HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-04-01, Page 5cote says the Govern ay Company s Territorv eiven over to the Do- 10-0ourecord between talk has- been made bu. matte the piissage from ., H 6a. days. -epart(q that a, divorce .putation of a lady oc- onrin Court, will short - le Prince of Wales ig aus element contained e same L•ase. . m a letter has come 1tdueation NIL abject- nd that it requires ie- , minority at the N as condemned Prince. lay 25.000• francs to Gir, and also to pay '1 Suit ARAL. ed orders to the army a rid garrison to obey eventualities, unlesk. seofficial quarters entaI hOuticide will be ugliest on 'the ease ot .lourbon. / that the American se to- assist to the pro- ,nfallibility, and that iate them has proved merit have authorized railroad from Athens ad along the Gulf of oi the western coast len (An ble) •through • (Egypt), • has been eatnplete direct sub- kAnbay to Suez now lilted for from Puerta yetiat Nuevitaif on alediately started in Two gunboats have Grandes to cut off- : Hard fighting is re - rile troops must have aniards at Nuevitas 1. 'eting in Toronto - ceder of the 261h., ert„ which though so aajoritv was concern- . „ t for modified pro reasceitag, a noble e• principles. tach etit,ially represented its adherents im opened the !proceed- _ considerable length, , clear and convinc-- 'mit straight to the ited by autual facts. :turai trade of Ga- ped IT free trade - &as sending her bar-, leitt. to England, her- i-ica-=--that her ship- tho largest in the highlypi-aspen-J.1as tax on the neeessar- anti bread, • would ers imd fisher- ki the aoTteuluaristf, , - (owed by Mr. Rah/ Ch.„ characterized by out the fallacies un - f protection': Airs ARletman; Dickey vigor and ability - gentlemen making .et that the mann- iprotected by heavy iworthy -Alderman • tding a special :that Ain A mei ict tn. watch ; was tickled with -ait must have seen. of all things. in, nient issay with !e tcpirits may be. ; and if Air • uenee with the te hit-xi:self their • preyeat other- , to cofl- urns! iapear to be aetu- reat 'Western uilation (if the ricau lines; the miles•of Whi(-h WO the c on - (let the l)ettoit lte difficulty at tivcr will be tYy alma-. 45 niiles • a-qk Now um tion Bill is iforniists because power to: deter - Or of the school thus practically thureh rates. printitsies. In re. that gives. all tho estallfish- uf free schools in '..j.tuliees are the wove, especially !tereti lsy thous- issf the Sectarian e-1 APRIL 1, -1870. ht ULYOIL DISTRICT MATTERS. THE North Riding Spring Show be held at Clinton on the 13th inst. THE Seaford' Council have done a good thing, io having the streets scrapedTu N -H . E0 N *8 celebrated lecture, on "Macaulay" in the Presbyterian Church, this evening. 01. -It Village Council have petitiona the Do- minion Parliament- to annex the Village of Sea forth to the South Riding.of the County of Huron, for Electoral purpoaes. . A SNOW storm. prevailed last Sunday, which 'blocked the railway between here and Stratford, and delayed the trains a few hours. The snow is ROW fast disappearing. and the roads around lierc ;ire quite bare. We are told, however, that to the North, sleighing is good. ON the 9th inst. J. P. Brine will sell by public auction, forMra. jarvis, on Main Street, Seaforth, a large quantity of Household Furniture, includ7 ing Chairs; Tablas, Stands, Hall Furniture, Chif- fonier, Walnut Wardrobe, Bureaus, Stoves., Crockery, etc.. etc. 121.3ins. : FRESH ARRTVALS.--J. Duncan & Cn. haVe just received their Spring Steck. It consists of Pa- per Collars in endless quantities, and numberless varieties ; some entirely new styles- : Neckties die neatest and fanciest : Silk, Felt and other km• ds of ham▪ s lu the latest designs . Boots and shoesofa1j sorts and sizes. ACCIDENT.—A young lad, a son of Mr. Hog- arth, of Hibbert, while playing, one day, lately, in the barn, got the thumb of his left hantl badly jammed, by the sudden closure of the barn door, by a gust of wind. The parents drove out to Seaforth, to Dr:, Campbell, m -ho dressed the wound, and seinehopes were entertained that I the thumb might be preserved to the little fel- I low—but singe then the lacerated flesh has , , leaving the bone bare, and we under- I stand the Dr. has amputated the thumb at the i second joint -BLUEVALE. RAILWAY. --The Narrow Gaugers, (who are very strong in this part) have been greatly aroused by the speech recently delivered at Leechaille, hy 1Vin. T. Hays, Esq., M. P. -P., who denoun- ced the Narrow Gauge in very severe terms, call- ing it an " !sullen Rubber affair," a " humbug," and a swindle." feie a prevailing opinion that unless the saki M. P. P. changes his tactics upon this su;ajeat, before thenext elections he wjlJ find hinisfelf thinds,-in these Townships, or as an influ- ential Conservative said the other day : "The Hon. Gentleman will find that the electors have got 'brass backs' that will not seretch,'" Rustatvass, --The equanamity of some of our villagers, has been disturbed during the past week, by the sudden exit ot two persons, who. resided in this locality, for parts unknown but , have left behind them their debts, to console those who re- main. The name of °tie of these is Wm. Styles, who is supposed to have emigrated to U. S. Do- minions, taking along with him, his wife, but leaving bell' d, two small children to be support- ed by their grand parents, who, as far as we can learn,. are scarcely 31)10 to support themselves, — Quite a large number have been victimizeed by the above gentlemen (?) .MCORRIS. • . CONCEPT. —The beginning of the present Win- ter, the young peopledin the Vicinity of the School House. in School Section No. .9, formed them- selves into a class for obtaining instructions in music; and were fortunateenough to secure the services of Prof. Orr, as teacher. On Wednes- day evening, 23rd. inst„ they gave an entcrtain- ment. in t ie school house, whichthey, very mod- 1-estly denominated - a "Social ,." but with nuc 1 greater propriety, it mightbe called a "Concert." The. School House was tastefully decorated with evergreens, and. nicely fitted up for the .oscasien About 7 o'clock the audience began to gathor, which continued until thehousewas 'well filled. I / The ladies—provident creatures, that they are— brought baskets heavily laden.with the substan- .tials and luxuries of life, As a pure matter Of gallantry, the gentlemen, with the assistance of all others present, immediately set themeelves to s o it t I' . forts were attended with results, mutually satis- i t commenced ; Gleea, Dialogues, Songs and Recita- I (=ATHER TIP THE FRAGMENTS. —A vvealthy farm - n th Th er o e ames Road, Usborne, trapped a skiank lately, and seriously proposed securing t odorife,rous matter, and selling it to the druggis of Seaforth, for the purpose of scenting hair o With this skunkish idea he paddled the little an mal round amongst his neighbours, asking the advice upon the subject, till all forsook the goo man, and fled, kaving the two "alone in the glory:' When last- seen, the frugal farmer an his odoriferous friend were making tracks for the mansion of the foriner, apparently on the best of terms. When the two worthies visit Seaforths the inhabitants will have no difficulty in recog- nising them, provided their nasal organs are in tune. If, however, they should both die in the mean- tircte, we advise our Usborne friends to bury them in the same grave, erecting a tomb stone over their remains, with the inscription Saul and Jonathan were lovely in their lives, and in death they were not divided." THE HURON EXPOSITOR. AINLEYVILLE. BUSINESS, ETC.—Business, here, has been very dull for some weeks. Drovers have been doing little, .of late, - and money is un.usually scarce. Cardiff & Elliott have received an assortment of fresh groceries, fancy goods, ete., whieh they are selling cheap. The weather ia 'Very ehangeable i one day being cold, snowy and blustering, th next sun shining, and clear., . Quite a little ex camera exists among the farmers as to whethe the currency bill will really. be enforced on th 15th of Apr11. ‘• SunritisR PARTY...7-A feW of the friends of Mr. good fellow), took possesSion of his residence one evening last week, and were handsomely enter- , t i about,midnight, when the party broke- Iup singing : " Happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet again." . EXAMINATION OF S. S. NO. 4, GREY. ---The ex- 1 amination of the School, in this section tau lit y r, J. Smith, •took place on Friday, and was attended by- a large number of the parent; and visitors Th ,a . ous e asses.were .exammed by the Teacher, assisted by Mr. McDonald, In reading the_pupils acquitted themselves in a very STRAY BOAR. CAME into the premises of the Subscriber, Lot 6, Concession 9, Tuckersmith, on or about the 10 th of March, a L/43AD (AMORE]) BOAR, about one year old. The, owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take the anifnal away. MURDOCH "McKINNON. TUCKERSMITH, March 31. 1870. 121-3— Thomas Walker, (a well to-do farmer and a jolly - .AUCTION SALE satisfactory manner, reading with ease and dile- tinctrieSs. The examination, in geography, show- ed, not only, an acquaintance with the general outlines of this important branch but I. i th the mmutise, of the several divisions of the earth's surface. In grammer, . the pupils gave evidence of careful and thorough training. In all the mathematical. branches --arithmetic, .alge- bra, and geometry—the answers given to the niany queStions propounded and the solutions to the various problems, were marked by expert - mess and accuracy, and -showed that Mr. &hale spared no pains, in drilling. his classes, in those , studies. The exaanination in .history extended over a wide range, and the proficiency displayed was in the highest degree gratifying. Between classes, some well selected recitations and dial- ouges, Were rendered in good style On the whole the examination was highly satisfactory, 1 M.,110BERTSON , Proprietor. and the section have god reason te be proud of I the examination, addresses were delivered b —0 NEW — NEW FURNITURE! TUESDAY) APRIL. 19, 1870. 1 THE UBSCRIBER, WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On Main Street, Seaforth, a large quantity of I- NEW HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CONSISTING OF Bureaus, Sofas, GENERAL COUNTRY MERCHANT, Lounges, Bedsteads, Ohairs, Tables,&c. CROCERIES MILLINERY, DRESS '3' -MANTLE M.A.1-KTI\TGE. MISS McINTOSH, mAKES this opportunity of returning thanks . for 'he' liberal patronage extended to her since coming to Seaforth, and would respectfully inti- mate to customers and, others, that she is still to )e found OVER MR, CORBY'S STORE. All orders will receive the UTMOST. ATTENTION. With regard to TASTE, NEATNESS and the LATEST STYLES, cannot be EXCELLED -1N SEAFORTH. STRAW and II A R -W OR CLEANED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. SRAPownt, March 31, 1870. ONTARIO HOUSE ! EDWARD CASH, AND DEALER 414: ALL KINDS OF Farm- and Dairy Produce. — \ TERMS CASH. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. D R --G OODS SEAFoRTH, March 31, 1870. 121 -td— ! OF THE BEST CLASS, their teacher—and sothey are. At the close of g en em of their burdens, which ef- 8 factory. .The class was new ranged, and singing tions alternating till a late hour. • . The manner, in which the singing was done,' reflects great -credit upon the teaoher. The deafening app]ause t Succeeded each effort, was unmistakeable evidence of the appreciation of the same. By common consent, it was determined that too much could scarcely be said in favor of Mr, OTT, as a teacher ir of vOcal, music. ir • HOOL EXAMINATION IN MCKILLOP.—On Fri day the 25th of March, 'there was a public ext • amination of the School in S. 8., No. 6, taught by Mr. John Morrison. The - School -room. is a commodious and comfortable one and appcars be pretty well supplied with suitable apparatus —giving Mr. Morrison a chance . to advance his pupils, and exhibit by the result of his labours, those talents for teaching, which he undoubtedly possesses. Mr. .Morrison examined the classes ie geography, history, philosophy, Mensuration and. algebra. Dr. Campbell, of Seaforth, taking them in reading, grammer, geometry and- arith- metic—all the visitors, amongst who& were a number of ladies, falling in and examining the writing, as seen in the copy books and expressing their entire satisfaction with the same. The answering in all the branches was, indeed, very creditable to the pupils of this school, and of e.ourse, to the teacher, who his brought them to the sta,te of proficiency. in which they now are. The pupils evidently had a fair knowledge of all the branches—but:in philosophy and mensuration two bra.nehes not often met with in country schools, they acquitted themselves With particu- lar credit. Towards the close Mr. Morrison led, his pupils in singing a piece, after which Dr. Campbell made a, short address, and thus ended a thorough, searching, and creditable examination ef Mr. Morrison's school. JAMESTOWN N-Ew STorsE.—s•Mr. Armstrong opened out a uesv store in this place, on Tuesday, last. The , goods appear to be of a prime qualityand marked.' at low prices, which' are the leading features to ensure him. patronage. MoNTneY FAIR.—Some of the most ▪ prominent business men, here, are making efforts to get a Monthly Fair established in Jamestown, to be held on the first -Wednesday of each month, for ,the sale of cattle, horses, sheep a.nd pigs BrsINEss.—Business, M this place, has been exceedingly brisk- during the past ' few weeks, the people anticipate a sudden break -Up of the roads, and consequently they are providing them- selves with - a good supply of the requisites for the ensuing mouths,—which makes Jamestown the thorough -fare of the Northern Townshipa, its commerce rivalling that of Ainleyville and Wroxeter, in many comenodities. Tuckeramith Council Meeting The Connell met this day, I7th March, 1870, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. in the village Of Egneeniville, pursuant to adjournment. All the. Jo-emberS prcSellt --the Reeve in the Chair. utes of last meeting were read and approved. Communieation from the Secretary of the Eye and Ear Dispensary, Toronto, ordered to be filed; letter from the Department of Emigration, re- quiring information with respect to Emigrants, and enclosing bIank forms to be filled up, ordered to b 3 lilted and returned accordingly. Moved by ;;proat, sec_ by Mr. Cousins : That A. Wood, Thomas Deverux and William Charters, appoilited Pathmasters, in plabs: of Wm. Gildens, Joseph Nigh, and Samuel Hallady re- signe(1. —Carried. Moved by Mr. Dallas, sec. by Sproat : That Mr. Luxton's acc., for print - to $14.45 be paid. --Carried. sjj Cousins, sec. Ly M Sproat That 0 ea Riney be paid the sum of $8.00 for turn- niking opposite Lot No. 4, Con., 4, being part payment on job No. 20 of 1869.-- CarneJ. goved by Mr, Dallas, sec. by Mr. Sproat : That h1 To wn dhip be divided into Pathmasters' Di- - visions_ for the present year.---1-Carried. Moved hy Air Walker, sec. by Mr. Cousins: Mat Jno. Critts be -allowed the sum of $8.00 on account (f aiekness and ses-ere bodily troubles.—Carried Ileved by Mr. Walker, sec. by Mr. Cousins: That Frederick Oramus receive the smn of $5.00, charity, bc‘ing- in indigent , circumstanees.—C;.tr- siert. The Reeve nominated Hugh Chesney as Auditor for 1870, in place of Wm. er e on d who has left the TONVilship. Moved by Mr. Cousins, s: Mr. ;'proat : That this Council do now eljourn. to meet anain at the Villa,se of Egmond- 0,,elocke in . house of John Daly-, at the hour of next_ca,rrie.d..r., on Friday the 13th day of May WM. Mean. CLERK. Tuckersnal h, March 25th, 1870, WROXETERI FOR Rn Riv.ER.—Quite, a num.her of our vil- . lagers are 'preparing to start .for Red River as soon as Spring opens. Some also, are getting ready to go to California and other far -away places. RAILWAY MATTERS.—We hear very little of the railway subject, at present. Surely this is not a sign that it is losing its interest, to the people of this vicinity. We are sorry to note that only a few of the schedules sent to the different Municipalities, have been fiBed and sent in. When our Township Officials know that the . . a ion- as ecl for, in those schedules, is nee- -cessary, before active steps can be taken, they surely should not delay long in getting them in. as es.ONTilLY FAIR.—The second M tidy Fair was held on Monday, 28th March, and so far as we can ascertain, was pretty successful. The sleighing not being very good, the crowd was not quite so large as at the last, but quite a number of the farming community, from the Townships of Howiek, .Turnberry and Morris, were present. Mr,' Warnock, of the Township, of Howick, sold a good span of horses to the Asnerican buyers for $200. There was not rnuch demand for fat cattle, but cows in calf brought from $30 te $35.1 Work- ing oxen sold for irom $80 to $100 per yoke. We are happy to add that we had none of theOei".8- graceful Donnybrook scenes, that attended our last Monthly Fair. USBORNE. SCHOW, EXAMINATION. ---A public examine:- . tion took place.in the school, of Section No. 3,-011 Tuesday-, 22nd inst. A large number of the peo- ple of the Section manifested their appreciation of the labors of their •Teacher, Mr., James Hislop, by attending the. examination. There were also present, a ,nuniber of teachers from adjoining schools. The pupils gave evidence of superior training, -both in the readiness with which they answered the numerous questions, and in their ability to think for themselves. We marked es- pecially their thoroughness in Arithmetic and British History. The pupils, at intervals, enliv ned the exercise's by vocal music'. The exami ation terminated about four o'clock, after W-hich hort addresses -were delivered bytheTrustees eachers and .leflitrs, all expressIng their entire atisfaction with the day's proceedings L Mr. islop then thanked those present, for their at- endance during the day, and invited all to return r the evening, to witness an exhibition which -mild begin about 7 o'cloels.- But long ere this ur, crowds of both old ;and young, could be en, from every direction, wending their way 0- -ards the school honse, and the commodious lidding was crowded to excess. At the appoin t- 1 time, the meeting was called to order. and r. Wm. Gsacie was chosen to occupy the chair. hen followed about -thirty select resitations and absesues, which entertained the audience for Knit- three hours. The performanCe was brought a close by the pupils singing "Home dear oi4,"- and the large gathering dispersed, each ling that Section No. 3 had be. n hensred, by 9 success of the entertainment.( EXETER. SIC i'tiE.•;8. -There is considera<ble sickness in tl is v inity. Mr.'13agshaw is wry seriously ill, d. alt. Thomas Willis is scarcely expected to re- cover. Health is one of the greatest boons . con- ferred upon man, and like many other gifts, is seldom vialued until it is lost. VEATIIER.--The weather during raost of the pat week, has been really- beautiful , the snow is fast disappearing -e roads are becoming rather maidsly in the village—iarmers are snaking pre- parations for sugar making, and some have com- menced operations. litssiNEss. lvierchants are getting home large assortments of spring goods, of the very first quality ; of which Messrs. Pickard e? g, 1 Freeman have a large and excellent supply. We would call the attention of purchasers to the same, and invite an early call. Mr. C. Senior has done a very extensive business in photo- graphy, and has succeeded in taking some very, excellent pictures. ° He certainly excels in this arts All who desire to have a good pioture should call at his establislunent SCHOOL EXAMINATION. --An examination di the pupils of the S. S. No, 3, Stephen, was held on Friday last, 23rd inst. Several parents, Trus- tees, and other visitors Were present Thepupils iwere carefully examined by the teacher, Mr. -Geoige Wrioht, and they displayed a very correet knoWledge of the various branches Ought. Their prompt and correct answers, to a TOiety of diffi- cult and useful questions, showed clearly that the had been well instructed and disciplined Their teacher must have been very Indust and persevering, in order to have his pupils attain a st te of proficiency. Daring the examination the cry best order was preserved, and at the close prizes were awarded to all the pupils accord- ing to their several abilities. • c ister and -others, all expressing thein - elves highly satisfied, with the exa,mination and I regress of the pupils, generally. IAl.c.A.LLISTER. —In Jamestown, on the 19th ult,, the „ the wife of John McAllister, .of a son. • MARRIAGES MCDONALD NI CA R TH R. AL -At Ainleyville, on the 24th ult., by the Rev. J. Ferguson, Mr. Dougahl McDonald,: of Grey, to MiSs Mary Mc- Arthur; eldest •dasighter ef P. McArthur, Esq, of Mdfris FnaLeicx—RaTEs.—At the residence of the. brid.e'e father, on Thursday 25th ult, Mr. William Fra11ick,1 of Jamestown, to Miss Maria Bates of Grey. THE MARKETS • SEAFORTH. April 1,.1870. Wheat, (Fall) 1 bushel, ., Wheat (Spring) ri bushel, Barley tri bushel, Oats 1,4 bushel, Peas lg bushel, (Large), Potatoes 111 bushel, Hay ton, Timothy Seed, per. lb. Clover Seed, (A " Butter, 4-7 lb. Eggs, Ducks, Pork, Hides,. Sheep Skins, 0:50 to 0:85 0:75 to 0:85 0:40 to 0:44 0:29 to 0:30 0:50 to 0:55 0:50 to 0:70 0:50 to 0:55 900 to .11:00 0:04 to 0.07 6.50 to 8.00 10.00 to 12.00 0:15 to 0:16 0:00 to 0:15 0:20 _ to 0:20 7:50 to 8:00 0:00 to 5:00 0.40 to 1:25 CLINTON; March 31, 1970. (By l'elegraph to the lltwon Expositor.) Fall Wheat, per bushel 065 to 0:75 0:75 to 0:80 0:28 to 0.00 0:53, to 0:54 0:40 to 0:43 0.40 to 0.50 0.17 to 0.00 7.00 to 7.50 0.13 to 0.00 8.00 to 10.00 Spring Wheat, per bushel. - Oats, per bushel, Peas, per bushel, Barley, per bushel, Potatoes, per bushel, • Butter, per bushel, Pork, per cwt. Eggs, per doz. Hay, per ton, Hides, per cwt. 5.00 to 5.75 GODERICH, March 31, 1870. (By Telegrapl& to the IIuron Expositor.) 0:70 to 0:76 0:76 to 0:80 0.28 to 030 0:45 to 0:47 0:40 to 0.43 0.50 .to 057 0:16 to 0.17 . 7:00 to 7:5O 000 to 0:15 0:00 to 9:00 0:00 to 5:00 0:00 to 0:30 Fall•Wheat, per bushel, spring Wheat; per bushel, Oats, per bushel, Peas, per bushel, Barley, per bushel, Potatoes. per bushel, Butter per lb., Pork per cwt. Eggs,- per doz. Hay, per ton Hides, per cwt. Wool, per lb, LOT FOR SALE. VOR SALE, Lot 7, Westsideof Centre St., in El the .VILLAGE OF EGMONDVILLE, cOn- taining one quarter bf an aere, Tpais CASH. For particulars apply. to ' F. T HOMPSON, IlueaRTT, March 31, 1870. 121 -3- -LOST! A. NOTE HA ND, dated January 1st, 1868, for $100, and payable On the 1st Of January, 1870, from Fralicis McCracken to Williarn Brown. -This is to foiled any person Who may -find or have the said Note, negotiating the Same, as ar- rangements have been entered into between the Drawer, and Drawee, for the settletnent of the claim. WILLIAM HA NNA. Mo R II IS, Mardi 24, 1870. • Farm of 200 Acres for I Sale ! , -r OTS 16AND17, CON. 10 GREY Ju CO. OF HURON. - S01L,—Good Clay Loam. CLEARANCE 130 acres, 60 in Grass and 5 in Fal1Wheat TIM- BER, —45 acres of Hardwood, 25 Cedar and Pine. FENCES,—Good. WATER,—River Maitland and 4 Wells. DRAINS, —More than two miles of Drains covered in with Cedar. GRAVEL ROADS, --Distant 4 miles. MARKET, --Seaforth. BUILDINGS, ----New and Extensive, viz.: LOG HOUSE WITH FRAME ADDITION; BARN, 112 by 40 feet; STABLE 40 x 24 feet; CATTLE Slim 60 by 34 feet; Root House, 30 x 24 feet Hog Pen, 34 x 24 feet. ORCITARD,—Good, Bearing. TITLE,—Fee Simple; tnincumbered. TERMS,—As agreed upon,. but CASH PREFER- RED, for the owner is in bad health and wishes to leave the country, Apply on the Premises, or to P. F. WALKER, Solicitor, Goderich. GODERIOH, March 31 1870. 121 -4 -- WATCH E t ALWAYS ON HAND, • "D AS CHEAP -------- SMA.POIR,TA;TA.17 1 %1 I SEAFORTH, March 31, 1870. 1 '1"rifsgala WATCHES WA'TCHES WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES WATOHES CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS ° of eisLtaorgbees ftouanndd Beatat tmR ; Assorted COUNTER'S, Stocks in thnies lin OPPOSITE CARMICHAEL'S HOTEL. S EAFORTFI, MarCh 31, 1870. re) SPRING GO 1 DS. -41 so - CAMPBELL, Merchant Tailor, HAS JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE STOCK SPRiNG GOODS! -53 SPRIfING !ARRIVALS. /T. K. ANDERSON'S spRING STOCK OF English, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds, BROAD CLOTWS184c HAS ARRIVED. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Prince Arthur Checks. TAILOR1NC INT ALL ITS BRANCHES, DONE IN A FIRST CLASS MANNER, AND ACCORDING To' THE LATEST, OR ANY OTHER STYLE, TO SUIT CUSTOMERS. SEAFOTZTil, March 31, 1870. 115 - INSURANCE, Inkurance,insurance. When 17011 want to Insure your EMBRAC.ING EVERY STYLE .BuildingS,yOur. Mills andFa,e_ tones, your Stock, your (2rops,)yourFurniture, or your .Life, Apply to , THAT WILL BE WORN FOR WM. N. WATSON, SEAFORTH FIRE, MARINE, AND LIFE SPRINC&SUMMER1 INSURANCE AGENT, FOR ALL GA RINIENTs GOT 1TP BY THE I3E8T WORKMEN, AND AT MODERATE CHARGES. WM. CAMPBELL NEW YORK HOUSE. SEAFORTH, March 31, 1870, 8 I The Provincial Insurance Company of Canada, (Canadian). The Liverpool and London and. Globe Insurance ('ompany, (English). The Niagara District Mutual Insurance Company_ The Gore District Mutual Insurance Co-, 1 ansf The Star Life Assurance Society of England, which divides nine tenths of the profits every fie - years amongst Policy Holders. Losses liberally adjusted and'promptly settled. Farmers are specially invited to consult the advantages offered in perfect security and in the extreme lowneas of rates for insurance on all de scriptions of Farm Property. MONEY TO LEND,. At moderate rates of Interest, and to be re -paid by instalments, which is the most suitable and safest method for Farmers and others to pay off a mortgage. No Commission Charges, and ex- penses small. MORTGAGES BOUGHT ON EQUITABLE TERMS. SEWING MACHINES. The best Sewing Machines, for Family 'Use, as well as for Manufacturing purposes, are kept al - on hand. Both Single Threaded and Dou- ble Threaded, or Lock Stitch Machines can be supplied. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and instructions given. to purchasers gratis. .REMEM13ER Was. N. WATSON'S Insurance Agency Office, and Sewing Machine Depot, North Main Street. ,SZAMITILALikela.M—ia/a - A 141 r. 0