents for the I 'N. B. —$30,000 ti Houses and. Las Seaforth, Dee. E WALK1 e licitor in -Ch &c. Offi Court Iffouse, God N.B.—Money ti Lands. egeaderich, Jan'y -G. 1 ficial lates aate taken for the -tender teed. Ti Rooms over Collie Seaford. Dee. -1 0 HARP'S HO 0 Stage Office, M Seaforth, JAM COMMERCAAT Laird, propri *iodation for the and bar are alwa• iJ markets afford. Ainleyville, Api R. ROSS, Pro U. begs to infon t e travelling eerie &at -class aeconum bytravellers. A I always on hand, every neeessary at Seaford, Feb. 8 ARC' 0 MAILL & CRO and -Specificat 4 ter's, Plasterer's. and valued. °fifes -store, Court-House Goaerieh, April ENRY WATI er. Plana, SI correctly. Every measured and vali pared. Orirca. sons old store, Sea Seaforth, June 9 et W. MePTIT: „ veyors, Civil of Conveyancing de • O. McPhillips, Con Nsxt door Pouth of Seaford, Dec. 14 AUCI -Eps HAZLEHUR _Ds the County' Particular attentio Stock. Farm Steel 'Terms. Goods A.pi Landlord's Warraz "Vint Division Cour easkezieh, ,Ivate 9