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The Expositor, 1869-11-26, Page 4
a 4 Truth Stranger than Fiotion. A TALE OF LIFE'S Ti DIED.. —At Rockto:n; Beverly, on Satur the. 30th,' Orin Wilson, ,late of 0 forniaa, aged 36 years. - L connection with the forego brief obituary notice may be uaa.rru the story of the trials and v.iciasitu ,of a life which. tend to confirm the a ness .of the oft-repeate?d quolaation wll forms the heading f,f this article. A.bo nine years ago Elizaaueth White, clan ter of Thomas White, of Beveriy, in cried Andrew McVenn, sun of Andes 1lluVenn, formerly an in -keeper of 13 'wily -'wily-; and sonic time after their me ridge, her husband's health began` ail, and he was advised to find a hon 1u su7ne;rnore genial climate. Biddi adieu to early association and fait,ll he started in a feeble state of health, company with his wife sad child, f the U-olait i- State on the ;balmy slopes the Pacific but, sad to relate, the sil eel chord of his life was snapped assun er ere the desire of his heart head be. realized, and his early remains wet buried in the. "waste of waters; " will Lis mourning wid.,w found hc•r. e shortly ;After the event occurred, stranger iii a strange land. Hese sl battled bravely with life's trials, an by industry inaaintained herself ,an child fair some years, until about tw years ago she married Orin Wilson, wh had been a resident of California, fo about twenty . years.. For a time al went well again, but latterly Mr. Wil s•ni's health began' to fail, and,oby ad vice of his physicians, ;he was induce. to take a, sea voyage, and sailed fo -. l ew Yurk. During the voyage hi health became cousideraably better, astir In:pushed his way westward, intending tU make a short visit to his wife's rriends in this locality, and then pass on to Michigan in seau h of his brothers, who reside near Kalamazoo. — Reaching Rickton, on Monday,the 26th Oct. he toolr a severe cold, but it was not. con- sidered lie was dangerously ill, until near the eiid of the week, w=hen on Sa- tirdade y he sired his friends td tele- graph to his wife in Calrfotnia to come on at once to see inial' ere he died, The message was despatched, but before evening closed in, he had breathed his last. The widow, who was thus ag=un bereft of her husband, did not receive the telegram until 11londay, the 1st inst., when she replied she would start forthwith, and on Tuesday moning, the 2nd, she loft with her two children for Canada by the Pacific Railway, and arrived at Rockwood on Monday, the 8th. to and that her husband had been called . to_ his long Borne before she 4;1ad received rhe telegram informing her of his sudden illness. The remains of, he deceased were kept -until she arrived, and she was ui�ivileged to take one ling- ering. ing-ering. look thereon befere they were conveyed to. their hast resting place. A sadder tale of trial is,. perhaps,.. rarely to be met with, and the diseo:nsolated widow, wuo has been so severely aa fi t- ed, is worthy of the sympathy and corn= mmexation of all with whom' she May. be associate d. The deceased had, d u r- iug h;s twenty yeais of life in Califor- nia, aniaas.=eci-cotmiderabl weakh; so that his widow and • her two chil.lr•en will be well providt;cl for.—a) Banner. rday ali- ing ted des pt-. ich tit gh- ar- ew ev- r- to to ng cls, in or of d t;l'1 le If a ie cl. d 0 0 1 d r s d m. Rapidity of Thought in Dreaming:. A very remarkable Circumstance, and ° an imporssuit point of analogy is, says Da. Forbes Winslow, to be found in the extreme rapidity with which the men- tal eperations en-tal.eperatious are performed, or rather wish which the nlaatei'ial changes :ori which the ideas depend are excited 1 a. in the hetuispherial gaai glia. It would appear if i. whole series of acts that 'would really occupy a long lapse of time, pass ideally through the mind in oie iUstaant. We have in dreams no perceptiou of the lapse of time—a strange property of mind ' Fi,r if such b also its property when entered into the etertlal disembodied state time will appear to us eternity. These 'relations of space as well of time are also ,ann- hi- Ia+ted, so, that while almost an eternity is euninpressecl ill GO a moment, infinite space is traversed more swiftly than by real _thought. Thereare numerous illustrations of the principle on -record. A gentleman dreamt that he bad enlist- ed as a soldier, joined his 'regiment, deserted, was apprehended, -carried back, tried condemned to be sho:t.a and at last led out for execution. sAfiter the usual preparations a ;w1.. was fii,pd, he awoke.' with the report, and found that ai noise in an adjo:nuig room bad, at the saarue moment., produced rite dream and awakened him.. A friend of I)r. Abercror,bie dreamed that he had crossed the Atlantic • and spent a fortnight in stlmerica. Tin embarking, on his :return, be . fell into the sea, quid, awakening in the fright, found that he had not been asleep tell nun- u te . . • 'Tat SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR.. A Boys Soliloquy Yes, there's another of 'em up st&i. now. I kuowed it `cause papa told I must be quiet, and sit down in Jl corner with my books, and must't pia bill nor ask Willie Swart to come i and help me to put my new puzzle t ,ether. • Then there's a cross nurs that's a always scolding me for gc;ttiag i her way, no matter where I get. 13 sides Miss Gadall was here to day, an she took me on her knee, patted me o tie back just like the cook does whe choking, and said niy nose was an other degree out of joint ; but 1 line• better, for this is the t'iird time sli has told use so and it is no more out o joint than ever it was. She's a hateful goggle-eyed old xnaid–+that'savhat she is 1 saw t 1 too. It's- t5 t a little, i t,lt�, rolitid red head, withoiut any hair, with great deep wrinkles instead of eyes, and whei it cries, it opens' its mouth as though i meant to swail)w itself. Pa helped me upon the side of the bed, and told me to kiss ,guy dear Brett little sister pretty . and when T wouldnt and called horrid , ugly little thing, he said I was a naughty' boy, and then nurse'shoo In andc: said fought to �k>e ashamed. didn't get to hiss: my ma at all. • knew better than to'try it, fol once when another baby carne, sI climbed up the bed and put my arms round her neck and kissed her, but all the time I had my knee ou the baby's head, to I was whipped and put an 1.m crib be cause 1 did not know it was there. -Little Annie thinks its nice to have a new sister, but she was the l-'aby be- fore and don't know anything about it. I can remember long, long ago, Ma used to call me "her . sweet little darling" and Pa dandled me on Lis foot, and said I was a-fiae fellow, and aunt Julia,, declared I was a perfect angel, .but then Tom came, and all my pretty toys were given to him cause he was L]ie baby, find I was cufild and scolded by every body. except Giaanclu,la, and she's kind to Ane yet, though there's been two other new ones since 1 wonder where all the babies come from. ilia saays the Lord seridr; them. 1 rs n k I x wish he wonldn't send any more to our house, we've got more'n enough now. It might be nice for them if they could stay little always, but they have to grow big after a while, and then they . ain't no better cfl' than the rest of folk. I rather think if I was a baby T'd ask the Lord to send me where I'd not grow any bigger, and then I'd have ro- thing to do but to lie on my back, a.na chew my toes, and I would have -fol as say 1 was the " darlingest cunningest little creature theyever laid eyes on" • Do ANIMALS SEE THE SAME LUMI- NOUS RAYS AS MAN 7—M. Paul Alert has recent=y been experimenting on this subject, and has published his results 1.0 Brown-Sequard's .Arcaives de Physi- ologic. The method he adopted was to place a number of the little DalT hni so common in our-pouds and cisterns, into small vessel the interior of which 'vas well blackeniecl, and into which light could only obtain access through a narrow slit. The Daaphpita distribut- ed themselves tolerably equally through the darkened vessel, but on transmitting a ray of ordinary light through : the fluid they immediately gave signs o agitation, and grouped ttienselves lel and around the illuminated path of th ray. Oii interposing a screen they re pidly dispersed- lid Bert next 1 roceed ed to try the effects of variously colour- ed rays ; and he found that the slurp agitation incl the same grouping occur- red, whatever might be the colour of the ray transmitted. At the ' ug$,estion of Dr. 1 i•ishatber, he -transmitted beveiaa.l separate beams of . different colour through the satuie vessel. and fouled then that the alliniais collected chiefly in the yellow, •greeeri, and in that portion of the spec'truni, which -was slightly tinted of an orange colour. A considerable number Ni ere'also seen in the red ray, fewer in - the blue, and leas and less numbers in the violet and ultra -violet. From these and other experiments, M. Bert concludes that all animals see the rays of the spectrum as -we see them ; that they do.not- perceive any .rays, that are not perceptible to -ourselves ; and, lastly, that in the range of visionatli-e difference fietween. the . illua7nilian<ting -powers of the differently coloured rays is ;the .same for them as it is for us. f e WANTED.—A ,paddock to Riatch a circular quay. A ladder to scale the -"height of the s-idiculoUs." To know the breadth of the broadest hints. Books to. stock 4 -`` brown study." To know how many Scotch lochs :make a frill head of haai al To know how many i)iu ts' are contained in a reef of Turkey quartz .l FASHIONABLY CONVERSATION. -- 1St Swell : ' Gwacious goodness—aw — I'ln —aw—so-•---a-a-;Awfully bored—aw. 2nd Swell : to w—so—aw—arn L Singular Cattle Disease. A correspondent of the Rural New Yorker gives an account of a very singu- lar cattle di.�eaase which has broken out in-Mbntoe County, New York state. The disease it would appear is rarely fatal as yet, but trouulesome. It broke out suddenly, and at once nearly every fa river found some animals in bis herd infe:ftec}. It is mit gonmunicatecf from one animal to another—at least such are nos its means of spreading, for it, ap- pears in herds that have been isolated from othirs the entire season. I said it has been rarely fatal, yet some ani- mals have died with it The fit st sym; - tom is usually a scabby sore on the fore leg, usually nude. the dew -claw. Per- haps there is a c]aaw on the back side of the knee joint. Other sores shove then. - selves on the fore legs. lnflamation sets in, the leg swells ; meantime bli:;t- ers appear on the uddet and teats, fol- lowea by lumps and' raw sores The animal is inclined to lick the sores, O L5, and the poison is communicated to the lips and month, and they >�velt:arta become craw. If the disease runs its course, the legs swell to the body, .and the animal soon dies, evidently poisoned by the virus. A 11 classes of cattle are liable to l.e attacked. Happily few cases, as yet have bee�a fatal. The disease seetii;; to yield. readily to remedies. Sulphur and saltpeter are given internally hot tar applied to the lower sores on the legs, and camphor and al u to oint- ment to the udder, &es. Vaario m other remedies are used. Sometlning healing and that' will- keep away the flies seems SIGN OF THE tt COTCHC OLLAR. 1HE undersigned begs to inform the farm- ) ers and others of the Count of Huron, fiat h3 pass opened a first classy HARNESS & SADDLERY SOI'AS, -� LGI. N 178. FU SEAFORTH N IT JR Ma R( BE , Importer and manufacturer of ail, kinds HOUSEHOLD F r of l R +inch as ' IN And being in a position to pay cash for all material used at his establishment. he can and will offer superior inducements to any other party doing business hare. IS COLLAIS particularly, are acknow- ledged bycoil• )ttant 'aaclges to be su- perior to any made in the county, and from his thorough acquaintance with the wants of the con nnuiiity, he is satisfied that all who CENTRE. T. 'r'IJ1 8: 9 ry J � A- zz J ��',�. � ,. ,►„ I:ASS DINING & BI. A I� . I l �lLES 13t.;ItEA ' CHAIRS. a ml LEIS 1''J.'i1):5 - - iii Gn at 'arid. ?11z. It. h -v ,gest confidence k n; e in offering h ig good to the -public, as they urn ;.:le (good "e:a.sooiicea Lumber, and ii 1:'=est-t.'la,t 'ur um...n. fav im> With gY l . ;Hr n t t1 an '� ••s1..E': OF E Dile him. �� itJl their lia,trolnz„c, will have , �' � �" � . �`s, � ,.-� z{..� �. TO ,�J, �•° � - no cause to_regret doing so. i On tlio 6hort?.st Note:. His personal supervision being given to all work manufactured at his shop, places hien ' ' Ti Ri't r'' a' in a position to .,warrant all work sold by Done with .at • _.- , La.Ji9. SS and 1)tslJa.tth. him, and his motto will be " the nimble six- pence; before the slow shilling." Conic along morns farmers and judge • TWO ,, , .. - , . , and � �,c toy. yourselves. iv o charge r�� O �34tJ:�`� �(.>I,�i. II f513A.111?'S lI()Tl?'L fcir showing goods. 'g=ain Street. C -'Shop opposite the Post Office, Seaforth. 'WM. H. OLEVER, Seaforth, Jane 18, 1819:° 80-tf.� ' T S4nforth. Jan. tith, ISGIJ to be best. �'>�1: :�R & SO BOOKBINDERS, HULLET —. -.- - A Monster Cannon. The monster cannon cast in the end of the 1 Gth century by the Emperor Fedor Ivunoa itch, which is one of the principal` " lions''. of the Keen -lien, and has hitherto enjoyed the reputation putaition of being the largest piece of 1 a.trtillery in Russia, has at length found a rival and superior : in the colcssal gun recently caact at Perms. The military Titan, according to the account of a cor- resl)onetent of tile. St. Petersburg Dew., ie is fully two-thirds larger than its ,re- decessor, and throws a ball weighing eighty Russian poods, or 2,880 pounds. 1 t is at present being. tested by a cow- mission of engineers, the Government - having announced its intention, in case that the report be favorable, of ordering five other pieces of similar calibre. New Process of Bread Making. Panification is the name applied to a process of bread making recently dis- covered and patented in France. This method dispenses with the grinding of the wht�at, and it is asserted, will pro- duce one hunched and fifty pounds of bread from one hundred pounds of grain, while by the old plan of using 6 a , U 71, only Oiie hundred and twelve pouvcis of bread are produced from the one Hundred pounds of wheat. The new kind of 1,i ead is said afro to be of better quality than the ten is not decompoae.i a� iheaat of grinding. The n mentation, it is also ar ld, as the glu nd lost by the w mode of ler serted, contri- butes greatly to the whiteness of the bread, Lord jllacauly as a Boy Tire following anecdote of Lord Macaulay is taken from a letter writ- ten by a Scotch schoolboy during his vacation, to his father iii Edin burgh -clat€d "Clapham, Sept. 20, 1810). 1 After describing. leis journey from the house of his tutor at Norfolk and his arrival' at Clapham, lie goes on —"Mrs. Macaulay eras got the -finest family of children 1 ever saw. The eldest of them, a boy about ten came u1 alt tea -time and shook hands Kith rale A little after George(tuy companion from London) told Jiini 1 was a Scots-, main. .Ile ininaediately got 'kip, seized my hand,. and shook it heartily.Then �a. keen dispute arose between him and his sisters about Scotland azrad England. He insisted that he was a Scotsman and should henceforth be called Tani insead of Toni. He called one of his sisters Jean instead of Jane. and a .younger brother Jock, which pat them both quite furious. It was good fun bo %-y fiercely they fought.' The writer of this used often to speak of 11lacauly as the very cleverest boy he ever met with one exception, the late John Giusort Lockhart both these boys were incessant readers. There is no other spoken, lata ;us e se cheap and expressive as :the Eng- hslt. So the electric wires are bec:om- i.ng teachers of out mother tongue in foreign coon&les. The same amount tof information can be ,transmitted in fewer English words than French German, Italian, or any other Europe- n language. In Geritianv, and lion- pon—ac 1 1 S v' uny ou at well : Ee and especially, it .is coming to be a Flowers of tine ocean—Lady bathers. and Swell . Ee—aw. (The • coalition thing to bee teleuranis in What p of sp•. ech la kissing l—A 1 passers-by imagine that two monkeys ; Englia;h to save expense and insure Qonluizcaiw. ; heave broken loose.) pre,,isiou. AP F, prepartd to execute binding in every style. Persons residing at a distance b3 leavnio- their hooks at the Signal Book Store, 0odericb, or at the "1- xrosrron' office, Seaforth, stating style, may rely upon there being well bound. AT THE LOWEST PRICES, And returned without delay. Seaforth, -June ll, lts9. 7841, CASH THE subscriber having R1±,MOVED to the premises lately oc. upied by E. Hick- son & Co., is now prepared to pay the high- est Cash Price for any quantity of good Fresh Eggs delivered at his shop, Main St., Seaforth. DAVID D. WiLSON. Seaforth, April 22. '1'2-tt. 1NSO EVENT QCT '°F 1864. In the Matter of WILLIAM F ER- -G UbON Au Insolvent. N Saturday the sixth day of N veal a.. el inept l � ie n , undersigned �,� r 1 Eal! ar ER -.17. E. F you want a Watch that will keep the correct time, purchase. one of Thomas Russell & ,Son's celebrated. 1 `ate}ies. . argo stock of them for ,ale at - - `?1. GcWJTE' SEAFORT€ L He has a' 1.o on hand .a. large assortment of Clocks, Jewellery, Panty Coos, Toys, ske., all to be sold -'heap for Cash, 44:7Every description of Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery‘ Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and W ai ranted to give satisfaction. The highest price paid for Old Gold and Sliver. M. It. COUNTER. Seaforth; Apilr 27th, 1609. - 5:1.- it EXCHANGE BROKER And dealer in. Pure ©:RSCS, CH M1 AtS & DYE STUFFS. The Drug Department is under the special care of an experienced Chemist,' 11. M. PEARSON. c:'" January 21st, 1869, ov- t 11 apply to the Judge of the Comity Court _ or the County of Huron for a discharge g unser the said Act. WILLIAM FERGUSON, By M. C. CA M EON, His Attorney. Goderieh 20thAu g. A. D. IbG9. 91-2 ONTARIO HOUSE, FALL &WINTER :STOCirS, Very Complete, and selling at greatly Rethieed Pricec! CLOTHS, FLANNELS, SHAWLS and HOODS In great variety. Fresh G And Crockery. EDWARD CASH. Seaforth, Sept. 29, 1861.9. - 53_ly. FOR SALE, ` r OT No. 20, in the 13th Concession of 14 Stephen. Term„ liberal, Title good, Apply to Messrs Benson & Meyer, Seaforth, or to Messrs Cameron, McMichael, Fitzger- ald & Hoskin, Solicitors, Toronto. Sept. 10th, 1869. 92-tf. AGENTS WANTED, GENTS wanted to sell one of the best Aon. paying inventions p �, sin the Province. A liberal discount will be givento traveling agents,. Apply at the Expositor Office. Seaforth, SSept424th 1689• 42-11' GO TO T. J•- SIMONS' FRUIT A OYSTER, PoT, For Fresh Oysters, Sardines 'Lobsters Pies Cakes, and Sweets of every description. CALL AND EE is _`rensh Stool ! Opposite McCA. N N'S Old Stand. &forth, Feb. 14`..),, 1869. 6341 J re 'IU TO. �;; LI_ has now on hand til largest stock in Seaforth, of every dean- cription of Furniture, from the commonest to the finest, :and all at the lowest prices, Qual- ity of -material employed, and workmanship, guaranteed. - TT L\TJD INCA In all its departments, attended to in a sato factory manner. A Hearse . for hire. T. BELL'S PATENT SPRING MATTRASS Kept constants' 4,n hand, and fitted to -an bedstead. This :article is the best and cheap est made, as attested to by all who ha.veya- ed it. Warranted to give satisfaction. C Remember the plane, O 1::" POSIT K I DD &(M'MULKI -.N 'S. Seaforth, Aug. 5, 1869. 8 _ tf FARMERS Or Get your Homerades,` Cut Out JO s z conom & Taste AT , SUTHERLAND R0='8, TAILORS, Go d eri-ch, Street. G -003D PJ T And Workmanship Uuaraante e. CHARGES MODERATE NEXT DOOR TO Lu sden's Dreg tOr. SMafortta, Su t. IUt A to 30 time .icer j .cleat Lads ate t Mrs:- By- ed zit, ratio' Miss. Lad twee now ,. beat hi ful al } t=ii' offer; was = d left 1.y beim B .after iic Kl•.r1. t-er_. only 4'e u± 4" hay iiet t dc;e?.tr Ana iJl nevez snows .a.l 11 this say tl there to alien happi aaftg Ivnni stand; toil coizcl Iwll louit consi uuoug your 1 On lifter fort tI are aas. butte have best c h;ss May Pt Vin; be y rights think the k periet 'i Feb, sired Era P1-91)0 caalu0 lisro' stab which. but e: -can b arilyy ▪ Leer - low -0 his av to the. dear n since is from t 31181.711: edgin tion h has -to these happia unwej; to my Sancti ateiy,' 'h on no er the to you laxly . -elf tc Ant th of the: and n taonat: Tb ring. yetis. pair euoaig any -c sol ioi. cause be of e rlt _} o given,:. coda