The Huron Expositor, 1870-01-21, Page 5F1, -1870. gislatif on Monday the arraignment of Deputy Hen was opened. From the be- sitting, the Chamber was spectators, and all, the De - ,resent. .Rcocbefcrt occupied t, and all the m rubors of the }n the Ministerial bench. M. enedthe discussion with the ►do on the part of the Left aid they felt confident of the Ministry; , and would advise ,ecution against the offending aiidoned. M. Oliver replied rnment could not accept this demanded, the vote of the he question at issue, other- sisters could not continue in declaration was received; with. all parts of the Hall. Roche violent. speech, and declared. istry were determined to get Deputy, not being able other:-. him. on the proposed arraignment. efort has terminated in the g, by 228against 34 in favor ion, of the Procureur General ose too frequent demonstra- which at any moment may Sion between the Government i, took plate when the vote kown. Some: of Rochefort's, !ie Minister of Justice. (Oli- is: spoken of as a "brief and wore loudly applauded by within the walls of the After the crowds which e de la Concorde had disperse- ;el-abled on the Boulevard de .t half -past eight o'clock in the• s. military cleared the Boule- without any conflict.: The ied the ground till near morn- police ornpolice were busy during they arrests: being made.. Yester- cane took place in the Corps Deputy Gambetta attacked r, and charged him with a sngeable conscience ; perhaps, stainly - very unparliametary, latnbetta was called to order, everybody became violently er on in the debate, Gambetta be assault. When called to ry young Republican exclaim- acall the Minister to a sense whereupon the Chamber again nd for some minutes there disorder to admit of the cen- se onne proceedings. -seise SPAIN, tea Senor Castelar introduced t. excluding forever 4.e Bour- id all its branches from the sin. ew days 1,000 men have sailed he Spanish army in Cuba. tee► ISCE.LLA EOUS. acthe is reported engaged on. tied "The Role of Religion in Societies.:' tches, from Paraguay, previous- nnoicing the flight of Lopes, ihat€on of the war are fully It seems that Lopez did not. d Bolivia. He waxiest heard ing with a few followers about f the Brazilian Provinces. wrsal Russian Exposition to be - in St. Petersburg, is not uni= sense of -the whole world, but cls the Russian Empire. The at Revel writes to the Secrete - and says than the exposition: exhibition of Russian products-, bares slowly, and that foreign not be admitted.. khai News Letter says that Sir k lcock, in bidding adieu to was addressed; by that fisc- se word : " New you are go- ish you would take away with Inn and missionaries." year just passed, five hundred. ispatched from San Francisco, alued at $21,000,000. The ants during the same period ,000 including; the remittance �c.ealer in San Francisco is ,toes to Denmark for seed, on the Danish Consul. The pe -- .eked in powdered charcoal. eon who was wounded severap at a sabre duel, has recently - worse, the wound having and his: parents, whose fav is, are greatly afraidthat he- velations Lave beenmade res-- conspiracies for exciting the different parts of Russiato ns on the abolition of serfdom The plottershad circula5ed ist: containing the names ` of rent officials and the leaders of party. The conspiracy has 1 mainly for the promotion of s- The leaders; have been ar- s hundred of the Fathers at sfused to sign the petition in .11ibility, and manyiothers have - sive answers. The opposers et intend getting up a counter 1 assert that they are sure of igh to defeat infallibility. a county, Ill, last week a ho had been out hunting stop - else of a swede, where a young- ing, oung-ing, when he raised his gun, rtive manner said. -" Your ur life,' and pulled the trigger. dchar,ed, the charge of shot. he young man's temple and' he back of his head. The vice .rlessness lived only a day or- s accident. • San. 21' 1870. E HURON EXPOSITOR. Ott pan ?xpoMtov. ,DISTRICT MATTERS. Photographs of Nicholas Mellady -for sale at Armstrong's. CAPT. BULL has been re -appointed to the Clerkship of the village of Seaforth. • As will be seen by advertisement, , Dr. Vercoe intends removing to Seaforth on the 2nd, pr ox, SONS OF TEMPERANCE are requested to muster in full force, next Tuesday evening, as matters of importance will be considered • IN the space of twenty-four hours- we have almost every kind of weather. There have been about twenty distinct changes during the past week. VERY large quantities of pork have been coming to this market during the past week. We know of one load that cam, from the other side of Goderich. Surely this means ,something. WE would call the attention of our read- ers to the . extensive auction sale ,of new household furniture, on Friday and Satur- day, 28th and 29th inst, at M. Robertson's cabinet warehoise in this place. BENEFIT.—t ,s will 'be seen by. the large posters, the friends of Mr. D. Moron intend giving him a benefit, on Thursday eves, 27th _ inst., in Sharp's Hall. The pro- gramme will consist of readings, recitations, vocal and instrumental music, etc., and con- tains the naives of many talented persons. We expect to see a bumper." A GRAND masquerade carnival will take place on Monday evening next at the Vic- toria Skating Rink. As the proceeds are for the benefit of the band, we expect to see an extraordinary attendance. We understand that everything in the way of " gorgeous" attire, to be secured in the village, will be .sr—ought into requisition. THE "ST. MARY'S ARGUS''.AND "NORTH MIDDLESEX REVIEW," have been merged in- to-0one paper, bearing the joint caption. It is.now a thirty-six column paper,; and well printed. Its heading is quite artistic; being a rustic design, of maple limbs and leaves. The Argus has always been it credit _ to its publiser, and we are sure that the recent impro ement will do much in adding to its popularity and influence. SEAFORTH LITERARY SOCIETY.—At the next regular meeting of this . society, the proposition for discussion is . Resolved that marries life is more conducive to hap- piness than single." For the affirmative, Mr. Jamieson, leader, supported by Messrs. Potter and Garrow ; for the, negative, Mr. F. McPhillirs, leader, supported by Messrs. Solmested and Hunter. Last Wednesday evening the proposition "Resolved that the pen has done more than the platform. for the advancement of civilization," was debated, and an . award rendered in favor of the affirmative TEMPERANCE.—A Temperance meeting under the auspices of the Sons, came off in the W. M. Church on Monday evening las+. Through some reason, yet unexplained, the speakers expected from Clinton did net ar- rive ; but, for all that, there was an ex- cellent meeting. Mi. John Gray was el- ected to the Chair, and in his usual man- ner delighted and instructed the assembly. Mr. Letherlain gave a short address, the Rev. Mr. Price, delivered an able discourse showing the blighting ' influence, and` per- nicious results of bibulation. Mr. Daniel Moran, gave his old erring a few hard knocks; and all departed highly delighte 1. THE "GAVEL."—This is a new Masonic monthly periodical, published by Bro. R. A. Ramsey of Orillis. The Gavel is sim- ilar, in style and mechanical appearance, to the Craftsman. _ The first number however is much larger. _ It has a tendency to the side of the Quebec secessionists—awe .don't condemn it for this, however Very marked_ ability is manifested in its original articles, and the selections ate choice. The Editor and Publisher, being far advanced in the mystic art, we anticipate that the. Gavel will merit a generous support, from the Fraternity. DEDICATION.—The New Methodist Epis- copal Church, Bayfield-, will be dedicated to the Warship of God, . (D. V.) on Sunday Jan. 23rd, 1870. Sermons will be preach- ed as follows:—At 10 o'clock, by - Rev. C. S. Eastman ; at half -past 2 o'clock, by Re'. L. Randall, at half -past, 6 o'clock, by Rev. C. S. Eastham. Collections at the close -of each service, in aid of building -fund. On Monday Evg. The Rev. C. S. Eastman, will deliver one of his popular lectures. The chair will be taken at 7 o'clock Ad- mission 25 cents. Proceeds to be applied to finishing the Church. cc HURON TWENTY YEARS AGO."—This is the title of a tale now in, ceurse of prepare- tion for the press, 'which, while possessing all the thrilling interest of a romance, will narrate the prominent facts . and events as- seciated with the early settlement of each Township in this County.. The characters will be those most intimately connected with pioneer life in Huron, clothed with fictitous names, but will be so truly and plainly' delineated, that those "wino run may read," and 'those who read_ may "unde- rstand. G`'ertainly, very few things ever published were so intensely interesting to the inhabitants of this County as " Huron Twenty Years ago" must.prove itself to be. For further particulars see advertisement inxanother column. WARRENSVILLE: (From our own Correspondent.) GRAND SOIREE.—A grand soiree took place in the Warrensville 'Presbyterian Church, on Wednesday the 12th inst. It was got up in order to raise funds for the purpose of increasing the library of the Sab- bath School. Notwithstanding the bad condition of the roads the building was crowded to excess, and the handsome . sum of $65.45. realized. About 6i, the good' things began to be served, and it would only be justice,.to• state here, that their variety and quality were such as to demand from every partaker the- highest praises for the ladies, to whom had been entrusted their preparation: After ample justice had been. done by every one to the inward man, the Rev, John Logie, as chairman, eloquently directed the attention of the audience to some of the most impoi tent, of the many and mighty changes, which have marked the last ten years of the world's history. He then called upon Mr. John Gray, who delivered an able speech on tha propriety of reading good books, and the evils which spring out of the use of corrupt literature. -Then fol- lowed Dr. J. 'Campbell, of Seaforth, whose oratorical talent distinguishes him wherever he speaks.` It won for him the honor of be- ing chosen to deliver the validictory address of last session, at McGill University, Mon- treal. The - doctor based his remarks on Canada—her vast extent of territory—her facilities .. for commercial enterprise—the educational advancement of her inhabitants and their noble ancestry, all of which he showed to be omens of the future greatness of our Canadian Dominion. The Warrens- ville' choir, led by Mr. Trott, from Seaforth, greatly added to the completeness of the meeting by their' very -excellent musical performances. About ten o'clock the pro- ceedings were brought to a close, and "each took his several way" highly sasisfied with the success of the entertainment. The lead- ers of the Warrensville Sabbath School have ,a right to feel proud of the interest taken in its advancement by the whole congregation, as all seem fully alive to the fact that S. S. institutions do much towards enlightening and christianizing the world. HOWIOK From -our own Correspondent. COUNCIL MEETING.—The Council met at Mr. Gilmore's Hotel, Gerrie, on Monday Jan., 1.7th. Present—Jas. Perkins, Reeve; W. Wade, Deputy -Reeve; and Wilson, Weir, and McGuire. They passed a num- ber of accounts, and acted as though they meant business for the ensuing year. RUNAWAY—.A span of horses belong- ing to Jas. Strong, Esq., ran away.. We be- lieve they did no particular damage. WHISKEY DETECTIAE.--A Gentleman having the above occupation, as help to live, has made his appearance in our midst and it is said that he is on the track of some of our Rum Sellers. WINTHROP. (From our;`oi%n Correspondent.) The L. O. Brethern held their district Lodge at the Orange Hall on lot 21, 9 Con, McKillop, on the llth inst. The W. Methodists held their missionary meeting on that evening in the same neigh- borhood, when en account of the weather one or two . of the deputation did not attend. Revs. Price and Milligan made able and appealing speeches for the advance of the Gospel to benighted lands. ' The next day our innual School meeting came off with nothing remarkable except quietness; having got a good comfortable school house, all disputes are forgotten in that respect. And the present prospects of the School under Mr. Morrison bespeaks a year's peace to the section. A TEA- MEETING will be held in the New Connexion Church, Leechville, ' on Feb., 3rd, for the purpose of raising funds forthe- erection of the New Church, at _Orange Hill. Addresses will be delivered by Revd's Smyth, and Jackson, G'oderich ; W. Haysett, and W. Preston, A.inleyville ; and the resident Ministers of Gerrie and Wrox- eter, and other gentlemen. The Com-• mittee will endeavour to secure vocal and instr umental music. • The public are res- pectfully incited to attend. If you want good value for your meney in Boots and Shoes go to T. Coventry's. 87-tf MARRIED. • - FINCH—ArwAY—By Rey. Elder Lince, at the residence of the Bride's father, Tytherington Park Lobo, on the25th ult., Mr. Henry Finch, of North Dochester, to Miss Ann Alway, daughter of Geo. Alway, Esq. STREET-MONTGoaERY-IjIToronto, on the 5th inst at the residence of the officiating clergyman, by Rev. Jc hn Parker, ` Poses Street, Esq., of Stratbroy, to Miss Montgomery, of Brantford, THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Jan., 24, 1870. Wheat, (Fall) bushel, 0:50 to 0:75 Wheat (Spring) V bushel, Barley V bushel, Oats • V bushel, . Peas V bushel, Potatoes 49 bushel, Hay 19 ton, Butter, 19 Ib. Ducks, a Pork, Hides, Sheep Skins, Chickens, Geese; Turkeys, 0:65 to 0:73 0:45 to 0:50 0:24 to 0:26 0:43 to 0:48 0:50 to 0:60 9:00 to 11:00 0:18 to 0:18 0:20- to 0:20 7:50 to , 8:50 • 5:00 to 6:00 0.40 to 0:90- 0.12 to 0:15 . 0:30 to 0:15 -0.05 to 0;06 A NEW TALE OF OLDEN TIMES OR Huron Twenty Years Ago. AGraphic description of the Trials, Troubles, Hardships and ultimate Succes 'of,the early settlers in every Township of the County,ef HURON. IT will also treat r• Institutions and Characters in 8 e deed ' . gland, Ireland Holland and other CA s t, ' ea in EVi'4 ►PE. ►� HOWIIG the causes which led the present Proprierors of Huron to leave the Old Countries and settle in the _Backwoods of the FAR W EB.T. LOVE of the Old, Old Home. Heart Rending Farewells, Dangers of the Deep. Sad Calam- ities and Hair Breadth Escapes. A Peep at the RUSSIAN WAR. A ND THRILLING SCENES. OF INDIAN WARFARE. Will be published about the l st of March next. Circular containing further . information sent to any address, on receiving prepaid'applications. addressed to the - •' EXPOSITOR" OFFICE, Seaforth. Seaforth, Jain'y. 21st, 1869. 114-tf, SEAFORTH PLANING MILL SASH, DOOR AND BLIND -FACTORY !e mHE subscribers beg leave to tender their sin- cere thanks to their numerous customers and -the public at large, for the very liberal patron- age received since commencing business in Sea - forth. And as they have now a very large stock of Dry Pine Lumber on hand, and having lately enlarged their premises and added New Machin- ery (thereby increasing their facilities for doing work with despatch); they feel confident of giving every satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage, as none but first-class workman- are employed. Particularr attention paid to custom planing, BROADFOOT &,GRAY. Scaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. Toronto Millinery. THE Subscriber begs to announce to the Ladies of Seaforth, and vicinity, that she has opened out a choice stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, in the Shop lately occupied by Mrs. Guthrie, and adjoining Mr. Logan's Store, and from her long experience in 'the` Business in Toronto, she . feels warranted in saying that those favoring her with their patronage will be perfectly satisfied. ' She is prepared to execute orders on the shortest notice for all •kinds of Millinery,k Dress and Mantle making, Embroidery. and E mbroid- ory Stamped. Machine Stitching, Straw and hair work, done with neatness. !; A Call is respectfully solicted. MISS ERW1N Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870 TEASE AND COMFORT. THE BLESSING .OF PERFECT SIGHT. There is nothing so valuable as perfect sight, and perfect sight can only be obtained by using Pe*feet Spectclea, the difficulty of pro- curing which is well known. Messrs. Lazarus & Morris, Oculists & Optici- cans, Hartford, Conn., Manufacturers of the Celebrated Perfected Spectacles, have after years of Experience, and the erection of costly ,ma- chinery. been enabled to produce that Grand Desideratum, Perfect Spectacles, which have been sold with unlimited satisfaction to the wearers ;in the United States, Prince'Edward's Island, and Dominion of Canada, during the past nine years those Celebrated`' Perfected Spectacles never tire the eye. and last many years without Change. Sole -Agent for Seaforth, M. R. Counter, from whom on y they can be procured. LAZARUS, MORRIS & CO., Montreal. AVE EMPLOY NO PEDLERS. Seatorth. Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 76-1y. THE CANTON T. T. T. T. WAREHOUSE. IN THE NEW POST OFFICE BLOCK, ES THE PLACE FOR CHOICE TEAS! The fact that the subscriber makes this article a speciality, should lead all intending purchasers who like the best market affords, to, at. least try his stock. The Finest Liqiiors And a select stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, always on hand. JAMES C. LA1DLAW. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 99-tf • CARD OF THANKS. DUNCAN & CO., beg to tender their thanks to the public, for the liberal patronage they have received during the past year. • January 21st, 1870. Aictie Over Shoes, At DUNCAN & CO.'S. FELT OVER SHOES At DUNCAN & CO.'S. Men's French Calf Boots, MEN'S KIP BOOTS, MEN'S COWHIDE BOOTS, At DUNCAN & CO.'S. •L L ADIES' & MISSES' BOOT g At OF ALL CLASSES DUNCAN & CO;, A ,FULL ASSORTMENT OF MENS' BOYS' AND YOUTHS' FELT HATS AND CLOTH CAPS At DUNCAN . & CO.'S A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Colhzrs, Neck/les & C'uffs At DUNCAN & . CO.'S. Seaforth. Jan'y. n1et, 1870. 111•tf, GO TO C. ARMSTRONG'S For your OPFWE aid Pocket Dairies for 1870 SUNDAY MAGAZINE. Sunday at Home, Leisure Hour, British Workman, Band of Hope Review, Children's` Hour Annual; bound. for 1869. FOR SAL AT C. ARMSTRONG'S. CARMSTRONG'S is the place to subscribe . for your Weekly and Daily Papers and Magazinie's. of all kinds. Seaforth; Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 99-tf. JOHN LOGAT HAS Na Wheel of Fortune No deluding buncombe, No free gifts of nostrums, No elap -traps to decoy one, $'GTT He has on hand a large and varied stock- of - STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS-! READY-MADE CLOTHING, 0 Seaforth. Jan'y. 21st, EXTENS vE AUCTION SALE 1. OF HOUSEHOLD F:LT R,N-I'II 'LT E 1. AND CABINET WARE. In order to wake room for an addition to his present stock the subscriber intends :offering for sale by Auction, at his Warerooms, on Friday Saturday, 28 4 29 ins,, Selections from his present extensive Stock. com- prised in part of 11.1.1 Sofas, Lounges, Cane Bottom and Covered Chairs Bureaus, Cupboards, Tables, Bedsteads, Mattrrsses, Sewing, Dressing and Wash Stands, and other articles usually found in a first-class establish- ment, TERMS - -- .-- CASs, - MATTHEW ROBERTSON, Prop. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870. 111 -In. GEORGE DENT'S NEW STORE SEAFORTH, IS THE PLACE FOR ITHE BEST AND CHEAPEST r `f DRY - GOODS AND GROCERS S He has just opened out an im- mense stock of everything in both lines, and Would say to his old friends and all others, Please call and give us a trial. Our motto is quick sales, small profits and satisfaction to all. Remember the address, Third door north of Scott Robertson's Grocery. GEO. DENT. Seifert)), Janas. . 21 s'1 ;, 11.1‘ . 4