HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-12-24, Page 5SEAFORTH TUPF WAREROOMS M ROBE.RT6t) Importer awl rtcr€;«i.azeturei- of all 'kinds • HOUSEHOLD FURt,i1TUR1E1 8U41 a3. SOFAS, r LOUNG ES. CENTRE TABLES,- lA'rTI ASST` 1NING & BREAKFAST TABL.LS 13 flE t `1, , t ell:AIRS, and bll>STEA S, In ]treat Variety. Ma R has geed' coi. `deuce in offering his, goods to the pubic, .i3 they are. made of Flood Seasoned Lunktwt,r, and by First -Claw Workmen. • COP fflp TO. ODE On the 'i€ rtest Notice. tiasss. WOOD TURNING Done with Neatness and Despatch. Wareroom s - TW O DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL •tieiea Main Street.. Seaforth. Jan. 6th. 1869,?=tf_ n, Tea. kgs, .nes; akey, do c of ESQ sees T RAW C.LTTE R. The subscr=iber desires to intimate to the neblio that he is sole agent iii: Seaforth for t the sale of MAXWELL k WHITELAWS Celebrated RAW CUTTER NORSE AO IIANO POWER Also for Massey `s improved Grain 'Crusher. STOCK KEPT CONATANTLY ONHAND. OLIVER C. WILSON. Market Square_ Seaforth, NOV. 19th. 1869. I92-tf J4 SEATTE R. -v=1..;3. V 1 Nt7f 141 .BROKER: And dealer in Pure BRIMS'', CHEMICALS & CTE, STUFFS. The Drug Department is under -he. special care of an experienced Chemist, it. M. PEARSON. Januar - list, 1869. o9-tr X11 E r S I-I".�.. BELL has now on hand the � largest etoek in Seaforth, of every des- cription. of Furniture, from the commonest to. the finest, and all at the lowest prices. 'Quake ity of material employed, and workmanship, guaranteed.; "ClisTlaMIVT-A.Tril\TO- hall its departments-, attended to in a satin, factory manner. A Hearse for him T. BELL'' PATENT . SP I N C AT. TRA -S Rept constantly -en hand, and fitted to any bedstead._ This article is the hest and cheap- est made,. as attested to by all who have us- ed it. Warranted to give satisfaction. Criteinenaber the pla ;e, OPF.O:S _T'E' KIDD & Mi lmuLKI Seafortlt, Aug. 5, 1869. 87-tf LIVERY STABLE. TAMES ROSS desires to inform the pub- lic that he has opened a New Livery Stable in connection with his hotel, where- parties hereparties can be accommodated With first-claet. horses and vehicles, at reasonable prices. Seaforth, Oct, 15; 1869. 974 tickelirs Christmas Carol The>4`i's not, in All literature, a book more thoroughly saturated with the spirit of its subject than Dickens' Christmas Carol," and there is no • book . about Christmas that can bo counted its -peer. To follow old Scrooge through the -ordeal of loving discipline whet eby the ghosts arouse bis hea, t is to be Warmed i.n evel:y fibre of zmr d and -body with the gentle, bountiful, u.rdent, aaffectionate Christmas glow. Read at any season of the year, this .genial story clever fails to quicken' "the impulses of ten der_ •and .thoughtful cha=rity.- Read at the season of the Christian festifui, its putre, eliuo`iliirg influence is felt to be st 1 onger and sweeter than ever. As you turn it:, magical pages, you hear the midnight moaning of ehe winter wind,: the soft rustle of the4 fall i ug snow, the rat] le of the hail on naked bra.ncu and window - pain, and the far-off tumult of tempest -smitten seas ; but also there conies a vision of . snug and cosev rooms, close cartained from night, ands -the sound of merry music, mingles with the soiled of merry laughter, and all is 'warmth and kindness aud hLtppy content; and, looking on these picctii_:es, you feel the full reality of cold and wantwand sorrow as contrasted with warmthand comfort, and reeognize anew the sacred c-uty of crtriving, by all gleans; to give .to every human being a cheerful home and happv fireside. The s,>:netit>y of that duty is the moral- of Christmas,' and of the " Christmas :Carol." That such k book should hod an enelmeires place in the affectionate admiration :of mankind is an inevitable 1 esn t. of the highest motet! and mental excellence. Conceived in an mood of large hutiia?i sympathy, and expressed in a. delicate°y fanciful yet admirably: simple form of art, it aa- dtesses arike the unlettered and the cuhivated, it touches the h umblest as well as the jiigliest `order of mine, and it satisfies e - Very rational standard of taste. SQ truly is this work an in- spiration, that the thought about -its art is always an afterthought. Se faithfully and entirely does it give voice to the universal Christmas sentiment, that it seems the perfect reflex of every reader's ideas and feelings thereupon. Thera are a few other books of this kind in the world, --in which Geijius does at once and forever, what ambling Talent, had always been vainly trying to do,— and these roake up the small bocty of l iterarture w }iid•h is " for all time." Atlantic Ilionthly.i - i ---•s• The Life Of a Duplicate Wife in Mormondum f. George Q.' Cannon, now the Editor of the exert Sews, and - set. -one time Brigham' private secretary, ;was sent several years ago to Europe, as Presi- dent of the +'uropean mission, He liad two vvivesr� the first- he took with Lim, and togs >;' er they revelled in all the luxuries which the well-filled coffers of the European mission, replenished from the tithiug,of the people, could afford -them. Cannon, leaving been en- gaged most of the time eas a missionary was not very well off, rind left, his secuncl wife in great destitution in Salt Lake City. ` The tithing -office clerks had no certain hours. upon ,which to deal out flour, great, etc., for it was very often the case they had none of those articles on band when wanted. . As Cam ..oils wife was dependent upon the tithing office for bier support, she was obliged to spend the most of her time in visiting that institution, and waitiug sometimes the whole day before she couldobtain anything, to the neglect of her children, who w' re crying with hunger at- home. If fortunate enough to obtain a small piece of meat, or a few pounds of flour, she would have to walk with it- a long distance, through snow and slush, her feet almost bale, tied the wind piercing through, her scanty ng, clothiuntie she reached a :comfortless, che' i less horse, very often without Wfire to wai ni her benumbed Irwin. The on of my info] mant hr.d often Feet this woven amorg a crowd :of rough men, who, while working on =the temple, were snp►lied with food °from the tithing:office, vainly endeavor- ling to approach the room from whence rthe rations were issued, to obtain her elhare. • Pressed backward, almost crushed trampled under foot by the erowd, she never succeeded iu'obtiiining smelling until the men were all sup- plied, and then very often thele were nothing left for her. Such was the life of plural wife, whose husband had been sent upon a mission, and this is only one instance out of h unci eels which ,ave, and are riow, occurring in Salt Lake City.—New York Worlcl. flints to Dancers. 'd Hiram ete bins," who `.has been :Laking notes for us at some of the recent parties, hasideveloped the follow - Ping rrr,ace, which will be found invalu- t able to our dashing young men. 8 sd ottisclie be sure n' -When you -dance � h _ _ to hold your feet up as a dna held* cues j .lame paw , itlooks gr.;d.u1. THE SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR When you dance polka always be sureto insist that the music is too slow and hurry your partner. If she know, anythilig she will like you, and you will be sure to gait her to dance with you again --it she can't help it When you " allemrincl left" catch" the lady's hand as if you were going to pull her`out of joint, and if you can menage to " luimp" against the next lady it will heighten the effect. In " dos and dos" if yon c -in manage to " buni1) " against your vita a 1Y1.8- and ]nock rler chignon askew, it will amuse the by -standees. .Be sure to criticise the dress and 4'e- po tment of the :ladiesin your neigh - I orhood, pa•ticul, rl,v - if you are nc.t well a(al uainted - with Vuur 1)Utner.— Oae of, their may tie her sister and your critic st„s may thus reach her -ears sooner than you expect. Tn,the ” Lr.11ciers" ina;ke a point of prompting your neighbors titer a 'g right andleft'�.raitct goes the other way, no matter what way they set ont. -They, may think you know something ab..ut it, even if yon know.you don't. When you waltz, arab your partner's band and hold it straight do4n byyour side, or keep it bobbing up and own like a primp -handle. In " balance to the right," use your. heels on the floor; you may thus im- prove yourSeif in clog dancing; no knowing but you May be re'luced to following it for a livieg, in which case it will come handy. In ' rder 10 cultivategra.cefu:l motions, perform a double -shuffle, and wove vcur arms up and down like a wood - sawyer's ; is is becoming.to the wood - sawyer. - lf you are from the East, he careful to ask if this or that is the way they clo "out here," and point out the difference between Eastern ina Western habits. tO the disadvantage' of the Western. An Electrical Infant. . The if emorial de la Loire, a respect- able French journal„ -gives the following dauails on the spbject of an intent pre- senting the nlosremarkable electrical phenomena eve , yet reported. s We are 120G surprised to learn that there will be given to the Imperial Academy of iiedicine:of Paris, an ela- borate and intelligent 'communication of Dr. 0—, of Lyons, wiio, with two others, went to. St. Ursula, and had the scientific satisfaction of witnessing the dvilng agonies, for the child iM uii- hapdily dead, of the poor little sufferer. "It would seem that the last mom- ents of the 'lectrieal infant presented some truly astonishing phenomena° -- For nearly two'. weeks befoi e. its death, electrical lighc:3tmenirested themselves with a vividness that confounded the scientific ellen,- who ' Dilly, saw fire,' according to the- . not very respectful language of our correspondent. • " No one coulee occupy. the space around the cradle, he says, and the shocks vaere sometimes strong enough., to knock down all woo approached it Two cats rind a dog. boar lers - in the house, were compelled to leave. This state of things wns i.ggravated frori day to day, end fronr hoiir.to hour, until tit termination cf the !milady, whieh occurred on the 8th of November, at half -past eleven in the evening. - «The infant expired without the least pain or convulsion, sweetly, in perfect repose. and as if it sank to sleep ; while the furniture, and occnpents of the ° room.. were seized with . an indes- cribable agitation. `• At the last moment the emanatious of light from the body of the dying child became :three times nacre intense than they had ever been -seen before and lasted for several minutes after death. All who were .1 iesent, ; T do not expect the physicians, went away deeply impressed by the stiange spectacle of which they had been the witnesses. "It isnot known, at least to the public, of what disease the child dieu. Dr. C will perhaps tell us in' his baser, "The scientific men, of course, de- sired to take away the body for exami- nation. But the relations wereeviolen`- ly opposed to this, .and the interment took place in the burial ground of !' the village with the usual rhes and - oere- monies. For instance, the hair of t' -e wonderful child Was cut off: close to the head and divided among the relatives and friends. It in rroee a powerful tailswan, one might suppose, against many evils. "1 should not be surprised, says bur correspondent in Co.clusioa, it' the scamps of the neighbourhood should make it a subject of specu tatien. " The elc„ irical infant w.s born, on he 126 February, 1859; and on the th November. having lived nine midis., Science must tell us, it it cab, he meaning of this electrical pheno- ena. SLIP'S 20percent Cheaper .Than ever, FOR OASH, At SMITII's C i—E .A_ CLOTHING STORE, SFAFORT FI. O0osite S. Robertson's. • Seaforth, Dec 1st. NE.W FALL & WINTER t-o�fls. 1 ` KIDD -& MINIUMa RE prepared to show the Largest Stock of Consisting of the Latest. Styles of Dress Patterns, in ;Irish and. French Poplins, all -wool Plaids, French Merinoes, and Twills of 'various kinds, ever offered in Seaforth. Their Millinery De- partment Is furnished with a large assortment of Hats, Bonnets and Mantles of the Lat- est Fashions, VERY CHEAP. READY MADE CLOTHING! For the Million. G00B T73'EED SUITS FOR TEN DOLLARS. BOOT.S & SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER. Also a very Choice Stock of Fresh Groceries ! Be sure and call for their $1 Tea. 25 lbs. Rice for $1 : 11 lbs. Raisins and 10 lbs. good bright Sugar, FINE .AND COARSE SALT. Gare them a call. KIDD ,k McMTILKIN. 1Seaforlh„ roe. 8th, 1869. Ll S J E N WHILE AN, sPEaKS. For his Stock .of PALL GOOPS WAS Never Exeeli d In this Market.' T The e Manchester �eSt2Y HOZGSe Then, is the place for Satisfaction in Dealing. HE CANTON - WAREHOUSE NEW POST OFFICE BLOCK, IS THE PLACE FOR CHOICE TEAS. The fact that the subscriber makes this article a speciality, should lead all intending purchasers who like the best the market af- fords, to, at least, try his stock. The Finest Liquors And a select stock of Staple and 'arca Groceries, always on hand) JAMES C. LAIDLAW. Seaforth, ober Oct29th. 99 tf, SIGH OF THE Q COTCH COLLAR,. THE undersigned begs to inform the farm- ers and others of the County of Huron, hat hp has opened a first class HANESS & SADDLERY IN SEAFCORTI3 1 And being in a position to pay cash for all material used at his establishment. he can and will offer superior inducements to any other party doing Business here. IS u11C OLLARS particularly, rly� are acknow- ledged byco,.pcragt judges to be su- perior to any made in the county, and from his thorough acquaintance with the wants of the community, he is satisfied that all who favour him with their patronage will have no cause to regret doing so. His personal supervision being given to all work manufactured at his shop, places him in a, position to warrant all work sold by him, and his motto will be " the nimble six- pence before the slow shilling." Come along farmers and judge for yourselves. No charge for showing goods. (Air opposite the Post Office, Seaforth. WM. H. OLIVER, Seaforth, June 18, 1869. g0_t M'GREGOR & SON, BOO%BINDERS, HULLET RE prepartd to execute binding in every . style. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at the Signal Book Store, Godcrich, or at the " FXPositroa'' office, Seaforth, stating style, may rely upon them being well bound. - AT THE LOWEST PRICES, And returned. without delay. Seaforth, June 11, 1149. 78-tf; AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS wanted to sell one of the best paying inventions in- the Province. A liberal discount will be given to traveling agents. Apply at the Expositor Office. Seaforth, Sept. 24th 1689- 42-tf' • 1 ` Canada Tweeds fel' 80 cts.. AT The New -York Homse. OW CONE PLET'S. At the .New York House. A Large Stock of WOOLEN -8 AND READY-MADE CLOTHING W. Campbell. WALL PAPER. Border Paper, Hall Paper, WINDOW BLINDS Plain - Blue, Plain Green, _Maim Buff and 1"igured AT THE TELEGRAPH BOOK STORE, W- ELLIOTT.. Seaforth, July 22. 54 -- WAGGONS, BUGGIES. AND all implements for farm use mann factured by M'NAUCHT & TEEPLE Good and Cheap. lemembtr the stand. NORTH ROAD SEAFORTH. Seaforth,Feb. 20, 1868. 11-1<q BLACKSMITH SHOP. THOMAS WATSON Begs to inform the public generally that Ike - still carries on general Blacksmithing at his Old Stan]. NEARLY OPPOSITE ARMSTRONG/ HOTEL AINLEYVILLE Specia attention paid to Horse-Shoe''inis, Ainleyviile, Feb. 9th, 69, 63-Iy N. T E SIGN OF THE -GOLDE H 1+� subscriber begs to inform the pnb*iu T that he has just received a great varlet - of Saddles and Which he is prepared to sell At Prices Almost Unparalleled 0 OLLAFtS of every description, wai ranted not to hurt the horse's neck, In the way of Harney OF ALL KINDS, He is, as heretofore, in a position to gi his customers as good value xor their mono: as any other establishment in on*atrie. Quality of work and material employei indisputable. "SHOP OPPOSITE .1111), :1 McMULXLYS. JOHN CAMPBEth Seaforth; FO. 12, '69.