HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-11-26, Page 7rs and the hand the :treal STAE3.117E T\IE ROSS desims to inform the nuts, he that he has opened a New Livery Stable in connection with his hotel., w-beso part:in ean be accommodated with first-clase horses and veltieles, at t'ilSonable prices, Seeforth, Oct. 15, ISO. 97-tf per 11,. F t 4,c 00 00 - 1 00 TIERCE TEAR of light -1 00 rtel eo/or, tt iucsireek .1.10n,e,- the baek, aint vsh:te testr on 11flee. Any per -- son ing sue!' 1eforrtri4-ien as will lead tIb ty ids rtuOVOT NIt in be I 1 rck7ardeil ,by ' Wm , (1.:‘.1)1iNI,tt-.. Lot 21, L'on...14, cIcillop. tober 13th, IIE CA:WON YOU .WANT EA.P [LS, rrILTRPENTINE, RAINING COMpSi -3-UTTY, iOLORS, Ste., Go ic 110 LLS' 0_4) Tion PURE 1_1 DRUGS, Clit.P1OCALS, PATEUT .7:lc-INE8. Go to gut,LS/:, LOST. (Pft I EH OUSE! IN TUE . TP Esny IS THE PLACE 1 Ost g" 1 Z1 Tttrtz 'r4 The ot that the subeeriber mtskes easse article a speeiality. should lead all intendine; purchassrs scalie like the best the market af- ! fords, to at least, try bis stock. rn to -.1 VA -e a. -a. -1..k qijorsf. And a select stock (/tf Staple anl Fancy tiroceries, always on hand. JekliD40 LAIDLA_W-. ..s3eafortle her Oe • TAIL 9tf' , ARREL and AG At SCOTT RoBE 11 T3ON'S FANCY NUTE PAPER, PLAIN STATIONERY 11 In great variety,: Se ER Wie BOofce.sc • ('0, -.-pr (14141 Tr411,71e-ii s L'ItiP find lePrr Itrks, Bc7,1e.,s, Pp/ye, Bt/u1S, fiffete, Po/J.1,w, 11/./it: BI -Ink -1,,:count B,)oks, c. AA-1I1NT FOR THE 1-( Yfrrff "EXPO:SITOlt." Daily` obe anti Daily Tetterrapn. • Li *lam. Elliott.. 8eaf4rth. Jtdv Ithia. o‘t-rs • NOTICE. r \V•fc, \faryM K=v haviles lcft mv board without ju.-..t cause or er tin: is to ealitioll 44_ parties treat eivine Jur eredit ui He,- uunt, raj, twill rityt be respensibie for ate.1. tS.p=/;e t•tnitra..s: ' "ATt•F,..AY. 1 NI' : `1. tit -3t T sit t 1.1 At SCOTT UltiNU ; D arl ROBI:RTGN'S. Ne s of the Week BRITAIN: . The Su •z•Canal is. not 'considered a success, i LondOn.* The E i. 1 (.:,f enrna r von, former] ,Secretary of 'State, for. the: Colonies' un - 'der Derby's Administration, im- pressed 01 the gravity: of th,e, state of ,ainties be ween - - New Zealand and • k4a-eitt Bri ain, written -a let -Ler to the Times ,,uggeKt,ing the line of poliey • . in his opinion, should be adopt,- •- ted by the Government, and predieting •serious ern iarrastentints tint] disasters to the Empire -if the present ciisis is no speedily- a -RI sati4a4orily .tormin*d 'Loid Carnirvoli does not challenge' b past cond net of the 1 in perial Govern inent. admits • that the Colontit were pati -s to the arrangements whiel left them It once free to enjoy foil. in ,deperickm4, V hilstaeceptitiig new IR weighty r sponsibilities, and inferen thot gh iu very guarded lan otricre, 1.0 1 e suoso-ists thlt -the acts o f VOlifiSeq.tiOn•the. part of the Colony bear som 1ela.4o1 to their present Eie dreads lest nucleisdnie eoutin,senev VP. should "Lind Jur,elves -04-r. witted to issues‘ou wide]) it is, oer-, • hap:s, bett•r not • now to sp(--iculate.' lie Considels that! our gema'al policy te- ivalds-NeW .2ealiind is now ppactically irrevaraibli, and th t the retention Of tr ups in the island, to .be vii- -ployed at • -he diseraion of the local •authorities, I liot to• be thought That the Ccilonists should pay fol. troops . . to be ie311 their defence he com,ittera to be free i om serious objection, lint the, reealf of the last iegiment, he fears, remlcas thisi alterniitive Fiimfly,he i'ecoinin.0nds that Oreat • .Bri ain should give financial assistance by :guaranteeing a loan to •enable her depetalei.ey to crush the insurreetioi and that aiou1Commission'er d be . eu t th t "to ascertain the -true Staue o llall 8, and use such pow- t.Ts as inigl t de •encrusted •to a Wan and (1i41•VVIiitgi." Lord 1 )ui1i' 1U1 iui to Clutada., 1\L (11 ishinds, and klir- Henry Stokes to Jamaica, ale • . . mentioned a pi ecedenta. for die step JIib Lordsh.p does not i-eitrd uarantees • as • things.tt, be lightly ranted. "-hey ard V, ty nistru. . ieril of th It reSort to k oduployed in grave .ethergencies :of eliey, and .o by- special ctreumstaric s.." Such for example, be llieves to 1 aye been. the' recent guar- antee to the .New Dominion uf '"It was," 11 se.ys, ',"inoney lind out i.1 cons°, idating the strength, anti, as I trust, ti e enduring union of that noble people with the :British' Crown." THE SEAFORTFI EXPOSITOR. is 'strongly worded, and sets forth with zreat force the isolated and helpless condition of the Colony and the perative necessity of forming a politi- earalliance w:th the .tfuited States. Mr., Collier represents that the feeling iu favor of Annexation has received a new impulse -from the recent- note of Earl Granville urging the British Col- um Wails to affiliate with the DOMilli011. They regarded it as little le-, CI(Ver‘isement.) Something Worth Reading. The success that kis •Atiended the faithful and intelligtnt study of Photo- graphy ha, been so great, that e ne can get their own...image perpetuated to pos- terity, It is a. great privilege to have a good practical Artist, one who dor- eoughlytinderstands the business, as al- so one who is stationary in a place, to inu wig, it would increase whom youcan go with confidence, with such bui-alens without afro-rding either • . Politicalaeation or material relief. C.alf-A DA . 1.1ie nomination for North Renfrew e took place Wednesday. Messrs. Aim.- : -ray and .1.)capon wero duly 1)1'01)08ed e aS6Urance of not getting disappoint- ed in getting a correct, tu.tistic, faithful likeness,. and from whom you can get picture,. at any future time from the negatives once taken. The days •are past for.. those who drop down for a week or two and are off again, having no interest at stake, and carina ver fi . c 1 trtonded. A pool was demanded. little whether their customers axe pleas- , 1 ,E.,:;(1,1:1•11.11):1',1,,,,,:in:,11).,s.,(i).11s, ootf: riii )(.11,t:„1,rill:: 8airiet.i - 0e(.14broilodt, Ethz jail -yet; abni(ilt i:troht.-0.18.0on;iiitiyli I - iastred bis pro-lair:Aim) for the election 1.1.10-notninittion is to tiike 1 ,. , practical pt-totographer Frank Paltridge, - pp.r.th, ow ilion(bly, ...90.1 inst,!.:1-1._71.eal:tdi; iNivel:tod and tiii.tiles,,i(tioil-lcglayphtoliteogili,,e.tkpinieoiN.vilielutgbei(s1 f- the polling on the .(th and 7tli Decem- ber;section of the country. _Ile is a real ed7.0,111:itisicAh(2,03111.,edriAn,satrioien Tirri:t.ii,<ge.N.vEall:e7riejec jilci_, li.ytylinlebsils11; 11i1s) ItTocry.eveoil-,yligli‘iiiigit_l;.klaenidn has rooms, .aeconnnodatioris and facilities. :FRANCE. J The titre - 'editor of _Le - :signed the re 7ent Oppositeun manifesto; has written • letter expl;!,ining-that that' aloeurnent is iet il, mirainitilin programme of she policy of the party.l.v;hose la.hOrs will. not ceta:c until on the ruins of per- , ,sonat -(-40Ver1.1 ent, -they establiali the renublie. . * \Vero 84ved exe(1)t- for executing .woi.k. seldom met. He lug W110).it 8UpPOSed, 11a5 l'00111S and apartments for every- ' fiotii(ii..1(,-,Itilific.,:10.(irtetcrilit-10!-,gglitii}GgN.ro th(.1:3°f°1-1(11D1?)sietotresso cranlialii;jyt tiliieffielil•'elidi et • chemicals ciente in immediate contact with each other,.and producing gasses fatal to making good pictures. Hia rooms are in Scott'a Brick Nook, near trotel, and ttilder the •ExPOSI- TOR OiliCC) cool in smurner, WarIT1 in u, iwuter ; with cilressing rooms, so that you can bring your best clothes in a satchel and change 10 get your picture taken. Frank Paltridge -als6 keep the negative, and no fear of losing the picture. of some near and dear friend. His best work is not .A the door, but up stairs, one flight, and turn to the • right hand, where- 3ion will find. Fl.ank LED r• . Sim Id neonsiy with the expulsit tn. Lientemitut-4..;-overinor Me.Douo.al another hand of French 111M11`Vt1 , , A . WOK: pOSSOFfil 011 , NV Ittl1-1111 01,),Ntl'llCii0 of ,Fort G:irry. 'The. Fort is now enpied by the Provirionr.1 Governe John Brouse, -Governor _McTavish dangerously ill, and 'the II udsoir Ba Company party do not organize to sni por: Letters to th 6th instant report ;di quiet, ; no intet ruptin of humuess, and no violtaie 81.-x hundred filen, sworn to resis., Cam (Han. itutln;rity and palling. tholuselve ri.herators, are in anns. •Letters frol _ Fort :Garry • repre.ut the ....nsurgent as having the support of the Stiotel and Englih. Fut 11 ti- in a greater degre •thin..1 was exiieeted. The America] osidents are represented as -neutral Mr. iNicDougall is still at, 'Pembina mr„. prove4K•fivr i8 -said to be :in &vont of returning to Canada; to whieli Mr l'il0Dongall will not (onsent. )11 1, ts 0- r, is e* always at home and in good- temper I" All pia -tunes shown are of, his ONtill Illake, and not -bought or borrowed to decoy the public. He guarantees faCtion or no pay. Just walk rip to Frank Paltridge's Gallery his speci- (' times- are worth looking at, and you I be sure to see seine person's picture ' you know. It you don't want your pie- . ture, neyer mind ; just walk up, he will Ie glad tosee you. Remember, it iS 111 a Lk building. 85 tf The insurgents have taken possession o the. 1.,:itusou Bay Company's store- Co To TH2 EE2747;1". _ , houst-s, LIM( art; cteztring out to thean- selves daily ratit_ns from the Con pany's .."The Eritish American su pplies. *Brown the- Editor of the 'Yor Trexter, was arrested for rpfusing•to print :h prOCI:1111.aliOntoi' the insurg:Aits, and the printers, at the m9utli of the- nit-u-ke., were forced to issue the revo- lutionary document, which was posted in various pads of the rebellious dis tened • duel • between the IA ay8 itnd 1.:ocirefort Mr. .1\ reDosig.411- has. rented a boiise has been aVerted. .The :latter having, -at Penibina, and 'gale into winter made SO tiSfac WIT .0 xplir n atiens. quarters •.11t• Baueel, one ofthe deputies who SPAIN. The Mihis erial journal. the Thipar ricii, reiterate- the belief Jhat the Ita- litu will acei,ipt the Spau- iJi Throne fo the, Duke of Geneva. In 'the Cola is the members 'of the Republiead majority presented • a pro- teSt declaring that there was. no truth in the repoti hat they WitWe implicated in a conspir:icy with the insurgents of (Juba. Addi 10110. reinforc0ntents of volunteers for Service in Cuba, sailed LLst week far If avana. The newly ap- pointed Ain istssa dor froth Portugal ‘yas received to day by the Regent with great cere ni 0 n --wive • UNITED STA.TES. N, ear Bostoi. Corners an entire train was thrown down a: deep embankment the locomotive only remaining on the track. The la ggage, mail.and express cers were enfrely destaoyed by fire, together with wils and baggrge. Sev- eral passenger, are repereed seriously injured On tile 22.,nd itfet: an attempt was • made to b'uw up Hudon County gaol with gunpowder. There was a loud explosion. •The wiplows • w ere broken, arid the siirrouading buildings were >shaken. Great cracks =wtlre Made 11) the wall nine feet long ;the -design, I • however was frustrated: Suspicion ; rests on two notorious dineinals con- ed - • Vincent Collier, who altived fr Nrn laska • and Britis-h Coln m bia last week had with him -a, -petition signed forty • prominent citizens. of Victoria addressed to President Grant, praying for :the Annexntion.-Of British. Colum- bia- to the -united States • A nutlier 1 . inst un . , NA, allieLf to tile Queen, .TIa Ws. oc u suent • GENERAL:• . General Di -dee, lately Captain -Gen- eral of Cuba, is dead. There appears smile reawn to -fear that the destructive Work of cane -burn- ing in Cuba will become general as part of a settled plan at hostilities. AND. BRYANT, STRATTON & ODEL CONSOLIDATED 13 Now the largest, most extensive and com- plete it3W811\ MS SCHOOL in the country. • It hasithe largest stair of Teachers, the moet prits:tithal anebeist adapted. business forms, and the best arranged midmost commodious apart-it:Lents. - " It is under the management .of thorough business Men, fully aliVe to all the require- ments of All the -business- community. The advantages and • facilities afforded - this institution are unequalled in the coun- try, and -no young man should; enter a, busi- ness c rcer without -fully availing himself of .its benefits • We were awarded the ; FIRST ICRIRE in BUSINESS. WRITING at tlie late -Provincial Exhibition at -London. As this is the Sixth consecntive year that we have taken this prize, we feel confident that there can be Nit one opinion as where to go to learn to write. I, or specimens of writing. bank notes, mr- Advices from Hayti . to the lOth cubes, ,./,:e.) . , instant state that the insti tents in the address, ODELL & TROUT, , Toronto. South. of --Hayti a -re victorious. = Sal- nitve's Most teusted,generid li Id desoeted Toronto, October 8fli, 1869. 96-4M. him and joined the insurgents whe were. endeavouring to _force his abdi, cation. . It seems the recent -despatches the s'sruppieSsion of :the Dal- matian insurrection were premature. New has jut beet) •reetived that the. ustrtan finres have coptu t -ed 'a defile heretofore held by the insurgents near Forti)ragoly, -with a loss -of only ' 30 .ifl els oot n lavana that a commission from the -Insurgent Gov_T _eminent, has arrived in earacits for the purpose_ of inducing the •Venezuelan Go vet n Ent . to recognize the insurgents as belligerents, and to allow them to raise recruits foi- their aarny in Vene- zuela. . According to '-the latest account from Paraguay, President Lopez had transferred hie headquarters and seat of ge vex] M ent to San Joiquini. It -was reported tliat -Lonez had -killed his mother, one of his brothers' and other ,persons, ifl conse,qn ep c -e of a suspicion that they aere engaged in it conspiracy his life. The allies had as yet made 1.10 nn3vernent, iid it 8'as supposed that active operntions would be still longer d 1, • • th • ,4101.*Pa...141-34-P.,,,, *. - DAIRY and. FACTORY' At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S, Family Drug Store. R.LumeaDEtv has just received his • Spring Importations 'if )-ine Drngs and iledicines, Chemicals and Patent Medicines, French, English and American Perfumery.; Hair Dressings, Oils, and Pomades; Bair, Tooth, ;Nail and Shay- - mg Brushes ; Dressing and Fine-tooth Combs; Toilet .and Shaving Soaps, &c., &c: Horse Sci Cattle Medicines, • Condition Pr ti'de t STRAYED. •D VP STUFFS /1 A ef E into the prem. -Res of the sebscriber; Of very Superior Quality. Lot 32, Con. 6, AicKailop, on or about _______ the 1st of Ocfeher reve Steers, one dark red, 1DRYSIC I AlZ 8' Prescriptions accurately the other around three years old. The owner k prepared. - _ . , is requested' to peove property pay cearges, ' R. 1:1511S,DFN- J., 1 and take them away.• 'JAMES HAYS. , = -= l'harneteeutieal Chemist. . OAT AND con MEAL.! -At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S CHOICE ,FAMILY FLOUR! a At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S EDW. H TN Elf, preturning his sincere thanks to the ublic for the very liberal patronage he has received coining to Seaforth, begs to • say that he has on hand another large lot of • it ANDERSON'S HEAVY PLATE STOVES 1 Parlor and Cooking, all of which be v, ill sz,l1 as cheap as other people sell an in- ferior article. Everybody knosis that the BEST COAL OIL IN THE COUNTY is at 'Whitney's. Lamps, Chiminies, Wicks, etc, in abundance. A large stock of ALL KINDS OF TINWARE always on hand. Eave-Troughing, Tinand Sheet Iron Roofing done in first-class style, All kinds at Jobbing promptly attended to. rtift..49,11LTHOMPON.:. MHANKS his numerous customers for 1 their liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will receive its continuance. • He hsflowon hand a large assortment of Good Sound Green He lock • Which he warrants will give satisfaction.' • ALSO, 2005000 FEET OF PINE! - COT FOR BUILDING AHD briNEnAL PURPOSES Which he offers on liberal terms. Orders will be promptly attended to. • • 11e has also on hand a large assortment of WELL SEASONED ACCOUNTS ! ! To which he calls as attintion iof his okt- CUSt0121tirS, who Will tbad it to their advant- age to retire them promptly, and without legal proceedings. • Seaforth, July nth, 1869, 84-1f- • Goods Delivered In any part of the Village, when bought At SCOTT' ROBERTSON'S. AGENTS WANTED. ,L.-71 TO $7:5 per month, : clear of all ex-. penses, guaranteed f ll industrious CISTERN rumPs AND LEAD PIPING a -gents who will take up thesverk, which is very light, as well as. profitable. For cireu- Old Iron and Copper. Cotton Rags, Wool lar and. patticulars, addrets. and Wool Pickens taken in exchange, BOX :32, Seaforth, Ont •October 22, 1869. • 98 Seaforth, Sept.24th, 1869. • 43-tf. - SUPERIOR Black- and. Green S At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S, EXWELSI A IN •i\T 110TOGRAPII GALLERY. W. P. PAGET, - Artist mHE undersigned begs to infs rm the in- habitants of Seaforth and Surrounding eeuntry, that he has taken the Gallery for- merly occupied by Mr. C. Paltridge, . A Few Doors ;V (wet, of Di. Smith's 0 tee, and Opposile Veal's Store. Wherehe wilt always be ready to Please his patrons and , give satisfaction to these who favor him with a call. E SURE AND CALL to see • his speeimens, they speak fey the Artist and will convince you that he issFirst-Class. REMEMBER The place is Opposite Veal's Grocery, Main Street, Seai rth. WILLIAM AGET, Photo..Artist. Seaforth. Julv 22, 1869. 85 6m. • FIRST BRANDS OF • Chewing and Snloking • TOBACCO ! .• At SCOTT .ROBERTSON'S. NOTICE- OF _1..:!- .,S1..;•••-;)-s,....,Le '"44- EMOVAL TEE 3ubscribers beg to notify their CUB- tomers and the public generally that they haye removed To the Store lately occupied by A. • Mitchell,- ISfeCOT/d DOOr Above IV S. Robertson's Italian Warehouse, Where they will keep constantly on hand a large stock of FRESH FAMILY GROCER IES and -PRO-VISIONS, XXX FAMILY FLOUR, and all kinds of Mill & Chop Peed, Country Produce taken in exchange for Groceities, -Provisions, Flour and Feed. All goods purchased from us will be deliv- ered Free of Charge in any part of Seafortn, liarpurhey, or Egmondville. Farmers ma3r exchange wheat, &c., for Flour and Feed at our mill, at the highest value. ..A. Shearson & COK McKillop, Nov., 3.. . eaforthe April. 22. Senforth, _Nov. 19th. . -5 • 2-ly ,ss NEW VALENTIA aisins &IT Currants At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S, .OFFICES TO LET. TilOUR excellent offices to let in Scott's 1,1 New Brick Block. Apply at • MCOA UGHEY & 11.0148TELPS. - Seaforth. Jan. 27. 1869: ob- TREASURER'S F LAYDS FOR SALE COUNTY OF HURON, 1DY VIRTUE To Wrr : • I) of a Warrant under -the hand of the Warden of the COTtll-- ty of Huron, and the Seal of the said Coun- ty, bearing date the third day of -August, A. D. 1869, to me directed, for the collotion of arrears of taxes due on the under- mentioned lands.' • These are therefore 10 give notice that unless the said taxes, to - nether with all lawful costs and charges be suener paid, I shad on TUESDAY 30th day of November, A.. 1). 1869, at the hour of Ten o'clock- A. Ai., AT THE • COTT:Ria" ITJS IN THE TOWN OF - CODERICII, Proceed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION the said lands,-• or so much thereof as may be sufficik.n1 to discharge snch arrears of taxes and charges thereon. _A -OTE. -„In the following list "e.d." sig- n y:e-s Est d." West Division_ "p." Patented--``u.p." Unpatented -L-` Part --"n.t.n." sVorth Town Plot. TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD. L,ct Con. Ac. Ft. Taxes costs T:02 East 4 4 1 te,d 100 p 77 09 2 78 79 87 N• 1_ 3" 100 p 64 21 2 45 66 66 W 4 4 100 p 94 91 3 23 C814 E part 5 4 111. p 99 55 3 35 102 90 E -8 4 100 p 43 17 1 93 450 8 half -:i 6 100 u.p 31 86 1 65 331 W pt S 4 1 13 49 p 13 44 1 20 14 64 1 3 wd.2c0 p 82 05 2 90 84 95 2 4 200 p 123 12 4 78 127'90 N part 3 4 136 p b327 248 67 75 N half 3 8 •MO u.p 64 69 248 67 17 N half 4 8 10.0 u.p 13 7:3 1 20 14 93 E half 11 8 ioo-u.p 12')8 1.18 14 16 W half 6 9 100 p 72 602 66 75 :37 N W pt of N 610 80p 31 58 1 65 23 23 N half 3 11 100 u.p 69 38 260 71 98 W half 5 11. 100 p :3577 175 87 52 E half 8 11 100 u.p 41 65 1-90 435 W half 8 11 100 n.p 31 06 163 32 69 8 W pt 11 11 20 p 25 42 150 26F'2 • 6)2 200 p S0 02 285 8287 N part 7 13 114 p 45 66 200 476 3 North Town Plot • 153 p 100 63 23 104 43 N part 34....n.t.p. 63 p 34 70 174 36' VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT, • IN ASIIFIELD. 02 E Arthur st. 93 do p 273 93 3 64 p 2 73 93 3 66 24 - f!O p 2 73 9;3 3 66 25 tz.0 p - 5 15 fts 6 13 '2 do p 11 71 1 15 12 86 31do p 1100 115i2 32 do u.p 11.71 1 15 12 8• 4 t(i:00 4u../0.) 1111 122