HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-01-28, Page 5D RIVE. Pn1.NAA, . J`'an. 10, ; St. Claud, Minn. 2lst. at 5 o'clock ,• . the> hour. from here I met Mi. Snow sting of X. A. Snow, Ott a-- r:. ulkins, 4 Mr.. Nim - an l Mr ant ton, ere: ins, Hamilton .and Nile overs; the latter= escaped.. risonera are: on their way ; the twelve have already r pot turns out false ; the he store were the arms of t j taken the oath of aliegii governmen OoIdwel lt man, who has started is the declaration of the- m.ething as to our policy rem us in this number: riefi'v to define our pos - .ith the majority of this. e Hudson Bay Ooiapanyrs. olete and never to be re- ;_Donainion Government, aiders and gross injustice ve forever alienated thein, nre of all right to our re - us in future from either Ing its protection.The fent, we considerto be :eliigentiy to administer rises, then, what form of adapted for the develop- 77 evelop--y7 and we reply, unhesi- United States Republic system of Government promote order and pro - and open up rapidly a tent ' resources ; but in ant _ position we cannot ed in that direction, and be our duty to advocate Le people of Red River - public ills. Our An- rtes -will follow in time he advantages this land" Is, to the number of fif- rry on January 1st ; the- minutes heminutes to think about- ld start or not. They ook some presents; and r met `are, loud in their - conduct of the English ds. Sr. FALL, MINN, Jan. 22nd lkin_s, Nimmons, Grant e St. Paul fog Canada uIkins and Hamilton Fort Garry on January & quitting the country. ve others came in from exnment road early in arrested and imprison ity-five other prisoners room 10 by 2a feet, sides, into- which the - at night. Riel sup- - and tea of the poor - mons escaped on the ' nd, by jumping from and climbing over e guards were absent,, i ng reached Pembina.. re offered their liber- r allegiance to the in - but all refused and Snow and his son s. ±tiel had, subject sled his troops, with. ho are on guard duty. Tit is at the residence is yet somewhat un- alaberry- is at liberty rever he pleases.. - ye the Indians w ;o Is Fort Garry ere insurgents five miles hey )lad a talk, -and baceo and provisions, home. Thur said etch and Americans inst the British Go- came down to see if it was, they would aus are not altogeth_ ted they ,would pro- in. 1NN.Jan. 25. in to -day's Pioneer, ary` 6th, contradict- " Red River stories roni time to time in n.wder plot. - He of i,owder in Dr. anady ians were aro- wishing to save lid them in a stove m, and afterwards, IS 'gilt happen if left s where to find the hid in the stove, fire in each of the 0 do not know what LeSalaberry are ver it may- be, the r Thiebault win amount of good. confidenee of the - ed here hisvisit £ Jan.' 2R . 187'1). - (#tic ixait Ixpooiter. DISTRICT MATT: RS.' For the cheapest Boots and Shoes' in Seaforth according to quality go to Coventry's. 87'tf. DR. MULIiERON is advertised to ecture in -Shah's - Hall, this evening, on ` Odd F llowship' Admission Free. AN adopted daughter of Mr. -Foote , of this place, fell down stairs, whereby sh received some severeinjuries. BIBLE SOCIETY.—Thennualr Meeti g of the Seaforth and Harpurhey Branch Bibl Society will be held in (D. V.) in the P byrterian Church Seaforth, ou Friday evg. 28th 3anuary at half past seven o'clock. ' REMOVAL.—As will be seen by the alteration in his card, Dr. Campbell has remov to the "old Post Office Buildings," up s ': . where messages may be left by Light and by di y. • THE RoAns. —The roads are very mu+ cut to one side, and loads of wood are seen upset every day, going out ; but none of ° them ups t coming home,since Mr. Sperling has been suing his Bibles in this vic, uuty. • • THE Carnival at the Victoria Skating Rink, on Monday evening, was quite a success. The characters, though not 80 numerous as at some masquerades of last year, were really excellent. The number of spectators was oonsiderable. Tak- ing everything into consideration, it wai a pleas- ant evening. BURNS' ANNIVERSARY. Burns' natal day was celebrated at Carmichael's Hotel by a magnificent dinner. Something like fifty invited guests were at the board. The evening was spent happily and merrily after the usual manner. COUNTY COUNCIL—The new County I Council met in the Court House, Goderich, on Friday last. . There are only six individual changes in tae body. On the first day of meeting, R. Gibbons, Esq, was unanimously elected to the Wardenship. Full report Of proceedings next week. FREE FAIR.—We understand that a determined effort is now on foot, for the establish. ent of Monthly Cattle Fair. s in this place. As We have often contended in those columns, suchan in- stitution, will certainly prove to be of i ense benefit to the surrounding country. It is pro posed to hold the first in February. Fuller notice will be given immediately. CAUTION To BOYS.—A lad of Mr. Charles- worth's came near being killed one day 1 t week, by being run over by a team, opposit Scott Robertson's, that he was trying to j p on. for a "ride.",He got a severe wound on the bead, but, fortunately, the skull was not roken. He was taken into the Dr's. Office and ad his wounds attended to. SEVERAL complex runaways have taken place during the past week in this Village. In One case several horses were badly injured, and ' it is` only to be wondered at that no person came in for evil consequences. Parties leaving their horse on the streets cannot be too careful m properly securing them. • AT the Annual Meeting of the North R ding of Huron Agricultural tociety held at Clin n, on Wdnesday, 19th, inst, the following offices were elected :—President : H. Snell. lst-Vice Presi- dent : James, Biggins. 2nd Vice Pre ident : Robert Govenlock. becretary : S. Malcimson. Treasurer : M. McTaggart. Directors : W. 0. Fowler, J. J. Fisher, J. Rye, Silas Andrews, J. C. Lacy, W. G. °Kingston, Thomas Taylor, Jas. McMichael and Charles Morrow: Auditors : N. Robson, and R. M. Racy. FIRE IN MITCHELL.—A fire took place on Monday Jan. 25th originating in Mr. Thomas McDonald's grocery and hardware store, totally destroyed : the stores adjoining : Mr. Engel's drug store, jewellery- department and 'Montreal Telegraph Office ; Messrs C irrie and Thompson's provision store Win. Ccjlwell's book store, Daniel cPharen and J. C Dalrymple's Law Office. Thos. Skate's Photograph gallery. Miss Frasei's music rooms, Dr. Edward Ilornibrooke's Surgery Messrs. Bronn's ` Brassmaking establishment, John Aikens' dry goods and grocery store, Don- ald Mclntyre's hoot and shoe store, W. H.; Pitt's tinsmith shop, George Ritz's furniture store, and partially destroying the brick store occupied by Nelson - Brishen's dry- goods and statinery. Cause of the fire unknown. WINTHROP. (From our own Correspondent) COUNCIL MEETINGS.—The inhabitants of this neighborhood are not satisfied with their Reeve - and Council for having their meetings in another municipality. as it 'puts a dollar more into the pockets of two Councillors for mileage, while there are two Hotels in this place capable of accomo- dating them. McKillop Council The needy elected Council for 1870, being notified by the Clerk to meet at Murray's Hotel, Seaforth, on Monday, January. 17th, when the following gentlemen subscribed bathe declaration, of qualification and office in accordance With the Statute, viz :-Wm. J. Shannon, Reeve, Samuel Hannah, Deputy -Reeve ; John Malone, John Horan, and Thomas Murray, Councillors: The Reeve having taken the Chair, Moved by Sa n - tel Hannah, seconded by John Malone : That John Elliott be appointed Auditor. The Reeve then appointed • James. Kerr the other Auditor Moved by John Malone, seconded by Thomas Murray : That John O'Sullivan be appointed to the Office of Township Clerk, also that Donald McGregor be re -appointed to the Office of Assess- or for the currents year.--Carried,—Moved by Samuel Hannah, seconded 'by Thomas Murray That this Council do now adjourn to meet again at Mr. Chamber's Hotel, on Thursday, Feb. 3rd. —Carried. JOHN O'SULLIVAN' Tp. Clerk. .Oa South Huron Agricultural Society, An- nual Meeting The annual meeting of the. South Nadu Agri- cultural Society was held at Brucefield Thursday, 20th inst. Quite a large number of members were present, perhaps a hundred - REPORTS. The Financial and _Directors' reports were re- ceived without comment. To their annual report the Directors made the following SUPPLEMENTARY REMARKS. "As far as Agricultural Societies are concerned, we are progressing favourably.' We have fine branch serieties and one Horticultural Society. There is only one Township in the riding without a branch, sad we expect that one will be estab- ° halted there in good time. The season,upon the n L _ . duce, especially for herlow, acn price. I'hti wheat ' he wh¢ln,vto sidered below the average; other grains about an average, excepting oats, which were mull, beyond it. hoot- crops, gferally, Werti 'below an aver- age. Fruit was about an average crop, though a large quantity of apples was destroyed by frost in the Fall ere it could be saved. Diary -.produce is largely on the increase. We have to reppoort, eight cheese factories in" operation, in our riding, turning out about 120 tons of cheese per year. The tendency of the times appears to be, togrow less wheat, and devote more attention to diary business and stock -raising." THE PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL ADDRESS• The zealous President Jas. Dickson, much to the regret of themembers of the Sooiety, announced hie business such, that it would be im- sible for him to act longer in . that capacity. Promising, however, an untiring interest in 'te- Society; he went on to remark on its good work- ing state. The soil of South Huron was unsur- passed, perhaps unequalled, in Ontario ; there- fore he hopedto see its Agricultural Society be- come one of the leading uwtitutions of its kind. It was, however, a matter of regret, that in such a Riding as South Huron,'` comparatively speak- ing, so few names Were enrolled. The Govern- ment had done its, part nobly in fostering Agri- cultural Societies, and as the benefits flowing from them were eo general. in their.nature, itwas a great Mistake on the part of those who did not support them; and it was impossible for anyman, Wof a member, to take the interest, of one who as. It should not be supposed, if amen did not obtain . a priie at an exhibition, that he was not benefited, for thegood effects are indirect, as well as direct, inasmuch as the stronger a society be- comes, the probability is, thattlie better will be the entire stock under its control, which influences all the stock in the territory. He was pleased to know that so far, the exhibitions under the aus- pices of this Society had been very successful; and the prizes pretty generally distributed. He con- sidered the amalgamation principle, with local societies, for exhibitionpurposes, prejudicial to its welfare. Fairs for the sale of fat stock . was a great desideratum. In the neighborhood of Guelph such fairs existed with the most pleasing results. `They would enhance theprices of val- uable animals, inasmuch as it woui d open a coin- petetive market. He considered the more gener- al substitution of stock raising, for the exhaus- tive grain tillage now prevalent, a matter of para- mount importance until such tin, the soilmust continue to deteriorate. The Pre4ident resumed his seat amidst much applause. • OFFICERS ELECTED President : Mr. George Anderson. lst Vice President : Arch. Bishop. 2nd Vice President : Mr. George Spproat. Secretary : Mr. Hugh Love. Treasurer : Mr. E. Cresswell: Directors : Stan- ley, Mr. Simpson : Hay, Mr., Wilson: Tp. Goder- ich, Mr. Wise Goderich Town, Mr. Adamson. Stephen; Mr. Manning : Osborne, Mr. Pickard : Tuckersmith, Mr. Bell : Seaforth, Mr. Luxton : Exeter. Mr, Hunter, - Auditors, Messrs. G. Jack- son and R. Brown. MISCELLANEOUS. A vote of thanks being tendered, the re- tiring President the meeting adjourned. Im- mediately thereafter the new Directors met and heard a deputation from the Town of Goderich, relative to holding the next exhibition in that place. The general opinion, however, appeared to be in favor of holding it in Exeter. The next meeting of Directors will be held on the second Tuesday in March, at the Tuckersmith Hotel, Brucefield. If you want good value for your meney in Boots and Shoes go to T. Coventry's. 87-tf For Homemade Shoepacksgo to Coventry's 87. BIRTH. BRINE—At Harpurhey, on, the 20th, inst, the wife of Mr. J. P. Brine, of a daughter. DIED. SPAauING—In McKillop, on the 20th, inst, Ag- nes, beloved wife of Mr. John Sperling, aged 24 years. Deceased was the youngest daught- er of Mr. John Henderson. Her demise is mourned by a large circle of friends. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Jan., 28, 1870. Wheat, (Fall) 19 bushel, Wheat (Springy v bushel, Barley V bushel, Oats V bushel, Peas V bushel, Potatoes V bushel, Hay 40 ton, Butter, 49 lb. Ducks, .. Pork, Hides, Sheep Skins, Chickens, Geese, Turkeys, 0:50 to 0:75 0:65 to 0:73 0:45 to 0:50 0:24 to 0:26 0:43 to 0:48 0:50 to 0:60 9:00 to 11:00 0:18 to 0:18 0:20 to -0:20 7:50, to 8:50 5:00 to 6:00 0.40 to 0:90 0.12 to 0:15 0:30 to 0.15 0.05 to 0;06 NOTICE The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron, will meet at the Court Room, in Goderich, upon Tuesday the 25th day of January next. PETER. ADAMSON, County Clerk. County Clerk's Office, Goderich 8th Jan'y. 1870. - 110 -tin. Store to Let. AGood Store on the and Market Streets, the Post Office. 10$-4 in . coroner of Main one door north o P. MARKEY. .INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864 AND 1869. Canada, In the County Province of Ontario, Court of the County County of Huron, of Huron, TO WIT : In the Matter of JAMES WATLING, An Insolvent. On Friday the 25th day of February next, . at ten.of the clookin the forenoon, the un- dersigned will, apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under the said Act. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron this 10th day of January, A.D., 1870. - JAMES WATLING, - y.-Av_EAY4'W.lc ELW.tinn • Cheaper than weir t . AT t. . THOMAS BELL'S WARER00M: T•BELL. is now l repsred'to fnriiis ileuses • at, Toronto' Prices." U'NDERTAKIN?C+ In all its departments; atten`ded'to in a satiefact- cry manner. A Hearse for hire. T. BELL'S PATENT SPRING MATTRAS , Kept constantly on hand and fitted to any bed- stead. This article is the best and cheapest made, as attested to by all who have used it. Warranted to give satisfaction . derRemember the place OPPOSITE KIDD & M'MULKIN'S. Seaforth, Jan'y, 21st, 1870, 87-tf. • e e, `b ti y 11-0 ClJ pm@ tog t•mi 0:0 Imo elty O CsJ WAGGONS, BUGGIES. AND all implements for farm use manufactur- ed by M'NAUCHT AND TEEPLE, Good and Cheap. Remember the stand. NORTH ROAD, SEAFORTH. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. - 11=1y. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864 AND Insolvent Act of 1869. Canada, ' In the - County Province of Ontario, Court of the County County of Huron, . of Huron. ToWrr In the Matter of MATTHEW ROIGER, An Insolvent. On Saturday the 26th day_. of March next, at eleven of the clock in the forenoons the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under the said Act. '- . . - - . Datedat tae City of London, in the Coun- Decemb of Middlesex, , this twenty-eighth iof ' A. D. 1869.. _ da' DUNCAN. CQ., ` 'beg to tender their thanks :tq ,the public, for the liberal patronage they have . received during : the past year; January 21st,1870. Aiaic Over .shoes, At DUNCAN & CO.'S. FELT OVER SHOES At DUNCAN & CO.'S. Men's French Calf Boots, MEN'S KIP BOOTS, MEN'S COWHIDE BOOTS, At DUNCAN & L A.DIES' & MISSES' BOOTS At OF ALL CLASSES DUNCAN & CO 'S. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF M EN' BOYS' AND YOUTHS' FELT HATS AND CLOTH CAPS At DUNCAN & A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Collars, Neckties Gins At DUNCAN & CO S /M a Are offering GREAT BARGAINS TO CASI-I BITYERS IN THE GROCERY AND WINE TRADE. The Stock is very large, and MUST BE SOLD To made room for further purchases. It comprises the following staple 'articles :- 200 half chests Fine Young ;Tyson Tea, 100 boxes New Raisins, 50 barrels New Currents, 10 hhds, Bright Cuba Sugar, 100 barrels Yellow Refined Sugar, 200 barrels No.' I Labrador Herrings, 50 do White Fish, fall catch, 50 do Trout, 44 100 barrels Superior Windsor Whiskey, 50 barrels Old Rye and Malt - do Also a large and well selected. stock. of QENERAL GROCERIES Too -numerous to mention. Give them a call and see for yourselves. KILLORAN and RYAN. Jan. 21st 1870. ltl-3m. SIGv OF THE CIRCULAR SAW WIZ. Robertson & Co., DEALERS IN ALL HINDS OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARY Paints, Iron, Oils,- . Glass, Putty•8e., Steel, Blacksmith Coals, Hubs,. Rims, Spokes, ewers'* Supplies .of all --;kind,;