HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-11-12, Page 8a 4„zt,; 11119quent r. -oration. The following is the concluding part of the Lecture delivered by Di bell of Seiforth at the grand erance gathe 'ring held in the W Church, Clinten, and. referred " Dangerous seashave been ted by skilful seamen, lighthou and buoys laid down to warn mariners of therocke and quick which many noble barks hav wrecked, where many a prou it has found.. a watery grave, T history of intemperan0 might formers Site tke mariners who w .plumb-line or truth have sound depthsof of the see of intempe finding out its rocks—its q-niok placing buoys above' the bee building lighthouses on the poo warn the coming generations te dangers thet were before them. „gees that were too greet tentpta, . that were too strong fdi many of i tellectual giants of past times, Y Canadians will you be wArned heacen lights are even now glea through the murky night warning offfrom the rocks of intemperance. ghosts of your departed forefa,thers you to night as the angel met prophet of old, and warn you to g farther. Will you heed the ,warn anadians ! it is to you I speak— voice is direcied to the yonth of eative land. What shall the fu of our country be7 ReM we have deed a goodly land, a flue fertile is beneath our feet, a elaar blue bending with magnificent enrve ab , our heads, healthy invigorating bre blowing ever around us, to you and pear children forever God has ind given a goodly heritage, and it rerna foi. you ta say what the future of coramay- shall be. Shalt it beco ib igl ter and better and more glorio till it takes a. proud positioe in t vanguard of the nations of the earth, witl it wax da.r-kor and darker till at 1 raphy of the Western Continent. believe our future will he bright, Wh is iequired to make it fo7 What t immortal herd said -was required, f the eiatid of the mountain aed th Flood"—a virtuous populace. The though turmoil and strife and bloo shed may desolate other lands. Caned with a "virtuous" a God fearing popt laee, a people who feel and unlarstan ttanacla sueh ()medians is "And -ob.! 'may Heaven their simple lives prevent. - From luxury's contagion weak and vile, Then, howe'er crowns and coronets be rent *A vircrtous populace may rise the while And &tancLa wall of tire around their much I need aot tell you that a "virtuous such he the case with u ; hope 1_ pray believe that it will. However I uniet not forget teat I am apt to be too sanguiue --too hopefule-apt to paint the future- ita rather bright colors, apt ta ga.ze' on the sunehine and forget the cloud, and swim of the day dreams, the echemes of other and happier days, I am Sony to say have passed away`" like the eariy cloud and tl . Camp- esleyan to else- naviga- other sande mi e been he past be cone, ce ith the ed the akers ks, to f the Dan - tions he in- oung ming ydu The meet the o my my ture soil sky ove ezes to eed ias our me he or he or 1- ion before me to -night which I bel. will not pass ztway. I have the fut of my native land paidted vi colors oe the canvae of my imaginatio Yon may say it i§ illusory, but I w the vista of the future, I see the da clotids that seem to hang ominous over the future of my native land Ls those deeds scattering as it were fore the breath of oninipotence th prospect brightening the firmament hope &eating up. I. see the futu _Dominion stretching!, frOm the Grea Lakes to those regions where Sir Joh Franklin lies frozen in eternal ice, an from the wild Atlantic to the Grea Pacific. Canada's gigantic Lakes ar etteue rivers rellieg en in soleien gran fio .ocoans. I see the iron horse chasing the Buffalo and Red deer on the prairies of the Great North West, the muse of our steamers frightening the bear and the angry wolf in the tangled beake. 1 se- busy cities rising the Kites of old Indian villages, the on smoke of the manUfactory !ascending- to He.-iven from the spot where the wig - w -am of the savage chief mice stood, I see that the poets dream has become a song and the hum of the ever bitsy tinent, I see a land ,free from titled laziness, knighted knavery an I bar - °netted villany. Thee 'free, happy and -contented peoPe, - tlue 'rulers. ruling in equity. the people fitting in peace. I gaze along our highways and streets and I see no dremeard staegering. and the dark gloomy shade of no grogshops. I see no felons in our jails, and in our Lunatic Asylums no slavering . idiots or raving maniacs. Our forest land is basking in the sunshine of prosperity and resting in peace like a young ine- upon the happy Avenel, I cry aloud. Sureage&ghteorfettegytexalttith to a nation and turning rayeeies to the everlasting li,iiiiti front whenee our aid cloth come, I see a bright cloud descend from this azure vault of heaven, enthroned upon it I see the guardian genial; of our be- loved land, a halo of glory encircles her head, her temples are bound with a ful scene below, as an epicure gazes at el beautiful garland of th maple leaf, I see her gazing orm moment at the peace - the Circean cup, or as the engels gaze at a repentant sinner while a benignant smile is irradiating her countenance like the rainbow irraeliating the face of .Niagara's cataract, then dipping her immortAl, pencil in the sunlight of the eternal I see her inscribe in golden characters on the pelucid vault of oui national firmament Babylon the great the Babylon of Intemperance is fallen, is fallen—is faliee to rise no more. Canacia.lovely Canada is free forever, free from the blightineeinfluence of in- r EXPOSITOR bee• I HORSES WANTED Tax undersigned will be at Leonard's Hotel, Ainleyville, 17th et 18th. Clinton Rotel, Clinton, 19th end 20th, ----Rotel. Mitchell, rend and 23rd. Loyd's Rotel, fiettforth, 24th and 25th Of Novembet, 11869, to buy hones for'the American Market. None wanted but thckse that are from 5 to 8 years old, sound SM true ; and all.thet are offered. inust be tried in double harnese, JAMES, SMALL BEAUTIFUL HAIR, NATURE'S CROWN. you lict Cultivate it. GRAY HAIR le a certain indication ol Decay at the Roots. Hair Restorer Reetores g-rny hair to its natural color and -beauty and produces luxuriant growth. It gives the hair beautiful gb,ss and delightful fragrance. 35 BARCLAY STREET and 40 PARK PLACE, Pi, Y. AND 266 HIGH HOLBORN, Loadon, Eng. tirSeatter and Rolls, Druggists, agents oa Seaforth. For Sale everywhere. January 28th. 1869. 60-1v. NOTICE, g • tia es*. omit ono osti $100 IiEWARD THE 1VUNTCIPAL COUNCIL of SEAFORTH win pay a Reward of $100, Fifty to be given to the person er persons giving the necessary information that will lead to the conviction of the Mother f t . person who left the same, on thepremises of Ps- Mr. Armitage, Seaforth, on the morning of . the 22nd inst. And a Reward of Fiftydollars will be paid! for the necssary information to convid the i Mother of the Child, or the person who left the same on the premises of Mr Robert Arm. - strong; Seaforth, on the 13th of June last. 7, P. BULL. Municipal Clerk, Seaforth, October 23rd, 1869, 99 -tf 'TARE. TIME. TIME. TF you want a Watch that will keep the I correct time, purchase one of Thomas arge stock of them for sale at ure vid me gb rk ly 80 be - of re _aihind the squawe.birch bark =we, The steamer smokes and ravea. vi/lage lots are staked for We. :Above o. 1 India.n graves," I see the sp Ming spires and gilded f•cines-vf ,ar Jules in the distance, 1 .1;41 Mod' reverborn.tes amonk op. hills-, like zhet trumpet that soundet M.R.COUA1TER' He has also on hand. a large assortnient of Clocks, Jewellery, Fancy Goos, Toye, &c., all to be sold Cheap for Cash. lerEvery description of Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and Warranted to. give satisfaetioo. The highest price paid for Old Geld and ftsaforth, Apilr 27th, 1869. 611-1v mins is to certify that 1,, Henry Shuart, of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Province of Ontario. have applied for and obtained Letters Patent for the Pre. for boring holes in the ground for fenee ,,osts, at.) led "Shuart's Fence Post -Hole ,oree," AO this ia forbid any person or ,ersons 'vending or using the same, without )taining a right for the same 'from the ; all persons 80 or using the same N.. R. --.County ;tud Township Rights can i)eat in the aaid Township flay, Zuri cri onot Inv Olt Igg ale tee ETRAYE AME into the premises of the subscriber, Steer, on or about the lst of September The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses. and take him away. WILLIAM CLUFF. McKillop, Oct, 26th. 99-4in 1\116'tcf ss By -Law No. A By -Law to Raise by way qf Loan, the sum of $2,000 ft)r the,School is built, amounting to a 100, to James Beattie and Sa Stark, Red which amounts are inel in the estimated amount require the said .School Trustees, to be pal them by the Municipality of the lege of Seaforth, for School pur and also for the purpose of liquida he aunt of $50n, due to the Royal nadian Bank, for the said municipal and to carry into effect the said rec objects, it will be neceesary for the Menicipal Council to raise the sum $2,000, in the manner hereinafter m And whereas, it will require the s of $200 to be raised annually, by s cial rate, for the payment of the sa loan, as also hereinafter mentioned. And whereas, the amount of t whole rateable property of the said n nicipality, irrespective of any future crease*of the same, and also irrespecti of any income to be derived from t temporary investment of the sinki fund, hereinafter mentioned, or an part thereof; according to the last r vised and equalised assessment roll the said municipality, being for th year 1869, was $135,810. And whereas, tne amount of the e ting debt of the said municipality follows : Principal, the sum of $2 0, without interest. And wheeeas, for paying the idteres d creating an equal yearly sinkin nd for pa,ying the said sum of $2,00 d interest, as hereinafter mehtioned will require an equal ann.ual special 6838 of rnills in the dollar , 13581 addition to all rates to be levied in heyietailerefore enacted by the Muni- ]. Council of the Village of Sea - bout muel pitied d by d to Vil- ting Ca- ity, ited said of en - um Pe - he in- in- ve he ng of is 0 • is as 00 au fu it rato eac eipa 1. That it shall be I twful for the Reeve of the Village of Seaforth, to raise by way of loan, from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advaece the same upon the credit of the debentures, here- inafter mentioned, a sum of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of $2,- 000, and to cause the same to be paid into the hands of the Treasurer, for the purpose and with the object above re - c ted. 2. That it shall be 'lawful for the said Reeve to cause any number of de- bentures to be made for such sums of money as may be reqeired, not less than $100 each, (and not in the aggre- gate to exceed the said sum of $2,000;) and that the seid debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Municipal Council, and be signed by the said Ree ve. 3. That the sdid debentures shall be made payable in ten years from the day hereieafter mentioned for this by-law to take effect, ae the office of the Treas- urer of the said municipality, and shell have attached to them coupons for the payment of interest thet eon. 4. ' That the said debentures b bear interest at and after the rate f fords, te, at least, try his stock Seven per cent. per annum from the -rAmEs ROSS desires to inform the satta 0 /lc that he has opened a New Limy Stable in connection math his hotel, tee. . les can be accommodated 'with first,..44.6 nes and vehicles, at reasonable prices, Seaforth, Oct. 1,6, 1869, IF YOU WANT CHEAP pAINTS, TURPENTINE, GRAINING COM pUTTY, OOLORS„ le., Go tc ROLLS' FOR PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS. AN JP PATENT MEDICINES.. Go to ROILS: LOST. THREE YEAR 0 STEER, of light. 1-1 red color, with whiteQstreak along the back, and white star on the face. Any per- son giving such information "as will lea,d his• recovery, will be suitably rewarded by Lot 21, Con. 14, Mcicillo October 13th, 1869:. 99-4in. HE CANTON WAREHOUSE! TIIX NEW' POST OFFICE BLOCK, IS THE PLACE FOR The fact that the subscriber makes this article a speciality, should lead. all inten purchasers whe like the best the market at. date thereof, which interest shall tie The Finest Liquors paya,ble on the Twenty-third days of May and November. in each yea', at the office of the Treasurer aforetaid. Aed a select stock of Staple and Fancy 5. That for the preepose of forming a sinking fund for the payment of the Groceries, always on hand. .said debentures, and the interest at the JAMES C. .lettIDLAW. rate aforesaid, to become due thereon, Seaforth, ober Oot29th. 99 tt • 6838 an equal special rate of 2-- 13581 mills in the dollar, shall., iu addition to all other rates, be raised levied and col- lected, in each year, upon all the rate- able property in the said municipality, durieg the continuance of the said de- bentures, or any of thdm. 6. That this by-law shall take effect and come into operation upon the Twentylird day of Novemter, 1869. 7. That a vote of the ratepayers of the said Village of Settforth, shall ue taken on chis At the Tovvn Hall, VILLAGE OF SEAFORTHI ON tioned. the purposes tnerezn men- at the hour of Nine of the clock, in the forenoon; and that the poll shall remain open until five o'clook in the afternoon of the same day ; and that Thomas Porter Bull act as returning Lice notice that the b • WHEREAS, the Municipal Coun- cil of the Village of Seaforth have resolved to raise by way of loan, the sum of $2,000, for the pui•pose of enabling them t,o p9y for the making of certain necessary improvements which have been and are to be made, within the said Village, by the construction of sidewalks and the gravelling of streets, and also for the payment of $540 re- quired- by the School Trustees of the Raid Village, to pay, au ituttaiment of principel n.oney and interest, due ala a Bond given by them ko Dr. Chalk,: do - ceased, front whom money was borrow- ed by said Trustees, te enable them ta lege ; and also to pay an instalment 011 Otial in the said Vilr p. BILL4 I carriage of goods entrusted to our care, officer on the said occasion. is a true copy of a proposed by-law which wit' 0EAFO__ _ • RTH DRAY be taken into consideration by dm Council of this Muuicipality, after one month from the fint publication in the Exposit,or, the date of whioli iftst publi- cation, was Friday, the Twenty-second the votes of the electors of the said municipality will be taken thereen, at the Tower Hall, in tie) Village ttf &ea - forth, on Monday, the fifteenth day of BARREL and BAG A L T At SCOTT' ROBERTSON'S FANCY NOTE PAPER, PLAIN STATIONERY In great variety, SCHOOL BOOKS, Cagier and Walkden's BI and Red Inks, Thies, Prayet. Books,. Hymn Books, Blank Notes, . Blank _Accotist looks, dx, AGENT FOR THE arSEAFORTH "EXPOSITOR," Dear Globe and Daily Telegraph. William Elliott Seaforth; July 22, 18fsr. „LI procuring first-elass Spring ya for _ the safe conveyance of goods, we beg to re - clock in the foreclose , et Nme of the 170iainidutttohepamterroenhizeant:can, d business men of • Seaforth that they arc in a mariner, in duty We hold ourselves responsible for theme* alp purchase money of the let on which &semi!), (kiabar 1$141 1069 october 29th, 1814 POOR COPY ewe writ). eleevserd ob I: vit tua9tyte a eend• kno. e norncl toanbrinedhwega:v;taatterhiigee:til' ide, NtbLeleleasamit jeshei:0'st/ easAl pgaLe:dt pies have cr-n temai LIS 0111 when the tea( beitelyderesToO wrecks theire vr his control tthileatulazi*.vien:sein -an imperishi fl;a:heCaperrletinlin;, whose dome s vf an eternal s whehacteonvseidri down amid thi coworralidsminbeys oaf nwt hoi er eb leiorffet dyrtme aerni dreamy pest Ur is -cable cncei lohneceg re se at at b sohr minds of other, nothing can d# it thrills with f iof science flight of song. All ti sill that is profc that is revered i et the disposal O meanwhile *He; thailats Which' wondering with, not, he is teacherenust thet he pia* in ety. it should impres casee of his tea also lesd not being aojeo, contrary digniti titles thint to t niunity.. -lie ing which, thou nevertheless gratitude of t proval of his The teacher's *red in our n 10.10 con .1e4IlleamtiTe:eieriinetit°17---filla-811;e11.114:)f' 1st. liavayou sitor on ' Tobacco 3rd. There is n 4htehr e hi/took 5th. He ace 431te6trah:Cm'nsno ;onua a t°1111311tP e ahgri .911e:tlahrthktt 4hhh:I ni:bnrrni r:Ye;1111'1:07LrabQiiiii laIwP11:ae dr" d Sth. When we -or _Email, as very 1:xilth2fotrhtin.deet .8111 The J-ournal tion of the ab Banking Compa. -with a propose lion dollars, of thousand must vbinmenking bus' ttudy of the retu opinion that tl tteady ogress, probable event