HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-12-11, Page 3TrEspax., Legialatitre, the ‘001111n021 SchoepIS Rill and Tax Titles Bill were &nisii-lered in Committee. The lAt ter ' was pass, d through that stage, diseneeion will he raistal Ity 31r. Blak-e oe eartala details upon the bringing up1:: of the report. reso- f-' In the Legialattne, the 1...reee 1, ze. nue It', (lia: (is mist ti a tr.s-teasion ee (1e4 ea... p 4. , . rWt)-- 1011 Ot WV ( OvPILIt:k1V On Reit' wn vs lee „ , .. , divie tervitee to the reject i,nt of the Et ie -il: I -, :Alit ..11:itlfaZa ten UL Railway Jtill„ rec.,. qt it e "ore 1,1e gentlemen, _NI a it -iv INT( l ler , the . taleetee a I:0 -eureot-tt d him, leeeee..,e • the poduetton of the evidettee on - en the etlattnitt .e had devitied to re- IPer -JP.- '''' • !Vi .i. it. "ea-Kert and the Iona :!atet..- Nr. l,fareitetott and others, elle.es,e.; f jp.1 vri,p0,:11, bat it W3g eVtqltUrdly ita. _Mr. Blake, ota Neithdra wine; hia -itT Nir tempted the Privileges :dal Nunn- , re -,- Eit.s. .,„,,,1 which flaS -DOW been :I 1, ettll 0W. - a L pressed eente severe etrictures on the . t - eenettet ef the Government fort11 pia:1)1g tItz , f ri ifiq! in a, Inttnilattitee pte-ition 1, e .-e itttrodta ieg-, ine',411:reS tley tome lett e , . I. tem a e eee Levotel the powers of the 4 sal: Leeiele tare,. The al t tothey 4.:(-1,101 a t r, awl Neu. adj... t allier011 replied, e‘aeres-.- --,,,,‘ ..„, king their epiteiett tltat ultimately Ilea ae- ., R - I - A;`t, Wkkilld be aline (-at and the fertmee hatl a tilln."ep paasage with M1 Liitn nch he defended himself frem the G: e tlernan'a tutu( ks upon him. Ant- ( re -et mi.& litINILt'S the rtimic Friars.,1 was; thwtigh Corn reiv,a-e. as aLD „NV. Clarke's of EritI611e0 Pill. The MIT te make better provisien for the' teeheatiou of the debts of de- eteased eret ns -out of their lands; mete read a secondYHi tittle,- l'Italre•Johtj. ;,•„41;alltitie1t1 ha's invent- , ed " Detiriage iNn." He proposes to take publie funds to reclaim waste_ hulas anal tints eeonomise- teiTitoty, titZa Ontario. will aettnilly have 6 room e fr tile large inthix of emigrant.> is iiketv to 'take place next yeaee (.4 has-reore than he Call attend how %viii he ever be taile to- aaneefe. when the VaSt tervitory to be rtcLaimed-by titis new eket will he add_ ied to his ala-eatly extensivs arerown Janda ri 1,1()Ur -eCnam.unication. _ •- e the • ft'el that the time has - a hen Seafie-th. should have- s ect tJtete rket de. vs" • some one (1 two the week, 1:V1 -It'll )(1Vetea:t- otter and produaer, -would expect to eh ether foe tratle- ou the market peire when the Lottee-wife and the aneear at home cen reeet the fainter .d the falIller's wife, and 1.11'0C -tire t110 -:--e )ne 110E'esSarieSWfi1iithe suildv, anti which the house do without tuid thus, in ts a vast deal of unneeeea- e t • • -ad prevent -these corrmo -Tips TIN:411g (with certain (harges add - for trout,le.) tin-ough second handa aeltik.tg the corn:weer. AII the reer towns have the set maelzee days; le peat, comfy: t and cenveuienee Of inhabitants. flow it is Drought ;It other eJaces ttrel hew we wou 1,i eeee, it here to' oliVi:11e tiliS Straggi- killa 41"111Lrke.ing hueinees,” aural ee it to aemeIlting like avatarn I eot prepared to atty. Pe/he:lee Aire V(8 tnigitt throw Out a stergcse al thus help to faeilitete this clea 4e end. 1 remain, Ye -um abedintiv, A VILLAGER. fortli Dec. 7, 1869. ea 1 ,CNI.X(1 01' TUEG.47.01afENIC_IL COL -N- - Rome, Nov.'1'J:ie (Ecumeni- anzeil was opened to Li by Pope The weather was unfavoi,-- a falling t intervals thron-gY - t enormous erowds filled earl, am1. lined the streets, witieh- the Members of the El passed. The Parg!, f0110V7( pi oeeeded to the Bran 41, amid the ringing of hells eederiegof canoes from the forts- kete-eItp and Mount Aventitne. al -c- Father was ill fine heath. • les if the Hall of Counell tt1pied Ity sovereigns and prin- t Ronne, ard by nu -tubers of and other notables. anies (excelledili graneleur e,,ifieettee any that have taken ttoute within the preeeat ceix- Ulf FOR SA 1--.` „reel eit, at PPOPPY)Try t a:Ler will aive in exOlange.fer Vrore tfy, Int} aeres of Vt'iia Taitite ih 4 le-, 's .eikte (4 (;rtY. rid. ittaLs..1.- . ;"roat.iets f. •the xpotiltot. 4iN e'N• DISTRICT MATTERS. THE Chess column is unavoidably crowded out of this issue. FOR Cough' & Colds get, Lumsdel's. eaugli speteit,e, at the corner b rug Store, Sealot•th. ACCIDENT.—, -Mr. Trainer WaS thrOwll ,ou of asleigh and dieloeated his knee. Dr. Tracy is- in at ten d..nee, An Assembly, for •the beneRt of the Band, will come ()Win the Town Hall On Tuesday e eg. next. 'We hope there will IT a good attendance Fe] Oul" liOI'SeS at this Seluion, get Lumsd ens' Con (Udell Powder -the %erv best mat tliftietured; at the corner Drug' Stoi'e eieeforth. LEeTt.ta Pe—Dr. Utuistou will leebutre Snaforth under the au. pices of the Meellanics' Institute, on Tuesday evg. • the 21st inst. T EA-ArEETING.--011 Wednesday evg. nest, a tealneeting Will take place , . ry.lppell 1D aid of the Weeleyith. Church in that village: The meeting Ni ill be held in tale7I'resbacturian ellureb. ANY pereon ha eing claiwsagtiisi the uckerereah 13ranett. Agricultural So- ciety, _eie-her for. intereet on loans or prize 8);e4y, will „call an the Treasurer, J. DunC'ten, eel or beforo. the first day • of Januatiy 1850. and receive the sum • •Vot,,t7eeretEn, Capt. Bull Wiz.11108 1-0.; to state for the benefit of the members 'Of the Volunteer Cempany that According tio the Militia Ae,., they ere exempted froth:paying the Statute Labour Tax.. Volentedes will make -a note of 'this. Owl -telt Ormet.e.—The new. Pres-: bytertau (Almelo -.at. -Walton, will be emened. 'on i'Szt.blei.`..1" next, 1;2th iki6t.1 Tohine of Scouthampton will, pteech 'at 11 o'clock 'a. no anzi Rev. Mee. Fer-gtietat. the PaStor, at 2.;-.1() e'eloek p.w elleations: , will be taken lip at each eervice on behalf of the build- ing fund. etes_am-: $Eavice-n,e—The An ni vereere seta 1es m emmection viith the Pee -a elturli 81,1'..4,etifortlea ill j take- olatas o 1/4.itteday and -31011day, the 19th :11111 -21 tit On*Sunday di 1111. serviee 'will. be .condacted by the Rev. INT. Inglis, of Toronto. On lion - day e\ g. t i annual telt-nwci.ti ng W 111 • take pittete, vhen_tieVeral pottier .epeak- ▪ widl add 'oss the audienee. Further 1.)..artiula18 ie Xt week.. ACCIDI;Si.-4-Last • }tidily a young man ea 2i iliennah's flan.' in Tucker- e mitl , was choppi g (1]tiwood in the , , base. n LS axe •t1 LICIC t CrOSS-Cut- :S:tw WaS Ii tugu(r-on the limb of tre? ; tho flub sta king the.youth on the meek, five of the tebth sinking deep hoe) tile 11eA;.11.1(1 i)'aleing feat fit' 31r. 11a4ah's sot having no other eotaen ((lodetore the leick out of lns eaist-coat, and sta.tmehed he gush- ing 'wounds. Vt. itli much ulty lie feet him to .311. Iiennall's where e was carefully 'attended to, the wounds ( rese- ed and the bleeding stbpped. H is .now doi >g• well. SEAFORTII LITIMARY SOUTPYTt---The lnguI11n-,;etilig of this 8oc1ety came off on Wednesday evening_ lastrihe question debated was : `-` Resolved that • -the -"seciran'e huuId be extended to • women." The deeision was given favour of the nee-ative. A -very re- . epectable audience was present -ie. -includ- ing a nakabee Of The.next ques flea fov debate is : "ResolVed that Compaleory Edtteation is in -harmony freedote." A.flirmative, Mr, Hunt- er, leadel,esilpporteueby Messrs. Luxton and. Moran.. Negative, Me. Pot -ter, suoltorted -by Dr. Campbell -and Ilohnested. Dr. Vercoe, umpire. • The lce ,2.c.t Re -union. Tl'e second ot the ,series of re-nnions, --will be held in, Sharp's Hall; on Thul 5 - day evenieg, December 16th, 1869. R-ev. 0. C. -Jo1 nson, Chairman. PRO() AMIE, PART I. 1. Opening -horns. 2. Recitation -- "Tile buritil of Sir John Moore—Mr.Huri. ter. 3. at the,i door"-- Johr sou. L4 Warning"--I-M Bleasdell and Ben- son,. 5. Instil mental ---Messrs. Smith, Bull and Col ins, 6. Reding—Mr. Smith. Ifolmested. Solo, Guitar — Mr. INTER3 1 Recitafior ter".—Mr. Pot Solo---"Gaffe.r '..and Smith. 3. Killiecrankie" —Solo -- Miss -"Cuer de Lim _Soug---Solo--- Doors open teken at, 8 o'clo hao uet---f:Brothei's fainting Airs. Moodie and Minnie Dialogue "Lochiers M(JON.—PART H. —"Lord Utlin's daligh- r. 2. Bess and Treble G reel)." essrs. Cline Recitation --"Battle of • Dr. Campbell. 4.. Song Bay 5. Reading— Mr. Benson. 6. iss Minnie Johnson. , at 7:30. Chair to be (k. .Ad mission 10 cents, • THE SEA1ORTI-1 EXPOSITOR. The 10 -union of Thursday Week. The first of these hi,ethly interesting • and intellectual treats, came off en Thursday week -keit, and to say that it was a comp...'ete suceess, is merely tore - peal the opinion of every one we have met who had the pleasure of be- ingpreseno. Finauttially, it was a great triumph, and the repeated encores and rounds of applattSe, on - the, night iii queetion, teetitical fully• to the good hu- mor and pleasurable appreciation of the large audience. WI ere all is so good, it seems invid- ions to make cow1)aFjSQUS J3ut we think the "gem." of the evening was Mr. Hele's,-entlering of ‘-S,ini Weller's Tlle character of Wdlei- senior, was excellently orought - our.: Seaforth May feel flattered- in having a gentleman Of sucli known ability and research, as. Mr. Hale, aiding - in any good work which may . set en fooL •Mr. Potter didgoo,1 jtistice to " Teby `fusspot." And the dialogue of "Collo-. lanus and eaulidius," rendered by .11eles- sre. Hunter and Holntested, as re- ceived with 4 hearty round -of applause, showing how well they had sustained their parts. Mr. Benson, who was well received, lead with good e#ect, the pieceentitled "13einardo del CSrpio," •by Mrs Humans ; he has a fine round, .voice and good intonatiou. rev. isdr.• Johnson, to whom the people of forth are indebted. .for starting these plPaSitilt alld profitable entertainmerits inIns opening address aliuded to the rwincipid object lkhic:11 wm— gn eal instruceion.'" The Rev. eeentle- inari made some -treys, at t .rerliarkS on the greater generality of knowledge now thim in Om dc vs. of Plato, _ Solon, and even Shalzespeie, inferring that, great and alt as these, .men. Unquestionably - were, their Inst -t• might be at- tributed in a great meaetne to the com- parative dark horizon in which they ' .Revi ;Air. Johnson also gave a reading "Eliza," Whieh y as yetT excel: 1,01art,.b e music added:-,ry exite.11 to the eritertainuieut.-- ..t\J iss Be who has a very deal powerful voice, sang with great acceptance; zind wa8 Imely 'encored in 0 telt of tn r sontiJ,. \Ve ftepe we shall again have the pleasure of -heaeitig Iter at the - ne.xt, re -union. me .J01)118011 sang sweetly, • and gave promise of making a good auger Lop seine future day. The ,Songs of ,Messrs. Harris, Cline etel Smith, Were well'ehoe0n, end sung in excellent style. The audience in each ease insisting on an encore. 3.1rs. .Cameron kindly acted as accom- panyiet: We west say we, -were hig•hly grati- fied with the whole itifItir. T1ter0 WaS a ring about Lit not Often :produced On Oe:11.8i01.18 of the sea, Which the with- euce seemed to know how-to apm-eciate. We have heard several Sayi that it is a tong time siuce they had passed so pleasant an evening. For oureel Ves, we feel yery sanguine time the e011Vel.5az1o11es will -;be the tmeens of doing ,a great qetit of good; ditectly, by taking u time Which other -- might not b0. se profitably 0( (t1 indirec11y, by leading many. to lookeup their own reading. and turn their eninds'into a literary Channel. The next, we feel sure, will be more largely attended -even than the last, and many who fitiled to, go then, will find U 'early seat at the re -union No. 2. lip a. or OVerehoes and Felt work, go to (Jove itry's DIED. ..' MCMICITAi, t. -1n Hullett, on the 2nd inst„ Mr. John McMichael, aged 50 years. AlA RK 'Tr s . SEAF 'MTH.; VS -heat, (Fall) le) bus lel. Wheat (Spring) ijr bu Barley 1:1 !bushel, Oats bushel, Peas 1' bushel, Potatoes tt bushel, Hay ton, Eggs --V dozen, Butter, 11 lb. Ducks, Pork, Nide,. Sheep Skins, Chickens, 'Geese, I - Turkeys, Dec. 9,1869. 0:60 to 0:50 to 04U to 0:28 to 0:40 to 0:50 to 9:00 to 0:15 to 0:17 to 0:20 to • 8:50 to 6:00 to 0.40 to (:82 0:78 0:47 0:26 0:15 0:55 0:10 0:18 0:18 0:20 9:20 6:00 0:90 0.12 to 0:15 0:30 to 0.30 0.07 to 0;07 CODERICH, Dec, 7, 1869. (Sinal Report.) to 0:75 Fall Wheat, Spring Wheat, Oats, Peas, Barley, Potatoes,, Butter, Hay, per ton, .92;ciatoNTO., - (By Pleura Wheat (Fall) bushel, do (Spring) if? bushel; Oats 1,4 bushel, Barley, Yeas, 40:70 1077 .0:25 0.40 0:35 0:50 /0-17 0:13 0.00 Dec, 8, 0:85 to 0:88 0:85 to 0:85 0:32 to 0:33 40 t� 60 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 1Vin ter Arrangenzents. Trains will leave the Seaforth Station, as follows:— Of/ISM EAST. GOING WEST. 7:18 a.m. 2:20 P.M. 10 :30 a. m. 308 P.M. 2:20 r.m. 8:42 P.M. Leave for A inityville, Wroxeter, Leech- ville Bayfield and Exeter, on the arrival of the trains in the afternoon. Money! Money!! THE subscriber has received another lar.'ae remittance of money for investment on good farm property.. at 8 per cent; or 10 per cent, and no charges. JOHN S.. PORTER. Seaforth, Sept. 29th. .-95-tf: STRAYED STEER. TRA Y ED intoa the premisea the sub - °libel', Lot 20, north side Baylield Road, Stanley Township, one Heifer with itu. Ear mark, bearing the name of a MeEwines Inc owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take the same away. JOIIN PATON. 'Stanley November 19: • 1Ue-4in STRAYED. .A.7s1E into the premises of the Subscriber on Lot No. 1, Con.- 91}i ou or about the 3rd of July last. a 1.7earling Steer. The owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and take it away. . D ViAD STEWART. Nov; 24th, 1860. STRAY HEILFER. riA.ME into the enclosure of the Subscriber k_..) Lot 22 Con. 14e McKilloia. on or about the 1st ofpctober, a red one year (Ad. The 0 tiller, is re quISted to prove property, pay -charges, and take the, same ii.way. le;A AC INGRAHAM. Nov„ 2 lid, 1869, 10:l-4in. N aTiE Lost on or abcu'.; the 20t1 of „Yea-. last, a note •made by George Pati;t:/%3011, in fa- vor of Peter or bearer, dated Croy, Feb 0.3 oe-.9 pa -aide one 3 •ear af.cr- date ' fen'itrv DoLara at 8 per cent. per zut- num.- This. is to ferbid all partite buying or negVtating said note, as pas Meelt ha e been §topped.JVu ileKELV.EY. Croy. Dec. 8, 1869. • 105-4in re',1 el V /1110V Rar 'a, Lea 3 a I'AViNG inOrredq a heavy expense in procarmg first-class Spring ihssvs for Ole :elle conveyance of goods, we beg to re- in;nd the merehants and businees . men Of aeafortu thauthey are in a manner, in duty bound, to patronize ue. We hold otirselvee responeible for the safe carriage of goods entrusted to our care. . HIRAM COLLIDAY-81. CON October 2Jth, 1809, 5871y ONTARIO HOUSE, FALL & WINTER S IK L=.24, Very Complete, and selling at greatly Reduced Prices! CLOTHS, FLANNELS, SHAWLS and HOODS, 'in great variety. Fresh Groceries And Crockery. EDWARD CASH. Seaford], Sept, 29, 1869.. 53-1y. EXAMINATION OF Sal ool Teachers ! The Board of Public Instruction for the County of Huron, will meet in the Central School, (4oclerich, on Wednesday and Thur - day. the 29th & 30th days Dec., to 0f78 Inst., for the examination a School Teach - to 0:25 :ers. Candidates wanting Firat-Class Certifi- to 0:45 scates will be examined on both days; Third- to0:40 class on Wednesday, and Second-class on Thursday --both days at 10 o'clock a. m. , to 0:55 Before being admitted to an examination, to 0:20 •candidates are required, to present certificates to 0:00 of good moral charade 'signed by a Clergy - t 1000 ruan or Justice ot the Peace. o : D. H. RITCHIE. Secretary. 1869. Bayfield, Doe. 6th, 1869. 105-3in -50 to 53 a , TCAMPBELL. M.D. C. M., (Graduate e o McGill University, Montreal) Physi- ciao, Surgeon, &e.,- Seaforth. OFFICE. — SCOtt'S Brick Block. Residence—Mr. Sta ek's Main street. Seaforth, july 15th, 1869. 84-ly - 3 STRAY CATTLE. GAME on the premises of the subscriber JOHN WALSH Lot 8, Con. 4, MeKillop, on the 8th o'f November last,1 two yearling Steers, one brown and the dther red and. white, also a yearling Heifer, red and white. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take the same away MICHAEL MURPHY, 104-4in. McKillop, Dec. 1. NOT2CE., ri AME into the enclosure of the subscriber, Bat No. 1, con. 12, Grey, on the 19th of November, four black and white Hogs, about a year old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take them away. • WALTER A. BURGESS. ,Grey, Dec, 1st, 1869. 104 -Sin. :%JoTRAYED PIGS. CIAME into the premises of the subscrib- er. Lot 12, Con. 1, Mtanley, in May last, a black Sew Pie-. The lowlier is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take the same away. - PETER PHILLIPS. Stanley, Dec. ist, 1869. 104-4in. Begs to,inform his old onstornere and the public generally that he has on hand -the Ithest and. best selected stock of E A s Ever brought into this county, which he is prepared to sell LOWER than. any Montreal or Toronto Tea Company can. He will give you 0 A Good Tea for $0 621c. per lb, A very fine 'Young Hyson, 0 75 Extra Fine do do 0 87.1 Very Fine & Best Imported, 1 od t A liberal reduction made to parties pule chasing Ten Pounds and upwards. IURLA5-cuaLS He his also on hand a large and well By sending, One Dollar, you can leeted stock of have your hair made, to Mirl ft luxuriant eurs. Once' you get this re: G JR, 0 C 1R., I la; S i. eeipt, you ean always make it yourself, -at a CO.t of 2Le. pee bustle. Address, Wm. Y. JUDSON, Seaforth, I?. 0. see .1()tk. 1 LASSnLUTION OF PARTNE2SEIP. r E partnership heretofore existing be- t bweeu John H. Dicason and William M. Cray, as general merchants in orrie, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The busi- ness will be carried on as usual -by William Gray,, who will pay all -liabilities; and ail deb s due the firm will be collected oy bim. J. H W. M. GRAY. Witness, JOHN KAINE .November 1,5th, lea . ,104-2in. FARM SALE. - rri II sufbeeriber offers for sale on reasonable Weis, Lot 30, Con, 6, Town:lip of Witco, oulut".y of Bruce: The land is refill] is :and of good quality. 20 acres cleared, and the ie.:6ievinder timbered witl beech and mayie. The property is well wateree,.. a el ring creek 1 nnitug through it It is a 'corner lot, with a school heuee opposite. and ,only3 miles from Paisley. Further infor- mal:ion mire be al edit. inL at the 'Expositor" Office. WINES LIQUORS, Which he is prepared to sell Lower than ally house in the county. for Cash or Trade. Be- - low you will find the price of some of the Leading articles; 10 lbs Good Bright Sugar for $1 00 25 " Good Rice, 1 00 25 " Good Barley, 1 00 20 " Freell Currants, 1 00 12 " Good Valentia Ralsins, 1 00 Best Coffee for 25c. per lb. A Good Smoking Tobacco, 95c. " Good Old Rye, 90cper gall,. Extra Old Rye and Malt, $1 00 " Ile has also some of the finest WINES -a Bil'INCIES IMPPlaTEt l'he celebrated Marsden. Wine, which is de- clared by heilliStS and Medical men to be pu1 e. and equal in quality and flavor to the ALEX. CAMPBELL. best Port, and can be sold for less than half Seaford', I)ec. lst. 1""Alin.its price. / NIC IPAL rep afea aea etsW mHE ratepayers of Seaforti,. are requested 1 to call at my oltiee forthwith, and pay their taxes for the present year. a„;TAIIK., Collector. Sceaforth, Dec. 1st, 1869. FOR SALE OT .No. 20, in the 1,1th Concession of -14 Stephen. Terme liberal, Title good, Apply to Messrs Benson & Meyer, Seatorth, or to Muesre Cameron, McMiehael, Fitzger- ald se, Hoskin, Solicitors, Toront6. Sept. J Oth, 1669. 92-tf. TIT -14M. TIME. TOME. [F you want a 'A-atch that will keep the correct time, purchase one of Thomas Ruesell & Son's celebrated Watehes. A arge stock of them for sale at R COUUTER'S SEAFORTH. has also on hand a large assortment of Clocks, Jewellery, Fancy (loos, Toys, &c., all to be sold Cheap for Cash. • OrEvery description of Watches, cioas, and Jewellery Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and Warranted to give satisfactiona. The highest ,price paid for Old. Gold and Silver. M. .R. COUNTER. Seaford', Apilr 27th, 1869. 53-1y 'NT I 0 'I' 0 E 1 _A_ Itating Rink, DRILL SHED 82AFORTH. THE Supscriber having leased the above premises, for skating purposes, begs to solict the patronage of. the Ladies and Gentlemen of Seaforth and vicinity. A very comfortable Room has been fitted up for the exclusive use of the Ladies, also a Room for the Gentlemen. the proprietor will spareno pains to give his patronsaa good Rink, and keep everything orderly and cenifortable. The Rink will be well lighted, the Dressing Room well heated, and will be opened in a few days. RICHARD IlOWARD. Seaforeh, Nov., 29, " 10341 TRACY, M. 4, CORONER FOR - the County of 'Huron. OFFICE and RESIDENCE—011e door East of the laiethodist Episcopal Church. Seaforth, J. 14, 186• $. '53-1y1 Seaforth, Nov. 25th. Seaforth(Nov. 19 til. 99etf. W YORK The subscriber has JUST • OPENED • In the above House, A SELECT STOCK OF FRESH .GROCERIE AND LJQ t:TOT S ANT) - 7 -1111F -P T41 V 11 ED Ali of which he will sell at the LOWEST PAYING PRICES I The fact that the entire steek is Bresh from the wholesale markets, should be suf- ficient argument to induce patronage. FARM PRODUCE Taken in exchange for goods at Cash Prices. xr*Killoran & Rya 's oid stand, PEILIP CI, RP.