HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-12-04, Page 6MV'N e, ` �.�t (.X� ;K. r .. ¢�{ (''1,jxy' ']N� �E�y�/, /'(�1 'jam•{@ TH EAF6I r .i L1.�h'R .O.J i Rosi EDUCATION. taining the bonds and other papers be - N¢.. 6. THE TEACHERS QUA:LIFICATIONS. We have already spoken of ni and manliness besides possessing the teacher should be a roan. of e 1n no .josition in society is this q cation more required than in the -•f mon bcllool. In fact the. teacher reality a sort of galvanic battery the: amount of labour ."which he is ble 'of performing depends upon a mount of energy which he•i = ca of putting forth from day to clay. he' is sluggish in .his movements or lass in manner, his l upils will soo come of the sante disposition • mental._Logpor' win pervade all operations. .On the other hand i teacher is lively and energetic, if ever on the alert to stimulate the i ferent ;to action and the sl uggisl attention, a spirit of enthusiasm soon be aroused, which will go fa lighten labour and promote success; besides the di•ect advantage there i indirect influence on the whole•chaara which should not be lost sight of. - old saying "Just, as the twig is beet tree's inclined," applies in this case 1 ticularly well: Tlie, boy who learns be enthusiastic i>liis studies will clo less be so in business or. profe;ssio duties. The feeling Will grow with growth and strengthen �i ;lh hisstren and the result will be tlrfrt a race of wi 11 grow tip with force of charawter • ambition to .which the past can- furl/ n parallel. INDUs1Ry —On no point is .it L the teacher has ,;cors; serious short -co ings =tan .on this. We have no besi. tion' it saying that more teachers fa through a. want of well directed indt try than through a. 'initural drs chili .l''ai Some reason or other they are uv ' eom e with- a speci s of- Somnol en which dampens all their efforts to ,si -- deed.. Either throngh a . Dick of 1n -op supervision or fr-in other man 'all physical indifference, f�'atter away\ tl school hours lirofitlessly and make , t ,:little impression .on the minds or Mil i of their pupils. This is Lxcce{iiigl culpable and deserve s, the most spoken conclerunatiorf. • The preciou season of our iooldatys is ~Leve al s .sons-:�thR most h portant of life. .Ili formation of the. limits of after year ,,tile development of the character, tli cltltivationo of the mind with sal it transcen exit powei••s ; these all clepei to1a_•l'erv. neat extent upon the industry and application of the teatcher. If Le file lects through ear•les; ess to assist whe1•e aseist,711ce is'required, discour- agement takes place, clisconteiht soon ftl'llows, and that pupil May from (Iha t time contract' at hatred for stuc y, which may affect his future.- happiness and usefulness. If he neglects to reprove or to. investigate real or imagined g is \ - anees, a pupil way leair1) 'to ilipose up- on his fello,V, and thus 1. v the founda- tion for a disposition w hiCli must prove annoying to lxiuise;f, and. perhaps Ii,is c rlevou' in the eoiunn nrty. In sllOr't,- the'tea:Ale . should be'untiring in his ef- forts to promote the h;ii^Iricwpy and pro- gress of his sc•hool.. His :should be an energy that •never tires, an, ind'isth'y that never slumbers, and thus by his example as well as by precept, he would lie a:Lle to impress elements of chatraict- er upon his pupils which �+°.ould ensure their usefulness and success Mental.l qualifications will lie conisd- creel in -our next. orality these e) 41. nalifi- Com- is in , and cepa n the nable If list - n be- nd a their f.the he is ndif- i to will r to and s an cter The the S to r7 u nal ills bt'_he n aria d ish hat tat- is - till shy- cy lc er or to it is v s 1 e s, e s c1 For Overshoes aua Felt work, go to Coventry's - BOSTON was recently the scene of an unusually skllrul and adroit burglary. '.rhe New York un of,1 e' 5 hnclauy, gives the .following-partic ll tisi—On opening .the vault of the Boylston Bank, of I;.istori, yesterday morning, the ofhcer5- missed 8500,0000 worth of bonds. . On the 20th of October last:; one W. A. Judson bought out a lather shop in the b ticlirhg acljoiniuing the ci.iiik, and, neer=the-store of George' B. Melton - He. put in a large- stock of .bottles Libelled ec -"California., Bitters," l`he walls of the shop e wainscotted longing to individual who had deposit ed them for safe keeping. 'They broke these open at their leisure and selected the"bonds thele, and threw the :boxes and the other papers back on the floor=. The roobtrs were wise 'enough not to waste their time on, an inner safe of steel. "NEW YORK HOUSE." 11ie subscriber has JUST i PENE In the above House, A SELECT STOCK. OF FRESH GROC; RIE W.IN s A;eD LIQU0RS AND Ail of ; hjch he 'will sell at the LOWEST PARING PRICES The fact that the entire stock from the wholesale markets, should be suf- ci�ent i argument to induce patronage. FARM PRODUCE Taken in exchange for goods at Cash Prices. e stand. T iilarall & Ryan.'s old PHILIP CLAPP. Seaforth, Nov. 251:11. 103 tf. CHRISTMAS Is Cl/- Ir ►- And so is. r L �S� ' ON '-S A , CHRiST: 11�1A��'CC®DS Also, S ASE AND CdAIFO�,T. 'THE r.SSi C OF PER}Lv ti amu) T. T.nere is nothing so valuable as Perfect Sight, and Perfect Sightean only be obtained by using Perfect Spectatles, the difficulty of procuring which is well known. Messrs. Lazarus & Morris, Oculist's & Opticians, Hartford, (Donn., Manufacturers of the Celebrated Perfected Spectacles: Have after years of Experience, and thFe erection of ;costly machinery, been enabled to produce that Grand Desideratum, Perfect Spectacles, which have been sold with rm.iri#"tdc1= satis- faction to the wearers in the 1Tntte(1 States Prince Edward's Island,' anal 1}ofninion of Canada, during the past nice years those Celebrated Perfected. Spectacles never` tire the eye, ancllast many years without (`Thange Sole Agent for �ieafofith, M. It. Couinter, from whom only they can be procured. LAZA1t,US, MORRIS & CO., Seaforth, Nov., , .. 76-1y WE EMPLOY NO PEI)L IS.S. SEA.- O T U- r incurred a heavy expense in FTAV1NU procuring first-class `ijring plays for the safe conveyance of goods, we beg to re- mind the merchants acrd business hien . of �Seafortii that they are in a manner, in duty bound, to lis) trop ire u::. We hold ourseltxcs reslho hsible f er the safe carriage of goods eiitrust(;d to our care. H Arol 0LLIDAY Gig SON!p October 29th, 1869:• • 58-ly STRAYED STEER. TRA ,'ED into the premises of the eub- o wilier, :Lot 20, north side Ba,. field Road, Stanley Tien chip one Heifer witht au Lar nark, bearing the - name of a i\icEwirg.:. Tne owner is rc peek(' to pro- e property, pay expenses, and take the same away.. JOHN PA `!'ON. Stanley No tenger 19. 102e4ir V �,D V' 1.6.rPria l if ' WINES . ERMINES i gPO° TE'D ; i , � cti � The fae��thw� the sii:>>,r;li.;r makes the T 1 article a specitl't ' - i Begs to inforin' i is'nlcl cuafcii'riers °and the' public gen rally that he has on fiend the &est anti bests 1icted stock of Ever t�roiigl t into this county, which he is prepared to sell LrltV''R than any Montreal or Toronto Tea Company can. He will give yob. A Good Tea for .$() 62.1c. per lb. A very fine Young Hyson, 0 .i Extra Fine do (lo 0 87' Very Fine & Best Imported, 100 Try I i. s i� 3c. Tei: A liberal reduction made to parties puur. chasing Ten Pounds and upwards. He has also on hand a, large and well se- lected stock of C p, 1-1 I s 1 LfQLDo RSy: Which he is prepared to sell Lower than nny house in the county, for Wash or Trace. Be- low you will find the price of some. of the Leading articles 10 lbs CijodBright Ssigaar for 5 " (food Rice, 2,3 .d Good rani.- -, 20' " I rc h Currants, - 12 .d Good ti aleniia its<ne Best Coffee for 'joie. per lb. A Good Smoking T3baecope 2,:c. ; Good Old live, 90c. per gall. Extra Old 13.ye aid SS.lait; Si. 00 «:. 1 •0} t`o0I 'oi R E ClU if: YOU WANT ATNT, ...ILS, TUiNT1x1 , Y 4I1(; COM:I3S, For, ruInE GO t 0---' O Al i) O LO RS, &e,, ROLL Ie P TdI T �^�"� t'�••. ,. . ter a. F'. m_.',i.8i.•�• R; - TIIREE red color, 'Sri a'I t . g • l:auel. and white `•fir c!' ' �. son ''r t 11i :inch r;af• �i"r:a ' ; ('=31 a.,, his eel:e�'ery, -will li:::err:' , , r`. h,, to C az. ', '?;, t: 0 i:oicer 13th, 1 f`;i9' 1ITE GANT' f �, n �'it l� along the ' . Any per - Will lead tc • ...4=•dddby " t)iII. a ITe has also' souse of the finest - - IN TILE .PAST C e a a ,r41 GC r�5 THE PLACE. Kt 1,1 he celebrated Marsden. Wine, which is c.e- cl Glared by Chemists and Medical amen to be pure and equal in quality and flavor to the best Port, and can be sold for less than calf e r R ' its price. Have Reproved to their New Brick'Store Where. they witl keep constantly- .efir. hand. the LA ST EST AZc TED Stock at P.R OCERE AD LQUO$! Everroffered for sale in this' County, At Prices that will en -- sure :Satisfac-kion„ They respectfully' invite ail their' old cus A MELODEON _ F Comers, as even <'ts_tice general public, to give OR_: SALE A � [.9 .I them a call before lnu caaslaig elsetivhere. VALUE 870, r At- C.- ARMSTRONG'S BOOK STORE. c99.3m - Seaforth;. Nov.- 25th, 1869. l l� 11 i -- WineONTARIO HOUSE) ,. � are � -• � ' � up to the ceiling. Judson put a l�si'ti o1,. tion which cut off Ilio fioLt collier ofFALL &W_Ii\TTER emelilbe1E the. place':---tll�; room, avd i tli a rivets p BillerLarge Brick Store East side` iii :e, in which Le.so-ctit out the wails ' .T Q C K S,`, Very Complete, and selling;at of Flail. -street. 'greatly l-IOTEL KEEPERS and others wanting: goods in large quantities are invited to An-. spect the stock. coat, over the wall against which the safe stood as to -(Guth a door six feet Lich and four feet: wide. . He- plated. hinges at the top. fhf"tins, so tliat;i,t could be iatis�d or lowered at pleasue0,•.at d d ibis the night, aided byas.�'-• ; � � S1„� 1Li t5; vt�ohlik d on the twenty-ini'h w)11 l,elhind it,-i'e:�tnoving brick. by brick 111'til: a hole bald been made through it and the back of the fir, ih kafe exposc;d. The dc' • bris was l,atref(.111v i)aidk(;'ci a tate 71 boxes and lapelled wedding, atr,d club• ing daytime the f 1h e door was 1::t down 5u as t) igfi'E,d tt' l i', conceal ill. ,t. Oli,t; nine bet Nt et•u ��a( , c1:rday i ight: end :�s()'.1 .i” rd rile �• tlrityd -t tura:(: E-•,' .tE-€-n • in, hi N;' tic ttifLug)) tine a: c; tith'ata. ,; i, 7?-. : �:: 1' c ,` i 11I'i ti =ea. .._ .. (;. c 1., — - CO Reduced. cet •• Prices ! CLOTHS, FLANNELS, S IA VLS. and. HOODS, In great • variey. n c:r 0! C - And Crockery. EDWARD CASH. -uaforth. Sept,... 09, 1869. 3f 53-1y. KILLOILN & RYAN. • aeaforfh,.�Tov. 19th, 1869. 10 2-3m. F T INS() h NENT ACT OF 1E61-. In the Matter of WILLIy1 I'd FER- ° (a U;,ON Au. Insolven t. ON Saturday the' Si:Ja ..di y of N o- veinbeh next, .:11e undersigned will fapply to the Judge of the County Court or the County of Huron for - ' - a C11St11dh'cc` unuer be • 3 '['i; A('Ir,I.' D. FOR the said Act. n , CORONER, F(R>33 WILLIA141 Fif PGUS �.� . tile C'c#un: t)f I Turc,:n. � , 1 C 4. -area ame,1 . �_ :1N. .1)/1:;N 'I.--- .tilt' ctot;r.•Las : of -the V. _By i4T. ( {613 11::7�v�T .�ic:tliocii� �.- t I;c,rclt. L ace), red., 4. u. 14, .10(ib. (• l is .A tto1 iw'p, 1 53-il.l Goi elit�li �0tll,�r g, a.l). lbfJ9. 91-21.... .Sea.fc#rtla,aa'�ov. Seaforth, Nev. 19th. . ._ .. 99-tf. AUCTIOK SALE OF VALUABLE IMPIOvID- IG `ii, li` L STAT, IN THE VILLAGE CF HARP3Ey' J3y virtue of Power of Sale contaiae,1 it .a certain 1%1 orb age, which will be produe- ed at the sale, on Tuesday, gist day Dec r, 1869, At Twelv=e o'clock noon, AT .SHARP'S _ I<IOTL IN THE VILLAGE OF SEAFOR "H. HOUSE...AND LOT _ ! >R.ARRCRNEY. Village Lilt slumber 23 (W orsley's Survey), in the ;Village of liar pnrhe' , containing b admeasurement 45 perches of. Land, more o less,.on which is erected. a Brick Cottage. TERM . Oiie-tenth of the - pro ch,s�e money- to - be . paid down:on. the day of Sade ; for balance, , term will Abe oracle knownerb the sale. For further particulars apply to 1 JONAS AP JONES, Esq., Solicitor, Masonic Hall, Toronto-st., . cl Toronto, Nov. _16th, 1869. Tcronto.10- 103-iti • I ��, s.to; tst ateti1 all interding purchasers who like the later,, tl:ic:Ill�,rket af_ 1 fords, to, at least, try his -stock. - J. L/1 ors And a select stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, a1_ways un halal. JAMES C. L AIDL W. fn ober ober Oe •�;}1,13 n r 9.,tz= - BAitit. ,L- a id . A - ..t' SCOTT r'�t l}Li'11�1�',-3 T';S tf'4. sie.t..:4,4 CV. or- HARTI-0 S. A: ENSIGN, . W. H. G ILBE RT, President: Secretary. 1i (S Con an issues Certificates of Mem- bership rship on the popular flan adopted originally by it. e,ingle membership, 87.00 Joint member- shill, for a roan and wife,!;31-1(30.. This, in a full Division, insui es your life LA. ,000. WANTED AS GE: TS, UNBIASED, INTELLIC -GNT HONEST, E ; AELES,S MEN, for the - Mutual Benefit Life'Insui:ance 'onmpany, They must be linbiases. enough to be. nail- lin,+� to a/tome/MMily investigate; its nc;wSys�,cn al Life insurance. Intelligent enough to tan, cpreeinte it. Honest enough to prefer it. And when convinced of ite superiority,. fearless and able to use its i;i •v- gable ar- guments in .crushing all opposition - TO SUCH MEN The Mutual Benefit Company. offers first- ass inducements. STRAP CUTTER. . The subscriber desires to intimate to the public ;that he is sole agent in Seaforth for the sale of.. • - MAXWELL. & ; ILITELA iV S Celebrated 8'.R. _ C UTT R Hyl SE A F - o- pO SEI. Also for Mass,y's improved Grain Crashers. A STOCt. KEPT CON-1TANTF'.jr=.i: liA POOR COPY Address, A. C. MTIE.CAL1 General Agent. for Ontario • Seaforth., P U_ �T B —Persons preferred who can canvass Suceleisfnlly among people who know Noaaisrep •esentai`tions medecl. thehm. Nov. 2,3th, 156, 1t)3-tf: AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS wanted to soil one of the best 7 pay ing il1%Lntizine. in the Province. A liberal discount will be given -to travelling agents.. Apply at the .I..tpoeitor °thee:. Seaferth, Sept. 24th 1589' 42-4' GO TO T. J. STiIONS' PP SEI) i 1'? For Fresh Oysters; Sardines, Lol;sters, Pies, "es, ancLaweeiis of every de eriptiou, CALL AND EE OLIVER C. WILSON. 1 His .s is Fresh ! f Market Square, t;/c' 19219th. 1869. Opposite McCAINN'S Olt. Stand. G€� aforth, Feb. 12,.18) L. Cakes, hh 3 t i stint making, been re .oura.i,I ',: ham,#'. In. _1 s a ea z for Qu ano Mallow be se It T11'r .ural '14; ti ve v and more feeling i 11 L• seps li t!i deny t.l to tiie 1 fifty vis Desi 'ripper seyerai Ions perary by the and se‘ were Fier tical': 1aateci Paria process ,El/ ct. t This ,des kith pect _of :exile that e' be bei concern The s hili 'The lta1' 1 Drum such ,eco an or-{' 'd In Legisia` not ea- •fu1 boeiety subver Prot ,and sense ih cuipal>1 nil, Iii ity s,ifr i t; trier', „slewce, those. ;tin e0,,urSe con.taai .on to New frees t' :flee. ,at ii poses .tions a an c �. Every ombii` n1,,}r10'. joiner and th:± the The prof ..ay Iii1111�. to be t;•xnn�i� fresh 1: Count. to pi:ti' sal str to be Fun; costs .? tax -4t extei:h(` to he and ti. ��ailatri 1 es hrpiiia casIoni the sit tory;' sabj e: .ces b.4rsN Muppo? the11 c The is a xi pr