HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-12-24, Page 6THE SEAFO1rH EXPOSITOR. Hay Council. -The Council net pursuant to ad- journment, ()n Tuesday the. 23rd of Nov. Inst, ` rthe J eeve in the chair ai_d Ta full council present Minutes of last meeting read and approved, also. By- law No. 43 for dividing the Township into three, polling places for the Elec- tion of members of the Legislature ass- embly. Robt. Ferguson';ujoved sec. by J. B. Gighor that' -the collectors bond now handed into this co(inril be adopt- ed anca•dellosited in the jhancds of the' clerk, carried. Vain. Carrick mcvecl sec. by Wm. T(irnbull that the several petitions from School Section No. 5 and from Uniion School No. 1 be laid over, and that this Council tecommend the Trustees of said sections to each a special meeting ii each of the sections for the ,purpose of ascertaininng if aL .majority at the ratepayers are in favor of having the union disolve.l, and .should such bo the ease that this Coun- cil take action thereon at the next meeting. Carried.' J. B. Gi.. iinr moved sec- by Wm. Carrick, th:it the Clerk notofy the residents on lots 25i- 826 in the 12th con. to _remove their fences off the side road bet avec- n said carriecl.I \Vm. `1'urn hu11 uioved secs, by J. B•. € eighol, that the Ti easuret refund to Wm.. CLrr it k the semi of $87 being Div. Cc.url costs incurred on be- half of this Council in (landing Thom- as McLeod snit. Carried. . Robt Fer- guson moved set,. -by J. 'B. Geighor, Fer- guson the nomination for Reeve :'helot; Reeve and three Councilloes fur the en- suing year ba held in the To'vs n Hell on Monday the 20th of December next itt 12 o'clrek noon and if necessary that the electors be held iu the satme place' .on the first Monday in- J augury eimu- ing at nine o'clock Ir r the fournoon, . and that the clerk put n`otic' s through -the Township to that effect. Carried. R. Ferguson, moved sec by Wm. Turn ball thaat'the 'council grant a certificate for a Tavern License to John ''rang for the Huron ' Hote, in the village of Zhr h in the Township of Hay. Car- aied. Robt. Ferguson moved sec. by J. B. Geighor that t]"ie following ac- counts be poid, viz A. Bay for sur- veying and plan of Township $34, A, Co. for plank : $6. Christian Bon- net: for plank $6. Christian Bonnet for opening a sideroad $10. - Frederick Act for repairing a rood scraper 75cts. Wm. Bell. for gravel $12,35, -(as per bouohors of . Win. Ch aprrian, Peter Burns, Adam Whiteford, Robert Car- libe, and Wm. Lukon; Pathrnaster,) David Blean for g •ave1 $5. Smith Thomson-far`Supert ndingg-and plan of bridges '$4. a R. Turnbull and others attending surveyor $10. Wm, Gar- lick for plank $6.75. John Smith for repairinga road $.50; Daniel Vinon for repairing, a Bridge $2:50. Fronds Regom for repairing a Bridge $1 carried. Wha. Carrick moved sec. by J. B. Grighor, thas By-law No. 42 as now read de adopted. Carried. d. Wrh. Car- rick moved sec, by J • 2. Grighor, that this Coanci}.-rio now adjourn to meet again/ in the Town Hall on -Tuesday the 28th - day day -*of - J.);eoetnber next at. ten o'clock in the forenoon. Carried. WILLIAM WILSON. Tp. Clerk. JOHN WALSH Begs to inform his old customers and the public generally that he has on hand the ffnest and best selected stock of TE I Ever brought into this county, which be is prepared to sell L`) WLR than any • Montreal or Toronto Tea Company can. He will give you A Good Tea for A very fine "Young Hyson, -Extra Fine do do $0 621,,c. per lb.. 0 7i5 0 871 Very Fine & Best Imported, 1 00 Me. ea! Try his C A libcial reduction made to parties pur • chasing Ten Pounds and upwards. He has also on hand a large and well se lected. stock of 0 C E , 1 ' A Complete Pictorial History of the Times." " The best, cheapest and most suc- cessful Family Paper in the Union." Harper's Weekly -SzLENI)IDLY ILLLSTBATED. In November will be commenced • i ,Ii an and ligft;," a new serial story, splendidly il- lustrated, by Wilkie ill.ie Collins (Author of ,"rhc; woman in White," >` NO N an.1e," <- Arin a- -dale," and "Moonstone.") New sub:4cribere tis ill be snpplicd with litai'/xyr'. IJ'(t k'y from the commencement of the story to to the end. oe 1870 for Four Dollars. WI ES & LE UO 8, 'hide he is prepared to sell Lower than any house in the county., for Cash or Tracie. Be- low you will find the price of senie of the Leading articles : -10 lbs -Good Bright Sugar for . 25 • ` Good Rice, 23 •` Good Bayley, 20 " t Fresh .Currants, 12 " -Good Valcutia' Raasins, Best Coffee for 25c• per lb. A Good. Smoking Tobacco, i?•c.. Good Old ley e, 90c. per gall. Extra Olcl Rye and Malt, $1 60 FOR SALE. 'kiR to Exchange for Wood, one double set of Team Harness. silver mounted. For Iartieulars apply at this Ofic .- Seaforth,. Dee. 16th. 106-4in. EXAMINATION or. School Teachers ! The Board of Pudic Instruction for the County of HIuron, will •meet in the Central , choon,'ioderich, on Wednesday and Thur. • gay. the _ 29th & 30th days Dec., :Inst., for the examination of School Teach- ers. Candidates wanting First -Class Certili- 'c:ttes will be exammed on both clays ; 'i'hird Blass on Wednesday, and Second-class on Thursday- .both days at -40 o'clock a. m. Before being admitted to an examination, candidates are required to present certificates of Wood moral charaete •,fined by a Clergy- man ort• Justice .of the °Peace. D. H.: RITCH 1 E. Secretary. :Bayfield Dec.' 6th, 1869: - .105 :3iu • Iil.Ioney:r Money r !. "IE subscriber has received another1arOt. 4 remittance of money tfor investment t+i ' i fa.rin property. at ; Pa. cent ; er.:i t' -gut, and no chaises. JOAN S. PORTER. et n, Sept.2Oth.. et5 tf. $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 t' • He has also some of the finest • WINES & BRANDIES IMPORTED ! The celebrated Marsden Wine, which is de- clared by Chemists and Medical men to be pure and equal in quality and flavor to the' best Port, and can be sold for less than half its price. Seaforth, Nov. 19th. 99-tf. "NEW YORK HOUSE." The subscriber has UST OPENED! In the above House, A SELECT STOCK. t 4 OF FRESH Critical .Xvticea of the Press. The i,l-oclel N er '41)aper of our country, Complete in all thedep arimcn f s of an A a.eri- can 1'iaiili)y" l'aptr. Harper's 11 eels/l/ has earn- ed for iteelf a Le ;;tt to its title, "A. Journaioi Civilization '--1\ c w Yore. Et en •ny 1'o.q, .H(tr•);er' , 11'('r,.'tl/ neat be unreeervedly de- clared the best: newspaper in Arnerica,—N. ) . llttlt'/I(a(leni, The ar,.ieles upon public questions which appear in II (t r-/,er''s Week)! from week to week form a crworkable series of brief politi- cal ei ays. They are C.ihtingniehc-d by clear and. pointed sta: e: ellen t, i)y .good common sense, by independence in breadth of view, They are the e Drees;on of macure co: .e - tion, high principle, and strong. feelieg, and take .their place among the best. new. haver wri tin k, of the time.—NoAazericurl Re - Poston, ._Jct:;. (TRIES ! "NAT I I V S AND LIQUOIIS ! .A.ND lilLOt'" 11111:11) All of which he will sell at the LOWEST PAYING PRICES SUBSORIPTI,,NS.-98 iO. - TERMS• Harper's TI eek'ri, one year. '4 00 An Extra C'o/)1/ of rather tin' .alae/a ;ne, We(/ii/ or Bazaar Weil be supplied yrati fir - r -every (lab of',/11'P ,5'ltllticril(•r•r; at. four dollars Gesell, 1n one remittance; or, 15'a.1: Copies fir' twenty doi1ars, without extra copy. Subscriptions to llcarper's :3layuz'r1e., Tl eek- ty' Bazaar to) on( (ludic'.' Al' one year, :/'en .Dollars ; • or•, two of herr /:ei s Perioel cr•l, t� one addressfur• clue Scar, i rcen Dollars, Back n umbers can be supplied at.any time.. The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly. in neat cloth binding-, -will be sent by express free, of expense, for Seven Dollars each. A complete set comprising Thirteen Volunne , sent on receipt of .cash at the rate cif live dol- lars and twenty-five per vol., freight at • ex- pense of purchaser. Volume XII1. ready January .1st, 1870. - The postage on _Harper's Weekly is 20 cts. a year, which, must .be l:aid at the subserib- ers post -office. Address HARPER Si. BROTHERS,- New York. The fact that the entire .st Jck is Fresh from the wholesale markets, should be suf- ficient argument to induce patronage. FARM PRODUCE Tal u in exchange for goods at Cash •La id , Prices. , inorax. & Ryan's Cid PI]T y� i r'e i.i _ i.i L J�-1 j. e,,for.h, :.. '`" .11. 1:. "Repository of Fashion, Pleasure and Instruction.`• Harper's Bazar! ENTIST AGENTS: WANTED. R. J. A. ELLIS. Surp_on Pentint, will be in Wroxeter, Plat ford's Hotel, the 20th December, for one week, and at ; 4harn's Hotel, Seaforth, the following week. for -the practice of his profession. 106-2u1 STRAYED .TTL E• A. supplement c.)ntaining numerous full- sized patterns of useful articles accompanies the paper every fortnight, and occasionally an elegant colored r'asuiou_I'Iate. _Harper's Bazaar- contains 16 folio pages of the size of .Harper's Weekly, printed en su- perfine calenclered paper, and is published weekly. Critical Not; des of the Press. TR;AYE I) from the T)reinises of tine sub- ). scriber, Lot 7, ('on - 1 j, l:ullEAT, Two 1 yearling 11 eif ers ; one red with a white face the other red ; also a two-year-old ' stetr— all having a ;.small hole l'ur'ched in .e* ;wit of their ear.- Any pcrem) giving such infor- mation as will li'ttcl to their recover•, mill be fi TO 75 .per month, clear of all e;c- pcnses, guaranteed to all industrious agents who will take up the work. which is very light. ,is well as profitable. For circu- lar and pattieulars, addrt ss BOX tit, Seaforth, Ont, October 22, 18(). CIA HOUSE FOR QAC .� C1ITTJATED nn T c)ts lekS ar•tl 140, mouth nide St. John street, Seaforth. For terms apply to 117 �, B. . M OO }} D l# E, December 9th, 18110, 1=), j-tf. rO MER.?IAN'N,. TRADERS,' t�:a`,. . e.H Vic' liberally rewarded. l. ALEX. WATT, Constance P. 0 3'Iullctt, Dec. 7th, 18C9. 10G-tf • `i TP k.YED, about three weeks ago, from the premiees of the s.rb eril,er, Seafeetii, a ret_ and white ('ow, 1 1rv.) Any 1'd'rrc)ri "leaving at tbi. Office or with the subscriber, such infornvtfion as will livid to lir recovery, -pill be suitably rc'warcle'1, ALEXANDER MI'i'CTIFL. Seaforth, Dec. 1..?.h. 166-tf 'A N1 'Erg F _ A L HE subscri :yr offer.; for sale nn reesonable ,t tcr)ns, Lot 31, eon. ;, '1'ti\vn:>liip of I;rnee, County of Bruce. The land is roiline• aiid of ,roe, l qualit;;, 20 acres clear c el. and the remainder tinibered with beech and maple. The property is well waterer', a carr cru 1. i•uniina through it. It is a carrier lot, with a school house opposite, and only 5 miles from Paisley. Purtiler nifor- m'a,ioln may be obtained at the `•Expositor" Office. ALEX. "CAMPBELL. Seaforth, Dec. lst. 104-4in. HAIR TONIC. The subscriber has ;'ust received a large assortment of Blank rooks, Bill Bo )ks.,U,nintin -house Pocket Diaries for 1870 Bibles, Prayer Bi)o e, Psalm Pae:IL-1---and. a large! as-;...rr inent t.t nii.=:.ellanttiter !woke in skier did gilt bintling e suitable for Cliri it- Ii.ias and Sew Year 'e (=rias. Sabbath Se 10°1 Books 3 t Bels a r(1 Tickk'tt3,. ii':i;, Plain and Fancy Note' Paper are Env c- t 1. lopes, Pens, Ink, P& neil , School1�=.•=1�s, etc. Musicalnsiruinen i Vis T Accordeons, Uoncerinns, eline, Viol n . Strings, Rosin, Bridges, &e. - Briar and Mereselnium Pipes, and Fanny G oods of all kinds. A large assortment of This article, so well- known and popular through the; whole of Ontario, is a sure cure for dandruff, a preventative of hair fallinu. and a great invigorator, as well as a restorer of grey hair to its natural ` color, to - which many prominent persons m the County of Huron can bear testimony. Price, $i 00 per bottle. For sale in Seaforth at Hickson d': Co,'s, Scatter's, and Kidd & McMulkin's Seaforth, Dec. 1869. 105-6m. Harper's Bazar contains, besides pictures, patterns, etc., a variety of matter of especial use and interest to the family ; articles on health, dress and housekeeping nz all its Branches ; its editorial matter is especially adapted to the circle it is intended to inter - .eat and instruct ; and it has," besides, good_ stories and literary matter of merit. it is not surprising .that the journal, with such features, has achieved in a short time an im- mense success ; for something of its kind was desired in thoilsands of families, and its publishers have filled the demand. The young lady - ,who bays a single number of 11 ar per's Lca::aa.r is glade a subscriber for life.—a1'ewo Yorl, Ereriing Post. The c tact; is excellent. Like all the t� 1 eLc e (, L p .. riodic,als �t-lucu the Iiaipc.rs publish, it isrzi= tended- die mothers and daughters in aver- age families --can not but prOlit by its good sense • and good taste, which, we haven() doubt, are to -clay making very marry houses happier than they may ' have been before the woman began taking lessons in personal and household and soeial managtilndnt from this good-natuted )neuro).—Phi...cot on. It has the merit of being sensible, of con- veying instruction, of giving excellent pat- terlis in every depaitment, and of being will stocked with good. reading matter.- Ira/el/- man and llijlector. SUSSCR:PT IONS.—!870. TERMS.. INSOLVENT ACT OF1864, AND Insolvent Act of 1869. Canada, In the County Province of Ontario, Court of the County County of Huron, of Huron. To Wit : In the Matter of MATTHEW RODGER, An Insolvent. OnSaturday the 22nd day of January next, at eleven of the clock in tee forenoon, the undir;igned will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under the said Act. Dated at the City of London, m the Coun- ty bf_llidcllesex, this fourteenth nay of De- cember, A. 1). 1869. 141 ATTHE\V RODQ ER, By JAMES MAGEE, 10-td6 • His Attorney ad litem PROSPECTUS. SHE CHRISTIAN RECORD. Vol. 4 for 12,70 will commence. on the 15th of Jan- nary, 1870, and, the Lord willing, it will be issued regularly on the fifteenth of every ,.rnolith during the year. It 'will can.•arn 40 pages 0l good paper, in printed covers, an d twelve numbers will make the volume, which will conti:in 576 pages. Its history, extending over a quarter of a century, may be tak( v as a guarantee that it will be conducted upon i» inciple.s of honor, prudence. and fidelity, It will advocate Uhristianitx as taught. in the New Testa- ment, in theory and practice, a1 o + reed_ but the Bible; no Maine but Christian ; no Bond' of Union brit the Word of (4od ; no Master bat Jesus. Edited and published by James M. Mathes, Bedford, Indiana. Although the terms are -$1.1) iu advance, it can be obtained for $1, by remitting to D. Oliphant, Avon, Ont., or J. McDougall, Brucefield. I0e.4in. ) • flasper's Bazaar, one year $4 00 An Extra Copy of either the Magazine, JYeekly or Ba: aar will be su piplie f grat 5 for c;rer•y Club. of 4'tt'e Nubscribers at four dollars each. in oue7- rnitt(znce or, ,)'ix, C'opice fvr Twenty Dollar -,s without extra copy. )5•ubcript;ons.ta Ilarper's lllcr.r/(t�;ate, Week- ly and Bazaar, to one address fur• one year, Tera t )ollrar•s , or. two of Harper's per's Periodiccils, to orle address for one year. Nevem Dollars. Back numbers can be supplied at any tone. Volumes I an" 11. of Harper's Bazaar, for the y'eaas 186S-9, elegantly bound in Breen morocco cloth, will be sent by express, freight prepaid, for seven dollars each. The postage on Harper's Bazaar is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post-offlee, tAddress HARPER & BROTHERS,. New York, NOTICE r • All Shares in the Capital tock . of fihis Baia upon which there are -unpaid calls, will (uen1(.33 the amount in aircats be paid oil or before the 18th Dee. next) be forfee: ed, puee s'I an t to the pru vis i9UU of the Charter in that behalf. by ii(lcr of the l o,z,.l. 1' . stove. 1 Car.iatMian 1'.,rlk, ) u,. er -14e7 8 For Girls and Boys, At L M.SE: S Corner Drug and Book Store. Seaforth, Dec. Sth, 1SC9. :'S -if CO TO THE BEST. The British American BRYANT, STRATTON & ODEL CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS COLLE E. Now the largest, most extensive and corn- ! plete BUSINESS SCHOOL in the country. It has the largest staff of. Teachers, the mo t practical and best adapted business formas, and the best arranged midmost corinodious apartments. It is under the management of tho) ough. business men. fully alive tot all the require- meats of all the business colnmeni.ty. The advantages and facilities afforded 311 this institution are ulltqualled in the conn try, and no young man should enter a busi- ness u;i-ness o reer without fully availing himself of . • its benefits We were awarded the • FIPRST P1.IRE' in BUSINESS WRITING at th a late. Provincial Exhibition at London. As this is the Sixth col ecutive year that we have taken this prize, . we feel eeniidennt that there can .be but one opinion as whero toto learn to write. t s r I c la.'•s, l:ze., address, w 0 CT - 0 0 0 cY- 0 `v 0.44 0 cD Ci) — p c co o ri n 0 r �' P • int 111:71 - 2 z. Ul • tr.; >r. fl co tee (n 0 0 >. 3HL NOIlI$OddO P1 TICg. • RS.::JA.BV1S bees to inform the people fit. of Seaforth and vicinity, that her s) ooi re -opens on Monday, the 2241 of Jan - nary. TERMS :---E1i ish an,1' Fancy `Work. 4 French '24; Drawing '4 ; Music woo ;' or, all ta,e branches $14 per quaiter. . ° ,Seaforth, Dec. 16, 106-tf. Fagan for . Sale,. • f HE subscriber offers for sale to North 40 acres o f LA SO, Con. li, " Morris, which is situated on the -Crai. i:l noaL l2 1 nii?es from Scafortlii and 2 from \\ Tilton. There are `?:3 acres cleared, with a good log house. stable, root Reuse, well, eta-, thereon. Applications will be revived Villi] i n1c a.' 1 Jain'tary _rd, 11.170, •►;hen it will be. gi1en ' the hi•tsbeet lrtdth r', if inure rwi : i.te f �t:t()rt.. �, i a,: i,l - to •11. ; - sl)T;. 1J & 11l( %l.- fvf l t'Jl 1L1 ll:1. 1Ji '1e)3'c' nto. A• ter.�n t e, Oe'.-obcr Eth, (., a 111 c e. l , Dec.inber 1 • t1. , 1C'. 111,;- :ll