HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-12-11, Page 5F tr�t,:rt #?tom t;,; - :No . c:har<.. 44E' f.�.R cl-tf. sEAForaill ---- --�` I N TU AFIEop rl iDea h in a Stove. FETE POISONED IIEAT of CAST-IRON FUi.- NAO aS AND . STOVES. 0-11 741 r ikr Importer ^r=d nub .:fatctarcr of l kinis . `rOJCZ GL.' 'u'i9"1"u5s1 a ITA I`u.:-; IZE T;\BT DS, ;s 3 0 Y e <� I IN , .� •. �L IZ t �� Bit iFs � I�F.�L: IT T11 i=.tii:�, S t B t".111LA. 1'S CliAi lS, and i Y t YS.,TTA y I �� -, luGreat V- = r< a . l r.fi 4r^ Can'ilenc�:s in offering- i ker,:Ifez -ro . t;ve plall,l-cata they , Imade h; e Uc (-,ot,E} ,-.4s(ilit,d_ ,lar t g..r alio by iirst-(-'lass cot€rigADE Ta CR Ca the ;$1.(, rest. Notice.:. \1,C D TURNING -'1('• wit -: sr'4. ea3 Efts axtil< Despatch. areroor Two 1-1 I01 S SOtYTIT SIT 1rF :3\' Altf � OT i P. _ 'trill S i eet.+ik sons(I zi ,t Pa firth., r n. 6th,. S(. li,G.i. TWEE., .:11lt a `axrh that will keep the, r i , one o. '1 honla • .`Son's < C t 1_l ca d \Vatelle .. sz-o='k of r•I'teii' or s 1 , • t a� I. k'a crt P'1‘ SEAFORT€ Tie has ab -,0 _m hand a large as t xent of ,(cs, 1c L(Icry, Fancy (; oos, Tods-, l:.jall to be—soldCheap for Cash. i a , T • }t `::t=rip tit,rt t - ; t 'Watches, f IE,cls, and ,ltvi ilt r,,. .l'opa;reil 'm the. 'i1ortest _-(-, and • - rated to give satisfaction_ diol_ G I ., h� t The tt. hi • •4t, price paid for Old (told and .at .t . ( '0 U\T 1. At -Il :. t i, 1 ��`i:)• :,:5 -lye %be La.*•moi. C3 3 CC$1L1, i And (Later in Pure tSx aid r—vr e gr --r- VA.4� c YIEJi`rc,. 'Tips,(.Fria., 1\(. -,artment .s under - .il.., l , ll)it (1 t.,(, special. its r;f, care of au 4t.:rh•ri.>ici-d t `ltt ttn:t IL . 1. 1 i yY r:., t,I`if). Friirt • k 1€ r- ,^- * i•1 ta4 t ( eAGV k i3 01-7 has urn- cm hand the lar' #esr 4t„=. in , e-tf n-th, of every des- cription (,f l urns+tld't•,.-frons t}It- commonest es. :flee t'Iltt :t-< awl .' - x1 _ , t t4 at t I a 11 arc the hive: -It prices.tl- iF .. • of it,ate ia.' exlllir)`t:d- s�llil Z%o •i- n _ lis, aC : ` la11 wtced i _LFt2 11 111}), ._ ra 1 its '1enar 'II.iilts, attended tactor3,- manner. to 1I a, 5ati_q: . A Hearse for hire. ctr,plA rj� 01. s.v tgcli huh:), tct'pt co.w.f•i><it?S• on 1ia,)Iel, al.n(I.1itt( d to r•. a. rt =1.1. ;f lti� prtitle i i the bent atlr(1 cheap,' t.Iu L,tr, aa4., tc:srE•d to by an Is 11() have us. . til it, i'. ► arraanted to vire ;ttisfaction. k 1tP'ltlt'ellber the p.la ie=, rr . 0 5 1 D > , MULKIN'S. - ( SeafOrth, Aug.. 5, 146,E} S r -tf iitt your Ift,iuerna(les (vitt Out ,4' Eco oz y Taste .e G Psi r v: t k t ,`. db. tom.• q.1,5. (Ail. er-1eh, Street. • nti Work- mans 1: 41:aranfeta- NEXT DO: jk/f{ LII i. x SDr'!-7 Sea ortb, .Sept. IUth.. (From the The: improv accompanied every benefit c}anger. . So in ty of the magi, and the erratic Arm) '' Iroi.k Times) ment of civilie :tion are 3,y diSit((vantages. For science there is a ' new the Gerinan legend,. six- . balls 11i.t, tllree_.nlissed. three' caused tragic3r .Thus manyof costly d'ellings of to-eay. . are replete wit' � cOve•n'iences, and con- tain new sourc °.Sflof disease, Old -fat sh- iorled contrivai ces never warmed buiId: ings thorough' A Fire 'in an Open- ;•i„ate, or ever • in a wail-constrnete di stove,- di1�- cr r vines tllroiigh -a1 1'oorli air bo supply combust on, creates ri draft that cools .every Derr 1 not i e:i.elted by 1•adi:it T- 1 heat. In the (. at)Ct1ui l'tiun of - a ` of 1 tci coal per month ' � . 1 of � ] p thirty barging twelve honks 1;1 ,ler day, thirty Itlue_ feet of air mscv b P do :dragged evet•v minute into. o :the -fire,- an the dcficibiley 1 Sed to be 1 exrl,ic_ed by t cl i _.ler . It so f 111 f c1111 rlT'onll(1 Clnn1'S, �[*lll. i (lows, uucler N pinseots - and , between t chinks in the Ho ,rink. If rl.. ro' m rebid it, a fire built in it )roperlyr `Mr. Freder- London authority on 1 (E THE SEAFOR H EXPOSITOR N gvw FALL(Co-WINTER GOOD. it!DD ETM LUfl another profound obeisance, -Taki Ren- zaburo, in a voice which betrayed just so ruuch emotion and hesitation as might be expected from e man who is making a painful confession, but with no sigh of fear either in his face or manner, spoke as follows :---(EI, and :1 • alone, unwarrantably gave, the order to I IL on the lt)i'c igncrs at Kobe; tir.d again. as they tried to escape-. li'ortliis crime STdisewio��-ecl mt self, and I beg yo who are present to do me the honor witnessing the iac••t. Bo -ing once 1i the s )ertkor alleweb e I cl his - niter gaaruier to slip down ,to his girdle, iuicl remail ed naked to then waist. Carefully, a cording to cufitoril, he tucked - hi sleeves under his knees to prevent hiu self front falliai,r oaek�vai . Japanese. gentleman �'' ltts, for a nob' i tleman shoult:t die faille Delil)ei•alttly, with a stead 1• ,Lucl, he took the dirk that lay before -dm; he looked( at it .wi-tfully, alums fkectiona.tel v ; for a: morne nt- . e ,. 11 . seemed ccllclet his thons;1)ts for the last time rid then; stabbing himself deeply beIcw be waist, on the e left band side, t slowly aicross to tate right e, he drew c, side, and nrning the dirk in the' wound. gave a slight cait, u1)wards, During sickeningly 1 • � this v painful l , operation, he never moved a Muscle off his face. When hen he lrcw out the dirk, he leaned ferwal d rl of re. 1 Ti c - s 1 - RE prepared to show the Largest Stock of e' e Consisting of the Latest Styles of Dress g Patterns, in Irish and French Poplins, y all wool Plaids, French Alerinoes, and I Twills of \rations kinds, ever offered in t Seaforth, Le made aw-ti lr011lcl not dl'aly ick Edwards, th lc°h subjects.. gi casiori of chime: -drafts eorale do 1'Iatt'k'Slnotte and - so constructed to ly prevent fresh lire. The me! hod most customary irnealn.s of a -finale inept o -r. c )1 tar, outside the haus air !by means of ti. should be noticed are unprovided. fs. r holding water furnish i so' dry wood -work and '-es as the principal oc- e. ,.s behaving bar l �, that sl n the flue[, carrying ! li ('-i.:t/ysses/,, - when. a room is tt d <loseda s to 1 I material e1Ia1 ci aiir'fi.oii reaci:itlg the 1 t, ntl ,tx etc'ierl.. out his neck ; the expr s5- °on of.li,iin fol' the first time, crossed iS f:ice, Fut 11^ utterreci 1)0 Sound. • At eat. moment the• l;itlshaltl, who still •ooehirg by hit side, hoed been contiii- al l y ;vatehing hi;; every movement, sprang to rue feet, poised his sword for moment in the air there Was aL flit>:h 10:1 \ y, ugly thud, a crashing fall ; with e blow, the head- bed b( en severed om the Ijo(ly. - .A dead silelice follow- , broken only -by the hide,)t1.5 1.oise: of e blind gti;,iiing out of ;tie inert l:eaa lore els, it'lilch but a, moment before d peen • •� . ( cen a i)r,L�c. <allcl 'c,�hvtalrous Man., was 'horrible ---,Algernon llllfo, cl, Corn/fill..J11(,(aiyi, e .f. hea1;ing ilc 15a8 now a ill our. Cite', is by' a1 e situated in the base <iilg Cold allr fon • from fl aiid dis;,.i• During hot ed he '111(1 registers. S. •1"t j tri that -.many fi rnac s be it -h any arrangement ha rind the hot, air they.. 1 t is to warp and crack . in urniture. At best, Operatioli ora R Ru c-ej)t .ill rare instances, there -are no Deans1f i entityr ,t u 1, provided .for ro tr except by opening doors and wi_TICt r, 10 Many people,people,furnt•tce,l.ieai.teci seen it Iv as if ier .. so to speak, :ten ali�Sed. • . it his ben supposed- to -N rare i vitalitr, elasti'•ity. or, llc,ll;rhl,s:oz' And the fair flow .rs of. our house -holds )rcitthiug �?11 14il.it'i"ill:; 1)rsr)n arc :that th dt -follies between etre' grate -d, llalt'8 of. -the Spy: A curious book. entitled "Nott,s of a Spy, -wars lately 1)u )liSlled at St. ,- tethhurgh, ...These noteI:' s tare, the mine- us of aRussian sub-otlicel• 1) 11I1 d Bou.. - ,a -e. hin riofl:, who, aceordin; to ,- his own 1.(\\ill b ; tae: acted- cl s• a- a spy fc .. y 1 the x.111<,.,i_11l (e ovei•111111'nt.d'urilig the last `i.'olisit in- slit i , s '. -•. .• I.�<l) lllti lived fiir ten vears lik, 1 in- .Poland, helaad completely liSto i cd the lar gunge, and by this means and his register, r, e .hil,it t` he laal'i"'tlOr.S anti ies cif yittue" in the early r' 1tE, sl,1i'�,r i. voy pat lobe professions, he managed to chief surgeon of a hospital in: Sa, lnacle observattio1; He had Itthd certain S<vn',ptons prevalent ai11o1.1,-, patients. He doe li:c} that. they Ni; s `1 nietatl be cold; Ilyclt `rt slowly if til-tt n 1v even n<gain t <1t 1110`l10 t)$llat1 ('011111t1St.1 r ,dtniar Stove orlonpoi poisoned by t_he hot air from the c' iron stoves. Upon h1s.l l)re-entattio -exact experiment were male under ttheu_1c et on of t'1 Ft•enr�h Aeacl(:my. For years it had b t1 known that iron.t': tS 11ermeabte to s lne ga es. .If that ogee pa,. -es through 1(-- ll 1)(; hot, i!Lstrllnt- ) i c:l111 i:1 iL pressure )11 of coil] ill all 01- ei,Ye1ir'(lue'eq, aintm jet' obtain tile cilnfitlOT1(�e ofscy1tP1<il of the big 1115111 ['gent: leaders, v ll,)lll he of'e1•wa1'(1 �•i o betrayed to the (~a'()vernn1 nt. IIe gives :Ist- the initials of these chief's, all. of: whop') 11s have-- Ewen (.'i'1 t lei hung or Iiaulisfhet1, iulE) other things, c:aarl)oluc; acice-1 idler carbon- ic oxide_ The firs ucit rcddily penetrant 11 i5 baneful ell: aZ third of one 1er cent of itin a crowd- ed theatre, and sii ive. But the other" cal'benica =c_xi:(}e, is a deadly . ,oisoxi i _„ and the ' French exl).eI•iments sho�Lreci that itas;, '- tri` it • ti } olxt,lt flet ca.5�l►on li1.e wfiter tllrougl al. sieve. While' � e • the c altars - are under •� e are seated at .raft carries all gas- The sides of Lhe furnat.ce grow hot while we are putting As soon as we "ire so and on our way ler is turned, the of t1leee i lei s does a11t11oltx='11 u people breathe a ares of our clotneSt good headway, ant bre.11tfasfr tfre open -es up the Chimney. o11 001' over -coats. fairly out of the llol to business- the dam .iiaft closed, end el poisonons oxide rising, crawls literal �r,into the liosolli of o111' families. 1i e have patiently- waite 3' for the 4 C r r Uccnfa who h u fua•Ili51i this information, fo suggest the Inca IS of ineriting the - (hi -Bei -111y. • T , ,�llrcly It is. not impossible to fill the pores of it n with .a material ithat will prevent ent the passage e of gases. PeLhaps it might a answer:..the- pliinose o hat'esorne.eartlly , ubstance, cz-ip able of vitrification by heat, spread up0il - the surf res. These s,ientifie `gentle men ha.viug.demonst etc -A. to us that we , are in a quandary, are, an duty round to indicate the pathway out. Horrible Scene. in J aiean. -- . Slowly.. and with great dignify the :celidc-ai ned man - mounted o11 to the - raised floor prostrated rimself before the high altar twice, and ,eared llirnself' in the Jaipanese.. fashion- his l:Y;iers and toes touching the grou cl-, and his lied -y i[',astir:g cn his heels. The -of the three tter c1;- nt officers the came forward, - bee.rir)i; a stand of I,h •kind used in t(flitl,les for offerings. n Vhi•.•h, wntp- -prvci ill paper, ley t1 e l Bort sword on a irk of the Japanese, ilk inches and a h aalf in length, with .i. point and edge as s;llairp'” a razor's.- -'hits he hii nr. ed, pr/Aitrating himself, to -the cendemn0(1 marl, who received it l everentl-v, -. rais- ins; i t to his heal with oth hands, and l,laci.'ig it in front of im;,elf. After Seaforth, Nov. 25th, seems to hit -ye taken pride in his shame- ful - tul work, describing. with mit; h rir - tion how he got fa the se' iets•of l)olir.i.- c'aa1 prisoners by pretending to thy'' 011-e of themselves, and 11 )W 1;(;' used to go to Mhe.house. of rich landholders in the dis- guise of an .in'-tugc'nt, ui order to 111.- duce then to :break the law 1,y giving hire refuge, i.and thus furnish him a11d the polie03 with a pretext .for plulid(tr sand Violence of e'very kind. As i:uigl,t be su J)l)os(d, these wenn I.r;s are frill of adventure, and their aauthoL seems td have bad some very nal row esciipees. Once, as lie w is v (thing in the dis- guise of an insurgent neral- the vii lege of r Gvski, was attacked 1)y Cossacks, and wars pressed by them so closely that Ott 1)e had to rine rend -hide in.some corn; and .ts the peasants 'Were tllr;c5liing at, the time, and had not seen hurl, het exl,ec:t- eci every moment to be citt down -with their flails. On dill the se oc•cttsion_ he was pursuing an insurgent at the 1• head. cl. of his Cussac•1 %, when -the to Inle,sud- denly turning morsel. struck fa him "with Sidi force witlh his' unloaded-- „stn that he fell to the ground with .lilt horse and 1.roke his aarin. Itis a1;5atilillt their raised .his w eat ?on for s.;(:'Om_l._hlow, ' •z 1 a.ch ouldi probably have l,ill(:d 1)511, but luckily, eight Cossacks ritslled for- ward ward and llreteoted hid' from farther °Ll � 1n rv. � CHRISTMAS 18 C0i,2_II TC- And so is ARMSTROKQ - r '-r- 'i ' c r m r- L Also, MaCCEON FOR GALE, VALUE $70, t o C. ARMSTRONG'S BOOK STORE. 1SC3, '99.3m ti Their Millinery De- partment Is furnished with a large assortment' of Hat, Bonnets an•d ill ties of the Lat- ti VERY e t Fashions, VERY CIIR P.. READY MADE - CLOTHING! For -the Million. GOOD TTI. RED SULTS FUII T.EY DOLL..:III,. B -OOT$ $1OES CHEAPERT V R -.�Ii A�. T � EVER. • Also a very Choice Stock of Fresh Groceries • Be sure and call for their .SI Tea. ti 20 lbs. Rice for $1 ; 11 lbs. Raisins and 10 lbs. good bright Sugar, TB f l T) C'°A.Z SE. ,SA J I'.. Give them a call. KIDDo UU It> lUL1�I?r. Seaforth, Nov. 8th, 1869. ' L C�tLLt Cheaper TIan ever, erg }i R S T CLOTHIN STORE, ST] FORT I LISTEN!!!!!! WHILE I!T • For his Stock of FALL WAS: Never Excelled this t111 . s Market. The 12 czester ouse Then is the place for Satisfaction in Dealing. . SIE CANTON - - WARE}4OU3EJ IN THE NEW POST OFFICE BLOCK, . , IS THE PLACE FOR _ CH ICE TEAS - The fact that the subscriber makes this article a -speciality, should lead all intending purchasers who like the best the market af- fords, to, at ]:east, try his stock. The Finest Liquors And ti select stock of - Staple and Fancy Groceries, always on hand. JAMES 0. - LAID Seaforth, ober Oct -"9th. ADJOURNED SALE O F L A YS >w. 1 Canada for 80 -cts. AT The New York House. all Stock NOW COMPLETE At the New YorkHouse. A-: Largo Stock of WOOLENS AND f EADY4 1ADE ` CLOTItpdc. !- W. • rcapili4M. ALL PAPER. Border Pape -r, hall Pa )er, WD;0WEL!NDS Plaii Bute, Plain Green, Playa, Buf' and Riyvred. AT THE�� TELEGR PH 1300k $TORE. ELLIOTT cJt• Seaforth, July FOR r A T the Treasurer's Sale of. Lands for C5 ,hie 1'.i. c 1.1 was held on the 30th oveill>,cr, lb69, a liutnlber of lots were - of_ fercd which could not he sold for the taxes and costs clue, The said unsold lots will again ...be ulit:recl for sale at an azcljc)urire(1sale on the -15th day December'+ • 4' AT T21:E COTJRT HQTJ T IN THE TOWN OF Townships of 1 GODEI' II At 10 o'clock a.m., when .the said u"1'isol( lands will be sold for any sum which can 1)e - realized for them. Thu unsold lauds to be 1 THE IC. OF THE OLDENOLDENthen oi�re,'t d, include lots in Ashfi1 eld, Colborne, Gnderich,Grey, Howick, Morris, Turnbcrry, East 'Xawanosh and West rt� awanosh, and in Villages of Clinton, Port Albert, Dungannon, Ainleyville, Wrox- eter, Pordwich, I-iowiek, Manebester, Bay- field, Wingham, Zetland and Blyth. A. 14 i. ROSS, • Treasurer, Co. Huron.Co.- Treasurer's Office, Godericb, Dec. 1st, 1863. - WAGGON, BUGGIES. D all°implements for farm use mane- faetllred by_ '$ Mt?CHT' & TEEPLE I , Good and Cheap; r enicnib ,r the stand. NORTH OAD SEAFOTH. AF'OTH. Sea forth,Peb, 20, 1868.. 11-1y } .Cs!ITD SHOP. THC) MAS WATSON - Begs to 'inform the public generally that he still carries on general Blacksini ing at his Old Stand. �' NEte ABLY OPPOSITE ARMSTRONG'S HOTEL AINLEVVILLE V �y� . Specia attention paid to Horse -Shoeing. Aiuleyville, Feb. 9th, '69, 63-17 1 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS wanted to sell one of the best paying inventions in the Province. A liberal discount will be given to traveling agents, Apply at the Expositor Office, Seaforth, 6cpt. 24th 1689• 42 -t -f' :G0 TO - T. tf. SIa'iO_ S' O 'os fe. S. .R0 er/son s.- OYSTEIflF1 V IT.� Seaforth, Dee lst. For Fresh Oysters, Sardines, Lobsters, Pies, Cakes, and Sweets of every de.c_cription. CALL ANX) EE Opposite AlcCA.N.S'S Old Stand. that he hl,s just received -a grett variet3 T. 17 Which he is prepared to sell - At Prices Almost 'Unparalleled COLLARS of every description, wax ranted not to hurt the liorse's neck. • In the way of Harness 01? ALL KINDS,, He is,' as heretofore, in a position to giv his custom.ers as good value for their flume: as any other establishment in -Ontario tr JOHN cAMPBELI •