The Huron Expositor, 1870-02-04, Page 5b. 4, 18704
gone to Fort Garry
te established authority
with some reluctance.
ity that he is now a
ni arrived this morning
Lng iettera from Wrnni--
ng the inaction of
&his friends had aban-
rcler to establish some
lovernment it was ie -
ie Government of
Of- Assiniboia, nnd
). Canada their demands
the lt3th inst, Riel
afined, but a messenger
alived here this even-
rry onthe evening of
letter from the suppos-
ich I 'earn that on the, _
th, Biel was near St..
from this side of Win-
tek to Fort, Garry. Two
of whom asked him if
ie replied in the affirma-
e said two men drew
itnanded him to Lair-
malver and said, "You
alive I" Other parties
ies -were for the tinie
pon, Riel and his would
asiderabie crowd of citi-
Fort Garry,. where
E the situation.
—The steamer 4mei-
Smith a snag
m Thursday night and
be deck hands were
lay on the Pacific Rail -
:a a train going west..
ie reported killed.
tat rich gold discoveries
Lower California.
yf earthquake was telt in
rday. N o damage done..
a. Tribune's
ndent states that eraignt-
:rn States of America.
trahly for Mississippi..
es have embarked per
deans to Do to the water
Pi to people a plantation.
enterprise of Mr. Ber-
own countryman. lie.
at of the cost of the
eople firm Sweden to,
bring all poor though
xily able. bodied. The
them will be repaid
r m Mississippi derang
cli of this year.
Jan. 31. --The funeral
is officially announced
on Tuesday, February
iu the South Church.
—Orders discharging the
14to effect at Charleston
and one thousand three
y -five men at roll call
'ere discharged. Official
he navy !Yards of all the
31.—Prince Arthur was
evoort House this morn -
of English, Scottish,
s, headed by the British
itect with a congratulatory
nce made a feeling reply.
Duncan this evening,
attended the Firemen's
my of Music.
31.—Gonzales Castanon,
e. Cuba while standing
• hotel, was attacked by
vhocpened fire on him
returned the fire and had
his assailants when he
lett he died in fifteen rain-
sts have been inqtle.
31 —The last Epan of the
e was completed this
.ngth of the bridge, exe
caches, is one mile. It
s of 370 feet, and anoth-
a a draw over the chan-
mpied in its construction
six months. It will be
ve of trains in three or
epacksgo to Coventry's S.
iegs to announce to the
111, and vicinity, that she
Aut.: stock of
Fancy_ Goods,
occupied, hy Mrs. Guthrie,
14ogait's Store, and from her
he Business in Toronto, she
saying that those favoring
Efttrenage -will be perfectly
,to execute orders on the
41 kinds of
WIth neatness.
f Ladies Dress Caps, kept
nJiiy solicted,
. 113-
Feb. 4, 1870:
won txpo
Tun Baptist social will beheld, at Mk. Davis'
Thursday evifie next, 18th. We h pe to see
all friends present.
- As will be seen by reference to card e ewhere,
Dr. Vercoe has taken up his residence rerma-
nently in Seaforth.
Tbe "British Exchange" in tioderich has been
refitted and refurnished. M excellent tyle, by
Messrs.iCalloway & Wilkins, and it no ' tanks
among the El st-class hotels of the Colin. y.
We have been requeeted to intimate hat the
Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, of. Hamilton., will reach in
the Canada Presbyteriaie Church of this Town,
at the usual hours in the forenoon and evening.
Readings and Recitations will •-be given in
sharp's Hall, on the evf-ning of Monday iext, un-
der the auspices of the Seaforth Benev lent So-
ciety. Proceeds to be devoted towards he assis-
tance of the poor of the village.
Services have been held for the past eek, and
will be continued each evening for sone time, in
the Episcopal Methodist Church of th s Town.
Services conducted by the Revds. Messt.s. East-
man and Drake of the Seaforth Circuit, .itnd Rev.
Mr. Robertson, of Ottawa.
THE annual meeting of the Upper Ca a.da Re-
ligious Tract Society, will be held M `eafcirth,
on Monday evening, the, 7th February, at half
past seven o'clock. The meeting Will b4 addres- _
tied by Sir W. 1-1.\ Cellos; and the reside t Minis-
ters of the Village.
The Orillia Korthern Light, publish
Village of Orillia, by Ramsey & Co, cam
last week, printed oninew type throng
greatly enlarged. It is now one of the in
printed, and ablycenducted Local Journ
Province and is certainly a credit to t
and county in which it Is published.
the energy and ability displayed by the
ers may Meet with a rich reward.
WHAT A.RE THEY .DOING ?---Nearly a
a committee was appointed for the p
making arrangements for a Re -union,
in aid of the mechanics of Seaforth, wh
of employ, and we have no doubt from o
ledge of the gentlemen eomposing the c
that like similar bodies under simile
stances they are busily engag`ed. and
before. Spring we shall have a .call fr
though that "call" we mut say'is li
Charley, long of coining."
Since the above was in type; we 1
the conunittee have madearrangements
tertainment on Monday evening next.
Professor Wilds% Lecture.
According to previous -announcement Professor
Wikl delivered a lecture in Sharp's Hall, On the
evn'g of Wednesday, the 25th ult. The attend-
ance, although. notlarge, was very fair. Dr. Camp-
bell. occupied the chair, and with a few appro-
priate remarks introduced the Professor.
In opening his remarks the lecturer stated that
no man living -had ever seen Moses' day. There
were no hours, minutes, or seconds in Moses'
time, as these expressions for computing time are
inventions of. arater period. Before the Sun and
Moon were created, days might have been but a
moment lobg, or they -might have been billions
of years duration. • Perfect harmony existed
between geology and Revelation, and the appar-
ent discrepencies which men thought they saw to
exist between them were merely imaginary. and
resulted from their ignorance of these subjects.
The reasonableness of faith wee attested by vari-
ous examples, for instance : a child believes that
a particular letter is A. for its teacher M whom it
has confid.ence, tells it, it is sO. When men be-
lieve Lord. Ross with regard to astronomy, the
may with much greater faith; and. with a muclf
greater degree of consistency believe the prophesy
of Isaiah. The Professor denied that the bowels
of the earth were composed of molten laYa, as
had heen stated. and believed by some, -as if such
were the case the heat arising therefrom would
certainly be destructive to e;egetable growth, a
moving body like the earth must be solid and
not Iloilo w. He also illustrated satisfactorily the
reasonableness of believing in an • . invisible
and future world, and explained the origin
of volcanoes, and the causes of eruptions at stated
intervals. The sun was said to be growing less 4 -
water decreasing, land increasing, and the earth
moving Northwards, why man does not continue
growing is A mystery. The world grows as well
as man, and will continue to grow, and will not
come to an end till ' it arriv s t
e a maturity, an
then, and not till then, will the earthly milleni-
in the um appear. The world will not shortly come to an
to hand an'end, as has been predictedby the Baxters, Mil -
out, and lers, and others, but will continue till all parts of
t neatly the globe are inhabited, and the gospel preached
Is in the to every creature. The millenium will not arrive
e• village until moral, :intellectual and physical perfection
We hope be attained, and this will not be until man can
Publish- reveal all the hidden mysteries of nature. Moral
kets. MeGoey, wife of Thomas Mc
elicit daughter of Thos. Mellady, Sen.
her hushand's residence, in the Townshi
bert, on Friday hat. It will be remem
Mrs. McGoey was the first to enter he
house after the murder had been co
From the effects of the fearful shock
then received, shtenever recovered, an
tinned ever since in a very precarious
until at last she sunk under the sad
The sympathy of the community is wit
Goey and his afflicted family. in this
sad bereavement.
perfection will be when all shall obey the laws of
- ' God, and physical perfection when the laws
onth ago. of health are iraplictly observed. The lecturer
rPose of considered it absurd to endeavour to contra vert the
o be held. imaginary theories of such persons as Baker, Bax-
eourtter and Cummings, as an intelligent man who
7 makes a speciality of any subject for several.
millittee., years ean4weaVe a web which will baffle any per-
circum- son on the principle that "Jack built his own
probably house , and knows the way out."
m them, At the conclusion of ethe lecture a vote of
e Royal thanks was moveti to the gentleman for his able
n • that
or an en -
y, and.
• died at
of Inb-
red that
hich she
has con-
Mr Me -
heir lest
6 1
THE Rev. John Parker, of Toronto, will lecture
in Sharp's Hall, this (Friday) ovenin , on the
Doctrines Of -the New Jerusalem Churc , at half -
past seven. The immediate subject of lecture
will be :—." Christs conflict with the erpent."
"Saving Faith is believing what 4he Lord
Teaches." On aabbath the Rev. Gentl man will
also preach in the sante place. at 11 'eloCk a.
m., and hall past eix .p. m. At he close
of the lecture, we believe Mr. Pa ker will
effordan opportunity to any who may desire to
question him regarding the doctrines which he
puts forth and will also be prepared to offer any
explanations which may be required of im.
MULHERON of Mitchell delivered .a leeture
on Odd Fellowship, in Sharp's Hall, onithe even-
ing of Friday last. Dr. Campbell occ ipied the
chair. The attendance was (quite la go. The
Dr. delivered an able and. eloquent 1 cture, in
which he endeavored to impress upon. is hearers
the desirability of forming a lodge in onnection
with that order, in our town, and shotwed. that
the object of the society was to encourage •a
friendly andebrotherly spirit between Iman and.
man, and thus --elevate and improve he social
8tanding of its members. The princil al object
of the society was, however, of a beuevoiejat nature,
to protect and assist the widow and ore hant, and
to befriend the unfortunate. The Dr. address
-was listenecl to most attentively, t roughout,
e-nd was, we must confess, a master piele of dlo-
euence. The meeting was also address d by sev-
eral gentlemen from _Mitchell, and b± Messrs.
Foster, Powell, and Winters of Seaf rth. At
the conclusion of the addresses, a com ittee was
appointed to make arrangeraents for the establish-
ment of a Lodge here. After a vote of thanks to
Dr_ Mulheron for his ble lecture, a d to the
eehaarman for his efficien conduct in the chair,
the .assemblage disperse
MORAN'S BENEFIT--,-- he benefit given to Mr..
Daniel Moran. Seafor h's 'able and 1 energetic
newspaper ,correspondent, came off in alccordaiice
with preVione .a.rniouncem.ent, inSh .)'s Hall,
on the evening of •Thursday,.. the 27thelt, • The
entertainment.Was -under the mnagenieut
of Dr.- .Campbell, who, on this, as _tn a occasions
oe a similar kind, - when his services ar brought
inta,kequisition, performed his part • most eeredit-
ably.. -Messrs Gleghorn and Collins els perform.
ed. their parts well. Mrs. Collins, Ti8s
andthe !Miss.ea Dumi sustaii ed, most
admirably, • their former high re/pita ion, and
their performances.were much aclraired and. duly
appreciated by the audience.. In the- omic line,
'4i Bennet of Clinton, and Mr. Ca 'Then of
Seaferth-.proved themselves to be hu orists of
the hest order. Several other ladies _a. d gentle-
men .who took part in the entertainer", also 'ac-
quitted themselves with the greatest credit, a,nd
their performances were frequently ap. lauded by
the audience. Altogether the affeir. wts one of
the most succesefUl-of , the season. At the con --
elusion, Mr„ Moran retuened thanks te all those
who had interested themselvesin gett4ag.up the
entertaininent„ and who -had carriedit thro-ugh.
so -.Successfully, Long life to "Dan," .say We,
for lie is a "j -oily goodrfellow."
Village doundil..
The COuncil .met on Thursday, evil' the 2nd
i est.- The Reeve and Gonneillors Stre ie,!Broad-
foot, and Beattie being present -The • Mutes of
last meeting were read. and adeptgd. B3 Law
for the .appointment of the fallowing Officers was
J. -Dienean, -Village Treasurer, _Salary, ,
SchoorTrustee •
e. •
S. Stark, Collector
A ;G MeThingall. Assessor,.
E. Lusby,- Street InsPeetor,
8: Stark; Tavern . 4, •
T. P. Bull, Bread
lecture, by the Rev William Graham, and carried
The lecture delivered was an excellent one, and
clearly proved the author to be a finished scholar,
profound thinker, and cogent reasoner.
$30 00.,.
10 00.
35 00..
35 00.
25 00.
8 00.
5 00.
J. Winter, Pound Keeper,- J. M. Mart n, J. Win-
ter, and Alex. Wilson, Fence Viewers.
M. Jones was voted $4 00 being a itaonths sal-
ary as Bell Ringer; and $3 00, Was v ted. as -a
weeks board for E. Woods, he being n indigent
person, Robert Collins was granted th use of the
'fown Hall for $1 00 per night for asS' mbly pur-
poses. The Council then adjourned..
County Council Proceedings
(Canclucled front last week
on the Board of Audit in the terms of the late
Engineers accounts'wene referred • to the Fi-
nance committee along with thirteen other ac-
counts.- ,
Resignation of Bev. W. Barr,. as .li. S., for
Colborne, was read and accepted. by the Council.
Moved by Mr. Young, sec. by Mr. Horton,
that the Rev. James Sinveright be, appointed in
his stead—carried. . •
Moved by Mr. Armatroug, sec. by Mr, Young,
that the Rev. W. Barr be re -appointed L. S., of
Schools for the Township of Ashfield, for the
current year—canied. •
Moved by 'Mr. Scott, sec. byMr. Helps, that
the' Council adjourn to 3 p. m.
3, P. m•
The Council resumed, the Warden in the
Chair. Account of Mr. Sponce was read and re-
referred to Finance Committe. Report of the
selecting commitree and adopled. Mov-
ed' by Mr: Patton, 'sec. ley Gaunt, that the
sum of $3000 helraisid within this Couuty for the
improvement of boundary' lines of the several
Municipalities. The sum so raised to be apported
according to the equalized' aai3essment of the
current year. The expenditure to be on the same
principle as last year, exclusively on Town Lines,
except the Town of Goderich, and villagesof Clin-
ton and Seaforth, -who may appropriate their pro-
portions AS' heretofore—carried. Moved by Mr.
Bishop, sec by Mr. Messer, that the Council do
now adjourn to meet again to -morrow morning
at 10 o'clock --carried.
January- 27th,
The Council met pursuant to adjournment, the
Warden in the chair. Present. • Messrs Arm-
strong, Dalton, Ferran, Young, Horton, Shep-
perd, Patton, Leckie, McDonald,firown, Carrick,
Perkin, Wade, Morrow, Snell, Shannon, Han-
nah, Kelly, Hingston, McCaughey. Simpson,
Castle, Greenway; Yearly, Cresswell, Dallas,
Scott, *Bishop, Willia, Helps, Girvin and
The minutes of yesterday were read over
and approved. By-law No. I. 1870 appointing
County Auditors was read and passed. By-law
No. 149 of Goderich Tp. was submitted when it
was moved by Mr. Shepperd, sec. by Mr. Patton,
that the clerk be instructedto draft a By-law
, conveying a road
to Gabriel
's report was read and
om. • Account from
n of Goderich was re-
ferred to the Finance Comniittee along with five
accounts --Moved by Mr. 'Scott sec. by Mr.
Helps, that the County Engineer be instructed. to
_report at this meeting of Council asIto the propri-
ety or necessity of rebuilding the superstructure
of the Zetland Bridge during the current year—
carried. Petition of D. Williams was read and
referred to Finance Com. Moved by Mr. Messer
seconded by Mr. Girvin, that a By -Lew be passed
authorizing the County Treasurer to pay over to
the several Municipalities the amounts collected
on account of the non-resident Land. Fund, on
the 30th day of April and the 31st day ot Decem-
ber, in every year. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Leckie seconded by Mr. Mc-
Donall, that the Council do grant the sum of
$125.00 to the To-wnship of Gray to assist in
building a bridge on the Boundary Line between
the Counties of Huron and Perth near the Vil-
lage of Molesworth. The County Council of
Perth, at their last December meeting, having
granted a like sum to the Township of Wallace
to be paid on the condition ehat the County of
Huron do grant an equivalent—eeferred to Fi-
nance Com,
Four tenders for County Printingwere referred
to Printing Com.
Council adjourned till 7 o'clock p. m.
Goderich, January 26, 1870.
The Council met pursuant to adjournment.
Present—the Warden in the Chair, MessrsArm-
strong, Dalton, Farrell, Young, Horton, Shep-
perd, Patton, Leckie, McDonald, Brown, Car-
rick, Perkins, Wade. Morrow, Snell, t
Hannah, Kelly, Hingston. McCaughey, Simp-
son, Castle, Greenway, Yearly. Creswell, Dallas,
Scott, Bishop, Willis, Helps, Girvin and
Gaunt. The minutes of yesterday were read over
and approved. Moved by Mr. Kelly gee. by Mi.
Morrow,—That ames Allen, Fsq., he appointed
one of the Auditions for the current year. Moved
in amendment by Mr. Scott, sec. by Mr. Messr,
—That James Scott," Esq., of West Wawanash,
be appointed Auditor, for the current year, car-
ried by a majority of seven. Moved further in
amendment by Mr. Armstrong, sec. by Mr. Dal-
ton. that J. Cook, Esq:, of the Township of Ash-
field, be Auditor for the current year. Lost by a
ma.jority of nine. Moved further - in amendment
by Mr. Shannon, sec. by Mr. McCaughey, that
Mr. W. N. Watson, of Seaforth, be Auditor for
the cureent year. Lost by a majority of nine.
Moved further in amendment by Mr. Shepherd,
sec. by Mr. Patton, that J. Patton, Esq, of
Goderich Tp, be Auditor for thefeurrentyear.Lost
by a majority of six. The Warden nominated W.
McKay, Esq., of the Town of Goderich, as the
other Auditor.
Moved :by Mr. Girvin, sec. by Mr. Bishop, that
a committee be ballotted for. to strike the stand-
ing committee for the current year. Upon a
ballott being taken, the committee was declared
to consist of Messrs. -in, Bishop, Leckie,
Simpson and. Messer.
Moved by Mr. Horton, sec. by Mr.. Bishop,
that D. H. Ritchie, Esq, be appointed Trustee
for ther County Grammar School M Goderich,
earried. Moved by Mr. Ferran'sec; by Mr.
Simpson, that R. Coats, Esq., f.)e appointed a
Grammer School Trustee, for ti e Clinton County
Grammer School—Carried.
Petition of Mr. Sproet and others requesting
the Council to establish monthly Fairs in. the
Village of Seaforth, Referred to Finance Com-
mittee. ,
Petition of Mr. .John N exile requesting assis-
tance Was read and referred to the Finance Com-
mittee. •
Petition.of 11. Penfouwl and others of the
Township Of Stanley, was read and referred to,
the Finance Committee. •
Moved by Mr. IvIesser,; seconded by Mr. Scott,
That the By-law imposing a tax upon dogs be re-
binded and that no tax be imposed on d.ogs the
present yea l• in the County of Huron. Referred
to the Finance Committee,
-Cireular from C. S. ' Gzowski, requesting a
confirming By-law 149. 186.
allowance mentioned hereb
carried. County Enginee
referred to Gravel Road.
the Municipality ofithe To
7 o'clock p. m.
The Council resumed, the Warden in the chair.
By -Law No. 2, 1870 to confirm By -Law No. 149
of the Township of Goderich, was read and
By -Law No 3, 1870, authorizing the Treasurer
to pay over Non -Resident monies was read and
Communication from Messrs Benson' & Meyer
was read and referred to the Finance Com.
Report of the Salaries Com., was read and ad-
Account of Neil Montgomery was read and re-
ferred to the Finance Com.
' Communication from the President of the
Northern Gravel Road Company was read and re-
ferred to Finance com. .
aeport of the Finance Committee was read
Moved. by Mr. Bishop, seconded by Mr. Leckie,
That No's 14 and 15 of the Finance Report rela-
tive to the Tax on dogs be amended by allowing
By -Law imposing a tax on dogs in. this County—
to remain in force as last year. Upon a vote be-
ing taken, there voted for the amendment, Metiers
Leckie, Morrow,
Bishop, McDonald,
Girvin, Carrick, Helps, Snell, Hingston, Hannah,
McCaughey, Horton, Willis, Young, Shannon,
and Gibbons. For the report. IVIessra. Armstrong,
Castle, Shepherd Perkins, Greenway, Kelly,
Simpson Dalton, Gaunt, Brown,- Wade, Patton,
Scott, Niesser, Yearly, and Dallas. There being
an equality of votes the amendment passed in the
-negative. Moved by Mr. Perkins, sec. by 'Mr.
Wade, that No. 21 of the Finance Report be am-
ended by granting the sum of $1000; to grade the
Road on 8 and 9 concessions of Howick. Lost on
.a division by a. majority of 13. When the report
was again submitbed to the Council and adopted,
Moved by Mr. Carrick sec. by Mr. Helps, That
this Council de now adjourn to meet again to-
morrow morning, at 10 o'clock—carried.
28th, January, 1870.
The Council met pursuant to adjournment.
Present, the Warden in the chair. -1V.Iessrs. Arm-
strong, Dalf•on, Ferran, Young, Hatton, Shep-
perd. Pattoie Leckie, McDonald, Brown, Carrick,
Petkins, W,ele, Morrow, Snell, Shannon, Cestle,
Greenway, ?early, Cresswell, Dallas, Meeser,
Scott, Bisli ,p, Willis, Girvin and. Gaunt.
to the unusual, overflow of the GravelRoad South
of Wingham. by the Spring freshets, thereby
causing considerable damage to the said road
and the culverts and bridges on the same.—Car-
'Report of the School, Gaol, and Finance Com-
mittees were read and adopted.
The Clerk was instructed to procure copies of the
Ontario Statute for the use of the different Muni-
• . •
Several reports and communications were read.
Council adjourned to meet again at 9 o'clock.
January, 29th.
Council met according to adjournment.
A number of reperts were adopted.
Moved by Mr. Scott seconded by Mr. Bishop,
That a, vote of thanks be tendered to the "Press"
of the County, for their attention during the
Council adjourned to the first Monday in June -
grant from the Council to the Ontario Rifle A.s- The mieates of yesterda,y were read and ap-
sociation, was read and referred to the Finance proved.
Report of Mr. Warrington., Local Sup., was
referred to the SschOoliCom.
Report of Mr. _Farrow, L. S. referred to the
School Com.
Circular from the County Council of Lambton
was read and referred to the Finance Coin.
Circular from the County Council of Oxford
relating to import duties was read and referred to
Special Committee, consisting of Messrs Morrow,
Patton, Greenway, Shepperd and Leekie
Petition of Arthur Mitchell and others of the
Township of Howick-, requesting aid from the
Council to graele the road on the bth and 9th eein3,
of the said Township.
Petition from the Corporation of the County of
Huron to ther.House of Cm -Anions of CaLada, to
make the Harbor of Refuge at Goderich, was read.
. Moved by Mr. Ferran, seconded by Mr. Green-
way, That the Warden and the Clerk be and
are hereby appointed to execute on behalf of this
Council a Memorial to the Dominion Govern-
ment in support of a Harbour of Refuge at Goder-
ich. .Carried. By -Law to repeal By -Lbw No. 8
1869, for imposing a dog Tax in the County of
Huron was read, when the vote was taken, There
voted for the Bet•Law Messrs. Armstrong, S;eep-
perd, Wade, Smepson, Gaunt, yearly, Dalton, •
Perkins, Messer , Scott, Patton, Greenway,
and Dallas ; against, Messrs,. Leckie, Carrick,
Petition of John Martin to be appointed Court Helps, McDonald, Snell, Morrow, Girvin, Bishop,
The singing class taught by Mr. D. Trott, in
this village. was brought to a close on the evii'g
of Saturday The singing was very good, so
good as to merit praise. Those who attended to
his lung exercises recommended. them strongly
as a meana of improving the health, appeanince
of the person and the strength. and tone of the
The following may lie taken as a fair criterian
of the benefits derived by those membens of the
class who took the exercises: "Having attend-
ed Mr. Trott's singing class, with which he has
combined various exercises for the strengthening
of the lungs. and. having attended to the practice
of them. severally as they were given, I have
found them -very beneficial, and can heartily re-
commend them to all who wish to have their
limgs strengthened, and their general health im-
Brucefield, trith, 1870.
Mr. Muldoon, while unhitching hishorses from
the sleigh, on the 27th ult., commenced at their
heads, and after he had the lines and neckyoke
off, the horses took to fright with the sleigh after
them. He escaped with a few cuts on the head,
and bruises on the body and legs. He istecover-
ing rapidly under the treatment of Dr. Tracy.
Mr. Gordon was tlifown off a fractious horse
upon which he was riding one day lately, and
badly hurt, but is recovering as speedily as could
be expected.
Thus while twp families have had troubles by
the fruits of carelessness. two more have been
rejoicing (although their peace is destroyed),
over two gifts in the shape of family organs, and
as they have'notbeen readers of the EXPOSITOR,
they are at a loss to know where to register such
House Keeper, was reacl and referred to the Sal-
aries' Coin.
Report of Dr. Stokes, L. S., was referred -to the
School Committee.
Application of Mr. Reid, Court House Keeper,
for an increase of salary, was read and referred to
the Salaries Corn.
Report of the Rev. Mr. Price, L. S.',Iwas referred
to the School Com.
Communication froin Mr. Esson, respecting
gravel road drainage, was read. and referred to
the Gravel Road. Com.
Communication from Mr. Toms, respecting
taxes paid by him on non-resident lands. was
read and referred to the Finance Com.
Report of Mr. Tennant, L, S., was referred to
the FinanceiCom.
Letter from County Treasurer, accompanied by
a detailed statement of Receipts and Expendi-
tures for 1369, and statement of Ledger Balances.
-was read and referred to theFinanc,e Com.
Moved by Mr. Farrah, eecondedbyMr. Young,
that the Warden and Mr. Adamson be appointed
Cresswell. FaiTan, Hingston, Shannon, Mc-
Caughey, Hannah; Willis, Young and Gibbons.
- The By Law was lost by a majority of three. By -
Law No. 4, 1870, to fix the salaries of the County
Officers was read and passed. Report of Mr. Bay
on the Zetland Bridge was read and ordered to be
filed. Moved by Mr. Bishop, sec, byMr.Messer,
that the Clerk furnish the Council with the Bonds
and Sureties of the County Treasurer, for their
examination, carried. Bonds and Securities of
the County Treasurer were submitted\ by the
Clerk and referred to Finance Com. Account of
Mr Gibbons referred to Finance Com. Moved by
Mr. Patton. sec. by Mr. Shepherd, that the sum
of $400 be granted towards the re -construction of
a bridge on 1st con. Township of Goderich. Re-
ferred to the Fnanee Com. Application of Mr.
Lomas respecting the contract on the Ashfield
road, was read and referred to the Finance Coin.
Account of R. Mathieson was referred to the Fi-
nance Com. Moved by Mr. Scott see. by Mr.
Messer, That the County Engineer be instructed
to report at the June meeting of this Council, as
From our own Correspoudent.
B LisIN ESS. --Jamestown still continues to flour-
ish as rapidly as ever. Business during the last
few weeks has been excellent. The hetel-keep-
ers are literally coining money; and other busi-
ness men are likewise driving large trades. New
buildings are continually in course of erection. •
RELIGIOLTS.—Several religious bodies are pros-
pecting on the propriety of building churches, in
our Village, which will be a credit and a let nefit
to the place, and we hope, -will prove an ever-
lasting boon to society. Our Sabbath -school still
continues to improve, and, we thinkis doing much '
goodlin many ways.
PENNY EBinniGs.—The Teachers . living in the
vicinity of Jamestown, purpose holding Penny -
Readings in Mill's Hall. which vvill be opened to
the public, when every effort will be put forth to
make the meetings pleasant and interesting. As
they are the first meetings that were ever held.
for the diffusion of literature, they -will, no doubt,
receive a large patronage.
BuSTNESs OPENING8.—There are some of the
best openings in Western Canada for tradesmen
in this place. such as Tailors, shoemakers, Black-
smiths, and Saddlers, to whom building stocks
will be sold at very reasonable prices.
Ross—In Gray, on Thursday the 25th, the wife
of M.T. Samuel Ross, of a son.
MILL—In Jamestown, on Thursdsy 27th ult, the
wife of Mr. James Mil, of the 'Traveller's
Home' hotel' of a daughter.
HALLSEY—In Grey, on the 26th ult, the wife of
Mr. P. Ilallsey, of a daughter. '
MattooART- -FeeToN—On February let. by the
Rev. W. Grahum, Mr. Duncan McTaggert, to
Miss Sarah Fulton. Al] of Grey.
Feneusote--ICYB—On Januaryll4th, by the Rev:
W. Graham. assisted by Rev. R. Stevenson,
Mr. David Ferguson, of McKillop, to Miss Ann
Kyh, of Hibbert
McDoeALD—KERR—In Wroxeter, on Tuesday
the 20th ult, by Rev. Mr. Brown, Mr. Archibald
McDonald, to Miss Jane Kerr, eldest daughter
of the late James Kerr, both of Jamesto-wn.
REID—McCuTcHEEN—In Ainleyville, on Tuesday
the 7th tilt' by the Rev, Mr. Jones, Mr. Jas
Reid, to Miss Susan McCutcheon, both of
J emestoven.
SPARLING—YouNo—By the Rev. A Millikins, on
the 27th ult., at the residence of the Briie's
father, Mr. Francis George Sperling, eldest son
of the late Christopher Sperling, of Seaforth. to
Letitia, youngest daughter of Sergant Major
Young, of Hewick, formerly of the County of
J. fact, anything drawn by the horse. A large
assortment always kept on hand. And for first-
class HORSE SHOEING & JOBBINGthatis the
A large stock of Dry Oak, and other Lumber,
also Dry Waggon Spokes, for Sale. I
Seaforth, Feb. 4th, 1870. 11-1y.
Lost somewhere in Seaforth, on Saturday, 23rd
Jan., a roll of "Royal Canadian" Bills, amount-
ing to about $38. The finder will be liberally7e-
warded by leaving it at the
We have a large stock of Rem-
na,nts which will be sold at geat
as they pust be cleared ont at
A chance rarely to be found—so
lose no time.
Seaforth, Jan'Y. 28, 1870, 112., Seaforth, Feb. 4, 1870. 113-2in8.