HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-02-25, Page 8VSs THE, HURON EXPOSITOR. Feb. 25, 1870. PRESS" NOTICES. T{UItoN TVV ENTf YEARS AGO.".—,tt seems a tale with thus title is in • prepara- tion for the press. The author is under- stood to be a resident of Seaforth or vici nity, but is as yet generally unknown. From reliable information, hos. ever, we in- fer that the work will he of interest to T every Canadian. -Correspondence Stratford Beacon. The Seaford), Exposits • is a w911. hinted and ably condUeted journal ; ,it has recently been enlarged. .Bruce Review THE 'HURON ExPOsiTORi • formerly. the Seafort1 Expos tor, has -been eatlar� ed and otherwise in proved. We congr: ttulace our r ► confrere on the handsome a j I.ear•! .nce of his sheat.=Christian 11 dvocate. . THE - HURON ExtoSITOR. This •piper comes to us in an enlarged and improved form. It is now au eight-rigpaper of forty columns, well printed and is a credit to Seaforth .tnd to the county.- Walkerton Telescope. The !heron Expositor, published at Sea - forth, Ontario, comes tous in at en l rged and much 1ru1noved form. It is creditable to the enterprise, taste, and' abil ty ' of the publisher, l'Ii W. 111. Luxton and de serves a generous support, whichwe tr n t the. 1,xpo.c.iturwill receivee heard y. --Irish, Canadian. THE OFFICIAL PAPER."—The Expositor is again the official paper of the county- the County Council being of the -or inion that the enterprise ihnwn of late by he editor in enlarging aitch improving Itis paper s'eonid be properly, rewarded, So let it be. The. ' peopleof Seaforth feel proud ;of their Taper as they hake eve y reason to do.-C`orrepoa.dence Stf•«If,r(t.Beacon. IMPRp'ED.—We . ftgr of to mention last week that the Seaforth _Expositor leas -late ly been enlarged and otherwise "mproyed.. It is new, the best paper pit Wish d in Hur- on, and one of the best in Car ada • Its proprietor is an enterprising an 1 worthy marl, and clesetves the large: shore sf support apparently extended to him.- Advocate. NEWSPAPER PEOGRESs;—Since.Mr. Lux- ton 'sent to "Seaforth) and infused life and vitality into the c !emirs of the Expositor, its.• progress• ht s *en must gratifiying. •E.ncotn:aged by the , ttpport he has Ieeeived, and whiet his . enterprise 11 s'' fully merited, the lrroprietor lLts lit tidy en- larged his papet• to the size of he Clobe, but still preserving the quarto folio. It is 1ranclsornely printed, vigorously sondueted, and takes it !,lace in the front r-ar ks of Ca- nadian. journalism -Stratford 13e( can. THE .EXPOSITOR.—The Seafort i Ezposi to7',,the name of which has. been e tinged to the Huron -Expositor, is to hand eat!y en- larged and improved. Iii now sta ds in t be tietyiront rank of country jourrals, and we ' have no doubt tue great energy and ltbility shown in conducting it will receive the well-erarned reward of liberal • at d steady patronage from the inte;ligentpeo le of the County of Huron .-Stratltroi Age . `e1 Singular Story of Good Fortune torr exer,tplificl tion of the old, proverb, that "it is better td be boin lucky han rich, has just come to ' light in Vewa k, 'N. J., in the person of a young -nr irri 1 German lady, the wife of Mr. John •111. N Aber, -re- siding in .Prince street. in the }i.b, ve city. According to reliable authority, 't appears she and her husband are naive, of Wur- temberg, Germany. They have •nly been in this country sotne eight or his rrontbs and had just got married prior +,s leaving home. Twenty years ago an unc e of Mrs: Neiber; named Reisse, left Ger any and started for California, where for tirne he made some progress in the road ttu wealth. With sturdy persistence he kept • t th.; dig- gings, until at last the fickle godd :ss Dame Fortune smiled a most gracious t; rile, and in the twinkling of an eye Ur. Re sae from being in a state of great .need the the -joy- ful possessor of a $1,000 nug et,: His luck had changed, and in the cou .se of a few years he was worth at least $50,000. In the Golden State air. Reisse remained for a considerable length of time, subsequent- ly meeting many ups and downs monetar- ily. He left there, however, quite wealthy, came east and settled down int blissful bachelorhood. .,In the mean time he had frequently written for his niece, b .t she de-- ferrerl-crossing the Atlantic until she had chapged her name. At about the time she and her newly elected "spasa rived in New York the uncle was half wa on his way back to Germany. He arriv a d in Bre- men, where he was attacked by c t -throats and fatally stabbed, so that he diad in a few- -days. It has since transpire that by the Provisions of his will the bul : of his property is 'bequeathed to his Ili:ce, who with her husband and legal advis .r is now making preperations to start for ermany on an early day. The fortune 1 ft Mrs. Neiber is said to be in excess of ',;100,000. The foregoing statement is vouch d for by pevera1 Germans of Newark of th highest respe;;tibility. If it be true, and their ap- pears not the slightest doubt that it is, one may well exclaim that " truth is stranger than fiction." The correspondence from Sal Lake City reveals the fact that the p • - ::: e of the Act to give women the suffrage n Utah was the work both of Mormons a d Gen- tiles; the Legislature which passe it being Mormon,. and the Governor 'who igned it being a Gentile. The two parties ntertain different views of the way in whi hit will work. �•a.- The Post Office Department has decided to subsidize' equally the Argo a" and " Chicora," and thus secure a wee ly sum mer service between ,Collingwood nd Fort William; CHESS. PROBLEM NO. 90. • BY GEO. L. CARPENTER. BLACK. • ',•,,y,/,,,i ss, 7/ r.,„," w .ie0.. ; '� /%:,-;,.,/,':„r ”„ 4. r 7, 4:.,,�/, . /Jill/fD f/ri✓r•V/r✓ ✓ , •l/i✓.✓/ / . , .•Jfi ✓'.;....,/,'7,-., ✓1✓rf f" , f• '7 00 /J///i% �irrJi.j ✓lk / ?-f/1 ir✓.% , r>`i�/.. J,,' %e: ✓,: . 1.,c‘f,' Al✓J:,;:7..,/,,,,,%z, �s IITE.` White to play and mate in 3 moves. CHESS ITEMS. New. Class COLUMNS :—We have much pleasure in informing our readers that the Canadian Illustrated ...Vows, Montreal, . and the" Toronto Glove have each commenced the publi- cation of a Chess Column in their papers. We wish them every success. PROBLEM TOURNEY --The following papershave kindly noticed our forthcoming Tourney, and will please accept our thinks for their favors. "Farm" Turf Field,"andandaril New York, • ` Star, Goderich, "Nev Era," Clinton, and "Advocate" Mitchell, Ont. SF.AFORTH PLANINGMILL SASH. DOOR, AND BUND FACTORY ! HE subscribers beg leave to tender their sin- cere thanks to their numerous cestomers and the public at large, for the very liberalpatronage received: since commencing business in Seaforth.: And as they have now a very large stock of Dry Pine Lumber on hand, and having lately enlarged their premises and added New Machinery (there- by increasing their facilitieg for doing work with despatch), they feel confident of giving every sad" tisfaction to those who m y favour them with their patronage, as none but ;first-class workmen are employed.. Particular attention paid to custom planing. BROADFOOT & G RRA Y. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. LARGEST -BEST -CHEAPEST... MOORE' RURAL NEW -YORKER, THE . GREAT ILLUSTRATED Rural. Literary and Family Weekly. BY D. D. T. MOORE, New York City, such Rochester. N. Y. Vol. XXI., for 1870, of this famous Journal will excel] in all the characterristics of a first- class Rural, Literary. 'Family_ and Business Newspaper. corabined—making it the NAPOLEON OF ITS. CLASS ! The Rural was doubled in size and vastly im- proved, in Jan.' last, and is now not only the Largest, Cheapest and Best, but also the largest Circulating Weekly- in its sphere. . Superior in ability, vaue and variety of contents, as well as size, style and illustrations, and having a con- tinental circulation—with tens of thousands of ardent admirers in both Town and Country --the Rural is the great , FARM AND FIRESIDE FAVORITE! Employing the Best Talent in the Land—hav- ing nine able Editors and hundreds of Special Contributors and Correspondents —and being an acknowledged autcity on. Practical, Scientific and Literary Su 'ects, an exchange truly says of ile it that "the Rura is the most elegantly printed ably edited, widely circulated and heartly wel- comed paper, as a whole, whichnow finds its way among the people." The Canadian Department, lately introduced, is conducted by Rev. W. F. Clarke, of Guelph, Ont., formerly editor of the Canada Farther. MOORE'S RURAL PAYS All who cultivate fruits, flowers, yegetables, &c. even on a small scale, (in city village or Suburb, ) while to farmers, planters, horticulturists, stock breeders, wool . offers, dairymen, poultry Fan- ciers, &c , it is indispensable.. In the family it is highly regardee''d, itshing literaryice and miscellaneous departments ,fu fischoand entertaining reading for all. The Rural's MARKET AND CROP REPORTS Are full and reliable. Indeed, being ably Edited, Illustrated and Printed in extra style, and adapted for Country, Village and City, the Rural is the paper for yourself, family and friends. -It is not a monthly or semi-monthly, but a large and beautiful illustrated weekly,— and, though double it former size, its Subscript- ion Price remains unchanged ! FORM, STYLE. TERMS, &c. • Vol. XXL, for 1870, `will be published in. superior style, each number comprising sixteen double quarto pages, (of five columns each.) Finely illustrated, and neatly printed' on book paper: Only $3 a year ; in clubs of ten or more, $2'50. Canadians, 20 cts, a year extra; for American postage. Subscribe and Club Now !' Great inducements to club agents—Over one hundred valuable premiums, 'ranging in price from $4 to $6001 Specimens, Premium Lists, Show -Bill. &c., sent free. The Rural has always hailed from Rochester N. Y.. (the heart of a famed farming and fruit ggrrowing region wherein several of its Editor and Contributors reside,) but as its principal Publi- cation Office is now in New York, all letters .should be addressed to D. 0; T. MOORE, 41 Park Row, News York. Insolvent Act of 1869. in the•Motter of RICHARD HOWARD, An Insolvent, The Insolvent has made an assignment of his Estate to me, and the Creditor., are notified to meet at Sharp's Hotel, in the village of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. on Saturday, the 26th day of February, instant, at the hour of -twelve o'clock, noon, to receive statements of his affairs, and to appoint an Assignee • -. JOHN HALDAN. Interim Assignee. Dated at Goderieh, 12th ` February, A. D. 1870. _ 115-2in. CARD OFT THANKS DU.NCAN # & CO., beg to . tender their thanks to the public, for the liberal patronage they have received during the past year. January 21st, 1870. Arctic Over shoes, At DUNCAN & CO.'S. FELT OVER SHOES At. DUNCAN & CO.'S. Men's French Calf Boots, MEN'S K I P BOOTS, MEN'S COWHIDE BOOTS, At DUNCAN &- CO.'S. LADIES' & MISSES' BOOTS At OF ALL CLASSES DUNCAN & CO s. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF MENS' BOYS' AND YOUTHS* FELT HATS AND CLOTH CAPS At 9 - DUNCAN & CO.'S. - A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Collars, Neckties & Cuffs DUNCAN & CO.'S. Ss afortb. Jan'y. tela!,, 1871 111•tf. HOUSE AND- LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for. sale a large Frame Cottage, 30 x 40, new, and Village Lot on the coater opposite the Baptist Church, Seaforth. Farmproperty would be taken in exchange.' Ap- ply on the premises. ALEX, McAUR,T•IIEB. Seaforth, Jan. 28, 1870. 112.6m. SITUATION WANTED= AS Clerk by a young man who has had. seven year's experience, in Dry Goods and Cloth- ing. Best of references given. Apply to A. B. WALTON r- 0. Seaforth, Feb. 18, 1869. 115-tf. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. A��pLL persons imdebted to the late firm of fe & McCallum are r - uested to � hereby call and settle the same with the undersigned on or before the 1st. of March next, otherwise! costs will be incurred. ZAPFF & CARTER. ,Seaforth Foundry. Seaforth, Feb. 15, 1870. 115-tf. DISSOLUTION O F PARTNERSHIP. OT10E is hereby given that the partnership hitherto subsisting between August Zapfe; and Joint McCallum, ' Foundrymen, was this day dissolved by mutual consen'i, so far as relates to the said John McCallum. The business will hereafter be carried on by Aughst Zapfe and George Carter, under the name and firm of Zapfe & Carter, who will collect all debts clue to the late partnership,: and, also discharge liabilities due by the said partnership. .: AUGUST ZAPFE, JOHN MCCALLUM. Dated at Seaforth this 12th, j , day of February, 1870. 115 -tin. TO CAPITALISTS: FORSA LE in the fionrishing Village of Sea- forth, a two Storey Brick House, together 'with barn, out -houses, and all the conveniences attached , a good garden, young orchard, and 60 village lots within a few rods of the G. T. 'Rail- way, and in a good situation for the establish- ment stablishment of salt ,works, near to 'where there is at present a well being sunk. Part of the purchase money may remain unpaid for four or five years, For further particulars apply to, P 4tP G..T. J ARV1S, Seaforth. Or to EDGAR J. JARVIS, Toronto. Seaforth, Feb. 11,, 1870. 114.4ins. NOTICE. BLUEVALE SHINGLE FACTOFY. D. STEWART & CO, Have a large- quantity of First Class SHINGLES on hand for sale. The Shingles are made of the very best pine logs, and sawn in a superior style. The Machine being entirely of a newconstruct: ion. Manufactured by Messrs. Goldie and Me Uulloch, Galt, for which they were awarded the 1?! RST PRIZE at the Provincial Exhibition in Loudon 1869. We will Sell our First Class shingles atthe_rriill for e1.60per square. Farmers and others, would do well to give us a calli Shngles sawn, on shares or for 75 cents per square • Bluevale, Feb. 18th, 1869. 115-4ius.. Toronto Millinery. ' subscriber begs to announce to the Ladies of Seaforth and vicinity, that she has TH Y, a open- ed out a choice stock of • MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS in the shop lately occupied by Mrs. Guthrie, and adjoining Mr. Logan's .store, and - from her long experience in the business in Toronto, she feels warranted in saying that those favoring her with their patronage will be perfectly satisfied, , She is prepared to execute orders on the short- est notice for all kinds of MILLINERY DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING EMBROIDERY and 'BRAIDING STAMPED, MACHINE STITCHING. STRAW, AND HAIR WORK done with neatness. A good supply of Ladies' Dress Caps/ kept constantly on hand, A call is respectfully solicited. MISS ERWIN. 113-tf. Seaforth, Feb. 4, 1870. NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT 1 T. K. ANDERSON Begs to inform the residents of Seaforth, and vicinity; that he is about opening out a new. Tailoring Establishment l IN THE SWOP ADJOINING ROBERTSON & CO.'S HARDWARE STORE. He is now prepared to take orders -for CUTTING AND MANUFACTURING, And about the t 5th of March, next, He will open up a fine stock of all kinds of goods in his line. A .TRIAL SOLICITED! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED .; Seaforth, Feb. 18th, 1870. 115-t1. 0 THE CANTON TWAREHOUSEI TN THE • SEW POST.OPr'ICE=BLOCK, 18 TIIE PLACE FOR CHO!CE TEAS. The fact that the subscriber makes this artie a speciality, should. lead all intending purchasers who like the best market affords, to, at least try his stock. The. Finest Liquors ! And a select stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, always on hand. ' JAMS C. LAIDLAW. ;Seaforth, Jany. 21st, 1870. ;tf. FURN1TIJRE CHEAPER THAN EVER AT T1-10MAS BELL'S WAREROOM! o TBELL ss now prepared to furnish Houses at , Toronto prices - TTiaT • ar1"ATrT1\"C-1-, In all its departments, attended to in a satisf icta ory manner. A hearse for hire. THOMAS BELL'S' PATENT SP RI NG MATTRASS Kept constantly on hand- and fitted to any bed- stead. This article is the best andcheapest made, as attested to by all who have used it. Warranted to give satisfaction. • - t 'Remember the place CPPQS=TE E IDD & M'MULKINS. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st. 1870. 87-tf; LUBE! LUMBER! THE undersigniedhave on hand at their Mills' half a mile N North from the Village of AuI- ley-ille, 1500,000 feet of Good DRY PINE L UMBER, of the following different kinds; viz —inch, inch and a half, and two inch, clear, A large lot, :(over 100,000, ) int lr and a quarter, and inch and a half flooring, both dressed and under- • - dressed ; half inch siding, common boards and plank, 12, 14 and 16 feet long.' Board and strip LATH, all of which will be sold at reduced prices. They have lately added a first—class planning machine, to their otner machinery, and intend keeping dressed lumber ofall kinds constantly an hand. The public may rely upon being able toprocure any of the above articles of Lumber at their Mills. so long as it is here adve-tised. Parties sending lumber to the mill can have it dressed on the shortest notice and lowest possible =terms. M. & T. SMITH. Ainleyviile, Feb. 11, 1870. 114-tf House and Lot .for Sale- OR TO RENT. IN EGMONDVILLE, HE undersigned has for sale or to rent ; ort reasonable terms, ag ood Frame Housewith wood shed, cistein, pump and good yard in con- nection. The above premises were lately occupied by Dr Vercoe. For particulars apply to JOHN F. WEILAND, Hotel Keeper, Egmondville. Egmondville, Feb. 11, 1870, 114-4ius. BLACKSMITH SHOP. THOMAS WATSON. Begs to inform the publicenerallvthat he still. carries on general ,Blacksinithing at his Old Stand, - NEARLY OPPOSITE' ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL. AI NLEYViLLE. Special attention paid to Horse -Shoeing. Ainleyville, Jan'y. '21st, 1870. 62-1yc NOTICE TO BUILDERS. The subscriber has at hie Kiln, Oon. 5, Lot 4, Tuckersmith, H. R. S., a large quantity elf first- class brick, - which he offers cheap for Cash. JAMES PICKARD; -Tuckersmith, Feb. 11, 1870. i14-6ine. BRITANNIA LODGE, A. F. & A. M. No. 170 0 G. R. C. THE First Regular Communication, oss MONDAY, Evening Feb, 21st. M. R. COUNTER, Secretary. Money to Lend. lir ON -EY •-te Lend in cent. Apply to Ooderieh, Feb. `on Farm Lands at 8 Per P. F. WALKER, Solicitor, Godes-kir; 1, 1870. I14 -$'nisi, TRA;::. Iiur East of the Seaforth; L. V teen of Markt of ;Kidd :t& Seaforth IY Office denee—Ma Seaforth CAMP IPJ.Gill Peon, etc., ost Officei foundby11 Seaforth; AYS: at Is Public CO Archibald' Money to TOR:- Seaforth El\ SO: Al at La ency,Sonv 'flees, Sea Trust and Colonial S Money at JAs. B. tt "Seaforth` J 'CsA. and: insets era. Solic. Agents fo H R-43 Reuses an Seaforth D:s llicit° Public, & Court Hun NB. --1 Lands. 1. oderic care taken tender te: Rooms ovu Seaforth HARP' Stage Seaforth CCMM Laird; :artodation and bar ar markets a A 4nleyv JJLO ..begs the trave first-class by traveli: always or every nee Seafort MAIL and ter's, Pla and value store, Co Goderie JjENIf er, . correctly;. .easured. pared. 0 rlon's old Seafort vE of Donve fir. Msep Next doo Seafort BRA th Particula . Stock Terms. Landlord Fist Di. d=