HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-12-24, Page 1h. ,and st lot sr, gent tf.e IATMSDEN Has just received his Fall Stock of PURE DRUGS ..44D CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Soaps. Combs, Hail., Tooth and, Nall Brushes, French, English, and American PE FIT MERIT. GENUINE BYE STUFFS Guaranteed to be of the best quality. rse and Cattle Medicines! Condition Powders. Physicianswescriptionsecarefuily and. ac- urately dispersed. R LUMSDEN, Pharmaceutical Cheinist, CORNER DR:LTG STOI(E; Opposite the Xece Brick Heitelf: Seaforth, Dec: Oth, 1861 105-tf- ' !PROPERTY FOR SALE: xTIM., be sold oe! reasonable terms, Lot V 43, in Beattie and Stark's Survey, Seaford'. On the premises there is a large story -and a -half Frame House, with a well 'at the door, ancl a stable. The lot is well -I-fenced. and set out with fruit and ornamen- tal trees. THOMAS LATIMER. Seaforth, December 9. 104-3in SEAFORTH PLA MG- MILL! ASH, DOGE, AND lac Factory t • • HE subscribers. beg leave to tender their - -sincere thaeks to their numerous cus- tellers- and the public at large, fee the Very f liberal pati otrage received since commencing business in Scaforth. And as they have - uow a very laree stock of Dry Pine Lumber on hand, and having lately enlarged their premises and added_ New Machinei-y (there- by increasiner, then faailitivs for doing work S ith despatc%), they feel confident of giving every satiefaetion to those who may 'favor them with their patronage, as nonkjn,..t irst7class- -workinen are employed. - Particular attention paid to custom plan - Mac BROADFOOT & GRAY. - -An Eight -Horse -Power Engine and Boiler for sale, all co replete, of eloldie* cCullogles make. 70-3in PML JOHN THOU PEN HANKS his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will receiy-e its - continuance. He has now on hand a large assortment of Good SO -and Green Hemlock!! - hick he warrants will give satisfaction_ Also, 3leoa FEET OF PM 1 CUT FOR EILEIRIC Attli GENERAL PURPOSES , AA hi& he offers on l'beral terms. Orslere den L° Wat be r ana tly t,ttended to p tary. ,.ted nbet-- s, in 000, sLe`T, -neat He has also on hand a large assortment of - %VEIL s-SELSOI]En ACCOUNTS ! I To which he calls t17.s. attention of his:, old custoiners, -who- will find it to thee: a.dvant- ag.e to retire them .promptly, and. withou legal proceedings. Se•aferth, July 15th, 1869. 84-tf- TOTIVE , - - Ayr: v",41. • a V A L• e rrHE aubscribers beg to notify, their cus- vase I._ tamers and. the publicteent'ffally that erethey have removed 10 Ta the Store lately occupied -by A. Mitchell, Second Door Above W. S. Robertson's _Italian Warehouse, Where they will keep eonstantly on Ihand a large stook of FRESH FAMILY -GROCER- IES and PROVISIONS, XXX -FAIOLY FLOUR, and all kinds of Mill & Country Prodace taken in exchange for Groceries, Piovisions, Flour and Feed.. ° All goeds pureleised from us will be teliv ered Free of Charge in any part of Sea -1011;1i, -Ilarpurl.ey, cr Eemondville, Farmers may exchange wheat, lee., for Flour and Feed at Our mill, at the highest -eine. W.A. Shearson & Co. I Seaforthe NOV. 19th. 52-1y. - ROSS & 'AXTON, EDITORS& PUBLISHERS. "Prcedom in, Trade.—Liberty iii Religion.—Equality iT Civil kights." 4 CIE0110E W. _:(30SS, PROPRIETOR VOL. 3, No. 3. cetHARP°6 1101 EL, Livery *Stable, and 0 General Stage Office, ei»e.a8treet, 1. L. SHARP, Proprietor. • Seaforth, Jai). 8th, 1800 53-tf: C. BARR E8TER AD 111„ AtForitey-a:eLaw, Coderiche Ont. Dec. '14, 1608. 53-tf. 1X L. VERCOF, M. D., C. M.. PlIYSI- 1 - CIA N. r on, ete., Egmondville. Egmendville, )& 14, 14, 1608. 63-tf. R. W. it. S2UTif. PHY:<1CILAN, SUR ewe-, &e. Otliee,---Opeosite 4,1rocery. llesidence,2---Maiii street, North, Seaforth, Dee. 14, 18,3,-;. 53-13r COWNER FO the County of nuroa. tespica 11.seiDE•seE--ente doer East of the Methodi t Episcopel Chtirdh. Seaferth. 1 -set. 14, 185. 53-ly T CANTU' M...1). C. M.-, (Graduate • of h 1 UniVbrsifiy, 7,41o41trea1) .c Lan, S.irgeor., Seafor h. Opf-n,i..1. Scott' sl!,r Block. 1101;id.t. Sta.rk's Main $trc et. Seafortle July Ilith, 1800. 84-ly 1--.) ENe; 0 N & r 111. E1t, BA R j,..) and. Attorneys at- Law, Solicitors in Ceaneery and. lusuIveneee Conveyancers, No tarl.es ee. 1.r:liees,-.--,`.eaforth and Wro:;.et A•4eu 6 for t!ke. & Loaii co. of Upper etaveJa, and the, Uoloeiall curities Co. of ieneltne: England.- _Wiley at S per eent ; paillUIlsical ch:Lizvd. • . JAS. IL WI, C. MEYER.: tieafOr!.hi DzielVa. 1863. 54 - EY NVA N Arehrecet ami fluiitter. iie rvec inc.:az-Am Is and Details drawe ,:oseeetiy. I .ivery tic-Script:toll of -.13,,i1,1ine Woreei iees.su ed and valued SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, DECEMI3ER 24, 1b69. MASTER 'GILES_ AND HIS'SIS'rE13. BETTY. A CRIUSTMAS -STORY. Anent Ihade-biro look quite young agena. --- . So Sister' Betty- g;tve him a, smile and a Master Giles sat in his little. parlor, nod .{1 (1 a "Veil, well, brothel," .and with a puzzled pucker betwe.en his grey, . tretted basic contentedly to her roll Mg- - eyebrows, and yet a proud smile upda . Pin and despised beef-sk i rt. ' Mi el n- his- superficially god-uatiu•eki, Billy c)1(1 time master Gile,4 phthired ids pen all to hiS illkStalid, VS a bold beginning of , is , , bueiness, aim airectly aeterwards made a blot upon the texpaper--a huge round bot, radiatieg like it' 1)1 Ick Still Moste erse-eil es . WAS a wftilfr sacre(I, feeling thatiG overnment might tine hint tifty WHOLE NO. 107. Of ab eoor Master Giles's little busi- the,y're pour," said Sis:er Betty, "to Leng Roothings wheat had fetched the rle8; Sister Betty was the manager, leave such things ti,t, their doors. And top price at Stoverton market, and but she WaS plt-,*aSed to see her brother then, though we don't pay sessedtaies, luokin'g fu -.-v OVer his tax weer and we're.ntade so pay somehow, i'll be his pen and ink Ills ousiness excite- bound, for the paper the.sam•y• fellows pint their jokes on. I've beard a,hout them • Government clerks—they've ._ nothing to-do exeept to do xeept to poke fun a': the people, that 1 Lys 'ene Geyer' meat- ought, to be a,sh uned ef itself—asking Us if we keep running face. A new collector of taxes had been appointed in Stovei•ton-----4L. stran footmen, and rubbieh like that 1 Don't you bocber yourself any wore, Oliver. leer to the toWn—and he had usista ken Master Giles ,fia• a'pm•son of property VII settle it. You go up-etaire, and and left• at -his door an oblong blue p_a_- l'll come in two rninntes aild get you 'per headed "Assessed Taxese" and so- ready for your walk. Mind you're oriainally by no means strong, had been. perseribed " Oliver Giles, EN.. mmilds or ever, home by half -past one, though, kecause stuoned ineo imbecility by his reverses,. what ne had put into his fields kept, then) going for a time ; but they soma put on the desolated look of neelected land. When the old man's hoardings. were tun through, Long Roothings had to be mortgaged, and then sister Betty's, few hundreds were dribbled away in, plying 'interest and providing for tbe. bbuse, which then •bad ceased co be a, crowned hall of revel. . No one stuck tc Master Giles in his downfall except Sister Betty. •The mootgage was fore- closed, abd Master Giles, whose brain, , • . some inot.e ten:1h° of the pudding." * • would ha-ve been left homeless had it was the sqeirelike dis,ss' of Master ' ' • • • po doubt, whieh had occasnmed the -collector's Mistakes Thanks te iter Betty's ca,re, MaSter Giles al woys wole at church, and When .he took his walks ai woad, a, stifileastarehed Cliecked neekerchief, a snowyS shirt with a brooeh in the dorsal -finlike frill, a well - brushed hat ti) sloped inwards freni the erown toethe broad 'arched brim, a well-bruelied high -calla. ed blue ott,t. with brass buttons, a, well -brushed pair of drab bi•eeches with a bunch of seals fill up every blank ; but the ceffoet mode daneding from tlie.fob, a well -cleaned his.beaci swim. a He waS old iged, aft- -pair (if f:!,10AfeS, alid a well- • er all, to go to. the kitchen -do ,r, aud blacked pair of crinkly-legg(.3-1 top-bOots. ,1 • 1, • • • • cal in stet( r 8 8.--.1.sbanCe. Oilos's show -clothes wee not very new, but if he youlci have abstain- . . . amount, for diefiguring its. stetionery. 1ot been for the lithe falthfill WOMan; Hemopped Ilp NOTDC of the, ink with AlAl.hough Sister Betty bad lived in eel. She had to give up a husband to succour- blottingep. per, and tried to•scratch out Stovertme for a good m -fir vears, outspokennees proved that Sl1e Wzts not her brot-hEiS That sounds ludierous ab. the rest .lwith a penekuife. ; but the blade . first, Lecause Sister Betty was a plain. went mibugh the moist :L ietoyertoniar.. Stoverton stands` in middle-aged woman, and her lever was. Master Giles eas mow frighlinaltilee'd.' t'llnit'idl the heart. of ait agricultural disti•iet,- eve, Covea•nmept mighe thitik that hut spades are never called spades there a. illi-ddli-'-'1ged limn wl'`° wnre a wig!! Respectable But plain, middle-aged Nvomen _ may,, he had been trying to cheat it oy i: reepeetable circles. what perhaps, wish to he-anarried as well as scratching out something that he bad ,0:tovertonians never say exactly eeey mean. Thov w on pretey yonng giels, awl. the middle-aged' feeling an Id think it un - in the wig was the only one who. put down ; and what would be 010 C.Q11- sequences then 7 - To mtike up for the . d indelieate to do so . They man one had' ever given Sister Betty the ch'ence Wet, he strove nimit cons,,..ionaonsiy uo give little hiets, and look hard at tie had a faem a anotheie and sigh, and StAV, " AEI, poor onifilgetting w oint.a•itoli.inedLong Roothings, and thing, I wa4 • always afraid so ;" hut had courted Miss Giles for a twelve - they oever comMit themselves to plain English. So very . lever, indeed, have illmith in a very decorous manner e a alking home with her_ fi•om church, Eiey become in taikine round and and dropping in to supper Z.4 Long round a subiece, that sometimes those Roubings „bout once a fortnight, . When the crash eame there be propos-. ed that they should be married. at once,..3 but Sistei Betty salmi ated that the ehould be allowed topay over her an, way for the support of poor helpless. "1:14tty, what is a inatet de laktle snre I don't knoW, Oliver. - It won stehie,ye.s'arrcesit)et:ici taiinife,stioo—yearttiohuoit:ignhs ed front .siniling quite so hosre, b don't sound -as- if' it was English." Id heve lookeu .etiite present 'Well here if is, down ;in the paper wake et for the first quarter of an Oebice. at.Or _North of Mi. / able old geutleulan them Sister Bett -Goveriem "eit says that I ern. to SOU (0. give the lames .of my matter de bettle ' 6.eatorta. Jane n, loop. • eels Betty watenect nun proudly from the Y. ' hour what the subject is - • little parlour window as he -walked up the, etreet'in.futle.dress ; stilt prouder T lacCOSI,C, ATTORY AT. LAW,. was Master .Giles, •qriftting along in ieitor hawser- Cow-es:a:neer' etc. . 7 • Paris, Out. Moues to. !Joan on farm secu- his , faded finery- like - a .half-bleacilied h..Y. Terms- ea3.i',. - Odi--'8.---.1-?Irs Clat, Paris pencock. But iNleeter Giles ' poring ' 7 iitar 1-314LictiDg. i • • ' over the ta,x-paper, Wits ill fat.igu edress. Paris, leee. 14; 1803. 53-tf •• . •-. „ - ifis g•rey-ribt)ed stocking feet„ much : --si & 117. '..N.IcPMLLIP3, Prttf.)VINCIAL darned at .he heel)3, Ixere :slipped into , Land .Sureevors, CiYil Engineers, &e. chni,ped buil slippots ; a. ,facied chintz All fil'ainer of -coliee.:yaneiug done With • .t rfiatutss and dispatch. (1-. Mc-fhilleps, Com- ropi eimplY covered him from utissiwierinle, -s-Next door south ShonIchn. to ' •his 'shirt was - bOt- dressily,- 6-owil 'with girille like a t:3 of tib.ire's Staff ,rth. • Sealorth, Dee, 4-4, . 53-1y- toned at the neek ; luse pleased pore •• plexity, nelnifested 'eonstant head- ] sei-atchine- with- goill• or finver•tipe he had tilted Ins threadbaie arek skuil- - - feel A ci-v s at 1.a.W, :solicitors in C efewery, No: -tries ['tib' ice Co v ey a,n cers 0,liee,---Over Mr. ArebibsJd's Store, Cap 011 one side like a soldier's forage Gra,bb's btoek, theicriele, Ont. i.‘loney to cap. "Don't trouble, .0lie el ." said Sis- -AV. "roltRANcii 1-1,-VV8... J. Y. ELWOOD. ter Betty,. looking in at the parl,our- _. beaforth, Dee., 14c'd 1,303. o, - 15. 8. /Irzilicial Den: titres, inserted Nvit'a all she lai est - iiiipeosesineues. e taken for the pru-cirvaon of deck, ecl and tender teeth. - Teeth e .trefed. without pain. • Rooms over Collier -e Store. _Seafoen. .Dee. 14, 1868. -ly LI: `A RT, Licenied. Auctioneer the County of iluroa. Goderich. Ont. l'aseic11! a- attention paid to the sale of Beulfeen'; Farneteek Sales at- tefebel on. Liber Terms. Cloods Apprais- 'isl. erresu'es Lanillord's Ware, rants Fnek Geed. Also, Bailiff 1ir3b Division Coert euren.- Goikr:c'e ,Itme title . 79-tf. • - 1-::ew -Dominion • •c.ei infor 1 the peopled Sea forth and. community geueral • iy, thet leJ 1.•1 auberamodation rn ev. thiee reeeired by travellers. A good sti1,1e an.1 wil ing hostler always on hainl. Boarl..rs wilt receive every xecesser. - Seafor,th, Fel). Stle 1869. r' \X' • I OL-2NISTEAD, BAR - I -ie-sses*ee, ,orileys-at-Laev, Solicitors in UhPiie• ry' and insolvency, Notaries Public And Umzveyaiicers, e,oliciteie for the R. C. Bank. --,e; Aisiets forethe Canada Life (.!1- ON to lend at . axles, HouseS Lots for sale. Seatoroili, Dec.. 14, 1838:7 53-•tf. MA F., CROOK ',-!; A CI,CUITTECTS, &e., a1t,1 Spec drawn earre..ctly, 63-ly door, with tucked sleeves ond flOury teens. "I'll call a!i. the inan'e to nigl.t and tell him thet -Green never -left. tllinge like that-Lthat much as we can do tC, Plaice both *ids- meet at UDiistmas, aud iespectible, let alone sessecl taaes: What do you think, Otiverl I've got Futile .beet-skiet Cleaver's to'. 5ild the pound,' and I'm house steward, mester or the .htii•sa groom of the chamber, velpt de cletinb-; he ve been called "tb- ee parts silly ;" in . spoken 0liver. The godmother had made her kiteb-n, confectionery, cook, house , , .1 c 0 the it Stoverton society he was only - of as being "rather peenlier." Siete'. 11.17i);11t leave to her godchild. Of coUrse- bequest • t 'ty, f re , -what et, (sutler, under butIer cle .1 f ti 1,1 become of any Insop-sum she e,orter, foottliall, page. runeina footintin ! Betty, on the other lemd, whe Ir4d coreillielper ill - man, groom, postil I ion r'sta blebov. I 8°,niewh'it more than the common shai'e nSiusit,ter, Baentdty ocolii\i•iedr 1 laits'd rged her *to, 1 ae sold her LA - 10 v th.ti ),,s, ' 0,aratthel, ! of common S llfie, the 6 respectable Stov- ier'nvv1rericile. Of onurstil l'ejnliar man- sell le when he had epent her- other ' 1 In most p lees Master Giles would undergardener., perk keeper': game:1 ei:,,t:',)nettisIss'eciiii,itsh::tiir money ; but, partly fr0111 a fear of elfin& keeper, under -gamekeepers, huntsman, and whipper in. Oh, dear me, what a ihe,y did not. call her a fool to her face, tier dead gedmother, and raity lot ! What liar] i bet ter do - Bettv 7 - 0re-v'e'll behind her ',ack but in their / - because the .sum :he ceold have gi t fop We had a 0 -room and e gardener. and e , tea table- conclaVes they coughed and . . . it then seemed so small to 'exchaege at , ) - , • rodded away her reputstien for sanity. but Pm sure I q tute forea--t the names. ! I he ' fact was •' that I•eister Betty had 'Ile confect ioes,r. ie the'on•y one I can sacrificed al way§ seems- idiotic 'to . corn- iill up Witan't it ' it eairhead's. you 1 1."9 Place people .. l'• Poor Nester Giles almost (Tied with i• older. than .bei.: brother and since they . sister Betty was two o1. three year • . get the het ereefibline last Geeel Ft idav 7' I stableboy, when we 1ied t le farm ; , , eertainty for, Sieter Betty had eelused ito kill ' be,r little golden goose. Her - wigged, middle-aged lover stared as it he tnOught her as silly as her' brother; when she proposed to make the AlalaS.--. fer I have hp.ken of. "Why, bother vexation as he went 'in with his had been h -ft mot an less w len they is," he exclaimed, with more candour or a coffee-house, -Or an inn, or an ase- quite children, she had early been V to many you for 1 "What n.Fe. tl-qn courtesy, "that's the very thing- I ea tech ism " I never -kept ik taveru. ''' i accustomed' to mix mateenal OVel'SitrlIt would -you be to me -v,illiout your Lit4 censed 01 un'li_tensed," In- put& house; le. with sisterly affection. The tither bad ol' ineney 7" After diet, tl.e. { i a h ,'oe house, or aitV othPr "SO what's the good Of asking whimpered ; always petted his boy,. and negieeted his Of roularce whien Sister Betty Ireg me how girl. Alastei• Giles was goodlookint! woven around Mr. Grimes' Weleb Wig i .1 1 1' t I • ,t . ff .d nlaire But Sister Betty instead of en- vanished.. wh)lst Sister Betty was decidedly •The -win- faded into the ' many waite) s I keep? Ailill GoYere- • nleili 111 MoNV a MD a 01 to keep horseS and eliail-es DOW Mules too 3 when I. never kept a mule, and b lesver would if could, the sp te 0 , , k s ) ) powder. .' o.uliiiig be nevei (Jives twice the erayy that, 1 umpstea , does at double the price. Folks-- that iike- gravy are fools to buy ; steak for their puddings ; only I , uppose they'. think it. vulgar to aekifor skirt." - At another time, Master Giles would have smiacked his. lips in anticipat'on over the succulent treat in store f them. But the tax -paper id re,,,:.nels ed law of the uayo before be lost 'his home and his enouvy, )ind his buntere, and the litt e ilienscs he ever bad. 'Ele had, been fancying hiniself a Dian of properts- once more; and did not like to hear his eister talking about cheap beefkirt as a dainty. "Betty," he eaid peevishly, I wish you'd huy respectable food. You'd bet- ter go baek the kitchen now, for I've got thismap•sr to fill up, and women are always in the way when:business is go- on; ti's importaet, Betty, highly portant. just look here. Govern- • Carpen er's. asGer,,f's, and .:Nlason s work' ment says that • it will fine me fifty inse,suee e:cue.1., Office—over j. C. Det: 8 G -Le.. pounds if' I don't fill up, within tWehty- lor & C ). s s'5ore, tioart-iloase game, oi b • e 7 • TT you he'ows -Betty, t do with us that, left us anything he] e it is down in the peper vying tnem, WaS almoet as proed . , her brothel.'s good looks as he wes What iS 1.1101‘3 Curious shrewed of light of common day; and 6ister Betty albd Thev took*: a little houee ene -of tbe reselsed iteYeeo.to-- leave her brothele 1 b 1 s she was) to her dyihg day be t,a d for a .. h.r te ocya , de $ rc c s o _ over o an , bet • deees she 'would never admit that her brottier topic to that gossip ioving borough. time t'leir arriv..1 atfore,en an excit.4 e 1 (een S(te____ was silly, or (with all his surface good- .' sh "0 live.r had And yet nature) often very e111,lb " • ' • -* 1 f- 11' , 1 - - . MitsLer Gilee was the favourise. d I t tr him —"Oliver bed "'Hair Powder—Duty 11 38. "C,N0111(' 01: per4ou by whom worn.'" "Tf put doNvn Nobody, ICJ haps they won't believe me. And then thtire1e armorial' be•oiress. I think I must come nnoer Leate--.1 170 ant thirgs en t on my seals—find it'll m em think I'm a gentleman." " Nkre won't do anything of the kind, olivpr," answered Sister Betty, decided- ly, Yon'ye got nothing cut (01 your seals but letters, and flewers, and • ris- ing' suns, and such. We can't afford to throw away 13s. and wl-et is it 'Fist to pretend to be gentlefolks Father never had a eoat o' firms, so bow eon we! Though Mrs. Neek's got 11. Jolphin on her spoons, I've heard, and her father was an '11)4i -taker, d -.- ck's was•cobbler We W011 • one days aftee the date hereof, . an ac- an e • C1OM iislICIAL . HOTEL, AINLEY- servants and other articles, matters, drillers herein referred to retair ed, em- Roothings, and all his father a savings, p Y Y exPept a few hundreds left to his sister. pleased Was per Oliver l , , i. of Mrs. Neck's fresh at 1 3s.--ewhat is o accept theIss k__s vi::e, -e teneitairdproprictor, affords first re' it 7 a pound. " . , alass a eeonest eaou for the travelling pnblie. 1)loyed, kept, or used et any one dole Sister Betty elmekled 'grimly ever The I. old rinds conscience had pricked invitations and talk ever del times after The 'alder anti bar are always esep'eea with between the _5 th A pi il, l—, hpd the her joke, but softened as bewildered him for his unfair dia.;,.aion of his pre- dinner. bister Betty Was pli.ased to fith Apiil i8—If Government was to Master Giles went on.—‘• But nere's perty, and be had tt•ied to exense it in see him pleased, but wben the wives. fine inc fifty pounds, what should we have to live on, Betty 3 And l'in. sure to forget all about it, if I uon't do it at once. So you go and , make the • pud- ding, Betty. - I should have liked ruin p - ha, so mue o y y ov,be was nevt r any - always been accustomed to have things body's enemy but his OlVn," said :the ..st as he liked"—those were the ,ex- men. `• Ile really leoks quite the gen- tleman," Said . the women. • Meanuine Slater Betty stinted lit. 1f to get her brbther 'deals, and wore her turn- enses which 'Sister Betty was never tired of makieg. Alt eugli Sister 13(=tty won d not lct • Master Giles tax hine-elf for armorial ed'd: lec dresses - white that he might. Iled shii te. The bearer bearings, a good IDa":y who have aright libognnill'eetits1hietiswforii.e at church was suoi. a to them would have been glad to inhoe mangy nionstroeity that the child,ren ha, it the' property which came down htios the sweet openly seofied at it, and-- fitilLtIse.tieer aifiteirsine:11'1.1e hs own of.:niner'lance twoor:,ed kstitiol-c-hiNutl:lesit:::ry, iGthileis,(17.rae zi}Sillebi liv,) ea.s,1 maden0 display, - bin did melee, in call( d m„.1,ter Gii,.s in stove] ton as a a loua • '1'1'e a •good deal of olontly. His son was past thirty before compromiee. Gilee woLed have the old man died, and gin •.e he WaS t\ovohciiii,uxiitioit:ddi:i.tifi.79ileesf %; uDektiiniiL.c\s7: t favourite and fond of sport and 111 111, been disrespectfully a erula, ;ince ho had once had pi opei-ty. For a time the sporting lawyers and docim-s anal shopiseepcie in Stoverum; who u e, his extravagant tastes •He foend partaken of his Coolie]) hospital t t • • b company, be had mbbeld considera y at the _old nran's hoardings. It was not until titter the old man's depth, how - eve!. that Master Giles could fully in- y • : . . of i• be shams. Oliver—we don ti went any himself then in Possession of Long ',Ong Roothiegs, invited .Master tailea sett freel to their lieuees and very Goaerich, knri' 23, $1869- COtiht of the greatest Ellin )et net (1 *Ile bus; the nirkets Excellent conm-evion. A prli 2,3 1839. 70.tf. 0'1 WO'i\i' DER HAIR .-eue awl Ishaving .8aloon. If you ivant eessl. i';have, 'YOur cut, $411.6 "Lii.ile,Wonikr," Soul h side of Sharpls - a.ways liked or _She. epoffliod., as it:ought to be, go to stetk • bevee ee a -Hotel. lain- ;.;sreet--, Seaforth, elle Bath rump steak, .you know, with omons or lie,effic ea April 1st, s ton4; for , but, perhaps, you understand those aemiee W.14.3 14 lr.Cr known to fail. Sold some more at the - end, Betty. Gore -Isis will on the ground that Betty had tcefnth.neulgaisslieyvcitz,tioSticis, tig)1.171., E.hieelereaBairi,itetaiy ernment wants to know whether we've a little annuity left- her oy Lee grand - any lodge.vs who keen running feet- mother. For a few yeal-s afterdeld WellItl 110t be CO ide-ceudt- d zo, an4 men and four -wheeled c irrieges. Why G. le's death Long PLoothines was t le Plainly told her in -vitt -1-s that 8', le : old we haven't got any lodgers, Be.ty. ale of the cotinty, No squire in it uot give Patties. aed so th , -iiid nee Where should we nut 'em 7 and -[. rode aueh borsee as 0:ierer Giles lode , mean to go to them. "But isn't, 4 "8 full;0 18 in Pt:wi town e 1 elVilieis'ss Mile,til6. "e Mux .i iiNeck, 'It'ah•-eie shouldp't feel as if she honse was my his breed of greyhounds own, if there WaS• somebodv that didn't five counties amend ; he almost kept belong- to 118 pot ing in and ont." oven house fur all comers, and some of asked you quite by yourself because.--''' "Ws all a lot of nonsense- Crow be- the comers were very fond of cards and " 13( cause you're athensed to ask ginning to end, Oliver. It's like ' pok- dice Meantime the " looker" groaned anybody to meet me. I'm ninth olae De,ins ;n eoines• ction will be opened to the else oyetese, and a bottle. of good ptirt ;•ie hair groW and preventing it from things bese —But; women haVe no head . • .t4/0-tq:l• f• I eae-li; Come and buy it. for business, you know. Bt yeu ; e3t,f 8..L1134,51,ca. go an4 !page tile pudding." .;.ng figt at respectable people because over the Cann, In the old mal's time • (Conclirded on fourth page.)