HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-12-04, Page 7cugforners -and the e has.'on hand the teak' may, which he is than any Ifcintteal an_ r you '81 ec.. per 1 O 75. • , O 87.1 - 64. zand well •ti "es,. (ewer ttiaz 1%113- ,a- Trait.% tbe t I 0 YOU WAr4717777- C aR. PURE unrExvi,c. 14) RA.INING COMBS„ trytITT.Y, CA 0 LORS, Go tc ROLL SI' E3,17.UGG, A •••• g (,o to EULLS'y III P. flr, FT. -of liteht coier, wi,7t ve';;-, e. :k along- 'ilia. -‘111:.te 1 1'-‘e, Lee. Any pere eiviree ii,ferut‘.-iee v.: will lead to, his 1:ta-,41,rtrr `WIt. 1): SALI, .1,‘„ r -....aeded by . MeKitio, lath, HE CANT') A 9,41 per .e•an. -4; firicA e WhiCh is de - :ha nita to be davor tO, the Jce.-.6. than half t b., Le prodder- , 1 114 *rrgrr, I: LI TaE Plek.e'E 71e, “enkee The Pte. that the se,',e;i"ri'eer makes this a,rtiele speeiality. ;cad (LA. intercling purehas,er.s who like the beet ihe market af- fords, to, at least, trv s:ock. I I /4-1 • I. . E. -k ; • '4i 4.--u .•r4t -wary .NAIL iN2i 2.A.)-1413 xid a select stock of Ste. -01.e and. Fancy Greeeries, a'eeeeys earel. J,.-k-.:NIES 1. t 2 ' 99 tf. IL.A.1-itEL and SCVIT I.44k 4,,,,.., I...., * -. . • Presiden1-. Secretary. " r Tur-s i5istles Certifieates of Mem- " n orielnall; 1,y it. o-thp e opelar pl:LI1 adopted. de membership,. :37.1)0 ; joint member- ri sale for a 11.1att awI f,:4i463. This, in ftfl Division, insures emir 1,1.7C f -r ,;35,,f000. -7-- WANTED A3 -.:itrvev), UNBIASED, 1.NTE1 _HONEST, 'tainiug 'by _ PEAULESS MEN, f()Ir the 'Mutual. Benefit jii ulckr-e or Life Insurance tomeanY. r • , etta - o i i Tbey mast Lq., uni,insti enoue,:-.1.1 to. be whir, 'a((/i,to tbeeovide investigalc it.ei- new.Systent ! ,..4 Life Insurance. 1 1 intel1i,4Liit ennue,-11 to appreciate it. ey to be f Hoittst enough To pati..: it. r ',mance, ! tut,t wit,..li conviii,vd of it superiority; 'ale. '1. fearliss nit(' alile to 11„•ze its c..w.:ilAittivble ar- ,1 gurneuts in erushiry all opveeitiere TO SUCH MEN '- ' Che :‘,futual I1( in:fit Company offer fil'st- tto. . .s 1 onfo.st class indite( -a-ents. Itk; Adtlress, R. to. the _ kqt1fur! A. G. General Ant. for Qntart• Seafordi., P X. B Per:orts- pracrrcd -vlio can canvass - ; succ, ;Luning 1, °P- w:to kliow 1.•;,;tethem t,,,,etttat ions aLd. . 10-tf. AGENTS WANTED. G.r..NT8 wanted to sell one of the hat paving invin iU1N in. the Provin00- ! raj discount win Le gist n to travelling : • a,„puts.. AlrOy at the l'...d7.0.51-i0/' Seaftell)ept. 24th 1689. Go To T. J. ST'S' tj -OYsTiER C): , 'or Ir1i(),,‘ s.1 .‘arttiltt Lol.stera, Pies, Litc u.1,1-314-r:t..a.s of every diecription. • LL N EL' )N- . /fresh Stock .1 14a r`4 ( posite Alef *A AN'S Old. Stand_ afar lel. 12, 1,5A. 1,1 1 44: • TBjE SEAFORTH IN.ew of the Week. Nr.. la Anne's speeCh at the Lord 31.a-ydr'sbanquet, and letters from (icistingtii.:4 led soutrces” in England, poking su(!iestions and enquiries, have been rgal'(Lod .I)y the Americans as'fav- .ourable to he settlement- of the ,banw eolith oveisv. In Irela id, a Fenian- is in the field as a candid ita for a -sent in Parliament for Queen' • Couttty ; and it is expect - .ed anothetwill he put forward for Mallow. le, _Government are said to be sending stror eknforcements into ;the comrher. - There lit VC 110t been wanting unfav. ,ourable i•ut uors as !O the perfectly -effec- tive world tg order of the Suez eamd, and telegrt ms couebed in -leng-inige more or 1 ss vogue htlye indicateo a feeling Of doubt, as existing, especially in Lendon, eit teis pint. Mr, de les? .seps has n mv. thought it needful t .deny tliese report:4. fle a1 Is attention • to the faqt-, liar in 10 days no lem th: n I fifty vesssle; sail.ed tht wigk the Canal. I Despatcl ee ft .w em.k, Dublin and I...ripper:3.u, -opert filet there have. be:ei several Fee ian Demons.krations in var- ious par of . Irelend AG Tip- perary 'au Ulonmel the proeeedings were riotoi s ; Fclii:all Songs were sung Ly On m ,!) vehile Marehing in procession .4nd several how. -.0-1-011 the line of maivb ---,Tvere stone -1 and riddled. /it Cork the ,. foortisans of Mr. a'Donovan Rosso (Tie-- lwated tit; t. "gentleman's-. election td rarliamen With a arand turchlilit. --- proces;sion and other proeeediu.s. .Everythin Tassed -off without dist urb- Alice. - .. Tlie Tim q, referring to the possible tessidia of r Statesi sily. -:---" brom the preSeisit As- pect of affii iee wc:; should he. disposed to .expect the emu pletion of the treaty to that eff,e,.t. Su.::11 a bargain wow(' J4e Le benetivit. 1 not only to the uvrties . concerned, mt to Fair pe-ar d theAvorld The Amen•ilauscould lose but little -while thei might gain a great deal. 'The islaud ougt to lfer?orne a ne'a em . porium for teade, an1. in the creation of suchmI‘ com Teizil stations no j) O)1- are more deepl 7 interested than ourselvee." .01 Domine-o to the -United FR A NCE: • Spain must not even be diseussed ; it grants religious liborty; it declares that slaves have no riglits,.....nnlessf acquired by emancipation; it gives 04 suffrage to all (except slaves) who ca'n lead or write; and places .ceetain restrictions ein • slavery, Which _question is to be dealt with in. another Bat! A manifesto has been ,;issneg by the Rep u bl jean Deputies 0± the Cur tes, .c -using the Provisioind `,6-0,verilnient of having provoked the late revolutionary movement. It annoneces, however,. that the reputies will 'resume their seatslin •the Cortes to defend the righte of the people,. ond stiive to establisu a 'Feder -- al Republic throughout, by. whith aone Call the- nnian 6pain and Portugal, and the preservation of the Colonies be effeeted. 7 a(Tvicem fret)) the Phil li pine Is: lands, says a furmilleble reactionary con- gpi] ?ley has .been -discovered at Manillr. Many arrests were ni ido. The ,rind-. pal per5on implicated eononitted Suicide when he. found -diescheme had been frustrated. In the Cortes tlie Republicans mov- ed 11 voto of censure against the Gov - emu) eni, for the arbitrary ;use of power. The niotion..waS.rejectea by 146 to 35.. It is stated:that over 30,000 volunteers 1 in all havebeen senit to Cain.. In opening • the , Senate and Corps Leoislatif, _he Eniperor said. "it is .., not easy to eTtablish releuier and peace- ful liberty ill Frai ee. ‘For 1110iiths paRt, boeiety has seemed to • be menace d by - subversive pzissions, and freedom com- promise1d r the excesses Of the press and 'of pubt. c assemblages ; but coalmen sense has Already prop.'Hy judged these culpable e eig,gerations, which, after all, have .erved bult to prove the solid- ity of the 1iice lininded by popultu. suffrage. :Int* this rincert:tinty and trouble mu .t last no longer. The will of the people mnst be made. known. From•e Nvtlits ,libertv,_ with or ler. Cider, I 411swer forlIelp me, Nes- . sieurs, to - sedive liberty. Between those why would change- all, and those who would geantnothing, a glorious .course may be chosen." The Emperor continued as follows--" We have rf as - on to be 1 loud Of our epoch. The New 'Worlt1 suppresses slavery ; Russia frees the e -ifs ; .Englarid renders jus- ,tiee to _Ireland ; Bishops are mooting at Rome ft - wise and conciliatory pur- poses_; the wogress of science ttraws na- tions.closet to (!actli oulle.r, while Allictri ca unites the .A.thintic end the Po 1,h( Eirei•ywher •capital and intelligenee combine to coane3t. by electric wire1;01 . . ni.tion:e Feale.te awl Italy will soorPhe joined by a tunnel through the Alps ; and the,..;:'.1tez Ctinal has already .united the Mediterranean and fled Sett.' -',— The followi ig is a• synopsis of -reforms promised ,jn the Ftuiperor's speech :7- -1141aym.s al e to be chose% from the iit unici 1 !al i't ' es ; the At It ni Pip: d i ties tire to be eleeted by: ,univer sal sier;IgP ; COMM IT i d - ouncils are to be estabtished fresh p1 10,-atives.are to be granted the .Councils Generaux : The colonies are to putieipate i»the movement ;,tiniver- is.to be extended ; there is re 'rapid- developement of teation ; -a diminution of the and a- 1-4.dnetion of wtir kings b4riir. system is to be ESal stifir,,ge to be a nu pt imary costs ;of jui tax ; the si extended; to be in tdei -and there A letter dated San Domingo, Nov. 20, represents that all the Dominican leaders, anion°. them Baez Pimert d - nnci k..ittorti are pieoge_u Lo annexation to the :United tates. Presidcdt Baez is ready to open negotiations when as- stuvd that tlic Congt.ess' Of the "United States will make the necessary a ppro- ptiations. ic i 1 tu,ans of Piniertzil are-scatterin rr han_dbills favo.a, ilia the seneine. - A dykes from :the interior of Cuba are to the that, hunger and miSe.ry xevail to an aitirming extent. Tno column undEr col. Hidalgo lately found 4 hilt ill the initv of Palma, Sti epntaining the lifeless bodies of eight persons who had died by starvation. T.T.N.r.PrED ST &TES. 'Albert D. Richardson, formerly. war correspondent, and long attache of the New N'ul;k Tribune, was shot and thought to oe - da-egerously wounded, by Daniel McFarland, a lawyer by pi ofgssiou, between. whom and Richard on had existed fur a considerable time pastlan ,eetrangetnent. caused by the alleged in, iinaey of the former 1,, ith the latter'wife. Ile is'enot expected to recover. bas : been arrest - .ed. . - • A petition has been. within tlie pest . throe (Lip ree,(tiving over thirteen thou - sued signatures in Phibarelphin, asking. kloncsress to accord to the infant Re- . Albin: of Cuba. the right of a belligerent r'? . ,.,ower and to recognise her inklepen- • dence• GENET,i,ATe. The Jews are the object of pereen- don in Russel. Under en oij law some- 2,00.0 .of these- umfertunate per- sons -haVe 'been removed from their home on the frontier to the interior. I 1 t is not believed that the Emperor will sanction these proceedings Dispatches trom lionie state that the EXPOSITOR. iwnter ;- with dressing rooms, so that you can bring your best clothes in a satchel awl change to get your picture taken. „Frank Paltridge also keeps the aegative, and no fear of losing the picture of some near and dear friend. His best work is not at the door, but up stairs, . one flight, and turn to the right hand, where yoq will find -Frank always at home and in good emper. pictures shown are of his own make, and not 'nought or borrowed to decoy the public. He guarantees ,se.gis- faction or no pay. Just walk lip to Frank. Paltridge's Gallery, his ,,peci- melts are worth looking at, °and you will be sure to see SOMA; person's picture• you know. It you don't want your pie - titre, never mma ; just walk up, he will 1,0.glad to see you. Remember, jt is in 85 tf d:TO T1DEST. The British American BRYANT; STRATTON & ODEL VONSO L DATED BUSINESS CC IL ECE. Nqw the-"iiirgest,- nice; ex FensiVe and com- plete litjed..-NS SCHOOL ill the country. it has the lart„qest stair of Teaelrs, the mo, -.t practicald-anbest adapted business forms, and the best arranged and Ines conimod ious apartments. -It is under the management of thor.ough business men. fully alive to all the require- ments of all the business community. The .advantages and facilities ali-ordod in thi inStitution are quailed in the coun- try, and no youne- man -should enter a busi- ness C...reur w:if:tout fully availing liimself of its benefAs We were awarded the FIRST- PRIRE in BUSINESS' WRITING at th.. late Provincial Exhibition at London. As this is the Sixth consecutive year. that We have taken this prize, we feel confident that there can be but one opinion as where to go to learn to -writ( . Por specimens of wi iting. bank notes, cir- eulars, &c., . address, , - ODELL & TROUT, 'Toronto. Toronto, October. 8th-, 1869. 96-4m. DAIRY and FACTORY At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S, - • r, uiSP-EilSAFIY 11 B3f,AFORTH • amily rtiruo. Store. has just received ri kt D E let1 • Spring Importations 1.if Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals an() l'atent i\ledicines, French, ing1is1i and American- Berfumery ; Hair Dressings, Oils,. aial Pomades 21 11 air , Tooth, Nail and :•'',hav- hig Brushes ; and 1 InC400th (10111b8; Toilet -and Shaving &e. HorseCattle Medici2tes, - _Condition _Powders, etc , DYF members of the (1.,:rcur enCial Council will meet at the Vatican 011 the Sidi of December, and at the conclusion of the preliminary ceremonies the Pope vjIl 1 announce' the opening of the Council. or- humane regtdoticms are: for the labor of childien, • to be an increeseOfSflialI Eahtries in public .oflices; uscful meas- nres couue .ted -with agricelture are promised, ee aA enquiry into the ex- t cise ; a1 -.o ; -pro,-;e:A of law repr ling ! customs ies. The. speeeli says that the saint -Ho i of th0 Empire is satisfac- ! tory-, that its 'foreign relations are the subjeet of of 'gratulation; that i Is fi nan - yes are fo !IS MIS, alld that th, nun- tkArli uiiut p %,ve Oat _France is capable of supporting fee() institutions which are tne honor o civilised countries. The draft is a curion.' ../.1,pressive C (Aavertisement.) •Sorn.ething Worth Reading. The ,succeFs that has at tended the faithful, and intelligent study of Photo- graphy ha been so great, that o ne can (ret their own inki (re peroPtuated to ;Jos- terify. ID is a great orivilege,to have a good pri..ctiHd. Artist, ooe who- thor- e.tiughlvinaleistands the business, as al- so one who is stationary in 11 nlape, to whom Yetican go Avith confidence, with the assuranee of not getting disappoint- ed in getting a correct, artistic., faithful likenesse and from witom yott can get in.cturee at any future time from the negative once taken. The days are past f r those :who drop 'down for a week or two and are off again, h 0- avin ,. no interest at stake, and caring very little whether their custdiners ale pleas- ed or „nit, they off; but not so with -our Old .Eetaldished and thorotwitly pratfical rniott.Igrepher,Frank Paltridge, who etands to dey the ilcknOWletiged head tilld leading Photographer i» this section of the counti V. is a ical live man -op to every wriokle in the business; is very Oliging ; • and has romns, accommodations and facilities for executing work .seluorn met. Hcy. has rooMs and apartments for every- thing. Good pictures cannot be made where the fumes of so ninny different CheiniC;11S COMP. it iniillecjiate contact SPA IN. with each other, and producing gasses fetal to making pod pictures. Hie; constitution for Porto Rik) rooms are. in Seota's _thick Mock, near combination of liberal and Sluirp's•Hotel, ;indunder the Exeosr- iactuiente. Separation [rein TOR ()like, C04.4 in summer, w arm in STUFFS • Qf very Superior Quality. HYSICI Prescriptions accurately prepared, R. litT)ISDiri]N5 Pharmaceutical Chemist. cafortli.. April 22. 53-tf. LI3TfrES 1 Lz FANCY :NOTE PAPElk, PLAIN STATIONERY 11 In great variety, , SCT -IO MK) K 8, Carler and lralkdoils Inks, Blue and Red Inks, Bibles, Prayel Books, Hymn, Books, Blank Notes, Blank Account Books, &e. &GENT .1..)QR THE r-v.SEAFOPTH "EXPOSITOR." Dails Globe and Daily Telegrapu. William Elliott Seaforth., J-cly 22, -16b9. NO-TICE. !FY Wife, Mary :ticKay, having left my 1 ti bed and board without just cause or provocation, this is to caution all parties from giving her credit on my account, as - from this date I will not be responsible. for 'Country- Produce taken in exchange for OAT AND ORN MEAL At SCOTT ROBBRTSON'S CHOICE FAMILY At SCOTT IthBERTSON'S Tr4 TN returning his Sincere thanks to the public for the very liberal patronage he has -received sim e coining to Seaforth, • begs to say that Le h ts on hand another large lot of AnEriSCHTS HEAVY PLATE STOVES I Pox, Parlorl and Cooking, all of which be -"-• ill sztll as cheap as other people sell an in- fenor tkrticle. Everybody knows that the BEST CO Alf OIL IN THE 6oUNTY is at Whitney's. Lamps, Chiminies, Wicks; etc , in _abundance. A large stock of ALL KINDS OF TIWARE always on band, Ea'e-Trousghing, Tidand Sheet Iron Roofing done in first-class style. - All kinds col Jobbing promptly attended to. CISTERN PUMPS AND LEAD PIPING. Old Iron and Copper. Cotton Rags, Wool and Wool Pick -ens taken in exchange. Seaforth Sept. 24th, 1869. 43-tf. - •;•71:5 i ind NAi TT,.. AS. _III 1 SUPERIOR Black and Green TEA Si! At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. EXCELSO -0TOGRAPIII OALLERY. W. P. PAGET - Artist THE undersigned begs to infi rm the in of Seaforth and surrounding country, that he has taken tbe Gallery for- merly occupied by Mr. C. Paltridge, A Pew Doors _North, of Dr. Smith's (flee, and Opposite Veal's Store. Where he -mil, always be ready to -please his patrens and give satisfaction to those who favor him with a call. SURE AND GALL to see Lel his specimens, they speak for the Artist and will convince you that he is First-Cliass. REMEMBER The place is Opposite Veal's Grocery, Main Street, Seal, rth. 'WILLIAM P. AGET, Photo. Artist. 85 em. Seaforth. July '22, 1869 - FIRST BRANDS OF Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO . At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. OTICE OF .4:4;t1iedite "S it \--" , REVAOVAL. rpHE mbscribers beg to notify their cus- tomers and the public generally that they hay° removed To the Store lately occupzed by A. Mitchell Second Door A bove 117 S Robertson' s _Italian 1Varehouse, Where they will keep zonstantly on hand a large stock of FRESH FAMILY GROCER IES and PROVIS/0:51-4, XXX FAMILY FLOUR, and all kinds of Mill & Chop Feed. any debts she may eontract' Wm. MeIN.AY. NI CH )2, )vT., 12A. 1A1 -3in FRESH G ROI! ND J 1rr tr tq, C toffee, At SCOTT ROBERTON'S, -Groeeries, Provisions, Flour and Feed. All goods purchased from us will be delis-. ered Free of Char.% in any part of Seaforth, 1 , hriA,,lE into the premises of the Bilbscriber. Iiarpurbey, or Egmondville. 1U Lot 32, Con. 4. McKillop, on or abant Fanners may exchange wheat, &o:, for the Jt of October two Steers, one dark ren, Flour and Feed at oul- mill, at the highest . the other around three years old. The owner value. NEW • FALL GOODS! AT onthronez Son s CONSISTING OF Ready -Made Cloilika; BOOTS 8a, SHOES, , + 'CANADIAN & ENCLISH TWEEDS Flannels, Winceys, -Fancy Dress Goods, Breakfast Shawls Clouds and Hoods, Prints, . Grey Cottons,(cheap) Also a thoice Int of GROCERIEgl Always kept on hand. J. Bonthron & Sons, Opposite Hickson's Old Stand. Seaforth, Dec. I, 52-tf THOttiPON MBANK'S his numerous -customers for their liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will- receive its continuance. lie has now on hand a Ialze . assortment -of Geed Sound Green }enikckt 1 \Thigh he warrants 'will give satisfaction. ALSO, .200,1100 _FEET :Of . - • ... . • Crir •,Fon • KiltDINC MID GENERAL NITIPOSES Which he offers on liberal terms. Orders will be promptly attended to. He has alAo on hand a large assortment of WELL SEASONED ACOGWITS!! To which he calls the attention of his olhl customers,_who find it to their advant- age to retire them promptly, and -Without legal proceedings. Seaford), July 1.5th, 1869. 84-tf- Goods Delivered n any part of the Vilige, when bought At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S, AG -NTS WANTED, rn TO $75 per month, c1earofallex- tWOU penses, guaranteed to all industrious agents who will take up the work, which is very light, as well as profitable. For ciren- lar and pattieulars, address BOX 32, Seaforth, Ont. October 22, 1869. -98 NEW VALE.NTIA Raisins A7,- Currants At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. OFFICES TO LET. ,017, excellent offices to let in Scott's New Brick Block. Apply at _Seaforth. Jan. 27. 1860. MeCA LTO HEY & HOLMSTED'S. be - STRAYED. I is requested to prove property iay enarges, W.A. Shearson &Co,; and take them away. JAMES 11A SI 1 rith, 52-1v, Nov., 8. ' • q • 1+7,, .ce.;