HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-11-12, Page 9t, amounting to about Beattie and Satnuel amounts are included amount required by ruses, o be paid to cipality of the Vit-. for School pipes trpose of ! liquidating lire to the - Roya Oa- he said municipality,: flect the -said recited .eceesary for the said to rise: the sum of ner hereinafter men - mill rrgttire the sunt d annually, by ipe- )yment of the said rfter`mentioned. he arnotrnt of the erty of the said rim- y& n nye of any future in- nd also irrespective 1 e. derived from the nt of the sinking sen ttoried, or any ng to the last re- assestment roil of y, being for the 81o. an r -ant of the, ex- cl municipality- is el, the sum of $2,- a me the interest 1 "1.. yearly sinking rid SLWI of $2,00a !i; ftet' mentioned, el annual special, 3 111 the dolls es to be levied in tech by the Muni- ' Fillege of S e l twful for of Seaforth,. from any biers tidies corpora dvance the szt ebentures, here ul of money n the sum of $2 same to be paid e�lstirer, for t object above . LIVERY ERY �TAMES tROSS desires to het has owe informNew t m, . Stable in connection with his hotel. erj can be accommodatedwithfi ' e'% rseeand vehicles, at Seaforth,easonable Oct.�1b, 1869, picas. S?at IFYOUWANT CHEAP AINT, LSr TURPENTINE, RAINING- L0111- L7�f COLORS, eta, Got-NROLLS' OR PUDE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES.. Go to ROLLS LOST. :.1,a- E THREE YEAR OLD STEER- rc•cl color, with white streak along back, au'1 v-hite star on the face. ` bug t tson giving such, information on 'as A ea per- hed to , his recovery, will be suitably will d h to y reivarcletl by on Wx. GARDN.ER, te, Lotl1, Con. 14, McKillop: O :to me her 13th, 1869: 99-4tn. of ° THE CANTON he re - lawful for the number of de- w such, sums of tired, not less 3t irr the aggre- tia of $2,000;) rtures shall be the Municipal by the said tures shall be from the day ar this by-law of the Tretts- lity, and shall iupans for the tn.. V1ARiEHCUS El IN TII NEW POST OFFICE BOCK 3 IS THE PLACE FOR CHOICE TEAS. The fact that the subscriber makes thi1 article a speciality, should lead all intending ventures shall e best the like purchasers who th the market at, re rate of fords, to, at. least, try his stock um from the est shall oe days of each yea', at .fore aid.. of farming a ilent of the( terest at the! due thereon, 8aloyete, ober 0ot29th. 6835 f_____ 1 The Finest Liquors And a select stock of Staple and Foliar Groceries; always on hand. JAMES C. LAIDL&W. 13581 addition to 'ted and col - all the rate itancipalit~y, Ithe said de- r. take effect upon the ! er, 1869. tepyer-s of shall ue 1. Carter and Walkden':. Inks, Blue and Red Inks, Bibles, P' ayes Books, Hymn Books, Blank Notes, er, 1gGg5 Blrcnk A cco1422g _Rooks, (Lis clock BARREL and BAG 99 tf` At SCOTTROBERTSON'S 4I31Ts 1 FANCY NOTE PAPER, PLAIN STATIONERY ! t inn great variety, . I SCHOOL BOOKS, TR, -a Poli' shall - ak in the and that � ,�.I 3 ; returning EIII Seaforth, July 24 1.8650: es -td, AGENT FOR THE SIT SEA ' `EXPOSITOR." Globe and -Daily Telegraph. Dam ° 1 Y i ant 0 �t- is a true 1 h wi 1 SEAFORTH D AY.. liy the after- one , ,n in the it pu hli- y -second slid thet the said AVING incurred a e heavy expense in rtari, a t procuring first-class Y exx i the safe g rst-class Spring Drays for , of seat e conveyance of goods, we beg to 7: [1_ clary of ! d the nierc;hants and business men " to of the , forth that they are in a manner, in duty bound, to patronize us. t \%'e holou-rselves responsible for the Sts -carriage of goods entrusted, to our care. the IRAM COLL1DAY & SON. October 29th, tam 1 ;ty -EDUCATION.' NO. 4. THE :TEACHERS' *eli,H. Having briefly considered the duti ,ef Trustees in our last article, ; we tat; now to a very itn..portant actor ie t great work of education. There is great tendency in certain circles, bo among teachers , themselves anti t public generally to ignore the standitr and influence of this noble c voeatro it is very much to be regretted th such a state tot affairs really exist .cooking at this work there is not ami art the varied t`ocat ons of life, - any i volving weightier responsilAities in d mending the exercise of higher talent $wide, his, no other work on ear bears the .tee stamp ofimperishability Dr, Nelles in lois address before th y'eachers',Asso nation of Ontatio, says ''.it is not easy to bund above % ie stork, The great empires of olden time have passed away the beautiful tem lues have cr-irn bled ; the marble -statue remains only in fragments. Bu when the. teacher gathers Before hi the children of- lois school and then bright eyeslook up into his,. he- know that lit hag in a world of shadows and wrecks there is in his presence and and e r his control the one -tubt;tanco in al the universe ot,t of which he may rear an ixnperishibl'e fabric, on which' h ,oat carve linea ofbeauty that shall de- fy the peltings `of the rain and undei whose done skia.11 resound the music of an eternal sang:" -- In whatever aspect the teacher's work mate be considered it is a glorions oc glorions The i&sign of connecting tv o worlds by a slender wire laid away - down amid the buried treasures and - coral mines of the Atlantic, -was grand iu its conception and still gander `in its consration. But - noble as was• the life dream of Cyrus W. Feld, still nobler is the work of laying amagnetic wire of sympathy across the great ocean of history and connecting the present with its bustle, toil and anxiety to the dreamy pest the profound—the beauti fill—the wonderful bf ancient - tunes. This cabie once laid, no eurrents can tlestroy the magnetic chain of sympathy once established between the mind and the great v, orld without=- the master minds of other years and other climes nothing can derange. Dqp and night it thrills with fresh tidings from fields of science flights of oratory and . realrns of song.. - All that is grad in science sill that is profound in pirlosopby—all that is revered:in history le thus placed at the disposal 'of„the mind, the teacher meanwhile silently contemplating the Changes which he has wrought, and wondering within himself, whether or not, he is a raagiciat, -Surely every teacher -must 'feel, while thus employed, that he is playing no unimportant part it society. 4 nd this conviction, while it should impress his =mind seriously bi- casee of his responsibility, it should al;o lead .him to feel) that his position not being aoject or servile but on the conl.ry dignified and influential en- titles him to the respect of the co n- munity. He should feel a certain pro- fessional enthusiasmsand maintain a tear -ing which though Ie easily -described, nevertheless wins the spontaneous gratitude of the pablic, and the ap- proval of his conscierrme. ' The teaeher's duties will be consid- ered inour next. es rue I�e a th he g n, at a n- e- th • e 8 8 s r s 1 r e • Concealed Towns 014,9V tial. - Find in each of the following sentences the name of a Canadian City, Town, or Village torrectly spelled, and livith no intervening letters :- 1st. Have you seen an Article in the Expo, aitch on Y;' Tobacco.” 2nd. I put a new wheel do Donahue's cart. 3rd. There is no foundation for the report that 1 lent Mrs. Scott a washtub. . 4th she took a trip to Uhelsea for the good of her health. 5th. He accused - the -joiner of making' alteratitins on a patent machine. 6th. Do you think is Lai ont really guilty. 7th, Sairibo told Cuffee that he cooked the latest rat for dinner. 8th. When we speak of things as very great or small, as very good or bad, we generally speak by:comparison. 9th, Th:s is unfavorable weather for mak- ing stone wall- - - 10th. He was to have sent us Car or an- ^ther rna'n named Carson to assist us at our threshing, 1lth. For a burn—Anoint the part burnt with tinct. of camphor and spermaceti. 12th. Is it legal to impound a horse or an <x for destroying grain that was not protect- eu with a lawful fen -e. ` ROy9d Canadian Bank. The Journal of Commerce gives cr:r- rency to a rumor- of a possible amalga tiof the above bank with a new Banking Company which is ,lJeing or- ganized, styled the "Dominion Brunk," with a ,proposed capital of one mil- lion dollars, of whish fur hundred thousand nnust be subscribed before. -commencing business. .From a careful tautly of the returns the Joiernal is of opinion that the Royal is -making steady 'Negress, and in the highly im- probable event of every de; o icor an•d r]oteholdel pre entil]g his claims, the THE,I SEAFORTH EXpoSIroR. benk hes the money in hand actually to pay it, and some kilty thousand dollars iii excess, besides commercial paper maturing every day to the amount Of one million, three hundred slid twenty -tom: thousand, two hundred and sixty four ! It is no usual thin for a bank of good credit to retain on hand gold to pay off one-third o1 even n only one-fifth - of their demandable oblige. lions. The increase of deposits show that .confidence in the bank, is steadily increasing. The Journal argues thet amalgamation with the. he IV bank would be preferabl-to both, attempting to do business, as from their union the bank would at once rise in public con- fidence. Death -of t liancellor Vail Kong/met On Sunday erg, last the Honorable Philip Michael Matthew Scott Van Koughnet, Chancellor of Ontario, de- parted this life at the early age of forty- seven yeah He was a man of c?nsid- erable intellectual powers, but was -es- pecially noted for those social qualities which gained bio so many firm friends. Eft was the grandson of a U. E. Loya- list, and his father, wtu.o is . still living, was a Legislative Councillor. He was born and educated in Cornwall, and practised his profession in Toronto with brilliant success. In 1'356 he became President of the Council and Minister of Agricitltur•e, and subsequently Commissioner of Crown Lands, whence he was trans- ferred to the Charicelloi:ship. . Stray Cattle. CAME hito the premises of the subscriber, Lot 31, Con 4, Mill Road, on the 22nd of August last„ two Yearling Heife •s, and one Yearling Steer. The steer is all (white,. One of the Heifers nearly all White; ani the other red and white. The owner is • request- ed to prove property, pay charges, and take the same away. - ,TOHATIAN PEACOCK. Tnckersmith, Oct., 9th. 99-4in STRAYED. STRAYED, from the premises of the uh- dersigned, Lot 30, Con. 3, Tnckersmith, one Heifer two years old, of a light grey col- or ; and 1 Steer one year41d, of a light color, brownish about the neck. Any person giv- ing such information as will lead to their re- covery will be suitably rewarded, - ROBERT MCCARTNEY. Tuckersmith, Oct, 29. 99-4in DAIRY and FACTORY - EES 7 Property for Sale.* -r OT, 102, Jarvis Survey. 8a. John Street J Seaforth, on which there is a story and a=half Frame House 38x26, well built and will be well finished. The proprietor is desirous of selling on account of hid leaving for Ee. River. Cheap for Cash, apply to Hugh Grant, Brucefield, or - BENSON & MEYER. Seaforth, Inv., 5th 100-tf, OAT AND GORY MEAL At SCOTT' ROBERTSON'S_ . EASE AND COMFORT. At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. STRAYED OR STOLEN. 1 ROM the premises of the subscriber, U Lot No. 4, Tuckersinith, about 1 miles from Seaforth, • on the night of the 16th of October, a Brown Horse with a strip in his face, and one white hind foot. and one front white foot; also a mark of a ringbone on one of the horses feet. Any person giving - such information 'as will lead to his recovery will be suitably re- warded. 'C EARLES WE AI0- Tuckersmith, Oct, 29th. 99-4in (Adve•tisement, ) Something Worth Reading. The success that has attended the faithful and intelligent study of .t'hoto- graphy ha been so great, that o ne can -get their own image perpetuated to pos- terity. It is a -great privilege to have a pod practical -Artist, ()Re who thor- eoughlyunderstancls the business, as al- so one who is stationary in it place, to whom youcan go with confidence, with the assurance of not getting disappoint- ed in getting a correct,, artistic, faithful likeness, and from whom you can get picture at any future time from the negatives once taken. The days are ..past -for diose who drop down for a week or two and are off again, having no interest at stake, and caring very little whether their lcustowersare pleas- ed or sot, they are c'; but not, so with our Old Established and thoroughly practical pnotographer,Frank Paltridge who stands to=day the acknowledged head and leading Photographer in this section of the count -y. he is a real live man, up to every wrinkle in the bdsiness ; is -very obliging ; and has rooms, accommodations and # cilities for executing work seldom rit€t. Ae has rpnms and apartments for every- thing Good pictures cannot ite made where the fumes of so many different chemicals come in immediate contact with each other, and producing gasses' fatal to making good pictures. His rooms are in Scott's Brick Block, near Shares Motel, and under the EXPos:- TOR 0 ce, cool in summer, tvarm in iwnter ; with greasing rooms, so that you can bring your best clothes in a satchel and change to get your picture taken, Frank Paltridge also keeps the negative, and no fear of losing the picture of some near and dear friend. His best work is not at the door, but tip stairs, one flight, and turn to the right hand, where you "will find Frank always at - home and in good' temper. All pictures shown are of his own make, and not bought or borrowed to decoy the pu r,lic. He guarantees satis- faction or no pay. Just Walk up to Frank Paltridge's Gallery, his ,,peci- mens are worth locking at, find you will be sure to see some person's picture you know. II you doic't want your pic- tures never mind ; just walk rrp, he will be-gia'd to see you. Remember, it is in a brt„ k building. . 85 tf CO TO THE BEST. The British American AND EitYANT, STRATTON & ODEL CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS COLLEGE. Now the largest, . most extensive 'bind com- plete BUSINESS SCHOOL in the 'country. It has the largest staff of Teachers, the mot practical and best adapted business forms, and the best- arranged and most cotiimodious apartments. - It is under the management of thorough business men. fully alive to all the require- ments of all the business community. The advantages and facilities afforiled m this institution are uncqualled in the coun- try, and no young man should enter a 'busi- ness c.'reer without fully availing himself of its benefits. We were awarded the FIIIST PRIDE in BUSINESS WRITING at th late Provincial Exhibition at London. As this is the Sixth consecutive year that we have taken this prize, we feel confident that there can he but one opinion as where to go to learn to write. For specimens of writing. bank notes, cir- culars, &c.; address, ODELL & TROUT, Toronto. Toronto, October 8th, 1869. - 96:4 M. ack.-. Agaii!! ohn WfllsIi Begs to inform his old custom- rrs and the public generally, that he has Returned - to Seaforth I With the LARGEST & BEST ASSORTED Stock of CROCRIES! WINES AND LIQUORS Ever Offered in this part - , of the country, Which he has Op• enecl Out in the store lately occupi- ed by Archibald McDougall, Scott's Block. To tilotel.and Countiy Store Keepers he offers special in- ducements. Seaforth; Oct. 29th. 99-tf. Goods Delivered in any part of the Village, 7 when bought - At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. AGENTS WANTEDh 5(� TO $75 per .month, clear of all ex - (J penses, guaranteed to all industrious agents who will takeup the work, which is very light, as well as profitable. For circu- lar and patticulars, address BOX 32, . Seafor' h, Ont. - October 22. 186P. - 98 NEW VALENTIA Raisins & Currants - At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S; THE bLESSING OF PERFELA SIGHT. There is nothing so valuable as Perfect Sight, and Perfectaightcan only be obtained by using Perfect Spectatles, the difficulty of procuring which is well known: Messrs. Lazarus & Morris, Oculist's & Opticians, Hartford, Conn,, Manufacturers of the Celebrated Perfected. Spectacles, have after years of Experience, and the erection of costly machinery, been enabled to produce that Grand DesideratumPerfect Spectacles, which ha; e beea sold with unlimited satis- faction to the wearers in the United Stu;tes Prince Edward's Island, and Dominion of Canada, during the past nine years those Celebrated Perfected Speetacles never tire the eye, and lastrnanyyears without Clntnge, Sole Agent for Seaforth, M. R. Counter, from whom only they can be proeured. LA ARUS, MORRIS & CO,, Moan -teem Seaforth, Nov., 5. '76-ly WE EMPLOY NO PEDLERS. CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR! At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S - EDW. WHITNEY, ,N returning his sincere• thanks to the public for the very liberal patronage he as received since coining to Seaforth, begs say that he has on to hand another Large lot of MR. JOHN THOMPON ,HANDS his - numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the lit fifteen years, and trusts he will receive ft* continuance. He has now on hand a large assortment of Good Sound • - Greeri Hemlock r r Which he warrants will give satisfaction. Also, 200,000 FEET OF . PINE! CUT FOR - BUILDING AND GENERAL PURPOSES Which he offers on liberal terms. Orders will be promptly attended to. He has alio on hand a large assortment of WELL SEASONED ACCOUNTS!!• . To which he calls the attention - of his coti customers, who will find it to their advant- age to retire them promptly, and without legal proceedings. Seaforth, July 15th, 1869, 84-= New t*rocery Store In connection with the. - SEAFORTH MILLS Flour and Seed Storey. Opposite Sharp's Hotel. HE subscribers beg to announce to the -1 inhabitants of Seaforth and surround'lg country, that they have just received a large stock of ze e Which,- for quality and Cheapness, eon - not be- surpassed in the County. They have also on hand a lot of pure Treadwell Seed Wheat. FARMERS may exchange whet tier Flour and .Feed at full value at the milt, thereby avoiding the necessity of wanting to have it ground. W.A. Shearson dc Cot Seaforth, Sept. l6th. 52-1y. TREASURER'S ANDERSON'S, HEAVY- PLATE STOVES 1 SALE OF LANDS Box, Parlor and Conking, all of which he • FOR will sell as cheap as other people sell an in- TA terror srtiele. Everybody knows that the BEST COAL OIL IN THE CO fiTTNP'Y xE is at Whitney's. Lamps, Chiminies, Wicks, etc , in abundance. A large stock of ALL KINDS OF TINWARE always on hand. `Eave-Troughing, Tin'and Sheet Iron Roofing done in first-class style. All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to. CISTERN PU14S AND LEAD PIPING. Old iron and Coder.. Cotton Rags, Wool and Wool Pickens taken in exchange. Seaforth, Sept. 4.4th, 1869. 43-tf. . • `SUPERIOR Black and Green TEA -$! At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. EXCELSIOR. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. W. P. PALET, - 6. Artist THE undersigned begs to inf' rm the ins t habitants of Seaforth and surrounding country, that he has taken the . Gallery for- merly occupied by Mt. C, Paltridge, A Few Doors North. of Dr. Smith's Office, and Opposite t'eat's Store. - Where he wilt always be ready to please his patrons and give satisfaction -to those Who favor him with a call. RE SURE AND- CALL tb see his spceimens, they speak for the Artist and will convince you that he is First -Class. REMEMBER. - the place is Opposite Veal's Grocery, kiln Street, Seat .rth. WILLIAM - P. ALIT, Photo, Artist. Seaforth, July 22, 1869. 85 6m. FIRST BRANDS OF' Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO -! At SCOTT ROBERTSOIC'S. COUNTY OF HURO ,:BY VIRTUfl To WIT : of a Rratnsatuf under the hand of the Warden of the Co- ty of Huron, and the Seal of the said Cont. tr, bearing date the third day of August, A. D. 1869, to me directed, for the colla tion of arrears of taxes due on the under, Mentioned. lands. These are therefore ' give notice that unless the said taxes, tom•. gether with all lawful costs and charges b, sooner paid, I shall on TUESDAY 30th day of NovelrnberJ A. D. 1869, at the hour of 'Ten ;o'clock A- M., AT TRX clotrivr mmotreue, Ix r$ir TOWN • Off' GODERIC, Proceed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION said lands, or so lnuch thereof as may sufcidit to discharge such arrears of tax4w and charges thereon. NOD:—In the following lilt "e. d," .. ,nzfc� East Division—“w.11 d," TlTest D�i�rion-- ''p." Patented—''tap." - Unpatentscl-- p't;" Part-"ii.t.p." North Town Plot. TOWNSHIP OF ASlFIELD. - Lrl Con: Ac, Pt. Tam Costs lloot East # 4 1 e. d 100 p 77 09 2 78 - 79 82 N 4 3" 100 p 6421 2 45 66 66 W 4 4 100 p 94 91 3 23 96 E part 5 4 111 p 99 55 3 35 102 E kali 1 8 4 • 100 p 4317 1 93 45.10 u p 31- 86 1 65 33 51 W pt S i 13 Wd 240 13 9 p 13 44 120 14 64 p 8205 290 84 j)) 2 4 200 p 123 12 4 78. 127 5r9 N part 3 4 136 p 65 27 248 67 75 N half 3 8 100 u. p 64 69 24$ 67 17 N half 4 8 100 me, 1373 120 14Q 3 E half 11 8 100 u.p° 12 98 1 18 -14 6 %V half 6 9 100 p 72 69 268 75 37 NWptofN 6 10 80 p 3158 1 65 33 23 N half 3 11 - 100 u, p 69 38 2 60 71 98 W half 5 11 100 p 35 77 1 75 377 52 E half 8 11 100 UT 41 65 .1 90 43 .*, i W half 8 11 100 u.p 31 06 1 63 32 #9 S W pt 11 11 20 p 25 42 150 26 g2 6 12 201) p 80 02 2 85 82 8 7 N part 7 13 114 p 45 60 2 00 ' 47 66 3 North Town Plot 153 p 100 63 4 23 10413 NT part 34 n: t- p. 63 p 34 70 1 73 36 6 VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT, IST ASHFIELD. 22 E Arthur st. . p 2 73 93 3 66 23 do4 ,2 73 93 2 66 24 do p 7,, . p 2 3 93 311& 25 do 4 p 516 96 6 13 2c do 4 p 11 71 1 15 12 31 do 4 p 1160 115 121,6, .32 do iiu.p1171 . 15 12„8 34 do 4 u. p 11 71 1 15 12 :tea :, 35 do t u.4) 11 71 1 15 11 Se.