HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-11-26, Page 3•
TARTE. House to a Local Le !let the Dorni4._
ahow that the uOwer w-
gis a tire,
ion Parliament possesses to grant pnblie
money to any- Province for public *or
benetitting thy who]
et- ILI ti4e Clobe.
ountr3r, coy- rme
htained lew,e to. ip.tro_, Nova s.,ort,i,.,1;ney.i tt.m1.7.srifi,b;irzitibtiaotn,etli:ef .
:tend the time for de Ar !grant ..
xona1l 1;1%1 -Et v h-mh was nu);
be -am t,f Deceinber to ; worlui or g.,nrrirlV 1 i ty (litterN enticeh,
After --some other . trout the increane -or the atitiii,,,1 sult,.4idy0 ,
,on disp.ise1. of, i‘l,r, ' fol' all tittle tu CotTPA to one Of the
i forward - his motion 1ex:ening 1 a rt ies. "- M r. Cain4riet's ergtt,
merit of h ROW St'ka ; Wait thrt,ugheut „exhiti`tti the weak,
quire it,t2 the mai:rage- ness of the cause he NiTt18. called upon to
meld of uppet Canada sumo' t ; for -beyond his prop° 41104-.
relations to other ed,t-, that the declaration
ieus in the eattutry. -,,,I i,inent was in itself suflie1entt:311.,
tan repeld fiti, eitarg- t termiue what ex, penditure came inider
Itiec-e. Ind' &aye rea,01-ts , the head of expenditure for the y.ohe
, ,.... „ , ,,..,
on, the ettquity should 'pod, he contented himself deprecatiq
. . - r ne
r a fra cow mit P. ,t a resolution, the adoption ofwhiah h
, J.
air of flee House was evidently ieured would involve his cot.
i , e
•1t. of E /Le re- app0Mt- j, leagues and him.self in cansiderable dif. -
mit tee of lag year ;1‘ i fieulty, The arguments of
., smite the uutipished two:andand Mr. Clztttre Isvvae.sreac(ifv,linlitieeelcit
• the point it.t whieh ;I:the same cali40
:, i Ji
-um h.“1 terminated -,-,1, be' them aga '114t tile COITeetne8s of 51r
-the one altimatftlY: lilake's po.,,y, ion, or the right winch Oh. ,
1-/tee-je's PH/ tc etreet ! taxi° 'O 5V::(; to peoteet againet tin Act
:loth• a andiiing Ow ' direoLly ;Wetting her inte-rests, and
:was titivrt read a fiElf- i whit,h iF a violation of t:a1Tier,:cNos,n2()/0)(Lic,,,ttiinte-
to l. -t- referr:ed to i to wi.iii,11 f.,,Ite elite, ed.
„. •i prc„...incial Tee:tsut-er, was theonievfamvientio-
.. 1- ber of tm
he Go ern erit support - i
, ,
!cot tttandinet
()rdem; Met the prineipql argument advert d -
i- their reports, tiOnte f
I Ire. Aajd timi, Ile bunself was of opinion -
,teed and „‘,,,, a tirt,t i that ;ate Gimetitution lied been violated .
intm,st as vaqi but th: t the quesfien having been put
1.4xri4ed --the }roe a the. law oideeis. of the Crowjl En.-
,,„tiet4 that ou (:,0„ ; I„ael and (weld( d V them In favor 4-
'w.kathl move- resolii- the 3eti011 °f the se.(-Invern men t.7 he had
the, skynar aceei&ted their decision 118 final. and
The re1n1itt1ng7- deemed it binding On ail others. This
ft„1.1( thrott4,b, da, is elearly a, matter of opin_ionThe law
eceved the eil-;7ottrn-1041'ell' a the' Crown untLY l'e verY Ahle
.f.a3,,, ,r1 to ext)ress a , men, hut th;ise who follow them in office,
:ours.w. jukt awn he, I and wh:3 will priobably be equally gifted,
it -hough iranortant I are as likelv. as not to cle.clere that the -
ve ta be dis'eu4sedr jat*-titm or the Dominion Government'
i.utionaa howi - `fIrtica-a"t. ei.y feri'
d ap-
i I vale Were nettle to t i'e 4 1. . '
Pt--1.ii,In being Cell- ' .' ' ' I . Pri'')'•le 8lnilt of
the 1,170:1S, as well as, direct threaten,
ings of what Nova Scotia mio-t do '
but the ututuswerAle cllaracter of Mr.
1 , ,..,- ,
4imated dieteuesion I ale ke s speech was proved by the weak
Aim of Mr. Lat-nt I ness of those which were Made in reply
I- - 1 •
to -0 to', investigete ; to it. AtI Lie _small pointe contrary ter
i..for .-1. Huren and '. the soirit of the Resolutions were tri -
iv- The hon. 0 -en- - enetietetiv dieposed of by Mr. Blake in
- .ee j . t -
ats an exeeettutm : Lis re; 4v,
it_ ': hc tirstnwelve resolUtions were re-
-i- of thi:r -seheme, ; -.TeetNI by a ger ernment majority of 42 .
assented to`the i to $5e _But the Governmeaktamend-
, - ,,, ituat tie. ,
tett-anteing le I me it to the 13th resolution, which con- _
country-, noth- 1, taillS at1 ilSiSertiOn Of the Inflin principle '
; e.
f tetateey or Lind ; eontenced for by arr. Blake, was de-
f'- firmsik, and tha t feated by a vote of 46 to 31, lea ving-the '
I not be bound by Government in a miaority of 15 I The
ti-vm-al mewl).- n...saInti,m is as ftillows
1 • .
and against the! 13. Titit in the o -pinion of the House
air- earl i_ed. .11:,, :the iuterests of the country require such' '
-. ,
. of the Attorney- j legielation as may remove all colottr
, ,
), hie eesolutions , from the assiunaition by the Parliament
et -meats -with No -r; of Ccinetkia orthe power to distui.b Vee fi-
r till to -day. !net:mei:0 relations, established . by the
t - Union Aet as- between Canada and the
2(,v„ san 4 sevmet1 1. rovinees. ,
, .
I - v -
whole Tlie—a 0 ern men t amendment being
s the IncYit tYrilii-;
l defeated, the resolution was -voted up-
.. delivered in the , on, when Mr. Sandfield Macd„,nald,
existeReek He I and three- of his colleagues, got slowly 0 =
to e -7r e -.'• - ' '' 4, T,,n4 tirliweia[ , , , e 4'ie., and 1.- °tee for the motion,
u 8,1.) ar as, it cone ; to whieh they lizid ,befare 'moved the six
l;.nt of confedt.„; mouthshoist 1 It reas: the meanest act !
,,,ilbal. in which ! we haVe ever known a Government to
Wint-es separate- ;
i cam mit wider like, circumstances. To
tiaVi; ifitnse'll &MI an additiond math -
t:ttkm of
' ft-etation, of defeat,Mr. - _Mardonald vot-
ega de- ,
ate„ples_iatuAl, eft in dirt,et opposition to,.. his Own 1110-'
1,1:i1zii,;p_ bet ‘44e' It ; t!,,,n, to his course, at Ottawa, and also
Be- tile! want of confidence in hisjeaders in the
i.,sed Iry the La_ j Dominion Parliament. ' Soule of the
- nthirst7,d b.v. the nye ewers were no satisfied to follow
,ent 1 r:-...vinces, .
, the Government in their dodging, and
-;,. under wb it. h i t we've voted against the resolution, '
. • agzeed to I be i among them the inartyred McGill
v .
it.0,0,1,,ent., The adverse vote cf the previong
r te eadi, o_ . -
or ParFainent, ; eyerling; an Mr Blake's 13th resolution
- with the lin- : was foilowed by the motion of Mr.
,L; estahlished . CIarlee— for the second reading of the
:eased the sub- ,' Law of Evidence Bill beingcanied
and so violitt,, ag;tinst the- Government liv a majority'.
-abliehed as a,I .
Of ti'li.rteftl, forparee voting for, and
1, the 1„tovinees , tiurty.six agaiest the measure. !"
ts not, only the 1 Anna Among The Mormons
Legislature of i
I A, curions'Wt-tr iS being waged betweeg c.oustitutional Anna Dickinson and the Mormons.
livh-is, a direiL't . Anna ha.:1, been. visiting
Utah, and of
von which ' eourse, Las been lecturing about what
:te Dominion- ' she saw there. Site calls the Mormon.
.toei of the fi ' ladies “brEtzen faced things," and sundry
!Ilv- 1,)"-in-in1on- other -hard and feminine a
th• nit the a_1;Vberellpf ill Mormonism turns upon bele
es ; alld; if aud says she is endowed with
'to all kinds - impudence and a loose tongue;" and it
het it is the : -winds up a ion, reproach by
telling her
1.11 to ad- to. ,,;,,, hoL,_ ue niun l'" I het . ImmeS."-• govern
,-e . a „
H-ifi owni-fif`I /- ' - I ' '-- - '''' ; a 'away, rule the house, and give the
, ' aIiversarV no oecail reproak
sion to spezcotia was fullr"—on'gt ly she must in allied
, first." This is a hard thrust for poor
' e,
fuliow Mr. ' Anna. That is where ali the trouble
nE;nts-. with is. Anna cannot get netri-ied. She
Yiews ;-- theY doee riot eeern to Inive had a chanT
eptetehee Of even 1'.11 Utith, where one would thinic
i of the
s41"1"rtc'rs; a woman eould (Id! di Y ltelP meeting
with a witting swain, evcei though sl'et
n en.'.f"ti''')r- - • 1 - Violent liscuptlificatiorlS.
i ' ile)s.seieu 1, etryt . 1 .t
11` 4"kr2S W11;;It Anna can be like, it is il-H-R t
PI1'g innwine belt we Caneot help. feeling' '
,. y ,.......r:tii
I. ,
t! 1'" rful kail.1 0 little pity f. r-
ME next Cattle Fair at Listowel
wilLbe held on the 10th of December,
WE haveto- 'acknowledge, from W.
T. frays, Esq., M. P, P., copies of Par:
liamentary papers. ' -
E °S.1T OR. •
Ali •
11:e7d in the M E. Church. in thii pl4e
on_ Wed. e eg. was a success as far as
sociality was concerned thou 111
.only speech delivered was by 1)r.
„not a succesS in n ti tuber. TI
Campbell, who was iequested by dip
Rev.. Mr. Eastman to come forward and
give anex tem pore r cowl address, and
amidst galls from all- quarters the
Di . took the stand and gtive one of :his
Ma. G. McPhillirs 1... L. S. will be characteresite humorous speeches, hold -
in Seaforth shortly, and will he able in the attention of the audience 'for
to ttend to any orders for surveying. about forty In] MI tel./. After another
Office °Ili door south of 8liarp's Hotelpiece of music by the excel/ent choir
AUCTION. ----Ma Thursday- Dft. 2nd and pronouncing of benediction the
'tiro quantity of stock, household audience dispersed.
farritureete.. will be 'sold on tile pre 4.1;lappy to meet, sorry to part,
inises of Mr. paV.i.d Tenyson, Seafort.h. 1-Tappy to meet ag,ain."
TEMPERANCE. -A Temperance Mee'). •Re -Union.
lag,' under the auspiees of, the Seaforth As we intimated in our issue of last
---- ,
Division Sons ea Tetnperanc:e, will be week, th....t it was the intentien ;,f, the
held in the Metnodist Episcopal Onoreh members of 6t
Themes Chureh to ini-
on I4orday evening, 29t1i inst. A--(1- tiate in this pi am, 'a course cf pu 1)1 ic
dresses will be delivered by Revs. E tst" reaoings to col:161111e through- 1
-inan and Price. .Mr. John -Gray, W. out the winter, our i•eaders, we feel 1
P., will occupy the chair, The pubic
is respectfulfy invited.- .
united, intelligent and virtuous. He
noticed the late brush of England with
Abyssinia, expending $16,000,000 for
the release of a few prisoners—German
and French—for when once British
protection is extendod to a peNtea he is
safe. Foreign journals misrepresented
Britain's object, but how disappeinted
they were when Napier paid the last
farthing for food, and took nothing
away. It snows Britain is in the van -
gutted of progi.:ession. The British sol-
dier will never more raise a hand for ag.
gression, but it is ever ready for pro-
tection. Tile speaker maintained that
an essential element of SUCCPSS is the love
of nationality. He did cot believe in
an established church, but as long as
people were unaninfous it did no harm,
thotigh but little good. The struggh
and disruption ofthe Established Chu& cit
in Scotland—the voluntary principle
—the Papel Aggression Bill—Republi-
can and Monarchical forms of govern-
ment were elaborately) and eloquenty
sure, will be glad to learn that the first
of the seeies will take place in Down-
ev's Hall on Thursda:a e)vg. Dee. 2nd
1 F. 69. Knowing th at the selec-
tions for reeitations, reading, itec.e are
.well chesen Lied that the musical portion
of the entertainment will be good, we
have no hesitation in preelieting with-
out fear or hazzard that the promieed
THE Sea forth Vol 1111 teers returned
from the Prince Alfred on, WeAneschtv
.1am% They conaider that they had a,
good faine, and they did- not once get
into action wieh A. "Fenian Piivateer.'
On the.. evening of their return the
"brave soger uoys" were eterteined at
en oyster supper, got up in Foster's
best s yle.
ran dled. Republicanism .being t
iiglie.st form of ideal goyernme
.equires the -highest perfecti,on
ntellectual attainMents. Class Legisl
ion is the greatest., bane. of al
otintry. The Tonnage as well • as the
Navigation laVes were examined and toe
increase of Briti'shetonnage- and decrease
Of; Ainericen, • consequent npon Free
Wade on the one hand and .P-otectionon
1queother.. }Te considered the necessity
f acquiring a through knowledge of
1 -
economy and a firm belief ir
ee truths of Christianity. The .word
f God, should be the beide of all Tar.
A. man who hears his home lightly
poken - of is no true patriot... Bre-
ams berberism 7. or 8 centuries ago
lade it en easy conquest for tile No •
It is custointo.y for blatant en-
ters on:the other side of the :line,.
speak of us as old- and effete—in
suite of' clecadenee and to affect -
believe in the picture- of a eertai
iter, of a NEW Z ii13;der stending c
Melon bridge, and finding ate ruins
Vestminister Abbey. But the speak(
elieved thee Britia Empire_ is one
1-od's means of carrying on eivilizatiot
a Livingston is noW eeplaring th
wilds of eefrica—the harbinger o‘f th
gospel to that benighted peeplae., -An ti
uly of the cress will follow him an
sown the last hold of error will begone.
Britain occupies the twelfth part Of the
globe and she rules the fourth part .of
Mankitnt, the Australian . Colonies,
South- Sea. Is -hinds, a!nd oursele es poss-
essing half the American Continent,
with • 4,000,000, inhabitants Britain,
and her Colonies will become the wond-
er of the World,' and We must be as I r rad
of our colintry as the Reptiles f old,
Britons are as ecapatile ot •Patriotism as.
Romans:, The departed glory of Spelt!,
her present degradation—eleerease
of p pilation J.Pranceincrease of
latish population, senuing. her emi-
ence -was nut Wycy huge, he aseumed it 1 e,..teuits .to people all met ions, min eie Sr
WaS V. try Seieet.. HA -3 bad. not prepared
an at.hlressimt. would sneak. extempore
aneotely, giVing paint/ amie view Of
the uationet and: eo progreee of the vie
reunion on Tuesday 'next will be a tie.1
cided success.
'The following is the programme :--
. UsBoTtNE- —One . citiy last week a. Opening Address--2,Reve C. C. JohnSon.
Tell while wrestling, thereby- disioceting 1 "Toloe Tosspot,"--4\1r. Potter. Song
:venlig men, named George Ai teistrot g leeteu mental music—Mr& Cameron
living -on the Thames Reed, Usher -no, • IkIeserSa 'BPI]. & Collins ' Recitation
the hip joint. All the medical 'clan Of
Exet...r., aziststod by- one from Clinton
and iinoth'er fi.ozn Landon. :faileel in re-
ducing the 11,I,j111'Y', He was- rtherefere
removed to the London diepeneary, .
last, on apeount of the. heavy- body
snow on Mr. Ross' e Livery Stable,
this -.dace the roof fell in A numb
-of bugzies were eon:skier:11;1y dam ige
and a, couple of cutters entirely ruine
A. most. fortunate escape &ern death w;
made by ..two boys, who on heterii
gio first 0,1.80 got urnter one of e
buggies whin?) saved them.
ANT.E. now have. most eKcellent sleigh
ing. Whether, however, it is as good
011 the mud roads is questionsiAe,
though business, the last iew da,ys,
looks mo;it encouraging. Our: streets
ale ill 1 lad with t fiorenal a.
pear:ince, —mil Seaforth looks. itself'
rtin. We •anticipete pretty good
tileee for a thrill, but we fear that nn -
Jess the priees of. gTain go up from 'hat
they.bave Otte ter been, .eepecially in
view of the slender crops through this
pert of the country, that business will
not be the beg.
SOi://-liy. is now regulai ly organized. The
0! joct it has in view is to Lied improve-
ment On Wednesday nig], te next, 4
• debate &ill' take plaee in ethe Tempel
ance Hall, to wiiIi41 the pelilic is re
epeetfully invited. Sulaleet of debate
liesolve-d that, " Allonarehmal form 0
Goveenmeat preferabie to a Ilepul di
can." For the : Hayis
leader, St) ppr rted _Cempbell am
'Mr. Blaisdell. Negative : pr. yercoe;
lcader, supported by Me8STS. Luxton
and Hohnestede Umpire, Dewar
Parties etesirous, of joining the §-ociety
will please attend this meeting.
A (loop OLEARANCE.—Searforth may
congreiniate itself' on its clearance of
the disreputable Baxter family dliring.
the past, week.. On Thursday evening
Mrs. Guthrie, had stolen from net.
".1. rerkine" ?Jr. Harris. Dialogue
."Cairolaiens .Au froli oe-
stead & HuritCr. Sorig--_.51.1.8. Moodie.
Reading-1Lr. Beneon:r
Cline. Reaclipg--"11lliza,” by
:Darwin—Re . q. 0. J;iiuson.
of eliolo,--"Maggie's I Seeret"—Mies M.
• Johnson. Speeel), (origit lid) Air.
I-Iollieested. 'Ate .N-ptioted A nthem.
Doors open at a:di-pest seven. Com -
d - -
d: mence at S. Adiaiseiun 10 cents, Child-
ren 5 cents, .
la .
1 0
ig Mr. MeKenthde's Lecture.
As previously anneunced, Mr.
Kenzie, M. P., for Lim Au, 14, delivered
It adetreea in the Peeebyteriau (.;11111!Ch
1.11 plaCe On .WetlileSCLuy last,. under
L11( a uepiees el the Meelleni(!s'Institate.
The vresident, Mr. John Gray, occu-
pied the chair, wilo said the Alecheuic.s1
ustiuute was J. fixed f;iot —a financial
suece,ss. It took its rise from the waren
hearth of the ladies. 'Aftir a few perti-
Irene rinnarks he introiltteed thi=i speak-
er, who weereteived With inuele cheering.
• Mr. .Me 1i:teazle -premised hiS lectu re
by statiog that her wae not in the helit
of occupying• the pulpiteand 'if the Audi -
1 -
VERCOE-011 the 12th inst. the wife of Dr.
Vercoe, Egmondville, of a &lighter.
BELL—On the 25th insi., the !wife of Thos.
Bell, of a daughter.
DITOAN—On the 241h int, the wife of Julias
Dunea Seaforth,of a son.
BROADIPOOT—THORP.-011thel9th Mr. Alex
Broadfoot .to Miss Jane Thorp, by the
Bev. Mr. Barr at his residence, all of
tigr" If you want good value for your
roQpey in Boots and Shoes go to T.
Coventry's. 87-tf
New Yorknouse—P. Clapp.
Statutes -4) Lizaris.
"Mutual 13enefit."—A -McDougall
County Courts—P Adamson.
Surayed-D Stewart.
.; Stray Heifer—I Ingra.hani.
'St -rayed --E Underwood.
Property for Sale—I A Jones.
Christmas -0 .A rmstrong,
Skating Rink—R HOWARD.
SEAFORTH, 26,1869.
Wb.eat, (Fall) ft" bushel. :80 to
Wheat (Spring) V bushel, ):80 to
Barley te bushel, 3:40 to
Oats V bushel, _ ):28 to
Peas tt bushel, :50 to
Potatoes ki bushel .• to
.00 • to
0: o to
q:17 to
0:25 to
'7:50 to
6:00 to•
0.40 to
0.12 to
0:25 -to
0.40 to
Hay "1:1' ton, .
Eggs F dozen,
13u Mer, 1ff lb.
Sheen Skins,
CI et:se; •
0:16 0:16
o :30
a -
(IA 1', EE into the premises of tbe Subscriber
on Lot No. 1, Qui. 9th on or about the
rd of JUly last. a Yearling Steer. The
owner is le oneeted to prove property pay
expenses and take it awly:
Ainleyville, Nov, 24th, 1869.
A ME inte the enclosure of the Subscriber-
• Lot 22 Con. 14, leKillop, on or about
d the let of Octobfr, a red Heitz one year old.
The owner is requested to prove property,
pay charges, and take -the same away.
Ncev., 2:lrd, 1869. 103-4in.-
'her laneueee and religion for the
zation and elii istianization of thocloth,
- was • eloquently alluded to. The cio-
cinefitsmeiker then directed hieremarles
to the tixity.ktf the laws to the ineinbers of the Mehanics' ln-
-4 of nature--L--the marvelousue.ss of era- stitute neging them to 8(._if 'imprave-
, . .
: pee power, nu two faces being alike, ment, to keep pace with the march of
f thus eeffoeding a protection to societyscience end general intelligence.
_ DifferenCfaCee aid in discriminating be- - Mr. Ifteys of the it. 0, Bank moved
,- Gwen the ,Itist and unjusta—the thief a vote ot hauks to the learned speaker
1 and the lioneA Inan—The different types for his able and ins i;r uetive discourse
, • • - •
• of families, tribes and nations Were il whichwas enthin-3iabtic4lly carried. .
lirter-marriage produces a A more select and in.elligeet audience
peculiar- conformation of feces like rhe we have seldom seenand regret 'we can -
Jews making anew and distinct peoplenot give more 01a T1 -the barest skeleton
The.influx. of' VilriOns ivitionalities now of Mx. 1N1cKenzie's eloquent addre,•s,
• (Y0i.10. 01 flit% Southern Ste tes a few which -.was listened to throuehout with
breatheless silenee .
- Communication.
--81101,1fchse a bonnet -.and a hat, and as
circumstances 'pointed to -the . Baxter
girls as being the tlncs'es, a Seateobwea:-
ralet was got apt. Constable LuSby,
• acting upon this authority; foireld the
.missing articles en the houseeand. along
with thitun another bat, Which -turned
opt to be the preperty of Mrs. Glover,
S-.'-olere on tlte ione eveninge end in a
Chfpit Iii•!el-p found fourteen prates Which
they were Seen tekingfrem the door of
arse Hickson & Co's. store. "Under
those clieurnstauc'es the. Whole family
was lirplight before D. L. sills, Eq.;, 4"„
who, -opops the i(lentifieatien of the
g-)ocis by tile respective -9 wners, coni mit-
ted the girle to jail.: For this time, the
" matrin" of' the establishment- was 106
eff, O11 conditiens that ere- three clay:z;
--el.epsed she Weald makeherself "scarce"
On -S"itin•day, however, Mr. Hill. Udss--:
ed a :thinned skit, •hod his saspieions
- resting at Mice upon this. same heuse,-.
;mother searai warrant. was get out, and.
the conStailleS, thie time,. made 4 .gerer-
. al investigation of the preiniseSP where
, they found the artivlo, and uesides it, a
generel. itesortment of boots and shoes,
glovcs.,f hats, ri!nions, and groceries.
Th, stOok was x:twined by various
rueleehants ie the place, and no less
• thal,u &en eeparete•ones their,
p.)!,prty "airmg.st. t he d er those
eQeerinee.nees Mrs, BaXter, by a. wrung
ju-via,ion froth Squire Sills, Weill to
-Got!e.-ich to se,- he; "gal.s; aud we hopILt e
etay wjjoe pcotraeted one.
hundred • years • will peeduce another
typeroe snperierity.of the Saxon or
T111 ton ib race overthe Mongolian ineliine
duo r ate was rinittirel. Tile Norman ade
mixture among: the SaiConS in Britain'
tl dam. to its -national ele)Wer. A !Istria as
now eenstituted ht eigiVeen distinct
nationalities and :nearly aS many lan
icie,s-L.ta eleinent of diworrh Ire -
Lu) (I'S .tae *origin and England's mis-
legiattion of that et uhappy eountter,111
the words or John Blight, has led it to
tnake oa trioti: -in of its religion. fr'e-
lend although a chivalrous country -is a
weakness to. the _British Empire rather
thaa etrengeh. -The strong individu,
elity of the Jews made them the !mink -
era of the world. The Poles, decending
fret:a the Huns and Teutonic race be-
came a warlike nation. The speaker
-did net believe that 5,000,000 people
could be conquei ed by surrounding com-
binations if true to themselves. Noth-
• ing but virtue and justice could exalt
To the Ezlitor of the Expositor :
Sia, -A. Mechanics' Institute was es-
tablished in this Village of ours some months
ago, chiefly throueli the exertions of a few
w obe o 'lee was tO
beneut the comnaimity sntellectually and
morally. Now one great feature of an hist-
hula -hearted laeiee h • 1 t
tutioji of thatkindis a series of lectures dur-
mg the long . evenings, •and, so far as the
Writer: knows, such lectures are eener, 11
tolera,bly' well patronized, • Was .this the
-case with us last Wednesda ev ? Th
except_ those of them who were , pre-
sent, will hardly believe the fact that from
b Y
y en n g
an intelligent and enlighted eommunity—at
least. so we esteem ourselves—an audience
of scarcely a hundred was obtainod to listen
to a most interesting and instructive lecture
upon .the alibied of “National and 8ncia1,
Progress." Soma may say that the admis-
sion fee of twenty-fiVe cents prevented the
members from attending. If this be Admit,
ted as a fact, it is, to say the least of it, the
most scurvy excuse. that can be offered, for a
negro two -penny perftermance, or some other
suen clap-Grap, will get a very considerable
and perpetliate -.a maim: Napoleon audience at tne same figure. Mr MeKenzie
had no succeSrr, . his -kingdom NirtA di- gave his time for nothing, .and it is eeriainly
videdbetweenhis four gener.ifs. All a poor compliment we pay ourselves- if we
- -
miiitary governments in LW erinnble
to d (1st as soon as the. architect dies.
Nations like the Roman •Empire Must
crumble for want of imity. Mr.' Mc-
Kenzie then spoke of he* the discus-
sions in England on the late Greek war
became -a manie, ; that Greece wiattra
be .:owe the literary maler of the world
as of ; yore -Le -might as -well make -a
kingdom of 'Huron or Bruce as of
Greece. The on' -.e eicrious Greece is
-now the haaients ofbenditti and,..pirates
where no toariet dare venture. The
learned speaker tbe,n showed that the
secret of national success was in being
cannot pay twlinty-five cents over and above
our littie dollar, o promote our own inter-
ests. 8-uppose the aumission fee for mem-
bers be placed at teat eeints, an audicn e
composed of all the ineulbe-s will not pay
lecture expenses, ueless La speaker 03.11 be
procured who will make a gratuity of both
his time and expenses. The highness of the
fee can haillly be the real eau e of the failure
of Wedntlsdly ; it certainly must be trac-
ed to something else. Indeed, whatever it
may be, it adds little to our credit, and cer-
tainly augers ill for the future,i so far, at
least, as the attendance upon lectures is
concerned. • Yours, etc., L.,
Seaforth, Nov, 2
1Most hearaly do We endorse the a-ooye.—
En, .Exroeeroi-e]
AME onto the premises of the Subscri-
ber, on East Lot, IN o. 14, Concession
A Howicke on or about the 12th, October;
a Steer rising 4 years old, red and 'white;
With a tine The owner is requested
to prove property, pay expenses and iake it
llowick, Nov, 29. 103-4M
f 4^r, Th'irjefrrl
TY.E Council of the, Corporation of the
• County of fluron- will meet in the
1:71.11age of Clinton upon Tuesday the 7th day
of December next.
• County Clerk
(iunty Clerk'e Office.
Goderich, Noe., 23rd. 1869. 103-2in
"\T '11 1::Z,
r 7
Si t 17 7. co
• D1?1L.L SHED SEA.F01?TH.
MHE Supseriber having leased the above
1 premises, for skating puiposes, begs
to solict the patronage of the Ladies and
Gentlemen of ,‘,.e'eaforth and vicinity.
• A very comfortable _Room has been fitted
up for the exchiiive use of tbe'Larlies, also a
Room for the Gentlemen. the proprietor will
spare no pains -give his patrons a good
and keep everything ordf.xly and
comfortable. The Rink will be Well lighted,
the Dressing Rooth well heated, and 3vin be
opened en a taw days.
• •• •
Seaforeh, Nov., 29, 103-tf
• The Statutes of the 1.st Ses-
sion of the Dominion of, Cana-
• da are ready for distribution,
and on application therefor it
my office, they will be deliv-
ered to the Public Officers, Jus-
tices of the Peace and Coron-
ers of .the County qualified
and authorized. to receive them.
Clerk of -the Peace
Count of II
County urop..
Goderich, Nov, 19th, N69.
ptitat. '*-ntfitto'•
S. A. ENSIGN, . . . . .Presidtnl
W. IL GILBERT, . . . Secretary.
TflS Company issues Certificates of Mem-
bership on the popular plan adopted
originaliy by a full Division, insui es your life for $5,000.
ship, for a man and wife, $14.00. This, in
itership_i_87. 00 ; Jpint member -
FEARLESS MEN, for the Mutual Benefit,
Life Insurance Company.
..They mist be unbiased -enough to be wil-
ling to thoroughly investigat its new System
ol Life Insurance.--
Intelligent enough to appreciate it.
Honest enough to prefer it.
and- When (-;olivincet1 - of its superiority,,
fearless and able to use its unanswerable ar-
guments in crushing all opposition.
The Mutual Benefit Company. oiTers first-
class inducements.
General Agent. for Ontario
Seaforth., P. O.
N. 13 —Persons preferred W110 Call canvass
sucoessfully among people who luiow.them.
No Misrepresentations .needed.
1Vov. 25th, 1869. 103-tf.
* The subscriber has
In the above house,
notpt r-gf
All of which he at the
ED !
The fact that the entire steck
from the wholesale markets, should be suf-
ficient argument to induce patronage.
Taken hi exchange for goods at Cash
rXilloran &,-; Ryan's old
• 103.tf,,
Seaforth, Nov. 2:5th.
.0 0 MilNsT G.- I
And so is
:Eta3DE011 FOii SALE,
VALUE $70,
-Booi STORE..
Sea -forth, Nor. 25th, JSG9 34:11