HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-12-11, Page 6NICHOLAS MELLADY, Jun.; Executed at Goderich on the 7th Dec., 18&, for the Murder of his Father. THE MELLADY TRAGEDY.". Execution of Nicholas Mellady Me -1 r HIS DYING CONFESSION. His Relatives' last Interview, The circumstances of the murder, the arresting and dischar- ing of suspected individuals, the various reasons for the adjourn- ment of the case from court to court, till nearly twenty months have elapsed since the horrid tragedy took plane, are all so well known to the majority .of our re,a clers, that to occupy our space Ii reviewinc those Matters would be quite unnecessary. The trial, at which Nicholas Mellady wits .convicted ' and sentenced was also elaborately -reported in these columns. We -will there iore commence immediately • AFTER NICIHOLAS '.MELLADY'S CONDEMNATION'. After his condemnation, as before, he conducted etc c1 himsel f in a most commencl:able manner, through 7shich he tion—so fax as it 'was possiole fora person in his position to do—the estimaltion or rathei pity, Ox all with whom. he came in contact. That hire-, less energy prompted by a sister's lore was e\e trcl in ever possible iclanlaer to obtain a reprieve for an unfortunate y tl..lte brother. The prospects for such, were at one time of a charalctt.i that Led the Prisoner to express great hopes fur mercy ; but nn Friday, Nov: 20th, a. telegram was received by the authorities tisk • law must- take its course. ' On the Monday T folLotv the following, 11;1 Mr. Cam- paigne, the gaoler, conveyed to hint the sad news. It waS much for flim, arr-clhe but•st.into - flood of tetirs an4 wept bitter ly for several houz.s. Froin this time he devoted, 1 . o ted. the greater, para of his attenticn to his future .welfare. He was Constantly Ministered w .by his spiritual ad.iser, Father Baubett. The visits of his relattives were also continual, and at ever parting 1: the scene was a sae] one. y p nb coNr• ESSI.ONS. Mud) speculation was byed i indulged c•( nft ssion5 hew l,ll.,e public as to what would make, if an, Rucllour has it that at one tune he st;a.ted, that Kehoe shot Mr. Mellady and l ll-Ieilady J in.) killed- Al rs l!l) 4 ' 'e (Nicholas said, he was guilty of all with which he wasch'aa •n THE SEAFORrH EXPOSITOR. HIS .LAST HOURS. The nigh,, previous to the execution he slept a few ,hours. Rev. Father Baubett was in attendance inecssantly administ- ering the Iast rites -6f the Chhi rc13, in which he took part, most fervently. He was also visited by Mr. Doyle, his Counsel. THE RELATIVES' FINAL INTEVIEw. .About 6 o'clock on the morning of the execution the final in- terview took place between the prisoner and his brother Thomas, and sister Alice. To say that this was sad, would be but a par- tial description, for it was heart-rending in the extreme. The last long clash of brother and sister was here exemplified in a superlative and touching manner. The cheeks of strong men, who were spectators, were watered with tears from eyes, which, perhaps, had. been for years dry to all such sympathetic aff'eLtions. THE EXECUTION. Atforty-two minutes past eight i he chaffs of the iron door of the condemnee] cell was heard. The Sheriff enterc d followed by the officials of the gaol, county constables, and the fiendish. looking hangman.. Mellady well knew their mission, and stood as erect as his trembling knees and emaciated muscles wouldpermit while his arms were, pinioned, and the white cap placed on his head. This being completed the Sheriff led the way to the scaffold, followed by the unfortuate man, who was comforted on his road tc death by the monitions of the Rev. Gentlemanaforementioned. Mellady ascended the scaffold with tot..ering steps, still with au air of firmness. On reaching the scaffold, while the last prayer was t?eing uttered, the fatal noose was ad- justed, the treacherous bolt withdrawn and, Nicholas Mellady had suffered the extreme penalty of the law for his vilecrime. THE CROWD. On account of the unexpected early hour of the execution, not more than three hundred gathered to the soh inn s(elle, though some thousand;, eagle. in front the surrounding country during the forenoon for that 'purpose. y HRISTMAS IS COMING, AND - . lior v d Ryan Are offering GREAT BARGAINS TO CASII BUYERS IN THE GROCERY WINE TRADE. The Sto ,k is very large, and MUST BE SOLD To make ooin for further purehascs. 3es. It comprises the following staple articles 200 half -chests Fine Young H1'soli- Tea. 100 boxes New Raisins, 50 barrels civ Currents, 10 hlids. Bright Cuba, Sugar, ,arrels Yellow Refined Sugar, 200 barrels No. 1 Labrador Herrings, alf- barrels Lake Huron Herrings, (dc 'White 'Fish, fall catch, • e l dv • at another time that, he E 1001 • Jnr oi3cers to answer for them-elt•es. These were z o-l.v r„l L was Monday evening, 6th`inst., however' he it 1 t71 ,ne Press, the followingmc out, for the WRITTEN CONFESSION. SIR,—As various rumors. have gnne about as to :I received since llnl;li,d treat- ment 11 e being in atol, I beg to (E:t•tify that • . . teen treated with the utmost kindness and civility_ b l wit i whom I have had any intercoz3z, e, but particularly so all Mr. Campaigne and lady. ; While Mr Campaigne has leen lent to aii•extrsorclinary degree in t11e diaschatl ae of hisdllia has as used. every effort' to render my lmpllsonment tstcheehe hags possible; and for the few moments ,I halve v cheerful as t • 20013 50 5t) do Trout, 100 barrels Superior Windsor Whiskey, 50 barrels Olct .rye aed Malt clo Also a large and well selected stock of t 1 . ` ver GENERAL GRO CFF IE to n e. S remember with gratitude his kindness ° we, I will e sel,. Mr. Squire; -ho has made such extraordinary Ancl to halt' coin-, n it r of the m the -Bible of it fitly defence, I Dan but:Px • exel tions, i express my most profound ackcu l gernents. • 1V.ly gratitude also to those kind lea endeavored persons who !1 '. ored to obtain m reprieve. ei teal reward. y 1 God will give them a tueri Now Mr. Editor; as I wish to m1 - e no me through the naeditirn of your columns totnilxc speech, perm' meet. to outraged society. I confess to make a last atone crime laid to. nay. charge, and Zvi • be guilty of the llorr bl ccc:4?inglysorro}v there t _ sh:.tber(,f.,r to express my e1, . I entreat all true Christians, in thea charity, to pray the tet -riffle Judge of the living and of the dead, than he ulay forgive• me the horrid deed, as also.perjuries which ,11 chlri • I became of e5 eta1 me guilty in nay en to free myself J accusation. ' The evidence on which I was founfrom "weak and al3noSt insufficient, guilty was nt .it is that conviction Z "; perceived the -judgment rr' but not vtllstitlinclint; in God who,halh J a,lllent of a just and holy co,,nlaln Iecf us"to honor father and callose naazrr`e ;is rlever t - he taken mntller; ...and in vain. In 0o!inectitin a this .however, I believe, it my duty to society,. le of innocent parties and to the rights to tate that the principal portion of• Mrs. Cooke's. e ritierice wall s nrily ti fabricatit,n; 1 my guilt to her, nor did I state that Heftier acllnittea llc feel: between E at the mul•der was commit- ted hours o-_ eleven and twelve at night, other hour. However, I forgive her a end all , s al any myself to be forgiven. .F'atlaerinor . others, as 1 hope ...lac or private conversations whereby e' I.l erel;•i -.reteact 'all pub- lic 1 ` may have intimated directly or indirectly that any other person • 1 .t Son but myself had actually` killed. both nay father arid his wife or ei ' I do also wish to express. m a;i,, . attachment -,: , t lei of them. A y c( -i e att,,.chment to and belief in the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church in whose aav It faith it is my fii m purl -pose to live and. die only hl ay God (O'rifol• , my ,noes• sisters and my brother, Such affliction vlas 'not. nwri 1 ed by thein. And nkiy the Lord s inet;•ifil iy forgive. Iny sin,. and receive tci soul a Jae et!, my p 1' llUlll C`oderichl, Dee. "Tv comment on Too numerous to mention. C 'Give them a call and see for yourselves. IKILLORAN & eaforth, Dec. 9th, 1869: 102.3m, Oliphant, PROspEc3TLj MITE CHRISTIAN.RECORD. CURD. Vola 4 for 1 . Il b I_ 0 • t will commence on the 15th of Jan - nary, 1870, and, the Lord willing, issued regularly on the fifteenth it will be to month during the year. It will th of every. pages on good paper, contain 4b p p , In printed covers, and t7.velve numbers will make the volume, which will contain -576 pages. Its history, extending over a quarter century, may be tall(/' as a guarantee of a will be conducted upon principles of honort , prudence, and fidelity,itp It Christianit- as .taught will advocate cnt ia, i eor in the New Testa- ment, and praetice, 11 o treed but e Bible ; no name but Christian ; no :Bond Union but the Word of God ; no Master but Jesus. Edited and published by James M.Mathes Bedford, Indiana. ,Although the terms are $1.50in Acc can be obtained ford, b ::;radvance, phant, Avon. Ont. y - mltting to D. B ucefield. ' or J. M iii. 1i , Go - t0o.4ir1, A Has just received his Fall Stock of PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, . Toilet and Fancy Soaps. Combs Hail Tooth anal. N' ttil Brushes, French, English, and. American GENUINE QY STUFF Guaranteed, to be of the best quality. Horse and Cattle _ edicines Condition Powders. 3 Physicians prescriptions carefully and ac- curately dispersed. x. LZh a -SDEN, Pharmaceutical Chemist, CORNER DRUG STOxiE, Opposite the New '.Brick Motel; 105-tf. Seaforth, Dec. Oth, 1860. PROPERTY FOR SALE. ILT,, be sold on reasonable term, Lot 4ci, in Beattie and Stark s 3, ev, ' Suri ey, . Seaforth. On the prcmises,therc is a _large story -and a -half l+Tante lious c, with a r(;11 at the door ; and a stable. The lot is well fenced, said set out with fruit and ornamen- tal trees. TTTOIi - 5 L ATIl EF. Seaforth,. I)eceanber 9. 104-3ia:? MCRILLOP COUNCIL. This Council will meet at Murray's Hotel,' Seaforth, on Tuesday the 1411 inst., for the transaction of business. JOHN o'SULLIv4 ;NT. lila)-liar. . Clerk. December. NOTl j .0 ?5 hereby given that the Annual Meeting fo, the nomination of a Reeve and four Councillors, for the Municipality of the Vil- lage of Seaforth, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held: in the C 3 Town Hall, SeafortIi. X11 Monday December the 20th, at 1;2 o'clock noon, and if aecesa an Election will•be held in the someplace on the first 2d onday in January next at fi o'clock A. M. TPBULL, Seaforth, Dec- 7, 186 Returning Officer. 10,5 -:,an TO MERCHANTS, TRADERS, Liar„ Vic. The subscriber has ?ust received a large assortment of DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, JOURNALS] A L S .t Blank Books, Bill Books, Counting - Diaries a TT se ri Pocket Di axes for 18'70 Bibles, Prayer Books Psalm a large assortment ` Beaks—and of miscellaneous books in spieendid gilt bindigs, suitable for Christ- mas and _Yew Year's rifts. Sahbath SchoolBooks , • Deward Tickets, &c. Enve- lopes, and Fancy rote Paper and pes, Pens, Ink, Pencils, School Books, Beaks, etc. Musical Instruments 1 ordeons, Concertinas, Violins, Violin Strings, Rosin, 3111, I3Pidg@$, t `e ri ar an Goo of al HOUSE FOR- SALE. `i ITUATED on gots I48. and 149, iouth NICIOLAS; MELLt DY, I aide St. John street, Seaforth. 7th 18619. - . ' f For terms apply to the above 'would r%H:e)i11 9th 18C" l..B. AI •OT)IE. • (1 Meresuhaaum Pipes, and Fancy 1 kinds. large assortment of TO -y For Girls and Boys ! At L.UMSDEN'S ' 105-tf, Confer Drug and Book Store. - Seaforth, Dec. 8th, 1869. 53-tf 1 1. teaao 1=0 CD v • f HAIR TONIC, This arti.,Ae, so well known aml pep?:ilar through the whole of Ontario. is a '-'ur(i /lure for dandruff, a preventative of hair fallibly, and a great invigorator, as well as a reett,rer of grey hair to its natural color, to which many prominent persons in the County of Huron can bear testimony. Price, $1.00 per bottle.. For sale in Seaforth a; Ili ,': rain & Co,'s iieatter's, u.aid Kidd t .t itl itrl'i3. Seaforth, Dec, 18C 9. li;. 0 N ._ W • ZDr ,..i cle V l Cr; VI sag sag *Ira 174 1 -.+eft pod Pfti 0.1 . D v v. Curni Pae • ezet- r v4 • brsi ca CI' {16. T 4V CI) Cv rr '" • ra sag • s 0 C .1 C.' r. 0 0 0 Cid O1 1701 0 p 1-0 SLI I1.;10,'.'t4 f :h son caf :- sr 1;..(3;1 a' theh h e 1r(1#,a..c i r used fel- b nstFlan (i:aiut, iOW11, 1i.f;410,11-, jt tc:C#3111 ;tJiUU3Y, .t iii fess .dial I21:.1' utogapli is t: t 1' i QUee11 Aiitn'i .f' 4: df!Sc'('nJ tihi' ,1t aim to hp, ajs aftl•1:1i,a;, ree't:s(if.l Ink ,j tl -Age- by 11.1 < .it;: dy, an adherent a tit wino ;jn'{3enre ;.: age 0 e nditi,; ou141' 1'0131;fat 1(3 *.. e House of Hain, 1 lie 1 tdn'i iajn 4311 Waste f(it'g°ht til .don, . and :.genas t -etender."' itr. odir,:'s grandi.:t11' the Duke of Cut the pian-1po..c of islands. Ile eti y in Burray, a:v : qty of soldiea •, v capturing Sir Ja1:, other, who had rdes of iisk;.i.s th in-i.ouez s, Ilan Id take place succeeded in an et, by means mseiV es to dead Ir,. d: .D, iyin 1813asl It N . E. Fw i1i 1:t of Foot, when e,n . rg.en..o .1 'ch 1 j 3'S h In, or >: itll a sithhi Oi.haali ' Siicoeeded; i'1) fig e ;o3 nh iP- eta elle town, in F fold lit et•i.ng tli arra rg so he \:>rasl e•.t h ft wrist. :Vire g C zh hail Days;; , ata k.,f active 'n)plo , oath .f =a,' wbe ed hint Be' jl ye- n tknt cot iitl :, ed by •ter ; ;t 1 Yil, :ants ha :d Lec,n cvc l<al ,t a 12 y evlti'e.hr : then). Llenr. l it o ee(lc•d to 3,31--: eagerness t i ilii e jungle. in a his naive .fled,! rims to look our.:. y j ' he t31.j5eIvLc1. _1 Tallied. by tlhri tali ig -directly tot toy wards the be hen the turned leiiirairtts were 31, sereaanling cl his gun grid fir' r'gest, but the bad Tine largest or an instant . d forwd, Lig -heli .one of the a ler trunk, and to 110 time. While; jug, two of the p at t•,trl)e i p and li after . which - .t its Left, retirir Lieutenant 1 i{l ail 1 8 ) sand a >l t the house of the 'cretar y of the A the lady to who/ ma;trriet--Susani thio. of several 1% OUllgest szste. author of the in i832 -hea .e to .0 pper Cal need firming lag Ills step of the tuistak e ,love of :d1 .'31' t,1-(3.i+;;1y C1;Ft'I o rrnied lis s• to pi'0 id13 for= 0.'lhlrnlssi(3n, s in what turrh( forte to steanila .is zlial fait plan; t=r well with lhi13 ? t as Soon its t;' Alii' out 110 Jo11nec it T1 i'ollto, and (.'alpt::in and (3Ih1p:411ies wh .ih „mai Omni ATQTION OF VALt'A.BLE IMPROVED EAL rri TE3 ENT THE VILLACE Of HARPUSHEY.. y virtue of Power of Sale contained ntained iz_ a certain Mor to tage, which will bepzoduc- ed at the sale, on Tuesday 21st day DWI.), , DCc l., i569. At Twelve o'clock noon, AT SHARP'S . HOTEL, IN THE VILLAGE. OF SE 44 FO tiTH HOUSE AND LOT 11§1 HAEPURNEY. Village Lot number 23 (Worsley's Survey), in the Village of Harpnrhey, -conta iii g by - admeasurement 45 perches of Land, more or leas, on which is erected a Brick Cottage. TERMS. One-tenth of the purchase moneyto be paid down on the day of sale ; for alance tterms will be made kilo n at the sale. For further particulars apply to J ON AS AP JONES, Esq., Solicitor, Masonic Hall, Toronto-st., Toronto. 103-4ja Toronto, Nov. 16th, 1869. NOTICE All Shares in the Capital Stock this upon which there a unpaid calls, will (unless the amount in arrears -be pad .moi, qtr before the 18th Dec. next) be forfrated, pu .- su.ant to the provisions -of the Charter in t behalf. By order of the Board. T1:101/AS IVIeCRAKE-Ar, I Royal Canadian Bank, (-'ashie . Toronto, Dec 2, 1869. 105-2fin ti 1 he h rn be f ✓a tal o; ers a. f tl 0. 0 1; S Vi rlu lepl eig a;; ti'y ce illi ib eatrtl ar . t tel eori race n t Iv e ill «ckc 1 -la Beet: €lyf ttsh '4i Itlh l E3I' S(31 lin . .1, Baha 1 yet ai: ty ;a°ds e =a,ln l41dth .isllcj(1 11j5 ti (1 11In3t' "seif tilxc= gut th 4, . di:all:i Ian `c+1l 1014 Ihi ec>c 7 1111 dljl,t'a ed u. Intl t1,. ib=3 li• ilii i:a plaint_ `'ii; e 0