HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-12-04, Page 3—
the Globe.)
siortil allowance of $450 and DO more.
Aereduction of four dollen per day is
to be made. for each day of non-attead-
ance unless occasioeed by siekeees,
..k.Y. member is. to be' entitled to the sessional • '
_ allowance for less thati 31 da3,-8 attend_ ..
A t-f.r go. it:t0' OM mica,
. Neinbt rs may iiriew four dellara - •
wiafereitaing fro% tt day an amonet, bat it irs etoeto,_ ,
a he sum to be , stipariated that the bahteee al; , ti 1(-• ,s,„„ r -
asaapenses of aT--4Y 1 tuined by the Clerk- of die House • tilt-
. , L ).
k taseinst unoccu 1 the end of the aesaion. Eieth taetnbee • •
a a
:lan(kt itir. Me I is to he allowed ten rent: t or toile f
. n the fact of a. 1 his travel-111,g expenatta gon g and Qom,.
i -
'tseeteet lands, Le.-- . ieg by t tat shorteat Di:Ail rtlutO beraeem i
...1,11:.,(s. a ,,kialg hi8 rooidenee and the city ofr.li(}11:al.'idt 04.
r•ils tn. eiter than; Me, -Trow's Aeses.5uneeit llill w•• , • ' - 1
tut therefore tit',.: iseernal tune and orderee'r to be rescsor4 .•
, .
4 was too gma.t. to a Select. Cotaraitteee i
p. ettatteteirel that
,nia be unjust ' Tvitanste-t k. :
the 111: •iitat waa 1 Shartiy after the II ouee had assernhlt
fart- her increase ; eil Me, ,Fjoy a t'al toil al ten iolA to the
t. .tett the stn.tetneIkt whieh. had `aease-seed in ttbh.:
look for ; editor -rid. columns of k
the ittt.'e'
.... I
• • i . .
,,,nviz npon ste 114 oyea tht.tt pre-Cketi..tYuce I"Up t eh intIalTly
,. i i
e replied k0 the , giyee, 1,y the Clerk of the P.:it-ale Billa '
a Ferguson. eta; Committee, .
to . f"!
. ft .,e, -areat Westel-n over..
E,. sap -parted the' the Littlejohn: lksi.}....Y bill- - Re
e t an ou,Imeg ‘t,71:
ilRouse wea1 stopped by isembe /eta ina
-am rime, whi.th Itittet of tfewspapee e:alimene, or iefornta-
' isle -a-44 .E(1 dis- .1i objeetion that, hy t he ru1eta ef t he lieese,' .
Ja, A Keno:sal ; neuters witieh had heen Daly tl e sub_ •
tt t of throwieg i tion eould not be eliseueseil, tl-Ite Boil
taaatiere visa% the 1 Turk rug de tel put1.i mae=1t right -bas
il eeaversation. ; reauedie'te his wiatetneet on other data
ad the propal :' tZte Attypeneral aud. Mray i - it apoke
-' i 41-
,a -tarty ot one at , asseetwa to eels: propoeul iii'alt ,laktnata
' Me, MeKeflar i; tar shoulu be 11? ]I to a Seittet Com_
a .
intuit -tete al:en-MI feriae -a, _Mr. Feaguaort ii•isterided the,-
itgrised to-- !character (If the Clerk ef Private Dills,
4 on Thuredav; , itud aftesr a few words from Mr. Rlitke,
ail 'Mr. Diake'S i the auhjeet dropFsd for the moment, it
i -
Ail reeolattiona, rbeing umlereteod thatMie .1.-h;yel would
'seemed reading ; propese thez-tppoine4-teet.a. -P
at,. a Select
. - 4-
.1e' seile- of pois- ; Committee of inquiry: Later- in the
teista, druggists 1 eveuing„ as a apreatioe of , ritilegeo Mr.
. •
t several teem [Boyd moved the seepention ef the auk&
d et.4 tl. e Bill ', in Order to investi,aate the Charges be -
land reterred to fore raferred to The A t tytUeneral,
Teow earrital 1 whast agteeing with the propesal as it
;Juries. aad ' was a matter touching the Privileges ot
1 -
! also referred ; i the }louse, deelared lii8 ,tielif,..-f that
!hrta' "text ou his. t there waa no ground for the. complaint
i of thepreeent 1 whit -la was to be the subiee-t of investi-:
S' ittatiou. The', gation. l'r. Boyd then moved, and Mr,
-e'el- that it be Galbraith seconded the appointn,.ent of
a, A 1- teig de- the Committee, which conaiats of _Messrs,
a divirtion thefehtrke, Lariat; Fe:trier _Blake and the
ihr a majority! mover. Peior to this interlude the
irtst : Fer the 1, House had taken np. the Drainage Bill,
ittat 27 ; but : arid after a shesrt disenssion . the resole-
:ity, Mr. thew, ; -dons thereon --iere ordere.ti to be report,
la hanaeitt, his ; ed to -day The Ho:11. ltlie. Cameron -
• i t il:e•n moved the seCond reittliny of the
f (Atm -mon e SehooI Dill_ .A , de:tate of
i . - .
considerable lerigth ensued, the second
, t
in moving, the! reading a
being tinallyalea eed to and the
, -
tinthar 8e/tool , Bill oi dered. to be considered in 00M- •-
i-Vaw an,v1 in-; ntittee of the whole House to -day. The.
t Chief Super- : same course -was pursued with reference,
), des -_rev the to the Toronto. Sianeoe and- Nipising !
atttted; Rail -way Bill, Rild, after Some other,
:i was to bring 1 business had been disposed of, the House
tram Sehools ; adjeurna -
and he eeter- ' -a
rittathttion of
-wEDNESDAY, ''.•
, :„itsure. Mr. i --Mr. Blake followed up. lliS :late Nova
cotia reaolutions by ra
eovirte-e -. their
ate, oeseeting • - . - . • aa . .
,I,t to decide necessary eensequenee, an address to
ea. (:.rauirnitr ;the Cr°1vn fil--aS'ug that, by 1.71 Act of
els* te.iieeite, I thee Imperial Legielazuree it ruiacht be
• . . t
ee ae- sad, aa ; retitle -red finpossible for the Parliament .
. .. .
iteaerehavin:4 t of Canada te disturb- the linen( ial, 1 elas-
ioszekat4 tat-ot tees established ley the British North
ilic,-,./..,,T1 A ,-,f3, ' kr-TX , 'I,L,4;„., enr_rw Oa -
(t 1 Ari„, ., .. .......,. ,.. ( ....- .0 . ) ito ,4,_,-L, yi'T..1...,4 %...4,... -
ort Taoseolv.: enadit and the sereral PrOvintr'es.. MT,
1, „Teo, heed ! Blake u1)) ;l his, motion in it speech
L- - ' f 'I th 1 - ' -- d -
. evenma it 0- sertg___ aet, eta teasaaa yery
a i - , ' -
he Draitiage: aeverer v the coeree tttkee by tile Go-
verlits'elet OTI the former evening. -A
. I debate of a -very animated character t
1 teek pliese. Ala Clarke moved an
'e. rt
1. res()IntiOns!tuaendruent de -daring the above Ad -
ftp laanse : dress to oe inexpedient, Three mem b-
astesea '', thet : et' of the Government—the Atty-Gen7 -
' aperitif:wally [ eral, Ilon, Mr. Cameron; and Hon.
. the seetitT Mr. Riehards (the two last e.xpressing
der iLe Aut themselves as bing alwaysn(1 still
leek should ; oppesed to Confederaition) all spoke
a than those: agidust Mr. Blake's resojittion, Oe a
bet an hale,- division the amendment was - defeated
ial. Auditor by a vote of 57 nays to 12 ayes. The
. . , .
tte,ishtture ;_ ctriansal motion wets the . carried, an -
the pate:, other- division showil:e- preeisely .similar
t-er of sums. results, A Committee wiis at .once ap
tse. as to the noiatehl, theit- report brought in and
a hie araae, !adopted ; and the address' agreed to e
a ,
•iitentiono)f. and ordered to be eugrossed t in due-
i..it.tion of form. The blinistetrs, although 01(dr
aem.at, Aee. ,, sisx,--hes were ho -die, sustained Mr,
- a,teetrea„ ' !Melte by their votes.
'.,1 f a'ateriy- , . .......
e sillies as , .
ti 1 C.47 1 f you .want geed 11u€vfor yonr
.i. Ho de... ; money in Boots and Shoes go to T.
Cover 87-tf
On •Auditor!
1 '
an lir et 1.1. '
lit the If r vv E are • happy to learn that Mr.
t, and de- . Daaeou has been elected for North
Renfrew to the seat in the AssenaY
''' "a'llttl'• -awaited by Mr. Supple. Win Dea'a°T1
rte l,-epo al . yin b•
:he !met' er lCo
a a uservative, but we hope \1
Lea eeetos, an independent one. 11r. Murray has
heI it. , Was missed ti,e reward .of his sudden wheel
--aaolutiosts ia favor (.1 Ileseka No oae wild pity
r''''''''i w' thie laStied political 0--tmester.-010b0-
t ewe. fix- !
. ,..,‘
t k Pi '111- 1 •
. 0
izt k el% Ttle , Prtt.• i111'110.: rant, it is s:tid, intends to
Figna 1 Ist. hie administration by the con- e
s per d ase s' metier o -f the DSh
arien ip n
Caal; and
, , -1
sevond 3q je urging forward the heemai-'y slaver'
1 ad aes- ut'''-'el*dif ir7 7
lc ... .
1 3
p•-1/4, !"--‘
• The Comity :C-teneil meets at
tan an T esel y ih Decptjiber. •
Rtsniistma th great sale of splendid
furuitut OU the Jlth iflst,. between
Cash's stole and "prague's shoe shop.
• TAM Baptlat s 'mid will be held at the
resideuee of Dr 'Tracy, on Thiihda,y
evening, 9t1l inst., at 7 o'clock. Friends
are invitet] to at end:
• ACCID,Fcr----,- I's. Hall, of the 3ra
Con..fJithrt., •h W ed ne sd ay last fell
down cellar tal 1ia1oe0ted her eh o der;
She asis hi(ing]) up to I)r. Smith's of-
fice where 8116 was attended to. •\
- As will be Yen by advertiseme-ut,
Ii I'I11} IJ)cht )1).bas open e,',1 et select
stock' of• creel] g ieet•ies, hi -ploys; flour,
and feed, eta, in the atore latrciy occupi-
tal by Killoran Peyart. •
Our vilise-,,i
etre in •this wa\\a
first r-Coreoratie
ends al juali •e, i
,. further parti ule
, •
tit ori tit . th ink they
of the mother ofthe
babv.” To serve the
will hot* do to givo
af present •
• H. I -T. Sautli, mei chant' tailor, cloth-
t ; e a 1-
.• :ea, ewe, jatea ug- -his .ateanees right
. &loner N.Ve, stint:weld to the
public the•
reading 11f his icd v-ortisetnont in another
, NT:.: have, to ae c_nowleile-o bine CANAth-
AN ' ALoe, for 187, from Mr. Aims
strong, -.11:sekeel er; O•tiliS• pluee.- It
am:fades. a. Vary largo amount of valet-
Rble.infornio.-tiori AS. mina], :uld one lea-
tare, w hi 11- ]i iFi Wtili'lla, entre than
' 1
its coat,. ia rt -ts tp
• Ti.ir,." DITIZVII 11FRALDf—The agent
for this --ouedieation.• m at present can-
vassing thia vi --ii ay, and 'we- are pleased
to.know X\ jilt] ID I, eh 1SIV'S'EJss. The ITer-
aid is, the _ or gee a tile Epiecopalean
Churele a -al ea s Iola S worthy tile sup-
port or eveett (-hill eh n are: It ia in. every
respect a firattlastdeh iminationalpaper
; Taut - eii-iseala - -f.f,--:-•haiforth are to be
- agitin favoured_ \ -itil .a Skating Rink
during tile winte • stetson. : Air. How-
ard has hateatd the det11- ailed for that
oirpoee, anet will O)n.with in . a few
e days. • 'The i1.11,1 re -ern -ants will be com
a .
pleite. - • •
of Rad -River., ,
----The pitta's aro moSeree Reetftrlly 111
formed that a Soiree. will 110 held in the
. •
-Alethoeliat • New Connection Church
Ainleyville ora the '29tli Dec. 1869,
when. a number of Gentlemen are ex-
pecte-,1 10 zitiAlre.:s the meeting, two
of whem are Reyds• i. D 1.1.easton,
Walkeeton :tie] Snider, Wroxeter.
• Vocal end inetrumeneal music will be
in at tehdan.0. i ea set ve d tiehalf past
Mix p. Titket 25 efs eseh, and may
obatine..] ef• be iesiden.te of Rev-.
W, 1)11'1A:ea. Pre ceeds applied to cir
cu it pull:, se a
the last regelar 11 eeting or this Sticiety,
, the prepeeition : " Resolved, that a
Monarellieel fortu of gavern me.n t is pi•e-
ferable to a R dieitn," wits de -tatted
resenting in an award
anative. An intelli
geld aud;eitee of -f ot iS -than sdventy
or .,eighty was' pr, sent, who • a ppeared
much iuterested iiji the discussion and a
led tie society. On
g next the proposi-
that the suffrage
t to women,' will be
lie aitrmative, Mra
aupported br Messrs:
. For theTiegittive;
td supported" by
laid Logan. . As this
resting su jtiete. and
the ability of the de -
dance is antieipated.
'in Jtcdtof4vOul the
presence. '
with mud) vg r
, ,
in favor the adi
large number jolt
Wednesd y e‘ (i111.1
ta 011 " i:eaelved
. shou Id be ex t (aide
discussed. For t
Campbell, lea,ler,'
Dewar and Waltm
Mr. Jack:set). le -
Messrs. M
a peel Early int
in consideratioe of
haters, a large atte
The ladies are ills()
Society avith -their
Comisat nioation:
To the Editor of th Expositor.-
- Dear Sir, -al . a anxious to iknow
what is the, mind o
ers and the Sean)r
ter of a general eel
with this Munitipc
the liberty of ea Fling 'their attention a
fortnight ago. 1 to test the subject will
not lhe allowed to ie,'for Want of inter-
est taken ia it. It concerns every
family ; and cot moa deeeney de-
-mantis that at sh tad have a proper
and suitable plac for interring our
dead. As 1 said i1 my last„ we have
nothing of, Lae kind that we cate call our
own, or over whiele as a municipality
we have any jurist ietion,
Well not our pr
in.the matter bef
year ? or if not,- T.
our Village Fath -
h public in the. mat- =
letery in catmexien
lity, to whielfl took
eent-/-Couneil move
re the- close- of the
wouid ,sugaest that
it be infide a test quertion, at the ensu-
ing eleetion, wheth r 8eafort1I will have
aacenuttery or . remain aseat present,
eeaudel;zed for the want of so neeessaey
ara append...gee
rein ai 1 D ar ',Sir your,
Still "0 e of the Anxious.,
Seaforta Not1.3?th. 16
THE TAX SALE, tish power by abstaining nom tobacco
• 1
... . .
The following is from the Si /
- let all abstain from strong drink and
the 29% inst.
To the Editor. of the riaron Signal.
DEAR SIR :- I never gave much thought
to. the injustice of taking from you the Coun-
ty printing until only accidentally saw on
Monday last, that there. was to be a sale of
lands for taXeS. The loss, annoyance, and
inconvenience occasioned to the inhabita.nts
of the (OI:ay of turon (except the few sub -
Scribers to the Expositor in and around Sea -
forth) by having the " sale °fiends for taxes"
-excluded. from the County paper are very
great indeed.. It eeenis really too bad that a
-sate of so much interest -to the County gen-
erally iou,d not .be properly. advertised
Merely beealtse you, witit your extensive ch-
.': eot aye tit to do your honest
work fornext to hi
Yours truly,
• A. REEVE."
We- challerge the above extract to be
aefbriae.ry upon "A-Reave.”. If at the
Comity Council, at Clintim, next week,
the *Editor of the 8ignal gst a
Rea; ve .to ack eowledge- the production
-we will -entertain the entire Cometay
amine% and Connty officials, • to an
oyster supper: It is perfectly ridicul-
ous t& endettvocto make -out that any
Reeve in the eatrrity did not 'knew the
date of the Tax Sale, till the time set
forth in the above. We giet ran tett that
as many Reeveaeread the -.Expositor as
the &anal.
• As regards the' general circulation of
the Eaeho-sitor, we,t4utilteige the Godere
ich Edi tor, ir hove alluded to, that it is not
one eighth short, jf thia of his own doted
concern ; and furthermore, tette while
the .eirculatiou of the ;Expositor has
been steadily and rapidly tuereasiug
ever. Once it came under 'he -present;
'management, that of the Sigma, on the.
other hand, is less than it Vills years ago,
and is still dereateing
Whe her the Tax' Sale was -properly
advertised or eote we imagine tee _fa.
lo wing •front the •New Era May be con -
Bidet eo evidence
" The sale ot lands for tax -es came off at
Goder-Ch on luesday, G. M. Trarman, Ant:-
tioneer; Coney:Ai-awe evae very keen, _and
anost• of - the. lors were sold._ Those uneold
will be oflered on the .15th inst. There were
a millibar of hoes in Exeter offered, and so
brible \vas 'Lie bidding, that as low as fifteen-
sixtecntli of a epierter of an acre lot Were in
some instances taken for the taxes," -
To ih.iS however we would add that,
in the most of (-flees, whole' lands tre-
esain uueold, are localities in wehich
the- Eirposi;ar ,circulates _largely—Con-
e/ USi e prof t hat the ad V ert ianig wa8
am [AP.
Olh Tuesday 'evening. the Sens of Tem-
perance he:lel - open meeting in, the
Episcopal Methodist Church.* Bro.
John Gray Waite y Pidriar, 11 0 :Cupied
the chair. Rev, JAI.. Priee opened the
,Ineeting by prayer. The chairman gave
;.)t history of the rise and progress and
'wonderful auceess of the Sons* in Sea -
forth. He hoped ganizations wheth-
er ecclesasi.i.eal *Or la.y. would unite ie
banishing ;the puree from Canada. He
theu inteodueed the
, The Rev. Speaker mawatinedi that the
Teinperanee •Refoete .etood .pre:euritent
amoog• the reforms of the age ; that
",rempetanee men had been- in a manner
SlleeeSsf..1.14 but theca waS a great work
yet to aCeemplish ; the peblio mind to
be educated, orrolliems notions be
correeted, Alcohol Was likened to the
reptilo;s= Gobia Constrieter entailing
their vietims their deadly folds, and
also 1:keeed to, the lava.from a bare -
leg -volcano spreading': devastation alio
death jai - its oodree. Alcohol • cannot
be d peen) poSed it is no *nottrish m en t.
It is Alcohol in the head, iti'sAlcohol
in the:. brain, it is Alcohol in the blood
It leaves its -mark the bloodshot es/be,
in the fetid. bit h, in palsied lifted, in
thoshiverieg aad tne shatitered
miud of the ieepteate--,a moving Mass
of core uptiou a living nuisance. The
ineidiooS and spiritOus fee is not eatis-
tied invadieg manis tabernacle, Wleek-
ing eenstit ution, blighting hie in-
tellect but ruins his soul 'The felly
of (lair king to assuage grief Wee iatheti-
cally and toreihly illustrated byli, mad-
dened husband (111.1.0411g his WiTp'S corpse
tit rough the streets Of Ne Yo I, la The
toper'e is darkened, Gospel
light excluded from his benighted bard. •
Elelis lett w tho t God- .and Without
hope in this world. Oar sons
daughters, our brothers and .eieters our
frieude.aud neigh boars a.re via) unded
bY this eeductive. and soeittlevile there-
for ) it- z behooves all to come to the,
rescue. - immediately as responsi-
bility rests. upon 'every one. Rev.
Mr. Faiatmtte then addressed yopeg teen
to flee -the treachereus sea on which so
many Souls r1 e 1)11031,
• Showad: alcohol to be is, crying,t evil
from ite earliest days. He gave . vara
ious.examples illustrative of the - data-
trartme hala. He warned Temperance
people not to lose faith in reelitimiug
ithibriatea,-nect to fold their arms whilst
their brethera were enthralled with the
maddening ir fa tuation = of drinking.
The Temperance reform Deeded whole
work, soul work, and mete work. ; As.
Feilia.lis were tryieg, to ocarthro w B
dry np those places where it it is sold.
If iu is not thank andnosone to buy -there
will soft be none t sell, Re, . Mr.
Price then gave the. poisoned ingredents
used in the a.dulteration of liquors. He
implored all for the rove Of God to ab-
stain, and work fait hfullyrearnestly and
energetically for the overthromf of the
vice of the•age,--Intemperanee,
A vote of thanks was eutirusiasti-
NAV tendered the Rev. Speakers for
r elognence earnestness ar_d- • sound
advice: ,
from our own Correspondent:
..A„ciiN ow LED6EMENT.--.The Dluoyale
Poimy Readings Society desire to ac-
M 4.-• essrs. Ross Luxton of the Exposi-
tor, in furniehing, them Via -still- with a
fall supply of handlAlla, and to taauk
them for their) wisnes for the .sucetees of
the Societyi We hope' that any of our
villagers, • who may have occasion to
use "rheinters' Ink," will see the 'Irene-
nt of p`ktonizing the moat liberal teen.
OPPOSITION.—BlaVale is b01111(.1 to
be .well supplied with shingles, fur we
ha uo less than two -factories in fun
operation. ar& (Jo, Stut o, first got a
splendid machine ft'oin the well-known
firtu of Goldie & Mc('elloIN
ch, and Iesars
W. 8. & J. 'Adel! thinking this wee in-
CAME on the premises -4)f the subscriber,-
Lot 8, Con. 4, McKillop. on the 8th of
November. last, two. yearling:Steers, one
brown and the other red and white also a
yearling 'Heifer, rdd and White. - The owner
is requested to. prove property, pay ehargese
and take the The
De...1:../v1ICHAEL MURPHY,
McjCilJo c
rIt AMinto the enclosure of the. subicriber,
ki Lot No. 1, con. 12, 'Grey, on the 19th
of November, four black and white Hogs,
about a year old- The owner is requested
to prove proporty, pay charges, and take
them away;
Grey, Dec. lit, T869. 1O4 -3n.
knowiedo-i. publicly, the kindness of
into the premises of the subscrib-
er. Lot 12, COIL 1, e:tanky,111 M:iy last,
a black Sow Pig. The owner is rc quested:
to prove property, pay charges, and take the
same away.
Stanley, Dec. 1st, 1869. 104-4in,
terferina with their line of busieess.
-Trt.LS, UaLS
By sending One Dollar, you cam
have your hair made to curl in
soft luxuriant curie. Once e ou eat this re-
ceipt. you can always make it yourself, at a
cost of 25e. per bottle. A ihlress,
Y jljN
104. SeafigP. 0.
s lot t y n ter got another from T‘liteliell,
so that -we have two Machines at -pres-
ent.: It is said that Stuart & Co. in-
tend to retaliate by puttiug in a 11111
of stone, .for grieting Purposes, in their
factory. -Go on gentleman nothing like
oppoeition. ---
PENNY RI?.ADING3.—We have already
had four of these CD tertaintueuts in
our village and so far they have been a
decided success. The ,pereons who
-have taken part in them, are Messrs.
Farrow; Cowite, Code, -Wright & Eyvel
with music by Alessi's. 0. `I-Inbertt
Cowan, A:. Grey and others. Still we
latnnet eity that these entertainments
have been as well patronized as =We Ox-
pect6d they • would, when established,
but we hope many who leavee hitherto
held aloof will rectoe-'cognize onr efforfs to
' -
provide amusement and, instmetion at
a yens law rate, • They will- be held
every Friday eves. in the: Good.' Temp-
lars' Rail. We 'have -Made,. arrange-
ments' to have smile beatitiftiL duets,
solos &c.- in the future which wea hope
will add to the eatertainmente .
• - _-.--.— — .
ltleirxsaisn.---On Thursday 25t1i, Nov. in
Tnekersmith, Janet McIntosh aged 16
years and C _months.
SE.AFO RT Dee, 8,1869.
• Wheat; (Fall) Ft bushel. 0:70 to 0:8:-•
Wheat(Spring) t:? bushel, 0:75 to 0:82
0 :40 to 0-4'
0:24 to 0 :21-•
0:70 to 0:53
0:50 to 0:55
9:00 to 0:10
0:15 to 0:17
0:17 to 0:18
0:30 to 0:40
7:50 to 9:00
6:00 to 6 :00
0.40 to 1:06
0.12 to 0:15
0:25 to 0.31i
0.40 to ,0;75
CLINTON, Nov. 24.839. -
(iVeiv Era Report.)
Fall Wheat, new, 0:75 to 0:80
Spring do 0:78 to 0:83
Oats; 0:23 to . 0:29
0:49 to 0:46
Peas, 0:49 to 0:48
lour,. 4:50 to 0:00
Butter, 0:20 to 0:20
Potatoes, 0:50 to 0:80
Barley pasha,
-Oats- $ bushel,
Peas $ bushel,.
Potatoes V bushel,
T -Tay ten,
E'eres V dozen
Butter, 1;7 lb.
Sheep Skins,
Turkeys, .
Hay per ton,
Fall Wheat,
Spring Wheat,-
Barh y,
Hay, per ton,
000 to 0:15
8:00 to 6:00
8:00 to 9:50
GODERICII; Rev:, 30i 1889.
( Report.-)
*07.75 to '0:00
0:77 to 0:00
0:25 to 0:25'
000. to 0:50'
0.:40 to 0:00
0:30 to 0:55
0-17 to 0:18
0:13 to 0:00
04/0 to 10:00
TORONTO, MA -2, 1869.
(By Telegraph.) ;
Wheat (Fall) L bushel, .0:85- to- 0:88
. do (Spring) 19 bushel, 0:85 to 0:85
Oats tri bushel, 032 to 0:33
,Barley, 40 to .,60
)Peas, -50 to 53
MITE subscriber will give in:. exchange --eel!.
Yillaee Property, 100 acres of \‘'ild
Land, (50 acres being of good pine) within
hall a mile of Lee's Saw Mill, being Lot 23,
Con. 16; Township of Grty. For further
particula.rs aiply to
JAR. ROSS, Proprietor.
Seaforth. Dee. lst 10-1-tf,
rEIHE partnership heretofore .exieting, be-
t tween 3 ohnetle Di-ca.:son and. Williem-M.
14ray, as general merchants in Gerrie, is this
day diseolved by mutual con.sent. The busi-
ness will be carried on as ueual by William
M. Gray, who will pay all liabilities; and all
debts due the firm will be collected by bim.
W. M. GRAY. •
Witness, JOHN K AIN E
Sevember 15th, 1869. 104-2in.
7 '1ITE subscriber offers for sale on reasenable
-. terms, Lot :30, Con. 6, Township of
Lrucei County of Bruce. The land is rollina
and of good quality, 20 acres cleared. and.
the remainder timbeied, with beech and
maple. The property it-,, well waterer', a
airing creek miming through it. - It is It
eciqler 10t, with a school houee opposite, and
only 5 miles from Paisley. Further infor-
Mai jell may be obtained at the -Expositor"
Seaforth Dee. 1st. 104-4in.
(/ .1tr ti:s vr•si:s1=1:
• ,-;:Ottse-,-.•
. ritv 1-lg‘.0-4,„i7 ns,,irtioc•-
MITE ratepayers of Seaforth are requested'
IL to call at my, °thee forthwith, and pae
their taxes for the present year.
8. STARK Collector,
Seaforth, Dec. 1st. 1889. - 164-2in 1,
tlie Treasurer's Sale of Lands for
20 per cent Cheaper
Than ever;
151osite S. Robertson' s.
Seaforth, Dec 1St.
• ,T
- I let. Taxes, which Was held on the SOth
A Herd. n af:3L, • ii.
k --_-{, , evovember, 1869, a member of lots were of-
ILL be eold by Publie actien,* at the
residence of R. 13. :Moodie. St. John
Street, near the Elle:bah Choreh, Seafortb,
commerie'nes at 1 o'crock, p• m.; onSaturday,
Dee. 4th, the folle eying valuable yeoperty :
1 sprina bettorn hair cloth so;a; 1 cushion-
ed iockinebchair, 2 French bedsteads, 1 Cen-
tre tab.!0,1 side do, el werk do., 1 set spring
bottom and 1 pair .ottoinans, wash
stand. J spring matteass, I hair do„ aStoves
and a quantity of pir,e4 tog.ether with a M.1111-
beN o-ther articles tob numurousto mention.
Ili.- B. MOODIE, Prop.
P.' Busg, Aattioneer.
Seaforth, Dec. Jt
CA IST.g into- the premises of the Subscriber
on Lot No. 1, Con. 9th on or about the
3rd of July last. a. Yearling Steer. The
owner is 21. quested to prove property pay
expenses and take it ttwav.
Ainleyeillee•Nov, 24th, 1869.
riAME i-ete the enclosure of the Subscriber
k.) Lot 22 Con -14, Meliillop, on or about
the 1st of,Oatober. a red Heier, one yea14-
The owner is rupiested to prove property,
pay charges, .4.1 take the same away.
Nov, 23rd, 1869. 103-4M.
into the enclosure of the subscri
bee, Lot 2, Con 8, Hullet a red and
white two-year-old, Steer. The owner is re-
quebted to prove property, pay charges, and
take tie same away.
ullet Nov. 19th. • 102-3in.
jAME into the eneleeure of the subscri-
ber, Lot 2, Coin 11, Tackersmith, four
1 -year-old ers. The' -0\111 er is requested
to prove. property, pay. charges, and take
them away,
Tuckersinith. Nov. -18. 4869. 102-4in. .
feted which could not tie sold for the taxes
and cos: s due. The said 'meek" lots viral
again be offered for sale at an adj-ourned Sale
' on the
15th day December,
CO -0711'1' FIOTJSE,
At 10 o'clock a.m., when the said unsold -
lands will be gold for any sum which can be <
realized for tbem, The 'unsold landto be
then offered, include, lots in Townships of
Ashfield, Colborne, Coderich , Grey, Ilowick,
Morris. Turnberry, East Wawain-ah and
West Wawanosh, and in Villages of Clintor,
Port A lbert, D olivnm on, Ainleyville. "Wrox-
eter, Fordwich, Irowiek, Manchester, .13, -
field, Wingham, Zetlaed and Bly LI
Co. Huron.
Co. Treasurer's OfEee 1
Goderich, Dec. let; 1863. =
riAME onto the premises of the Subseri!-
btee on Ea,st Lot, No, 14, Conceseion
A Howick, on or about the 12th, October;
a Steer rising 4 years old, red and white,
with a line back. 1 he owner is requested
to prove property, pay expenses and iakelt
Eowiek, Nov, 29. 103-4in
4,,S1110.2,1v/ -
lc-rtrir-Tecril ,
Tinla HE Council of the Corpor,ai ion of 4.'fle'
(lounty of 1uion will met in the
Village of Clinton upon Tuesday the 7t1- -day
I of December next.
County Clerk.
1 flaunty- ck:rk's• Office.
ode.rieh, Ii., 2Jrd., 103-2i.v.,
, 4
73 1
„. •