HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-03-04, Page 5March 41 1870e and also one which • could hardly bc done to J. Ff. B. oots and Shoes in Seaford' eo to Coventry's. 871f. renianism, inthe ree, Ito= the Pope, blast has just come from is intended to sweep to falnic of Fenianism rn ries: His Holiness has e, embraeing an anthema, ha, and classifying them Mi. and other- enemies a ler Olio decree, the John Ornalioney s ere veut off from the he Sacraments, and the 'Christian burial. They xi consecrated ground, and iester bishop who uacier- hem of their sins, while i'ed with the organizati.ans paIban, does so at his own rather a Selious nature hist, at 11 o'clock, to *which left Sarnia, at e e)nsisting of two pawn -I -- Fed, also a baggage, express a-, Wag. thrown off the track embankment over sixteen from Forest Station ; the I on their side, the tender Fend the engine throlen off. the accident of 'teaurse, 'h&j= prevailed, and well several had narrow -escapes. ten or twelve were bruised, se injured. and were im- red from the ruins of the a to Forest Station, where Lice was promptly on hand. ;, of Sarnia, is among those injured. Five other pas- 'ereel are now at Forest, and aught to Toronto early in the - lady and gentleman from Jersey, were injured, but - The former had one of her _ ad cut while the latter has about the head. Another iyinc, near a stave with her 1 her head cut. Mr. Ouimet outreld, were on the train. -ounded about the head, but The train melt and canduct- t in putting out the fires, so was confined to the smash - supposed that the engine in ig the track broke One of the calamity. (.4er5 who kept their seats 6S most part, unhurt,, while led for the doors and sprang .etts and bruises. A gentle- ing car was thrown out of mu 'one end of the car to the )ed uninjured. It is. fortun- :e lost, and we believe that exceptious, the wounds and of a very serious nature. reek authorities had all the 'oreStas -well as those brought ended by medical men_ The ,ress Gompany's agent was, Lel and is now at Sarnia. eiFet Boots and Shoe a in Seaforth lits • go te Coventry's. n of an oil still occurred at e refinery ef Englonart & Co., 4e1'11oori last, by which one Ily and others seriously in- ondon Advertiser says it ap- e Aids having run off, it was cooling process, as usual an was filled with highly in- lipIosive gases. One of the work - t1 y raised the lid covering aad an explosion resembling )1, a cannon fell° w•od. The a completely out ot its lee& At which it was set SeatteTed 6c1, worse than all,, two mere ,ilginees,r, and Wil!iarn Hunt, ely burnt with the blazing gas, :tee others etatteling near at the mare or Iess injured. • sa severe that it is thought !i impossible. Ili.% death was. itt an hoer after the unfortus- , out wei' are not certain Setterueut ii reliable- Ile is a r and father of three children. ies are severe, hut not consid- r e. The damage was confined ‘tion of the still and a small • sitsg Tire main_ works of the d seine dietance off, and re- ktred. The fire bells in the hg, and the brigade turned out rad_ very little need fur their iere are coutradictory re MON le,atiee of the explosion, and ',,,tatement eau at present be • - th regard, to tie affair. The IM,* D. at S3,000. The unforta- iver OdeII, who was so severy te explosiou of an oil still at [retinery„ at London, on, Thero- n, expired OH Friday afternoon No o'clock, in great suffering, --ed the accident just twenty - Fs of the Toronto, Grey, and way are being largely taken up, .pooderhairk &Worts having alone. to the extent of one huudred y -five thousand dollar& The company is firmly established4 d to He other in Canada. 4111.4 grocery store, in Loudon, Iv as andav last. March 4, 18t0. j.) krtig HURON EXPOSITOR. 0 5. itt-Ou..tzpoottot. 1VIATTg.,RS. ae , raettoteure Parliamentary Report on 8th c THE Baptist Social, will be held at the resi- dence of M. R. Brett Egmodville, on Thur:3day- the 10th inst. at 7 o'clock. FRESH arrivals of heavy boots and shoes, for. Spring wear, and a large stock of ladies' rubber, shoes at J. Duncan & Co's. "GREELEY'S Jokes," is a book of fi-n, that will last for a life -time. We earnestly reccomond it to dyspeptics and, gouty old gentleman, as a certain eide-shalser. For sale at Armstrong's. DRS. Coleman and Gouinlock's salt well, in this place, is now in course of actual sinking. A depth of some twenty feet has been reached. THE Debate under the auspices of the Literary Society, on the questtone "Vile execution of Charles was justifiable," will -come off on Weds neaday evg. next. AGRICULTURAL SOCIEEY.-Pursuant to ad- journment, the officers, and Directol•t, of 8. II: Agricultural Society will meet at the Tucker - smith Hotel, Brucefield, on Tuesday the 8th da3 of March next, at the 'sour of 10 o'clock, a 13,EV. C. F. Re binson of Seaforth -will deliver a lecture in Zion Cnurch, town -line of Teckersmith . and ttibbert on Tuesday evgnext on Australia As the Rev. Gentleman has travelled extensively in that far off country, a very interesting address may be expected. A McGill Esq., will occupy- , the chair. D. L. Seem Esq., J. P. who was at orie• eirn, the General Agent ef the " Connectitut Mutual Life Assurance Co." but lately eccupyirg a simil- ar position in the" Ontario Mutual Life .Assiir- ance Co" was, last *eek brought before .a Bench of Magistrates, on a charge. prefeiTedb . the -firs. mentioned. Company, of having exceeded his privi leges •in the final execution of Polici, 8; while officiating for it. Mr. Sills is now on bail. ANNIVERSARY. -The Anniversary Services of the M-. E. Church Seaforth will he held on Sab- bath and Monday the 13th and 14th insts. Ser- mons on Sabbath by the Rev. .8. Willilanison of London at 104 ae in. and 61 p. mtand by, the Rev. B F. Moore of Stanley at 24 p. m. coltections at the close of each service in behalf of the church funds. The Annual Festival will be held in the basement of the Presbyterian Church on Monday ovening. Addresses, by the above nettled Rev.. Gentlemen. resident Ministers aud others. Choice music and an excellent tea are promised. Tee served at 71. Chair taken by St Cr. McCaughet Esq. at 8 o'clock. Tickets of admission; 25et5. ANNUAL DINNER. -The Annual Dm neetion with. the North Huron Agricu ciety came off at Ross' Rotel Clinton nesday evg. the 23rd ult. The Chair idea by the President 11. Snell Esq. an Chairs by Jas. Biggins and IL Govenl er in con- tural So- on Wed as odcp- the Vliee- ck Eecis. After disposing: of the usual loyal an 1. patrioeic toasts, " The .Agiticultural Interests was proposed, coupled. with he name o Esq. Editor of the Farmer's • Advo WeldrefeiTedin brief terms to his See Emporium, and toluched on other kin ters, but as he dealt rather heavily Canada Fanner the Globe and the 1 -lo Brown, the audience decided, that fu f.Canada' W. Weld .ate. Mr. and Stock • •ed mat - with the: •. George ther, they would not hear him. Frequent calls were made, to the speaker, to confine his remarks to Agri- culture ; but, as betweou speaker ari, hearers, there a,ppeared to be a -difference of opilnion, as to -What was properly embraced under this caption, by nintual conseet, the speech " eameito an end. before it reached the middle," Messrsi- Love and Malbolinson, Dr. McMurehie and others, made a few remarks, but the venfusien ibecaine so great, 'that the order of preceedings was en- tirelyt 'baulked: We, in common -With many others regret; theill turn things took tti this oc- casion. (inc thing, however, we mut say, is that the Managers and Officeis of the L'obiety are entirelyblameless for the result. if w were al- lowed to suggest the cense, we 11110111 : say, the ei presence of a few drunken characters. Tree, the allusions Of Mr. Weld's, speech-, wer not cf a nature calculated to -cause harmony feeling, and more than that, were unq ill -chosen; but, nevertheless,, it reflect and good estimably but very A MAN FOUND DIAAD Arl4ViTALTON. On Tuesday morning, last, about 8 o'clock, the body of a min named James McIntosh, was found lyingalonkside of the .0htirch in the Villege of Walton. Information of thstediscovery having been communicated to J. _Crawford Esq. J. P. the body wee removed. to Sage's Hotel; Dr. Holmes of Ainleyville, Coroner, was sent for; Jury was erapannelled ; and shout 3 o'clock, the Coroner's Court was opened, the Jury electing Donald Scott Esq, Foreman. THE BODY. , In accordance with usuage, before hearing evidence, the Jury. exainined, the body, No ex- ternal marks Of yplenee were noticeable, save cuts about the wrists,(which will be explained hereafter). The clothing was respectable and warm. In either hand a glove was firmly clutch- ed. The face presented a rather ghastly %veer- ance, inasmuch as,the eyes were wide open, and blood -shot. little credit upon the good .-sen-se of the instigatoit of such uproarous manifestations. T1e Dinner ;. of 1869 was sach.a nia.gnitioient succes , it is fair to conclude that to•some element, not then ii, - troduced., the disoider of this occasion is attri- butable. , . AINLEYVILLE: (From our =Srpecial Correspondent.) THE EVIDENCE. ALEX.. LANVSON, sworn, deposed, that on the morning in question about 8 o'clock, -he Witness, was on his road to the saw mill with a log, and when passing the church, a lad, who was riding with him noticed that a numbeitof panes in the windows werebroken, and the sash bloody ;and al- most at the same glance observed a man lying alongside of the church. He, Witness, uponhav- ing his attention called to those facts, gave the reins to the lad, alluded to, and went up to the man, whom he found to be lying on his face, with his hands under him, and his hat -close by: Turned him, over, and found, hirn to be dead; whereupon he notified Mr. Crawlorel of the matter. GEORGE BROOKS, sworn. Was employed as wider by Mr. Sage On the night -previous, Mr. Carnegie, cattle drover, came there with a lot ef cattle to stop for the night Mr. Davies, anoth- er drover, came witn him, but he put hill cattle up, and stayed himself, at the others taareen. After the cattle, were attended to, Mr. Davies sent one of his boys over to tell Carnegie to go down the road and look for Mcletosh, who had • 'been left dew', about the Chinch. Carnegie, of- fered him,- Witness, five cents to go down and look for him, but lie did not go, neither did Carnegie, nor any other person Carnegie re- markecl that he had a good driver, (alluding to ',McIntosh) but he was on, the " tight." ADJO(TRNMENT. • GRAsD SURPRISE PARTY. -,-About on? hundred of the firpt style of lords and ladies, lting ni the vicinity of Ainleyville, assembled l st Frida3 evening, the 18th inst, to do honor to our 'most respected and noble statesman B sron. (O. D. • C.) by way of a surprise ,party. The nobility centered at the large and stately !mention, lately ereeted by -our venerable Baronet, in which lu: intends to •terminate his days, and then hand down to his posterity -about 9 o'cloc which time the worthy Baron and the the castle had retired. for the evening, laborious toils of the day, anti were _fast sinking p. rn. at 'inmates of after the into- tranquility, • when :they were aroused fromtheir sweet slumber, by familiar noise, resembling that of army, advancing forward to besiege The Baron_seerned much confused and ed, at the unexpected summtins to but after a few moments, meditation self justified in opening the gates anc ting on honorable terms. After the g marched through the fortification; and the Bar- on .was eorning to his original senses, e beheld to his overflowing joy,that the suppo ed Fenian suddenly -some un - marching the castle. orfsternat- urtender ; e felt bim- capitula: rrison had t army was none other than some of his • mate and respected friends_ in dis - had come to give him asuddeu surp sist him to warm the aforesaid mans on. Being accompanied with the "Cowan Quard 'Ile Band," and bringing along with them a large supply of est of li- produce tendon tO pany hav- reshed, by its of the exercise of • eir belov- ntil supper epared by at a more f this life orthy tri - much re - 1• knights) owed upon ustice hay - thanks re - were again resumed, having at interraiseion danbes, aongs, orations, stump -speeches, and. glessiti, tales. Thus weepent'the time " until dayli ht did . ap- pear," and dismtssed by singing long 1jwe our no- ble "Baron" meat inti- ise; who se and as - the most delicious eatables and choi • quota, that this and -other Chines c therefore showing that it was their have a "jolly good thing." The co ing got sufficiently, warmed and re some of their seared draughts, the sp evening began; some inclulgine in the the fantastic toe, _others in drinking t ed champaigne, ora' dish of oysters, being declared ready, haying been p the ladies, to which it was obvious t magnificent display of the., luxeries could not easily be put forth, the bunal at the head of the table (ve eembling one of our pod old feud iniplored that a blessing might be lies the bounties set before them. Ample ing been done to the luxeries, and turned, the sports and entertainment entitled to the thanks of the entire comittiritt forth° exertions they are putting forth in bebat of suffering poor of the village, and sure we., art that they will yet receive their reward, even though it should he but the consriousness of knowing that they lueve pei formed their parts in assisting to alleviate the sufferings of worthy, though unfortunate, fellow mortals. We trust they, may continue their good work, until at least, the season becomes sufficiently far advan- ced to permit those who are now out of employ- ment, and in need, to get work, so that they may have some means of providing the necessar- ies of lifefor themse1y4s and families. BIRTHS. McI.Nrvna.--In Seaford', on the 28th inst., the wife of Mr. John McIntyre of a on. t MARRIED. Diserre-Smtveassot.--At Seaforth on the 1st instby the Rev. Wm. Graham, Mr. William Divitt-of the Village of Ainleyville to Miss Isabella Stevenson of the Township of -Grey. • As Carnegie and Davies were deemed impor- tant Evidence, the Court was adjourned till Monday next at 10 o'clock. The Coroner issued his warrant for the burial of the body iu the mean tune. -- THE POPULAR THEORY OF THE CASE. From the evidence adduced, and other circum- stances, the theory of the case, obtaining gener- al consent, is that the Deceased r)ont behind on the road, and being drunk, or partially so, mis- took the church for on hotel, or other dwelline house, and endeavored, in his stupified state, to eibtain admittance by breaking the windows, after haying, perhaps, tried the door, which ac- eounts for the broken glass, tlie blood stained windows, and cut wrists. Failing in his at- tempts, and exhausted by his %bole be uncon- sciously laideclown, fell asleep and perished froni the cold, and in all probability without ever realizing the first pang of death. There were Some rumors, to the effect, that he had been afflicted with heart disease, but everything asso- eiated with the affair tends to discourage the be- lief, that anything of this sort was the cause of his death. Though there is not the slightest possi- • ble grounds for suspecting foul play, a good deal of indignation is entertained for Carnegie's con- duct, in not Reeking after him, when he knew that he was drunk, and in, view of the very in- clement state of the weather. HISTORY OF else otc'EAsere But little is known ot the history of the De- ceased. • He was first observed in this part of the country, about seven years ago, • when he was engaged driving a cart at the building of the gravel road, on the verge of which he died. Since that time he has been employed as ostler at Wroxeter and other places on the North Road, and at times assisted in driving (tattle. • The whereabouts of his relations, if he had any, appears to be unknown. He WaS about 40 years of age. WROXETER. ( From our Special Correspon(lent,) THE MARKETS SEAFORTH, Wheat, (Fall) V bushel, Wheat (Spring) tt bushel, Barley It bushel, Oats tq bushel, Peas lit bushel, Potatoes IP bushel, Hay It ton, Butter, It lb. Eggs, Duck, Pork, • Hides; Sheep Skins, Chickens, Geese, Turkeys, March, 4, 1870. 0:60 to 0:75 0:70 to 0:73 040 to 0:44 0:24 to 0:26 0:40 to 0:50 0:50 tq 0:60 9:00 to 11:00 0:15 to 0:15 000 to 0;15 0:20 to 0:20 7:00 to 8:00 5:00 to 6:00 • 0.40 to 0:90 0.12 to 0:15 0:30 to 0.15 0.05 to 0;06 LOST. T OST on Main Street, Seaford', "on the 1st Li inst., -a silver watch guard, with gold locket and coin.. The finder will be rewarded by leav- ing it at the 117-tf. 'EXPOSITOR" Office. •c\--- $50 000. MO len-Jon the security of Real Property in the County of Huron at from 6t to 10 aier cent., by DoYLE & SQUIER, 117-6ni, Barristers, G oderich. DYSPEPSIA p -t • 4) TAYSPEPSIA. can he effectually cur- }in ed. by using DR. CA LDVVELL'S et" - cr) -cs DYSPEPSIA EMED.Y . See circul- ar and certificates accompanying each P C13 CD (...) bottle. Sold by R. LUMSDEN and E. HICKSON & 00, Seaforth, • and -medicine dealers generally. WOODRUFF, BENTLY & CO. 117-25ins. Brougham; Ont. •;PRESBYTERIAN SOCIAL -1 he Presbyteriaes of this village held a social or "Fruit Soiree' last Wednesday evening M the Presbyterian ghureh. There was quite a number of the members of the congregation eiresent, and also a large number of the Sabbath' tichool children ; and all seemed to •enjoy themselves well. The pastor Rev, Geo. • ttrown acted as chairman, speeches were deliver- ed by Messrs. R. Douglas, A. Gibson, N. -Allan, H. Hamilton and Thos. Gibson. OArrix FAIL -According to announcement bhe first of the series of Monttly Cattle Fairs Was. held in Wroxeter to -day (Monday). Judg- ing from the large crowd of people present, and the lax* number of cattle OR the grounds, I should say that the Fair has been sufficiently successful to encourage the Agricultural Society 'et -continuing them hereafter. • There • were no • less ehan three auction sales in full operation, and these with the Fair were the means of mak- ing a -livelier day than we remember to have seen in Wroxeter for along time. I believe quite a number of eaies were made, and prices for cettle were pretty high. As is commonly •the •ease on all occasions of this kind, the days pro- ceedings closed with a "free fight." As nearly as I could ascertain there were no less than seven or eight encounters before all was over. Re -Motion The entertainment given on Monday evening -last, in Sharp's hall, under the auspices of the Seaforth Benevolent Society was quite successful. The duties of Chairman were ably and efficiently performed by William Campbell Esq. The at- tendance was not so large as on the last similar •occasion, and not nearly so large as we should like to have seen, or as should have been, when the laudable object of the entertainment is taken into consideration. Those who took part in the proceeding accquitted themselves. One and all, most creditably, and where all did so well, it would sCareely be right to particularize. • Ilow- ever, we can scarcely refrain from mentioning the names of the more prominent performers. Mr. Cline,. who is always a favorite -with a Sea - forth audience, was, as usual, well received aud his recitation and_ songs were loudly encored. Misses. Campbell and Rober son. performed their • parts in their usual efficientroanner. The latter, accompanied on the melodeon by the former, sang very nicely and with good effect, that mirth -provoking song, "1 really don't think I shall marry," and was deservebly encored. Mt. Thos. • Adams sung a couple of good " auld" Irish songs, which kept the audience in a con- stant uprosr of merriment. • The Dialogue by Misses Campbell and Knox, was well acted. and was particularly woethy of mention. Mr. Thom- as Bell's stump speech was the crowning gem of - the evening. Mr. Bell's "get up," and his per- senification of a a cullid gemman" was fully equal to the best efforts of a professional ‘• burn't • oorkist." Altogether. the evening was most pleasantly spent and we are only sorry that there were not more present to enjoy it. The promoters of these entertainments are certainly 'BRITANNIA LODGE A F. & A. M. NO. 170 G. 13.0. TRE Next Regular Communication,_ on MONDAY, Evening March. 21st. M. R. COUNTER, Secretary. FOR SALIE CH EAP I new, SEWING MACHINE Lt °•D' .6i°1-1good working ordpr, will be sold at cost price, for cash. Apply at the "ExrosiTon" office. Seaford', Feb. 25, 1870.. Not to be Out Done by New Comers ! MY GOODS ARE BOUGHT CHEAPER AND NATIONAL PILLS. NATIONAL PILLS. NATIONAL PILLS. NATIONAL PILLS. NATIONAL PILLS.. SOLD CHEAPER! THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT IN HURON, • As will be .seen by the following prices : The National Pills area new discove" in xnedicine. They are composed el • purely vegetable extract prepared by, a newly discov- ered process, eful are sugar coated. They are the great blood -and stomach purifier. They act on the hver with magical effect. are mild, searching, yet a thorough purgative, & have no equal as a first class family pill. See circulars with each box Sold. by R. LUMSDEN and E. HICKSON & CO., Seaford'. and medicine dealers generally. -. • WOODRUFF, BENTLY & Co., Proprietors, Brougham, Ont. Good Tea, at 50c. Choice Young Hyson, at 75c. Superior article at 90c. Best Yo Jung ilysoii in the Do- minion at $1.00. Good Coffee at 20c. • Choice ground at 25. Superior Java Coffee at :30c. All other goods equally cheap, A LARGE AND PURE LOT OF GARDEN & FIELD SEEDS Expected on or about the 12th inst. Country produce taken in 117-25ins. NEW • TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT ex - .change. W. S. ROBERTSON Seaforth, March .3rd. 1870. /17-tf: - 0- T. K. ANDERSON Begs to inform the residents of Seaforth, and vicinity, that. he is about opening out a new Tailoring Establishment IN THE SHOP ADJOINING ROBERTSON &CO 'S HARDWARE STORE. ire is now prepared to take orders for CUTTING AND MANUFACTURING, And abont the t5th of March, next, He will open up INSOLVENT AQT OF 1869. • uaniela, • ) In the County Court Province �f Ontaria. of the County of Huron I County of Huron. In the Matter of CHANCY MNG, An Insolvent, On Thursday, the tenth day of March next, at the hour of eleven. o'clock in the forenoon, the undersigned will apply to the Jude of the said Court for a discharge under the said At. Dated at Goderich, this 26th day of January, A.D. 1870. CH,ANOY KING, • by JOHN BELL GORDON, his Attorney ad litem, Goderich; Jan'y. 28, 1870. 112-7ins. SITIUATWN WANTED AS Clerk by a young man who has had seven yem's experience, in Dry Goods and Cloth- ing. Best of references given. Apply -to A. B. • WALTON R 0. Seaforth, Feb. 18, 1869. 115-tf. TO CAPITALISTS. F, OR SALE the flourishing Village a Sea - in forth, a ,two Storey brick House, tdgether ' with barn, ont-houses, and all the. conveniences attached, good garden, young orchard, and 60 village lots within a few reds of the {-;-. T. Rail- way, and in a good situation for the establish- ment of salt works, • near to where there is at present a well being sunk. • Part of the purchase money may remain unpaid for four or five yew's, For further particulars apply to, G. T. JARVIS, Seaforth. Or to EDGAR J. JA.RVIS, Toronto. Seaforth, Feb. 11, 1870. 114-4ins, -NOTIVE. BLUEVALE SHINGLE FACTORY. D. STEWART & Have a large quantity of First Class SHIS4!,3,ES on hand for sale. Th.e Shingles.ate made of the very best pine logs, and. sawn M a superior at*. The 'Machine being entirely of a new construct- ion. Manufactured by Messrs. Goldie and Me- Oulloch, Unit, for which they were awarded the FIRST PRIZE at the Provincial Exhibition London 1869. We will Sell oar First claas •ohnigles attherniU for'$1. 60 per square. Faimers and. others, would do well to give us a call, • Shingles sawn on shares or for 75 cent- per square- •Bluevale, Feb. 18th, 18d9,_ • 115-4ins. DAN I EL MoPHAIL, I. IC E It ED -AUCTIONEER ! FoR THE COUNTIES OF PERTH AND HURON, BEGS to return his sincere thanks to the in- habitants of Perth for their liberal patronage during the past six years. He would respectlitlly announce that he will •attend to all !Orders in P ERTH or HU ItON for 18 /0. Oraers left at in his line. Office, Stratford, or the Advocate, in. Mitchell, the " EXPOSITOR" Office, in Seaforth, the Beacon • a fine stock of all kinds of goods will be promptly attended to. Conveyancing, and Real Estate Ageney attend- ed to, and loans negotiated. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OFFICE -East Aide of the market. Mitchell, Seaforth, Feb. 18th, 1870. 115.tf* • Ont. Mitchell, Feb. 25, 1F70. • 116--tf. A TRIAL SOLICITED! SEAFO/RTH PLANINGMILL SASH. DOOR, AND BLIND FACTO Y 1 rpliE subscribers beg leave to tender their sni- •t cere thanks to their numerous cestomers and the public at large, for the -very liberal patronage received Since commencing business in Seaforth. And as they have now a very large stock of 'Dry Pine Lumber on hand, and having lately enlarged their premises and added New Machinery (there- by increasing their ifa,cilities for doing work with despatch), they feel confident of giving every sa- tisfaction to those who RI y favour them with their patronage. as none but first-class workmen are employed. Particular attention paid tn custom planing. BROA DIOOT & GRAY. Seaforth, .Tan'y. 21st, 1870. BLACKSMITH SHOP. THOMAS WATSON. Begs to inform the public generally that he still carries on general Blacksmithing at his. • Old Stand, NEARLY OPPOSITE 'ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL. AINLEYVILLE. Special attention paid to Ilorse-Shoeing. Ainleyville, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 62-1y. Toronto Millinery. 91H subscriber begs to announce to the Ladies of Seaforth, and vicinity, that she has open- ed out a choice stock of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS in the shop latelyoccupied by Mrs. Guthrie, and adjoining Mr. Logan's store, and from her long experience in the business in Toronto, she feels warranted in saying that those favoring her with their patronage will be perfectly satisfied. She is prepared to execute orders on the short- est notice for all kinds of DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING EMBROIDERY and BRAIDING STAMPED, MACHINE STITCHING, • STRAW, AND HAIR WORK done with neatness. AUCTION SALE OF NEW FURNNITUE On Tuesday, March 15th, The stibscriber will sell by ,PUBLIC AUCTION, A good supply of Ladies' Dress Caps, kept constantly on hand. A call is respectfully solicited. MISS ERWIN. Seaforth, Feb. 4, 1870. •113-tf. Main Street, Seaforth, a large quantity of • NEW HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BUREAUS, • SOFAS, • LO UN G ES, TABLES, B EADST ED$, CHAIRS, ETC., ETC. TERMS CASH. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. M. ROBERTSON, Propriethr. Seaforth, Feb. 25 1870. 116-4ins. T0 M.ERU.H.A.NTS. &C. &e. TRA ERS, The subscriber has just received a large assort - relent of DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, Blank Books,i 13i11 Books, Ccunthig- House Diaries, Pocket Diaries for 1870, Bibles, Prayer Books, Psahre Books -and large assortment of miscellaneous books in splend- didgilt bindings, suitable for Christmas .and New Year's Gifts. Sabbath School Books ! Reward. Tickets, &c. Plain and Fancy Note Paper and Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Pencils, School Books, etc. Musical Instruments ! Accordeons, Concertinas, Violins, ViolinStrings, Rosin, Bridges, &c. Briar and Mereschaum Pipes, and Fancy Goods of all kinds. A large assortment of TOYS For Girls and Boys; At LITMSDEN'S. Corner Drug and Book Sten. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st; 1870. 5341.