HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-03-25, Page 8it ' st • f X 8 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. PARLIAMMTARY. ERIDAY. Sir John A. Maedonal introduced the Supreme Cour'; Act. Deprecating dis- cussion until 'the EilI had been distributed to members, he went on to describe its chief features, The Court was 10 consist of a Chief Justice and six other Judges. The reason for fixing the number of Judges at seven, he said, was, that the Court would be a, Court: of Appeal not only frdm the ,lour Pro\ laces" n w confederated, but from the whole Dominion, which would soon in elude other Colonies thatmight ere long be expected to join it, and it would add great- ly to the popularity of the Court if the Bar .of eachrrovince were reproseeted on the Appeal Bench. Sir John then went on to refer to the different systems prevailing in the various Provinces, as for instance, the .separation Of Equity from Common Law in Ontario. and the existence of both French And English legal practice in Quebec, as reasons for having a good representstive -Court. Omitting many 1atters included in the Bill of last year it was thought better to confine the original jurisdiction of the •Court to cases inwhichthe Crown was a party. Alluding to the prevalent ides. that .such a. Court should take cognizance of Constitutional questions, he pointed oet that such powers could not b' conferred upon it under the Canadian Constitution, but could only be delegated by the imperial Parliament. The Court would possess no power of veto on legislation, and could only deal with Constitutional questions if they came before it on appeal from the Provincial Courts, where they might be reieekk by litigants who challenged the Constitutioa- ality of any law. The Court, however, would be empowered to issue a certificate of the Constitutionality or the reverse of an Act not having the force of a judgment 'but for the' purpose of inforifning thQ Urown of its opinions which could be acted upon -or not at pleasure. The printer had omit, ted a clanse in the copy of the Bill, to the effeet that no appeal ehould lie to the Court, until the powers of revision of the Provin- oial Coui ts had lieen exhausted, and then only with the consent of she parties. Mr. Mills objected to the basis of ' clue lifidation. in the Bill as illogical. It gave a man a vote not for what he was, but for what he had, a principle quite contrary to that which regulated the affairs of daily life. After delivering an ably -sustained argu- ment in support of his views on the princi- ple of the Bill. tho, hon. member criticised it in details. MONDAY. In the House to -day Sir A. T. Galt re- ,-eurned the debate on Mr. Huntington's resolution; on 4 Customs Union, or Zell- -verein, net ween this country and the Unii.ed States. After some prefaratory remarks, Sir A. T. Galt said he shoeld, with the full con- -currence a the Hen. Mr. Huntington, move au amendment, the effect of which would be to exclude from the- resolutions the portion krhich related to the establish - men of a Zo'f le014 He deprecated any retaliatory pdlicy, and warned the people of Quebec against stipportirre the Govern- ment in any sten policy. He complained of the inactiom of the Government in the matter of furtleering,the trade of the count- ry, and urged tie prosection of such pub- lic works as would attract immigration and 'further the comyercial interests of the Do- minion. Sir sT.1 A. Macdonald replied. The resolution in effect, he considered, amounted to a beve ranee from England at the soonest possible moment -an issue which Canada, the " spoilt child " of the Mother Country, sl Could be loth to take. Ile asked how theycould ask England to ma;eitain a treaty which was actually Against her own inter -ests. As to the policy of the Government one :Free Trade, he would not be- cOa.xedinto a dj closure on. that point now. He concluded by moving : That this House, while desirous of obtaining for the Dominion. the .freest access to, the markets of the world, and thus augment- ing its existing prosperit Y, is satisfied that that object can be best ob rained by the con- current action of the Impteial and Canada- ian G-overriments.- That any attempt to 'enter treaties with foreign powers without the strongest direct support of the molier country as a principal party-, mast fail, hnd that a Customs Union wil%h the United States, now so heavily taxed, would be un- fair to the Empire, and inji irious to the Dorninioneand would weaken the ties now happily existing between them. " Hon. Mr. Smith urged that as the shippi ng interests_ of the Mn -dime Provinces were)" suffering .from tire present situation, something ought to be done to resuscitate them. Aon. Mr. Howe claimed teat the Governmen t had ex- pended all the means in their power to ob- ain and if Canada *ou.ld only wait a year or two there would .be a Reci- procity Treaty once more. He refernsd to the Intercolonial Railway and the North West Territory as being matters that must be settled before any other 'great expendi- ture could be undertaken. The hon. mem- - her concluded by showing that retaining the present position :with Britain they had hundreds' of millions of people in all parts of the world to trade with, whereas, by -Ruch treaties as were proposed, their mar - kets would be limited to a large extent. The debate was continued by Mr. McKenzie, who supported Sir A. T. Galt's motion. Dr. Tupper strenuously supported the iMinietry, And charged Sir A, T. Galt with being the leader of the annexation party, a position, which the latter indignantly disclaimed. After a lengthy debate a division took place on Sir John A. Macdonald's amend- ment, which was carried by a vote of 100 4o55. TUESDAY. -Sir J' Mucks moved the emicurenee of the House on the resolution on Dominion notes. The first clause was adopted. An amendment was moved, that the amount of specie, to be held° asstinst 'every dollar issued . should be stated. The amendment was dis- cussed, and lost ou a vote by a majority cf 32. - Mr Blake . moved an amendment, ..that the resolutions be refer redback, s� as -to amend tbe same so as to peovidS for hold - mg specie in reserve in peoportiop to the Dominion notes outsanding. Th ° amend- ment, wars lost, -by a majority of 9. • - Mr. Mackenzie moved an amendment to the effect that the sum to be held in specie by the Receiver General, for redemption of Dominion notes shall be 20 Per cent of the amount in circulation, until it exceeds five millions, when it shall be 25 per cent of the excess. The amendment was lost by a. -majority _of 39. The Minister of Justice said it was now intended by the Govern- ment to introduce a " Bill relating to the. Nortb-West Territory, but that the. Gov- ernment were waiting for the deputation which should have arrived already ',ut for unforseen circumstances. sie•oe • Dr Rahway, of " Remedy Relief " fatne, died at New York on the 14th inst., aged 45. The report of the illness- of the Pope is • said to be confirmed. BRITANNIA LODGE, A. F. & A. M. NO. 170 G. R. C. AN Emergency Meeting, on MONDAY Evening, April 4th.: M. R. COLINTE1R, Secretary. DOG LOST. OST in Seaforth On' the last Show Day, a .4 small shaggy, black dog, with a, little tan color on the nose and legs, answers to the name of Ceaser. Any person leaving the same at Me - Bride's Hotel -in Seaforth; or with the owner will be suitably rewarded. ,JOHN DOB 1E, Lot No: 11, Con. 9. tzt4-t Tuckersmith, March 25 1870.: tf. MONEY 19 LEND. ON Farnr, or desirable village property at 6¢ per cent. Payments made to suit the bor- rower. - Apply to - A. G. McDOUG A.LL, faisurance Agent and Commissioner, Seaforth, or to JOHN SEA TTER; Exchange Broker, Seaforth. March 25th,. 1870. r ly. DIAMONDS --OF THE - _FIRST -TER. PURE & GENUINE SEEDS! Of all kinds ea,-ce_pt Foul! Red Clover, Alsik Clover, _ Yellow Trefoil Clover, White Clover, Timothy, Tares, Hungarian Grass, Flax, Turnip, Mangle, Red Carrot, And a.r Large Assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, TO BE HAD AT THE D' CHEAP SEED GROCERY S '11 0 It i W. scow ROBERTSON, PROPRIETOR. SELPORTH, Mareh 24. 1870. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NTOTICE is hereby given that the partnership 1.1 for some time past carried on by Messrs. George and John, Inglis, ea general merchants, under the name and style and firm of G. -& J. Inglis, at the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, was this day disolved by mutual con- sent, and the business will from henceforth be carried on by John Inglis only, and the said John Ingl-is is authorized to discharge all debts, and to receive all 'credits on account of the said Part- nership ethicens. (Signed, ) GEORGE INGLIS. JOHN INGLIS. Dated this let March, A. D. 18704- tf. FOR SALE AT MJCTION! IMPROVED FARM LANDS IN THE Township of Turnberry, COUNTY the HURON. --0------- TN pursuance of a power of sale contained in a Mortgage, will be sold by Public Auction by J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer, at the VILLAGE OF SEAFORTH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. ON Thursday, 14th of April, A. 1). 1870, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. THE Easterly fifty acres of Lot 25, and the Easterly fifty acres of Lot 26, in Concession "0," of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Title indisputable, --possession imme- diate. The property adjoins the Village. of Wroxeter. and is within 22 miles of Walkertown, in Bruce, and Seaforth, to which there are good gravel roads.: There are fifty acres cleared, with log buildings and good fencing. The property will be cflered at an upset price of $1.200 Twenty five per cent of purchase money to be paid at time of sale, when the purchaser will be entitled to a conveyance and to be let into pos- session. Balance in four years, or in tour equal annual instalments at the option of the purchas- er, with interest at eight per cent, to be secvred by mortgage on the premises,, The conditions of sale are the same as those of the Court of Chan- cery, and can be seen on application to JAMES H. BENSON, ESQ., Solicitor, Seaforth, or to the Ven- dors' Solicitors. CROOKS, KINCSMILL & CATTANACH. TORONTO, ...farch 14, A. D. 1870. 120.td-- TNSO LVENT ACT °F1.864 - AND Insol-vent Act's of 1869. Canada, Province of Ontario County of Huron, To Wit. In the County Court of the County of Huron. In the Matter of MATTHEW RODGER, An Insolvent. On Satnr lay, the 26th day of March next, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon, the under- signed will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under the said Act. Dated at the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, this 28th day of December, .A, D. 1869. 106 -td. MATTHEW RODGER, By JAMFS MAGEE, . - His Attorney ad litem. CHESS. PROBLEM NO. 93. From the Canadian Illustrated News. BLACK. , • &eV" it' . • '44* ; '40 ,6"/ r f a • .44,74/ 'f/1 • 7,..tel4 -11 . , -......-././ :4:.4 ;1.- -,•-•' %,---,:„.,. 4 ...,./.Z,".• .. Z. -..f., 4*, •:-',4A. . '..,..',%.!,/,',. c,4.* ,-.....,•.. ,/ •,;,,,. A VI‘A / . - :,:-. • ::', ,"-4:, 7 ",:.%`-%;/' • ' 7 -;1',--•-•:..-- • .1" -../,, ,/?, e 4 WHITE. • White to play and mate in 4 moves. FRORLICM TOURNMENT.-The time for the re- ception of competing problems for our tourney is extended until further notice, SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 91. WHITE. 1. K to Q 6 2. RtoB3 3. B mates. BLACK. P tks K tks Kt LARGEST -BEST -CHEAPEST. MOORE' RURAL • NEW -YORKER, THE GREAT ILLUSTRATED Rural. Literary and Family Weekly. BY D. D. T. MOORE, New York City, aud Rochester. N. Y. Vol. XXI., for 1870, of this famous Journal will excell in all the characterristics of a first- class Rural, Literary. Family and Business Newspaper. combined -making it the NAPOLEON OF ITS CLASS ! The Rural was doubled in size and vastly im- proved, ip Jan. last, and is now not only the Largest, Cheapest and Best, but also the largest Circulating Weekly in its sphsre. Superior in ability, value and variety of contents, as well as size, style and illustrations, and having a con- tinental circulation -with tens of thousands of ardent admirers in both Town and Country -the Rural is the great FORM, STYLE. TERMS, &c. Vol. XXI., for 1870, will be published in superior style, each number comprising sixteen double quarto pages, (of five columna each.) Finely illustrated, and neatly printed on book paper. Only $3 a year ; in clubs of ten or more, $250. Canadians, 20 cts, a year extra, for American postage. Subscribe and Club Now ! Great inducements to club agents -Over one hundred valuable premiums, ranging in price from $4 to 8600! Specimens, Premium Lists, Show -Bill. &c., sent free. The Rural has always hailed from Rochester N. Y.. (the heart of a famed farming and fruit, grow-ing region wherein several of its Editor and Contributors reside,) but as its principal Publi- cation Office is now in. New York, all letters should be addressed to D. D, T. MOORE, 41 Park Row, New York. March, 25, 1870. House and Lot for Sale OR TO RENT. IN EGMONDVILLE. _ THE undersigned has for sale or to rent ; ore reasonable terms, a good Frame House, with wood shed, cistein, pump .and good yard in con- nection. The above premises were lately occupied by Dr. Vercoe. For particulars apply to ,JOIIN F. WEILAND, Hotel Keeper, Egmondville.‘ Egmondville, Feb. 11, 1870, 114-4ins. 1 CA, c.. m "NEW YORK HOUSE." _ The Subscriber has JUST OPENED1 In the above House, A SELECT STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES! WI 1\TE S 1 AND LIQUORS!. AND 2 FLOUR f. FEED o All of which he will sell at the LOWEST PAYINC PRICES 1 0 0 c 2 am Taken in /exchange for Goods at Cash Prices_ m WKilloran and Ryan's Old Stand. m ., The fact that the entire stock is Fresh from the wholesale markets, should be sufficient argot. naent to induce patronage, FARM PRODUCE the non xpositor, THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUNTY OF HURON, - Is published every Friday Morning, in Sesaforth. It is the largest paper in the County. .o: MTPMS $1.50 per annum, in advance ; if not 89 paid $2.00 will be charged. No subscriptiOn ;taken for a shorter period than three months. ADVERTISING RATES. TRANSIENT. - Per line, first insertion, 8cts ; subsequent in- sertions, 2 cts, each time. Advertisements meas- ured by a scale of solid brevier- No advertise- ment taken for less than One Dollar. CONTRACT RATS; One Column for One Year, 4 " Six Months, " Three " Half " One Year, - " Six Months, " Three `• - - Quarter " One Year, " Six Months - I t tc " Three " - " One Year, " Six Months - - " Three " - - it CC 4i -86000 di Eighth ' ft C • ' • 35 00' 20 00 35 00 20 00 12 00 20 00 12 00 800 12 00 8 00 500 Advertisements, without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. • 119-tf. NOTICE TO DEBTORS.. A LL persons imdebted to the late firin of it Zapfe & McCallum, are hereby requested to call and settle the same with the undersigned on or before the 1st. of March next, otherwise costs will be incurred. ZAPFE & CARTER. Seaforth Foundry. Seaforth, Feb. 15, 1870. HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALE. THE subscriber offers for, sale a, large Frame Cottage, 30 x 40, new, and Village Lot on the corner opposite the Baptist Church, Seaforth. Farm property would be taken in eichange. Ap- ply on the premises. ALEX, McAURTHER. Seaforth, Jan. 28, 1870. 112-6m. PHILIP CLAPP., Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 1034f. Killoran & Ryan, Are offering GREAT BARGAINS TO CASH BUYERS! IN THE GROCERY AND WINE TRADE. The Stock is very large, and - MUST BE SOLD To made room for further purchases. • it comprises the following staple articles :- 200 half chests Fine Young /Tyson Tea, 100 boxes New Raisins, 50 barrels New Currents, 10 hhd.s, Bright Cuba Sugar, 100 barrels Yellow Refined Sugar, 200 barrels No..1 Labrador Herrings, 50 do White Fish, fall catch, 50 do Trout, 100 barrels Superior Windsor Whiskey, 50 barrels Old Rye and Malt do Also a large and well selected stock of GENERAL GROCERIES ! Too numerous to mention' . Give theni a call and see for yourselves. KILLORAN and RYAN, =Tan. 21a* 1870. 1114. IIMIIMMErazaugiam W. F. VOL. BUS i TRACY, '..11 Huron. (: East of the Meth Seaforth, Dee, L. VER(XI eon, etc.. of Nlar et and of Kidd& McMi Seaforth, -Feb: -FIR. W. it 1.1 Office, -Oly dence--3,1ain-str Seaforth, Dec, T 0 A.MPBELI Univer, von, ete. , Seaf'r Post Office Build found by night o; Seaforth, July bAME] IVL Law, God December 14t14 AYS& ELI 1111 at.I.,aw, So" PuMi Conveyor Archibald's Store Money to Lend_ ' W. TORRANCE Seaforth, Dec, -DENSON & ;NI D at Law, Sol' *my, Corri,,yaric tices,-Seaforth Trust and Loan 4. Colonial Securiti Money at 8 per c 12153. IL BENSON, Seaforth, Dec. IrCAUGHE .111 Attorney and Ineolvency„ rs. Solicitors fe Agents for the M. B. -$30,000 Houses and Lots Seaforth, Dee. P- 1? WALE licitor Public, &c. Offi Court House, Go N.B.-Money Lands. Goderich, Jan"2, ficial lates care taken fur tnt tender teeth, T Rooms over Collie Seaforth. Dee, I 0 HARP'S HOT' .0 Stage Office, Seaforth, Jan. S OMMERC I A L propri modation for the and liar are alway markets afford. E A inleyville, A pr 1 R. ROSS. Pro ey. begs to infor the travelling eon first-class axunzu by travellers. A always on hand, every necessary at Seaforth, Feb. S 6 -- Ci ARC: MAILL & Ono. and Speciiicat- - ter's, Plasterer's. a and valued, Offict- store, Court-HouseGoderich, April' nrENRY WATT „AU er. Plans, Sj correctly. Every._ measured and vah pared. OFFICE, son's old store, Sea Seaforth, June 9t StiR & W MePHI 'veyors, Civil of Conveyancing do G. McPhillips, Co Next door south of- Seaforth, Dec. 14, AUC Top ITAZLEHUR 13. the County Particular attentio Stock. Farm Stock Terms. Goods App Landlord's Warran First Division Court Gose jure 9t