HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1870-01-07, Page 1LUMSDEN lias just received his Fall Stock of DRUGS , LS, Toilet and Fancy Solps, Confes, Nail, Tooth and Brushes, Freneh, - aAmerican rt I.T R Y E EE Fr:3' - r), 7fri Guaranteed to bc of the best enalit.y. Horse and Cattle Aledicines - Condition Powderz. Physicians -prescriptions caravan- and ac- curately dispersel. R.- LIT KS, DEN, reerataceutisal Chemist, -C-ORNER DRUG tt.TO.LcE, • Opposie the Sew Brick Hotelt enfortli, Dt.c. 189. 105-tf. . PROPERTY FOR SALE.. TILL be sold on reas-frnatile terms; Lot % V 4 rnBe9:7tie and -_;i-ark's Survey. forth, On th-nrt•mises there lek a large ie 11 r -ante with, a. well the door and:a- sta.V.,le, fl he lot is well kuceel aud sot out with fruit and 01 -lumen - trees, THOMAS LeTat. E . forttl, liqteember �. . 1,4-3in E Oh 11—.1 D.1- Lf,,J SAS.11:5 DOOR AND 4-1(a-1 Tik q v - st.)_k 7 •? t • _ Hubscribers beg leave to tender their sinctre thaeks to their numerous ens- somers and the paltlic larze. for Ghe very ; p-ttroutve rt. c e iv,. d iuee con)rucneing '')usirwsaIXL N:a.f.)rth. And as they have. ion-. a very lar,te stock of I ee•i• Vine Luniber hand. ard having latelv ci 1a 1 their 4'emis,s z4i1 ad4N1 cw:-,,tachinery ithero- iucreasin thcir-fa-ilities for. tloinq work ithJesra,f-cl, ),---they feel contakm of giving 4-ery s7,Ec-tacii(n to ti "e mr-1,0 Inv favor hero ari-th eleir patrrai.a.,T, as nom. but wors.raen are ( nedoyed. Partieulaeattt n tionji to custom plan - ug. IT') .IiFOO & OR AY. • - An Eiglit-;itirst--PoLvcr 1:7-nt-inft and :oiler for salt, all co. naelt.te, of \.4:11.die& a 70-3aa ceulloch's inarKe ItSitlt 11,5,721 77.1r rt. 9 7. IL3/4'W• liteit'uNt LiaL;LstIt'L•Set4 his wimnous Customer.% for - thei, liI.r dpatilaiap darin thE. 'hut ,t een yens, and. trusts he wa: r..teeive ontintiattee, Be ha now on hand a large assortment of ;ood Sand - I Green Hemlock!! he warrants -wal gix-e satisfaction, ht J. CO FSET FEE FUR -t.ra. ;met eleven t fte,sere,4snS •--ta e.ta ttstLe rUila! ut>inn'' NV1Lieli be ()-.111•rs ot libcral terms. Cadeze be prompy attended to. lie has also fm hand cp_Iar.to assortment .-74'ELL EASF.it.ED Cr.)VOi; 17. ! o which Le eafl ti attention of his ohl who will rind it to then: p h ub- ti reilrire thin). prOnititiy„. and W/..1.iout fir(); ;" S(-aforth, July 15-th, 180. -r-vrict-E OF - 01-77•17., f . , • V - .1 • • - : '• e .• C •". - • • -1,0•• E v a. ,IIE Rthser!bera Leg to not'fy their ous- t: tom, rs and the publio 2:en-ra1iy thav -Lev haye nmoved a the Store tatcly oceupiel itittekelly Ser;:otut - Door itAore- W. S. Bober is() s Warekome,. :here they will keep: Zimstaptly on hand IL gt.: stoat of FI E11 F.ii1LY 0.10( 'ER and PROVISIONS, XXX FAMILY 1,)1:14 and all kinds of Mill & Chop Peed. ain+ry ProdIce taken in exothan.2-e for PIOVig(11.-S, I-Lo4-1r and Ft ed. Allgooaq p11ie1.asp(1 -bon us will be (Icily. - of eb.,.r.zet in' au % partof beato-r.*, ,arpnrhey, or 4,:mondville, Farmers Trim' ezeitave wheat, (!zo-, tor ;101)r and Feud at our mill, at the hi4heo_i VI., A. -Shearson &Co af rile Nov. 19th. • ''''s,4•••••frrN • *a ir-.0•:•• • ROZ-S .8AUXT011,,..EMIC,RS & PUOLISHERS. • — • , • " Freedom in. Trade --Liberty in Religion—Equality in Civil R7,"ghts.' ••• : • gStaniety Council. . Council met sperausot te ad.',ourn- ment, at -Mr. Icol lock's -11441, Bayfield, ee •Menklay,the 17th1 at 11 o'clock a. ro. All t.he members .pr ie'1t ; Reeve in tli,.. chair ; minutes of last interims read aud appro. ' ede Lest report of In: speeter reed tied ordered to be fy1id, 'Petition preaeuttel from Rotart Shea endeight or.hers, pr.tyit g that Mr. Flannery's statute labour be remitted Letter from 'nog. Keys 'esigning the etliae of Fenceviewer ; it signation axe eepted. _ Mitts:it hy W. J. BiggingS, L eecorided,by N. Woods That the follow- . ,- la o re tirli i en ta nice tit in- apple 1 , , . SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1870. "1. • • GEORGE W. ROSS, PROPRIETOR& WHOLE NO. 109. Mileial by Thos-Daviuson, se'.:onded by -abont eleven o'clock'. The wood driven John Melo' e that the reeve and Dcputy. into the clay s a relieVed the pressnre be paid $2.50 each_for e,xtrit s,-,rvices. upon Mr. Wing's body that one hour Also that the clerk, Reeve and asses's- and a. half later he was pulled up alld Or be paid- fin' the selection of Juroi a, -placed on terra; firma, though 111 a very 'follottss, the clerk the same as last exhausted condit on. - fie wits instant- . year. 170 ree,ve $5, end the assessor • ly conveyed. to Mr Cameron's house, $4. it oved John Malone, second- and Dr. Windsor and Me. Cameron en - ed by Thee Davidson, that the Reeve dcaveted to restore')'• benembed do issue el -debenture in behalf of Thos, linibt. Fortunately, the well water, •Loglian, 'or the sum of $23.28u for though inteurely cold; had -not the arrears or saxes, provided he gives. a slightest piatiele of frost in it, else note for....the ainount with. propec very qatnous conse.quences *would- have secerity. * Cariied. Moved ,by J011 11 fellowted eisene shOrt•COnfinement. 'He Malone, seeended by Thomaelitvielson now doing well,. and the physicians tl • t J • •O'C -*to. t • • lend no serious injury from his ing slims be remitted, bei tO not fuiiiv -.Robert Bio.ter $2 00 ; P man 1.00 ; Eac Thos. Sitrelettoti 1.0C,;-` t3,00,—Car11e(-1. ig dog taxes liarged,. viz. : of)crt Spack- leson ; 'hos ,Nlossop y Ger5.. Castle secontied by ,IaMes itteistel That the following letek tate-% foul, Ito have been • irregularly charged be repaid to the par- ties, viz. : E. R. Otrnett 1 ; A. Falmer 5.-i 1 ; FOrgnn 41 ces,.; statute labor, d.- 1\1 oved by George ms he paid , eaforth " Ex - 1.75; Joseph also that :Sirs. tie v's 1- 3.00. be remitted by stL-iinan. Castle.1.1.1t tile Collowint! to the parties indicated : POSITUR" for pri.iting, wi II for fixing sera pens, 1.50 ; Fixing mill bridge, 21.75 : Vol Use of hall noininatien, 2,00 ; John J)awson, Road ; Johnson do, 5 40 ; V,Tut. Pittlips `..1) - Pearson de, 4 80 ; 13.00 —0 ried. CitStie, s'altded 1.rti -WL That the following salarie Trio Tu pson; $ 2 1. L. divitbial be granted $7, to pay s ex.. incarceratioa of twenty-one and e half penses to the cansouto Hospital, also hours: The citizens exerted themselves that his taxes be remittea viz. ic.;5,100 to the utmost to rescue Mr, Wing; and IikEw ise th-t.the widow Gile11111'S tax- every fresh idea brought forward du it es be reMitted viz. $4.42. Also thet i..ne the-. weery eask 'found plenty of, tl CIL bell e ti 1 $.1- for stat- wiling hands eady to take hold. tite 1-L;iois performed by him ia :behalf The briek' work Around the bottom of of William bash and. absentee. Cer- the well, and also the' car bing were ried. • - toin to pieces in the frantic endeavors = The next .meeting will be held at of the workmen to save the life of the Murray', Hotel Seiiferth, On the third • Unfipitunate, man.- Mondatein 'January, (17 int). • JOHN O'SULLIVAN. - .Tp. (.!lerk. 4.20 • Wtn. .eCly elate do, by George Biegins • be paid, -viz : 0 ; seleeting ilirtm-s, 3 00 ; a) 1 stationaev, 1.50 ; George Ceatle, 2,2.0) aier. Woods 21.30 ; W. J. Bns, ' 3.90 ; James • ML Id 2,2.40 ; Wu Downing,* Ass- , essor 80.00 ; -t ting arOrsX 3.00 ; •TAieet sts :11, 'Aspects) of Taverns, 25 0u R )ert Reid, T seasuret, 50 ; I'ostage 111,1 sett ioeitry , 5,00 ; William Pluukett. Clerk, 80.00 Jiirots List, ; Pestege and .Stetio iery, 8.70 -; 2 • roll books 1.00 ; Astditor • (etch 5.00.— . -Carried. "sieved 'by' Niinelf Woods. - seconded by W J. Bigei-ns That all _SUMS voted for unprove nents but not expended, i enr-Iln to th). credit of the • lace to which votes1,—,C trried. - Mov- ed by Cert. Castle, Secon led by W. J. 13iggins Veit the Colin er be allowed till the- 7th of January 1170, for'sreturn- inat Roll. —Carried. Mcite-illop CO The couneil tnet purstu men's, at Mtirrey's Dec. 14. Alt preseo.t, meetiuti read :Wel passe( Thos. bavidsou, sec. by that Michaely Ran be • Statute L LI ea- perform Carried. Moved by nen. nt to adjourn- outl Seafortb, mutes of last . Meved by John Mtlene, funded f, 4 for 'al by 'inn. obt Pattismi, # Tart Ontort; Ot CANDLES --The tal- low candle is the offspring of the tallow torch used in the twejth .cen When tidlow 'candles were his intro . . . - dviced tlieir cost, was so (treat that only the most wealthy could afford the lex- ND 11)'y, and it was net until the fifteenth cell tury ' th ; it Uley were sufficiently - cheapened , to come intogeneral *uae. Think et the taliow candle --vett alit- rs From, the Boston Journal, Dec. 22, tering, guttering, g- easy thing—being A Singular -accident, and one that considered a luxury. But the . tallow ••• An Extraordinary Affair, A MASSACHUSETTS MAN IN A QUIPKS-As AT TIM BOTTOM OF A WELL. went round to those w o had no means character, "Industry and Persever- k of *ccriveyance, and sou their capacious once." He 'said that Scatchmen were vehic,es wete tilled with baskets of pro- found ;31 prominent positions m all - visions. Ladies and gents, jogged down parts of the Glol,e; not so'inneh by any to Bavfietd, arid the manse was quickly towering genins they inherit, but oy taken pos--ession oil The ladies went their indomitable perseverance. He to work, some iui the kit hen, seine in went cn with other prominent aits of the palitry, and ethers in the (Ruing Sottish character, and by his racy room, and in an incredibly short time anecdotes ' and .. sketches of afferent dings looked cheerily. The edibles trials of the "canny Scotch.," delighted r .ilig anip)y dealt with, the evening the audieece. His peroration was par - passed very agreeably in social inter- field:11.1y. eloquent. Hie .*edvice to the course and music. Owing to the ur- 'young men of the Dcminion, as to th.eir 0 banity and cheerfal Conversation of Mr. -, duty in. laying the foundation of a - Daunt and ls,dy, a, congenial feeling ' mighty Empit e North, of the _Lakes, soon -possessed tile corn-pi1l:1y, :did Nis : w as well Ly orthy of consideration, by DaAmt,a;Lrmed all wi,h select oleces rithose to whom it was directed. of music on the piano, a companied : Th,e next on the programme *as.- _ with the voice.' \Veen the evening Miss Jenny Martyn, of Princeton, who i was far spent, 1.‘liss Ann Stineon read sang, "Coal, Under My Plaidie.." She- a short address to Miss Daunt, and after% ard.s sang- several other pieces. Master John E. Joh-0:6e steppiog for- , Iier renderiug of that pathetie little ward, made a graceful bow, anti pr- ballad, "My Boy Taninne," wae ex- sented het with the purse. Mr. Dittiett quisite: ° Miss Martyn possesses a very frepiied on her behalf, in feeling mid i fine V0i9e, and her .equal is' not often aperopriate terms. tfound either among amateurs or even Stanley, Dec- 25tn 1869- on the stage. She was loudly cheered, - . and received an enthusiastic encore. caused' the -greatest excitements. tie the candle, now -used only where more con - quiet town of Winchester,. ()Centred on veniek and economical' lighting °ma Mondey. A. mate nit wed • Wing* had , terials cannot be obtained, is, as :we been temployed a few days past: -in re- new -know it, no more to be compared pairing or rebtilding a • well upon . the 1 with the candle of the twelfth century, than the best illu minatieg gas to lard pmniises of Mr. Oemeron. Monchty he was at .work about thirty feet below the ! oil, - Its wick was of tow, hard' to suiface, at, the :bottom of the well; lay- I light, and burning so rai idly is to melt • . . nt,briek, ith which the w 11 was. to , a large, pornon of the tal ow into rivers 20,0 pounds, of large frainel° He -was would buy a new one. , over of oil, so that the drip of four caudles be built: He is a man weilhhing sta.nding in the water and and at the, dually sank until Ite discovered Lat DRIYNIiENNESS IN THE O14) • ••• ...- bottom, awl insensibly to *himself, his feet and legs; nearly. to knees, law to prevent drunkenness by prohibit- -were embedded in e quieksard. e the public promischous sIde of in - made repeated attempts to move, but toxicating chinks Was by no means found that he was stuck fast, Those original in the State of itlaine. The at work at the mouth of -the well were. vice is as old as our race. Our 'ulti- informed°of the fact, and the rope Was niate ancestiors, the Vikings, drank fastened about hint and an attempt firewater upon earth a,nd quaffed mead was made to pull him out by the aid in Paradise ; our more recent progeni- of the windlass at the tep. They Were tors' in Great Britain drank, gin and • • roveled. A gin -shop in Southwark see. by T'aes. atenelson tl at Jas. Hilton be peid $4 for services, i i suit between, - es,orperat,1011 St Sill:th rel tiv-e to side. road 15 and 16. Carried. Moved by Thos. Deasidson, sec. by Robt. Patti- . „ t son, that the widows Bast ly &,'Kennedy. receie e the SUM of $9 ft r CharitY.- $5, to the former and $4' to the latter. Moved bv Samuel II umeth, seconded by Thos. D tvidson, the with respect Township, i,hat time b bells of the town were lune, to the code ;tiOtt of the .tnen who had been at w,ork and on Barb, -0 teeled by11.11S. Wi,ttoh at the well. during the night. With daylight the Men renewed Feb. nest. Moved by• peeshated front) i their efforts \Vail vigor, ' occasionally Peter Ni....Oro, I. be .,e‘teil to pay the i , arnouut of the .tinibei• unable te move hint at all, and the pain London, a hundred and thirty years ago ,had this alluring sig,n f "Drunk for a penny": Dead drunk for tuppence Clean stritw for nothing." What more COuld Mail, the image of his Maker, aak And is it 'wonderful that Swift, diseased and half frauzied poured, Oat his profuse contempt in Laputa and the Ifoilyhtihnres1 F'eople often died of drunkenness in- the taverns' ; and there was e- temperance party then that demanded a prohibitory law, and they succeeded in carrying a bill through Parliament whieh laid upon liquor a tax so heavy that it became too costly for the poor, end which prohibited the of drams. Sir 'Robert Walpt,le whose bowing orgies at Haughton are uot unknown finally -acquiesced in the law. --EDITOR'S EASY CHAIR, in Har - per's Maglaine for January. to him wa.s so acute t let ey 'compelled to desist Ropes were then arranged that be should not sink any deeper, and attempts were made to dig him out. The well being small and Mr. Wing very large, no one could get inside the brick work to assist him; and he has neen compelled to do all the digging himself with pails or cups, passing them as he tilled them to some one0above. The send constantly filled in as he dug it out, in this condi- tion he remained all Light. Refresh- ments and stimulants were sent down to him, and he was a:ive and in as good spirits next morning as a man could be expected to be under such ciredmstan ees. A colored man worked in the well eight hours Monday night, assist. ing the unfortunate snail to extricate At about 3 o'clock the lite t•tx'es of this limb . andin extended for tin Li the 1 st °Samuel Fran- Yidson, that the collection thereof, that way a relief wa,3 obtained for the DaNid 10 1\1 a to speak all. Oucour Iging woni be ret•Lined by him COntr e01.iipleted, to rl'Oe1Ve, the money, to be ptid . Movt-til by R 1? 'Thos. D Lviil -see tt. TI }said of for s'Aaitote L Li bv biei1ebr David Stud( wii einto 1.e p eervi -et git-insl wit) :,10\ liv ):) Thos.. D1vidteti, LI, 11, paid *Ito )-.1n.tt per eage f )1. e fur tin) year et.t .tiannall, Chat the' c for extra. serviees, ait 'b.:batmen lie pitit17;5•,/ 70 Toronto awl 13.tek for h 13 ant f The netxt on tl go m%is that Villtg,e, ;111,(.:1,dirig!Lon; WroNt-rer it ' • — le programme was a reuse , s 4 ' r T'e , ),,eneo on Lie ort-,,, oi n ,..031Iwil Le geLLing lo r', and aft01: 501110 noritn4 10 lead 1. It' tut1=-1 'al ptrt 0,0 11,0‘.0• . oll 10. one leo. ef Mr. Wing 31 wing at l'attison ou 1-1(- . _ of S.:0' ti-- /Dm: with long atigers, and a On:slant. poll- The oceaaiem of the Jt",1%. Mft Chas. Ileri ert, m site]) tout eati'.1-t !emoting tas Tttatatee. posaibly sLe;gest home quick method oi of December. tit.d also about- him, in order that, the sediment troullte,to te eel; day, Ting.111,7,:', "..\1y I owe wi° the Crooked!, wno took part. THF, and train:ng (*eon (.4 yoling pi.o_ ,• . 1, for esstaa [eight meet with sonie resistance. . .1 seeteet, iatatre.-- A new u tate: s Cil r - was l'artiPl•-("HI1Plish`e(1) When 1.G ‘7•tii • ------------05 sct g per statute n g -upward of the entire iot 0‘. ec.1 of the windlass alicr,e t:ce -li.nb w•is kik be wit' *6 crowd who SotTounded the we, at t fate similar to that of the ereal .by Sam_ , LinatTini. itInninent risk eiot only of weeting IILI for expenses to. • eid me& olessraig- sfroto the 'PattiS011, tO pelt 0 goover every part of the kilo- pro - 1 BBLMORE. gramme would occupy too n.uch time and space, but we, may mention a few ( Fron our own-Correspo9zdentj 1 mo, e. kin Thomas Gibson. deii.vet.a. ----- , e speech on "Robert Burns," and sh,owt is sTitHun_aVteidie:7.tGtIE).-relollilsleprls'OSSet.rooptils.:siidlel augde_ i"‘Nd,ith Bulls and his works. 1 -IP ols° e himself to be intimately acquainted ill 'Townships, viz. : Tarnberilr and : s>tng, “A Man's a.,Man for *a' that". in ufluTi v. oi scsk tititix ti l 1 eo CI rortiienkt.y i loi f thieficir,oL,ltyanedf,isloisn'tislia,gi liaappio.)yinisetystoe;g, it,i,ie,aGniteea.iGbte:s CBolillierneerci?bil all:iiilsliguetisise has bcen done by . astpicti!leeell'iceet wle9re also deiiVel'ed by Rev - the highest extent;— past year ",1;trge , Soo," and excited the resibilities of -the the merchants. ,, A larg-e sum has been suhscribed by the villagers and nirmers 1 Mr. Snyder, Mt'. Hamilton, Mr.. Mors . . person who ' rison, and others, with sc ngs flout Mr. * wwililiielit)uwaiililabgeogoidvegnristto mtlhei. we ba,ve John Moffatt, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Mar- a W. M. church and, a steam sew mill, i tye, "Auld Lang Syne," and eisb- Mr. Green, and others. Alter and three well conducted taverns We ': stnging , ing each other a "Happy New Year,"1: are expecting S,AD to see the Narro-sr ; the company separated at some of the - Gat rige'R. R. come in here and a station built. I "wee snort hours ayont tne twal.'' . • , ECHE Loyal Orange Men of Belmore The meeting was a success in every re- . a.nd its vicinity, will hold a grand has been held by the society. It will spect, being altogether the best that s joainreuea:iilu, the t L.v3i011,;gte)c,konp-t, hale .20phedapyroof , long be rememberel .b.T many of the (seeds will be devoted to benevolent pur- poses. The C. Master, L. Garry, Esq., la the chair. Clergymen and gentle- men from the . counties of Bruce and Huron will deliver addresses suitable tor the occasion - STANLEY. (From our own, Gorresponvent.) *WROXETER. (From our own COrrespondent.) ST. ANDREW'S FEST1V.AL.---The an.- nual celebration of the Patron Saint of Scotla-nd, was held ni Gofton's 6rBlirsoantS, reji.thl.).T7-ylBer17: AlliatIllieeys'arnLe Wroxeter, in the form of a Soiree, on time the evening ot the t';'31st oflaDrgeece;mitbel.s .ialniedolfiecieinrsteonf FioAroedsgteLo8tvlgeece,(WhrlOstelitla*)., The attendance was -very sons of Auld Scoti4 who reside in at d around Wroxeter: On St. John's day- the officers, of Britannia. Lodge (Seaforthl No .170, for the present year were installed. They are as follows : Worshipful Bro. Bala • lantyne W. M. Bro. Benson,'"S. Bro. Grey, J Vv. Bro. Hickson, Treas- urerats-Bro. Counter, Secretary---Bro. Brett, chap—Bro. Bell, -S. D.—Bro. supposed there were 300 persons pre- sent. The Hall in whiuh ehe soiree WaS held was beautifully decorated with mottoes, Ase. We noticed among otb- ets, "Land o' Cakes," "Our New Do- minion," and other such sentiniente re- Those of the former are as follows': Bro. Hodson, W. M—Bro. 8 B Small, S. It —Bro. Carroll, J. W.—Bro. Worthington, Secretary—Bro. Sander- son, Treasurer—Bro. Ross D. U.—Bro. Wilson S. D.—Bro. Wade, 'J. D. Bro, Brown, 1. Goften, lathe,. to the "Land we Left," and the occasion that called them toenther. After the "keen demands of appetite" had been satisfied by a feast really cre- ditable to be caterers, the President of the society, Mr. H. Hamilton, madef his opening speech. He stated the - reqsons for changing their former plan of having a Dinner; to that of,a Soiree, tion was thinly attended 011 as;e01111 , . that as the- object of the society the great snow which took Place on was a benevolent one, it was necessery Snnday ,evening and which continuer': to be well .sunplied with fends, and :di day on Mouthy. Only 200 electors this end could be accomplished better voted out of 810 b ine•ms of a"Suirec thau a Dinner. - Mr. Brown.; Tyler.. - • Howiek. (Prom our own CorrespoRdent.) . MUNICITAL.—Our .Eteeet 'r The iii xt thi.ng on the pri5()Tanime preached a ve,y phtboratf, aud eh, .e, t ' qu.n ) prise took place lt, the parsonacte of the was a sung hY Mr. The& GibsOn gernion i tl . 11, 'N (4-1 '- " -- , . . , ni a, 1 . . tieurch, Leech - A tele, interestiue and plotsant sae.- ' Boston bore a gent the poor victim. leman in quest or 1 The first train ti fl,v , - . t - - .,. . • ' Lev. Mi. Datin , terit.epaii n . unttei . ,r i- 't."-- s• t ";tcoi lend 'Yet " vilie on Stanley evenine' lea util Stodtlards to who might, at, paytiela, on the evettin,(.,r 1.)t. the 2.31d I . p mot A, -1r C•im *r),. r..), reesh-bit- SnooTtee. —k -1 * t• . 11)1 '1,1111) S1'1006'11;2 ej:;sde.:::)131t; t:1111.41. IttiS011, See. by eleaSe. 111eit giTiV,11 at die. seelle 1,11e, :'\N iert; 8.00- th,s , NA. t,.11 t 1 11 111 • '11. 1111 0, Ryan oe - • .1 , • 1- I - 1 tlrit 110 " • I. of operation the.;e- gond-ea/en iminetli- utile imoint,„ too. .1.111111.,ter sce 10 )0(invim ..11.:,,C,01111)11•) 1, L., ten Lay Jur Ian tortnef .r ately ordered smile plies ) rt otherwise the some proles:Limed nroiers. • ple eonlie,•;:ed vii.11 the r On di(' UW10:10111. 1'1"L x•ieirity c'ip-p-ir I 11.t'( apere ion tbe. aeliteenyine et,*orts ef Mies 1) Len )1its slier r Li t e e' • ) • Cr. . . lie v.:marked that elieracter:atic 01 ti otatuen tie, y heti. t, S. 110 1)11 ----------------------- - r -traits Rt1M$ (Dir'ng rt 2 bed llooniv snig- a pars: co .tadeeice was deli,flit,cd arid silowea 2:11./1 it ere c,f: applat1)-0. 11)t-ntit a.)1 ),(11).itt t f 7'7Et. V.v.: 'Expositor Offfee. „. 102-4in V:0,1111'1111 1111d 21,1i1:.$ t) - la a manlier ,st) 64.1 for two young 1n)14 -s, •17 son, were not on'..f, t 1 n money 0,1)1w:quit ) l'idv their atenteeitet ,ip their herscia, novas -to Rent. 1 1- 1.3) awl CIT.:Mani; to above the o14 in vi)c.i .)nr..tits ty1 ?Lot ( e. 7, ••ne titeti were Vinlng eitVOri‘,0 , - 1311 11130 of reale-lee te,eser sesece.,. se...se Ls. ea , al advice relit - 10, (tie:vied. • • POOR COPY •re 4111. 110 i• - 4 a ••• • •••• •